To start with the disclaimer, I have read quite little of the considerable corpus of either the Frankfurt school – a many of whom were, in fact, neo-Marxists – or postmodern philosophy – quite a number of whom were, in fact, Marxists or neo-Marxists. What little I have read was, for me, rather uninteresting and kinda obscurantist, which I dislike, and overall not a good use of my time. Why am I writing about it? It is the internet, brethren. This is what it is for. Reading is for cucks; writing opinions on any and everything is for the modern Alpha male. So I am about to drop the definitive view on Cultural Marxism et al.
Now, cultural Marxism is en vogue these days among certain segments of the population, of the right wing persuasion. It is sort of like fascism for the left. The difference is that, beyond being buzzy and exaggerated, it is slightly more accurate, at least in my opinion. Most things that are literally Nazi are not Nazi much, if at all. But many things that are cultural Marxist can be somewhat described as such. As long as you define the term properly (and in these brave new worlds of ours, you get to define everything for yourself and thus never lose a debate)
When I use a phrase like “Cultural Marxism, Critical theory and postmodern nonsense”, I use it knowing well enough that those are different concepts and that they don’t quite gel together. It is a way to describe some modern leftists’ views that take a bit from each place, usually the worst bit, and mix it up together.
These elements of the Modern Left are not really critical theory; it is not really postmodern philosophy. Current postmodern philosophy may not be postmodern philosophy, but, being obscurantist, no one can tell, really. There is great debate what Derrida or Foucault or whomever really meant. This is not relevant that much, it is more how what they said is interpreted in the rpesent. On my Romanian lit papers in high school, no one cared what the poet really wanted to say with this or that metaphor, but what respectable literary critics thought they meant.
So what is cultural Marxism? It is used, yes, excessively, as a generic catch all term for “Everything I don’t like is cultural Marxist” by some on the right. But does the term have its uses? In serious debates, probably rather limited. But in less-than-serious ones, it can send across some information – people know, in a general way, what you mean when you say it. But is there a rigorous, clear definition?
Wikipedia does not seem to have a page on it, except as a subsection of Frankfurt School saying:
“‘Cultural Marxism” in modern political parlance refers to a conspiracy theory which sees the Frankfurt School as part of an ongoing movement to take over and destroy Western society.
Now, I admitted as much that it is a catch all buzzy word. But conspiracy theory seems a bit strong to me. I have seen many left wingers recently on the interwebz countering the term with “conspiracy theory”. Not to engage in conspiracy theory, it does seem a bit coordinated.
Wiki: “The term ‘cultural Marxism’ has an academic usage within cultural studies, where it refers to a form of anti-capitalist cultural critique which specifically targets those aspects of culture that are seen as profit driven and mass-produced under capitalism”
Well, yes. And in many views of the successors of the Frankfurt school those aspects of culture that are seen as profit driven and mass-produced under capitalism are almost all aspects of culture.
Continued: “it was misappropriated by paleoconservatives as part of an ongoing culture war in which it is argued that the very same theorists who were analyzing and objecting to the “massification” and mass control via commercialization of culture were in fact working in a conspiracy to control and stage their own attack on Western society,”
Ah, here we get to the key points. Was it misappropriated? In a way yes, but many words were, sadly, changed in meaning over time. But it was only partially misappropriated; it had a nugget of truth.
Let’s address “take over and destroy Western society”.
I think it is quite obvious many elements of the left wanted to obtain social change. It is clear to me that a way of achieving this is through taking over educational and cultural institution. Just like elements of the right want the same thing. Where is the conspiracy theory? Most of the vast right wing and left wing conspiracies alike are quite in the open. We are having a sort of kind of war aren’t we, on the cultural front. It is clear the sides want different things and are willing to use this war to get them. So where is the conspiracy? Hell, even some classical Marxist use the term cultural Marxist in a derogatory fashion, because they believe it draws attention from class war to more meaningless struggles.
Wait Pie, Culture War is also an ill-defined buzzword. Never mind you that, that is not the point, focus here!
All activists want to change society in a way they see fit. That is why they are activists. Progressives quite more so then others, it is one of their defining characteristics. All people in the culture war want something different. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
And anyone with half a brain can see the left are trying to shove their social justice views in popular culture, being books, movies, games, comics, etc. It is not conspiracy that in certain areas of education it is more likely to have a Marxist professor than a moderate conservative one. And to the right, this equates with a destruction of Western Civilization as they see it. No need to see conspiracies everywhere. If I believe socialism destroys society (and I do), then I believe people who push socialism aim to destroy society. Maybe they don’t believe they do, but that does not change things. And they do quite clearly state that western society must be radically changed, in way to make it almost unrecognizable. So… destroy and rebuild in a different fashion, but destroy nonetheless.
I will come on record: I despise most of what the social justice left wants to achieve and would very much like to see it stopped. I outed myself as a supporter of conspiracy theories.
So basically Cultural Marxism, Critical theory and postmodern nonsense for me means the modern far left side of the culture war and the weapons used by them, attacking culture and education that does not conform, intersectionality and the oppression Olympics, attacking reason and reality when it does not go their way, calling math and science racist, sexist, ableist. Making everything white patriarchy. Can there be better definitions for this? Sure. I usually try to avoid these terms myself. But cultural Marxism can be good enough on Twitter – not that I am on Twitter, mind you. Helps some folks never forget these people support actual Marxism. The good ones do, others are Stalinists and Maoists.
So can you tell us more of postmodern philosophy? Carpenter in the sky, you people with all the questions. Ask HM or something, he’s the one blessed with the gift of book learning (I got the looks and sexual endowment part instead).
And on this note, how about you my fellow glibs? Do you like your Marxism of the cultural variety? Is your theory critical? Would you say you moved on beyond modernism? Thoughts below.
OT: A history of blaster control a long, long time ago and far, far away….
While I have doubts about our resident moroi’s claims as to his relative virility, since you’re here HM, a
pennyTHOT for your thoughts?That really, really, looks like a girl I once dated in Bangkok.
I’m fishing in the wrong sea. Good lord.
Dude, I told you this like a year ago.
In fairness, I’m fishing in the Sahara.
Bangkok the city or Bangkok as in your Saturday night with her?
One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.
That’s cause some men can’t distinguish between the ladies and the lady boys?
“But conspiracy theory seems a bit strong to me.”
Tell that the writers at TOS who played dumb in an article about some speaker who railed against ‘Cultural Marxism’. I can’t remember the article or who wrote it (I think Robbie), but the whole article they suggested that the speaker was a crazy conspiracy theorist and the proof was that he used the phrase ‘Cultural Marxism’. Socialism would never be successful if it wasn’t for useful idiots.
“it was misappropriated by paleoconservatives as part of an ongoing culture war in which it is argued that the very same theorists who were analyzing and objecting to the “massification” and mass control via commercialization of culture were in fact working in a conspiracy to control and stage their own attack on Western society,”
Whoever wrote the above obviously has little to no understanding of why this sounds dumb. What I find odd about this definition is that paleoconservatives are not really big defenders of commercialization or free markets, in general, either. Russel Kirk (who one might have called a paleoconservative before such a thing had a name) was not a big free market guy, but he detested socialists. When I think of paleoconservatives (Buchanan, Kirk, Taki, everyone who writes for Chronicles Magazine), I don’t think of great defenders of free markets. They dislike socialists for completely different reasons and it has nothing to do with their criticisms of capitalism
Also, good article Pie. I read the whole thing rather quickly. It was very well written
There’s “cultural Marxism” as the phrase is used by most people, and then it’s original connotation, which arose from the fever-swamps of 4chan’s /pol/ that is, indeed, a batshit insane conspiracy theory.
Most people do not use it like that but as a buzzy term for intersectional left
But if /pol/ is always right…
I would add that an important missing piece is postcolonialism/Orientalism. In additional to being just an all-around son of a bitch, one of the most damaging ideas to come from Edward Said is that all white, Euro/N.American folks criticism of Islam is moot due to the fact that they can never possess the magical decoder ring inherent in the minds of brown people that converts something like
One thing I like about Buddhism is its brevity.
Not all variants of Buddhism are so idyllic. Just look at Tibet before the Chinese occupation
While the Vajrayana is not the font from which I draw my spirituality, you have to remember that a lot of the more lurid claims of death cults and sex slavery were hyperbolic claims by the Red Chinese in order to justify their “liberation” of Tibet.
That having been said, I acknowledge the situation of Tibet is more complex than they were just sitting around minding their own business when the Communists came.
I’m not trying to defend the godless Communists, either, mind you
This post would be much more fun if you used “ChiComs” instead of “Red Chinese”. Just my opinion.
I’m not defending all of Said’s pronouncements, but the notion that Americans have a limited understanding of Islam and the Arab world is true. But, I suppose that’s true for everything in the world. The average American is woefully ignorant of foreign affairs. Maybe, purposefully.
Meh i would not credit the average any nation resident as to knowledgable.
The average American is woefully ignorant of foreign affairs.
Feature, not bug. /establishment
Fair. I’m sorry for falling into the Leftist dichotomy of unfairly singling out Americans.
Most people around the world are just trying to get by, put food on the table, and enjoy life, such as it is, wherever they may be.
Politics junkies are a small minority of the world’s population, and the left hates that, because we’re all supposed to be one big happy family of concern trolls.
I’m not going to disagree with that point, but I will contend that the citizens of other countries are far more knowledgeable, on a superficial basis, of the rest of the world than your average American citizen. I’m not saying that is a bad thing- I’m just saying that’s a thing.
There’s a reason why the quote: “war is God’s way of teaching American geography” is so famous
To be fair. They are elsware in the world, why wouldn’t they know a bit more about what’s outside of the US than Americans do? A German is going to know more about what is going on in Italy than the average American is but a guy from Washington state is going to know more about what’s going on in Texas than that German is going to know.
I don’t know, I find Europeans to be shockingly ignorant about America.
It’s also a question of influence. I know a decent amount about California’s latest idiocy, but I know nothing about what happens in West Virginia, because even though living in Pennsylvania my state borders West Virginia, California has a bigger impact on my life. Similarly, while German politics are unlikely to affect me, American politics have a much higher chance of impacting a German.
That’s the rational ignorance I pointed out above. Americans don’t need to know as much about what other countries are doing, so they don’t.
I may be wrong in my contention. I’m only saying this from my own experience, which is simply anecdotal. I’m not going to deny that Europeans are ignorant about the intricacies of American society and even our geography (the last time I was in Italy, a person I was talking with was astounding to realize how far Chicago was from New York City), but, for the most part, a fairly educated, middle class European is knowledgeable about the general history of America. I don’t think the same is true about a fairly educated, middle class American, who is probably unfamiliar with the Franco-Prussian War and its implications on forming Germany, or Garibaldi and his invasion of Sicily, or of Napoleon III and the birth of the 2nd French Republic, or how all three of those incidences are intertwined and impacted one another.
Regardless, I often push back when Europeans say how ignorant Americans are about them that all Americans need to know is about America, because the rest of the world is shit and unimportant. The Europeans should constantly be reminded that they are an inferior brand of Enlightenment and live in decrepit and tragically flawed societies.
We went to Germany in 2010 and ran into a guy and his wife from the Netherlands at a cafe and started chatting. He was absolutely misinformed about the US, started talking about rich Americans vacationing in Europe. I rattled off median incomes in the US and my home state converted to euros and how much my wife and I made which was about 2/3 of the median income. Blew the poor guys mind. He was a train conductor and brought in 60,000+ euros while I was a rich American vacationing in Europe who made 30,000 euros. It was pretty funny.
I’m sure US defense spending impacts a German, if we spent less he’d have to pay for his countries share of the void.
If you sub states for countries, I’d say the average person is about as knowledgable (or ignorant) about their continent as anyone else. Ask a random Euro where Nebraska is will likely get about a blank stare as Slovenia would here. Rhode Island and Andorra probably tie in either direction.
Andorra is a Jeopardy question, while Rhode Island is a place where people move away from.
Singling out Americans when there are perfectly terrible Canadians right next door is the Nick Gillespie of region war.
What about the Canadians eating America from within?
If I remember correctly, you’ve holed up in the finger lakes region, which means New York. You can’t do any damage there.
They are in Florida too! But I think the pythons and gators will take care of that.
can’t do any damage there
No, the states like New York need repair, not further damage.
/knowing wink
Indeed, as the various assimilation “difficulties” are illustrating in Europe right now. The people who think it’s okay to kill or maim a spouse, sister, or daughter; or to sexually abuse children; or to assault people who blaspheme or offend them; use the George Costanza defense for a reason: it’s what they know. The problem really arises when you add in another truism, most people don’t really have much respect for foreign cultures, either.
None of this is to say that the Swedes, French, or whomever were living in an idyllic racially harmonious liberal paradise before the dirty brown hordes showed up or any such thing. It’s only to note that there are cultural differences and the ignorance of and disrespect for unfamiliar cultures is not unique to Europeans or Americans.
There’s a difference between saying someone is ignorant of another culture, and what Said claimed, which is that Western experience of the East will always be tainted by their ideological lens, of which colonialism and mercantilism are two. Thus we get the situation that Hugh Fitzgerald has lamented for almost 20 years now, in which Middle Eastern Studies is dominated by Arab Muslim scholars (and their obsequious colleagues, like Juan Cole) and any textual criticism by others of say, the Qur’an and its authorship, becomes impossible without accusations of racism and Islamophobia.
The difference being one of those things should be considered a bad thing to say
Or not to fall into leftism bad is irrelevant. Not true is betrer
Not to attack your contention, but is it fair to say that you are sometimes harsher on Arabs and Muslims than on others? I’m not saying that you are wrong, I am just asking
No. I don’t find that fair at all. The current zeitgeist means there are a lot more Muslims acting badly than, say, Mormons. However, on both TOS and here, I have expressed my disgust at the Burmese treatment of the Rohingya (as well as the seeming indifference by Malaysians and Indonesians towards Rohingya refugees.)
What we have to remember is that we only see a slice of each other. If it would help to bring context, know that for almost 20 years, I have been involved with helping groups of Bosniaks, Somalis, and now Syrian refugees and asylees to learn English and get jobs. I would reject a claim of any particular anti-Arab or anti-Muslim bias other than the fact that I am neither Arab nor Muslim (though I look as Semitic and swarthy as one).
I didn’t mean to besmirch you. That wasn’t my intention. I’m sorry for offending you.
No worries. I wasn’t offended. I realize that we only know each other from what we write here.
(as well as the seeming indifference by Malaysians and Indonesians towards Rohingya refugees.)
Well, they’re not Malay (or Javanese, etc.) are they? One of the interesting lessons to come out of the pan-African and pan-Arab movements is that there is most people don’t seem to have any such sense of unity. We are us, they are them seems to rule over we’re all struggling together.
Yes, basically. The rank hypocrisy though, of Mahathir Mohammad and the UMNO grandstanding about the Palestinians and Zionism under the banner of Muslim unity and the ummah while sending back at gunpoint boatloads of their fellow co-religionists to face murder and rape at the hands of Burmese paramilitaries.
HM what is you view if anu on nassim taleb and his crusad so to speak to separate good mediteranians from bad arabs?
Taleb is an interesting cat. That having been said, pissing matches between Levantines and Gulf Arabs is as old as the Roman Empire. Taleb is drawing from a long history of regionalist rivalry.
I blame the Philistines.
Most Americans are Christian. Those I know don’t see the reasons one would want to be a Muslim. Because of all the “religion of peace” stuff about Muslims, they think “Why not just be Christians; we are the religion of peace too.” Maybe one of you out there who is a convert to Islam can enlighten us to the doctrine, principles, life living precepts that make Islam better (for them) than Christianity?
I am not Muslim, but the Catholic schools that I attended taught us the basic precepts of the other main Abrahamic faiths (minus most Protestant denominations, because the Catholics would rather ignore them). I also have a few friends that are devout Muslims. Just like Jews choosing not to be Christian, the rationale is the same for Muslims: they don’t believe in the divinity of Jesus. Although, in contrast to Jews, they do believe that Jesus was the messiah (just not the son of God) and the Koran discusses the birth of Jesus (from my understanding, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is the only woman whose name is used in the Koran, but this may be wrong, as I have never read the entirety of the Koran).
For the most part the belief system of Islam does not differ considerably from most mainstream Christianity or Judaism. The whole ‘religion of peace’ label is an invention by secular progressives who know as much about Islam as they do any religion, beyond progressivism. The central tenant of Islam is submission before God, which is what the word ‘Islam’ literally means (ironically, Israel means ‘wrestles with God’).
Islam considers Jesus a prophet, not the messiah. The messiah is yet to come.
It’s a different definition of messiah.
Now a good Shia might get really upset with us…
Probably a bit closer to Orthodox Judaism than Christianity, when it comes to some of the rules (dietary, etc). The Faith, prayer (a bit more formal than Christianity) charity and fasting parts are similar to both. The pilgramage to Mecca is obviously a big difference.
Considering that whole God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son thing is central to Christianity, I wouldn’t really say Islam is really close to Christianity.
I meant more so in response to “Because of all the “religion of peace” stuff about Muslims, they think “Why not just be Christians; we are the religion of peace too.””. Yeah, your right, the practices are quite different and so are the beliefs. I mean the ethics are fairly similar. Of course there are differences between Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Aren’t you Methodist, Swiss?
I thought Methodists were all into the ‘getting along to get along’ camp?
I know a few American converts. Most of them were atheists or non-practicing Christians beforehand who converted after making Muslim friends and going to the mosque to see what it was about, or who converted to marry Arab or south Asian women. I converted to marry my wife, but don’t practice the religion (or particularly like it). I know other people who’ve taken to it after converting for marriage, probably because of the novelty – they remind me of Walter Sobchak. It’s very easy to convert. They don’t ask a lot of questions, the ‘ceremony’ takes five minutes, and if you have Muslim friends there’s a fair bit of positive encouragement to join their club. I’d be curious to see statistics, but I doubt Muslims have much success converting practicing Christians. The Ahmadis were the most active of the proselytizing groups in the US, and from what I understand they targeted the hippie communities that were already into eastern religions and philosophy.
So, bottom line, there appears to be no reason that members of these religions shouldn’t tolerate those who believe differently; and there’s certainly no reason to crusade against or kill them. What you believe or not is of no consequence to me or my beliefs…until you swing your fist and hit my nose.
Seems like Muslims do have a reason — that their religion is far more political than Christianity (whose politics seems to amount to “endure the asskickings you’re getting until the world ends in about five years”, which is why most of the history of political Christianity has been winging it) and prescribes a religious equivalent of something in between Nazi Germany and Jim Crow society, mitigated somewhat by the possibility of conversion from oppressed to oppressor. Basically, certain minorities (pagans, heretics, apostates, fags) should be exterminated, others (Christians and Jews) should merely pay poll taxes and be treated as a permanent underclass, and put down hard if they get uppity and start thinking they’re equal.
Extremists are going to be extremists first, no matter what they convert to. All the converts I know are more Cat Stevens than John Walker Lindh, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a noticeable supremacist strain in Islam that people can prioritize.
Speech codes and Political Correctness are the primary weapons of the cultural marxist.
The idea came from the Bolsheviks who in their efforts to control thought, imposed speech controls. While a statement may be factually correct (such as James Damore’s memo to his fellow Google employees) with politically incorrect. In other words, it was bad for the party and ran counter to what the party would have us believe (regardless of all proof to the contrary).
Wikipedia is an excellent source for political information. As long as what you are interested in is how far left aspies see the world.
They really stoped trying for impartiality
“Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing. “
Read my mind, Swiss. It’s honestly creepy as fuck how leftism seeps into everything in the public sphere after a while.
Robert Conquest = smart fella.
You will occasionally find articles that don’t kowtow to the left-of-center bias but only on less popular topics or individuals. There also is some honesty on articles specifically about non-leftist ideologies if only because they are camped by adherents.
N.B. by honest I mean intellectual honesty (i.e., it describes what the ideology holds not how leftists caricature it, there are the opinions of adherents as well as critics given, etc.), not necessarily “a totally unbiased and completely factual view” (whatever that means in the context of ideology).
Last I checked, the article on female neoteny is a PUA/alt-right shitshow.
female neoteny
I’m uh, just gonna take your word on that. I’d sooner visit the article on Nazism than that one.
Mention that to any of the feminism wikipedians and that will be eliminated toot sweet.
(do not actually do this. Even though it would be a hilarious demonstration to time the events with a stopwatch, destroying some else’s work that isn’t bothering you is a dick move))
There’s been rumours of a Thad Russell versus Jordan Peterson debate on postmodernism and how it applies to all of the culture war garbage we are seeing today.
Should be interesting discussion, as I like both of these gentleman and their respective ideas quite a bit. I’m pretty sure Russell’s take on PoMo is a lot different than your average ANTIFA idiot.
Also, fuck Herbert Marcuse with a rusty sewer pipe.
Speaking of Marxists – California Democrats want businesses to give half their tax-cut savings to state.
They might as well proclaim the People’s Republic and get it over with.
We were just talking about why Amazon would want to open a new headquarters somewhere outside of Seattle.
This is why.
And the HQ2 would end up being the fall back Only HQ, right?
One of the things I learned from reading Cialdini’s first book is that people will fight harder to not lose something they have, over gaining something that they don’t have. In this case, once they get a whiff of those Trump tax cuts, it’s going to be very hard to get those companies on board for state tax increases. That’s not going to help if they want to keep businesses in the state.
Hence the immense difficulty of taking a blowtorch to things like Social Security or Obamacare. Once it’s there, it’s there for good, no matter how ill-fated it may be.
They knew that when they lied their ass off to pass that debacle.
This has me almost giddy. I can’t wait to watch Cali state reps twist themselves into pretzels explaining why people in other states already received rather generous pay increases and benefits as a result of the tax cuts while Californians will be getting exactly jack shit.
They’ll try the old “But the climate and surroundings are so much nicer here!” (except for the mudslides and fires). Failing that, it will be “But we provide so much more to our citizens than other states!” (except for all the homeless people and excess of excrement). They do have their work cut out for them.
“But the climate and surroundings are so much nicer here!”
Here’s the correct usage of the phrase:
You didn’t build that!
They’ll try the old “But the climate and surroundings are so much nicer here!”
In my limited experience, the awesomeness of the microclimates and the closeness of both mountains and ocean wears off very quickly.
Living in a place without proper seasons is weird for somebody who has experienced seasons all their life.
I haven’t been to the mountains in 2 years.
Ocean? Yeah, several times a week.
I’m in the opposite position here on the east coast. If it weren’t for the slope of the hill I lived on, I’d have a pristine view of the mountains from my front porch. The AT is less than an hour away and decent skiing is 90 minutes away. The ocean is about an hour away, and good beaches are 2-3 hours away, so we tend to do mountains rather than beach.
The mountains here in SoCal are tricky to time visiting. No weekends or holidays, way too crowded. No between July through November, too hot/firestorms. During spring, no if it’s raining, flash flooding. Also, many trails are closed in the days following a good rain. Also, many trails close following fires, and stay closed for a long time. Sometimes permanently. The info the govt provides about trail closures is sketchy. I use Modern Hiker for trail info.
I love trail running in the mountains. I only do it maybe 4 times a year. Plus it takes me an hour+ to drive from Long Beach to a decent trail head.
Today, I’m gonna go run up and down Signal Hill. At least I’ll stay in shape for mountain trails.
And it would be a perfect day to be in the mountains. Damn.
Upland, 15 minutes from Icehouse Canyon and Cucamonga Wilderness,No crowds, no trash, too high for the local Scum, lot’s of Asians, it’s very Nice
except for the mudslides and fires
Don’t forget earthquakes!
Somewhat related, my daughter just texted to ask how someone can be a communist/anarchist. She is bright enough to recognize that those things don’t go together.
Good for her and her developing bullshit detector.
You can’t have private property and anarchy.
/Antifa AnCom
Screaming, yelling and breaking shit is a strange interpretation of anarchism.
It sure is.
They tend to agree that anarchy means no rulers … but can’t follow the logic that it requires rulers to take and redistribute.
I’m fairly certain that screaming, yelling, and breaking shit is exactly what would happen during anarchism, which would quickly lay the groundwork for a return to feudalism.
And while I do agree that anarchy and communism are not compatible, but there were a pretty decent number of pinkos who supported anarchism under the idea that in order to bring about the communist utopia, you first had to burn this mother down.
which would quickly lay the groundwork for a return to feudalism.
“But we still get to assault people for wearing braids, right?”
Also, what Drake said.
By doing that thing they do where they use a word in a way that means something different from general usage, in order to deceive people who use it in the standard sense. When they refer to -archy, they don’t mean “any social system which has leaders”, they mean “any social system which has leaders who are not them“. Under that definition, communism could very well be anarchy — though they usually forget that There Can Be Only One, and odds are it won’t be them after the purges.
It’s always about overthrowing the existing power center with these douchebags
All activists want to change society in a way they see fit. That is why they are activists. Progressives quite more so then others, it is one of their defining characteristics. All people in the culture war want something different. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.
Some of us recognize the futility of trying to make shit run uphill.
If you blow hard enough…
But then the shit hits the fan!
In a sluggish Economy
Inflation, Recession
Hits the land of the free
Standing in unemployment lines
blame the government
for hard times
we just get by
however we can
we all gotta duck when the shit hits the fan
10 kids in a cadillac
stand in line for welfare checks
let’s all leach off the state
gee! the money is really great!
soup lines
free loaves of bread
5lb blocks of cheese
bags of groceries
social security
has run out on you and me
we do whatever we can
gotta duck when the shit hits the fan
I can’t believe I used to like these guys.
“Nice friends you have there, Otto.”
“Thanks….I made em myself!”
Oh, and “shooby-dooby-do-wop-wop-say-what, yeah”
No need to see conspiracies everywhere.
Self-selection is not a conspiracy. Individuals gravitate toward what they prefer.
A lot of people ride motocross bikes, but it would be foolish to pretend there is some sort of cultural conspiracy to put us all on two knobby tires.
Explain mopeds to me then…
Some people claim that like banging fat chicks they are a heap of fun, but you don’t want to be seen by your friends doing either…
I would argue that Said’s “contribution” can’t be understated and exposes itself in a number of subtle (and not-so-subtle ways):
For example, his “work” provides the theoretical (I use the term loosely) underpinning for the modern Left’s favorite logical fallacy, the “you-can’t-have-an-opinion-on-that-issue-because-you’re-not __________” argument.
The notion that human beings are unable EVEN to empathize, let alone truly understand others based on their skin-color, gender, etc. is disgusting and a betrayal of Enlightenment humanistic values that are the foundation of our civilization.
Special place in Hell for people like Said, in my opinion.
Well said! That was what I was trying to say less concisely than you did.
If you want to see cultural Marxism in action, look no further than the environmental movement in California.
It has nothing to do with environmental quality, and everything to do with collectivism and anti-capitalism.
In a way, it is a conspiracy: to take my money and give me a shit sandwich in return. In this case, the shit sandwich is electric cars and expensive high speed trains to Fresno.
Wot? U no Fresno?
Yes, via the Greyhound bus.
Reality based politics
On Saturday, a false warning of an incoming ballistic missile attack coupled with the needlessly rising tensions between Trump and Kim Jong Un left everyone in Hawaii thinking they were minutes away from possible annihilation. While this occurred, Trump was golfing. The obvious truth is that the country isn’t truly safe in Trump’s hands – and Congress shouldn’t wait for actual missiles hurtling towards our cities to acknowledge and act on that.
Is this idiot Steyer still handling other people’s money? Because I’d rather have one of the panhandlers in Bozeman giving me investment advice.
He has recently “purchased” some editorial space in a few publications, ie US News.
It’s odd. None of my facebook friends who shared that link seem to care about Citizens United anymore. So odd.
If only we could elect an omniscient, omnipotent being to the office of President.
You rang?
That’s a new word I made up.
*confusedly looks around for boobs*
#insert Olivia d’Abo/Amanda Rodgers pictures here
Thank you picture fairy!
I thought this article on the media’ rules for whom is fault when there is a government shutdown was pretty funny:
I appreciated it.
I read comments. May God have mercy on my soul.
ugh. I finally noticed the picture.
Sitting around whining about shit all day is really bad for the body. The angry armadillo on the left doesn’t even need a shield.
I love, LOVE the idea of an antifa “warrior” sporting a peacock blue-and-pink Old Navy sweatshirt. Hysterical.
Armadillos have fewer parasites.
I think with “Cultural Marxism”, or “Marxism”, or “Progressivism”, or even “Fascism” or “Nazism”, once you cut through the bullshit and the principals and policies and try to boil it down to an ethos, you find only one principle: the will to power*. Thus, “social justice” describes a society in which they have full control, and “oppression” is one in which they do not. There’s nothing more to it than that, and people with any amount of decency rightly find the naked truth of it so evil and horrifying that layers upon layers of bullshyte have to be piled on top to disguise it and market it. Thus, bullshyte peddlers are always valuable under these ideologies, and so are drawn to them.
*I think the proper term for it would be “kratism”, or, to the extent it always devolves into something resembling religion at its worst, “kratotheism”. And it’s basically the political equivalent of Satan; while it might not be true of all the dupes they sell on utopian dreams, if you could compel any kratotheist to be perfectly truthful, he’ll agree that he would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven.
Cultural Marxism implies a very specific way of getting to power, though.
Does it? I guess I am more focused on the end result these people want to achieve, so that might taint my opinion.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown has made an enemy.
I hope nobody ever judges me by the quality of my enemies.
As stated, she tried to straddle the border between freedom and SJWism. The SJWs are on a nonstop purification purge; she was bound to get devoured by them eventually. The ball is in her court; either she’ll rethink her positions and become an actual libertarian, or she’ll dispense with the masquerade and become the hardcore prog she’s always wanted to be.
Shorter version: she’s made her sandwich, let her eat it.
*prolonged applause*
I can’t wait for her inevitable walk-back.
I think quite a few of the cosmo types don’t truly understand that, in the end, their buddies will lump them in with the rest of us.
Also, I’ve seen this a few places now – the hell is with the cutesy references to “Kamala”? I get that Medium isn’t exactly the Economist, but I’ve seen Harris referred to as simply “Kamala” in other publications, and Senator T-Bone’s three-hanky performance in the Nielsen hearing the other day featured him talking about “Kamala”. Give me a fucking break.
It’s branding. Expect it to morph into “Kamala!” in italics.
This author, really should have learned, how to use, a comma, properly.
And the difference between ‘cites’ and ‘sites’. As I noted when the Twatterstorm hit, anyone with a name like Cherokee Schills with such bad spelling probably meant ‘Shills’ when ‘she’ set her account up, and is probably a pink-haired gibbering idiot who idolizes Chanty Binx.
Not exactly, but close enough for government work
as noted elsewhere: her enemy doesn’t know how commas work, and misuses words repeatedly.
None of my facebook friends who shared that link seem to care about Citizens United anymore. So odd.
There are still a few people whining about “dark money” contaminating politics, out here. But I think that only counts for ruble-denominated contributions.
“White slavery” is a term, predominately used by racists, in promoting the historical erasure of black suffering at the hands of colonial whites.
meh some racists exaggerate about so called Irish slavery in the US, but besides that only some particularly stupid american colleges claim there were no white slaves.
If we’re looking solely at the U.S., slavery was by the 1850s almost entirely along racial lines, with black and slave being practically synonymous in Southern slave states (obviously not in free states, with the exception of occasional kidnapping, and slave states not in the Deep South had a mix of free blacks and black slaves). But this is where it ended up, not where it started.
It was much earlier than the 1850s, but only a dunce thinks there were never any white slaves in the US. That’s not to say that the two institutions were the same – only black slaves were by law slaves for life, and only their offspring were automatically born into the status of the mother – but it did exist. Also, the lives of indentured servants in the 17th century was no picnic either.
Bullshit. White slavery is a term for sexual slavery, independent of race.
I agree with Pie that the phrase “Cultural Marxism” is a bit of a Rorschach test that morphs depending on what your default political proclivities are. To me, when I hear the term, I think of Classical Economic Marxism fused with and applied to the identity politics that animates the New Left. This is not to say that Cultural Marxists/PoMos/New Lefties/whatever have abandoned economic Marxism; far from it, the ultimate goal is to smash capitalism and install a utopian economic system. This is why the “assault on Western society” so frequently gets conflated with it; Western society is the brainchild of the Enlightenment and the concepts formed thereof naturally lead to a free market. Ergo, if you want to smash the free market, you’re smashing Western civilization in the process.
I see Cultural Marxists as adapting to the current political climate in service of reaching their ultimate Communist goal. Instead of the permanent revolution of proletariat/worker vs. bourgeoisie, we have multiple permanent revolutions of various classes of race, ethnicity, sexuality and gender pitted against one another. Realization that many of these warring groups have mutually exclusive interests, the New Left has now adopted “intersectionality” as a way to try and consolidate otherwise internally hostile segments of their coalition. Again, this is all window dressing for the ultimate goal of tearing down Enlightenment values, capitalism and natural rights in service of the Communist utopia. It’s the same Soviet shit wrapped in a new package to fit the times.
My 0.02.
Utopia? You’re far too charitable.
Scare quotes implied.
I guess there’s room for anti-aircraft shellings in utopia.
It would hardly be utopia for AA gunners without it
I’m sure in many ways this is a facile point of view, but to me actual Marxism is completely based on class and economics. While more of some groups are oppressed than others, the source of their oppression is the state of poverty that capitalism subjects them to. Cultural Marxism is generally rather vague and gauzy on economics beyond a general “state good, capitalism bad” mindset. It’s real concern is the Victimhood Olympics – everything is tied to one’s racial/ethnic/sexual identity, and there is a rigid hierarchy to who is oppressed, and by whom. In this way, “cultural Marxism” isn’t really Marxism at all to me, at least not in a doctrinaire sense.
I am glad you folks exist who are willing to wade into this intellectual claptrap. But I must say I don’t see how you can stomach it.
I recently read the Communist Manifesto and was underwhelmed. I honestly thought I read a fake version.
There was nothing I read in there that was persuasive and it seemed fact free. I really don’t understand how “Marxism” became a thing.
I read Sowell’s economics book and it was much better written and fact based.
I guess what I’m trying to say is: “What the hell is wrong with you, that communism sounds like a good idea?”
By you, I meant the useful idiots, not anyone on this website.
Also: I really enjoyed the article, Pie.
The way most western ‘communists’ learn about communism is remarkably similar to the manner in which many muslims learn about Islam. Both ideologies are delivered via imperfect conduits with dubious objectives.
The similarities don’t cease there either.
Authoritarian ideologies appeal to the frustrated, envious, and power hungry. They don’t even need to make sense. In fact, the less rational an idea is, the stronger its missionary movement will be. Read The True Believer for a thorough analysis.
“Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves. […] The less justified a man is in claiming excellence for his own self, the more ready is he to claim all excellence for his nation, his religion, his race or his holy cause.”
― Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
There was nothing I read in there that was persuasive and it seemed fact free. I really don’t understand how “Marxism” became a thing.
I read Sowell’s economics book and it was much better written and fact based.
I’m reading Sowell’s Marxism book right now, and a big theme is the darwinian view of the times. Marx and Engalls had a worldview that fit with the process based and pseudoscientific understand of society that was in vogue. How does anybody believe that bullshit after the marginal revolution? No fucking clue.
“There was nothing I read in there that was persuasive and it seemed fact free. I really don’t understand how “Marxism” became a thing.
I read Sowell’s economics book and it was much better written and fact based.”
The Communist Manifesto was meant as a propaganda piece. The definitive economic book on communism, written by Marx, was Das Kapital. Good luck finding a socialist that every read it, though, because it is long, dry, and makes pretty significant leaps in its conclusions. It was suppose to be Marx’s magnum opus, but I don’t think he ever finished the last volume or something like that.
Also, good socialists don’t rely on facts.
Maybe I’ll have to check out Das Kapital, just hope it doesn’t turn me Marxist,
It was suppose to be Marx’s magnum opus, but I don’t think he ever finished the last volume or something like that.
He did, he just left it to Engalls to proofread and edit. The entirety of capital was written before volume 1 was published, which is exactly the opposite of how I do multi part article series here.
He did *through volume 3*
Idk about the rest. Sowell addressed this issue because those who claim he didn’t finish through volume 3 use that as a “engells didn’t understand true Marxism” wedge.
Marx didn’t finish most of Das Kapital, the middle 2 volumes were finished by Engels and the 4th volume was done by some other German guy.
Cultural Marxism in action:
Trump appointee Carl Higbie resigns as public face of agency that runs AmeriCorps after KFile review of racist, sexist, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT comments on the radio
Higbie, a former Navy SEAL and conservative media personality, was a surrogate for Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign, appearing on cable news and serving as the spokesman for the Trump-aligned Great America PAC. He was appointed to the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) in 2017 to direct the public image and messaging of the federal department that manages millions of Americans in volunteer services like AmeriCorps and Senior Corps.
Higbie repeatedly said on the radio that he did not like Muslims.
“People say, ‘you know, you’re so harsh,'” Higbie said on Warrior Talk Radio in August 2014. “I was called an Islamophobe and I was like, ‘no, no, no, no, no, I’m not afraid of them. I don’t like them. Big difference.’ And they were like, ‘well, you’re racist.’ I was like, fine if that’s the definition of it, then I guess I am.'”
Speaking on “Sound of Freedom” in June 2013, Higbie said he didn’t like Muslims because he hated their religious ideology.
“Go back to your Muslim shithole and go crap in your hands and bang little boys on Thursday nights,” Higbie said. “I just don’t like Muslim people. People always rip me a new one for that. Carl, you’re racist, you can’t, you’re sexist. I’m like Jesus Christ. I just don’t like Muslim people because their ideology sucks.”
“Well people are like, ‘well, you can’t hate somebody just for being Muslim,'” Higbie added. “It’s like, yeah, I can. Do you hate people who rape little boys? They say, ‘oh, of course. They’re just terrible people.’ Well, yeah, most Muslims believe that to have sex with men is OK, which I don’t like it all. But second off, it’s the ideology of a child molester. The ideology of a Muslim is what I don’t like. They are screwed up in the head and it makes, pisses me off.”
I knew a guy like that I deployed with. Had no problems with anyone, very friendly, quiet. That is until that one day we got the US Army’s Iraqi culture briefing. Something within those 2 hours kept triggering the “that’s just fucked up” button in his head. By the time we got in country he absolutely hated the locals. Good thing he was an electrician.
Assigned to Abu Ghraib then?
Everything is battery powered these days.
To be honest, the airfield that was there at the time was solar/battery powered.
No. Tallil.
I started at Tallil…we got rocketed the first week I was there, 3 guys got killed. Then I got sent to work with the IA at Basrah…in Spring of 2008. Ugh.
I arrived shortly after in the Summer of 08, and went back again the summer 09. Only played duck and cover a couple times but once we finished building the FARP in 08 they were able to base Apaches there. For some reason the rockets stopped after that.
“Well, yeah, most Muslims believe that [for men] to have sex with [other] men is OK, which I don’t like it all.”
Um, no. If that’s true then why do Islamic shitholes regularly execute their gays? And I know that in many of those places they condemn sex between consenting adults while turning a blind eye towards boy- fucking.
The grays are back.
RIP Los Angeles Times, 1881-2018
This gun be gud.
But this time, it’ll be different!
All those gifs. One of them needs to be a toilet with a fresh steaming turd with Congrats! at the bottom.
Reporter 1: Man we’re getting paid peanuts at this job
Reporter 2: What can you do- the newspaper business is dying
Reporter 1: I’m too lazy to find a new job. I got an idea- let’s unionize
Reporter 2: Are you serious? The paper already barely makes money. A union is just going to cost people jobs
Reporter 1: That doesn’t sound right
Reporter 2: Didn’t you ever take a basic economics course in college?
Reporter 1: Nah. My major didn’t require it
Reporter 2: What was your major?
Reporter 1: Post-Structural Sociology
Reporter 2: Yeah, a union is probably the only way you could make more money
Maybe the union will lobby the state to pass a law requiring all CA residents to buy a subscription.
I think the loungers would look better on this side of the deck.
44 voted against? Seems a bit high doesn’t it?
Possibly confused on how to vote.
I blame the Russians, frankly.
There’s still time for a purge before the complete collapse.
the company I work for voted to form a union. The vote was overwhelmingly against. Then again we are an r&d center where 90% of employees are well payed engineers so union seemed unappealing to most
I look on the bright side: the reason we seem to be overrun with idiots is because we live in a stable, prosperous society. People who struggle to survive don’t worry about nonsense like individualized pronouns.
It was just last week dating app, Tinder, announced they had added 37 different gender options to their app to make it more inclusive and gender fluid.
Yet, over the weekend the Saturday Night Live Weekend Update team caused a bit of a stir after ‘mocking’ the feature during their segment.
“The dating app Tinder announced a new feature this week which gives users 37 different gender identity options,” co-host and cast member, Colin Jost said. “It’s called ‘Why Democrats lost the election’.”
That article is so November 2016.
Man seeking gender fluid non binary Latinx who identifies as an Asian femdom and has a large penis. I enjoy long walks on the beach, a nice glass of wine in front of a roaring fire, being berated because I’m white, and prostate milking.
traps are still gay though
Steve Smith is gonna give you a call…
I really hope at some point comedians cotton on to what a fat, soft target the left is. At the moment leftists get away with insisting that anyone who disagrees with them is evil. There’s also a bigger and bigger issue of comedy that would have been apolitical a few years ago just pushing SJW talking points as if they were fact. Hopefully the market will water that down.
Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) in 2017 to direct the public image and messaging of the federal department that manages millions of Americans in volunteer services like AmeriCorps and Senior Corps.
Nothing. Left. To. Cut.
They didn’t even fire ICBM False Alarm Guy.
Yes, but he was very sorry and feels terrible.
That was what the news reporter actually said.
Hawaii’s false missile threat: Worker ‘feels terrible’ after pushing the wrong button
After Hawaii emergency officials confirmed that an alert about an inbound ballistic missile was a mistake, they said the employee who pushed the wrong button feels awful about the panic-inducing incident.
Vern Miyagi, who oversees the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency (EMA), said at a news conference late Saturday that the civil defense employee who pushed the wrong button regrets what took place.
“This guy feels bad, right. He’s not doing this on purpose – it was a mistake on his part and he feels terrible about it,” said Miyagi in a press conference Saturday afternoon.
Miyagi, a retired Army major general, said the employee would be “counseled and drilled so this never happens again,” but he did not say whether there would be disciplinary measures.
As, always, there’s a Simpsons episode for this:
“You did this?! How could you be so irresponsible?”
“’s my first day?”
“Since I’ve never seen you before, maybe it is your first day. Very well, carry on!”
We need to bring back the rail for fuckups
The lack of numbered posts is confusing and infuriating me.
you should drink more. It helps. Then again this may be my 10 30 pm privilege talking. Already on my 3d
Also I still see no comments saying I provide vaguely amusing alt-text. Sad.
I mean, this is kind of accurate. I’m not understanding what the justification would be for opposing such legislation
Judging by the responses, apparently suffering the indignity of living as a child without S-CHIP.
I wish I was kidding.
It’s Reflex, Rs vote Yes and the Ds have to vote against it, it’s all about power, It doesn’t matter Who or what gets trampled in the mean time
Is it partisanship? Or is it about the extra costs that these facilities would have to take on? That extra money that could go to Democratic candidates
If you don’t object to pithing, it seems reasonable to not vote for this legislation.
Pithing is a method of killing an animal, correct?
Typically, but also used historically for partial birth abortions.
– a whole lot of frogs in biology class
Anything with a spinal cord.
i read them all in college. not just selected readings, but entire books by adorno, horkheimer, marcuse. also, in different courses – Derrida, foucault, saussure, lacan, and a raft of anti-freudian feminist psychoanalytics/theorists … all of whom drove me up the wall.
as you suggest, it was mostly time wasted. but then, my opinion of college is mostly just a place to spin your wheels anyway, and it doesn’t matter much what you do/read/study as long as you’re being challenged.
the thing that strikes me about most of the proponents of their ideas is that they *havent* actually read the originals. much like most Marxists: they never actually read Marx. (or if they did, its not like they actually understood a word of it. they mostly take their professor’s spin at face value)
the same can be said of most of the public critics who assail “cultural marxism”. its really just a buzzword for the same sort of limp, lefty relativist gibberish that’s been popular for decades.
the dividing line between modernist and post-modernist
– modernists were staunch believers that science was objectively advancing the human race. we were getting closer and closer to “truth”. that history had a ‘telos’, that we were moving from ignorance and primitiveness to higher-levels of existence. Randian ‘objectivist’ stuff is very much inspired by the modernist outlook. ‘selfishness as a virtue, creative destruction, etc
– post modernists disagreed fundamentally about the nature of epistemological truth. they basically say, “it doesn’t exist: its a trick”. Rationality is inherently flawed/biased/broken. Words don’t actual ‘mean’ anything by themselves. they’re simply signifiers which have constantly changing meanings/assumptions. The meanings and ‘lessons’ aren’t important: the process by which humans make them up out of thin air needs to be examined and understood. Basically: there is no ‘truth’, but there are processes which exist for ‘making truth’ which need to be explored.
its fundamentally an epistemological debate. what is ‘knowable’. i think the correct posture actually synthesizes the two and simply says, “sure, truth is constructed, but truth is useful: it has practical benefits”. Its been a long while since i touched neitzche, but i vaguely recall him making some similar point: “god is dead, sure: but everything is either life-affirming, or a form of enslaving others”.
well I bow to your superior knowledge of the fact and somewhat respect you reading all that
“somewhat respect”
i imagine its sort of like the prize that someone at a pie-eating contest receives. its like, “wow, you’re the best. at something retarded. but still, you did well.”
sadly I have to pay good money for pie eating contests if ya know what I mean
i had a scholarship. (shrug emoji)
the main points of the frankfurt school were to transition sociology from a descriptive practice to a normative one
-i.e. that the objective of social sciences shouldn’t be to simply describe things as they are, but to establish why they are, with a host of marxist assumptions that the “why” is almost always because of class-conflict/repression
to – in the postmodernist method – identify all the methods used in meaning-creation, and break them down into their constituent parts. in doing so, you create means for ‘oppressed’ classes to vitiate themselves against the establishment.
its mostly about ‘process’, again. i can’t recall to what degree linguistic decontructivists were concurrent with these cats, but they had a lot in common, at least at a very superficial level.
*the word ‘vitiate’ is misused. thats what you get for reading all this shit: 5-dollar words you dont remember the meanings of.
Oh, how I laughed:
Pornhub usage spiked in Hawaii after false ballistic missile alert
Pornhub reported its website’s traffic in Hawaii drastically increased on Saturday after residents were told a ballistic missile attack alert was a mistake.
The website tweeted Wednesday a graph of the day’s traffic in Hawaii, and noted page views dropped drastically after the ballistic missile alert was sent out at 8:07 a.m. HST. Pornhub said in a statement the traffic was “a massive -77 percent below that of a typical Saturday.”
However, once residents were notified around 8:45 a.m. HST that the alert was a false alarm and there was no threat, traffic on the porn site shot up, Pornhub reported.
“Those seeking further relief, headed back to Pornhub where pageviews surged +48 percent above typical levels at 9:01 a.m. (local time),” the website said.
The emergency alert blunder caused more than 1 million people in Hawaii to fear they were about to be struck by a nuclear missile.
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency spokesman Richard Rapoza said an employee mistakenly hit the live alert button, which sent out the false message. Rapoza said the worker has since been reassigned.
ballistic missiles are rather phallic
NJR, derpmonger extraordinaire
I am not usually the sort of person who gets misty-eyed about federal regulatory agencies. But I will miss the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It was the one part of the U.S. government that seemed sincerely committed to taking on corporate wrongdoing. It wasn’t perfect, but it actually helped people, which is more than can be said for many other parts of the federal bureaucratic octopus (see, e.g., the Pentagon).
The US military has never helped anyone, ever? I wonder if he knows why the Pentagon exists in the first place or who ordered its construction.
Federal agencies are boring. Disclosure requirements for mortgage servicers are boring. I can see why a lot of what the CFPB does isn’t considered sexy, and I’ll confess that I only read a small portion of the 700-page arbitration study before falling asleep on my desk. But while much of what the CFPB does isn’t sexy, we’re all much better off in a world with it than we would be in a world without it.
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Yeah, it was so wonderful how the CFPB intimidation turned my mortgage application into a three month shitshow of sending financial document after financial document to the originating broker.
And I sure appreciated them suing one of the firms I have an account with and then directing the settlement money to a left wing activist group devoted to reducing the availibility of new housing in the name of keeping housing affordable.