Plague, Ague, Catarrh, Dropsy, Bloody Flux, Grippe and other ills have laid waste to Brett (and various other Glibs Founders). But the Links must be delivered to the waiting masses….OK, the waiting hundreds. Dozens? Right. Anyway… here are yer Links.

  • A new movement arises! The Girthers! They have an esteemed leader who is brave enough to diagnose from afar! (TW: CNN)
  • Scienticians are sciencing the shit out of a shot! Faster, science faster!
  • Socialism’s success story continues. Why won’t the world emulate this?!
  • Speaking of disease…and socialism.
  • Sweden is…alarmed.

I am off to put on a precautionary cataplasm and find my flask of elemental mercury….and the laudanum.