Hey look! Its about to start snowing in Houston. Which means very bad things for those of us who need to get on the road. So let’s jump into this as fast as we can, ok?
In the sports world, attention shifts to sunnier climes. That’s right, its Australian Open time! It doesn’t look like there were any upsets through the first couple of days. Unless anybody considers one hit wonder Kevin Anderson a favorite for anything. Oh yeah, and CoCo Vendeweigh went bananas over…bananas en route to being bounced out in the first round. I guess that’s an upset, although with her mental state, anything is possible.
Not much else happened anywhere. Dallas, Colorado, San Jose and the Islanders all won on the ice.Man United won to move into sole possession of second place in the EPL. FA Cup third round replays are on for the next couple of days. And the world waits, stunned, for the NFL conference championship games, still talking about that wild finish in Minnesoooooda.
That’s all for sports. Now…the links!

Twi- … -ter. Twitter.
Looks like Twitter has some splainin to do. Well, they would if anybody decided to get off the shithole comments and focus on a blatant invasion of privacy.
Two weirdo-looking psychopaths are arrested for essentially enslaving their 13 children. They had them chained to the bed and weren’t feeding them properly either. They were arrested after one of the kids escaped and called 911. Those disgusting pigs need to rot in prison.
Talk about irony! He might have made it had he gone back to the shithole lovely paradise he and most of his gang came from. But he stayed in America and is now a casualty in the horrible gun wars. Let’s see if the retarded gun-grabbers blame the NRA for this peach of a guy getting whacked.

This isn’t shithole culture. Its diversity, asshole!
The Airbus A380 was hailed as the future of aviation. It soon may become just a part of its past.
Chicago is still hiring too many white cops apparently. The story goes on to say how the number of minorities hired is way lower than the percentage of them that sign up to take the exam. But it never touches on the percentage that actually pass the exam. And there’s also this:
Johnson says the stagnation in minority hiring is the result in part of candidates not following through after signing up for the police entrance exam.
But never fear! There’s this as well:
Johnson says many minority candidates are eliminated by the physical fitness and credit-check portions of the hiring process.
He says the department has “put things in place” to see that fewer minority candidates are eliminated from consideration.
So you see? Its easy to boost the number of minority candidates hired to be Chicago cops: you just have to lower the physical standards, hire more people that can’t pass the credit check and apparently lower the testing requirements. And all that just to become a part of what might be the most corrupt police force in America and become basically above the law.’

Come take a ride on my Danish submarine.
Damn, dude. Wouldn’t it have been easier to just, you know, do your job?
I’m gonna just quote this story’s headline word for word. Because it’s earned it: Danish man charged with killing reporter on his submarine.
Goodbye, Dolores. I’ll miss this song.
Good luck out there, friends. Especially those of you dealing with snow and ice in a place where it never snows
*looks at links*
*Fails to find easy snark*
*watches Media debate itself over tax cuts instead*
This video is insane. I think the media basically parroting Democratic talking points during the tax cuts fight should silence anyone who says that the media landscape is not left-leaning.
Also, under what economic school of thought are tax cuts ever detrimental to an economy? That’s just bananas
From what I can see, most of those people parroting the talking points are pundits, not journalists. So the news outlets are being fair since those are merely the opinions of the guests.*
*The nodding hosts aren’t agreeing with the guests, even though you can see them salivating at their words. They’re nerely nodding because they can hear them clearly.
-CNN and MSNBC joint press release
Except there are a couple of anchors in their ‘begging the question’ and one even asked Ryan if he’s dreaming.
My question is: Are some of those pundits correct when they say based on historical evidence (as they put it) corp. tax cuts never lead to wag increases?
But like JS said. On what planet does someone have to be to argue against the government not taking their money and that it’s bad thing?
Bonehead arguing against tax cuts: B-b-b-but revenues!!!!!
Rufus: Ahhhhh-shaaadaaaap!
Why do you think these dnc operatives with bylines would correct any factual errors presented by people peddling more collectivism and top down control if that correction would damage the collectivist’s agenda, is besides me Rufus. The left can tell any lie it wants – especially now that the facts are showing the economic social justice system the left peddles not only sucks but is anti-economic based on the 8 years of government will pick winners & losers of Obamanomics, while the Trump approach allows for a freer, more economic growth promoting approach – and they will find people to question whether you should believe their lies or what your eyes show you, and then, come down on you for pointing out they are hacks.
If someone is still clinging to the “media is unbiased” fairy tale* after the JournoList and the emails showing numerous media outlets in outright collusion with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, I don’t think there’s any hope for them.
* In this version of events, Fox News (more liek FAUX nooz, amirite????) is the only media outlet that has any bias whatsoever.
I hit this topic over at HnR to thunderous silence. But it fits right here perfectly, so here ya go:
Drudge links to an interesting read on the press coverage of Trump over the past year. Consider the source, but it still makes for an interesting read.
Executive summary: Trump coverage dominated the news in 2017 and was overwhelmingly negative – to the tune of 90% negative. The tenor of the coverage did not vary, regardless of what was happening – always roughly the same at 90% negative.
My take-home: “Over-reach” has become the new normal – and it kills the message. With Trump it allows his supporters to ignore negative coverage because the press acts as if he just reopened Auschwitz if he eats a taco salad. We are seeing the same effect with #MeToo, where a bad pickup line or failed kiss attempt is exactly the same as quid-pro-quo sexual harassment by a powerful executive which is exactly the same thing as walking out of the shower and masturbating in front of an unwilling prospective employee which is exactly the same thing as the violent gang rape of a 15 year old girl.
My personal ox getting gored moment in this nonsense has been #BLM obliterating the work done by people like Balko to bring policing reform to the forefront and replacing all of that well-reasoned discussion with “white people are racists”.
My biggest problem with this is that it has turned people off so that if Trump actually some day does something horrible, nobody will bat an eye at the wolf crying fucks that have been carrying water for the dnc even though they are for once possibly telling the truth.
Yes, this is exactly my point. Everything is literally worse than Hitler gassing the Jews. Everything. Nobody is going to hear it if he does go all evil rogue dictator and do the most evil thing that any US president has ever done. Because there’s nowhere to go from 100% hysteria mode.
Other than running his mouth (or thumbs), he really hasn’t done all that much, for good or for ill. Yet they act as if all of society is about to fall because of Trump, not just here in the US, but globally.
With Trump it allows his supporters to ignore negative coverage
I’m struggling to push through my learned reflex that anything that comes from the DemOp Media Complex is propaganda and lies. I mean, there’s peanuts in that turd, I know, but man, you get tired of having to pick them out of the mess.
Come on man. These are not normal stories. This is not a normal man. He had TWO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM man! Two Scoops! We can not normalize this shit.
Interesting example. They take Trump to task for never apologizing. I remember Obama doing a lot of apologizing on behalf of other people, but I don’t really remember him apologizing for anything he did. And Hillary…. are we upset that she not only doesn’t apologize, but can’t even admit that she may have possibly played a role in losing the election?
This apologize thing seems to be a recurring theme. They kept hitting on GW Bush to apologize for various things, clearly thinking it would weaken him politically to be seen apologizing.
They are still digging. Keep it up pinkos.
Trying to reach Red China?
There are some people (some of whom are coworkers) who will put in more effort avoiding work than the work itself would have entailed. The circumstance in which this is justified do exist (This is supported by group X, not me) but this still baffles me when the work they persist in avoiding is their own actual job and they go to great lengths and superior efforts to get out of it.
When I worked one summer as a stocker at Office Depot, there was one worker there who would go to incredible lengths to hide out in various parts of the store to nap or hang out or whatever. Even aside from the fact that he got fired after a month, he put so much effort into avoiding the management and getting away with shit it would have been easier for him to just do what he was supposed to.
I don’t get that mindset at all. You’ve gone to the effort of getting to the workplace, you might as well do some work, right?
My buddy once told a mutual friend we grew up with “if you spent all this time and energy being a criminal into good stuff you’d be flying in life”. He’d just grin and shrugged it off.
He’s currently a ‘heavy’ in the criminal underworld.
I hate taking down heavies, they usually have a ton of hit-points. Total bullet sponges unless you have the takedown ability upgraded, then you can just sneak behind them and press R1.
Your reliance on a controller is making your accuracy insufficient for the task. If you just chain headshots, you don’t have to mess around with the BS stealth mechanic.
I built my own computer and was a master-race evangelical for years, but then I got a job where I spend 40 hours a week working at a desk computer. The last thing I want to do when I get home is sit at a desk… so instead I sit on a couch 😀
My couch was free – so the fact that it’s too low for me isn’t a big deal. It does mean that I sit in my chair anyway, and since I spend so much of my time writing, I’m in front of the computer – why spend hundreds of extra dollars on consoles with inferior interfaces when I can just invest more in my main rig?
Back of the head with something silenced – doesn’t even have to be a signature weapon.
They have helmets, dude. I’m not trying to wake up the whole hive of baddies.
R1 huh.
My father would often have the same lecture with his parolees. He’d do the math for them to show that they would have made more money at a minimum wage job than they did burglarizing shit.
Hello, Newman…
“It’s the first one!”
94) I’ve been reflecting lately on how constrained my life choices are compared to women’s. For instance, I think my writing (I’m working on my fifth novel) could really benefit from dedicating more time to it—but I have a full-time job, a mortgage, two kids—there is not a huge pool of free time or energy for me to draw from.
My wife, since we’ve been married, has worked full-time, switched to part-time when my son was born, switched to stay-at-home mom after my daughter was born, went to school again to get her degree in library science, and has for the past three years returned to full-time work as a school librarian. During that whole period of nearly 20 years, I have worked full-time, and have had no choice in the matter.
I do not resent this! My full-time work and my wife’s ever-changing status has worked out really well for our family, for our finances, for the happiness of the family’s individual members. And yet, I might have liked the opportunity in there to take some time off to spend more time with the kids when they were little, or to pursue a career in writing.
Do feminists not see this is where the wage differential comes from? This is why women only earn 80 cents for every dollar a man makes—because they have more choices in life. An employer knows a man is there for the long haul. Women have all sorts of options. The wage differential is not a punishment for women because of patriarchy. It’s a bonus for men because they don’t have the options women do.
I haven’t seen you in a while. Not doing much thinking lately?
I have a report I have to do everyday before the morning meeting. The new manager switched the morning meeting from 9AM to 8:30, so I don’t have as much time to write out my early morning thoughts any more.
My workday today started at 5:15 – for a task that turned out to only need five minutes. I’m annoyed that they scheduled it for such an hour when it didn’t require that much padding in the schedule.
You got up before the snow.
Is it at least a valuable report?
It’s something that has to be done daily so other people can do their jobs.
Turn in your JATNAS essays for both.
^best suggestion
Wrong question.
The right question was: Did you remember to put the coversheet on the report?
Irrelevent – I’m not his manager, I don’t care about the formatting.
TPS Report
in that time period we had a senior manager that requested a very expensive and very useless report. So, after my objections were noted and rejected, I set my team to work. They were offended at having to waste their time on this obviously pointless vanity project, so they named it the TPS report. We had to put a link to the report right on the main login page, and on every page of the CRM. So every page had a link “TPS Report”.
The exec in question loved it. Thought it was the best thing ever. He’d go around and make sure everyone printed out a copy and had it on their desk every day.
I forget what post-facto acronym we came up with for TPS, but a great many laughs were had about that one by the tech staff.
I’m aware of it – I still don’t care.
5th novel and you say you’re behind?
I have index cards of jokes I never get around to posting here!
Quite frankly I don’t know if you’re all worth it because….
Not today.
/furiously shuffles index cards looking for joke. Self-narrow gaze.
Meh. I’m in a similar situation, been working full time without missing a beat for nearly 30 years while my wife has shifted between full time, part time, and no time as circumstances permit, but it’s not true that you “didn’t have any choice”. You’ve been making choices all along. You decided to get married, you decided to have kids, you decided to commit yourself to a job in order to provide that family with a certain standard of living. All perfectly good decisions as far as I’m concerned but “society forced me into this” doesn’t sound any more credible here than it does coming from the feminists.
Don’t get me wrong, I like you and I wouldn’t begrudge you a tiny bit of self-pity, but that’s really what it is.
I think I came off a little harsher there than I meant to, so let me just add: I know that sometimes I feel that the tireless effort to hold down a job just gets taken for granted because it’s just something you do every day, not a big grand single gesture. And then one time, my younger daughter, who was 14 or 15 at the time, just came up to me out of the blue and said “I just want you to know that I really appreciate all the hard work you do to provide us with everything”. It doesn’t take too many moments like that to make it all feel worthwhile, and I hope you get your fair share of those moments too.
It kills me the way my SIL leverages staying home with my nephew three days a week to wheedle concessions out of my brother, who is going to work for 10-12 hour days sometimes six days a week. I babysit from time to time; it’s a job, I get it. I’d lose my mind having to do it for more than a couple hours. But there seems to be no recognition on her part for his contributions, even while she’s spending his money. Her entitlement and the way it manifests in snippiness and condescension when she doesn’t get her way just disgusts me.
After hearing that, I’ll hug my wife a little more when I get home. She appreciates me getting up early (so I can be home earlier with the kids) going to work and coming home and being ready to be father for our kids.
Though she has the harder job by far, I think. Homeschooling three kids is no easy task. I’ve told her she gets early retirement when the last kid is out of the house. No need for her to take a job after.
It isn’t her. This is the female brain on marriage.
If you escape this phenomenon, count yourself as one of the lucky ones.
Nah. A lot of people of both (sorry, all) genders suck, and a fair good number don’t. It’s not a gender thing.
It isn’t really about sucking though. Being married for a while alters your perception of reality. Some of it has to do with mating strategy and game theory – women get the 7 year itch due to a biologically driven need to find a different genetic donor so they are not putting all of their eggs in one basket, literally.
I used to work with a scientist at the Yerkes Primate Center at Emory University who was studying that topic. She found it to be universal across all societies and cultures. It comes out in perceptions like “he isn’t romantic any more”, but it is driven internally, regardless of how much of a douche her husband is.
Guys have different reasons for sucking. Not the least of which is that most of us do fall short in the sharing of house work and childcare duties. This, combined with the natural tendency everyone has to think they contribute more than they actually do leads to both parties feeling like they are underappreciated and doing more than they should have to.
Exec Summary: people are crazy and can be really difficult without ever intending to be anything of the sort.
I would be willing to bet that she honestly sees their roles and contributions in a way that is starkly at odds with the way you see them. Not because she’s an evil shrew, but because that’s how her brain is wired. It takes a good deal of couple’s therapy to see beyond that perception filter and appreciate your partner for who they really are.
My sister used to be that way with her husband, and she’s one of the smartest, nicest most driven people I know. And her husband is fantastic…. super nice, extremely smart and exceptionally wealthy. She still nagged him like he was a 5 year old child about things like taking out the garbage. One time I told her that she talked to her husband in a way that my ex and I never spoke to each other… even when we were getting divorced! She didn’t miss a beat…. she just said if she didn’t talk to him that way, nothing would get done.
Perception filter. She just flat couldn’t see it.
Disclaimer: generalities don’t apply to the specific. So everyone gets to say “but not me” with impunity.
I just want you to know that I really appreciate all the hard work you do to provide us with everything
Why does this make me think you’re about to learn you’ll be a grandparent soon?
This is the female brain on marriage.
I would say its the female brain on children. For many, it is my observation that the children are the absolute top priority, and the nearest male they can get to sign on exists mainly to service the children. She treats him like the help, because to the mommy brain, he is the help.
Why does this make me think you’re about to learn you’ll be a grandparent soon?
Well, it was 4-5 years ago, so if that was the motivation I have to give her props for playing the long game.
Well, she got away with something, then.
This comports with my observations as well.
I had a moment like that with my son. He wanted an advance on his b-day money to buy a new gaming PC. As I talked with him, I realized he was going for a lower end PC setup. I told him that as a PC nut myself to always go big. At that point, he told me that he didn’t think it was fair to me to ask for more money than he was because he knew how hard I worked for it. It is so nice to hear one of your spoiled rotten kids appreciate what it is that they have.
Excellent. That’s huge, Holiness.
I think the whole “women are oppressed” narrative is a gross oversimplification at best, at least when it comes to the Western world.
Men comprise the overwhelming majority of homicide victims, suicides, and workplace fatalities. A study also showed that they receive harsher sentences than women who commit similar crimes (if I remember right, this study was actually done by a feminist organization in an effort to prove their hypothesis that women get harsher sentences for “breaking gender norms”). Women are exempt from selective service. Women report higher rates of job satisfaction than men. Feminists claim that women are portrayed as submissive weaklings in the media, but I think it’s the opposite; every TV show and movie that I’ve seen has numerous ass-kicking women (even if it’s completely illogical, like 90 pound bikini models beating up 250-pound special forces men).
I wonder what they did with the shell of a body who had to look at SF’s private messages?
I saw that video a couple days ago. It didn’t surprise me at all. All of the social media companies are constantly pulling shady shit.
What’s the shady shit here? I don’t get the outrage over social media sites, anyone with half a brain has to know that the shit you post/send is not private and that the sites are going to have access to them. The guy who says he looks at dick pics says he does so because they are flagged or reported, whats so shady about that? You’re sending messages that can be reported and you don’t think someone might have a look at them.
Easy rule to remember…if you use a service, assume everything you send is seen by them.
Most veterans don’t need the VA
“Franklin D. Roosevelt was actually a Libertarian Infrastructionalist”
I did not know that! Perhaps because it contradicts literally every other fact I’ve ever heard about the man….
I actually stared at that and went “I’m not even sure those words represent an actual ideological position”
We call “Libertarian Infrastructuralists” “Cosmotarians” these days.
The garbage book “Nudge” calls its thinking “libertarian paternalism”. Leftists loved that book during the early years of Obama’s presidency
Cass Sunstein is pure evil.
Libertarian in comparison to the Democrats of today. Otherwise, not so much.
Wait a minute. Wait just a fucking minute!
Deschutes opened a fucking taproom in Roanoke? And I’m just now hearing about it when I have friends there that are big time beer people?
Do they also serve food? If so, is the food any good?
They’d have to serve food if they serve alcohol in Virginia. I have no idea, but I always enjoyed going to their taproom whenever I was in Bend, Oregon. It’s really, really good beer.
I like Black Butte
I cannot deny…
Same here.
I traded for that beer and brought it back any time I went West up until they started distributing in Ohio. So put me on as a third supporter of Black Buttes.
The beer isn’t bad either.
Good pretzels at their Bend pub. I like Obsidian Stout as well.
Did the pretzels make you thirsty?
*polite applause*
[Social Security] was a
legally mandated Ponzi scheme that was bound to fail sooner or later
And the Republican Party borrowed from the assets of the system in an effort to destroy it as the Democratic Party cluelessly and haplessly watched the process.
Would this be the same Republican Party that controlled the House, where spending bills originate, for a whopping 4 of the first 60 years following the creation of Social Security?
Or are they so clever they managed to loot the SS assets during one of the 56 years they didn’t control spending?
I’d read this if the website didn’t keep crashing my browser. The headline though, is correct even if the writer uses retarded logic to get there. The one thing Veterans actually use the VA for is for prescriptions. They could probably keep the pharmacy open and accept outside physician’s prescriptions, provided they conform to the VHA formulary. Then dump most of the hospitals that they couldn’t turn them into homeless centers or an old folks home.
The VA clinic they opened up in Green Bay has a huge two story open atrium. At the same time they were building there were news stories about local homeless vets. The first time I took my dad there I wondered aloud why they didn’t just use that wasted space for a few rooms with cots for homeless vets.
Oh come on, the person who photoshopped the people into that scene is even worse at it than I am.
Look at the reflection in the flooring of the woman hugging herself on the left. Her raised foot is on the plane of mirroring, and the foot her weight is on is mid-calf below it so that the reflection appears to start at the knee. Also, she and the guy next to her are off-vertical.
It’s just sloppy work.
*mid-ankle, not knee, the line where they flipped the image to fake a relfection connects her back foot to the man’s visible foot. Probably because they were in the same source image, and they couldn’t figure out how to quickly fake the differential in reflections that people at two different spots would generate.
I guess architects be bad at photoshop. Hopefully not bad at CAD though.
And then there’s the redhead to appears to be seated in the arm of the chair, the dude who’s on his knees by reception**, the cardboard cutout of margaret thatcher in one of the chairs..
**actually the image was standing but they just trimmed off the legs and now it looks like he’s kneeling because he’s out of scale.
the dude who’s on his knees by reception
From what I hear about how hard it is to get appointments, this may be more accurate than you think.
It’s just sloppy work
My complaint is that no VA is ever that empty.
Japanese Public Broadcaster NHK Issues False Alarm Over North Korean Missile Launch
Zerohedge, but doesn’t matter.
Japanese efficiency, they took 32 minutes less time to correct their missile alert error than Hawaii did.
And seppuku for the fuckup, not reassignment
Fuh—ken Trump. He’s a threat to world humanity for real!
I love stuff lime this:
Video of a room filled with boxes filled with cash. The boxes bears the “Red Cross” label. Why?
According to Crazy Days and Nights, “The Church” (which seems to be an organization started by David Geffens, of DreamWorks, in conjunction with an ultra-fundamentalist offshoot of the Latter-Day Saints) managed to find the map,to all of Qaddafi’s hidden money, and is using the Red Cross to ship it all back to their hidden base in Northern Arizona.
Are any of the writers on this board getting this? Excellent premise for a detective/spy novel.
Sounds a bit like an episode of Leverage.
I would have guessed it was somehow about Jared Kushner and the Russians.
I was at lunch with some people the other day, and they started talking about Trump, racism, and shit-hole countries. There was this new kid at the table who was fashionably progressive. I think the kid thought that since I was well dressed, I must be a progressive.
He had no idea what was going on or why, but he knew that it had been proven that Jared Kushner had met with Russians.
Anybody who didn’t believe that Kushner met with Russians was a victim of fake news.
If I were to write a series of thriller novels, it would be sort of like Blazing Saddles, except where Blazing Saddles made every character (except for the main two characters) a total complete stereotype for comedic effect, my thriller would make every conspiracy theory true. Trump would be on the Kremlin’s payroll after the Russians hacked the election, Snowden would be a KGB operative, Obama would be a devout Muslim from Kenya trying to bring Sharia to America, global warming would be a Marxist UN plot, etc., etc.
So you would do an updated Illuminatus! Trilogy?
Make Pirate Truther the hero.
Rahm is really reaching for that reelection. I’m sure putting less than qualified police on the street will have no repercussions
Not sure the qualified ones would do any better.
They (pretty much the whole country) have been using this strategy to get public school teachers for a couple of decades now, The results speak for themselves.
Hey Ladies, Meet CoinDaddy the Cryptocurrency Rapper
Still not as good as Mr Ghetto and his Walmart song
“Madsen, 47, is charged with murder, dismemberment and indecent handling of a corpse for the way he disposed of Wall’s body. He is also charged with having sexual relations with Wall of “particularly dangerous nature.”
Seriously, though, what’s the point of having your own personal submarine is you can’t turn it into an underwater sex dungeon?
I wonder if the indecent handling of a corpse is related to the sexual relations of a particularly dangerous nature.
Actually, I’m not wondering at all.
Ask Hihn.
I know you’re not the real Hihn. You’d have waited 3 days to reply.
+1 thread corpsefuck
+1 indecent handling of a thread corpse
“So you see? Its easy to boost the number of minority candidates hired to be Chicago cops: you just have to lower the physical standards”
I’m sure the physical standards to become a cop are rigorously exacting and everything, but I find it hard to believe this is what’s really holding a lot of minorities back. Just anecdotally, no doubt I’ve known some black folks who were pretty hefty, but I don’t think they exceed the proportions of white fatties I’ve met. Are there so many severely overweight or out-of-shape minority candidates in Chicago that it would skew the results like this? Or maybe all the minority candidates who are in good shape are funneled into the professional sports track? (But I wouldn’t think there are enough slots in professional sports for that to make much difference.)
The physical might be a fig leaf to paper over the possibility that so many applicants are disqualified by the credit check.
What about the criminal background check?
How many people with a history bother to apply, though?
When you look at the distribution of criminal records, it’s going to skew the pool available to apply even before you count the “criminals are not always the brightest bulbs” factor.
I would imagine many are DQ from their extensive criminal history in marijuana experimentation.
Lowering the standards alone probably doesn’t affect any change that’s above statistical noise. Lowering the standards and throwing in incentives, on the other hand, might do it.
e.g.: Initially you offer a sign-up bonus, and a lot of people show up but few of them meet the standards, so what do you do?
Note that the driving factor is the money on offer, not the change in regulations.
Mostly the CPD training program is used as a paycheck scam.
What happens is this: In order to “boost” minority hiring, any POC that wants a paycheck is encouraged to sign up, even if they are complete numbskulls, grossly overweight, or simply have no interest in actually being a cop (I’ll call these candidates “no-chancers”). But you get on the payroll just for being in the training program. What typically happens is after a few months of classroom training, it is time for actual physical tests and street training. At this point, the no-chancers either drop out, or, more commonly, come down with physical injuries that preclude them from continuing with the training progress. But because they are injured, they continue to get their paycheck (along with whatever insurance benefits) until the training regimen concludes. (I think the training is officially 9 months, maybe it’s six, I am getting this info from a friend who went through the program 10 years ago and is now a city cop.) And a candidate is allowed to go through the training 3 times.
So people are capable of getting essentially 24 months of city paychecks without actually working. I can only surmise that the fire department training has similar schemes.
Yesterday, on his radio program, Rush Limbaugh was hinting around at the idea that the “Hawaii missile scare” was done on purpose by someone who disliked Trump. He didn’t really develop the idea (that I heard), but the theory is that this person or persons expected Trump (being an unstable man with the mental capacity of an unstable child) to overreact to the alert, and that his staff would be forced to depose him, a la 25th Amendment rules.
A second, more ominous, theory is that a missile really was launched, but we shot it down, and the Powers that Be are passing it off as a false alarm.
A third, more complicated theory is that Trump was responsible for the false alarm, which was necessary to send his agents into Hawaii and grab information that former Pres. Obama left vulnerable to Chinese hacking.
The first seems to fit the current manifestation of someone with TDS. I would assume there is plenty of them in Hawaii.
Being familiar with the way these things operate on a state level – I’m going with “Guy responsible for alerts fucked up.” It’s the most probable.
Probably this. I have heard that there is a double warning (“Are you sure you want to do this?” *click yes* … “Are you SURE that you’re sure?”) which the flubber would have to go through, but I can see someone who is annoyed at having to do his job clicks through the wrong menu choices to get back to his Facebook cat videos.
I heard the exact opposite- that there are no double-checking warnings, and the “test alert” button is right next to the “actual alert” button- and that the staff has to do a test alert during every shift change. They’re supposedly updating the system to put in a double-checking alert.
I’m going with “employee fucked up” explanation. Its the simplest one and I don’t see any evidence to suggest it was anything else.
37 minutes is also about the time it takes for an incident response process to reach a manager who’ll actually make the difficult decision of “tell the people they’re not about to die.”
Hey, they put up the correction on Twitter just a few minutes later.
I don’t see any evidence to suggest it was anything else
*glares with hostile suspicion*
The article I read directly quoted someone in charge as saying “even though it has a verification step that asks if you are sure you want to do this, they clicked OK and posted the alert”.
This is absolutely, without doubt believable to me. Because nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody reads those popups for anything more than “which thingie do I click to make it go away”.
I have empirical evidence of this. Back in the early days of web apps we had a rapid prototype database with a front end built in Access being used in production while the web app was being built out. Because we were in flying by the seat of your pants startup mode, it made sense to get more productive now, rather than worrying about details like bugs, or not using something stupid like Access in production.
Any way, we had a couple of bugs show up, but they proved really hard to track down. So we put some debugging information into the popup messages, along with a message to “call this extension” when you get this error. Seems simple, right.
So the logs showed the popup being displayed over 100 times, but the phone never rang once the rest of the day.. So the next meeting we asked why nobody called us —- “We didn’t get an error message”.
So the developer got annoyed and put in the message “if you see this and don’t call me right now, you are an idiot” or some such inappropriate for the workplace message. It ran for over a week and was seen on screens about 1,500 times. Nobody ever read it.
The web app went into production a few days later, so we never did track down the behavior that the sales team was doing that created the error message. But what we did learn is that confirmation prompts are absolutely worthless.
I started to read this posting, but got bored and clicked past it after the first couple of words.
Best. Post. Evar…..
Best explanations, but it doesn’t allow for political points.
Ah. Occam’s Razor. Good choice.
Hanlon’s Razor also kinda works here.
If involving humans, I call it “Fuckstick’s Razor”
The second sounds plausible anyways. Another would be that someone in the government just wanted to see how people would react. We had a false one tonight, too, and didn’t even stop eating dinner.
When I worked for the congressman we would have to evacuate Longworth pretty frequently to go stand outside for a couple of hours while the Capitol Police searched the building. Eventually some of us just started heading to whatever bar was closest until we got the all clear.
Scene: a gaggle of jovial staffers enter the bar while a bunch of disgruntled capitol police grab their caps and leave it.
“A second, more ominous, theory is that a missile really was launched, but we shot it down, and the Powers that Be are passing it off as a false alarm.”
This theory seems really dubious, since the administration would have every reason to trumpet their success, not hide it.
Yeah, an intercept would be a full press conference event going “we successfully shot down a missile that would have gotten unacceptably close to Hawaii”
The Soviets were in on it. That’s how deep the conspiracy goes!
We would also have had to respond to it.
Not to mention the fact that I don’t think we’re the only country that can detect an NK missile launch. I’d imagine the South Koreans can do that.
That reminds me of one of the big reasons I can’t take claims that the moon landing was hoaxed seriously. The Soviets were tracking us every step of the way and would damn sure have called out any trickery on our part.
Had the NorKs fired a missile, everyone in the Hemisphere of at least second world status, and most of the first world nations elsewhere would have been tracking it.
Not yet from what I read on the subject. It seems like the SK, and for that matter, Japan and even Russia and China, have a gap they are now trying to fill, as none of them expected a missile launch from NK to be something they needed to look for.
A third, more complicated theory is that Trump was responsible for the false alarm, which was necessary to send his agents into Hawaii and grab information that former Pres. Obama left vulnerable to Chinese hacking.
What, like the actual original birth certificate and not the one that was reproduced with a typeface that didn’t exist and utilized terminology not in use when Obama would have been born?
Dumbest controversy in history. No argument from anyone about who his mother is. Which makes him a natural born American citizen from the jump, regardless of where she gave birth.
No argument from anyone about who his mother is. Which makes him a natural born American citizen from the jump,
My vague recollection is that the law at the time (1964) made it questionable whether he would have been natural born if he wasn’t born on US soil. Too lazy to look it up, though.
I continue to wonder why they posted a doctored birth certificate (which they did) and refused to allow inspection of the paper original. The reason is probably relatively benign, but . . . . Obama’s early history has been so thoroughly memory-holed that it can’t be an accident, and the doctored birth certificate just fits the pattern.
If I recall, the definition of “natural born” as relates to the Presidency still hasn’t been tested in court, but the generally accepted principle of “born on US soil or to citizen parents” has been in place since the founding.
So if you really wanted to squint and look at things through a filter, you could maybe, possibly come up with a needle you could thread to create a controversy.
On the birth certificate front, I’ll chalk it up to crappy record keeping from that era.
My personal birth certificate has a typo. Which was corrected by crossing out the switched letters with an ink pen and putting the right letters above. Nobody gave a crap until 16 years later when I went to get my license. The examiner refused my birth certificate because it was altered. Even though the typo was obvious as was the correction.
So I had to get a notarized copy from the state….. which was a photocopy of the exact same piece of paper. And everything was fine.
So no need to invoke conspiracies.
Although Obama’s agent did write about his birth in Kenya, so it is all pretty much on him for creating the controversy at this point.
Not heading down this rabbit hole again . . .
OK, maybe just the tip:
As I recall, the actual immigration laws at the time had a lacunae that Barack’s birth fell into because his mother had been out of the country a lot shortly before he was born. Whether that would mean he wasn’t actually a citizen at all, or was the right test for Presidential eligibility, I have no idea.
The doctoring of his birth certificate was fairly extensive. The first scan that was released had multiple layers usually associated with doctoring a .pdf file, and inconsistencies in more than one place. The second scan was much cleaner, and probably just the first one printed off and run through the scanner again. The whole thing was just bizarre. *snugs down tinfoil hat* And even more bizarre considering how there is no paper and nobody to interview pretty much until he showed up at Harvard Law.
The good news is, he’s done pretty much all the damage he can do.
That’s what they want you to think.
Mrs. Animal and I spent some time Sunday discussing what we would have done were we in Honolulu when the (false) alarm went off. Being happy together, in our fifties with all our kids grown, and being well aware of what a nuke would do to Honolulu, we decided that we would calmly find a good place to watch from, hold hands and wait for it.
Please tell me “hold hands and wait for it” is a euphamism for Molly and erotic asphyxiation.
Feminism reporter resigns after being accused of plagiarizing conservative Weekly Standard
This could have been avoided through the use of block quotes and attribution.
Oh, wait, she worked for a lib site and even acknowledging the existance of a con site in the article would be a firable offense.
She ain’t completely wrong.
But conservatives aren’t people, so can’t you plagerize from them?
Yeah, that’s like plagiarizing a dog or a pig…can’t be done.
A monkey can have a copyright on a picture so why not a conservative on their writings.
A monkey can have a copyright on a picture
that would be wrong
I thought they ruled in the monkey’s favor. bummer, that was a lot of fun while it lasted.
They did. Which didn’t make it any less ridiculous.
To my knowledge, no court has ruled a monkey can have a copyright. The US copyright office says monkeys cannot have a copyright.
OK, so they settled in the monkey’s favor, “but the court has not accepted this agreement as being a valid settlement.”
They didn’t settle in the monkey’s favor.
The bulk of the book’s sales were outside the US. The author and publisher decided to “pay off” PETA to make them go away. But note that none of the money actually goes to PETA.
The appeals court did not rule on anything.
“They didn’t settle in the monkey’s favor.”
Supposedly, the settlement goes to wildlife organizations in the interest of the monkey.
Not that I believe the monkey had any interest in the matter.
She actually wasn’t that bad. She was even less shrill than ENB. Too bad. Her articles were worth a read usually
I posted about that yesterday.
It didn’t get a single “would”.
that face – looks like a 70s pinup put through a blender.
She looks like Tom Petty. Would not.
Looks like Riley Dennis’ Uglier Older Brother.
Tough crowd.
Some morning music:
The Chrono TriggerGuardia’s Millenial Faire song performed by a mariachi band.
That chick can play my flute anytime (despite the weird eye makeup).
So at work, they laid off 8 people yesterday. I wasn’t one of them, but it still feels shitty. (It’s a small company so that amounts to ~10% of staff). The CEO came by to try and reassure us that all was ok by taking about how much we had grown this last year, which just pissed me off even more, because if we grew so much why do you need to lay off so many people? There was no sense of responsibility taken from management for screwing up and hiring to many people.
So was it a case of hiring too many people because they overestimated the growth spurt?
Was this also a purge of low performers disguised as a “we overhired”?
I don’t know, that’s the messaging the company is going with.
It did seem like most of the people gone were ‘less productive’ tho one of the directors was also gone, which makes me think there was disagreement in his end of the whole process, and so he left, and that they are just saying he was laid off.
That’s not the way for a company to handle layoffs. Mixed messages are a good way to destroy morale.
“We had to lay off Pete, Jody and LaQuisha because the price of blood oranges shot up.”
My first job out of college: a new president came in. Since the owner was having heart issues, the CEO’s job was to find a buyer for the company. This consisted of hiring a whole bunch of programmers, and counting “sales in the pipeline” as income.
A German company came along and bought us – and six months later went on a firing purge. In the end we lost a good third of the employees. I didn’t last much *longer.
*I ended up leaving on my own accord – that company is still around in theory; living on supporting the few customers left.
Yeah, I started here recently, but i still get all the emails from my job hunt.
Simpson. Home J.
That is all.
I still don’t understand why Homer didn’t volunteer to go with the alcoholics. And Lenny and Carl for that matter.
Don’t know what kind of industry you’re in, but sometimes companies grow in directions that some of its employees are not skilled in, nor does the company even attempt to retrain them (or sometimes it’s just cost prohibitive compared to firing the wrong-skilled and hiring the right-skilled). Other times, leadership are just tin-eared assholes.
Ha! I’m in the exact same fucking meeting on a much larger scale this morning.
The fact is, the people who are gone or going (like my boss) were casualties of the budget wars. Other departments got more 2018 money so they got the knife. What comes around will go around in a year or 2. Goal numbers are going to come with some of those budgets – and some of the goals are now impossible,
attempt at an answer:
– small companies need financing, and to get favorable terms need to show robust profitability growth #s (mainly EBITDA); if you want to present a sexy bill of health to either corp. loan officer, or to potential private equity investors, one way to juice your #s is to cut fat.
i worked for a high growth startup that went from 20 employees in the US to ~250 (from from 80 worldwide to about 800) in 5 years…. then laid off about 200 people right before they went on their “pitching company to underwriters” roadshow.
The company was basically run on a shoestring for the next 2 years while they desperately tried to gin up the profit growth #s that would attract buyers. they were eventually sold for 1bn to a European tech conglomerate.
Maybe the example isn’t informative to your case; maybe your company has no interest in selling itself or attracting outside investment. If it is, its sort of par for the course.
Protip: make sure you get some equity as part of your compensation.
He faces up to five years in prison, three years of supervised release and a $250,000 fine. Sentencing is in April.
I wonder how much compensation the people whose mail he burned will receive. Zero?
“My lottery check was one of the items that got burned.”
Oh, you misunderstand – that’s the fine and prison time for the environmental regulations he violated with the unlicenced burn operation.
Socialism is cool!
The comments are wonderful!
Only people that lack historical perspective or believe the reason over 120 million people were killed and billions lived in misery, would claim socialism is cool. Socialism outside of the family unit never works out well because the masters never are going to be the saints that are needed to keep the system fair and honest. But for true believers of the new government religion, that never sinks in.
Margaret Atwood is a blood-drinking monster
No wrong think must be tolerated. Moderate feminists get the bullet too
They never see it coming.
“Revolution isn’t about justice. It’s about change.”. I find the honesty refreshing.
Oh, and “FLY, EAGLES FLY”!!
Every revolutionary movement, no matter what noble cause it was couched in, was about some people wanting to take power from the ones that had it. With a very few exceptions, this has always ended up in some serious misery and disappointed & abused plebes.
Every communist thinks after the glorious revolution they will be the one holding the clipboard, not one of the ones up against the wall.
This is the thing that always gets me Suthen. Maybe it comes down to the same phenomenon that everyone that visits a psychic and hears about their past life and gets told they once were royalty or famous. There was only one Napoleon, Julius Caesar, or Cleopatra, and tons of people serving them as disposable slaves or servants, yet nobody gets told that they were one of the later. I suspect that delusion is why so many people figure when the revolution happens they will be the ones in charge, and why so many are absolutely surprised when they end up labeled an enemy of the state. Look at the people complaining that the #MeToo movement has gone off the rails because the movement that was supposed to help them destroy evil Trump and the right has bagged more lefitsts true believers.
Revolution isn’t about change, either. It’s about creating power vacuums.
And filling the vacuums with the people hoping to use said revolution for that express purpose…
Tard Tuesday: Sexy Librarian Edition
I didn’t know libraries just sprang up out of the natural world, shelved and all. Just because your payment (taxes) as split by space and time from the actual the if the system, does not mean it’s free for you. Have you ever tried checking out a book from a library system to don’t live in?
Libraries are gifts from the God of Socialism, His Welfare Be Praised
Meaning other people’s money gets used to keep the place running, right?
“They’re one of the few spaces left in our society where you’re allowed to exist without the expectation of spending money.”
Was there some long-lost mythical time when people tolerated having a bunch of vagrants hanging out on their property for free?
Native Americans circa 1500?
I’m amazed at how many places I go where I don’t spend money.
I’ll go for a hike in the woods, thank you very much.
Well, I’ll go after the snow melts.
I’ll remember that next time I pay the public library $30 in late fees.
Work it in white like Miley in Marysia Swim for $137
Miley needs to do some squats.
She claims she does two hours of ashtanga a day. And I’ve seen pictures of her doing very advanced poses. So I’m thinking she is way stronger than she looks.
Well those butt cheeks say otherwise 😉
What butt cheeks? She got white girl disease.
Socialism is cool!
The comments are wonderful!
*Also my second attempt at posting this. The first got taken away by the squirrels so I apologize ahead of time if it comes back for a double post. *
The official CNN Twitter feed describes socialism as “cool”?
I’m not sure what more it will take to convince people that most mainstream media outlets are just Democrat Party operatives.
I love that there’s a progtard (could be a troll, who can even tell) arguing that Democratic Socialism totes saved us all in the New Deal, and that its apparently not actually socialism.
I have actually found out people that believe this stupid shit were told this bullshit in school, and that the people teaching this fail to point out that the only reason the US saw its economic boom at that time was that every other industrialized nation on the planet had had their manufacturing industry laying in ruins or near ruins. When I point out that the reason the US, and specifically Detroit, ran into trouble in the 80s was that Japan, which had had to rebuild everything from scratch and was far more modern and efficient because of that, had not only caught up, but surpassed the people that took for granted they would never have to compete again in the same socialist system that they all tout was the reason we were saved, I get angry mumblings about me being an evil profiteer.
Detroit, ran into trouble in the 80s
Ah, our wonderful government-run schools.
It’s also where people learn that before the Industrial Revolution, adults worked on picturesque farms and small workshops while their children skipped through meadows all day, then the mean old Robber Barons™ forced them all at gunpoint to move to cramped cities and work in filthy, dangerous factories for an absolute pittance. Of course, then the brave labor unions came in and valiantly fought to give everyone safer conditions and weekends off.
Grazing dangerously: The Romanian sheep nibbling away at US security
One of the most important strategic sites in Europe for the US military has come under threat from a rather unexpected enemy: a flock of sheep.
It is their random meanderings near the Deveselu base in southern Romania that has triggered an unusual power struggle between US commanders and a stubborn local sheep farmer.
Dumitru Bleja’s 250 or so sheep “grazed without problem” in the area for years before the Americans arrived at the end of 2013, says Alexandru Damian, mayor of Stoenesti, a community on the vast Danubian plain 40 kilometres north of the border with Bulgaria.
“Sheep are not like people. They don’t respect the rules, they go into areas where security sensors are active, touching the fence and setting off alarm systems,” he says.
So, nobody put up a fence around the exclusion zone?
Or the locals stole the fence. Happens often in Romania – a lot of fences put up to separate highways/ railways from fields were stolen. In the last few years less than 10 years ago but still….
Interesting. Why are fences stolen so frequently? I can’t say I’ve ever heard of anyone stealing a fence before.
Eastern Europeans steal bridges, so fencing is not that big of a deal by conparison.
The why is the same – scrap value >= marginal cost of pilfering.
From time to time we hear about some dumb jamoke electrocuting himself trying to strip copper from a live system. Not much of a tear-jerker, tbh.
“Sheep are not like people. They don’t respect the rules…”
This really wrecks a lot of sheep behavior metaphors.
My work is frustrating. I work with 7 Korean women—I’m the only expat and only guy—and sometimes the culture or inhibitions to make linguistic mistakes keep them from informing me of important things. So I found out that I had 5 days vacation two days before they occurred.
I went to Da Nang. I’ve been to Phu Quoc and Saigon. this was my first trip up “north.” The Marble Mountains were some of the most impressive sites I’ve ever seen. Went down to Hoi An for a few days as well. Was the most touristy place I’ve ever been to in Asia (I think) but was really quite magical with the river and the lanterns. And the food. Mmmmmmmm.
Did negotiate that deal with work and I get to come home for a couple of weeks between contracts. I get to see the family and especially my nephews. Will make a trip to Chicago, most likely.I always feel guilty about not being more in their lives. They’re 4 and 2.5 and I know that I’m never getting that time back. I don’t want them to not know who their uncle is, so I’m thrilled to be able to hang out with them. The youngest wasn’t old enough to talk last time I saw him so I get to experience that for the first time.
Meds are making me feel flat and funky. Will have to talk to the psych when I see her next week. I’m supremely envious of people that don’t go through life constantly being terrified of everything.
But I got my bonus and a contract and my own place. Trip back home and get to chill with my brother and gorge on all the food that doesn’t exist here. It should be an interesting year.
Depending on what you are taking, it could take some time to normalize.
Also there is genetic testing available to determine what medication is best for you. I have no idea how reliable it is – but it may be a better option that swapping from one drug to another.
keep them from informing me of important things. – are you allowed to occasionally slap them on the ass or something? is metoo a thing in Korea? If not, you could be a trendsetter
I *am* sexually attracted to 3.5 of the 7. I should give that a shot.
So the .5 must be either a hot bod and uck face or cute with a huge ass.
She’s a dragon lady with a great personality. She kind of scares me with how she yells at the children. I love her for it. Moon face and a great accent. Huge rack.
Very cool girl. *Swoons*
Asian chicks rock brah… 🙂
Is the .5 a siamese twin or something?
Or a great behind but a face that could stop a freight train.
::Lights HM Signal::
Glib meet-up, most likely?
My work is frustrating. I work with 7 Korean women
First thought was: nail salon?
That’s more Vietnamese here. The Koreans do the restaurants and massage parlors.
That’s more Vietnamese here. The Koreans do the laundromats and massage parlors.
Tard Tuesday: We’re Just Trying To Survive Out Here Edition
In fairness, you have to see it from the minorities perspective. It’s tough to get to work when you’re always being rounded up in the concentration camp Trump built. The new laws segregating drinking fountains? Really makes it hard to find a drink. It’s also harder to compete in the job market now that Trump has brought back slavery.
And I bet the Japanese are finding themselves greatly inconvenienced by being rounded up and placed in internment camps.
Oh wait, that was a president from a different political party…
He’s a lemon alright.
I just clicked on the link. First, fuck you for sending me to DU.
Second: “One profound thing Don Lemon said, re: Trump and racism”
That’s hardly a thought most sentient beings hasn’t pondered on some basic level. I know it’s come across my mind.
They really need to go out more but more importantly: READ. Every time I read or listen to a progressive more and more I realize they’re not a well-read bunch.
I lol at that too.
Minorities have to be racist, in order to survive.
Traveller arrested at airport for wearing too many clothes
Isn’t it cold in Iceland? Couldn’t he say he was cold?
Ryan Hawaii? Does he own an unpainted home furnishings outlet?
Nobody sleeps
nakedoverly clothed in this house boy!So how much did he weigh with all those clothes? Probably less than some people.
The weight of a fatty isn’t really what causes them to spill into your seat (ok ok, gravity plays a role/roll, sure).
Hmm none of my comments are posting. Test 1,2,3. Check mic.
Ok so my comments are posting but anything with a link will not.
Sometimes I’ve noticed that posts with just links get eaten into moderation.
You’ve been flagged as “worst than Hitler”. Sorry.
Fine didn’t want to share my link with you people anyways.
You know who else didn’t want to share links?
Bjúgnakrækir, the Icelandic sausage stealer?
That’s what happens when you get a population too inbred.
Augusta national golf club?
Oscar Meyer?
Jimmy Dean?
Who said that?
*looks around apprehensively*
Socialism is cool!
3rd attempt at posting this if it doesn’t work I give up.
The comments on these tweet add to the derpness.
It worked the first time, and…
Fuck Off!
Japan: hunt for deadly fugu fish sold in error by supermarket
A Japanese city has activated an emergency warning system to alert residents to avoid eating locally purchased blowfish after a mix-up saw toxic parts of the delicacy go on sale.
A supermarket in Gamagori in central Japan sold five packages of fugu fish without removing the livers, which can contain a deadly poison.
Three of the potentially lethal specimens have been located, but the other two remain at large, local official Koji Takayanagi said.
Why couldn’t that tennis chick just bring her own goddamn bananas?
Wouldn’t fit in her racket bag?
Tard Tuesday: We’re Not Going Broke Fast Enough Edition
“No individual mandate”
Oh so people aren’t forced to aquire insurance, so when it’s more pain than it’s worth they don’t do so? This whole venture had been an exercise in how stupid it is too treat these kinds of tangible absolutes as an ideal. Everyone should have insurance coverage that they choose, given their circumstances.
It’s almost like what they are saying is that they don’t much give a flying fuck if you can’t afford paying for something you don’t want/need if it ends up not subsidizing their use of that thing….
Aaron Rodgers is dating Danica Patrick? What the fuck is the world coming to?
She’s just using him for the State Farm coverage. You see how many wrecks she got into in NASCAR?
Well based on her driving she’ll definitely need that discount double check…
That’s all I got, and I have failed you
*looks sheepishly toward narrowed gazed*
That joke…. skinks
Awfully Petty of you.
Aaron Rodgers looks like a bag of dicks with a scraggly beard
He was dating Olivia Munn. They broke up this past April.
Who is dating whom? I’ve never heard of these people.
I don’t know. People I’ve never met and probably never will.
Theyre probably people who didn’t make the migration from TOS.
I met Danica once… Got the impression that she was an asshole.
Still would.
Stick and ball people (gearshift and football).
Danica Patrick
Goes back a few years, but she has taken exceptionally good care of herself since.
What happens when the jobs dry up in the new world? The left must have an answer
So what might the progressive politics of the 2020s and 2030s look like? Clearly, our most glaring inequalities call for action that only a powerful central state can carry out. We should start, at long last, to move tax policy towards concentrations of wealth and assets, not least land and property. The line should be redrawn between what ought to be considered public services and utilities, and things best left to the private sector, a point underlined by the nightmarish collapse of the outsourcing giant Carillion. Investment needs to be forcibly pushed into places long deprived of it.
Thanks to the statist instincts of Labour’s new(ish) leaders, Corbynism gets a lot of this stuff just about right.
Because work and so-called welfare increasingly fail to provide any kind of secure foundation for living, one basic principle should sit at the core of the left’s vision of the future: that of a universal basic income (UBI).
So more of the same? I don’t see anything new here
“Investment needs to be forcibly pushed into places long deprived of it.”
You know who else liked to force into long deprived areas?…
Commodore Matthew Perry?
Dammit. That’ll teach me to browse 131 unreads and then comment …
If there are too many comments in a thread before I see it, I’m hesitant to jump into the conversation.
I don’t let mere circumstances stand between myself and a smart-aleck remark. If I think it’s objectively funny, I’ll post it and ask for forgiveness for seeming to be a plagiarist later, then so be it.
Indiana Jones?
Captain Kirk?
+1 prime directive.
Marco Polo?
Catholic priests?
Huma Abedin?
Forward to 1973!
Why don’t these fucking morons ever consider WHY certain areas are “deprived” of investment?
Be careful what you ask for. They’ll just conclude either racism, misogyny, corrupt conservatives, etc. Economics is icky to these people and that is why they vote against economics every chance they get.
The reason people don’t invest in shit the left feels they should pay for even when there is no ROI, is always nefarious. That is because these people automatically see the pursuit by anyone else of making money (other than themselves) as evil.
Bad luck – duh.
Why is liberal California the poverty capital of America?
Probably a lot of the housing and environmental policies for rich California liberals are keeping the poor poor. I am sure a lot of housing/utilities/fuel whatever are more expensive than they should be
No probably about this. Combined with the influx of people that came for the free handouts, you have a recipe for disaster. Then again, remember that every time the left has implemented their social justice system, you end up with a society with 2 classes: the plebes that get told they should be happy that everyone else shares their level of misery, and the elite in charge that not only live like royalty, but live above the law.
Their problem is they’re not instituting real socialism.
They fell into the “state capitalism” trap, didn’t they?
That’s what Hitlers, Mussolini’s and FDR’s new deals were all about, weren’t they?
So they got more poverty after rewarding it? Somebody should write that down.
They’ve done a fantastic job of squeezing the middle class out of the state.
Funny how the biggest supporters of these policies tend to be the upper classes that want to gatekeep and make sure not too many of the middle class can join their ranks, huh?
Its almost like you get more of what you reward.
And less of what you penalize (working middle class, small business growth).
French prison officers stage protests against violent inmates
Union activists clash with riot police and shout down justice minister amid demonstrations at multiple French prisons
Protesting French prison guards have pushed back against riot police and shouted down the justice minister amid demonstrations at several prisons over violent inmates and overcrowding.
Dozens of union activists lit a fire and were surrounded by riot police on Tuesday morning at the notoriously violent Fresnes prison, south of Paris.
Got to love France. Even prison guards burn shit in the street when pissed. But if they are arrested who watches the watchmen? Who guards the guards? There is also a Latin phrase but to lazy to look it up.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes
Illegitimi non carborundum?
2F here, so some ladies in bikinis seem appropriate.
2, 3, 13, 15 (repeat but well worth it), 22, 28, 52, 57, 58, 59, 70
2 6 7 12 1617 31 46 and a few others
God has smiled upon number 15. It’s some of His finer work
I thought #59 was a photoshop job. I ran the picture through Google Image search, and it’s not. Here is the model’s instagram page.
I suspect there are a few in there that aren’t of legal age for an orgy. So, just the legal aged ones for an orgy.
Aaron Rodgers is dating Danica Patrick?
*outright, prolonged laughter*
One way to get around the gold digger problem is to go after someone who has her own gold.
Pre-nups are good, but not bulletproof, paying for kids that you see only rarely can still be s problem, and who needs the headaches?
I’m not seeing the issue.
I’d dedicate some of those millions to finding #15 from above.
Since I wasn’t around for the weekend, didn’t see if this was posted, but…
ENB isn’t woke enough for the progs.
Article length, which is just hilarious, and actually makes me have to defend ENB
Bonus Word Counts
Patriarch(y/ical) – 11 times
Problematic – 7 times
Also, “sites” should be “cites,” as in “makes citation to.” /pedant off.
Not pedantic at all. If you can’t at least spell, you might want to avoid publishing your dreck for everyone to read.
The red squiggles represent the blood of the worker.
Well, you need your internet to be in just the right location.
The spelling/misused vocabulary in that piece is but the icing on the very large cake of “Don’t know how commas work” and “series of non-sequitur arguments”
In response to the story from Le Monde, last week, in which 100 prominent French women too #MeToo to task for going too far, I kept asking ENB what she thought about the claims in the open letter.
Dos ENB agree that men have a right to hit on women?
Does ENB agree that the right of men to hit on women is a free speech issue?
Does ENB agree that hitting on women, even persistently, is not a crime?
Does ENB agree that #MeToo threatens the sexual liberation of women?
ENB declined to say.
ENB’s article was on fake feminists.
I guess I was off topic asking about fake libertarians.
Too much derp for me. I’ll have to leave that to the pros like Derpetologist.
It’s a terrible article. Not only does it fail to defend Kamala Harris. Which is the subject at hand. It does a lousy job of attacking ENB.
I’m also thinking someone writing under the name “Cherokee Schill” might be a troll.
I’m guessing that’s meant to be ‘shill’, with the expectation that the intended audience doesn’t know what one is.
The author appears to be an unrepentant bullshit artist who happens to get raped all the time.
Something something, lukewarm, spew out the mouth.
I don’t think it’s like that.
I can write about Rastafarians without being a Rastafarian.
If I get hired by a Rastafarian publication to write about Reggae, that doesn’t make me a Rastafarian.
ENB is a second wave feminist writing about “sex work” for a libertarian publication.
That doesn’t mean she’s a libertarian at all–much less lukewarm.
I don’t even know that she’s ever claimed to be a libertarian.
She believes that prostitution should be legalized. So do a lot of non-libertarian, second wave feminists.
Intellectually, we all know that the writers at Reason have given libertariaism short shrift lately.
Emotionally, maybe we still think of them as being libertarian, maybe because our hearts remember how it used to be.
Is the spaces between sentences a new way to create walls of text?
Fences of text, man. Fences.
I also heard she is trans-phobic
Well, she can’t say that no one ever told her that it didn’t matter how much she virtue signalled, if she held any beliefs to the right of Stalin they’d hate her. This should be a learning experience for her
The lesson is to move further left.
ENB is learning the hard way that you can never signal hard enough, eventually the mob will come for you.
She’s still a prog masquerading as a libertarian, she just happens to have 1 or 2 opinions that aren’t proggy enough; therefore, Nazi.
She’s writing for a supposedly libertarian magazine, and that makes her a target for progs.
She could post all the same shit at Salon, and no one would bat an eye–because it’s a progressive publication.
That might be true. ENB is being attacked for not being feminist enough, for attacking Kamala Harris for not being feminist enough.
this is true. the thing no one seems to understand is that “mild deviation” doesn’t get a mild-response. Any deviation is treated as complete heresy.
NEWSPAPER EDITORS: Don’t put photos of a pie eating contest on the same page as a story about a murder.
Incidentally those pies were minced meat.
A PieInTheSKy eating contest?
That faux pas, I bet, sold a lot more papers…
So what might the progressive politics of the 2020s and 2030s look like? Clearly, our most glaring inequalities call for action that only a powerful central state can carry out. We should start, at long last, to move tax policy towards concentrations of wealth and assets, not least land and property. The line should be redrawn between what ought to be considered public services and utilities, and things best left to the private sector, a point underlined by the nightmarish collapse of the outsourcing giant Carillion. Investment needs to be forcibly pushed into places long deprived of it.
So- “Come back,
Shane, Mussolini. Come back!”I think whoever built the snowmen in the preview picture is a Calvin and Hobbes fan.
Man, I miss Calvin and Hobbes.
The world has become less civil since he quit.
Bill Watterson did some work on a documentary about comic strips, Stripped. He also has done a couple of guest roles in the past year, but other then that, he’s stuck with his retirement.
Fun fact about the guy, he used to go to the bookstores in the area and randomly sign some of the Calvin and Hobbes books on the shelves. He stopped doing this when some of the stores then took those books off the shelves and sold them for more then face value as signed copies.
Huh. I have an original Calvin and Hobbes comic on my wall.
When I got married, my older brother bought all the calvin and hobbes collections for me. One of the best gifts I’ve ever recieved.
The fact that Twitter looks at private messages for marketing and commercial purposes is completely unsurprising to me. People need to understand that when you’re not paying for the service, you are not the customer.
However, I fail to understand why they would pay someone *specifically* to look a dick-pics and other explicit messages. I could see how someone would come across them while looking for other stuff and/or some employee would do it of his own accord; but what possible commercial purpose is there to look at dicks all day as your main job?
Of all people, I would expect you to understand the size of the advertising market for enhancement and performance pills.
+1 semi-deflated penis
According to the movie Ideocracy, the future is bleak because all the world’s brightest minds will be focused on bigger/prolonged erections, and reversing hair loss….
Other users flagged or reported the dick pics, his job is to check flagged and reported tweets/messages.
Ah ok. Must be hard to navigate through all those pics with only one hand.
Mosul six months after Isis was ousted – then and now
Decent pick but kinda looks like a shithole to me
Although I don’t get the before/after thing looks like the same pile of rubble to me
Did you flip the little slider buttons? I still wouldn’t call it a nice looking place to live, but it’s definitely improved.
The smoke has cleared. Now it looks like Dresden in 1946.
Beats being on fire.
This is a strange, new euphemism
They need about 1,978 bulldozers.
What’s the margin of error on that ‘about’?
It’s a government estimation, so +/- 100%
I love the photo of the jubilant ISIS guys holding up their flag standing on…a pile of rubble.
I appreciate that, in one of the ‘before’ pictures, someone has scrawled “fuck ISIS” on a mosque wall in English.
The generous spending, then, has not only failed to decrease poverty; it actually seems to have made it worse.
I suspect you would find, if you cared to look, a large distributed infrastructure of persons (both public and private) who have been made quite well off by controlling the distribution of that spending. And those persons are the actual intended beneficiaries of that spending.
If your job is to “help ease poverty”, why would you ever want to get rid of it or get less of it?
Yes. I don’t like Poor people – I don’t want to see more of them around.
I have long saw this as the Dems’ biggest weakness. When you’re counting on obtaining 90+% of a certain voting block to tread water, chipping away 20 or even 10% of that group causes chaos in your coalition. I’ve thought that if the GOP had any brains (I jest) they’d go harder for black votes by playing up economics and school choice. Even importing lots of immigrants wouldn’t make up for losing half (or a quarter) of the black vote. It would be devastating to the Dems.
And oppose licensing for hair braiding.
You just want people to die, don’t you?
I’ve heard Trump does okay with black men. They certainly stayed home for Hilary after turning out big for Obama twice.
I knew several black officers at the prison who LOVED Trump. Of course, that could be a law enforcement thing since they think of themselves as sort of like cops.
Naturally, conservative sites are jumping all over the Aziz Ansari fiasco to reinforce SoCon talking points that pre/extra-marital sex is immoral. It does, however, perhaps trigger some introspection about being more circumspect about where you put your genitals; maybe the hot/crazy ratio needs to be adjusted and, if married, adopting the Pence rule. At the very least, the Progs have completely lost control of the #metooers and they are now a herd of stampeding buffalo destroying everything and everyone in their path, regardless of how woke the target is.
One more time: sorry Progs, you don’t get to control the monster you created.
I loathe Ansari but what was described by that girl wasn’t rape. The noise coming from the left and the right are just two flavors of neoPuritan bullshit.
Absolutely. As it says in the article above, when a girl is naked and sucking your dick, consent for further activity is kind of implied. Progs can’t stand “implied consent” no matter how obvious it is and SoCons can’t stand people getting their pickle tickled outside the bonds of holy matrimony. SoCons have always been enemies of the sexual revolution, however I find it ever so amusing (and somewhat sinister) that the greatest proponents have now turned on it. Revolutions (no matter what type) *always* eventually eat their own.
Yeah, if we’re calling what that chick described “sexual assault” get ready for a generation of sexless prudes and invest in RealDoll.
I am afraid that is precisely the end goal of some of these fucks Bill…
Same here. He’s a shitty comedian and I hope his career withers and dies for that reason, not because of this bullshit.
BTW, two big thumbs up for the warpig avatar!!
“It was white,” she said. “I didn’t get to choose and I prefer red, but it was white wine.”
Clearly rape.
Skimmed through that ENB twitter link. What did I learn? She has a lot of sycophantic ass kissers following her. Does that require active weeding out of wrongthinkers, or is she just not worth keeping track of?
Twitter == something to be ignored.
It’s evil.
Great example of something that is bad for society but should remain legal.
This. Any redeeming value has long since been smothered out by the idiocy.
You do realize that you can pick and choose what you get from twitter. I follow authors/artist I like, a few pundits, and some people who I find funny. I fail to see how that is Evil or bad for society. The idiocy is easily avoided and I at least find value in knowing when new books/articles/albums are coming out, and even some of the opinions posted by people I respect.
I choose to get nothing. It is a much higher dross to content ratio than is worth the effort of filtering it. Even by source you get a lot of wastage from ‘trusted sources’.
The idiocy is easily avoided
IME, this is the least true for Twitter of all the social media. IMO, 140 characters and the bulletin board design of Twitter promotes the idiocy. Twitter was the easiest social media account for me to torpedo.
140 characters and the bulletin board design of Twitter promotes the idiocy.
I think you’re exactly right here. In effect, it reduces any discussion to a bumper sticker. That’s a means of argumentation that inevitably promotes feelings over facts and simplicity over accuracy.
Steven Seagal denies Bond girl assault
Anyone remember that “pop out of the birthday cake” scene in the movie Under Siege? *sigh*
His movies have the most ridiculous titles evar!
Out For A Kill
Under Seige
On Deadly Ground
Who writes this shit?
The only worse titles I’ve seen are from the Bourne movies and, maybe the Shannara books.
Future titles:
The Jockstrap of Shannara?
The Bourne Inadequacy?
Video games are worse.
* Final Fantasy MCMXII?
* Call of Duty: REMF
* Grand Theft Auto: Mogadishu
GTA:M sounds like it could be fun.
Yeah, but all the cars are Toyota or Isuzu pickups, or bulletproof Mercedes limos.
Make it JC4 and I’m sold.
+1 HiLux
Final Fantasy was actually supposed to be the studio’s final game, hence the title. It just became so wildly popular that the studio was saved and “Final Fantasy” became a name brand rather than a meaningful title.
“This is the most blatant false advertising since my suit against the producers of The Neverending Story”
JB, I don’t use the word “hero” lightly, but you are the greatest hero in American history.
REMF is the Vietnam Era CoD for support personnel. Call of Duty: Fobbit would be the modern version.
You don’t want to be some clerk counting MREs?
Well, I was the guy who fixed radars and never left the wire in Iraq, so I’d be ok with it. 🙂
Just before I hit “Reply”, I considered changing REMF to Fobbit, and then I realized someone (I now know whom) was residing in my brain.
Call of Duty: REMF
I played that shit for real.
His early films were titled in such a way that the advertising would be “Steven Seagal IS….[three word title]”
Steven Seagal IS…..Above the Law!
Steven Seagal IS…..Out for Justice!
Steven Seagal IS…..Marked for Death!
Steven Seagal IS…..Hard to Kill!
Steven Seagal IS…..On Deadly Ground!
The only one from his “golden era” that wasn’t titled that way was Under Siege. It actually would work, but that wasn’t the way it was advertised. In retrospect, how nuts is it that Steven Seagal once headlined a movie over Tommy Lee Jones?
“Sex workers want DECRIMINALIZATION not LEGALIZATION. Here’s exactly what that means, and why.”
I’ve read this before. Basically, it’s saying sex work shouldn’t be regulated like every other business.
“Legalized prostitution is: sex work is still technically illegal, but the State carves out tiny exceptions. Those loopholes always look like: a rich person with an expensive, hard to get license, and people doing sexwork for them with little control over working conditions.”
“decriminalization” has always struck me as “It’s still against the law, but we’re just going to fine you instead of go straight to arresting you” while “legalization” was the removal of the law from the books, thus rendering the activity legal.
Except they keep the violent and dangerous black market in place. Brilliant.
In which circumstance? Because in watching the weed situation, the legal options pop up pretty darn fast and work pretty darn civilly, even without proper legalization.
I was talking about decriminalization. Which is why legalization is the only way to go.
That would be the result of over-regulating (eg. exorbitant marijuana taxes).
Which is a bigger travesty, the WoD or criminalization of prostitution? I’d say the WoD has by far been more destructive and put more people in cages, but it has always struck me as an absolute farce that sex is the one thing you can give away legally, but once you start charging it’s illegal. How much more of a joke of self-ownership can you have than not having dominion over your genitals?
I’ve thought that if the GOP had any brains (I jest) they’d go harder for black votes by playing up economics and school choice.
I believe a lot of black people (particularly churchgoers) tend to be pretty socially conservative. If the Republicans could craft a focused message (stop laughing!) I suspect they could carve off a significant segment of those voters.
What’s sad is that it only takes a couple racist Republicans who can’t keep their f’g mouths shut to keep the narritive going thanks to a complicit media. It’s like they can’t help themselves. Well there’s a story in the news related to race, I better say something asinine about it.
it only takes a couple racist Republicans who can’t keep their f’g mouths shut
That, or a corrupt partisan media that paints Republicans as racist regardless.
It’s more like there are bigots on both sides who mouth off but only one side gets coverage and condemnation.
+ the first clean, articulate African-American
+ Robert Byrd
Spent 10 minutes trying to get out of subdivision this morning unsuccessfully, and another 45 trying to make it the 100 yards back home. Thanks for never plowing our streets Columbus.
Oh now you want big government
Like I have a choice in providers
The city I live in loves to plow the streets – usually so much that the end of my driveway is clogged with compacted snow.
They also plow the sidewalks! And clean up leaves that are raked onto the curb.
And the trash company – by law – has to run up the driveways to the garages, and then dump trash cans into another container. Apparently someone on the city board doesn’t like all the trash cans clogging up the roads. But piles of leaves in the autumn are okay!
Does the city pay for driveway repairs?
Of course not. My concrete driveway needs to be redone, but I’ll wait until it turns into gravel before I do it.
My city plows one of my sidewalks (I live on a corner), which unfortunately means they dump two nice piles of snow right in my driveway. The city also had the great idea to patch up some potholes in October and November. The first time the plow went down the street, it tore all of those patches out and tossed them into everyone’s driveway. A couple of days later, the city sent a truck around to get the chunks of patch out of people’s driveways.
Yep – the top of my driveway is a continuous disaster after a snow storm thanks to the town.
Nothing like shoveling a foot of snow out of the driveway to have the plow come by and deposit three feet of compacted snow as heavy as lead right back onto the end of it.
Yeah, they’re pathetic at plowing anything. Still was 1″ on the ground going from 270 to Delaware.
Oh they’ve never plowed our streets this year.
Now you know what it’s like without roads in libertopia
Remember once while living in Central NC we got a foot of snow overnight. I couldn’t move for two days because the snow wasn’t going anywhere; had to wait for enough of it to melt to make the roads slightly passable.
What part of C-Bus? I’m in the Northeast — outside of 270.
I may be traveling through Columbus later this spring. If so, I’ll see if anybody wants to meet up.
Ms Grant, speaking exclusively to the BBC, said: “I want to share what happened to me, so people will hear it and others might come forward.”
“We’re going to throw some chum in the water, and see if we can stir up another feeding frenzy, because they’re so much fun to watch.”
That’s the thing I don’t quite understand about the pioneer #MeToo’ers.
They step up and claim their victimhood, then go and piss the notoriety away by encouraging other people to claim theirs. While wealth may not be a fixed-sized pie, publicity and fame certainly are. If you want the sweet, sweet renewed relevance than being a victim brings after 16 years of obscurity, you don’t want to share it with all those other womyn, do you?
You fight so hard to get above the fold on the Daily Fail, and then willingly give that hard-won prominence away because some younger, tighter, fitter actress jumps on the bandwagon too.
Thanks for never plowing our streets Columbus.
“God put it there. Let Him take it away.”
Ima just say it. Click through ads on websites are worse than autoplay vids.
I see we’ve abandoned the “up/down” button in favor of a single “up” button.
From the Afternoon Lynx yesterday, SP informed that there’s an issue with the website and the down button will reappear as soon as she can figure out how to integrate it without breaking things.
There was a problem with the plugin. SP said the up/down version will come back after it is patched to work with the current version of WordPress.
Click through ads on websites are worse than autoplay vids.
Nothing is worse than autoplay video. I finally learned to keep my speakers turned off, unless I am specifically playing something from youtube. And it still pisses me off when the video starts.
when a girl is naked and sucking your dick, consent for further activity is kind of implied.
No kidding. That pretty effectively indicates (to me, anyway) you’re in “Full steam ahead!” territory.
If that’s not enthusiastic consent, what does it take? Sparklers and kazoos?
Consent–true consent–cannot be granted until the next morning after the sexual activity–at the earliest–and it may take even longer to grant consent, in some instances.
This is why Gen-X hates their Baby-Boomer parents. The Boomers built this system and environment of guilt-free sexual liberation, then turned around and colluded with their Millenial grandchildren to punish people for engaging in this system.
Those little light wands they use to guide planes in.
One thing I find silly about “enthusiastic consent” is that enthusiasm itself doesn’t prevent one from making bad decisions. Someone caught up in the moment, overwhelmed with passion, filled with excitement, etc. is less likely to consider all the aspects and consequences of their actions.
Exactly. I’ve done things on acid that I was really enthusiastic about. I’ve had…perfectly adequate sexual encounters with women about whom I was ambivalent, and never felt like anything criminal was afoot.
And that’s why, my opinion of Ansari aside, I think this matter is bullshit and have no problem saying so. At a certain point, what feminists are asking that women be granted is a universal “I can ruin your life” card. When pretty much any behavior gets to be called sexual harassment at the accusers discretion, the only logical thing to assume is being argued for is an ability to destroy people at their discretion.
I’d always thought that militant feminism would implode as soon as young feminists started having sons. Then the lunatics turned on their own sons.
The way I see it, there are three issues. One, that the standard is biased entirely in favor of women. Two, that the standards are so ill-defined and change so often that virtually any activity can be considered assault. Three, that any skepticism of a claim is itself viewed as a form of assault. In the short term, this hurts men, but in the long term this hurts women, particularly feminists. Men are going to increasingly avoid interacting with women who seem even a little bit “woke” because the risk will be too great. The contradiction between “I am woman, hear me roar” and “I’m so delicate that I consider situations that used to be examples of social awkwardness as tantamount to rape” will discredit feminism in general. The pendulum will swing the other way, with the result that after so much crying “Wolf!” the normies are going to be a lot less likely to believe accusations of assault, even where they’re merited.
♦We know the Steele Dossier contains content that was not exclusive to Christopher Steele. ♦We know Fusion GPS held proprietary ownership of the Steele Dossier content. ♦We reasonably know that Nellie Ohr provided much of the research for the dossier content. ♦We know that FBI contractors, perhaps Fusion entities, used unlawful FBI FISA-702 searches to gain information that was passed on to Fusion-GPS and Nellie Ohr etc. ♦We also know the story of Michael Cohen traveling to Prague is inside the Steele Dossier; and we know the story is false – It was the wrong Michael Cohen.
Ya know, I’d love to continue following wild conspiracy theories purely as entertainment, but holy crap, I believe NSA/FBI/DOJ collusion with the Clinton campaign up to and including multiple felonies, and a broad-daylight coverup with all the immunity deals, is pretty much what happened. Hundreds of people need firing, and probably dozens need jailing. Confident prediction: the entire mess will wither away in the usual toothless Congressional investigation and aside from a few “reassignments”, Nothing Else Will Happen.
If (Since?) the FBI/DOJ/NSA/DNC conspiracy is real, then what other crazy conspiracy theories are also real?
I’m pretty sure the Clintons had Seth Rich murdered.
I’m going to go with all of them. Flat earth, Kubrick did the moon landing, the CIA developed AIDS in a lab to kill undesirables-the whole nine yards.
Surprisingly, chemtrails are totally innocent. Not fluoride, though.
The chemtrails are formulated to patch holes in the ozone layer.
Particulate aluminum!!!
It seems the Panic of the Day involves a government shutdown. It’ll be Trump’s fault. Because the Democrats just want us all to be safe and happy.
Do you not remember the hell that was the last government shutdown? I had to kill 5 raiders who were coming for my food and fuel. And that’s not to mention the long arduous trek on foot towards work, since infrastructure had failed and the highways had collapsed.
The Mongols immediately swept over the northern tundra and occupied our once-glorious, unstaffed federal parks.
False alarm – they were actually tourists who snapped a lot of pictures and went home.
We did, however lose control of Canadia to the Canukistani hordes, who promptly re-wrote the history books to claim we’d never had it.
Fucking Mongorians!
I had to kill 5 raiders who were coming for my food and fuel.
In fairness, the EPA was going to try to shut down your orphan-run processing plant, anyway.
If you decorate your yard to look like an end zone, you will keep the Raiders away.
Yeah. Let’s see how the media frames it this time. Will the Dems holding up the resolution for DACA be heroes or villains?
Gosh, the suspense is killing me.
“There is an ongoing debate currently going on in the country about what locations can be classified as shitholes. The debate sprung from a report that Donald Trump referred to some third world countries as “shitholes” in a meeting with lawmakers last week.
While the debate might rage on as to what constitutes a “shithole” of a country, one thing is not up for debate: the American city of San Francisco is a shithole.
We know this thanks to an interactive map created in 2014 called Human Wasteland.
The map charts all of the locations for human excrement “incidents” reported to the San Francisco police during a given month. The interactive map shows precise locations of the incidents by marking them with poop emojis:”
The story that was linked earlier here about the good samaritan who pulled over to help a driver and ended up shooting the guy is being spun somewhat differently by the local paper.
I don’t know if the reporter has more background info, but the tone of the story has now turned in favor of the guy who got shot. Knowing our local paper, my guess is that it is because a gun was used by a non-cop. The first story I read on this, mentioned that the victim was well known to police. This story keeps calling him a teenager and doesn’t mention that he might have a checkered past.
Of course, the victims buddies were the only ones quoted for the story. It is also interesting that the shooter has been jailed (but not charged) on suspicion of 2nd degree murder. I wonder why he can’t go home like the cop who shot Justine Damond?
“Twitter Stores Child Pornography On Its Servers, and Hundreds of Employees Have Access to It, Suggests Latest Undercover Footage
Nudity, specifically users sending “dick pics” and “spread eagle” shots to one another consumes an ungodly amount of content sent over Direct Message between users in which Twitter employees must personally review, say the engineers.
The age to join Twitter is 13. According to 2015 Pew Research data, one third of teenagers are on Twitter. High schoolers are the most active age group on the social network. 42 percent of 15 to 17 year olds use Twitter, according to the data.
Researchers at the University of Utah in 2013 studied the prevalence of sexting among teenagers, defined as sending a nude photo of one’s own body to another person using your smartphone. Of the teens, 41 per cent of boys and 30 per cent of girls reported having received a sext, reported Psychology Today.
There’s no indication teenagers don’t use Twitter’s Direct Message function any differently than other person-to-person communication services. Although not addressed in the Project Veritas video, if what the engineers are saying is true, an untold number of elicit photos sent to and from underage teens are being stored on Twitter’s servers, where employees would have access to them.”
an untold number of
elicitillicit photos sent to and from underage teens are being stored on Twitter’s serversSounds to me like a prosecutor could shut Twitter down whenever they want for being the largest child porn operation in history.
Some of them were probably elicited.
You’ve got friends in the biz; drop ’em a note.
I don’t have any friends in the prosecuting biz.
Darn. No one locking up juvenile delinquents? I haz sadz.
Wheres preet when we need him?? I heard they’re feeding judges into woodchippers over there at Twitter.
I’m sure the amount of kiddie porn on Twitter’s servers is peanuts compared to the NSA’s stash.
It’s a funny form of systemic racism that virtually guarantees black students a prosperous life if they conform to the same norms and standards as other ethnic groups. You’d think a truly racist system would stamp out meritocratic success as well as facilitating disfunction and dependence… like, say, welfarism.
See: the People’s Grocery and the Greenwood District
The dubious genius of modern bigots was sublimating their hatred into pity and, under the guise of compassion, helping bring about the dissolution of black communities they wanted all along. Crab buckets are much easier to maintain than fox traps.
This is really freaking insightful!
Elementary and secondary schools with large numbers of black and Hispanic students are less likely to have experienced teachers, advanced courses, high-quality instructional materials and adequate facilities.”
I’ve no doubt that Brown would dismiss it entirely, but I think he may have accidentally stumbled on a real phenomenon. “Black” inner city schools have long been a union dumping ground and means for channeling educational resources from teaching students to supporting the educational bureaucracy. The actual evidence out there suggests that the key to freeing black people from this exploitation is school choice – charter schools, vouchers and private school scholarships.
@Mustang: Just caught your article from last night. When will you be running for office, and where do I need to move to vote for you?
Count me in.
“I Made the Pizza Cinnamon Rolls from Mario Batali’s Sexual Misconduct Apology Letter
Last night, I made cinnamon rolls. I’m not a huge fan of cinnamon rolls, per se, but this recipe was included in Mario Batali’s sexual misconduct apology letter, and so I feel compelled to make them. Batali is not the first powerful man to request forgiveness for “inappropriate actions” towards his coworkers and employees. He is not the most high profile, and he is ostensibly not even the worst offender. But he is the only one who included a recipe.
And of course, the glaring question is why? Was his PR team drunk? Is life suddenly a really long, depressing SNL sketch? Do these cinnamon rolls somehow destroy the patriarchy? Does the icing advocate for equal pay?”
And of course, the glaring question is why?
Well, he couldn’t say “Sorry about that, here have a cinnamon roll” to the entire planet, so he did the next best thing?
The only questions that came to mind were “are the rolls any good?” and “how hard are they to make?”
Oh for fuck’s sake, I had to click through four or five pages to finally reach the recipe?
Here, save a few clicks
The recipe for pizza dough cinnamon rolls first requires the recipe for pizza dough
We are not having the “from scratch” debate. I am not creating the universe just to make a sandwich.
My brother has spent the last couple of years trying to perfect a recipe for pizza dough. He uses two different types of flour, and goes through a convoluted process to make the dough.
When I worked for an independent parlor, the owner dumped a bag of flour, some salt and yeast into the dough-stirring machine and let it run.
If I want to make pizza “from scratch”, I use the Chef Boyardee pizza kit.
The point is…
Well, I don’t have a point, but I expect that the pizza dough rolls are tasty.
Bad form on his part, expecting everyone to do actual work to get their apology cinnamon roll.
something something enacting your labor something something.
Do these cinnamon rolls somehow destroy the patriarchy?
Haha, joke’s on you. Quite the opposite. Those rolls will turn you into a nymphomaniac, and a HETEROSEXUAL one, at that. Enjoy your new life of slavish devotion to THE PENIS!
*rubs hands together, cackles maniacally*
Those rolls will turn you into a nymphomaniac
Bill Cosby’s ears perk up.
*I honestly went to Wikipedia to check that Mr. Cosby hadn’t died yet, before making this post.
rubs hands together
Uffda. I thought with all these zombie cis-nymphos that there would be no more need for hand rubbing.
an untold number of
elicitillicit photosThat’s funny, my head edited it as “explicit” photos. Either one works better than the original.
Related to the government shutdown:
The article treats the fact that Trump hasn’t filled these positions as a travesty perpetrated by the Dems slow-walking everything. I can see the point that having a bunch of Obamites still in charge is a problem, however if these positions haven’t been filled in over a year, why don’t they just eliminate them? It’s like the “non-essential personnel” thing. If they’re non-essential, why do those positions exist?
Fair point.
My wife uses this as the test for throwing my stuff away. “If you haven’t needed it in the last two years…”
Ok, real answer as to “why do those positions exist?”…. to pay off political favors.
Another reason Trump has been slow to fill them. He didn’t get many political favors or big donors during his campaign. So he doesn’t have so much repaying to do. Maybe he should appoint Podesta, or whoever came up with the “let’s get our friends in the media to promote Trump during the primaries” strategy.
Just because I use it infrequently doesn’t mean I want to buy a whole new one every time I do need it, and stockpiling parts has allowed for a great deal of work that would otherwise have been cost-prohibitive.
I avoid throwing away anything that can be repurposed, unless it is laughably cheap to buy new.
This is a kumquat:
I get more amusement when Hockey Night In Canada does a live promo read for Schitt’s Creek.
The “I Once Was Lost, But Now Am Found” tale, turned on its head
Then Harvey Weinstein provided me the impetus I lacked: the media outlets that had enabled and covered up his indiscretions for years were the same major public voices for the Democratic Party, the self-proclaimed party of worker’s and women’s rights. The game was up; two and two could no longer be five. I reached my threshold where no amount of hypothetical Republican bigotry or greed could approach the magnitude of hypocrisy, corruption, or criminality I saw rotting the Democrats to the core. I jumped ship.
I found out almost immediately that the Republican Party is not only not evil, but populated with nice, intelligent, humble people. Days after I added myself to the Log Cabin Republican mailing list, I saw an invite to attend a gathering with Chadwick Moore, an independent journalist and one of two lapsed gay Democrats I had heard of.
I’m not really a fan of the Federalist, but this is kind of funny, after reading multiple “Confessions of a Former Libertarian” pieces linked here from places like Salon. And, of course, it seems to me the guy has made a self-evidently rational analysis of the Democratic hive mind.
“…the magnitude of hypocrisy, corruption, or criminality I saw rotting the Democrats to the core.”
This aint rocket science. If you appeal to the worst parts of human nature – resentment, envy, greed, bigotry, power mongering – you are going to attract the worst kinds of people.
I tell my kids that evil is borne out of weakness and fear. While both parties appeal to those traits, the Democrats have made it an integral part of their reason for existence.
It’s takes a lot to undo decades of brainwashing though.
+7 deadly sins
one of two lapsed gay Democrats I had heard of
They didn’t keep up with their dues to the gay union?
Begin rant:
Since the #metoo hysteria is occupying a large amount of real estate both on this site and in the media at large, allow me to do a small rant. Perhaps I will write a full submission on this at some point, but I need to collect my thoughts on the matter first.
As many have noted, the ultimate goal of this exercise seems to be the criminalization of male sexuality. Where I lose the script, however, is what comes after that goal is achieved. Watching mammalian behavior in the animal kingdom, the powerful male libido is the driving force behind the continued propagation of essentially every species of mammal (I’m sure there are exceptions, I’m not a biologist). Ancient Taoists understood this with the yin and yang concept. The traditionally male yin is analogous to fire and the traditionally female yang is analogous to water. Fire blazes hot and can be destructive, but water is ultimately more powerful in that it can shape existence inexorably and can also extinguish the yin. In sexual intercourse, the fire burns hottest and must take care to build up and boil the water to climax.
Without belaboring the point and turning this into a submission on its own, the male and female essences are complementary. The male fire must burn brightly in order to ensure the continuation of the species. I may be answering my own question, but the intersectional feminist left is being remarkably short-sighted in their witch hunt. It’s a transparent short-term power grab but what comes long-term? You’re not going to extinguish millions of years of evolution with hashtags. Thoughts?
Where I lose the script, however, is what comes after that goal is achieved.
The Right People have more power over people who they hate. I don’t think its any more complicated than that.
The final chapter has the Gammas banging the hot chicks in front of their defeated Alpha rivals.
“…the ultimate goal of this exercise seems to be the criminalization of male sexuality. ”
Didn’t you see the article yesterday where the woman was bemoaning that the wrong people are being caught up i n this, that it was intended to stay focused on white, college educated men?
It is about destroying the patriarchy. Patriarchy is code for western, enlightened civilization. You dont wonder why the feminists rant about men in the west but love them some muslims? Read in patriarchy=western civilization and it makes sense. It is about power. Destroy the system that is the most enlightened and libertarian in history and replace it with a medieval system with only elites and peasants, no middle class, that is their goal.
…that is their goal.
And they will lose, hugely. I have made the attempt to find even smidgen of this shit IRL, and failed. Out where things are getting done, life goes on. Men and women just doing their thing.
The word you are looking for is ‘bigly’.
Yes, I have ranted the same thing before. Average Americans have mortgages to pay, jobs to hold down, children to keep in school and cars to keep running. They dont see letting middle aged men wearing dresses and lipstick going in the public restroom with your 12 year old daughter as a worthy goal.
Yeah, they are going to lose. Bigly.
It’s like that supposedly untrue apocryphal story of some famous writer for the New York Times who wrote an opinion piece expressing her shock that Nixon was elected because, as she allegedly wrote, “I don’t know anyone who voted for him.” Apparently the event itself isn’t true, but the echo chamber is definitely real, and Progressives are firmly locked inside.
That was Pauline Kael, the movie critic. What she actually said was just as damning, if not as pithy.
It’s got a kind of Star Wars-level dramatic tenor.
Yeah, that’s the one. I remember reading a take-down of the rumor version of that story that used the actual quote she gave as evidence that it wasn’t so bad. You’re right; it’s worse.
As many have noted, the ultimate goal of this exercise seems to be the criminalization of male sexuality. Where I lose the script, however, is what comes after that goal is achieved.
You’re assuming that they want male sexuality criminalized because they want it to stop. That isn’t clear to me. I think the feminists understand the inevitability of male sexuality just as much as the rest of us do. What they want is male guilt. They want to “have the goods” on any male they set their sights on. They want the power of being able to destroy any male at their discretion. They want to be able to force any male to go along with the program or else. They want power. It isn’t possible to truly rule innocent men. They need the consent of the ruled. And if every man’s exercise of his most basic biological urge is a hallmark of guilt, what better means of forcing his acquiescence. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if feminists tried criminalizing non-interest or non-pursuit.
I don’t know if any have tried to criminalize it. But there are plenty of feminist articles arguing that men not being interested in women who are fat, black, white, trans, old, etc. is wrong.
That occurred to me. I think it’s only a matter of time before they try pushing something based on it. It’s the one weakness in their entire system. If men started obeying the feminists’ proposed rules scrupulously and stopped having anything to do with women, feminism as a movement would be dead within a week. And women would kill it. Feminists need men to disobey their proposed rules. It’s the guilt the feminists value.
I have seen some whining about men backing off on women of all sorts.
“You are a misogynist if you dont let me claw your eyes out!”
Keep in mind that the feminist crowd has a 100% overlap with the ‘needing or receiving psychiatric treatment’ crowd.
“You are a misogynist if you dont let me claw your eyes out!”
Yup. It’s funny to watch how quickly both feminists and socons begin mutually screeching if the topic of MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) comes up. Both groups simultaneously proceed to rail against them as useless losers who the world is better off without and excoriating them, in the same breath, for denying society of their presence.
Voluntary disassociation will not be permitted.
You will associate, and you will be re-educated.
“They want power. It isn’t possible to truly rule innocent men. They need the consent of the ruled.”
I think that is pretty accurate.
Sorry, Ken, but I don’t see what Rand Paul has to do with it.
I issue house credit to customers. Historically, I have received payment on Net 30 terms by check. However, as of late, a number of companies are switching to payment of house credit by credit cards. The banks are pushing on this system for them because, obviously, they get to skim some off the transaction.
I just got off the phone with the bank rep trying to convert me to accepting the card payment. It’s always sold as being great for me, so I ask the questions.
“Is the customer going to pay me sooner? Say Net 10 versus Net 30?”
“Is the customer going to pay me more, to cover the cost of the card transaction fee?”
Of course you know the answer, so I tell them no and hang up.
Regardless, we will start receiving payment with the card in a couple of months anyway. I guarantee it.
Get ahead of it by announcing your own policy of accepting credit cards with the 3% transaction fee tacked on to the bill.
I’m certainly headed that way. I may have to hide it as something else because of the resistance to it by the customer’s accounting departments.
I’m mostly just ranting about the damn banks trying to horn in on my receivables. Years ago, someone in the bank whitewashed a few of my checks and cashed them for a few grand. It was a bank screw-up so I didn’t have to cover the losses. The bank promptly tried to sell me on a security program that would guarantee it wouldn’t happen again for $200/month. They had no answer when I asked why I should pay them to cover their own asses.
Do you discount a Net 10 payment anyways?
I’d offer a 3% discount on Net 10 payments. And then a 3.5% service fee for payment by credit card.
Sometimes, twitter can be good
Without belaboring the point and turning this into a submission on its own, the male and female essences are complementary.
That’s just crazy talk!
Get ahead of it by announcing your own policy of accepting credit cards with the 3% transaction fee tacked on to the bill.
Hasn’t this sort of “cash discount” pricing been the subject of litigation on the part of banks? I seem to remember reading about it, but I’m not sure on the details.