About time, the old links were getting stale.
Ahem, my links are ever-fresh.
Although I will show a rare bit of gratitude because I am drunk and stuck on my hot rock with little else for entertainment
Kane Gamble was gambolling
Dammit! My first first is shot. On to my second Jamesons.
And he’s so woke! *swoon*
FBI did not save officials’ texts during key period in Trump probe, senator says
Nothing to see here folks move along.
It’s like cop cams. When they think the footage makes them look good, it gets released immediately and broadly. If they think it’ll make them look bad, they stonewall.
Big revelation is that the revisions of Comey’s statement included removing a reference to Clinton emailing Obama on foreign soil. The implication of which is that Hillary’s private server compromised the security of Obama’s email. We know Obama knew about her private server as he had emailed her in the past.
The talk about Russian interference didn’t become big until December. Texts went missing up until the day Mueller took charge. This is all getting leaked during a government shut down which dominates the headlines. The likes of CNN are covering that along with a women’s march which apparently took place. Half of the coverage is more of a retrospective.
This is the only political story that matters, right now. Anything and everything else (the gov’t shutdown, DACA, Trump’s approval numbers, etc.) is a distraction.
And I mean, a deliberate attempt by the media and the members of the previous administration to draw attention away from the collusion between H. Clinton, Obama, and the “Deep State” to illegally spy on the candidate (candidates?) from the opposing party.
I am sure the NSA has them, subpoena them.
“Audi has recalled 127,000 of their luxury cars after authorities suspected they had been fitted with emissions-cheating devices.”
True domineering species understand that the law only requires compliance during the test condition!!!!
Did anybody ever share the posts on so-called social media?
Does anyone know where I can sign up for some global warming?
Well your mother always heated things up…
*insert Winston joke here*
All mammals are unfathomably warm to Mr. Lizard.
Now you’re going to make me re-visit that clip from “V” where she has the lizard baby.
If only we had the Maury show in 1986…
Although I know that particular reptile, he had a reputation for raw-doggin across the galaxy.
I think we had Morton Downey Jr. in 1986.
Actually I’m wrong. The show only started in October 1987.
Ron Paul on Morton Downey, Jr.
Word. My toes are cold from the walk.
See? A civil reply. No talk of “your mom” or stuff like that. It’s like hanging out with a bunch of Junior high kids “huh, huh, he said ‘out’, huh whatafag, huh”
HA! Just kidding!!! I love you guys! Even squares like Playa!
Kid sounds like an asshole but poking John Brennan in the eye and demonstrating how shitty CIA security is ought to get him a little thanks.
I saw a flyer for Maxine Waters’ townhall about the Tax bill (it was held last week). The summary of the tax bill on the flyer is:
– gives 83 percent of the tax cuts to the weathiest one percent
– raises taxes on 86 million middle-class families
– gives a 1.3 trillion tax break to big corporations
– explodes debt by 1.8 trillion, targets medicare and medicaid”
so if you were wondering what the dem talking points still are, here you go.
Peach fawty five!
#1 – and?
#2 – bald-faced lie
#3 – good!
#4 – only bad if you don’t accept the fact that the whole shitpile needs to be hastened to its inevitable conclusion
Lying has been a lucrative career for her. Why stop now. It’s the only think she’s competent at.
You sure she’s lying. She strikes me as stupid enough that someone on her staff could tell her that the tax cut will create a whole in the ozone layer and she’d just accept it.
Should be question mark at end of the first sentence?
And not after that one.
I need to start drinking.
And a whole what in the ozone layer? :-p
Shit, my effort has to go down as one of the most incompetent series of posts in the history of this site.
Not even close. Sugar Free and Gilmore have specific incompetencies named after them.
I thought you were just making fun of the “think” in JB’s post.
No doubt she is an idiot as well.
Is it really lying when her constituents eat it up and vote for her every election? Or is it just pandering to the idiots?
Gamble was just 15 when he posed as a telecoms worker and Brennan himself to gain information including passwords, contacts lists and sensitive documents about operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Embarrassing the government can be hazardous to your health.
He’ll just be incarcerated. Its not like he works for the DNC or directly for the Clintons.
Meanwhile, Madison Keys and her gorgeous sexy overbite are up a set and a break on Caroline Garcia.
I like her. She’s killing it here.
I prefer players with variety, hence I was going on about Suárez Navarro’s backhand last night. But I don’t particularly have anything against Keys. Other than that overbite that’s hard to unsee.
Jeez I flipped over to lady soccer and Keys won already.
I am not saying a word about this game yet.
So I’ll post a link.
New York City Police Union slashes “get out of jail free” cards that can be issued to friends and family of officers
Of course, the cops are pissed.
The correct number is 0. Fire the union leadership and anyone accepting one of those what should be worthless pieces of paper.
Poor babies. It’s no fun being treated like the common folk.
“You know the score, pal! If you’re not cop, you’re little people.”
I tells ya that 98% is making the other 2% look bad.
Yesterday, I visited Vicksburg, home of the world’s most accurately marked battle field. I didn’t get a chance to do much exploring because being a National Park, it was closed for the shutdown. However, the sign taped to the gate provided a loophole. It did not say “entry prohibited”; it said “enter at your own risk”. So I walked around the gate and did a little exploring on foot. I have a park pass anyway, so it’s not like they lost any money.
I got a nice view of the USS Cairo, an ironclad which was salvaged after 100 years underwater. It turns out even those days there were experiments with composite armor: a thin sheet of iron over a thick layer of rubber was pretty good at deflecting round cannon balls.
Today, I visited the National Infantry Museum near Fort Benning. Good times. I particularly liked the Vietnam patrol experience. There was a warning outside that those with PTSD should bypass it. I found it relaxing- until I stepped in punji trap and the shooting started.
Among the more interesting tidbits- some paratrooper in Grenada made a combat jump from only 500 feet. No margin of error there.
Also in 1946, Stalin made a speech claiming that capitalism was the cause of WW2 and of the evils of the world:
It would be wrong to think that the Second World War broke out accidentally, or as a result of blunders committed by certain statesmen, although blunders were certainly committed. As a matter of fact, the war broke out as the inevitable result of the development of world economic and political forces on the basis of present-day monopolistic capitalism. Marxists have more than once stated that the capitalist system of world economy contains the elements of a general crisis and military conflicts, that, in view of that, the development of world capitalism in our times does not proceed smoothly and evenly, but through crises and catastrophic wars. The point is that the uneven development of capitalist countries usually leads, in the course of time, to a sharp disturbance of the equilibrium within the world system of capitalism, and that group of capitalist countries regards itself as being less securely provides with raw materials and markets usually attempts to change the situation and to redistribute “spheres of influence” in its own favor — by employing armed force. As a result of this, the capitalist world is split into two hostile camps, and war breaks out between them.
Perhaps catastrophic wars could be avoided if it were possible periodically to redistribute raw materials and markets among the respective countries in conformity with their economic weight by means of concerted and peaceful decisions. But this is impossible under the present capitalist conditions of world economic development.
Thus, as a result of the first crisis of the capitalist system of world economy, the First World War broke out; and as a result of the second crisis, the Second World War broke out.
Sounds cool ( Vicksburg, not Stalin).
Vicksburg is on my list. I’ve done Gettysburg, Manassas, Antietam and Shiloh. My wife loves visiting battlefields. The big trip will be the Band of Brothers tour in Europe.
I liked Chalmette Battlefield (New Orleans) a lot. Not very many people when we went there and the road loops around the far side to get a very quick feel to how long the Brits would have advanced under fire to reach the American positions. Frontal assaults suck.
At Yorktown during the decisive US assault, the muskets were all unloaded. They didn’t want anyone to shoot and give away the element of surprise.
I would happily extend my next east coast tour to include some Civil War battlefields. I often have to go to Fredericksburg VA, so I will start there.
Considering I live where I do, I’ve spent embarrassingly little time at the civil war battlefields near me. I’m a two-hour at the most drive from Manassas, Gettysburg (which is awesome), Antietam, Harper’s Ferry, a bunch of others. The wife and I are increasingly in the market for day-trips where we can pack the kid in the ride and go do something that doesn’t involve booze and requires us to go outside, so it might be time to get back at ’em. Beyond civil war stuff, we’re surrounded by cool historic sites that are easy day-trips or weekends at the most.
Gettysburg has a horseback tour that would be really neat
I grew up between Harpers Ferry and Antietam. John Brown was hanged about 6 miles from where I grew up.
“I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land can never be purged away but with blood.”
The original of that painting is in the John Brown Wax Museum in Harpers Ferry.
That’s funny, the Mudd house is about a half hour away from me. We always pass close by driving down to see friends outside Waldorf, but we’ve never stopped.
Derp- Not only is a combat jump (Grenada, Panama, Iraq etc) made at 500ft AGL they also do not issue reserve chutes. The opening sequence of a static line parachute from a high performance aircraft (C-130 or C-17) is ~350 vertical feet. Once you do your “Four Count” and discover you don’t have a canopy there is not enough time to deploy the reserve. Plus most time you are jumping at night.
I have visited numerous CW battlefields and recommend several NPS sites. Vicksburg, Shiloh (rarely visited because it is well off of usual routers), the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, the Petersburg area and Antietam. Gettysburg is also good but my pro tip is to attend on a weekday since the weekends are a zoo.
The Wilderness is a narrow park and the fighting went well outside the boundaries. I purchased some excellent minie balls from the battle from a neighborhood kid for a buck each. I have a piece of grape shot from Gettysburg from when I visited as a kid and we dug it up with his grandpa on their farm in the middle of the battlefield. For years I kept them on my desk and showed them to the younf soldiers and officers who were sometimes wide eyed at how that would hurt.
How droll of Comrade Stalin to omit his non-aggression pact with the Nazis (and to ignore a pretty clear blueprint laid down in Mein Kampf).
Also, I hope (assume) you mean simulated punji trap.
Went to Vicksburg several times as a kid, really enjoyed it. Still have a small cast metal cannon (non-functional) I bought there, but none of the small confederate flags survived.
Ahhhh. Crazy ole Uncle Joe… We’d be there, sipping on lemonade and whiskey, and he’d start rambling on…
No seriously that sounds awesome. I’ll have to go. I took a tour through a WWII sub in Chicago (I think). Man it was so small, and they lived in it for months at a time. I’d go crazy and try to kill everyone.
NIM is a great museum. Stopped by there last Sep when I was down at Benning for work. Course we only had about the last hour or so before they closed – but still worth it.
I’ve been living in the Fredericksburg area for a while and always drive by the battlefields – just haven’t had time to do any real “visiting”. I don’t do “tourism” very well by myself.
Wow. Game over
The Vikings defense picked a heck of a day to play their absolute worst game of the year.
What was up with that?? Came home early in disgust.
And to be ready for a very busy and important Monday. Hopefully my comrades will be so dispirited that they won’t notice me interviewing for another job…
I took tomorrow off
You say that as if it were a bad thing.
fun fact- this Nerf-football shaped grenade was used during the Civil War:
However, it had to land hard on its nose to detonate, and so was not very practical.
Early lawn darts.
You could take out a moose with lawn darts.
Or so I’ve been told…
A kid was pegged in the head with a lawn dart
And now they’re off the shelves at the K-mart
I’m so fucking buzzed that my buzz has a buzz. I remember when I was a little kid in LA how pretty the jello with whipped cream was in some upscale restaurants. It’s like that. Rum is yummy, shit fuck I need to go get more of this stuff.
Even the smell of rum makes my gorge want to rise – an unhappy remind of old times.
I’m not sure about common rums available in the US, I don’t really remember liking any of it, but premium cachaca is soo good.
I think I posted this here before, but this stuff is so good, I have to get more.
I know I posted about this stuff before.
An aged guatemalan spiced rum that tastes like whiskey. The only ‘rummy’ element is a faint smell of molasses – so Rhywun can *still* enjoy its potent effects.
I feel the same way about rum v. vodka as I do about, say, fish tacos. Why would I go for fish when beef or chicken is available?
Beef is neat. Chicken is fingerlickin’.
But vodka? Shit. That stuff ain’t got no taste at all!
Seriously, good vodka is like the god of liquors. It may not taste the best, but the buzz is the best.
I like vodka. And it tends to be less expensive than other liquors.
#6 Vodka Tacos $7.95
Have a few glasses of Pitu Vitoriosa and then tell me how you feel about this.
You buying?
Absolutely, bro.
::hurriedly checks if he has any coke in the basement fridge::
Ugh, OK, so I have to drink the good stuff.
Do you warm up the coke before putting it on the hookers’ backs?
Dude, I’m classy.
I snort it off their labia majora.
A true glib.
No. You have them snort it off the inside of your thigh before going down on you.
Hey! Whose writing this erotica anyway! You’re not the boss of me!
Here we go again: Parent wants ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ nixed as it ‘perpetuates racist thoughts’
A school district in Wisconsin is mulling over whether to remove the classic Harper Lee novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” from its high school curriculum after a parental complaint.
Parent Tujama Kameeta wants the Monona Grove School District in Monona, Wisconsin town to remove the novel due to the “48 racial slurs directed at African Americans in the book.”
“The n-word is used so many times that it numbs the readers to its potency,” Kameeta told Madison365. “Reading the book just perpetuates racists thoughts and attitudes in a school district that actively discriminates against children of color.”
Kameeta added that students learning the epithets will enable them “to use [the words] for power over people of color.”
[Kiff sigh]
To Kill a Mockingbird is problematic because the victim is not believed. BELIEVE THE VICTIM.
Also, if I didn’t know any better I’d think that’s made up, but it’s probably real.
Guess Karmeeta doesnt spend much time listening to “urban contemporary” music.
A wise man once said, “bitches aint shit but ho’s and tricks, cause pimpin’ aint easy”
I’ll bet Karmeeta has that on her spotify. However, Atticus Finch is the issue.
What do you say when people say things this ignorant? Or when their ignorant ramblings essentially mirror what our colleges and universities are passing off to our young people as erudition? As repulsive as it is, maybe the answer is to sit back and enjoy a nice cocktail as civilization descends into barbarism. A society that not only tolerates, but encourages this deserves its fate.
“What do you say when people say things this ignorant?”
Let me try:
When you are dead, you do not know it. Only others know it.
It is the same when you are stupid.
Area Man Abandons Ailing Spouse to Indulge in Pussy on Parade
… speechless (unusual)
I hate the world.
Looks like his nose has been busted a couple times. Im just going to guess a woman did that to him.
The comments are fun. I love it that so many the women think it’s great that this woke guy left his sick wife home alone.
uhhh … the men too.
In his defense, after his wife is gone he’ll still be able to bask in the warm glow of the approval of people he’s never met.
Chances are he thinks he’s won the lottery.
1. Gets out of the house containing a sick harpy
2. Gets to virtue signal to – well – the whole world
3. Hopes to pick up some strange, posing as an ‘ally’
#3 will blow your mind!
Peter Pettegrew just wanted to keep the Harry Potter party going.
Looks like he’s been emotionally eating since he took his profile picture.
today in bathos
Turkish military enters Syrian province with ground offensive
The move comes a day after Turkish jets struck all but five of the 113 Kurdish militia targets as part of a four-phase offensive known as Operation Olive Branch.
Better hope there are no US advisors in those Kurdish encampments.
“Olive Branch,” huh?
It was torn apart by woodpeckers of mistrust.
Massive monitor lizard freed from metal bar predicament
Animal rescuers were summoned to a Thailand fence where a massive monitor lizard attempted to squeeze between metal bars and found itself stuck.
A video recorded Monday in Chachoengsao shows the 5-foot lizard stuck around its middle between the metal bars of a fence that it apparently attempted to pass through while hunting near its pond.
[Morbo voice]
So giant lizards are vulnerable to narrow metal bars? My race will find this information very useful indeed.
They still call them “monitors”? I thought the preferred term was “display”?
In Thai, the word for monitor lizard, “hia”, is the worst curse word in the language. It’s equivalent to calling someone a motherfucker. It’s fighting words.
Around these parts, one white guy calling another a “briar” could easily start a fight. Its our n-word.
Well, as it was explained to me, “briar” as a pejorative is a shortening of the more formal “briar-hopper”. Which means ‘white trash’, in the worst way, akin to nigga v. nigger. (fun fact- in the SW Ohio dialect, despite the spelling, the word rolls off the tongue like “brarrrh”)
SW Ohio, being rife with transplants from “the other side of the river” after WWII, looking for blue-collar, manufacturing jobs, looked down on the more “provincial” people. As in, they literally lived in a place where they had to hop over briar patches to get anywhere.
I see. Learn something new every day!
The odd thing is that its _very_ specific to the Dayton, OH area. I’m going to suppose that its due to the (once) plethora of GM/DELCO/Delphi plants, up until the ruined ruined them all, and the influx of migrants that staffed them.
Other fun fact- we tend to refer to green bell peppers, as “mangos”, too.
I am gonna guess monitors eat garbage, shit on themselves, or have some other extremely unsavory habit that I am unaware of.
Pretty much. Filthy carrion eaters that live in smelly, shit-smelling swamp water.
I’m sure you will, cuz we totally haven’t invented powered armor with jump jets. But keep deluding yourself.
1 good CO2 fire-extinguisher and you’re done.
Are you sure Trump isn’t one of yours? Because he boasts a lot like you do.
pay no attention to the jihad behind the curtain
Special “conquest” prayers were held across all of Turkey’s 90,000 mosques on Jan. 20 and Jan. 21 for the victory of the country’s military, which launched a cross border operation in Syria’s northwestern Afrin region on Jan. 20 against the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
“Sessions will be held after the isha prayer tonight [Jan. 20] and the morning prayer [on Jan. 21] due to Operation Olive Branch,” said Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) head Ali Erbas in a message sent on Jan. 20 to all offices of muftis and religious officials across the country.
“The Surah Conquest [Surah al-Fath] will be cited during the special sessions to pray for the victory of our heroic security forces, who have launched an operation against terrorist groups that threaten our nation and our peace,” Erbaş added….
Atatürk must be spinning in his grave.
[Kiff sigh]
Indonesia: Mosque cuts down pine trees because they resembled Christmas trees
Officials at a mosque have reportedly cut down 10 pine trees because they were said to resemble Christmas trees.
The religious temple where the firs were banished is in the Indonesian province of Aceh, where citizens are ruled by ultra-strict Islamic Sharia law.
Chairman of the Baitul Makmur Meulaboh Mosque named only as Anwar said as well as looking like a Christmas tree, the trees had become unkempt and obscured the view of the building from the road.
A spokesman for the West Aceh Regency Council slammed the decision, saying the reasons given made ‘no sense’.
He told Cakradunia: ‘In that case why don’t we hack down all the pine trees in West Aceh?
‘How much has been budgeted all this time to maintain those trees only for them to be thrown away just like that?’
With the trees now felled, there is no shade from the 30C sun for street vendors or parked cars.
Remember Aceh? The place billions were spent after the tsunami? The one where the only aid for weeks was from kafir armies and navies?
Yeah, THAT Aceh.
Shame they cant grown Menorah-trees, amirite? That would make ’em more insane.
a span of chain link and some zip ties, you could train a menorah tree easy.
That would be soooo funny. I propose we retain a nursery to do that, and mail them off to Indonesia.
So when is Indonesia going to war with Lebanon? I mean have you ever seen the Lebanese flag?
Nemesis Man- R’Lyeh Joel
Another setback for magic dirt theory
Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands: Between 80% and 99% of Muslim migrants unemployed
For example in Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands between 80 and 99 percent of migrants are unemployed after sometimes more than a year.
A lot of migrants don’t have the skills required to compete in Europe’s modern workforce. But according to Professor Rindermann of the German University of Chemnitz there is also a problem of intelligence.
Professor of Psychology Heiner Rindermann, already caused a minor controversy when he stated in Oktober [sic] 2015 that refugees (migrants) have a lower average intelligence than Germans and gave evidence for his claim.
According to his study, refugees with university degrees had an average IQ of 93 in mathematical and abstract tasks; the same skill level as indigenous high school students.
They need to stop being so racist and embrace mathbonics.
There’s certainly *more* to it than just IQ.
90 IQ is far from ineducable. Shit, LSD works with developmentally disabled kids and adults down to around 75, and a reasonable proportion could hold down jobs at a convenience store or gas station.
Heh. Makes more sense for those who don’t know, to realize that “LSD” is “Libertarian Student Daughter”.
Not that LSD-LSD wouldn’t help them too.
Goodman: I’m very proud of you people. You’ve learned how to care for your children, you’ve learned how to maintain your homes, and you’ve all passed a drug test. Except for Marge — Marge, you tested positive for Crack and PCP.
Marge: Oh my!
[“Fifteen minutes later”]
Goodman: OK, the retest says you’re clean. Sorry about the mistake.
Marge: The only thing I’m high on is love…love for my son and daughters. Yes, a little LSD is all I need.
Goodman: All right, sounds very good.
The garbage goes in the garbage can, people. I can’t stress that enough.
Kids! We’re good parents now!
It’s not even a total IQ of 90, just a mathematical/spatial IQ of 90. There are plenty of people with mathematical/spatial IQs of 90 and verbal IQs of 120+. We call them “social science majors”.
The 93 IQ was for the elite of the refugees; the ones with university degrees. Who knows what the IQ of the average refugee is?
I’m sure there are several factors that aren’t discussed in the article (since they have a viewpoint to push), but 80% unemployment indicates a MAJOR failure.
My first thought was “aren’t these refugees so why would they bother looking for a job”. My second thought was, “I get it. They’re never going home.”
Once you get down to the 70’s, the person is bordering on incapable of functioning in a supportive society (and the bell curve falls away) so you’re probably talking in the 80-90 range.
The real issue here is that there’s no social pressure for them to get jobs. And from the refugees’ point of view, why *would* you want to work? You’re in a society where you can increase your legal income by maybe 20% over welfare if you work your butt off, or you can have that base welfare, and lots of time to either develop your spiritual side, devote to your family and/or participate in the gray or black economy.
Or not. I’d swear I saw this mis-threaded.
Just another sign of the government shutdown.
And…? Germans don’t need their toilets cleaned? I mean, I know they have that shelf-thingy so they can look at their poop, but they still need janitors. And it doesn’t matter if they have a “university degree”, I personally knew a Bosnian former nuclear engineer who found work as a school custodian….and was grateful for the work too.
Doubtful the Bosnian farmer nuclear engineer had an IQ of 93.
As a general concept, I am aligned (see Huxley).
Again, see @8:07.
Maybe all those unemployed immigrants have been reading the posters telling them to hold out a real job, where they can make a positive change.
Germany just needs more social-activism-positive vacancies, and the problem will resolve itself.
Why does everything always come back to the shelf poop?
Sometimes you just want to admire your work.
Oh, I don’t need a shelf for that.
I think that it’s no longer a ‘thing’ in modern construction anyway. Last time I was in Germany, I used office, restaurant and hotel facilities and only a few had schessregalen.
Oh yes it is.
I’m letting you off easy this time.
After this weekends clutch of tapeworm stories I’m beginning to think the Germans got this one right.
Wait a sec, that’s a shelf for observing your own leavings? That’s really a thing?
Only now do you understand their porn.
It’s not about observing anything, it’s about avoiding your ass splashed with the water from the toilet bowl. That’s what everyone in Europe expects to happen if you shit in America.
Who the hell flushes while they are still sitting down?
::sheepishly holds up hand::
I have my reasons.
Me. I don’t like poop, paper, poop, paper, poop, paper.
It’s like a poop lasagna
::high fives slammer for not making me seem like a total weirdo::
Oh, look at HM and his immaculate egression privilege.
A True Shitlord, perhaps?
Don’t listen to Grrizzly; he’s just concerned about getting shit in his fur.
Guess now I can focus on Buckeyes basketball.
(gets it rolling)
Planned Parenthood president tells white women to ‘do better’ in fight for equality
The president of Planned Parenthood called on white women to do more to “save this country from itself,” crediting women of color with many of the recent political victories.
The momentum from 2017’s Women’s March fueled protests against the Muslim Ban and inspired activists to demand accountability from Congress, in Hollywood and in the workplace, Cecile Richards said Sunday at the Women’s March #PowertothePolls rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.
“All across the country, the Women’s March inspired doctors and teachers and mothers to become activists and organizers and, yes, candidates for office,” Richards said. “And from Virginia to Alabama and to last week in Wisconsin, women have beaten the odds to elect our own to office. … Women of color, transgender women, rural and urban women.”
Richards credited women of color with many of these successes.
“These victories were led and made possible by women of color,” Richards said.
Sarah Palin, of course, is the Devil.
Not sure I could handle all the associated baggage.
I understand that living in Alaska pretty much ensures you’re gonna have an interesting family life, but holy crap, she’s spawned some choice offspring. That’s gotta have some effect on the crazy.
Disclaimer: If she didn’t have the family, I think she would probably have been a reasonable VP. Sad thing is the guy she would have been working for.
She turned “family values” into a joke.
Ripe for ridicule, and she deserves it.
The organization started to get black women to stop spitting babies out like Pez dispensers?
This assumption that women must be leftists, gays must be leftists, ad nauseam is really starting to piss me off.
You will acknowledge The Faith or suffer the consequences!
The funny thing though is that from my (slightly biased) observations, the victories by WoC were people like Nikki Haley and Mia Love.
Why ‘Urban women’s success is (by omission) somehow more important than rural women is, again, somewhat of a mystery.
I think the real problem here is that a majority of white women aren’t pinkos. 53% voted Trump.
But those voters weren’t ‘real’ women.
So… abort more white babies?
I’m still not saying anything about the game.
Here’s a picture of ENB at the Womens’ March.
(her sash says “Libertarian”)
Why is Boy George next to her?
That’s a pretty mean thing to say about Boy George. Do you really want to hurt him? Do you really want to make him cry?
Karma is a chameleon, Ive been told
*asks for ruling from Mr Lizard*
If that’s Boy George, his makeup luggage must not have made it to baggage claim.
Boy George/K.D. Lang…..flip a coin
ENB’s in the church of the poison mind.
It’s nice these women have so much free time.
According to the actual “Women’s March Sensitivity Poster” attendees were encouraged not to take “unpaid time off from work” because this would contribute to the ‘Wage Pay Gap’.
Feminism without intersectionality is white supremacy!
(from a sign at a womyns march that I saw a picture of earlier but now I can’t find the picture else I would post the link)
It’s “historical”.
Nothing shouts “libertarian” like backing a movement that disdains due process.
If she signals hard enough they might condemn her last.
It used to be that when Reason staff went to these things, it was as an observer, to report on the weirdos & make fun of it.
In her case, I’m not so sure.
“I’m with her”
She is for choice in everything so she supports the most authoritarian candidate in modern history.
Go make me a sammich Liz. Extra cheese.
Let her have the sandwich, from the looks of the photo she needs it.
“I’m with her”
I think the “her” refers to the Statue of Liberty on her sign.
Best beard of the Civil War? I say General Pemberton.
Burnside for the win. Also, the root of the word we call “side-burns”
I see your your Gen Burnside, and raise you Gen Hooker(*).
*even though the term predates him according to wiki
I think I saw that guy on the R train the other day.
Next stop, Williamsburg?
The R train doesn’t go near Williamsburg, thank God.
-1 artisanal beeswax mayo-candles
It does, however, run along the western edge of Park Slope – which is where 3/4 of the younger white people get on/off during my commute.
+1 9th Street
Yeah, ex-ex-ex GF lived in PS, on Union St. I loved visiting there when I was working in NYC. Still not sure how you people get anything done.
Just the congestion and general moving about. I remember when she told me she had a 2 hour commute when she worked in Manhattan. And that was trains, subways, buses, etc. Its just not something I have had to understand.
My commute is about an hour from SW Brooklyn to Jersey City NJ on a good day. I do a lot of reading and listening to music. That’s getting stuff done.
-even when wburg was at its most hipster, it wasn’t really even that hipster.
i think its peak-hipster moments were when “vice” was still just a print magazine and they sponsored lots of events in the area. mostly 2002-2008. 2008-2012, it was mostly the swan song of the hipster, and the rise of the condominium and the baby-strollers.
Yeah, the hipsters in my life have moved on to “East Williamsburg”, Bed-Stuy, and the like. I don’t know anyone wealthy enough who can afford to live in actual Williamsburg any more.
the part i lived in – right on bedford ave within 4 blocks of the subway…. that whole zone, everything from the bridge to the (mccaren) park, 3-4 blocks from bedford, has pretty much been entirely been demolished and redeveloped.
everything. every building within 2 blocks of the main drag has been replaced. i lived in that area for 14 years, and it was a perpetual construction site.
i went back in 2015 for a drink to meet some buddies, and there was literally nothing between N7th (the subway) and broadway (the bridge) that i even recognized.
Wow. I haven’t been in the area in probably 15 years. Reminds me of where I lived in Astoria for a long time – it’s almost unrecognizable today. Meanwhile in Bay Ridge it looks exactly the same as it did 10 years ago when I moved here. And very likely the same as it did 50 or 60 years ago.
(see: the movie “American Gangster” which used most of the buildings on the waterfront as examples of decaying, 1970s’ NY)
**to be fair, that’s comparing a photo of broadway looking south, to a pic of the waterfront. but the style difference is basically the point. the former is what everything used to look like. the latter is the way everthing looks like now.
I prefer the former. Which is why I live in Bay Ridge I guess.
The after looks like what the Jersey City waterfront is turning into, except without the bottom 8-10 floors being parking. Of course, JC is starting from industrial wasteland but I still get the appeal of living in a tower but you still need a car to do anything. It’s like the worst of both worlds.
“don’t get”
Here’s a bit of thought for you. It’s cheaper to live on the Upper East Side than it is to live in Park Slope, Williamsburg, or even Bushwick. It’s actually cheaper to live on the island of Manhattan, where you can walk to work in Midtown, than it is to live in Brooklyn. And this has been the case for years. To me, that’s just insane. I can’t think of any reason that rents in Bushwick would outpace anywhere in Manhattan.
Meanwhile in Bay Ridge it looks exactly the same as it did 10 years ago when I moved here. And very likely the same as it did 50 or 60 years ago.
I really liked Bay Ridge. If it weren’t for the commute, I’d probably still live there. And I think it’s unlikely that you’ll ever see wholesale redevelopment of Bay Ridge proper (although large parts of Sunset Park are now getting redeveloped as Bay Ridge). It’s essentially the exact opposite of what you’d want for gentrification. There’s only the R, in terms of subways, guaranteeing a tough commute. And there’s enough upscale real estate that gentrifiers aren’t going to take an interest. .
What a noble conservationist, creating a habitat like that for owls and lemurs!
Jeb Stuart says hi
Honorable mention:
What are peoples guesses as to when the US government will end the shutdown. I’m guessing Wednesday.
I think this beats the 2013 shutdown but doesn’t beat the 1995-1996 shutdown.
I have money riding on Wednesday, so I hope so. I’m starting to think Tuesday though.
I had to educate a bunch of citizens about how all this shit works, and one of them asked me how I knew all this, if I hadn’t had to do civics in High School.
CNN says there is a vote tomorrow at noon, so I get to go into work for about an hour so I can sign a piece of paper.
I saw Lindsey Graham grandstanding today. Maybe him & McCain want to be media heroes again.
Looking like Private Chipperbot is going to be the big loser.
Wrong. Adding up now.
Hah! Fucking Romanian won with an Eagle win and off by a total of 27 points off the final score.
Big loser? *Drum roll…*
Pope Jimbo with a Viking win and point diff at 45.
How could he possibly win? He doesn’t even know anything about the game!
Mike S and yours truly round out the bottom three. Top 3 were Pie, Creech and CPRM ( tie for second, both had 28 points off)
I suspect Putin had something to do with this.
who is the winner? Nobody had such a blowout picked.
Posted feedback on your post from last week. REALLY enjoyed the film.
thanks, I’ll take a look in a bit.
You were only 1 point behind Pie.
Okay, now I’m posting about the game.
Eagles are going to the goddamn Super Bowl.
Big Dick Nick is your NFC Championship Game MVP.
I love it so.
Congrats. Enjoy.
As a Pats fan, when I see stuff like this I feel like a Roman at the Colosseum sitting next to some dude who is cheering for the Christians against the lions.
I mean like, *shrugs*, whatever, knock yourself out.
Lions? It’s like the 85 bears never existed.
Hey, I’m not here to cause no trouble…
+1 Superbowl Shuffle
Philly’s gonna need some more crisco.
Who chokes more than the Vikings? The Bills, maybe?
Michael Hutchence?
David Carradine hardest hit.
That was inexcessive roughness.
Correct answer is Mama Cass, thanks for playing.
The Steelers lost the week after the miraculous reception. Those kind of winds can kill your mentality.
The vikings need to add someone trained in the Heimlich maneuver to their coaching staff.
I can’t think of an NFL team that has more heartbreaking losses than the Vikings. They are the cucks of the NFL. Not only did they get embarrassed today, but in two weeks they get to watch the Eagles play in their home stadium for the SB. That’s gonna sting. It sure looks dreary on the bluffs across the Mississippi from me tonight.
And they got their own taxpayers to fund a large part of it. The Cuckkings. I love it.
I probably shouldn’t talk shit. I’ve been a Bears and Cubs fan my whole life. I feel bad for the Glibs and friends who are Vikings fans, but not for the hordes of pretentious assholes who live in the twin cities.
Also being a Bears/Cubs fan my whole life, I don’t care for the hordes of pretentious assholes who are bandwagon new fans and call them “Cubbies”.
I’m with ya on that. The Cubs have always had more than their fair share of yuppie and hipster fans.
I was bummed that my Grandma didn’t make it another 10 months in 2016 to see her first Cubs World Series title. Her first date with my Grandpa was a Cubs game in 1945 and she was a die-hard fan the rest of her life. She would watch or listen to every game she could since I was a little kid. If they weren’t on TV, she would listen on the radio in the kitchen and chain smoke and drink beer.
It’s a tie between Marty Schottenheimer’s teams and Andy Reid’s teams.
Don’t even get me started on the Chargers-Patriots Divisional round after the ’06 season (Marty’s last).
I feel for Schottenheimer: The Fumble; Lin Elliott missing a short field goal. But, for whatever reason, he had trouble winning in the playoffs.
Yes, he was always schotten himself in the heimer.
straffinrun – if you’re still here: Is it worth visiting Japan in February?
Sure. Anywhere North of the Kanto plain is gonna be cold and snowy. Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka etc are very tolerable then.
Also, the Sea of Japan side tends to get a lot of snow, but places like Ishikawa prefecture are snowy but beautiful in the winter. Kanzawa is my favorite city in Japan.
Thanks. We have a rational break in February (plus, I am celebrating a “significant” birthday – translate excuse for spending $$$$).
We are planning Tokyo as a base and trips from there. If I may inquire, where do you live?
Tokyo. If you’ve been here already, Nara and the Kinki area might be more interesting.
This is our first trip to Japan. We were booked for March, 2011 – then tsunami and haven’t had an opportunity since.
I’d go with Tokyo in that case.
Not the expert that straff is, natch, but I’ve been there maybe 40 times. If I were to go back today, I’d go to Kumamoto. The castle there was amazing and the whole area was gorgeous and not nearly as overstuffed as Tokyo.
I heard you guys are getting a lot of snow today.
I was there in Jan & Feb one year, and there were a couple of snowy days but it was still nice out most of the time.
Winter is nice. Not living in a place where humidity is the natural state of affairs clouds my perception quite a bit though.
Japan is one of the few countries that I would like to visit. All of the countries I have visited were ones I didn’t want to visit.
Japan is a mixture of staid and utilitarian architecture mixed with wonderfully impractical traditional buildings, temples and shrines. As with most places, however, it’s about the people and the people are great.
For those if you still looking for sports, head over to ESPN (or the Watch ESPN app on AppleTV). You can watch the first T20 between Pakistan & New Zealand.
I’ve got this Kerber/Hsieh (tennis) match – it’s much more entertaining than I expected.
Rangers at 10:30 but damn that’s late.
Good first period – so far.
Recording it for tomorrow.
Oops. I’ll shut up now.
Yeah, I’m still on this absurdly entertaining tennis match, plus I’m kind of drunk. I can’t deal with the Rangers right now.
Not drunk – but working on a third (?) Tullamore Dew.
a couple hours ago a tornado passed close to my house. This tree was down across my road. I cut the tree up and got it out of the way so that my neighbors who spent some time in my storm cellar could get back to their houses.
That pic was supposed to be included in the above post
But that’s gubmint work! You can’t possibly posses the free will and ability to help your fellow man without a permit!
Commerce Clause! Filburn! You cutting that tree may have prevented proper (gov’t approved) aborists from “correctly” moving that tree!
Im not a photographer by any means, but was that a tree? Or pr0n from the 70s?
It wasn’t much of a tree. Maybe 12 inches as the base. I cut it free from its origin and then pulled it out of the road wothy tractor.
Not sure, but I fapped just in case.
+1 Bushy
Not uncommon here. All of the roads are closely lined by rather large trees. I keep a chainsaw and chains in my jeep. Had to pull two off of the highway last year. At least some other guys stopped and helped.
you have your own road?
may as well be
The county grades it from time to time. I kill the beavers that dam up the culverts that flood it. I cut the trees down that fall across it in a storm. I bet I have more effort invested in my road than the government does.
The government shut down means no radio or TV in the base gym, which is AWESOME. I fucking hate seeing the talking heads while I’m there.
I hope it goes long enough to cancel my upcoming work trips.
Dog killer dies after pet owner rams him into a brick wall with his car
I’m ok with it.
what a……*dons sunglasses*…..RUFF way to go out
I have a hard time mustering up any positive feelings, but how does that stand with the NAP? Is defending your pet a justifiable reason to be aggressive? I suppose if you consider the dog property it could be. What about other pets then? Hamsters? Goldfish? Property is property.
In the defense of the undefended, and it seems the perpetrator has a clearly defined history of that behavior. However, there was no due process. In that same vein, dogs, either dead or alive, couldn’t testify. So all in all, he sounds like a d-bag, and it was in a shithole™ country.
*Also, Ive been drinking all day, so anything I type should be considered as testimony given under duress. YMMV.*
I’m surprised that no dog owner here in the US has capped a dogkiller cop yet, let alone one of the humankiller cops.
Tough questions. We make fun of people who treat their dogs and cats like “children” but clearly they’re more to us than hamsters or goldfish.
Dogs and cats have been selectively bred to be companion animals. And despite the misanthropic vibe most glibs give off, we are still social creatures, and pack ani-mules. Otherwise, you wouldnt have a collection of disagreeable, grumpy, misanthropes, meeting here. And most people are compassionate.
There ya have it.
Yeah, I’m as misanthropic as the next Glib but fuck with either of my cats and… well, I’ll do something unpleasant to you.
Ask John Wick.
I love that movie.
Well, I’ll say that pets occupy a fuzzy area where they’re legally property because we don’t have a legal category for “living thing that can’t be considered morally responsible for its own actions”. Not to get all whatever, but I think slaves probably occupied a legal status close to the way most people think of pets and other domesticated animals. To my thinking, you’re as justified using force to defend an animal that is in your care and for which/whom you’re responsible as you are another person. I’m not saying animals are people, because that’s a totally different argument. I’m saying that they are protected by their association with you in a way that goes beyond a coffee table or door mat, because they’re living creatures that are in your care. Mind you, I think a person would be justified in escalating levels of violence to whatever degree is necessary to stop a person from destroying your regular ol’ property, provided the least violence necessary is used.
Agreed. Especially considering the legal trouble I could get into if *didn’t* care for my pets as much as I do.
Interesting point about the trouble you can get into for neglect!
Well, I think “defending the undefendable” embraces the NAP.
+1 Walter Block
I love critters
but they’re just property; you want to shoot some people some times, but you don’t
you just sue to recover the value
it’s hard being ethical; it would be more fun to be king and administer justice
this is fun
Ah. Back home having an after work drink.
I just tried to post something and got a Guru Meditation error.
Which reminds me of ’93 when everyone hung out in my apartment and we were high all the time and my roommate had this playing on his Amiga for like 3 months straight.
Ive had all the totally predictable football and weekend I can take.
Goodnight, Missus Calabash. Glad you’re home.
Super Troopers 2 is about taking back Canada.
I’m taking back Québec.
Still set for 4/20 release?
For those still awake:
I drove through Chunky, Mississippi the other day. The town’s name made me smile.
Learned about this last week: murder doll houses
The Renwick’s exhibition “Murder Is Her Hobby: Frances Glessner Lee and the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death” marks the first time Lee’s 19 dollhouse dioramas are on public display together.
My folk, both sides, have been in that area for over 200 years.
Chunky is another bastardization of the Choctaw, the means and proper pronunciation both lost to the ages.
Choctaw relies on compound words, like German, so you learn a lot if you know a little:
* I was born in Panther Red county.
* They spell Choctaw words differently in People Red state, but I still recognize them.
Cherokee is the least like the other Civilized languages; I don’t get it at all.
This is a very smart comment by Billy Corgan
he is a not stupid person
Does it come in non-Youtube form?
he basically says the music biz fucked up by not recognizing that both MTV (1980s) and Napster (late 1990s) were huge signals that their entire conception of themselves needed to be revolutionized.
they didn’t get either, and they lost 100bn in value.
My immediate reaction is he’s probably right.
I have noticed that I pay *way* less for music than I ever did in the 80s or 90s considering inflation and shit.
Makes me wonder how many other consuambles are still way over-priced.
I pay less for music, but I don’t “own” it.
I was reminded of this fact when my AMEX expired and I couldn’t play any of my songs.
One reason I don’t stream.
i havent’ spent a nickel on music other than old vinyl since the mid 1990s
since then i’ve probably spent 20grand on vinyl
i doubt it will ever get sold for anything that recovers that value
I could be mistaken but I believe that you never “owned”; you are provided a limited license to listen to it in your home. Even though you purchased a CD, you still can not broadcast it or play it for large audiences. Disclaimer IANAL but I watch one on youtube.
Yeah, much like you don’t “own” any of the software on your computer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yeah, limited license vs subscription.
It might make me sound like a social conservative when I’m not, but:
MTV is the fucking devil. Everything about them is evil. Sandy Pitman even found a way to fuck up Mount Everest.
Homer Simpson, smiling politely.
+1 young adult of the 90s
mmmmmm pumpkins
OT: Having some trouble finding Q Continuum’s post for pharmaceutical references (for a friend). Anyone got a link handy?
This is WND, which gives me a strong reason to doubt this is true… but, is this for real?
Cali to register illegal aliens to vote?