Geez, I haven’t even caught up on Afternoon links!
Links overload.
Do you think the Russkie average citizen believed the Trumputin rumors?
They probably don’t even know
In Russia, Trump inauguration euphoria leaves lasting hangover
You wouldn’t know from that article. Utterly worthless piece. Someone actually got paid to write that. *SMDH*
In Soviet Russia, Trump inauguration euphoria hangover leaves you!
Russians aren’t desperate to explain something that they’re not capable of understanding.
In Soviet Russia, Russkies Trump you!
What the fuck is wrong wit the site now?
This Lady lucan sounds like a Bitter biddy to me, and 800K isn’t all That much in the Grand scheme of things,
/ I wish I had 8k right now
My Mother would have done the same had she any assets to disburse.
Lady Lucan has a bit more to her estate:
The remainder of her possessions, including a large oil painting of her husband and a personalized top hat, will be sold at an auction in Oxfordshire next month, the Daily Mail reported.
Personalized top hat? I say we bid on it, and if we get it, make it the official Glibertarians chapeau.
Sure, because if there’s one group that exemplifies good manners, it’s us.
For example, I always hold out a pinky finger when I’m drinking rotgut booze from a bottle.
I also always make sure I’m polite when I’m raping someone.
We totally deserve her top hat!
Hey, I know where the marrow spoon goes in a place setting. I got class comin’ out the ass, pal!
I thought the marrow spoon was for eating ass!
Send it home for a week with each Glib like the class gerbil?
I was gonna say that and then I read your comment and now it’s all awkward and shit.
*spittakes bourbon across screen*
I just ordered some Tyson OG Indica for delivery, I guess Iron Mike is in the Bidness of Weed now,
I think that’s the stuff Neil DeGrasse Tyson smokes before he tweets.
Gross! Now i wanna return it!
I have not forgotten about the Kitbash article, the problem is the work keeps getting delays waiting for thing – parts, weather suitable for spray-priming, etc.
I’m closing in on completion. The bulk of the obstacles have been overcome (except a good time to prime some components).
I have been writing as I’ve been going along (and collecting pictures), so once the work is done, there should be something for the editors not long after.
i like to use a tri fold Project board and cardboard for a mini spray booth, I can shoot paint in the House, then set my pieces up to dry over my Floor furnace.
The weather is for ventillation – I need to vent the propellant fumes. So I have to open a window. So I won’t prime when it’s below freezing.
I run Ventilation to the outside, but only while shooting, and only in my Office, so it won’t stay Cold too long. Once I begin projects, I get OCD about finishing,
The Diorama was truly a labor of love, 2 Hours to paint 1 soldier, stuff like that
For some characters I’ll put in time. Leofric bot the multi-hour paint treatment. (sorry about the picture quality, I hadn’t found my Nikon yet after the move)
For other models, it’s “Am I at three colors yet?” and they look like crap.
I can’t wait to read your article, Modeling is fun as hell, and imagination is why we do it, My boy had some cowboys and indian plastic solidiers and I snaked a Chief to paint, that turned out nice
I’m up to 5500 words, and haven’t even added tonight’s work to the content.
It will almost certainly be serialized for sanity. Because when you add in the pictures that’s a lot of digital column-inches.
Fuck, I shake to much for that. I started drafting classes this week. Meticulous ruler and pencil work is difficult enough. Good job.
My ability to paint this stuff is scrub-grade compared to the tutorial “how to paint Y” videos GW puts out. They casually say “Just X” as if it’s easy and my reaction is “there’s no fucking way I can do that.”
They’re like the old How to Draw Superhero books that Marvel used to put out (and probably still does). I remember as a small child having these misshapen ovals layered on top of each other that resembled a human no more then a stick figure does, and then looking at the last step in every drawing: “Add detail.” In the book, the collection of ovals suddenly looks like Spider Man. On my paper, the oval looks like a blob.
my favorite was “Add a highlight to the rounded section of a space marine helmet’s eye lens” The eye lens on the new, bigger guys is in the sub-milimeter range for height. I cannot reliably hit the same spot in that recessed detail with a brush, let alone only lay down a highlight. I have to paint them by filling the area in pigment (usually by touching it once) and cutting in the edges with the main color until it more or less is the shape of the lens.
Very cool. I wish I had time for stuff like that.
I used to love making model airplanes, painting detailed cockpit instrument panels, paint chips on the wings, rubbing a paint brush on black chalk and using it to make gun powder/flash burns on the wings. Good fun.
UCS, I don’t know if you ever saw this, my WWII Diorama, only a few of the pictures, there are hundreds..
That… took a lot of time.
2 years and 1400 hours between My son and I, We learned a lot
It’s likely my article will be mere entertainment for you. I don’t have extra special insights.
We watched a lot of YT while modeling, for accuracy, but there is some kitbash in there, maybe I’ll put up more for the Album
Is that 1/32?
1/35 Big enough and still pretty cheap to buy, mostly, but My tiger was 95$ all together, while others were as low as 5$
Needs a skating rink and a Christmas tree.
you missed the Pig sty? or the Outhouse? how about all the Propaganda posters?
Fucking A, Yusef. Very good work.
Wow. That is superb.
Ty, The name of the place is My last Name, i didn’t know it existed until I started this
Oh, that makes it extra fun. Especially working on it with your boy. Very, very cool.
Excellent. My daughter and I make *sigh* dollhouses together. Love to throw some Nazis in them for good measure.
Nazi Dollhouses – there’s an untapped market there.
Those little blond twins?
Someone tried tapping it in the 90s… it didn’t work out.
I’d tap that.
+1 Lebensborn
More like Lebensfrau, eh
That makes me giggle every time I see it. I bet you can download it somewhere too.
EBM Lebensborn
I have don a few Dollhouses, Boring….. But the Girls like em…
A fellow slave to Tayima! I get on a building spree every ten years or so. I’ve done at least half of the kits featured in your diorama. Good job, Yusef!
“Tamiya” (godammit)
Maybe 40% Tamiya, I bought pretty much every German and American kit I could find Soldier wise, about 240 all told,
and TY!
I REALLY got into it when I split from my Ex and entered a major downward spiral. I stopped most of my vices and needed some sort of release. Shit, I bought a mini spray gun and worked on those fuckers with near-surgical precision. It’s a fun hobby but I’m an OCD at heart. It got to the point that the store was ordering special brands for me.
Pegasus Hobby, the Owner is a customer, so I say “Tom i need this” and he gets it, then i pay….
Also Testors Model Master, I have 50+ colors, cause I neeed that color!!!
Out freaking standing!
The Bocage took me one hour, per INCH, OCD! and thanks again
I would not have stuck to that. I’d have spent a lot of time to find an easier way to get the effect, even if I failed to do so.
nah, paint some boots, then do some foliage, then work on an artillery piece then… like that
I assembly-line painted these guys, one color at a time (followed by detail touch-ups). It was unfun, but needed to be done. I’m sad that the blond guy doesn’t look as blond in real life.
That was Tedious, I usually paint squads of 5-10 guys so i don’t go nuts painting the Same scheme, Those guys look Cool!
Thanks. I needed to get them ready for the tabletop – and I have a policy of only deploying painted models.
Then I have not played a game since I finished…
Those are both awesome labors of love.
I never did a diorama or fleet of anything, but I did strip the paint off a doll, bake a “bony crest” into her hair, and paint and costume her to look like Ambassador Delenn.
High time to get “crafty” again.
My first reaction was – “do you have a side view?” I guess it’s curiousity to see how the crest turned out.
Unciv, here’s the fastest way to data dump it to you. That page is over 15 years old and was made for the Doll community, so forgive the cheesy write-up. Also shows the hideous original doll paint.
The names and emails have been changed because life and marriage have happened.
She’s the only doll I kept. She’s in my room with tube radios, Oscope, soldering equipment, and my sewing machine. No idea what is wrong with me.
You definately improved the original, and did a good job on the crest.
Thanks, Unciv.
It’s tough to do a portrait on a face mold you can’t change the shape of, but I wanted to get her odd little mouth captured so I did some light shading to give the impression of that lower lip muscle pout. She’s my favorite character on B5 (G’kar is # 2 probably, great character development over the years for him), so I wanted to get the essence even if by necessity it is “doll-like”
I really need to binge-watch that show some day. I only saw a few eps back in the day and liked what I saw.
Rhywun, if you do binge-watch, be patient with season 1. As with many new series, they were feeling their way into the characters (the underlying 5 year story arc was already in mind, though less obviously through much of season 1). Season 2 is what grips you and keeps you gripped until the end of the whole series.
Great show. Definitely not a big-govt kinda Star Trek utopia.
Now I want to binge watch again…
Yeah, I’ve heard some favorable comparisons with the best of DS9 which is the best Trek so I’m totally down with giving it a chance.
Babylon 5 is well worth watching, realize the first season is world building, and the fifth season was tacked on. Probably one of the best sci-fi shows ever.
I deleted the original page (the one I called a data dump). Just too much traceability.
Here are the pics at imgur instead. .
Pardon any inconvenience.
Ambassador Delenn – I want that! I introduced my husband to Babylon 5 recently, apparently he lived in a bubble before we met.
If I ever do another doll, it would probably be Delenn. I’d have to dig deep in my supplies to find the right goodies. But if I find a blank doll in the attic when I clear it out (Spring ambition), I will see if I still have it in me.
Boy, the bake process for the crest is nerve-wracking though!
Very good work.
Man I loved that show.
That’s amazing!
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
Holy shit! That’s awesome.
Deputies: Florida man tries to order burrito from bank, gets charged with DUI
Daily dose of Florida man.
But did he get his burrito?
Hmm business idea Bank & Burrito? Nah terrible idea people don’t go to banks any more.
You clearly have not been to a bank lately.
I had to visit one yesterday, and there was a lot of customer traffic.
I go maybe twice a year and I don’t even go into the branch.
New York made a deliberate Psyops move by changing the STAR property tax rebate from something included in your tax filing (and thus direct depositable) into a physical check mailed twice a year. This was done to make people more positively inclined towards the state rather than asking “why don’t we just cut the taxes in the first place?
It’s the only physical checks I have to deal with, so it’s easiest to go to the branch and deposit it.
And of course you have to apply to get the STAR credit.
I had to get a new debit card last year. Of course the fucking thing kaffed on welfare day. The lineup snaked nearly out the door. I waited less time to get my driver’s license renewed.
Trying to not shudder at the thought of Florida Man making deposits at Bank & Burrito.
I believe we have footage.
The best you’re gonna get is popcorn.
Well, it is National Popcorn Day
I guess I could fit some popcorn into my busy schedule of sitting here.
Now that dinner is out of the way, I think I’ll go stovetop with butter flavored oil and butter flavored “topping”.
Our bank always has a big tray of chocolate chip cookies. Makes up for the .0001 interest rate, I guess.
My bank and insurance company seem to be in competition. Farmers will always win. I keep banking with BofA because I have for 25 years, but I will never buy another product or service from them ever again.
Ditto Wells Fargo.
I am thinking of switching from Wells Fargo to USAA. No more brick and mortar, but USAA has never done me wrong in matters of insurance or investing. And they refund ATM fees since they don’t have any of their own.
In general, you’re going to be better off with a credit union, which I understand USAA sorta-is.
At least their objectives are somewhat more aligned with their retail customers, unlike the big banks whose primary profit is derived from rent-seeking.
BofA has never tried to steal from me… but close.
Used to be they used an appliance of some sort as an incentive to open an account.
I never realized that by opening an account with Steubenville Guaranty, I’d be saving for my future AND getting relief for my hiatus hernia! Thanks, Steubenville Guaranty!
I swear I had something for this.
Maybe a…. Bearrito?
Finally 😉
Was it a sperm bank?
Florida man ordered burrito, not taco.
To be fair, he does his banking at Mucho Dinero.
From the sidebar of the sword story
Disappointingly, he wasn’t banging the starlets, instead it was a nurse. His wife suffered a stroke 7 years ago so it sounds like it was a release more than something completely underhanded.
He’ll be back. There are a many tarento that comeback after infidelity goes public.
Google CEO Sundar Pichai says he does not regret firing James Damore
Totally not political. How dare you misunderstand that.
Everything is political…except when we say it isn’t.
Especially when you’re facing a lawsuit.
Splitting tens again. They will never learn.
“Inclusive” means LETELU: Looks Exotic, Thinks Exactly Like Us.
So Glibs? *jumps into foxhole*
Close. We don’t look exotic. Except for STEVE SMITH.
*ahem* HM would like a word.
Erotic. I look erotic.
In my mind’s eye, sure. Hentai ain’t for everyone so be forewarned.,
America’s erotic sweatheart.
That’s what everyone says when they try on their wife’s underwear.
I feel right, Brian. I feel right.
Well, not exactly, unless all Google personnel believe they’re plural beings. Which, does that mean having multiple personalities, or is it more like “we are Legion”?
The latter, I’d wager.
Six of one , half dozen of the other.
*narrows gazes*
Sooooo glad I don’t work in that toxic environment.
Yeah, that actually makes the DoD look pretty tolerable.
Damore’s memo affected her personally
And they wonder why men historically made more money.
Good God, these people are insufferable. Is she so fragile Damore’s rather benign and matter of fact memo “affected her personally”? To ask the question is to answer it, of course.
You know who else has a sword Problem?
Wilkinson razors?
I use those! Well, I did before the wife asked me to grow a beard.
Old fashioned shaving with a double edge safety razor may take longer. But, that’s kind of the point. It’s a relaxing process.
Major-General T. G. Rennie?
Jason McCord?
Oh, sorry, that’s an s-word problem.
After raping a bus of asian tourists, does STEVE SMITH feel like rape again 30 minutes later?
15 minutes later, patrons of German/Chinese restaurant hungry for power.
Here’s the link.
LOL. I like it.
For you, my friends, premium derp only
That guy sucks at writing.
I only know this because I read what he wrote, and it sucks.
It’s “The Root”. If it weren’t an imprint of the Wapo I’d say that they were just trolling us but no, every screed is sincere.
Here’s how you know. It happened in DC. The state of race relations in the DC area, especially in the city, is such that some idiot can complain about a white lady grabbing him because she’s worried he’s going to be hit by a car as if it were some sort of metaphor for slavery and have it published. I didn’t wade into the comments, because I’m not a masochist, but I’m willing to bet most are siding with his perspective.
I hate-skimmed it.
Jesus wept.
Wept? This calls for lightning bolts!
Shorter version – “Awkward Social Interaction Proves That America Hates My Black Body!”
Ah yes, the world of internet activism, so bold, so brave
“This site has been blocked by your ISP. Well, not really.”
Well, I guess I don’t really need to read anything you have to say. Ever.
Let’s see if my comment on post 1. makes it out of moderation.
The author lives in Berkeley. Whodathunkit.
The author can go incel themselves.
So Im about to replace an STK 4026 amp in my Sony FH-7 stereo I picked up in late 80s Germany.
Since it seems we have some enthusiasts here, anyone familiar with that IC, and is there anything I should know?
vacuum tubes. feel the burn.
Oh, Im all over a tube amp. However, since Solid State was how this particular item was designed, I feel obligated to stick with factory specs and parts.
Oh get technical on us.
If I was going to do that job, desoldering the original pads so I could insert the replacement IC will be the biggest pain. Desoldering bulb or a proper tool would be the best way. Question is – what could killed the original IC? Capacitor or resistor age issue?
Oh, I have the sucker-bulb and yards of de-soldering wick. Im supposing that age, plus likely being over-driven, did it in. Any noise that comes out now is just a distortion, and only when I slide the amp to FULL BLAST. If overdriven, the pre-amp is a TL4558PK, so I went ahead and ordered those, just in case.
Both IMO, I would verify the function of caps and Up the wattage for all Resistors, My Marshall Valve State taught me that part,
and make sure you can Really Solder
I can solder a rock to a tree. I can……Really Solder.
Once upon a time I thought I could Solder, then I tried 30 gauge, I’m Really Good now
/many burnt discrete parts
I’m a far better solder-er than welder. I can do clean solder joints. Welding? I’ll just say that sooner or later Ill get 2 pieces of metal bound to each other.
Most times my guitar playing hubs wants a tweak to his guitars or a new pickup or whatever, I open it up, look at the wiring, and go, “This shit has to GO,” and replace it with all mil-spec soldering job with PTFE-insulated wire.
On one of them he has refused to replace the back cover because he likes to look at the wiring.
You could wire it to blow up without his knowing, couldn’t you?
Ted S, you are dark, man. Dark.
(also, duly noted.)
Oh, since its an AF power amp, there arent pads. 15 leads, and the side is screwed to the chassis as a heat-sink. In hindsight, in addition to being weak, it may have been been overheated. But I have no real way to test that theory now.
Add a real aluminum finned Sink to the new one, Steel sucks for thermal transfer
How DARE you malign the good name of Sony engineers in the 80s?
I just did, Sony made great products back then but steel does not a heat sink make, and they knew it then, cheap Japs!
Right now I’m watching The Last Diamond, a French movie from 2014. It’s pretty good some 40 mins in, but the reason I was interested in it in the first place was Berenice Bejo, who you may remember from The Artist. I’d forgotten just how gorgeous she is, and she’s even better in color.
Yeah, she’s not ugly. At all.
(Sad trombone)
“Clearly Tom inherited a shithole, not just in fundraising but in terms of morale as well,” Ken Martin, head of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party and of the Association of State Democratic Chairs, said in a wry reference to President Trump’s incendiary “shithole” comment last week about immigration.”
Is it really wry to admit your opponent is right about you?
“…Lady Lucan had not spoken to her children, George, Frances and Camilla, since the 1980s and spent her final years as a recluse in her home in Belgravia, central London, the same house her husband disappeared from almost 44 years ago after he bludgeoned Sandra Rivett to death.”
That’s depressing.
Add in a spicy West Indian caregiver and you have the plot for the next Giller Prize winning novel.
+1 Jerk Sauce, amirite?
“The Polished Hoe”. Utter shit. 2002 Giller Prize.
Or a BBC2 Sitcom!
Needs a title. Let’s see: Lady in Waiting? Nah. Reclusively Yours! Maybe.
“Driving Miss Veronica”?
Charge: former student sets fires on St. Catherine campus in retaliation against US Military intervention.
Most certainly would NOT.
You’d be safer entering a TEPCO reactor, as opposed to that.
You’re Lucky you don’t have anything to stick in Crazy, also, would Not!
The link, she is SF’ed.
2nd try, different source: The article
Note to self: don’t HTML while eating. Also managed to get a spot of beef stew on my Anisimov jersey. I has a sad.
I see, I concatenated my link onto the Glibs/Steve Smith link. Durn tiny screens.
Original. TW: Red Star Tribune. (bleah)
Ach, du lieber!
Does this mean I have diabetes??
Maybe my ctrl-c / ctrl-v muscles need to be checked out.
I give up.
Oh dear. Perhaps you should be drinking instead of eating.
This could be part of it. I have cut down to nothing on weekdays, and just had a lite rum & diet tonight.
Gotta be ready for the Glibs fitness challenge! Only a week and a half to go!
I’m not doing any “challenges” but I did make a couple easy changes after stepping on a scale a couple weeks ago and almost falling over.
Basically, cut out weekday sugar and potato products. Except for my one cup of morning coffee. And yesterday I had french fries. But considering my pre-resolution diet that’s something.
On coffee, go black ‘cos you’ll never go back.
Sugar and processed carbs are – for me – pretty easy if I keep myself busy. Couple days and I barely miss them.
I’ve been drinking Mt Dew and vodka for like twenty years. The diet is actually passable. Though for weekends I’m still doing sugar.
And I don’t miss potato chips at all.
I do ‘buy’ the recent claims that artificial sweeteners promote some of the same reactions that sugar does. I moved to plain old water and just juice packets to make the drink interesting.
I don’t shy away from sugar if it’s included in something else – so a glass of 2% with a couple teaspoons of Ovaltine chocolate in it doesn’t bother me that much, with- or without- casein (or very infrequently, whey) – but I don’t outright add it to anything. In fact, weekends work out easier than week days.
I do get some calories from classic carbs (beer/whiskey) but you’d have to fight me to deprive me of them.
And man, I do miss potato chips, but it’s more the texture than the taste.
I’m not a huge beer or whiskey fan so I’ve got that covered.
*Mind you, I like them, but I can easily go without.
I’m too cheap for whiskey. $70 for a fifth of Tullamore?
I can’t taste much difference between cheap and expensive vodkas.
Ted S.:
I hope that’s a typo, Tully should be around $25 a fifth (at least for the base version). It’s my favorite entry level Irish.
More kegels.
CNN star Jim Acosta scolded by Mick Mulvaney amid ‘Schumer Shutdown’ briefing
CNN’s Jim Acosta resumed his role as White House punching bag on Friday when Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney shut him down during a briefing on the looming government shutdown.
Acosta asked, “How can it be the Schumer Shutdown when Republicans control the White House, the House and the Senate?”
Mulvaney smirked before firing back, “Come on, you know the answer to that as well as anybody. I laugh when people say that… you know as well as anybody that it takes 60 votes in the Senate… you know that?”
Acosta timidly acknowledged that he did, in fact, claim to know what Mulvaney was referring to before re-phrasing his question.
Earlier this week, Trump kicked the CNN star out of the Oval Office after Acosta badgered the president with racially charged questions. Acosta has made a habit of grandstanding and interrupting when Trump and his surrogates are available to the media. On Tuesday, Acosta yelled, “Mr. President,” three times before finally getting Trump’s attention.
“Did you say that you want more people to come in from Norway? Did you say that you wanted more people from Norway? Is that true Mr. President?” Acosta desperately shouted.
“I want them to come in from everywhere… everywhere. Thank you very much everybody,” Trump responded as Acosta continued to ask condescending questions.
“Just Caucasian or white countries, sir? Or do you want people to come in from other parts of the world… people of color,” Acosta roared.
Trump then pointed directly at Acosta and simply said, “Out!”
Ok, I almost couldn’t see the reply thingy, but… wasn’t it the GOP’s fault when the government was going to get shutdown when Obama’s democrats had complete control of gubmint? I guess the minute it happens, people will drop dead and accidents will happen, according to Diane FiendStein, a 300 year old statist.
“…role as White House punching bag”
I nearly shot beer up my nose.
When Republicans are in the majority: “Democrats are taking a stand and holding firm to get concessions from the GOP.”
Did you make this comment under a different handle at TOS earlier? *narrows gaze*
Yeah, that was me.
Okay. Trump just earned my non-existent vote from the hinterlands. That was awesome!
Mulvaney missed the opportunity to grill Acosta about what “race” or “color” he thinks people from Lebanon or Syria are. Because by any measure, they are mostly white. (lebanon is not on the temporary ban list, I realize.)
And if Acosta wants to call it a Muslim travel ban, What about Venezuela and North Korea? And all the majority muslim countries without a ban? I would have turned the tables on Acosta and asked why he is so obsessed by race.
The banned countries:
Somalia- ongoing jihadi insurgency, inability to control borders
Syria- ongoing jihadi insurgency, inability to control borders
Iraq- ongoing jihadi insurgency, inability to control borders
Libya- ongoing jihadi insurgency, inability to control borders
Yemen- ongoing jihadi insurgency, inability to control borders
Sudan- tense relations with US, on State Dept Travel warning list
Iran- govt lists US as its #1 enemy
Yep, it’s all because Trump hates Muslims. There couldn’t possibly be any other reason to ban or strictly control entry from those places.
Ok, damnit, WTF is wrong with the site? I can’t even see the reply and post ‘text’?
Same here. Buttons are teeny-tiny. Somebody mucked up the CSS.
Yup, the squirrels be ownin the CSS, I thought we were going to fight on the sea and land and all that shit?
Whats a CSS, do I need one, and why?
Cascading style sheets. You only need one if you need to NOT make a website this fucked up.
It’s a way to style a web page. For example you can apply a stylesheet to override the stylesheet created by the site owner and make it look completely different.
But importantly, you don’t get to have your own CSS.
It’s stored on (or on behalf) of the web server, and it’s delivered along with all the text, emojis, pop-ups, viruses, exploits, animated gifs, pictures, emoticons and links that the website serves up to you when you pull a page.
So its like the V, in HVAC?
Oh You Kid, Tyson OG says High…..
Office Manager Mohammed wishes Death to You By the Fire Of Allah!
/Yusef says Wassup?
Actually, most browsers let you set a global stylesheet. And there are plug-ins like Stylish which let you set individual stylesheets per site. These will override the site’s own stylesheet.
The most important thing to know is that you can (as a developer) and you have retarded devs inserting inline CSS, is the !important tag, it’s your fren.
!important is the devil! Use classes correctly! Use semantic HTML!
/mostly front-end dev
I don’t fully understand !important. When I’m overriding the site’s CSS sometimes it works without that and sometimes I have to throw it in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
/mostly back-end dev
{text-decoration: blink !important}
I run into that a lot. CSS rules are applied based on specificity (inline beats #id beats .class beats element), whether or not !important is set, and finally whichever rule is set last. !important catches a lot of heat because some people (I’m one of them) see it as a sloppy anti-pattern, which is one reason why I dislike Bootstrap. You can avoid it by picking a semantic styling method (I like a variant of Modular CSS, but BEM is another popular one) or by using “utility classes” on top of site-wide standard styles. Another issue with !important is that when you set something using a shorthand, e.g. “margin: 5px 10px 10px 5px”, that is read as a separate rule than “margin-top: 5px”. So if someone set a specific margin, you can’t override it with a shorthand, even if it’s “!important”.
It’s gross. This is part of why I want to move into back-end development.
I really, really dislike front-end *web* development – it is like ten different languages cobbled-together and none of them were actually designed for the purpose. I love front-end desktop development but that’s so passé.
So yeah, back-end is where it’s at.
/awaits clever riposte
Ted forgot the animated javascript mouse pointer with sparkles coming out its ass.
Yeah, that’s easy to say if you’re not working with a framework where you can pretty much do whatever you want as long as some dickweed dev has not stuck inline CSS in their code that you need to override and have no access to the source…
Well, it’s par for the course if you just let anyone write apps that emit markup.
In a perfect world, they’d have to pass some tests and shit before anyone let them near an angle bracket or curly brace on the keyboard.
I should have made. It blink and scroll.
in a marquee.
I put some more old car pics from the family album on the Glib car site.
Wait… there’s a Glib car site? Those pictures are awesome and I’m not even a car person.
Yeah…. there’s a Glib car site?
Agreed. I especially like one of the first ones, “Pacific Grove DIZZY.” Implies a great story there.
Bookmarked! Thanks
Poked through a couple Chechnya stories.
What a shithole.
Only if you’re the guy from the Root.
Chechnya tried to save his life, but lunch couldn’t wait.
I’m not gonna bitch ’cause I know that the squirrel masters are working hard to keep this fine place up. However…. please lose the grey font that makes an occasional appearance. Legible > classy.
Regarding site problems: SP posted a few days back that they’re having problems because of some kind of update. Related to this, there will be delays in getting things back to normal.
Not a problem. Thanks y’all.
I think the general consensus at the time was WordPress is like cauliflower-poops, however Drupal is Stage IV diarrhea.
I dont know what that means, other than UCS was grumbling.
I can’t speak to WordPress vs. Drupal (other than I’d rather use WP than Drupal) but I know we’ve had Varnish play hell with load-balancing at work. Some stuff gets cached, some doesn’t, so you get old CSS with current HTML, stuff like that.
UCS would like the bland design of my blog: black text on battleship gray.
Not even sure why, but this seems appropriate.
Boys are back in town
+48 Hours
Hey, Tres, are you a long time TOS poster or lurker or new. Just curious. I like your posts, so hoping either way you stick around.
It’s Tulpa, dude. He’s been here forever.
Shit, 6, I forgot my manors and forgot the customary welcome. But no, Tres is not Tulpa, he passed the sentience test.
I wish I had more than one manor.
I’m so luv u, Ted S, I have 3 manors and zero manners, and I totally don’t even know what that means, but I love it.
He grows on you
… so does ringworm … just sayin’,
Shingles arent just roofers, amirite?
It seems attracted to me,like…. A Tres?
/Whatever that is
The answer is “yes”. Im a longtime lurker from TOS, followed over here, and in the recent wave of #MeToo lurkers coming out, I climbed on the bandwagon.
I have recently learned that the V means ‘ventilation’.
Nice! I have that soundtrack. “I’m going down-town! To get me some new-shoes!”
Best quote from that gig:
Metallica covering “Whiskey In The Jar” ruined it for me, with its endless rotation on local radio. Motley Crew ruined Brownsville Station in the same regard.
^ this x 10000000
Yeah, many of those tunes just seemed to work best with Irish Cowboy Drifter accents.
Much better tune.
I love the fact that Phil Lynotts’ lyrics were basically jibber-jabber. Must be an Irish thing.
I believe he changed his name from the original Irish Phil McCrackin.
Gerald Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzgerald? Go Scotch if you must – Ben Dunn and Philip MacCavity.
Hey, STEVE SMITH. After spending time in Japan, did you drop in to visit your Australian cousins?
It helps if you imagine Yakety Sax music while reading this
Sudan deploys more troops to Eritrea border
Sudan says it has sent more troops to its eastern border with Eritrea as tension in the Red Sea region continues to rise.
Early this month Khartoum closed its borders with Eritrea and sent troops to its border region of Kassala, following reports that Egypt has deployed troops in Asmara.
“Sudan’s national army has sent part of its forces to this area to protect Sudan’s security as we have information that some parties are targeting us,” Sudanese foreign minister, Ibrahim Ghandour, said after meeting his Ethiopian counterpart Workneh Gebeyehu in Khartoum on Sunday.
Ghandour said that they were not talking “about threats to a country per se” but that they have information that shows there are some who would mean them harm.
“This is why we are anticipating whatever danger can come from there,” Ghandour said.
The meeting took place amid deteriorating relations between Sudan and Ethiopia on one side and Egypt and Eritrea on the other. Khartoum has also recalled its ambassador in Cairo following the reports of Egyptian troops presence in Eritrea.
The latest tension was sparked after Sudan signed an agreement to temporarily hand over the Red Sea island of Suakin to Turkey.
Ankara and Khartoum said Turkey would rebuild the ruined, sparsely populated Ottoman island to increase tourism and create a transit point for pilgrims crossing the Red Sea to Islam’s holiest city of Mecca. Turkey is also set to build a naval dock on the island.
Egyptian media criticised the agreement and alleged Turkey would build a military base on the island.
+1 Benny Hill
I larfed.
Crazy/drunk man drives thru airport in Russia
I could watch the Benny Hill-genre videos on Youtube all day.
Steamed Hams but it’s Pulp Fiction
Not in Utica, no.
I should know. I’m currently drunk and stoned in Utica. They don’t call them steamed hams.
Is it possible to hear the blood clotting in your sinuses?
Asking for a friend.
Yes, yes it is. (long-time nose bleeder, first time listener).
That’s comforting. I – erm – he – thought it was the fault of the LSD.
I had a really bad cold/flu once. My nose was so stuffed up that when I sneezed, rubbery pink chunks came out. For a moment I thought I sneezed out part of my brain.
Turns out that nasal congestion can cause nose bleeds, and that’s where the pink snot came from.
I’ve been blowing lumps of my nasal septum out during US winters ever since I got here in the 90’s. It has its upside, but now, every time I see an ENT, I get the same old questions about my relationship with Columbian Marching Powder.
Also acceptable, “indoor lift lines” and “brain drain-o”
I’m a chronic nose-bleeder (got me kicked off the wrestling team in high school). I once pulled a clot that rivaled the size of a garter snake from my nostril. This shit ain’t fun but I suppose it’s fun to make sport of on these boards. My boxing ambitions were also curtailed. Old trainer sez, “Nope, He’s a leaker”.
I had that through about middle school, like pulling out ropy masses during lunch and all. Completely went away. In fact I largely forgot about it and sometimes question myself that it happened. Because… WTF
God had a purpose when he made me. Apparently my purpose was to remind you anonymously on a a random message board about repressed childhood memories. My work here has only just begun!
LOL I had a very long, drunken conversation with an older brother once. There was a lot of that. And would you believe I forgot most of it. The mind is an amazing/terrifying thing.
OT but relevant – the part that I had to order because the manufacturer fucked up was shipped next day delivery on Friday-last. They shipped it via Canada Post, where I work. If you’ve ever watched surveillance videos of “nanny shakes the baby” then you will know how these people treat your packages. Last night I found a puddle of what appeared to be motor oil leaking from a bin. I turned away. The whole place shuts down and has-mat units come into play whenever any unknown substance is discovered. Fuck that shit, it’s my Friday…
OT? No that’s glib stuff right there, “what, It doesn’t effect the NAP, I’m going home”
It could have been a toxic stew of anthrax mixed with the plague. Not my concern. I’m not sure if I’m a Libertarian or just old enough to be a “Don’t give a fuckertatarian”.
Very Similar Condition, I suffer from it as well
Amen to that.
Some Friday night Megadeth,
Not that anyone is interested but my wife got offered a job in North Carolina, so we will be moving there soon. Pretty excited, currently live in Virginia.
Good for you, and all the best!
Potentially excellent news. What part of NC?
We are probably going to move to a nearby small town where there is less crime.
Will there really be less crime if you move there?
crime is breaking the law…
It’s nice down that way. I’d settle for that!
Where in NC?
I read that as Where IS NC?
Just above South Carolina
I hear North Carolina is nice. Tell us if that’s true.
Halep and Davis 10-all in the third. Fun stuff.
Haley has served for it three times and been broken, and served to stay in it three times and held. No match points so far.
Halep saves three match points! 11-all.
Yeah, this is intense. Waiting for the Zverev match.
And now Davis claims she lost her toenail.
You find that mop-top a turn-on, don’t you? :-p
Nah, I just think he has the goods to take out those smug pricks Nadal or Federer.
Thiem is on court now that Plišková won.
Österreich über alles
I feel the same way. Should I be questioning other “feelings” at my advanced age? (Asking for a friend who is totally the captain of the swim team)
Nice job by Zverev.
Davis nearly clocking the ball boy was interesting.
Meanwhile, Plišková is serving for it against Šafářová.
You totally copy-pastaed that didn’t you
Nope. The tablet keypad has all the Slavic diacritics.
Well, look at you. I don’t Slavic but my Mac has that handy feature I use for German all the time.
/hisses at Rhywun
Every time I see “dass” instead of “daß” an angel loses its wings.
Verdammte nude Falschschreibung!
Neue, lousy auto-correct.
And now Halep to serve for it again at 14-13.
Can you imagine if it was 105 out like yesterday?!
Do you want to look like the virtue signalling gals at this years Golden Globes? Do you want to support a joke cause? Well then, this post is for you!
Is times up the one all the actresses started?
Yup. All those rich actresses need Joe Blow’s money for their laughable cause.
This was under “Know your rights”
Hey TEE I hope you get that Texas Gig, The I.E. is getting Like L.A. and Mexico Combined, with a Dash of Chicom,
Still haven’t heard anything back yet. But yeah, I really hope I get it too. I’d love to get out of this state finally.
She’d treat a homeless runaway like shit on her shoe. The rest of them as well.
I just opened this Beer, I like Sour Ales, and this knocked me back, so many flavors all at once, it’s a mouthful!
8.38% ABV, seriously, that’s what they called it, 8.38, ooooh, but real Good Beer 4.5/ 5
Local, soon to be out of Azusa Ca. (they are moving)
Hmm. I’m hot and cold on sours. Some are great. But, others are so potent, a few sips is all I can take.
A bottle of a good one goes a long way.
Totally OT. I love being able to manage my own domain’s DNS.
That is all.
Facebook now plans to let users decide which news sources are the most “trustworthy”
Oh noes! They might endorse wrongthink!
I blocked CNN, NYT and the like from my iPhone News app ages ago. I don’t even use it but on the rare occasions I accidentally swiped left and saw a bunch of MSM crap I had to do something.
Im far too stupid for a ‘smart phone’. Id be thrilled if my cell phone had a rotary dial. Other than making phone calls, and occasional texts to my GF or idiot friends, I only use it for web-based stuff when Im trapped in waiting room.
I can’t believe I resisted getting one as long as I did. I do pretty much all of my book reading and music listening on the thing now.
I’m not nearly as much of a Luddite as Tres Sr., but we’re hewn from Mennonite stock.
I get nausea any time I try to anything on someones smart phone, and my fat fingers never touch just one icon.
I text on my dumbfone for work. It takes me a while, but I dos it.
If it weren’t for the regular texting I have to do for work-related stuff, I;d reactivate my RAZR 5 and be done with this smartphone shit.
I love my Galaxy Note Edge. For more intense reading, ala Kindle, I use an LG tablet.
I don’t own either. It would violate the DGAF bubble that I’ve carefully crafted, lo these many years. I had a job wherein I carried two cels, walkies AND as primary on the land lines. That job was why my teeth started falling out.
4chan hacks it and puts a porn site as most trustworthy in 3, 2, 1…
Hey Yusef- I coupled my appreciation of chubby broads, 80s music, and HVAC all into 1:
I like better, But I always liked Her, now more so
I might like You Better,
Ill come to IE for no other reason than to drink beer with you, my friend.
It’s Late, Where you at?
BBC Russian airs critical report of Trump
starts around 5 min mark
Wait, if RT is election interference, then isn’t BBC Russia? Their scandals make less sense than lizard people.
For EGould, or anyone else who might like it, This is 15 minutes driving, and and two hours into a hike from my doorstep,
And here is the entire album, with my son in Black and my Nephew is Beige
I live 36 miles from downtown L.A. So all you Cali haters Can Bite Me!
don’t Miss the Bighorn Sheep at the end, they almost kicked Junior’s ass!
Really nice – Calif really is a wondrous place. I’ve been in those mountains – had family is Sierra Madre.
I grew up in the Bay Area and thought it was the best place on the planet. I don’t even go back to visit. Too many people. You can escape to some great places if you time it right.
Surprised about the sheep that’s fantastic.
I didn’t discover the hills above Berkeley and Oakland until my senior year- a big regret.
In case you forgot we live in those hills. You need to come by some day.
RICHER!!! I’m gonna put a Capital T in your yard and burn it!
/Why a T? Why not!
My Son was Waaay Closer than it looks, Nephew and i were laughing our asses off waiting for the Buck to kick him off the side of the Mountain, The pictures Blew our Minds when we came Home, one of the Best Days of our Lives, and in SoCal!
Nice. I miss hiking.
April, after a rainstorm, we went up and Froze! We of course brought Cold Gear and Rations, but Damn! like from 70 down Below to 15 up top, BRRRR
Holy cow. Where is that?
I’m trying to talk my wife into a good hike/climb like that. No luck so far.
At least I’ve got her weightlifting.
I bought Halo Top ice cream today. Won’t make that mistake again.
I was never any good at Halo. There was a reason my name on the servers was bleeding ass….oh, you weren’t talking about the game. Carry on.
My Kroger was handing that out as a “freebie”. I took just enough marketing classes to know…..
Nobody who tastes it would ever buy it.
I couldn’t even identify the third ingredient.
The fourth ingredient is “love”.
In Pine Bluff, Arkansas tonight. Didn’t know Arkansas had dry counties. Tomorrow, I visit Vicksburg, the Gibraltar of the Mississippi.
“…the Gibraltar of the Mississippi.” Nice.
I have complete faith that the responsible parties will be held accountable.
Did they wipe it, like with a cloth?
Poor old Spiro Agnew is spinning in his grave. A “spirograph” if you will…
Feel sorry for STEVE SMITH. In half hour, government shuts down and Park Rangers are withdrawn from the woods. Less folks for STEVE SMITH to say “hi” to tomorrow morning. And by say”hi”, mean….
I love me some 80’s style keyboard. The best new tune I have heard this week.
MMM OK, Soft 80s Tune but I don’t Hear the Keyboard you speak of,,,
Every body is writing songs with synthesizers, but I don’t own a synthesizer.
Once upon a time there were Punks, and New Wavers, and they did not get along, you see, New wave was Fag Rock at the Time. This meant only Fags Played keyboards, and Punks played Guitars. i bought my First Piano at 32 years old and now have 3 keyboards, I guess I’m a Fag now
Please tell me that you own a keytone!
THIS is 80s Keyboard, at least one example Are Friends Electric?
Hell yeah – love this song.
I fly my R/c Planes to this one, I’m still working on a routine, but it’s fun
My house just blew-up after the government shutdown. So now I’m homeless. Thanks Drumpf
The air is getting thinner. Who’s going to provide air if the government is shutdown?
Oh my God! A plane just fell from the sky. People are screaming and crying. All of us that just barely survived the murderous tax cuts now have to live through this pandemonium?
No, no, no, NO! My dog just exploded! Right in my fucking kitchen. There’s guys and blood everywhere.
Why? WHY would you do this to us Mr. President?
Pretty devious considering the government doesn’t “shut down” for another 15 minutes.
Drumpf transcends time.
Rhywun, just know if these times descend into chaos, and I must barter myself for mansex, you have the upperhand over Tonio.
Jesse has a sad.
Ummm…ever hear of a Nazi time machine? Drumpf went fifteen minutes back in time to double kill us.
You’re probably a Russian bot anyways
Gee Ricky, I’m sorry your mom blew up.
One of the most under-rated movies ever.
“Did S. Wilbur arrange a sex-orgy on Long Island?”
Man, that’s a real shame when folks be throwing away a perfectly good white boy like that.
This little article doesn’t do the story justice. The facility mentioned had numerous safeguards which had to be overcome. The KGB engineered a special miniature x-ray device to determine the combo on one of the locks. For the locks that took keys, they gave their agent clay for making an impression.
Robert Lee Johnson (1922 – May 18, 1972) was an American sergeant who spied for the Soviet Union.
Johnson volunteered to spy for the KGB while he was stationed at Berlin, Germany. He also recruited a former Army friend, James Mintkenbaugh. Johnson worked for the KGB between 1953 and 1964, and passed on information while stationed at various sites in Europe and the U.S.
Most famously, when working in the U.S. courier center at Orly Airport south of Paris, he occasionally had night duty alone in the center, where dispatches arrive to and from Air Force and Army bases in Europe. He used to come out of the center and hand KGB contacts envelopes full of documents to photocopy. They had a car waiting in which they would have sped to the Soviet embassy, photographed the documents, replaced them, and resealed the envelopes so there was no trace that they had been opened. Then they rushed them back to Orly to get them to Johnson before he went off duty in the morning.[1][2]
In 1964, Johnson was turned in by his wife and, like Mintkenbaugh, received a 25-year prison sentence in 1965.[3]
One of the things I enjoyed about Deutschland 83, Das Leben der Anderen, and the like was the depiction of how delightfully low-tech everything was. You know, amidst the horrors that were going on.
Brings a whole new meaning to “Lie back and think of England”.
Any of you kids Familiar with Alice Cooper? Besides being outrageous, He also helped Develop American Punk Rock, Along with Iggy Pop,MC5,the New York dolls and others.
Here is what I think is Alice’s Best Album, Welcome to my Nightmare, It isn’t a Song, it is him dreaming,ala Song Cycle, very cool to listen to the lyrics from beginning to end.
Please Enjoy!
“We’re not worthy!”
I love Alice Cooper and the Stooges
The Black Widow narrated by Vincent Price, right now!
My dad loved Alice Cooper. And Charlie Pride. He had varied tastes.
And “Some Folks” is definitely about Whacking it
In a toolshed?
You mean them Two?
/Mr. Anderson
Didn’t I see this in a movie?
Christ what an asshole
Why am I not surprised…
My freshman year of college (which coincided with the 9-11 attacks) I had a sociology project where we had to discuss our family history with another person in class. There was this one girl I was eyeing, and I got her for the project….but she was muslim and since I’m ghost white she would only communicate over e-mail for the project. I would have made sure she wasn’t halal, but I didn’t get the chance.
Damn, that was fast. Just read about her at TOS this morning.
Did the World just Close? i felt a Great disturbance in the Shwartz, as if Thousands of government Workers screamed out at once……
/and Were never heard from again
Excellent Choice!
Waiting for the plane to take off for home from a business trip. This morning had a working breakfast where one of the client’s team railed on about the tax cut “scam”, saying she couldn’t believe how stupid people are to not realize how badly they’re being screwed. I just smiled politely. Thinking, wow, Facebook and CNN are really effective on smaller minds
I still don’t understand how anyone could be opposed to a tax cut other than increasing deficits. In which case you should be railing against the fact that expenditures haven’t been cut
Cali wants a new law to tax Corps the amount of the Fed tax cut, so the tax cut is erased and goes to Ca, i tell people they will see a cut, they don’t believe it until I explain the percentages and Deductibles, then there Eyes light up.
/The More You Know……
Heck, I showed my wife the simple NYT tax calculator someone linked to (what it here? Or Reasonoids?). We’re definitely getting a nice tax cut, even living in southern CA.
YEah, and hopefully Cheeto actually passes a budget this year for the first time in what, 10yrs?
Do you actually file? or are you Young and Broke? I’m already getting ready for this year, investing and spending forward, in Cali, things look good economically right now
I file and am young and broke. I was self employed for many years and had to pay in while making less than people I knew who got refunds. None of which changes, the job of the legislature is to pass budgets, not continuing resolutions.
continuing resolutions is the reason we need to Tear this mess root from branch, remove ALL of the Bureaucracy and the Legisture as well, and Term Limits!
In this advanced age of statecraft, I do wonder if term limits will give more power to the bureaucrats though. But I do agree with the principal, not quite sure if that if sufficient now though.
Yes, I think so too. Need to cut back size and scope and acceptability of government. I could care less if the same person got reelected until they died if they can’t do squat.
Man, I hope all that travel is worth it, Home is a cool place ya Know?
No argument about how great being home can be. But right now travel pays the rent. Got to see Billings Montana this time for the first time ever, though, pretty cool city. Unfortunately it was raining/foggy the whole visit, so I never got to see the legendary big sky.
That’s too bad. Years ago I worked at an indie film company. We shot a low budget thriller in Kalispell. It was gorgeous up there.
Was she a wealthy blue-stater? Cuz those are the only people getting screwed that I can tell.
No, she was a native Montanan, which really didn’t compute at first…. but then I realized she’s an ‘academic’, so of course not very well-informed, just a herd-follower.
I like to ask such people: how is it selfish to want lower taxes for everyone?
Should’ve reached over and eaten 35% of her omelette.
‘redistributed’ 10% to the needier at the table, then eaten the rest, and ‘borrowed’ another 2% from another persons eggs.
35%? It should be at least 40%.
My girlfriend’s aunt was complaining about the tax cuts a couple weeks ago. One of her points was that she knew no one who was going to benefit from them, and they were just going to benefit “the rich”. I had to point out that I was going to benefit from the tax cuts, and I am far from rich (especially to my girlfriend’s family).
Rolling down the runway so signing off, night all.
Oh, I see how it is, we’re your road bitches.
That’s only when I sign on as “RoadCreon” 😉
YES! I love It!
He’s not a real Doctor, he just plays one on these boards.
Cut him some Slack, He’s a Richer
Safe travels RoadCreon!
OT (is that possible?): Was talking with a friend last night, and we’re seriously contemplating a 4 day weekend to hit up bourbon distilleries in KY. I know a few of y’all live out that way – is a 4 day weekend sufficient, and if so, what places should we not miss?
OK first i don’t know but the AM links is a better place to ask, and…. wait for it..
Fuck Off!!!!
I ain’t that new! I’ve commented before (and even on TOS, under the same name!). But fuck off yourself, Tulpa!
You aren’t new? Hmmm……
Nope. I did change my avatar a little while back, but I’ve commented here (sporadically) before. And I came here from TOS, where I commented sporadically as well. Mostly because I’m late to most threads, and because I’m not sure I can really add value (I’ll keep my mouth shut if I’m not sure I can post something worth reading, and I’m *very* critical of myself on that count).
Comes off as defensive. Yep. It’s a Tulpa.
I’m a Tulpa, you’re a Tulpa, we’re a Tulpa, wouldn’t you like to be a Tulpa too? Here’s the tune
Hmmmm, Fuck Off!
/Just in case
Welcome Tulpa. There is off topic, and I’m going to be making a run to Kentucky this year as well, so I’m interested in responses from those who live there as well.
All Tulpa are welcome!
All welcome are Tulpa!
“Cross over Tulpas. All are welcome, all are welcome. Go into the light. There is peace and serenity in the light.”
“No! You said don’t go into the light!”
So…is Tulpa the worm?
What am I supposed to do with the government shut down? I’ve taken my now-legal amphetamines and have taken up a position on my roof with a rifle (and my laptop) to beat back the invading hordes. In the distance I see that the city is in flames. How will we recover?
Just go on a murder-rape spree. It’s legal now.
Dude! Animal Crackers! You need Animal crackers!
/Scope me, I’m out
I will be at work at my radio station in the morning to hear the EAS signal for the end of the world, but my Glibs password is only saved on my home computer; so I guess you’re all going to die.
Missed it by That.. much
The national parks are safe because they’re closed.
I’m going to go see when I wake up, bet you they aren’t
/15 minute drive
That’s like you can surf at Cliffs but not Jacks in Huntington, how do you enforce that?
Sure that isn’t just a fireplace through your neighbor’s window?
CNN has govt shutdown timer and many alarmist articles.
Alarmism has become their calling card.
At least the article confirms that the Democrats are 100% responsible for the shutdown:
Yes, “lawmakers”, belonging to some unspecified political party. Who knows? Could be anyone.
If they’re going to make a big deal about the shut down, they should do a purge style announcement:
I already have Deals with my Beer guy and Herbalist, i’m bartering Chickens and A/C for Beer, and one of my orphans for Cigarettes, it’s come to that
If only “essential” government employees will work during the shutdown…
…why the fuck do the others work at all? They’re non-essential! Why is FedGov paying them? World need ditch-diggers too?
Who’s gonna fill in the Grand Canyon during the Shutdown? Indians? Mexicans?
I’m playing Assassin’s Creed Origins. I’m at a part of the game that has really pissed me off and I’m not stopping tonight until I kill the bastards that did this digital crime.
I bought that for my son to play…I really oughta play through more of the AC games. I think I left off around Black Flag.
You’ll be much happier if you’re a game behind like me. I still have syndicate to play, and the world is still full of wonder. I have work in 7hrs, so off to pass out I am.
CNN journeys to Alabama in search of Republicans in the Mist
More Republicans in the Mist
Why the poorest county in West Virginia has faith in Donald Trump
I just found out today that a guy from the neighborhood is going to prison on Monday. Little Man is the name I have known him by for a decade. I’ve kept my polite distance because it is quite obvious he is a hoodlum, but always run into him at the store or on the street. To his immense credit he has borrowed tools from me and returned them. That is an unusually rare trait, even with normals. It might be a long stretch, he has numerous strikes. Four ounces of meth and weapons charges when you already have a few strikes is not looked upon kindly.
I Hate that, and had some similar scenes, as it were.. Good People with Troubles, IYKWIMAIKYD
IYKWIMAIKYD Scribble, I know what you mean
I just can’t understand why someone would have 4 ounces of meth on them at one time. If it’s a personal use thing, that’s what? Once every (hang on, lemme go to google).
If you’re a good bargain shopper and have the discipline to buy wholesale, when you do, for the love of god, be careful. Replace the bulbs in your turn signals and tail lights. Update your registration. Don’t have Bob Marley stickers and rasta flags on your car.
I’m shocked at the number of people who will do dumb, impulsive shit when they’re carrying felony weight.
if Your moving 4 oz of anything, it’s usually for a deal, If you are a meth Head, you do’t drive around with ALL of your stash,well……
The guy is actually pretty damn smart mechanically but a total mess otherwise. I doubt it was all for personal use. Funny enough he is a Dreamer. Brought over from Palestine when he was a kid. There’s a lot of them and Lebanese around here, most of them Christian. They tried to deport him before and they did not succeed in finding anyone willing to take him back.
When you bear an AKA as your nomer, chances are you are going to serve some time. * Pro-tip* Don’t whistle in prison. The lifers will fuck you up.
Two weeks ago I was on the porch and he passed in front and asked if he could take the Christmas tree I had put out down to the beach to burn it. I said sure and then twenty minutes later saw him riding his beach cruiser down the street with his ghetto blaster strapped to the front trailing a tree behind him with rope. He tied up our tree and continued down the street dragging the two trees in a caravan behind him.
Ah. The rare and variable Donald Sutherland! You were able to watch it feed on the wing! Lucky beggar!
If it was EXACTLY 2 weeks ago, the Christmas trees might have been appropriately flammable. Any earlier, and he’s just pulling pud.
Office Manager Mohammed! wishes You to Listen real Music!
J S Bach Cello in G, the best version in the World, 29 minutes, but the first are the best
Thanks, Yusef! Life is short and life is shit and soon it will be over but stuff like this makes you hang on by your fingernails. You made a difference, pal.
I are stupid cant coplete sentcs
Papa Bach. Impossible to top that.
Mischa Maisky smokes YOYO whoever,
Style,Emotion and Skill,
Oh J C Bach,one of His Sons, the London Bach, was pretty Badass too
I don’t know what to say. Can I adopt all of them?
SFed the Linky bro
Hmmmmm. Maybe this one will catch.
Better, but sorry, kinda meh, nothing new, IMO
This is cool, This Man just Passed away,
You take that back, Good Sirrah, else I slap you back to the maid’s quarters where you so richly belong!
Please, Homie ain’t no bitch!
Beefheart fan, eh?
I actually take that back. He made a lot of good tunes but alas, a shit-load of dischordant noise.
I don’t get everyone trying to get all Html, Control+c, Control+v, how hard is that?
/Unless you have a Psycho doG going nuts right now..
New supervisor at my work-place thought it was a grand idea to bring her dogs to work. Pooped and peeped everywhere. “You won’t tell, will you?” Of course not but it’s hard to hide doggy tracks…
Bella is a piece of work, at a Job? your not kidding, Crap, lol
I work alone for the most part but my little dog would find the onliest place to drop a deuce. I hate to leave her alone but…
I will start,good Night Glibs, wherever you are!
Godspeed, fellow glibs.
Just watched late 60’s early 70’s toy commercials and realized that between my brother and myself we were gifted about 85% of them. What a couple of grasping shit-stains we were. Sorry about that Mom and Dad.
Welp…home again, home again at lunch today. Thanks Congress. Least I only had to drive 2 hours to get here (compared to 8 hours or a flight). Losing the money is gonna hurt though – not to mention all the coordinated training I’ve had scheduled. Just got my second CA school billet yesterday afternoon – will try and apply for orders but at this point, who knows if they’ll even issue/fund the orders before the first on in 3 weeks. This is so freaking stupid. (unless they reschedule these schools – they’ve only been scheduled for a couple iterations the entire year – and I’ve been waiting since Sept).
Oh god. Simultaneous puking and voiding. My daughter was sick first and her Mom felt bad yesterday and now it’s on me, again. I never had a viral ill for at least ten years but since November it’s like a rolling stone. I can’t seem to shake this creeping malaise.
It’s a replay but it feels right.
One of my psych ward songs. I started a relationship with one of my nurses. It ended badly. Turns out thirty years later she’s a closet drunk, too. Fuck my life.
This is how sick i feel. Come and wet my brow, Basia…