Yeah, I know its a shock that I dragged my ass out of bed today…like every other weekday with the exception of a few, to do the links. My wife sure was shocked too.
::rolls eyes::

Djoker rolling along in Sydney
Anyhoo, the Aussie Open is underway, and I’m gonna focus much of my sports attention there. Why? Maybe because its good to see people outside in beautiful weather playing a game. The Men’s draw is progressing as planned for the top players, with Nadal and Djoker other advancing, and Federer looking strong in his match, up 2 sets to 0 as I write this. On the Ladies side, Sharapova has advanced and will face off in the third round against the top seed, Simona Halep. Should be interesting to see how Sharapova does with the potentially high pollen count. You know, what with her severe asthma she apparently suffered from for several years.
In mens hoops, Ohio State continued their torrid pace in conference play, although this time they had to hang on after a late Northwestern charge too win their seventh conference game to start the season, which a rookie coach at a Big Ten school hasn’t done in nearly 100 years.
On the ice (and I mean in hockey stadiums, not the back yards and city streets of almost every state in the nation), the Bruins topped les Canadiens and the Mighty Ducks dropped the Penguins. Those were the only games played.
That’s it for sports. And now…the links!

The victim of California government assholery.
California government: Christ, what a bunch of assholes.
The largest, and most liberal at least when I was there, newspaper in Puerto Rico has a pretty hot take published on the problems the island has faces after Hurricane Maria. My Struggle in getting through it had less to do with the subject matter than the language barrier. But I putsched through until the end.
It would appear that there is nothing left to cut in the British government, and things are actually so good they’re putting together new, more wasteful ministries. Seriously. What’s next, the Ministry of Dreary Weather?
Remember the Las Vegas massacre where 58 people were killed and news or discussion about the investigation simply vanished into thin air? Well now the idea is being floated that others could be charged. Although the article is short on any new information, which seems strange seeing as the dude killed 58 people and injured hundreds more and the news media has exerted less effort on the story than they did a winter storm. I’m sorry, but the whole thing stinks like rotted fish left out on a summer day.

ICE head: Bunsen Honeydew Thomas Homan
It looks like the federal government, who has sole authority over immigration laws, and the state of California, who considers itself a sanctuary state, are about to have a showdown. I’ll get the free-range, vegan, non-GMO popcorn.
I’m pretty sure I’ve posted stories about how dysfunctional and corrupt the brass running the Chicago Public Schools system are. But just in case you missed it, here’s the latest.
Hey dummy, don’t you read the news out of New York City? You don’t solicit prostitutes when you’re a cop. That results in an arrest. You’re supposed to just pull women over while in duty and then have sex with them, claiming later that it wasn’t under duress. That way you get your whoring done and you don’t even have to pay.
That’s all for the links. Now enjoy a little music. Feel free to skip ahead :50 if you don’t want the weirdness.
Enjoy the thawing process, friends. I know I will.
Hrmm does it involve regular visits from Bureaucrats until you off yourself and are thus no longer lonely? I don’t see how this works.
“An estimated half of people aged 75 and over live alone – about two million people across England – with many saying they can go days, even weeks, with no social interaction at all. ”
And from an article in the Telegraph last year:
“Church of England attendance plunges to record low”
Exactly. And its not like it has to be a church. There are plenty of social groups for old people to get involved with. Needing a government department to get them off their asses and dong something seems like a waste.
*Coffee, meet keyboard
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.
Stiff upper lip, old chap.
+1 Gilmour
When the Tide Pod fad dies down. Compassionate SWATTING.
All these idiots are eating tide pods, they don’t realize their walls are made of cotton candy
The Ministry of Silly Walks has expanded their budget.
We cannot allow a Bureaucrat Gap!
How is “Ministry of Loneliness” not a Morrissey album?
not Fair Trade?! You Monster!
Double-first, your ambition is noted.
How men’s fashion reflects a ‘fake news’ and #MeToo world
About 0% of anything displayed on a fashion show runway ever gets worn by real people. Fashion shows are dress-up parties for rich people. They literally serve no purpose beyond pagentry.
I really hate doing this, but she has a point.
It is sad that I knew what you linked to before I clicked.
Actually didn’t mind that movie. Meh.
It’s actually one of my guilty-pleasure movies I wouldn’t want my Glibertarian friends to know I watch.
Streep wasn’t acting there.
Finally bothered to watch the clip.
And her point is not actually substantiated. The so-called inspiration sources are almost complete superfluous, and even if her spiel is taken at face value, almost everything they did was discarded by the time it reached the consumer, leaving nothing but a hue on a traditional style. And that could just have easily be coincidence, the result of the sweater-maker going “we need a full range of colors so the buyers can grab the one they like”, paying zero attention to the fact that the shade of blue coincidentally resembled something that had ben a fad among the pagent designers. How many sweaters in red, green, brown, and black did that same consumer manufacturer churn out from the same template?
Totally agree. The whole thing boils down to — at best — “Fashion Week made this color popular”. And even that is more attributable to lemmings following trends than anything else.
Hence the old saying, “as euroweenie fashion shows go, so goes the rest of society”. As true now as it ever was.
Yeah, I’m sure the fashion world really has the moral high ground on how to treat women. No casting couches or pressuring women to starve themselves or do nudity they’re not comfortable with, etc.
Puerto Rico’s Largest Newspaper Runs Column Blaming (((Jews))) for Hurricane Maria Aftermath
FTFY, Newsweek
After reading that article what little inclination I had to help Puerto Rico evaporated. It must be because (((I))) want to buy the land at a bargain price.
95) So the family in California that tortured, abused, and neglected their 13 children and the local state congressperson thinks the problem is homeschooling?
“Medina’s plan was still in the early stages but could include an annual walk-through of home and private schools by state or county officials”
An annual walk-through of the private school, i.e., your house. Who wouldn’t want an agent of the state taking a look around their house once a year? Just to check on the well-being of your children, you know. Absolutely no chance they’ll be taking notes on signs of firearms, drugs, weird religious beliefs, unregistered home businesses, tax avoidance, right-wing political leanings, etc.
“Yes, the classroom is in the basement. ‘Warty’? That’s just the pet toad…”
Bureaucrat Motel… Bureaucrats check in but they don’t check out!
It’s California – are you trying to tell me they don’t already have regularly scheduled home inspections to see if you have any spare room to sanctuaryize some economic refugees?
The whole state is a sanctuary for illegal immigrants, but don’t you dare think about putting up a homeless guy in some spare space. It’s much better that they stay in the streets.
A 2017 report said loneliness was as harmful to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.
Let’s start a loneliness tax.
Second-hand loneliness is a real thing, too!
Eric Garner didn’t get choked out for selling solo hugs.
It was the cops giving out free hugs.
Wasnt the movie the lobster something like that?
Boy, am I glad I read that feel-good story about the lady in California. Thanks, Sloop.
I mean, fuck the city of Coachella, but if I were the family, I think I’d just let the city repossess the eyesore vacant lot.
Or open an adult bookstore across the street from the school.
Its California, not Harris County, Texas. Zoning laws would prevent you from ever doing what you want with your private property.
…but if I were the family, I think I’d just let the city repossess the eyesore vacant lot once I planted a bunch of land mines
Introduce some endangered newt and make them declare it a sanctuary lot.
Let some illegals camp there.
It sounds like they can’t afford to do anything but that. Those people can’t afford a principle of the thing court battle.
ACLU and IJ might help?
Government is just the name for the pursuit of the dead and hefty fees we do
togetherfor crony law firms.In a true tribute to Franco Moschino’s eccentric style, dominatrixes in lace underwear, leather masks, latex outfits and devil’s horns were so fearsome and seductive that their male, conspicuously virile counterparts in cropped tops and suspended jackets looked more like sex toys — mere accessories for pleasure.
The guy sounds like a modern day Martin Luther. Surely he will bring about a comprehensive realignment of western culture.
I thought sex was out.
There is no sex in the Champagne Room.
Shock video of ‘Bigfoot’ roaming in Canadian wilderness sparks claims mysterious beast is REAL
We drove up to Pennsylvania for some skiing this past weekend, and on one of the little roads leading to the resort, one house had a bunch of wooden sculptures out in their front yard for sale. As I waited for our turn at the stop sign, I noticed one of the sculptures was a life-size BIGFOOT! I suggested to my wife we stop there and see how much it cost, but she wasn’t having it.
Same thing happened to us in Georgia on the way back home from South Carolina. But this was, I swear, a 10′ concrete STEVE SMITH. And Banjos begged me to turn around and go back but I refused. I know I’d have ended up spending a couple grand on the damn thing and then scratching my head as to how I was gonna get it home.
Someday, though…
(BTW – don’t think I missed that Puerto Rico link bit *narrows gaze*)
There’s a BBQ joint in Norman with STEVE SMITH on the wall. I took a pic to share, but my camera photog skillz kinda suck.
Umm that’s a bear.
Yeah, see that’s not how that works.
We discover new species of small animals that typically are only tiny variations of other well known animals all the time, we do not discover new species of large animals, pretty much ever because even without physical specimins large animals alter their environment in very obvious ways. They eat a lot, they shit a lot and they take up a lot of space.
If sasquatches were real they would leave behind evidence, not just a little bit of it either, a LOT of evidence. If they were carnivores there would be animal carcasses with sasquatch teeth marks in them, if they are herbivores there would be some kind of plants that would be harvested and eaten and man sized herbivores need to eat a LOT of plant matter to get sufficient nutrition. In either case they would be leaving behind large dung piles different from any other animals. They would leave behind footprints, not just a couple of them here and there, they would have to be all over the place because they would need to cover a lot of ground in any given day.
If Sasquatches were real finding evidence of them would be a trivial matter but it isn’t so they aren’t real*
* = Except of course for Steve Smith, but he is more a physical manifestation of our deepest fears than a material being governed by the laws of physics
So you’re saying that STEVE SMITH is Tulpa?
Sides, we all know John Marston killed the last of the Sasquatch back in ’11
“I need to see to believe myself, but you can’t say no.”
Yes, I can. I am sorry but you want me to believe you had a close encounter with STEVE SMITH and didn’t get raped? Fat chance.
if I were the family, I think I’d just let the city repossess the eyesore vacant lot.
I suspect they’d still be on the hook for the cash, because Social Contract.
Someone did a count of the times she said, “So what you’re saying…” in the Jordan Peterson video with the Brit feminist.
And she misrepresented what he actually said each and every time.
Exactly. They should put a counter up each time he said “no”. It would probably have the same number at the end of the interview.
I worked with someone who would do that in software design meetings constantly. At one point he was SO wrong in his paraphrasing that I stood up and said “Don’t you EVER paraphrase me again. I meant exactly what I said – no more, no less. If you don’t understand, then ask me to elaborate. I’d rather you present hypothetical examples that we can walk through to clear things up. But your habit of paraphrasing winds up sending wrong information throughout the company and results in scope creep, bad specs, and quadruples development time and costs.”
So what you’re saying is that you have a hair-trigger temper?
Well, to paraphrase him, he said he was a sexist homophobe with anger issues.
At times, yes. Or maybe I’m just blunt and rude like Trump. Which can often be effective, as it was in this case. If it didn’t work, my ego would have purged the incident from my memory.
He started out laughing at how ridiculous her straw-manning was, then seemed to get annoyed at her twisting his words and went in for a kill, then laughed in glee.
She was a perfect example of a journalist firing out questions, and then not listening to the answers.
I think there was a comment that went:”It was like 50,000 clinical hours versus 500 hours of journalism school”
Something like this?
She also looks like DWS’s kid sister.
True to a point. Her hair doesn’t look like it was used as a mop in whorehouse, though.
“That isn’t news. It isn’t even interviewing. It is grandstanding. This nation’s broadcasters should feel ashamed.”
That’s a shredding
The funniest part of that interview was when she was so flummoxed she couldn’t speak for 30 seconds.
The simple fact of the matter is that most people, other than Jordan Peterson, would have completely botched that interview. They would have taken the bait and let her string them out with her incessant strawmen and question begging. It’s a master class in how to combat those argumentative techniques under pressure.
BTW – I watched the Joe Rogan piece. Excellent, thanks for the tip. My husband is watching now.
I could not make it through that video. Combine Peterson’s soporific voice with the willfully ignorant harpy and I lost my patience at the ten minute park.
I was skimming the last thread of last night and saw the argument being made that the United States had nothing worth travelling a long distance to visit. This confused me, but my only rebuttal is thus – I’ve tried going to a “destination” and always found it disappointing. The most enjoyable things I’ve come across as a tourist have alwas been stumbled upon while looking around a place I’m not normally at. It boils down to expectations. These might be very prosaic and commonplace little annexes, but I had no expectations upon walking across the threshold. When you try to convince yourself that a “destination” is worth the effort of getting there, you upsell it in your own head to overcome the doubts and the deficiencies become more pronounced when you arrive. If you don’t know what you’re going to find, and haven’t been upsold on how great it’s going to be, it’s easier to be pleasantly surprised when you get there.
The Grand Canyon, Boundary Waters and Mount Fuji were all places I went as a destination that blew my socks off when I arrived. But, I think you’re right if you are just going to a city for site seeing.
My wife and I once had a few days days stay at Bowling Green, KY. If you look at the website, it seems there is a lot to do in town, including shopping and even a cave tour by boat.
Well the cave was flooded so no tour. And we ran out of stuff to do by the middle of the second day. So we ended up going on a old train tour and uh… eating out a lot. Was happy to get back on the road again and head home.
We did the cave, it was really cool. Hearing about the history was the best part. There was a butterfly thing at that same location that our little girls enjoyed. Nothing spectacular or anything. Mammoth Cave not that far from there. Plenty to see there. That was main reason we were in the area.
We are there a bunch and I have never seen a butterfly in the butterfly area. We got some great pictures of our daughter in it last spring though.
I want to say we were there August/September timeframe and there were quite a few butterfly’s.
Fun fact: The old nighclub that used to exist in the entrance to the cave is where my parents had their first date.
That would be a fun date. Sounds like they had some serious parties over the years there.
We looked at getting it for our wedding reception but you have to book a year in advance and it is hyperexpensive.
I live in BG (very near Lost River Cave, in fact) and I am surprised at the amount of tourists in town, because, ummm…there isn’t much.
Now, 90% of the tourists are driving a Vette, so that makes sense.
And we are the nearest real city to Mammoth Cave.
But, I think you’re right if you are just going to a city for site seeing.
I think this is pretty accurate. We do a summer trip every year to a national park and each one has been amazing. We’ve taken the kids to San Francisco and Las Vegas during these trips and they were meh on both places. We’ve had great fun in random small towns, though.
Bottom line there is plenty to see and experience here.
Excellent point.
We usually choose a historic site like a Civil War battlefield, then after visiting it randomly and leisurely check out the surrounding area.
All our greatest travel memories were the unplanned random discoveries.
I find that true even when not traveling. You go out somewhere and something is going on that you didn’t even know about and all of the sudden you’re having the time of your life (please don’t link that song).
I remember driving into some small town in NY State on a Saturday and suddenly finding myself as the last car in a parade. It was a few blocks of waving to the crowd until I could turn off into a side street. Wished I had a Libertarian banner to unfurl.
I suppose it depends on what comes to mind when you think of travel.
If in your mind travel means going to a city, then I suppose you could easily find yourself starved for things to see or do.
Maybe its not a problem in Vegas, NY, or DC.
If natural or outdoor destinations are what you think of when you think travel then you’ll never lack for things to see or do in the US.
Travel or vacation in my family means natural and outdoors.
All but one of the many vacations my wife and I have taken together have involved at least one US National park. The only one that didn’t was our first, but the destination was Pikes Peak and hiking up it so it was still an outdoor thing.
Some we’ve gone back to multiple times despite it being a 25 hour drive to get there.
Yep. We’re headed back to Utah this summer to hit the northern parks. My wife and I are gonna try to see every park before we tip.
That is our goal too. Unfortunately 10-15 of them are in difficult or very expensive to get to places.
I don’t think we will get any in this year with a new baby in a few weeks and then a kid starting school so September (the best vacation month) becomes no longer viable. Then again it is Kindergarten and I can’t imagine it would hard to overcome any missed material. The school might not be happy about it of course but big whoop.
In 13 years we’ve managed to have a pretty good visit to 16 of the 59 current National Parks. We’d probably have visited more but we cannot stop going back to Glacier every couple years (4 visits so far)
Congrats on the new baby!
I love Glacier. We almost did that again this year, but decided to keep trying new ones. My wife always finds us a cabin in the area where we home base from. It’s a blast.
My son is starting college in the fall, so it may get more challenging to keep the band together for these trips. I’m gonna try my hardest, though. Some of the best times I’ve ever had!
The discussion context was declining foreign tourism in the US. My statement was that there are only a handful of US destinations which I would consider worthwhile for a lengthy/expensive vacation (assuming travel from abroad or across the country ~2-weeks). Different from traveling a long distance to visit. I am 100% aligned with your statements and the other comments here. In fact, many of those named would be on my “handful” destination list (other than Mount Fuji, which we hope to see this year, I have visited them all).
Who spends two weeks to see one destination? Especially with a country this large. Additional time would be more meandering to find more.
I read someplace that one of the things foreign visitors don’t always get is how big the US actually is. They are surprised to discover you can’t drive from Manhattan to the Grand Canyon in a day.
Yep. I have an acquaintance who married a girl from Norway. One time her parents came over, and a mutual friend was asking the parents if they had plans for the weekend. The parents responded, “Yes. We’ve heard that we should see the Grand Canyon, so we’re planning on going there this weekend.”
This happened in Cleveland, Ohio.
I think a lot of people in the US don’t grasp just how huge it is either. Especially those who have never done a road trip.
When your primary mode of getting around the US is by plane where you can hop on one in NY and 6 hours later you are in LA it skews your view of how large it is. Driving would take four days to safely cover the same distance (about 42 hours driving time)
I’ve never been to Europe, but I rather suspect if I ever did go I might spend two weeks in a single country, but I surely wouldn’t spend two weeks in any particular city.
Even in the really ancient cities like Rome or London where you perhaps could stay for two weeks I don’t think I would want to spend more than 3 or 4 days before moving on to a new location.
When I think of my own vacations in the US, the best ones have not been those where I went straight to the place I wanted to visit, spent as much time as I could and then come home. Its always where I’ve stopped for 1-5 days here, 1-3 days there, a day here and so on.
“Now You Can Get Paid to Eat Chicken Nuggets and Become a Chicken Nugget Connoisseur”
Too bland.
What’s the point? There’s McDonald’s and everything else is an also-ran.
Chic-Fil-A or GTFO
This. McDonald’s nugs are a guilty pleasure, like Waffle House. Chick-fil-A nugs are carnivore crack.
Agree. But Chik-fil-a are real chicken pieces.
I was arguing a Chicken Nugget
*fills out application*
I’ll die fat and happy.
Try them the original way… with honey. I suppose it was an attempt to steal the notion of honey-garlic chicken. Pretty yummy.
Can Democrats Follow #MeToo to Victory?
Not really, because the industries where the problem exists are small and isolated islands that do not reflect the reality for most voters. Those islands are also very blue in a lot of cases.
New laws criminalizing awkward passes and bad dates. The death of dating should be great for our birth rate and family formation. Maybe we’ll take a hint from the UK and start a Department of Loneliness.
I think more women are like my wife, embarrassed by the association of womanhood with this #MeToo crap. My wife told me to watch my ass at work, not because I’d do anything unbecoming, but because all it takes is one fake accusation to really fuck things up.
We’re all one accusation away from becoming a hashtag.
Given how equally awful women politicians have proved to be, why would more women running for office be of any interest?
You mean you aren’t impressed by politicians like:
Hillary Clinton
Diane Feinstein
Nancy Pelosi
Angela Merkel
et al
and a host of other smart, successful, liberty-focused women politicians?!
Since the vast majority of the alleged perpetrators are either Democrats or heavily-Democrat dominated industries, I don’t see how that means victory for Democrats.
An estimated half of people aged 75 and over live alone
Think of the potential housing for refugees, just going to waste! Tragedy of the Commons!
Tragedy of the Commons!”
I know your bring facetious, but it drives me insane when people use the tragedy of the commons as an excuse for government intervention, because it is precisely the lack of clarity in property rights that causes the problem.
“An estimated half of people aged 75 and over live alone”
Ban dying
And some of them do quite well that way. My grandfather has lived alone for 27 years since my grandmother died. He’s 94 now and doing about as well as you can expect a 94 year old to do. His one major concession to age was hiring people to mow his lawn and shovel his snow a starting a few years ago.
BTW, Loving the updates to the site. Slick.
Updates? I’m guessing only on the desktop site?
I may be imagining some of it, but the main page “read more” button is different and the links appeared different when I first logged on. Now they are the same. Who knows?
I’ve been getting the occassional random theme shift, but I figured there was work being done at the moment and didn’t want to sound rude.
I had a different auto-scroll bar thingy for a bit, then it went back to the old one.
There’s a little grey box with a V in it at the bottom left side of my screen. I’m afraid to click it.
Straight to a Q vage link NSFW
Thats the Monocle bar close button
Direct link to lemonparty.
Vistaprint apologizes after same-sex couple’s wedding order contained hateful pamphlets
There’s something suspicious about this story.
“Satan entices your flesh with evil desires” and sin is the result of your failure to resist the temptation,” the pamphlet read. “It is an act of rebellion against God’s holiness.”
Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster and an expert on the politics of gender
“Expert on the politics of gender” sounds a lot like “Flea circus ringmaster”.
“It’s still the flea circus. It’s all an illusion.” -Dr. Ellie Sattler
But it’s not.
The problem with the flea circus was that it was a fancy mechanism with no actual performing animals.
The problem with the Park was that someone sabotaged the security systems to let the genetically engineered superpredators out. With a little better Human resource management, it would have been operable – and the exhibits were real.
She also said, “You can’t think through this one, John, you have to feel it.” Real scientific there, Doctor.
I regard to the Vegas shooting; My hunch is that this guy had ties to the government and was involved in some sort of arms dealing or other shady, quasi-sponsored activity. Whether he just went off the rails or if there is more to what transpired in that hotel room, I don’t think we’ll ever know. My assumption is that the investigation is just a bunch of government agencies covering their asses. /readjusts tinfoil hat
This. Applying Occums highly serviceable razor, this makes the most sense. Thus guy was a spook, or spook related. So unless there is a Snowden willing to spill the beans, we wont ever know
The incredible story of North Korea’s weird fabric made of stone
The process starts with workers mining anthracite and breaking limestone.
By hand, I imagine. So the “incredible story” is North Korea making sub-par synthetic fabric using slave laborers.
I only skim read the Coachella article but the parts I read were troubling indeed.
Silver & Wright have a nice little racket going.
Little pukes.
I live then they tell people ‘yeah there was a fuck up but we’re under no obligation to ( insert whatever).’ I’ve been told that and it pissed me off because they government can send you mail at the wrong addresss, be in the wrong and still ‘fuck you that’s why’.
I like the bit about the property owner being liable for a homeless encampment, and the fines being in response to their failure to clear up the nuisance of homeless living there.
In California.
So …. exactly what was she to have done? A fenced and empty lot with “No Trespassing” signs has homeless squatters. Beyond calling the cops, what can she do? Presumably code enforcement got there because of complaints. Didn’t they call the cops? Is the bill for code enforcement people dialing 911? Did they ever arrest any trespassers?
Here’s a government portfolio:
Minster of Jerking Off.
/Apology to the Minster Church.
Presented without comment:
That’s not how any of this works.
And look at the photo they chose of her LMFAO
“What? I can become president? Really?”
“Is that the treat container? It sounds like that treat container! Can I have a treat?”
So stupid it’s sad
Yup, if Trump were removed from office, the presidency goes to Hillary because, umm, reasons!
I guess selling false hope gets you those clicks
That’s got to be some straight up trolling.
Nuance is a Misogynist plot!
Photographer Switches Gender Roles In Old Ads Exposing The Blatant Sexism Of Yesteryears
So, Ads should never reflect the mores of the society they are trying to sell products to?
Exactly so. I would expect that you’d want your customer to see themselves in your ad. So if the majority of your target market is women homemakers, wouldn’t you show that in your ad? I’m not sure how Tide is going to target a stay-home mother of 3 for their detergent by showing a childless Mexican immigrant as the CEO of a Manhattan brokerage firm in their ad.
And now that most women work, they stress how tough it is to take care of a family while also holding down a career. Is this because of SJW pressure, or because the market moved?
Come up with your own art.
Cutting and pasting and reimaging scenes is so boring.
He can’t. Original thought has been hammered out of his brain.
is any of this shit actually real? The Hardees ad at the end seems absurdly fake. Not only does the language sound EXACTLY like a prog strawman, but I have a hard time believing Hardees described their own food as “sloppy and hastily prepared”
Yeah, there’s no way they’d sell it like that. Which makes it even more sad.
The new ads look about the same as the real ones on TV today.
Do they?
TV was on as background noise when I visited my mother. There were only five commercials for products (the rest were for other shows). They were selling Subarus, eczema medication (two brands) and insurance (two brands). None of them dealt with sex differences, though I suppose that’s not a representative sample size.
You’ve never seen an ad where the man is an idiot and his empowered wife comes in to save the day?
Commercial breaks were the time when we did other things, and then the DVR came out which allowed us to fast forward them, and then I stopped watching TV.
Those absolutely piss me off. A) the dude is so retarded he can’t do anything himself. And B) how the he’ll did he land that hot piece of ass?
You also have to have an assortment of races if there is a group of people. So if three guys are watching the game, you have to have the black guy and the Asian or Hispanic guy along with the white guy. Or 4 ladies at a restaurant, same deal. Interracial couples help with that if they are shooting a family at home. Or people of vaguely indeterminate race – folks like Dwayne Johnson – make for good “friend #2” actors in commercials. It is pretty close to an iron-clad law.
Unless there is a criminal in the ad. Like if it is an ad for some burglar alarm company. Then the criminal has to be a white guy. Because you can’t make him black, that would be racist. Ditto for hispanic, native american, etc. So criminals are almost always white in commercials.
“Last Thanksgiving, I was visiting my family in New Jersey and I overheard my uncles talk about how women are better off cooking, taking care of the kitchen, and fulfilling ‘their womanly duties.’ Although I know that not all men like my uncles think that way I was surprised to learn that some still do.””
Can’t even come up with an original fake motivating story. Seems like an ‘artist’ who lacks creativity.
My friend thinks this way and his wife agrees. And they’re happy.
‘I bring the bacon, you cook it’ is the arrangement.
He forgot to mention that they wore MAGA hats and were scratching their beer bellies. Oh, and their wives’ makeup didn’t quite cover up their black eyes. Anyway, even if this was a real conversation he overheard, what’s so horrible about it? Women who stay at home do tend to be happier. Traditional gender roles were traditional for a reason. (No, not because of evil sexist patriarchy)
Fake story, or bonus points for shitting all over his family in a public forum.
How about all those sexist ads of men who are profoundly incompetent around the house with the woman saving the day?
I knew Philadelphia fans were bad, but this story is too much.
I can assure you they’re as gosh-darn friendly as their Midwest reputation would have you believe
Mostly, yes. There were a certain (how do I say this without sounding racist?) group of people from a certain geographical region working at the Mall of America that weren’t all that friendly. I should just delete this comment, but I’m curious if it was just my one off experience.
You are correct.
It really was something else. Depending on the person, my presence as a customer evoked reactions from the staff ranging from mild annoyance to barely contained hostility.
Having never been to Minnesota in my life….youre talking about Somalis?
Well, H&O are one of the most successful musical acts in history.
The only question is whether the dirty birds lay an egg in the NFC Championship game or the Super Bowl. Because they will disappoint their fans again.
Facebook is launching another probe to see if Russia pushed Brexit propaganda
Russia. Russia. Russia. That’s all anyone talks about! / China
All you do is complain like the UN! / India.
Did I miss a link to the Fake News awards?
TW: Infowars…
No replies. SAD!
Hahahah Weigel made the list! That dumb fuck!
I thought this would get more play. Weigel and Krugman right at the top of the list pretty much guarantees some smart-ass comments from the libertarian crew. But no takers. I’m surprised.
I thought it was a pretty good list. I laughed at some of it, I learned a couple of petty new ones and he got to stick on the “collusion” story at the end, which is where he’s going with all this, isn’t it? “Look, they are lying about all this other stuff, so you know they are lying about this too”
Pretty effective propoganda, if you ask me.
And Krugman. Jeez. “the economy will never recover” after Trump gets elected. Do you think the Nobel committee ever considers taking it back, Reggie Bush Heisman Trophy style?
“The Patriarchy is to Blame for Selfies? Try Again
Every so often, a new inane study comes along that makes a scientist simultaneously chuckle and want to cry. That’s been especially true in the last few years, with gender theory slowly invading all branches of academia like a virulent weed. More recently, it has increasingly breached topics relevant to sex research and science.
Case in point: a recent paper on selfies in Gender and Education, authored by a professor of feminist theory at the University of Georgia. The study criticizes Instagram selfies taken by “white, college women” for reinforcing the “performances” of “traditional gender roles” informed by a “patriarchal system.”
Disclaimer: As a sexual neuroscientist, I rarely make it past the first sentence of qualitative academic papers, which are often long-winded, nonsensical word salads that could just as well have been written by iOS’s auto-complete. One example of just how unreliable academic journals have become as of late: Last year, two researchers, Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay, authored a fake paper about the so-called “conceptual penis” and actually got it published. (“We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a gender-performative, highly fluid social construct,” they wrote in the piece.) Such offers a telling perspective on the quality of “research” being published by gender studies departments.
Based on the abstract of the Gender and Education paper alone, I knew it was going to be a stellar read as it promised to explain how “performances of traditional femininity are legitimated…through photo-posting practices.” Unironic references to Everyday Feminism and Judith Butler in the body of the article were other telling clues.
As for the study itself, it was part of a larger project examining the way women dress at University of Georgia football games. The authors took to Instagram to analyze photos posted within 24 hours of the first home game of the 2013 season. After reviewing 233 selfies of female attendees, they found a trend of red lipstick, straight, white teeth, good skin, curve-hugging dresses and the use of filters and photo editing. The authors called these women collectively the “Southern lady,” a “cult” which upholds “white, upper-middle class standards of feminine beauty” while reinforcing the “male/female binary.””
Bull. Shit.
There’s tons of black women attending UGA games and taking selfies.
It’s the SEC, for crying out loud you fucking morons
I’m slow, so bear with me, but it just occurred to me that the whole reason for getting word salads published is to legitimize places like every day femenisim as real knowledge sources
I’m going to take it further sideways by picking up on the “written by auto complete” notion.
My brother has taken to this as his new obsession. Just accepting whatever word gets suggested next when sending texts. The results can be hilarious.
(unless you do it every time. Then it gets old really fast)
with gender theory slowly invalidating all branches of academia
Depraved indifference
“We’re all still coming down from the fight we put up,” a spokesperson for the conservancy tells AD by phone Thursday morning. “But the building met a backhoe under the cover of night, and there isn’t any more we can do.” When Ruis first purchased the Lockridge Medical Clinic in 2016, it became clear that he wasn’t aware of the building’s significance. Development plans in late 2016 showed that he planned to turn the land into a three-story commercial retail space, to capitalize on the foot traffic from nearby Glacier National Park, located just 25 minutes away. Though he has obvious financial stake in the property, it remains unclear why he refused all attempts by preservation societies to salvage the building, even going so far as to demolish the historic structure just hours after his deadline expired.
The demolition of a Wright-designed structure that occupied a place on the National Register of Historic Place raises concerns about the fate of similar structures. “This devastating situation underscores the vulnerability of all Wright-designed buildings that don’t have some form of legal protection,” says Barbara Gordon, executive director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy. “A lot of people think a building listed on the National Register of Historic Places, as the Lockridge Medical Clinic was, or a private house that isn’t protected by a preservation easement or local landmark designation, can’t be demolished, but that is not the case.”
What a monster. He bought a commercial property in order to build something he could profit from, and knocked down what was there.
I’m a big fan of Wright, but sometimes an old building is just an impediment to progress.
I’m not a big fan of Wright, and would love to see more of his tripe demolished.
You’ve got to be trolling right now.
I think his work is ugly and non-functional. He was a net negative who produced eyesores with poor structual integrety that are already falling down on their own. I won’t weep if any of it gets knocked down. It’s also not worth the effort to go out of my way to get rid of it.
Eyesores indeed.
I guess everyone has their own tastes.
And you go and prove me right.
Your taste in food is matched only by your taste in architecture.
I’m gonna side with UCS. That looks like a parking garage, not a home.
In large buildings, My favored styles are Art Deco, Neoclassical, and Gothic Revival. In small buildings I prefer several traditional American forms whose names escape the top of my head at the moment. I have a preference for symmetry and solid construction. Of the postwar styles, Brutalism is fascinating in a train-wreck kind of way, but I wouldn’t want to live there. Wright’s buildings strike me much like the modern “artists” who heap together a haphazard assortment of junk and declare it to be art. He does get bonus points for his work not being completely unusable.
Look. Everyone has different tastes. I get it. When I get rich and try to buy a Wright home I won’t have to worry about you two bidding against me. But just because a certain architectural style isn’t to your liking doen’t mean the architect’s entire body of work is tripe and deserving of being torn down.
You guys need to forgive Mike. He’s a NoDak. He comes from an area that is so flat that the locals think in 2 dimensions (width and depth). When he sees something that has height, he is stunned and awed.
I can relate to that, Pope. I think the only elevation changes in my entire county are the mounds covering people’s septic tanks.
Thanks for having my back Jimbo.
If I’m ever rich enough to build my dream home in the mountains, it’ll be inspired by Fallingwater.
Enjoy water damage and mold. Also enjoy the uniquely retarded cantilevered design built using concrete so that deflection began MINUTES after construction.
I’m with UCS this time. I’m not a fan of Wright at all. It’s like he built stuff solely for the sake of photography.
Well, I did say inspired by. I certainly wouldn’t build an exact replica.
As for water damage and mold, I live on the North Carolina coast, so that wouldn’t be new territory for me.
Some, yes, but not all.
We used to drive buy this on the way to the lake.
It’s really cool and still standing. Also, from the article:
I suppose he can be forgiven for not predicting self-service. His claim was that he was an architect. I don’t disagree with him about personal automotive freedom, I just don’t think his work is attractive. To my eyes, It looks like someone took a random pile of lego building pieces and heaped them together with great pains to ensure they were not centered.
Believe it or not, he actually was an architect. He really did design buildings that were subsequently constructed. Many still stand, much to your chagrin.
So he never claimed to be one, just pretended to be something else?
And your claim is that you’re an author.
Perfectly fair.
I’m just surprised I’ve not run into people arguing I’m not. (I keep expecting someone to argue independant published creators aren’t real authors because they lack the gatekeepers’ stamp of approval)
You wrote a book and had it published. (I don’t care how it was published) In my book, you are an author.
Virginia Woolf and Mark Twain self published. Throw that in the faces of gatekeeper apologists.
“drive buy” – so you stopped and purchased some gas?
Yeah, yeah.
Actually I never stopped because I couldn’t wait to get to Gordy’s Hi-Hat for an amazing burger and malt.
(adds Cloquet, Minnesooda to list of future destinations)
The Fasbender clinic was a couple blocks from my grandmother’s house in Hastings.
I was in high school before I realized that it was designed by Wright.
I’m agreeing with UCS here. The Arts & Crafts stuff may look nice, but a building has to actually function well as job 1 and his houses generally don’t.
Since people have been living in his houses for generations, I’d say they “function as a house” just fine.
Not really true. Take a FLW tour in Oak Park and you start to understand just why so many of his houses went into disrepair despite the wealth that commissioned them in the first place. In an area with brutal winters, roof problems were especially pronounced on FLW homes.
Then buy it and do so.
To be fair, you also think that JKR and I. M. Banks are terrible authors
There are some FLW-adjacent(?) homes in Norman, and they’ve been very pleasant to be in. All the homes from that era in that place have kept up very well, structurally.
Having been to both Fallingwater and Kentuck Knob, I could easily see living at Kentuck…Fallingwater not so much.
If forced to pick between the two, I’d settle for Kentuck. But the angles all look wrong. It just feels wrong. Like a ranch house in R’yleh.
what a bunch of horseshit by the aggrieved. they were only requesting more time so they could file suit. good on the developer for recognizing their shenanigans and razing that shit to the ground ASAP.
Just a lil background, as Whitefish is my local ski town…Mick bought this without knowing the architectural significance over a year ago. When he announced his plans and the outrage started, he put it up for sale at the exact amount he paid ($1.7mil?). No one bought it because it leaks. Maybe having a flat roof in one of the snowiest corners of Montana wasn’t the best idea. Anyway he got tired of sitting on it, go figure, so under the wrecking ball it goes.
“After a few missteps, actor Matt Damon on Tuesday finally said the right thing about Hollywood sexual harassment and assault.
″A lot of those women are my dear friends and I love them and respect them and support what they’re doing, and want to be a part of that change and want to go along for the ride, but I should get in the back seat and close my mouth for a while,” Damon said of the “Time’s Up” movement during an appearance on the “Today” show.
“I really wish I’d listened a lot more before I weighed in on this,” Damon continued. “Ultimately, what it is for me is that I don’t want to further anybody’s pain. With anything that I do or say, so for that I’m really sorry.”
Way to go to stand by your principles there Matt.
His job description is “Pretend to be somebody else”. It’s not one that necessiarily encourages cognition, critical thinking, or principles. Acting leaves the actor unprepared for dealing with outside circumstances.
This is why you should never take advice from an actor on anything other than lying.
Morgan Freeman and Jeff Daniels seem pretty smart to me though.
” I don’t want to further anybody’s pain”.
Then stop making movies.
Lol. How’d you like them apples, Matt?
Anyone interested in buying Smuttynose?
They make a good ale….but I am just a bit short of the price.
lol @ liberals.
Buy a huuuuge facility you don’t need. Pay tons extra to make it “sustainable” and get it LEED certified and then run it at %50 capacity.
Also their business plan sums up left wing science in a nutshell: LOOK AT THIS TREND LINE. IT WILL CONTINUE UNCHANGED FOREVER!!!!!!
“The company’s financial models were based on 20 years of consistent growth but the explosion of microbreweries has led to changing dynamics in the marketplace.”
way to go retards
I’m more interested to see if this is another signal that the craft beer bubble is getting ready to pop (again). I would point towards the consolidations and sales that are happening already as another sign. I’ve noticed more breweries closing in Ohio then in years past as well, but there’s not enough to really point at a shakeout (3 breweries closed in Cleveland last year, versus 1 closing in 2016, and 1 closing in 2015).
I think you are right. One was supposed to open down the street from my office last fall. They never even broke ground.
Depends on if they announced they were halting the opening. One thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of brewers don’t really take into account how long it takes to jump through all the regulatory hurdles. If a brewery announces they’re opening in April, and it’s the first brewery opening that the head brewer has been involved in, I assume construction won’t get started until September, with the opening possibly being the next year. The ones who have opened a couple of breweries (and then moved on, or just expanded), are usually within a couple of months of the announced date.
Rumor has it the backer bailed.
They are still popping up around me…the only crappy one around closed…no loss.
I love the free market.
We’ve has about a dozen open last year, and of the three that closed one was in a terrible location and was split between distilling and brewing, one the owner retired and sold everything off, and the final one suffered a fire and couldn’t find a new location to open in. For the ones that are going to be opening, there’s a journalist/author with the Akron Beacon Journal who keeps up a beer blog, and releases a list of breweries that have filed paperwork with the state weekly. Here’s the one from this week.
Case in point: a recent paper on selfies in Gender and Education, authored by a professor of feminist theory at the University of Georgia.
Nothing left to cut.
“Motion studies have revealed that when a woman runs, more than 50% of the breast’s total movement is vertical, 22% is side-to-side, and 27% is in-and-out.”
-“Bouncing breasts: the science of the sports bra”, Risius, et. al., University of Wollongong (2012)
Man did I ever miss the boat on academic research.
3, 9, 13, 24, 27, 28
“I really wish I’d listened a lot more before I weighed in on this,” Damon continued. “Ultimately, what it is for me is that I don’t want to further anybody’s pain. With anything that I do or say, so for that I’m really sorry.”
I can’t wait for the next Jason Bourne movie, where Damon gets his dick ripped off by a twelve year old girl. Because patriarchy.
You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.
Conversely, my understanding is that in Ecuador, you qualify for permanent residency by making an investment of $25,000 in the country, and buying a home qualifies as such an investment.
They say Cuenca is lovely, and they have nice beach towns.
And I’d be the country’s best hockey player!
*starts shopping*
When I lived in the Yucatan, there were two distinct groups of ex-pats. The Americans mostly wanted to live in Merida, which is inland. It’s got all the culture and colonial architecture–stuff that we generally don’t have in the U.S.
I’d make friends with local Mexicans, and they’d take me places and say, “You’re gonna love this place, it’s just like in the U.S.”. And it was a lot like in the U.S.! . . . which is why I didn’t have any interest in it all.
The second group of ex-pats were Canadians, and they all wanted to live in or around Progresso, which is a beach town. You got to some of the bars there, and all they’ve got on is hockey, hockey, or hockey.
If Ecuador is drawing a lot of American expats, I bet they’re drawing a lot of Canadians, too–for mostly the same reasons: safe, cheap, better weather.
No curling?! What a bunch of hosers.
Walls are for keeping people in.
St Kitts and Nevis gives citizenship for something like 250k, or 400k in investment, and a home qualifies for the latter.
Say it with me now: “Who give a flying fuck!”
There are Americans who instinctively feel inferior to the rest of the world (but primarily Europe). To them, America is backwards because it allows for guns and religion, which are frowned down upon by the ‘enlightened’ soft tyrannies of Europe. To these people, for the rest of the world to frown down upon American policy is the worst rebuke. These people are jackasses.
I have a coworker from Belgium. He won’t move back because he can’t take his guns with him.
Immigrants > Native Born Progressives
Thanks, mate.
Trump + poll= Bullshit.
Sure that sounds bad, but at what point has the rest of the world ever really respected us?
I remember back in the 2000s an episode of the Simpson’s where they travelled to Europe. Lisa thought it would be a good idea to wear a Maple Leaf so as not to be heckled for being American.
It’s bullshit. I’ve been treated great everywhere I’ve traveled. Hell, everyone wants to talk about the US and what to see when they visit.
And football.
I’ve heard good and bad things about France. I’ll find out eventually.
Yep. I spent a week in Frankfurt in the fall of 2003 before moving on to our deployment to Uzbekistan. Because it was a weird deployment, we flew commercial from Okinawa to Tokyo to Bangkok to Frankfurt, and from there we were picking up military flights out of Rhein Main Air Base. Anyway, they’d tell us by 6 am if there was a flight with room for us. If there wasn’t then we’d go back to the transient barracks, change into civvies, and go be tourists for another day. This was when the Euros were all pissed about the invasion of Iraq, so we figured we’d get cold shoulders and dirty looks, being American Marines and all. Nope. We had a blast and virtually everyone was friendly and courteous to us. Every bar we went into had people who wanted to practice their English and tell us about their cousin in the US.
I had two buddies travelling Europe in that era. One was a mixed race Mexican immigrant of Caribbean descent. He did really well in Poland and Germany. Not speaking any of the local languages, his pickup line was to point at himself and say his name. Some guys have it like that.
The other was the whitest white dude in the history of white dudes. He was travelling around Poland and walked into a Porsche dealership and told them he owned a 911 back in the states. After a little chit-chat he asked they had one he could borrow. They found him a car and let him borrow it – free – for two weeks. Some guys have it like that.
So of the two Americans I knew personally who traveled to Europe at that time, 100% got lots of hot chicks and 50% got free cars. Apparently Europe loves Americans.
Every bar we went into had people who wanted to practice their English and tell us about their cousin in the US.
I knew a girl who majored in German and went to Germany for a year to study. She said as soon as people found out she was American they all wanted to practice their English rather than speak German with her.
The Bourne Cisidentity
Is anyone else besides me having trouble posting comments since last night? I’m used to the occasional 503, but I’m getting lots of endless wheel spinning/loading, potential squirrel attacks, etc.
Its just you.
Okay that was mean. Its just you.
Feminist + made-up gender studies nonsense + the New York Times = “wow, I can’t believe how ridiculous this article is”
Without opening link lemme guess:
Even though Ansari didn’t technically do anything wrong, he’s still guilty of upholding cis-hetero norms so his destruction is necessary to the cause.
Am I close?
Unbelievably close. The gist is basically, Aziz should have known that his consensual interaction was rape, because feminists were talking about this nonsense since the 90’s. This woman lives in her own world. The nonsense spewed by gender study departments is met with an eye roll by the wider American public. She honestly think that she is engaging in ‘scholarship’. It’s sad and funny at the same time
People in gender study departments (and the like) viscerally believe that they’re uncovering universal truths as part of their important scholarship. Like so many opinionated fools before them they think of themselves as the vanguard of society, entitled and obliged to bully everyone else until they all adopt their views.
They imbue the poor idiots who’ve had the misfortune to pay money to study their courses with the same sense of moral and intellectual certainty. Off they skip into the working world, taking on low-paying jobs as ‘journalists’. They’re operating in the marketplace of ideas, and because they believe themselves to be “on the right side of history”, there’s strong pressure to stand out by adopting ever more ‘progressive’ opinions. Try to stand out by criticising the academy and see what happens to you.
They don’t have any conception of the position of their views in intellectual history (which is in any case icky, white and male). They are teaching a thuggish, bovine world how to think about sex (or race, or anything else) and tomorrow belongs to them.
Good comment.
I thought it would take much longer before their autophagy reached the Messiah himself. I guess I was wrong.
“This is my neighborhood. You and your friends should show me some respect. You should let me wet my beak a little… Tell your friends I don’t want a lot. Just enough to wet my beak.”
An article from earlier last year – one which I’m too lazy to look for at the moment – quoted Obama as saying that the project wouldn’t capitulate to any of these demands, because once one special interest is satisfied then hundreds of others come out of the woodwork. He knows all too intimately how this game is played.
Hah…of course he knows, he was on the other side of this arrangement for a long time
Exactly. He used the free shit army to his advantage and now he’s telling them to fuck off. I hope they burn him in effigy.
“11. And last, but not least: “RUSSIA COLLUSION!” Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”
I think Trump is gonna bend over backward and do somersaults to get his wall. That was the cornerstone of his campaign and if he blows it his chances for reelection drop significantly.
I’m not sure. Talk about The Wall™ is good red meat for his base. It’s a good way to get them fired up. If it ever actually gets built or started, that takes that issue away. He might want to wait until towards the end of his time in office to actually get it going.
I always thought “The Wall” was Trump’s version of “We’re Gonna Close Gitmo”.
Me too. But if he’s not careful it will be his version of “Universal Health Care”.
Something tells me those charges for the Vegas shooting are going to be for selling guns, not pulling the trigger.
LULZ if they pick Newark.
Oh, darn, we didn’t make the cut.
Were on it. They just built a data center next to my work.
And Amazon has the distribution center down there as well.
Oh, darn, we didn’t make the cut.
If it makes you feel any better, neither did we.
About 7-8 of those are gestures only. Philly? Washington DC? Nashville? Chicago? Nope.
I would bet Austin or Dallas.
Toronto as an outside choice (too hard to get all their workers there).
My bet is Austin, but Philly has a chance!
There is a ton of Amazon traffic up and down I-65 due to UPS using SDF as a major hub, so both Indy and Nashville make some kind of sense.
Also, Tennessee doesn’t have an income tax.
I don’t know if that factors in or not.
It was always going to be Austin. The Whole Foods HQ is already there. They’re just fishing for handouts (from Austin).
Go with Dallas.
It’s going to be Austin. If not Austin, Dallas or Miami. Lots of handouts from the state/local governments plus no state income tax, making it easier to get employee talent.
Dallas has better transportation infrastructure.
Austin is more wokehip.
I doubt anywhere else is seriously in the running.
Lets be real here, this is the criteria, second only by a nose to greasy palms.
Certainly people need to realize that this is mostly a logistics-based decision for Amazon and not a tech-based decision. If they want to be at the forefront of something like autonomous long-haul trucking, they are more likely to pick something in the mid-section of the country. But Amazon is also looking at ocean shipping so port operations might be a consideration.
“From tampons to lipsticks and even tap water: The everyday items that cause mood swings, infertility and cancer – so how many do you use?
Chemicals found in water bottles and receipts wreak havoc on people’s health
Research shows more than 90% of receipts contain ‘gender-bending’ chemicals”
I thought frogs were born gay?
How does a gay frog even work? Frogs fertilize externally (not quite broadcast spawning, but not unrelated).
Well, when two frogs love each other very much…
“not unrelated”
OK, so now we know how Southern frogs do it, but what about northern frogs? How do they get it on?
Greennecks, amirite?
Based on the details I could not avoid, my take on that Ansari story is she wants revenge because he never called her for a second date.
What did I win?
You win a false rape allegation!
TW: Buzzfeed
Whatever. I have zero nuke anxiety. MSP was always a target for the Ruskies, so I’ll be vapor anyway.
I’m sure the nuke will go off shortly before end of the Super Bowl with the Vikes leading by 40. Like Moses we will never see the Purple Promised Land.
Lol. That would be pure Minnesota!
The South Koreans in Seoul have lived for 60 years with the threat of North Korea and you don’t see them bitching about it. Now we are such a bunch of pansies that we start pissing our pants and sucking our thumbs because they may have the technical ability to strike us.
I’m glad I don’t have to face any of the ROK Marines I trained with back in Team Spirit because I’d be ashamed.
Suppress the Jesuits again and give all of their holdings to the Dominicans
Anyone else notice Trump’s Fake News Awards?
Donald Trump gave an award to . . . ahem . . . our own David Weigel!
—-New York Times
It’s that kind of shithead behavior that I see from ENB and little Robbie all the time, too. It’s gonna get ’em all in trouble.
Hell, wasn’t Weigel already fired by the Washington Post over calling the Tea Party people “rat-fuckers” and said they should all “set themselves on fire” once before?
I would bet Austin or Dallas.
If I were choosing, Salt Lake City would be the favorite. But what do I know?
SLC is a beautiful city. Almost enough to make me forget about their irritating liquor laws.
“The Southern Poverty Law Center claims it protects us from “hate groups”. But it’s a scam… a money grabbing slander machine”
“Years ago, Harper’s Magazine reported that SPLC was “the wealthiest civil rights group in America, one that now spend most of its time — and money — on a fund-raising campaign.” People in Montgomery, Alabama, where SPLC is based, call its elegant new headquarters “the Poverty Palace.”
“Morris Dees’ salary is more than my entire annual budget,” says Morse. “Whatever they’re doing, it pays.”
Dees, SPLC’s co-founder, promised to stop fundraising once his endowment hit $55 million. But when he reached $55 million, he upped the bar to $100 million, saying that would allow them “to cease costly fundraising.”
But again, when they reached $100 million, they didn’t stop. Now they have $320 million — a large chunk of which is kept in offshore accounts. Really. It’s on their tax forms.”
“An Elon University professor has devised a “secret weapon” to fight “far-right extremists” on behalf of Antifa — she’s made software to keep tabs on 400,000 Facebook accounts whom she suspects to be members of the alt-right.
And she’s using that program to dox anyone she deems a “far-right extremist.”
A new Wired Magazine article, published on Tuesday, highlights the work of Megan Squire, a 45-year-old professor of computer science at Elon University, whose program feeds data to the hyper-partisan organization Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — as well as a “left-wing activist who she knew might take more radical action.”
The magazine reports that the SPLC’s analysts then use the information she gives them to “provide information to police or to reveal white supremacists to their employers, seeking to get them fired.”
On a recently published post on Squire’s blog, the professor classifies what constitutes a “far-right extremist” by 12 different ideologies. She uses a variety of keywords to identify so-called extremists, including popular terms like “anti-SJW,” “anti-Obama,” “No Sharia Law,” “rebel,” patriot,” and even “kek.”
As Far Left Watch notes, the vague keywords offer no guarantee that most of the 400,000 individuals on her list are “far-right extremists.” Furthermore, even if they were, vigilante action taken by Antifa supporters against any of these people could result in harm to both innocent people marked as targets, or their assailants.
The Wired article states that Squire herself does not identify as a member of Antifa, but they rank among her strongest allies. Squire is reportedly “sympathetic” to the DHS-designated domestic terror group’s “goal of silencing racist extremists and is unwilling to condemn their use of violence, describing it as a last resort among a “diversity of tactics.”
“She’s an intelligence operative of sorts in the battle against far-right extremism, passing along information to those who might put it to real-world use. Who might weaponize it,” Wired claims.”
Idiots like this don’t think through their actions s very much. What happens when you ruin some guys life by doxxing him? Eventually you’ll do that to somebody who has nothing to lose, and your name and place of work are out in the public. He’s going to come to your house and beat you to a bloody pulp with a tire iron.
Gosh, wouldn’t that be awful.
I smell a lawsuit…
Sounds like a reason for more people to go out and buy more guns.
The party of business indeed.
Carnahan (the chairwoman) has done a decent job up until this. I have no idea what she was thinking when she did this. On one hand, it is sort of refreshing to have her openly grifting. But why doesn’t she do what all these other knotheads do and have donors give her “consulting” contracts on the side?
Pretty cool.
Gentlemen is a a dog whistle for misogyny.
It also constitutes trans erasure.
Is that like one of those erasers that’s red on one end and blue on the other?
More photos at their web page.
Very cool.
Have we discussed the first signs of the Big Blue Wave?
Was this really in the national news? Until the Dem won, I hadn’t heard a peep about it. Am I just not paying attention?
I’d expect the Democrats to do well this year.
Gingrich in ’94 well or Tea Party in 2010 size, I dunno.
If anything can mobilize Democrats like that, it’s probably identity politics like Trump exudes. All the reasons the identity types on the Republican side love him are the same reasons all the identity types on the Republican side love him.
I suspect that might help cancel each other out.
It’s not like in 2010 when the Tea Party mobilized against TARP, the nationalization of GM, and ObamaCare.
It’s not like in 1994 when the Republicans mobilized against Clinton’s gun control laws and HillaryCare.
If Democrats have anything like a bipartisan issue (which is what you need to sway swing voters), it might be immigration–but as far as swing voters go, I’m not sure they’re any more predisposed to supporting immigration from shit-hole countries than your average Republican.
Still, the president usually cops a big pushback in the first congressional election after he’s elected during his first term. I’d be surprised if the Republicans don’t lose seats.
There’s an entire flock of black swans circling the US. Massive market correction, natural disaster, war etc., but most of all Trump himself. The Dems only need on them to hit and they’ll route the R’s.
How did you miss this?
Trump ruins everything
As the gateway to America’s largest city, Penn Station should inspire awe, as train stations do in London, Paris, Tokyo, and other competently managed metropolises. Instead, it embodies a particular kind of American failure—the inability to maintain roads, rails, ports, and other necessary conduits. For generations, the officials connected to Penn Station have been blind to, or unable to deliver on, the idea that improving the station would more than pay for itself. (One estimate, from the Business Roundtable, says that a dollar invested in infrastructure yields as much as $3 in economic growth.) In the final days of 2017, the situation reached perhaps its bleakest point yet, when the Trump administration signaled its disinterest in coming to the rescue: The president will not honor an Obama-era commitment to New York and New Jersey to foot half the cost of a new tunnel, dumping planners back at square one.
How the fuck is it the Federal Government’s job to fix your shitty train station NYC?
The Feds pay for everything these days. They’re the only ones with the printing presses.
Then they should be supporting the cap on SALT deductions, instead they are actively trying to prevent it.
Wow, this is derptastic. Wouldn’t DeBlasio be responsible for the state of a building in his city?
Actually the station is owned by Amtrak.
What happened to that $1 trillion stimulus? Didn’t that fix anything?
According to the Partnership for New York City, a group that represents its business community, some 30 percent of Manhattan’s workforce lives west of the Hudson. These commuters could try to cram onto the Port Authority’s PATH trains, which carry 292,000 commuters a day through different Hudson tunnels, but they’re already near capacity. There are always ferries. But does a region that has prided itself on being ahead of the rest of the world truly want to see the large-scale return of a mode of transportation from the 19th century?
Could somebody explain to me why ferries are outmoded and antediluvian, but TRAINZ are not? Given the choice, I’d much rather ride on a ferry (preferably sleek, rapid and modern- perhaps even on riding on a cushion of air) where I could breathe the air and see the sky than be shuttled through a dank dark tube.
But what do I know?
Between riding “ferries” and dank, dark tubes, this may be the most elaborate euphemism yet.
Once you go dark and dank, you never go back.
Could somebody explain to me why ferries are outmoded and antediluvian, but TRAINZ are not?
Because ferries have much less politics and graft to them. I mean, if a ferry line doesn’t have sufficient traffic, you can just up and transfer it to a route that has too much traffic. What’s the role of top men in that? And a nice subway line, you get to give the unions years of employment, the banks a bundle on underwriting fees, and really get to make your presence known (through the years of inconvenience the neighbors have to endure). A ferry? Pffft! You just get some guy to pilot it and have it show up? Who benefits from that?
More seriously, New York should rely on ferries for a much larger portion of its public transport. Pretty much all of the city is comprised of island or coastal areas. You can access the city much more easily by boat than by digging tunnels. Plus you have the fact that, as you suggest, it’s a lot more pleasant. Ferries can even be fitted with concession areas where you can grab a quick bite and a drink. That would create havoc on a subway.
Politicians like trains because trains run on tracks, and tracks only go certain places, and getting to decide where gets tracks and where doesn’t get tracks makes one powerful.
+1 transit oriented development.
I’ve got a great idea: how bout we dispense with the term “feminist” completely and just start talking in terms of freedom of association and equality under the law? Silly me.
We live in a culture where victim hood is social currency. They’ll give up feminism as soon as it has become anything but a harbinger of victim points.
I’d also like to point out that articles like these prove my point that the Pill was the single most consequential invention. Without the Pill, none of this is an issue and the toothpaste won’t go back in the tube. (NB: this is neither an endorsement nor a condemnation, merely an observation) In spite of the advances in technology and *incredible* social pressures to alter behavior, women are still more socio-sexually restricted than men (surprise!). You don’t wish away evolutionary pressures.
Those arguing for a return to traditional values are missing the massive upending of supply and demand that has happened. Pussy used to be scarce and expensive, it’s now cheap and plentiful. Unless women, en masse, decide to start holding out and waiting until marriage (or at least a serious relationship) to put out, this will not change. Since the costs to casual sex are low (in a tangible, non-emotional sense), there will always be a cadre of women willing to sell it cheap. Women, on the whole, are not happy with the results of their revolution. Turns out giving it away is not nearly as empowering as they thought it would be, so the only option is to raise the cost. The cost used to be pregnancy, responsibility and marriage. Now they’re trying to shift the cost to shame, lost employment and possibly jail. It will not end well.
Of course, once we have sexbots that are good enough and cheap enough, the supply and demand will once again be upended.
Hell, I’d say there’s an economics paper in this. People have toyed around talking about the “sexual marketplace” but I’d love to see a rigorous economic analysis of it and how it’s changed since the combined oral contraceptive pill appeared in 1960.
Mona Charon made a similar point today. Feminists think they’re cutting out the heart of “rape culture.” What they’re actually doing is revealing the profound disservice they’ve done women by encouraging them to be men with vaginas.
It’s funny, if predictable: they insisted that what makes women women–femininity, tenderness, empathy–is weakness, and instead prized what makes men men–brashness, risk-taking, emotional apathy. The threw womanhood overboard in pursuit of ersatz manhood. And now they find that they’ve lost many of the virtues and benefits that womanhood entailed, and earned little of what men enjoy, such as the satisfaction of consequence-free sex.
“men with vaginas”
Women underestimate the sexiness of femininity.
I still like MacArdle. She was by far the best thing about The Atlantic back when she blogged there, her comment section was great (and some of it followed her as she moved around, all the way to Bloomberg) and she pointed me at Reason H&R…oh, five years ago?
Yeah she sometimes says stupid things but comment section calls her out and she never loses her shit over it. That she chose Suderman I put down to his hidden talents and ability to recognize a good thing, rather than a failing on her part.
It looks like the federal government, who has sole authority over immigration laws, and the state of California, who considers itself a sanctuary state, are about to have a showdown.
My guess is that some people (including a certain writer at TOS) will tell us that this is totally different from saying that the State of Arizona had no authority to conduct its own immigration policy.
I’m pretty sure I’ve posted stories about how dysfunctional and corrupt the brass running the Chicago Public Schools system are.
It’s a complete and total mystery why their bonds are junk rated.
Hopefully it’s been enough hours that an OT link isn’t rude:
It’s got: Blockchain, Sex, Free Market economics, Male:Female gender ratio discrepancies… If he could just abandon his TopMeninist religion, he’d be a great Glib
In which Andrew McCarthy compares Chun Shing Lee to Patreus and Clinton, and why you peasants better mind your Ps and Qs.
I’d go one further than McCarthy and suggest that Clinton’s animus against the United States is extant and obvious: she operated a money laundering scheme for converting foreign government assets into favors, at the expense of United States interests she was pledged to protect. McCarthy holds the question of motive to be irrelevant, which as a legal question is true, but to my mind, the Clintons are flagrant traitors.
You peasants better mind your tags, too.
Minding Tags…
Meh. Mannequin was a pretty shitty movie despite Kim Cattrall.
It is pretty dated, but the campy gay guy was funny at the time. And Cattrall showed her tits. Pretty much all you needed in a comedy.
What’s up with the theme? everything changed to this gray on gray that’s next to impossible to read.
That theme is called “The UnCiv”
50 Shades of Glib?
I thought it was pretty aesthetically pleasing. Now it seems to have reverted to the original scheme.
Right now it’s the gray on gray for me – and I have trouble reading the content. Without the primary function of the site, whether it is pretty is moot.
Go to your profile, and choose a different one.
It keeps randomly changing – when I answered Atanarkuat, it was the gray on gray. Once I hit ‘post comment’ it was back to the clean classic design.
I’ve gotten the gray-on-gray twice this morning.
See, now after I typed that, it went back to grey on grey. I refreshed and its now back to a black/white format.
All hail the squirrels.
Good grief. Megan McArdle is (still/again) a fucking retard. From Q’s link-
I’m thinking of a fairly recent paper by political scientist Michael Munger, which introduced the concept of euvoluntary exchange. Put simply, though we talk a great deal about voluntary exchange, the fact is that we often think voluntary exchanges are morally wrong. After all, the quid pro quo offered by Weinstein was in some sense voluntary, and yet also, totally unacceptable. Likewise price gouging after natural disasters, blackmail and similar breaches.
We have an intuition, says Professor Munger, that in order for an exchange to be really valid, both parties need to have a minimally acceptable alternative to making the deal. And in the case of sex, I think that often women no longer feel they have those alternatives. So expanding Professor Munger’s analysis to consensual sex — we might call it euconsensual sex — may give us some insight into what’s gone wrong.
If there are enough women willing to accommodate men who approach romance like a deranged mink, then other women will feel they have to go along. It is no more realistic to tell an individual woman to opt out of this dynamic than it would be to encourage her to bring down capitalism by quitting her job. Since our society does not consider sitting home alone in your apartment night after night to be a minimally acceptable alternative to casual sex, women may feel that the sex they agree to is consensual, but not euconsensual. And they end up feeling violated when it becomes clear that he is (yes, again) interested in only the one thing.
Those poor, delicate, helpless flowers. Helpless.
HELPLESS, I tells ya!
Damn you, our society! *shakes fist*
I don’t know what society she belongs to, but I’ve never once seen condemnation of sitting at home alone, let alone condemnation as an alternative to promiscuity.
I think the idea is that those who aren’t in the game are ridiculed as cat ladies and such.
This is a less ‘woke’ way to explain what Megan is trying to say, but they take the alternative route. While Megan is essentially screaming “abandon all hope!” this video basically says “y’all screwed up”.
Can’t forget the impact of the welfare state as well.
a minimally acceptable alternative to making the deal
Acceptable to who? Many of Weinstein’s “victims” could have just walked out, but they preferred the quim pro quo he offered.
There’s always an alternative. As long as it’s not violence, it’s up to the adult to make a choice.
Only people with money and power have freewill, or something like that.
Many of Weinstein’s “victims” could have just walked out, but they preferred the quim pro quo he offered.
The fact that so many who availed themselves of the quid pro quo are referred to as victims points to the problem. We’ve stopped saying that a woman’s behavior is ever morally wrong. At one point, a woman who slept her way to the top was considered, well, a whore. Now that no one is judging her, she deigns to redesignate herself a victim and the man as fully culpable.
Adam Smith’s Impartial Spectator. But don’t read McAardle on euvoluntary. Read Munger, or listen to his econtalk episode about it. It may surprise you, but McAardle doesn’t doe a great job of explaining the concept.
Since our society does not consider sitting home alone in your apartment night after night to be a minimally acceptable alternative to casual sex, women may feel that the sex they agree to is consensual, but not euconsensual.
McArdle is either stupid or purposely mischaracterizing women’s choice (I know, I know, both). There are plenty of alternatives to “sitting home alone in your apartment night after night” and hooking up with a “deranged mink”. There’s plenty of single guys available who’d be happy to have relationships other than that of said mink. And plenty of guys who spend their nights at home. But, for lots of women, the guy spending his night at home is not acceptable to them. They’re only willing to date Mr. Rich Famous Successful Handsome Studmuffin. Even if they bring much, much, less to the table. Mr. Studmuffin has his choice of a dozen women at any one time. “Fuck ’em and move on to one of the other eleven” is a viable strategy for him.
If your only options on the table are Mr. Studmuffin and staying at home alone, unless you’re a supermodel with doctorate, don’t be surprised if you spend a lot of nights at home or don’t get treated like a princess.
Female hypergamy (that much maligned bugaboo of the MRA-types) is just another evolutionary adaptation that, once again, didn’t magically disappear with the advent of the Pill and the resulting social realignment.
Dammit, this submission is getting longer by the minute.
These euphemisms &c.
Except trying to maintain that stance, given the social realignment is a losing proposition. Even more, the resulting realignment has led a lot of women to openly announce their hypergamy (“If I go with a man he better be rich and hot and…”), thereby undermining one of the few tools women had (perception of moral worth) that was of particular value in attracting a higher status man.
The problem with hypergamy is that it’s fundamentally an irrational expectation. It relies on the expectation that the higher status party is going to systematically undervalue his negotiating position. Expecting stupid is generally not the best negotiating strategy.
If the only choices are staying home alone every day or whoring, your real problem is depression.
Oh come on, she’s trying to softball to the progs the same thing Q said above:
It still goes back to the old adage: Fast, Good, Cheap – you can only get two. Unfortunately the sexual revolution was sold to women as if they could have it all. You can’t.
How do we get to a place where today’s young women have adequate alternatives to dispiriting sex modeled on ubiquitous porn?
Collectivist moron collectivises.
Women, on the whole, are not happy with the results of their revolution. Turns out giving it away is not nearly as empowering as they thought it would be
Sister shaming is a bitch.
I went down the rabbit hole of the Blockchain Dating article and found they had hired this girl:
Former ultra-fundamentalist Christian, former camgirl/pornstar, former acid junkie, now she posts ethical/moral dilemmas on her Twitter page. I think I’m in love.
Who wants to send an invite to her Twatter to join Glibs? I would, but I don’t have Twitter and would sooner autocastrate than get an account.
There’s an entire flock of black swans circling the US.
Those are buzzards.
I’m just happy it isn’t Flock of Seagulls.
I ran.
How far?
What’s up with the theme? everything changed to this gray on gray that’s next to impossible to read.
I don’t see anything. Maybe it’s Frank Lloyd Wright’s ghost haunting you.
I had the same thing but it reverted to normal after a page refresh.
I’m on Firefox on a tablet, getting gray on gray. Not a fan.
And now it’s back to “normal”.
Gray on gray again.
Normal again.
I’m unsure what’s causing it, it’s been changing all morning for me.
I’ve noticed it switch a few times while loading over the past few days. I think the script may use a faux bold to be read clearer, and for some reason now that layer isn’t loading all the time.
Well now y’all done it.
I’m gonna have to go write an economic analysis of the sexual marketplace pre and post Sexual Revolution, pre and post AIDS and pre and post #metoo. Why do you punish yourselves by continuing to make me have thoughts that must be recorded? SHAME.
I’ve been reading a great book about the KGB. Check this out:
In 1959, there was a sudden spike in swastika vandalism throughout West Germany and western Europe. The crisis escalated as Germans were expelled from various NATO countries and there were calls to boycott West Germany. All the while, left wing newspapers blasted West Germany as being run by unrepentant Nazis.
This campaign was orchestrated by the KGB for the express purpose of weakening NATO.
Another book, John Barron’s “The KGB – The World of the Soviet Secret Police” states that Gen. Ivan Agayants, head of the KGB’s disinformation department, sent a team of KGB agents to a village about fifty miles from Moscow.
“One night they smeared swastikas, kicked over tombstones, and painted anti-Jewish slogans, then escaped undetected. KGB agents stationed in the village to gauge the public reaction reported that most people were disturbed or frightened by the swastikas … Some weeks after this trial run in the Soviet village, the KGB began the operation, relying upon East Germans in West Germany and its own agents in other parts of the world … ”
Although John Barron published his book in 1974, and the German White Paper was published in 1960, not much has been said about the Soviet instigation of the incidents.
Barron reported that the world-wide reaction was instant and uniformly disparaging of West Germany. American poet Carl Sandburg advocated the death penalty for anyone caught painting swastikas. British businessmen cancelled contracts for German products, German employees were fired, British newspaper expressed doubts as to whether West Germany should be a NATO partner. The New York Herald Tribune headlined an article: “Bonn unable to eliminate Nazi poison.”
Bolton claims that the two Communist officials most responsible for these fake anti-Jewish actions were themselves Jewish. Markus Wolf was the son of Jewish-Communist writer Friedrich Wolf and for 33 years chief of East Germany’s Ministry for State Security (the “Stasi”). He worked closely with Albert Norden, son of a rabbi, chief of East Germany’s propaganda machine and a member of the East Berlin Communist party Politburo. Phoney anti-Semitic hate letters were mailed to Jewish community centers and individual Jews throughout West Germany – one read: “Obviously you Jews have not yet grasped that you must disappear from Germany. Apparently it wasn’t enough that we gassed six million of you.” And: “Your extermination has only been interrupted. We know all of you.”
Interestingly. the only country that came to defend West Germany’s reputation was Israel.
You know who else propagated disinformation to compromise Western solidarity…
Hugh Hefner?
link for above quote:
The KGB also printed up fake Goldwater quotes during the election of 1964 and distributed them in the US and around the world. The quotes portrayed him as violent and stupid and were repeated widely.
If the Russians did in fact try to tilt the 2016 election, it was nothing out of step with what they’ve done for a long time. A vocal and persuasive anti-communist MP in Britain, Anthony Courtney, was ousted as the result of a KGB operation. The KGB sent photos of him having sex with a woman in Russia during a trip there after his wife died. The hotel he was staying in was filled with surveillance equipment, as were all hotels frequented by foreigners in the USSR. The KGB targeted him because he said that Britain should expel the Soviet diplomatic mission because most of the “diplomats” were actually KGB agents.
I think there was also a report in recent years that the KGB started the rumors about J. Edgar Hoover’s cross-dressing.
the latest in the Mueller probe of Russia/Trump collusion to kill American democracy is that some Russian banker donated money to the NRA who then used those exact same dollars to advocate for Trump.. which apparently is illegal (?). i’m assuming the investigation will require deposing the NRA Advisory Board and executives and open-ended subpoenas to the NRA network host for all correspondence internal and external since forever.
TW: Chait
There is a genuine ideological connection between the right-wing ideology of the NRA and of many Russian nationalists, a strand of violence-obsessed authoritarian pan-European nationalism.
what? seriously, what did he just say? is he saying the connection between the NRA and Russian nationalists is “a strand of violence-obsessed authoritarian pan-European nationalism”?
That is literally the stupidest phrase I’ve seen in months, and not for the lack of trying.
Pan-European OR Nationalism, you cretin! EUROPE IS NOT A NATION!!!
Oh, and Russian Nationalists? They have zero interest in “Europe”. The whole point of Russian nationalism for last…oh, 500+ years, is that Russia is the Third Rome, possessor of True Christian Civilization and that the entire lot of barbarians to the west and east are doing it wrong, for various reasons. At best, you take their tools but they have nothing to teach you culturally or politically.
And yet Hillary, Obama, Clapper, and friends are all walking around without legitimate charges being brought on them.
I put up a stupid, whiny post at TOS about how shitty the commentariate is these days. It is a dumb and somewhat self-indulgent thing to do, but today’s conversation was just so lame, I had to send my bitching out to the universe. There really is very little left there except for sock-puppets and trolls. You can’t even get a decent policy discussion going most of the time.
Heck, libertarians will argue with a post-it note if they think it isn’t sufficiently libertarian. You’d think the target audience would lend itself to a full discussion of the merrits of every little issue. But not so much. More like a group of monkeys watching 3 monkeys fling poo at each other.
I wish they’d pull in another ace like Balko. We need a little libertarian energy pushing things around.
No, they need to give Hihn a weekly column. It would be no less stupid than what Dalmia, Chapman, Richman, ENB or Soave routinely put out, and no worse written than Boehm or Gillespie screeds. Learn from Trump!
Stossel should be the new ace. But he’s horribly, horribly unwoke – daring to attack SPLC without making sure people he defends are 110%
wokesinless.Didn’t they bring in Eugene Volokh?