Is it Tuesday? Monday? Wednesday. I know it ain’t Friday. You know what else I know now — I won’t kick my wife out of bed for eating crackers. No, literally. She was sick last night and ate crackers in bed. And I decided I loved her more than I hate crumbs in bed. So there’s today’s love story.
SO I’m going to go with 80% chance Trump did say “shithole countries“. But given that Dick Durbin is the apparent source, and he’s a lying fuck, I can’t be certain.
In my ongoing needling of Californian Glibs, I offer this further proof of 3rd worldism.
Zoolander 3 is pretty fucking dark. Err. Wow, that might seem racist. I mean bleak and ugly.
Seal gets the #metoo treatment. Like Omar said, “when you come for the [queen], you best not miss.”
I am not surprised that Ed Sheeran is not at all original. Yes, yes, it happens to the best of them. Sometimes.
Boob fact: In bra sizing, adjacent band sizes with reverse correlated cup size have the same total breast volume. In other words, 36D = 34DD = 32F when it comes to breast volume; it just depends on the frame of the woman they reside on. Therefore, typically 32F will look a lot bigger than 36D since it is on a smaller framed girl even though their breasts are the same size.
37 wins by a country mile. Runners up: 4, 5, 12, 16, 21, 25, 40.
*adjusts tin foil hat*
*wanders off talking about chemtrails*
That being said, 27 or 43.
Ironically, I’ll be the last one standing, as my type is “Not-Attention-Whore” and thus I am immune to this form of data collection.
What’s wrong with you? 16 is all set for steak and blowjob day.
She could handle my meat anytime.
Yeah, but it better be medium rare. Anything cooked more than that is a disgrace. Wait- what meat are we talking about again?
Tube steak must be well done.
Nigga, you crazy.
Damn straight.
1 is clearly the victor.
Et tu Tundra?
Q, you know how much I love the brunettes.
Bless you.
Speaking of bra fitting, did someone already post this?
Talking about the queen’s tits will not be tolerated!
Elton john has tits?
Fuck. If I had to deal with an old ladies saggy tits for six decades, I would beg to be fired.
After my divorce, I hardly ever date for more than a few years for the exact same reasons.
#32 reminded me of Stacey Poole (her pictures are NSFW) but it isn’t Stacey Poole.
It’s time for dinner. #16. #41 has a mischievous look to her, so I’ll have her for dessert.
Oh, Joy, I get home to a Jury Summons.
I once told a judge that both attorneys looked guilty and got dismissed. My final summons came when I told the judge I would never go with her instructions that “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” didn’t allow jury nullification and would rather spend every penny to my name taking that shit to the SCOTUS to have them kill it, and she basically scolded me and told me I was persona non grata for daring to pollute the pool of morons that showed up that day to serve their sentence.
I tell people I will never have a jury of my peers, because my peers need to earn a living and they will find ways to get out of jury duty..
I get paid full rate by the day job for Jury Duty. The only question is do I sit around all day dealing with Bureaucracy? Or do I sit around all day dealing with Bureaucracy?
That is just not fair man…
Civil or criminal? Magistrate/small claims lever or circuit/superior court? State or Federal?
Not federal.
It’s a general jury pool that hasn’t been sorted yet. It’s only the first summons. I have to call in and find out if I have to show up starting the day before the first possible selection day.
I would take a days pay to sit around and watch the crazies in magistrate/small claims. Anything else and I would try to get out.
Tell them you believe in jury nullification.
Tell them you believe cops are not paragons of virtue.
Just say you’re prejudiced against all races.
Last time I got called, during voir dire one of the lawyers for some reason was asking us all what TV shows we liked to watch. My response was that “I like reality shows, like Reno 911.” I got dismissed, and the look on the bailiff’s face alone was worth wasting half a day.
I served on a jury a bit over a year ago.
I actually liked the experience. Wouldn’t call it fun but certainly informative to see justice from that angle.
If you get paid in full by your employer I say why not. It also gives your colleagues and boss some time to realize how much work you get done. They were quite happy when I came back.
Then again this was in Canada and for a murder case, not some drug thingy or state abuse so…
Once I was called for jury duty. It was a guy who was selling drugs and had a gun on him. They asked if anyone thought drugs should be legalized. I raised my hand.
“All drugs, or just some drugs?”
“All drugs.”
((whisper whisper))
“Juror dismissed!”
So, just pretend you are commenting here, and you’re out.
“You are dismissed, juror, but I’d have you know that you, sir, are worse than Hitler”
Bailiff! Arrest that man!
Bailiff! Whack his peepee!
I don’t speak the way I comment.
…And that’s a good thing.
Do you want out or not?!
I don’t know yet.
Is the courthouse a shithole?
I do
honesty is the best policy
So, talk about tits after handing out a printout of Q’s links?
I got a notice for a jury pool one time. I waited and called in on the day I was supposed to and was told to report the next Monday morning.
So I show up with the rest of the pool on the Monday after Christmas and before New Years. They let us go after about an hour. Apparently no one want to start a trial a couple of days before New Year’s Eve.
All I have to do is tell them I once attended Law School. That’s an automatic destruct sequence for jury duty for me as far as our “justice” system is concerned.
Just wear your MAGA hat. They’ll send you home as soon as possible.
Before I even bother with opening it, I just throw mine away – unless it is sent certified, I never received it. A long time ago, I actually went. What a colossal waste of a day – I’ve vowed never again.
I just got one as well. Going to refresh my knowledge on the historical/constitutional basis for jury nullification. I live in the People’s Republic of California. Curious to see how it goes.
Reposting from the previous article since I think this is worth a read. It’s also a pretty good summary of why Trump won. Though Trump has been a pleasant surprise when it comes to policy, he was mostly a blank slate before and during the campaign. I think he was elected primarily because he is the Anti-Obama and people wanted a return to sanity.
Reposting what I did there Q:
This is actually one of my favorite things about agent orange. That and the fact he has made the fucking dnc operatives with bylines so angry they have abandoned any semblance of logic, reason, honesty, or objectivity in order to show how cool they are to other cunts that like them want only members of their team in charge.
Exactly this!
Trump was anti-Hillary during the campaign. There was a brief period when Obama let Hillary be the public face of the Democrats, then I realized that by Clintons’ standards Obama wasn’t obviously personally corrupt. So he had that going for him.
How smart was it of Iran to demand cash money from Obama? Not future promises or trade agreements that would be broken.
Like a Craigslist ad “CASH ONLY”
I’m just not used to being pleasantly surprised by a politician. Every single one has disappointed.
Then again, it’s easy to leap over a bar when it’s on the ground to begin with.
I voted for Johnson, rather than for President Trump in the election (not that, as a New York voter, it matters). When Trump got elected, I made the decision that I’d be a “neutral” with respect to him. I would support him when he was pursuing policies I agreed with and oppose him when he was pursuing policies I didn’t like. I’d judge claims and accusations about him, as best I could, on their merits, ignoring who the target of the claims and accusations were and evaluating them as if they were levied at anyone else. Sticking to just this standard has put me in the position that, at this point, I’m effectively a Trump supporter.
My vote is not my undying loyalty.
My vote is a statement that “Of the options presented, This candidate is least bad.”
I did vote Trump, and I have no qualms about criticising his failings. I also take no credit for his sucesses, but I am happy they have happened so far.
Ditto. Ditto to all of this. Its nice to have a politician I wouldn’t want to have a beer with but nevertheless would want for president. A year ago, I never would have said the second half of that sentence.
SO I’m going to go with 80% chance Trump did say “shithole countries“. But given that Dick Durbin is the apparent source, and he’s a lying fuck, I can’t be certain.”
So what if he said it? I have been to a very large number of countries on this planet, on every continent, and calling some places a shithole, especially on the continent he singled out and the specific Caribbean island where on one side the Dominicans are making things work while the other continuous to go down hill, is an improvement. All this angst is just fucking ludicrous, and if these places are not shitholes, we wouldn’t have so many people trying to flee them.
Even expats agree
The lady at the Dunkin Donuts I get my iced tea at occasionally actually told her coworkers that were complaining about this to get real. They all had left Haiti because the place was cesspit. Of course she did it in patios French and when they saw me there and remembered I could understand them, they all had a look on their face like they had just gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar. I pointed out that people usually had to have it pretty bad opportunity wise to leave their birth place considering a statistic I remember seeing that almost 78% of people never leave the place they are born.
“patios french” made me chuckle. Autocorrect claims another victim.
This is something I have been curious about, not curious enough to do any research but curious none the less. What do actual migrants from these shitholes think?
They already voted with their feet.
Pretty much.
That having been said, as Amy Chua observed, as a group, Nigerian immigrants have done as well as Chinese and Jews in America. I see no reason why having one’s origin from a shithole is prima facie evidence as to their undesirability. If they don’t want to “go back to their huts” so badly that they work like a
MexicanNigerian, then I see that as a positive, not a negative.I would hope no one disagrees with this assessment.
There is some guy telling me he needs my help to make a sale of some multi-million dollar oil and all he needs is my bank account whose IP I tracked back to Nigeria…
That sounds legit. I got a guy who told me if I pay $10,000 up front I can get $1,000,000 of oil soaked money that just needs to be cleaned off. $5,000 will pay for the cleaning and the other $5,000 is his finder fee.
The 419 emails are coming from INSIDE THE COUNTRY!
HM is Prince Mwarkara?!
I get ones specificaly for law services…
They have set up shop in Rotterdam in the Netherlands now? Yeah, sure..
Absolutely. And that’s why I think it’s absurd to drag a racial aspect into it. I can’t read Trump’s mind, so I can’t possibly know exactly what he meant (if, indeed, he said it at all). Based on the context of his other statements on immigration, populism and “America First” I’d assume he was talking about the necessity to have more low-skilled workers coming in (even ignoring future success). That’s a debate worth having. Of course, the obfuscators would much rather turn it into a racial thing since they benefit from that both politically and as a distraction tactic.
And I would definitely much rather live here than in Haiti.
Actually, I disagree. Either you support a free market economy or you don’t. What more is there to debate?
Since when did unfettered immigration become the one immutable defining feature of a free market economy?
Personally I’m with you, but there is a pretty sizeable chunk of Trump’s coalition that would say they see low skilled immigrants coming in and getting on public assistance while simultaneously working under the table and undermining domestic low-skilled employment. In a way, that is the market playing out in a rational way given the circumstances of the environment. However, (without sounding like an elitist asshole and trying to put myself in their shoes) these people are probably not thinking real deeply about how a distorted, regulated employment market creates these situations in the first place. They are likely also sick of having their private property rights abused by the Feds and don’t see how the welfare state arguments get conflated with the immigration argument. If we have a free market, let’s have a real free market without distortions.
I never claimed it was the one defining feature, but it is a necessary feature. Government prohibiting or subsidizing human migration distorts the labor market.
Free market, when people are allowed to trade freely – i.e. rent to whomever they wish, sell to whomever they wish, trade with whomever they wish, hire whomever they wish.
And it really doesn’t matter whether that person I wish to do business with is currently residing in Tijuana or in San Diego.
If you are of the opinion that you should have a veto power over my business arrangements you aren’t a free market supporter. The only question is how little freedom you will permit me.
“I never claimed it was the one defining feature, but it is a necessary feature. Government prohibiting or subsidizing human migration distorts the labor market.”
Ergo, Japan and Israel are less free market oriented than South Africa, for example? There is this line of thinking that any restrictions on immigration is an affront to free markets. The US already has some of the most liberal immigration policies in the world. I am generally in favor of more immigration, but the argument that if we exclude those with a criminal background or who are unable to support themselves (like we already do for legal immigrants) that somehow we are anti-free market is beyond ludicrous.
Are you sure you really want to go there? A country that allows for private ownership of gold via the Krugerrand versus the home of the zaibatsu/government crony complex (aka Japan, Inc.) and a country founded via socialist desert communes?
Good thing no one is making that argument then.
+1, interesting
But when they become citizens they pretty much vote straight Dem. So they’re not exactly champions of liberty despite their work ethic.
Still, the easiest way to cut off the immigration of the unskilled is by eliminating minimum wage legislation and dismantling the welfare state. Unskilled immigrants do jobs Americans won’t do because Uncle Sugar pays them not to.
The putative collective political beliefs of potential immigrant demographics is a non sequitur.
Why is this a necessary and/or desirable thing?
‘But when they become citizens they pretty much vote straight Dem.’
Citation required.
And yet, we need people that will actually do those jobs that lazy goldbricking Americans
aren’t willingare too fucking lazy and slothful to do.So what? The GOP is for shit and only marginally better in terms of empty rhetoric. Just check out the most recent record-breaking budget they’ve agreed to.
The GOP is for shit and only marginally better in terms of empty rhetoric. Just check out the most recent record-breaking budget they’ve agreed to.
Aren’t we past the point where people argue “they’re both equally bad” with a straight face??
The GOP is shit, but let’s not pretend they’ve gone off the rails of sanity quite like the Dems have.
The problem we have between the Republicans and the Democrats, at least at the national level and in terms of substantial policy, is that the Republicans are basically less insane Democrats. That makes them better, but it doesn’t make them very good.
Yeah I don’t know. The GOP has been a fucking abysmal failure even with full control of all branches of government – I consider it a complete betrayal to not move the needle back even one god damn dollar in terms of the budget – and not just that – but balk at any of the spending cuts proposed by Trump. Does that involve going up to bat for them? Fuck no. Does it involve hoping to vote for a new breed to primary many of these assholes? Fuck yes.
HM, I agree. People need to be taken on their individual merits. When dealing with large groups, the temptation to collectivize is strong, but has to be resisted.
There were a lot of Nigerians attending my private high school and they were RICH. Probably the richest kids in the school, all of them had great grades and went on to excel in some way (Ivy League colleges, full-ride football scholarships, etc). I don’t think there was a single one who wasn’t in the top 10% in terms of academics and extracurriculars.
This is one of the biggest nothingburgers I’ve ever seen. The unhinged DNC-Media has completely lost it and we’re stuck squabbling about whether the President used a naughty word behind closed doors. Not that there are bigger things to worry about (North Korea, Iran, actual immigration policy, the astronomical debt that everyone ignores). If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be hilarious.
What else do they have? They screamed bloody murder and promised Armageddon if the republicans got Trump his new tax plan, and then you get facts like this. The left learned its lesson from letting Reagan do what he wanted thinking he would fail, only to end up with egg on their face. No way will they let this guy get any successes ever. Especially if it comes at the expense of making it obvious he did it by rolling back shit Black Jesus did.
I think the assessment that I’ve seen that “the media cares more about your language than your actions” is absolutely correct. They could be criticizing this president, like his predecessor, for helping the Saudis starve Yemen or bombing nations on a daily basis. But, the media doesn’t have problem with bombing places into the stone age. Just don’t refer to the places that you’ve turned into a ‘shit hole’ as a ‘shit hole’.
It’s also purely partisan. Obama could have said that Libya was filled with a bunch of sand-niggers that were getting what they deserve and the media wouldn’t bat an eye.
Without a double standard…
We bomb the hell out of people in shithole countries just about every day and no one gives a good Goddamn, call them shitholes though and everyone sets their hair on fire. Our priorities are fucked.
and if these places are not shitholes, we wouldn’t have so many people trying to flee them.
You know, I still don’t understand the logic of the people soiling themselves over this comment. It seems like they’re even passing up a point to just express their outrage over Trump citing the obvious. The logical response to the Trump comments would have been “Of course they’re shitholes! And we should make every effort to cherry-pick the kind of people we get from those countries who are all too willing to leave the shitholes behind.
But from the Dem perspective, people that came from said shitholes generally support Dems so they don’t want that tap to be shut off.
It’s always good to bring up the fact that the Obama admin deported more people than any other admin in US history. It’s the one Obama policy that Trump wants to keep and expand, and the Dems just reflexively have to hate it after supporting it for the previous 8 years.
I was in Vegas last week, and talking to a cab driver (Sorry David Brooks). He said his country, Nigeria, where he was a surgeon, was a shithole. In the US, where he drives drunk businessmen to strip cloves, he says its the greatest country in the world. I laughed for a long time when this story broke.
With the problems that TOS has, Reason TV is still good, and that’s because of Remy and Stossel.
Stossel with a great one today on the SPLC.
Damn it, I just posted this. Should have looked through the comments first. I’m a little surprised they let him do this one
I rather like Heaton as well. Not enough to listen to the Jacket fumble his way through a podcast, but I’ll watch him without that boat anchor.
That’s a good video.
“And I decided I loved her more than I hate crumbs in bed.”
Also, you decided that at some point in the future, after she gets better, you would like to still have the option of sex with her.
Isn’t that the usual implication behind the saying?
Does this look like a man who would lie to the public?
Shit, that looks like a man who would lie to his dog.
“I wouldn’t kick my wife out of bed for eating crackers.” Pictures or GTFO.
God Bless John Stossel
I Nick Gillespie’d myself, again. Juvenile Bluster already posted.
I hope he’s ready to end up on their list. Hell, maybe Reason will end up there by association.
Are we sure he isn’t already there?
Reason and Stossel aren’t already on the list?
No. Mises Institute is listed, though
Lemme guess, Mises Institute is listed due to Rockwell?
Neo-confederate apologists, I think they list them as.
L. O. fucking. L. OK, Ms. Atwood, try to scurry back toward sanity and disingenuously don the mantle of “moderate” as the pitchforks inevitably come out for you. You are no longer useful. You helped create the revolution and as the letter to the editor to the Globe and Mail astutely pointed out “Revolution isn’t about justice. It’s about change.” The revolution *always* eats its own. Enjoy the trip up to the guillotine courtesy of your mob, you’ll get no sympathy from those of us who have seen this coming for years.
50 Shades of Dystopia is retarded anyway.
Meh. Sure it was retarded. But, at least it was an understandable retardation. It came out in 1985. Meaning it was probably written sometime in 1983 or 1984. At that time, the religious right was still both relatively novel and on the rise. Moreover, they were challenging a lot of feminist views. I can understand how a feminist or a women’s libber at that time would see this dystopian end to the whole situation. It was ill founded. But, it was based on an excusable ignorance.
I hope I’m not misunderstanding you, Q, but Atwood is not of the screeching SJW Feminazi breed, and I think that any of those types who took any influence from her writing were doing it wrong.
I get that many may assume she doesn’t deserve sympathy for simply being a famous ‘feminist’, but in Atwood’s defense, her feminism is in a completely different universe than the garbage ‘feminists’ are peddling now.
She’s not but she was did suffer from Harper Derangement Syndrome.
I admit I don’t have a complete understanding of her body of work but she has always struck me as a typical Watermelon, 2nd wave feminist out to smash the patriarchy. I fully accept if I’m wrong in this though.
She’ squawked under Harper – who in retrospect was tame. Under this puke Trudeau and all his law breaking antics, she’s been silent.
That’s why I can’t stand her and people like her.
I’ve not got that feeling from her at all. Atwood is solidly, near as I can tell, the Christina Hoff Sommers camp of second wave feminists – interested in nothing more than legit equality, and for women to be treated as such.
Yes, Atwood has delivered a great deal of her message in a manner heavily loaded with attitude, and heavily disparaging of the more troglodytic sectors of masculinity, but she is nothing like these Woke Twotterati Feministas. Not by a wide country mile.
FWIW, I read quite a bit of libertarian impulses into some of the things she laid out in The MaddAddam trilogy, and her series on Debt that she did for The Massey Lectures was fucking outstanding.
I meant to misspell that as Twatterati, and yes, it’s offensive on purpose.
If that’s the case, then it’s too bad she’s getting this treatment. Maybe she’ll CHS it up and start actively opposing this shit.
I thought smash the patriarchy was 3rd wave?
1st wave = suffrage
2nd wave = I am woman hear me roar
3rd wave = glass ceiling
4th wave = intersectionalism
Enjoy the trip up to the guillotine courtesy of your mob, you’ll get no sympathy from those of us who have seen this coming for years.
I won’t take any joy in it. But, I’ve always been an old softy. I even give my orphan uranium miners off two whole hours on Sundays.
Yeah I read that bit about “revolution isn’t…” and my thought was, yes child, you come and press change on me and you will learn why most revolutions are crushed – not that you’re going to live to see the end…
Ed Sheeran names his CD’s after math operators. He’s got “Divide”, “Multiply”, “Add”. His latest is called “Integral”. Critics aren’t too impressed, they are calling it “derivative”.
I know we don’t ban people here except in egregious circumstances, but surely this is terrible enough for a ban.
They’re just being negative.
At least it is real.
But it’s terribly irrational.
Quite tangentially..
You’re being awfully hyperbolic.
What a square!
Or is it just imaginary?
You all disgust me, you deviations.
what function does that serve?
None, it’s a sin.
Now you’re just off on another tangent.
You’re just trying to get us on another tangent.
After he had to cosine a loan, the tan gent entered the rhom bus.
He’s reached the limit of his popularity.
I put that on Facebook about a month ago. About 3 people got it. I’ve already beaten my record!
To sum it up: Its prime time to give Kevin credit greater than you have been.
Does he have a discography or a order of operations?
Doctor: Mr. President, you have to lose some weight
Trump: No way, I love Mike Pence.
Doctor: (chuckles) Well, you clearly still have your sense of humor
Trump: I have a great sense of humor, many people have said, maybe even the best sense of humor of all presidents. That’s what they’ve said
Is his preferred method of exercise riding a bike wearing mom jeans, or chopping wood with his shirt off?
Banging porn stars.
If they’re from Haiti, will he bang them in the shithole?
Doing the jobs Americans won’t do.
Of course he said it. Big shit.
Obama said Libya was a shit storm and he started that shitstorm!
This has been making the rounds:
The primary reaction has been that the interface is bad and that it should be more intuitive. I’m sorry, but I wholeheartedly disagree. Bash scripting isn’t very intuitive either, but I can’t imagine any sysadmin successfully using that as an excuse for bringing a website down. The government lackey responsible for this should be fired.
lots of childnappings in Kauai County to deserve their own link?
“The government lackey responsible for this should be fired.”
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh… thanks for that…
I heard the guy resigned?
See? This is why I come here.
Just in case you aren’t joking:
Good enough for government work I guess… I knew they had reassigned him, but I think I saw a link earlier today claiming he had himself resigned. Then again, he would have no reason to do so being he works for government anyway.
I was talking about this with family and I joked, “The important thing is no one will get fired.”
I was the only one who thought it was funny. And prescient.
That link list is actually pretty clear. I’d put more whitespace in there to separate the options, maybe make them buttons, but I can’t see picking the one not marked “Test” when running a test.
I kinda like the TMZ comments. They’re letting her have it.
“I’m going to go with 80% chance Trump did say “shithole countries“. But given that Dick Durbin is the apparent source, and he’s a lying fuck, I can’t be certain.”
Has anyone not ever referred to another country/city/state as a shithole? Why this is such a big deal is beyond me.
I’ve called relatively nice places, like San Francisco, shitholes.
Well, in the case of San Francisco, quite literally.
Hell, I refer to the place I’m currently living in and the place I came from originally (Philadelphia and Scranton respectively) as shitholes on a daily basis.
I even heard Feinstein say so.
This has more to do with their agenda of painting the guy in the most negative light possible than anything really news worthy. I suspect they hope this gets the minorities that so far have not been herded back to the plantation to again become engaged and the big donors to fork over more cash, as the old tired shit has been losing them ground. If you understand that the usual dnc operatives with bylines have on their mission statement denying Trump the ability to run the country or have a success of any kind, wasting our time talking about this nonsense makes sense. Report that the economy is likely to hit 4% growth? That the stock market jumped 1000 points in one week? Point out that not just the economy, but people’s outlook of the future generally looks awesome now that agent orange is ripping the Obama legacy to pieces? That the trash talking with Rocketman has actually worked after decades of credentialed idiots telling us not to antagonize the little mad man? No way they can talk about this sort of shit. The Red Scare campaign is actually backfiring and it might bag both Clinton and Obama, whom even if they manage to avoid legal consequences, will forever be tainted by the illegality of using government agencies against a political opponent. It must suck to be these morons going all bonkers over this nonsense. And it must suck doubly that it only hardens support for agent orange from the people they hope to force to give up on him.
“. I suspect they hope this gets the minorities that so far have not been herded back to the plantation to again become engaged ”
I think a lot of it is just non-directed rage. BUT, if there is any direction, I think some of it is designed to peel away “value voters,” Christians etc. Think of the GPS file and the golden showers: that was going to have no effect on people no the left. But it might have convinced some religious people to stay home.
Great observation Raven, but my experience is that as these things play out and these people realize they were being played – way too often the stories turn out to be exaggerations if not outright falsehoods – their loyalty is doubled.
As I mentioned before, my major fear is that if Trump ever really does something horrendous, nobody will care because of all the wolf crying false flag ops run by these dnc operatives with bylines that has been going on.
Most places where I read about the shithole comment were quick to emphasize that he was more open to people from nordic countries. The implications are obvious. OBVIOUS! Don Lemon was right all along, he really is just an irredeemable racist and stop trying to deny it!
I do have some sympathy with the argument that in addition to being the Commander-in-Chief, the President is also leader of the U.S. Foreign Service. Since the President is, in effect, the nation’s top diplomat, there is some expectation for him to be, well, diplomatic.
As I observed before, when it comes to the geopolitical arena, Trump seems to have no conception of how to exploit what Joseph Nye referred to as “soft power”, much less maintain and build that resource. In fact, while I admit that I’ve only read summaries of The Art of the Deal, his axiom “Use your leverage” suggests that he is outright hostile to the concept.
That’s all well and good, but he did not say this publicly. It was in a private conversation with members of Congress. I’m no Trump apologist, but this was clearly done by the Democratic opposition to try to force the president’s hand and re-frame the DACA debate in terms of race. Are we pretending like presidents don’t make vile remarks behind closed doors?
If I was Trump, I would no longer do anything behind closed doors with democrats ever again…
I would not allow Dick Durbin into the White House for negotiations anymore. What he did was unacceptable and sets a bad precedent. People are foolish if they believe that loose language is not used in such negotiations. The only difference is that the media would not fixate or even report on such a word if it were used by the previous president
I suspect they would go out of their way to bury whomever came out and said the previous president had denigrated the usual deplorables his confederates so hate…
Imagine butthurt politicians running out of the White House every time JFK grabbed an ass or LBJ used profanity.
Closed door meetings are supposed to be where people can be honest and frank.
There are two scenarios. Either he is being smeared by Durbin et al. with cooperation by the MSM, which is despicable, or he was foolish enough to speak in an unguarded manner in front of members of the opposition party.
If the second scenario is true, then Trump is one of the most naive people to ever have held such a high office in our Republic.
Or 2b he throws that shit out knowing it be lapped up faster than my dog with a piece of steak.
I’m not fond of the Trump as n-th dimensional chess grandmaster narrative, but I’ll admit it as a remote possibility. Regardless, it still betrays a lack of understanding of Nye-ian soft power.
I don’t think he is either. I think he’s more of a huckster with an ear for what resonates with his target audience, and for saying outrageous things that the media reacts to and gives him far more attention. “shithole countries” is probably offensive to at most a 1/3 of this country, and probably less. Outrage factor in the media is upwards of 80%.
The media is so unpopular, especially with his coalition, that anything he does to get them riled up (read: nearly everything) benefits him. Whether he did that on purpose and is playing Super Star Trek Porno Chess or is just clueless and foul-mouthed is an open question.
Except it’s not N-th dimensional anything. It’s checkers.
Trump says something most Americans agree with in a non-PC manner and the media loses their shit until he does it again. No great intellect is needed.
Trump says something most Americans agree with in a non-PC manner and the media loses their shit until he does it again.
He has been doing it non-stop for the last 2.5 years. And the media and “establishment” still haven’t figured it out. Trump is not a genius–the U.S. political class is almost Down-level retarded.
No, Downs people are light years ahead of the political class.
Lachowsky makes a fair point. Trump does well with his base. He is presiding (loudly) over a burgeoning economy with increasing job numbers. He doesn’t need to have any particular diplomatic successes, all he has to do is not break the economy and keep the US from getting into and losing a military conflict.
“Super Star Trek Porno Chess ”
Ok…that’s funny.
“If the second scenario is true, then Trump is one of the most naive people to ever have held such a high office in our Republic.”
Ummm… I’m going to go with this option. At the same time, I don’t think any president should be afraid that a member of Congress, whether of the opposition or not, would use his candid words to try to disrupt our foreign affairs. These are uncharted waters.
Hardly. We’ve been dealing with this sort of intrigue since the XYZ Affair.
Ah, yes, the XYZ Affair. That was a shining moment in American foreign policy, no? We should all be glad that we’ve returned to that era. Maybe we can dust off the Alien and Sedition Act too, while we’re at it
But did the Republic die?
Gimme a break. Like this is the first time a POTUS has spoken bluntly with opposition around? You might want to check your own naivete.
I’m not sure where in my comments you’re reading that I’m somehow claiming that this was a novel situation.
I think I would be more apt to agree with your point if he made the statement in public. Such as his statement after Charlottesville. This, however, was a private remark that we’re not sure what the context was.
But there wasn’t even anything offensive about his remark about Charlottesville. “I think there is blame on both sides” is the rational, diplomatic response to that shitstorm and he got roasted for THAT TOO!
After that, simple tit-for-tat game theory is the only sensible strategy going forward.
That’s my thought. He didn’t say it publically. And who ever it is accusing him publically of saying it is doing damage to his ability to be the top diplomat.
L sonofabitch B fucking J? No, Presidents are NEVER vulgar!
He sure does come from a different school of thought and operation than diplomats come from, but I find that actually quite endearing considering being a diplomat too often means kissing the ass of some of the most despicable people on the planet, HM. It’s not like the people that elected agent orange did so because they wanted a smooth talking used car salesman. The man is blunt and uses that big stick of his as a hammer on everything.
Best line I heard out there was to not listen to what Trump says, but to what he does and what he has accomplished (be it directly or indirectly). The fact that he is rolling back Obama’s legacy to me is something I never expected would come to pass. Not saying that I would put up with pussy grabbing shit just cause he is my guy like the left did with Clinton, but in general, the guy has been a net positive, and in a big way if you value freedoms and believe that people should not be steamrolled into the right-think world the left wants to build.
It’s not like diplomats didn’t say stupid shit about each other either – even on the record – throughout history.
I think this is a non-issue; non-starter.
Again, as I noted a few days back, I don’t see the logic of openly calling out Russia and China as military and economic rivals one month, and in the other, handing Africa and her rare earth metals and other natural resources to Russia and China on a silver platter.
It makes no more sense than antagonizing Russia and China simultaneously. The lessons of Kissinger’s triangulation are lost today
How exactly does the US hand over natural resources of other countries to anyone else? If the only way Russia and China get to those resources is by providing larger amounts of “aid” than the US is willing to provide, we’re better off.
The difference is that neither the Russians nor the Chinese will have any compunction calling in chits for that aid. US foreign aid and support has always baffled me because in the end we wouldn’t act if the recipient simply gave us the finger. The Russians and the Chinese won’t let this shit go bye. Ask the Venezuelans: they have experienced this shit first hand.
I don’t know that Trump has a foreign policy paradigm, or a strategy, but to the extent he has a vision of America’s role in the world I don’t think it’s one where soft power does much good. I think he wants to project an image of power such that enemies want to back down and potential rivals stop competing. He doesn’t seem to want to be involved in other countries beyond securing favorable trade deals and maintaining the US’s strategic positions. I don’t think he particularly cares about getting other countries to want what we want, so to speak.
I agree, and to the extent that it this strategy has worked in the Middle East and South Asia, I support him. (Pakistan was never into us.) But in this case, I feel he is using too big of a hammer. One should have both hard power and soft power in the toolbox, and use them at appropriate times. I would add, in response to both you and Gustave, and he also doesn’t seem to have an understanding (or care) about what Colin Powell referred to as the Five Audiences. So far, (in my view) he has almost always played to his base in an effort to boost his domestic popularity, often to the detriment of larger, more strategic goals.
That’s an excellent point. He seems to say a lot of things (and do a lot of things) to appeal to his base and project an image of a tough-talking outsider and a savvy businessman. When he’s speaking to foreign audiences, or when he ought to be speaking to foreign audiences, he’s on much shakier ground. He threatens well, and he has a genuine knack for trolling people, including foreign leaders and the press, but he seems to have a hard time ginning up confidence among allies or attracting ambivalent nations.
I think at the end of the day he’s a CEO, not a president, and he sees the US as a business and his base as customers, or maybe even shareholders. I heard an interesting take on him that he’s basically a billionaire who makes decisions for a living. He doesn’t really know or care about the details of things, he just hires people to boil things down to a few choices and if they keep doing that well he keeps paying them. Basically, he pays other people to know things for him. I say this without judgement as to whether or not this is a good or bad thing.
That’s how good leaders tend to function. Contrary to the idiotic West Wing fantasies, nobody will ever know enough about everything to always know what is best. That is why you find experts you can trust to provide options you then can take.
I concur. I am a one of those experts, not the Final Deciderator, and this how large organizations need to function.
So far, (in my view) he has almost always played to his base in an effort to boost his domestic popularity, often to the detriment of larger, more strategic goals.
I agree with this observation but I would like to note that it applied just as well to the previous administration.
Thanks to Colin Powell’s skill and willingness to lie in service to the Deep State, we got ISIS. Not exactly a convincing example to counter Trump’s mistakes.
Powell is a Republican, right? Um, no – far left depending-on…other factors.
“Since the President is, in effect, the nation’s top diplomat, there is some expectation for him to be, well, diplomatic. ”
And sometimes being diplomatic means being blunt and asserting your position forcefully. Being a reflexive ass kisser is not diplomacy.
The key word is “sometimes“. And, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that a.) he really did use the particular phrase in question, and b.) he did so with purpose, what has he gained? A few percentage points of popularity for an election that is still 2 years away? Compare that to what was potentially lost, in both political goodwill and hard economic advantage. It was a foolish trade.
Is he ever gonna survive?
He kissed the rose without consent.
You’re on a roll today.
That was the go-to slow dance when I was in grammar school
…and as an encore to pardoning Brian Aitken, governor Butterball proves that he’s still a shitstain.
Christie, what an asshole.
I get the feeling there are women out there – finger to lip – wondering if their first kiss at the school dance was assault.
+1 Stairway to Heaven
No…Please…don’t. uh huh.
+1 Love Hurts
Love scars
Trump is in excellent health, the best health. Possible the healthiest president of all time.
Dr: Mr. President. I want you to raise your right hand, thumbs up…your right hand….your other right. Okay, now point with your thumb up. Your thumb is not the one in the middle!
Did they interview Bandy Lee?
Let the 300th and whatever day of pantshitting begin.
Not the Rose Tattoo version? I’ma disappoint.
What’s that? More Rose Tattoo you say?
Then of course, you could have Slash and Angry Anderson together.
103.5 this morning.
I’m down to 101 now after a cold shower.
This is the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been outside of a hospital.
Hope you feel better
Now I feel bad. I thought Playa was bragging about another warm winter day wherever he was.
Hope you feel better Playa – and shame on Brett L for his California-shaming.
He’s right… it’s a shithole
This is California, mister. You will refer to your temperature as THE 101.
You’re hallucinating. You just typed “dkaslg dssgosd fsdo” on here. Go back to bed and feel better
Who are you calling a dssgosd huh?
Just have another cup off covfefe.
Ugh. I assume this is the flu? Utterly miserable. I haven’t had it since 2007 *knocks vigorously on wood*.
Worst ever. My kids had it last week, and I was a little short with them. Now I feel bad on top of feeling bad.
My boss has it. He stayed home all day and just now came by the office to check his mail. Then detoured into my office to chat. If I catch it I will be pissed.
You’re going to get it. May as well do it on your terms.
The day after Christmas my wife and boy came down with the flu. I have no idea how they got it and I didn’t.
Side note, they both got their flu shots and I didn’t.
I held out for 8 days. Thought I had it beat. Then yesterday, it was in the 70s out, and I started shivering uncontrollably.
I have the hot water in the master set to 120, and it feels cold to me.
Been fighting mine too.. Has been more than a decade that I have had a bout of this shit. Gave blood last Monday and 4 days later came down with the flu. I guess getting old has made me more susceptible when I do stuff that lowers my resistance.
You just knocked on contaminated wood!
I’m in the same boat, though haven’t had the flu for even longer. *knock on wood*
Whoops, you knocked on it to!
to….get some good luck? You’re right!
I’m traveling to Vegas next week for a convention. I’m offering sacrifices to the flu god beforehand so I avoid it.
Grandfather Nurgle Accepts your gifts and gives you his blessings.
I know that’s the opposite of what you wanted, but you were the one who treated with the Gods of Chaos.
That is bullshit Eldar heresy!
Don’t worry, Grandfather Nurgle loves you anyway.
I’ve been rather free of his gangrenous, yet loving, embrace this winter.
Always been more a Slaanesh fan anyway.
I’m on my second round this season. FML.
Sorry, Playa. I hope you get better soon.
Sorry, get well soon.
Get well, get well soon…
I will eat some cha siu for you on your behalf.
I have no canned soup so I made macaroni with olive oil and black pepper.
Sounds more attractive than the canned soup.
Were it not for my digestive issues, I’d be interested.
Never the less, for your viewing pleasure. My wife requested a less sweet glaze, and that’s what delivered. I am a little disappointed in a relative reduction in red perimeter bleed, though I suspect that is just a function of the level of 5-spice used.
Tomorrow these are being delivered, which will allow for a more agile, faster, and more thorough glazing process.
My next project is siu yuk I think. I can’t wait.
Q is sending over #1, 8, 15, and 33 to nurse you back to health!
Feel better.
And clean your keyboard, I don’t want to catch it.
I chalk my adamantium plated immune system up to poor personal hygiene.
A better explanation of Conspiracy Theory Option #3 (the “complicated” one)that I posted this morning.
Maybe the Deep State, which controls the US Intel apparatus, knew that the Hawaii facility would be slagged with White Phosphorus at the first hint of a raid. So they talked and texted freely, just like Strzok and Page, knowing the database was out of Trump’s reach in Hawaii, and could never affect them.
Until suddenly it wasn’t under their control in Hawaii, and the God Emperor suddenly had God-like knowledge of everything done to harm America and subvert her Democracy, and the evidence to prove it.
Suddenly those Checkmate tweets look an awful lot like they could have been taunts, which only hit home with the Deep State after President Trump took control of all the evidence he needs to drain the swamp once and for all. I could see them scratching their heads beforehand and dismissing the Checkmate tweets as bullshit, only to shit their pants once they realized what had just happened.
That’s…. DaveW levels of insanity.
Has there been any day since before Inauguration where Trump wasn’t the top story on Google News? Every day, day in day out, he’s been on top.
He lives rent free in their heads.
Dude, you’re the biggest freeloader around.
He said biggest freeloader, not biggest boobloader here.
Not only freeloading in my head, freeloading while I’m servicing my wife.
Damn you’re good.
If he wasn’t in their heads, they wouldn’t have anything there.
Or if there was, they wouldn’t know what it means. In effect, Trump has given their miserable lives meaning.
My favorite Trump tweet from this past weekend:
I know EXACTLY how 1 million Hawaiians who panicked & thought they were going to die FELT. I own a Trump Hotel at Waikiki (5 Stars), so I (as well as ALL Americans except Hillary) would be UPSET if it was damaged by a nuke. Good thing I was playing golf (FUN TIME!) #SundayMorning
That can’t be real… if so…. smh.
*it wasn’t really from Trump. Pity.
Don’t want to live in Australia
Also in Australia, a spider eating a snake.
Needs more action shots
Australia – Proof that God exists and has a message for mankind….”Don’t live in fucking Australia!!!”
That’s one way to make sure you don’t have to have a rematch… Maybe we should allow this sort of finality in our pugilistic sports?
Trump’s first year according to the BBC. Not as bad as you would think.
Who’s Ed Sheeran?
In news more constructive and important than shit hole gate: Rand Paul may filibuster FISA renewal tonight.
But, you know, the president said shit hole behind closed doors. That’s way more important. Maybe we should all spend the next week expressing our horror
Excellent. Let’s hope Rand comes through on that.
Rand Paul is a crypto-anti-capitalist, don’t you know? /Ken Schultz
Shit, went to make pizza today and found I was out of my secret dough ingredient, had to make a special trip to the store. Spinning out the dough just now and I realize In never added it in.
What’s the secret ingredient?
Sesame Oil. My other trick is I make chicken cacciatore the day or so before, make it extra saucy and blended leftover sauce for the pizza.
…and use blended…
Chipotle tomatillo sauce.
Fine by me, as long as it’s not from its namesake.
We were out to lunch the other day and my wife asked what the salad dressings were, and one of them was a chipotle-something or other. My wife asked the waitress “how’s that?” and the waitress said “I hate it.” Never heard a server be that honest and blunt before.
It’s a secret.
You don’t want to know. Really.
Ganja Mon!
Ya ya ya ya
You know who else had a secret ingredient?
The makers of Slurm?
Grunka Lunka dunkety din-gredient
You should not ask about the secret ingredient.
Colonel Sanders?
Duncan Dullamy
Do you put your dough in fridge overnight?
I try, but not always. I make enough for two pies, so at least one is even if I don’t plan ahead.
I thought you were making pizzas
Do you put your dough in fridge overnight?
No, at our house we have a safe.
Probably a good idea.
Turned out to be a good thing, I missed the nutty flavor but the texture was really good, I may have to adjust the amount of oil I’ve been using.
I have been on a mission to not hear anything he’s ever done since i first saw him. I’m doing pretty well, i think.
totally not him
I expect better skiing out of somebody with that kind of money.
lol, I didn’t even watch that far. But to be fair, I bet he’s knee deep in poontang constantly, and when that happens, who cares about ski lessons?
Ha! i watched it with the sound off. YOU CANT FOOL ME.
The video looked like a department store commercial. they’re having a sale on Woolens.
He keeps popping up on my YT feed, glad I avoid small children, a plagiarist? the Worst
Seeing him is worse. Go ahead, google it.
Great goodness you’re right, I haven’t heard shit that bad since my uncle borrowed my car way back when and he left the Best of Bread in my tape deck.
For you, Stinky.
No homo.
Good lord, you’re coming close to violating the NAP with that link.
Yeah, this should take care of that.
1K thumbs up vs 56 thumbs down? People today be wack yo.
Dude, they were a staple of ’70s AM radio fuck music. Read the comments – there are plenty of damp granny-panties even today!
Look here, capitalist shitlords, socialism may have failed once again in Venezuela… I mean despite our prognostications of it becoming the new utopia just a few short years ago. But! Look here, capitalist shitlords, the true utopia has finally come to prove us right! See the new socialist utopia to come, with the right people this time!
Evo Morales Bolivia Utopia, read it and weep capitalists!
Yes, capitalists, the guy with the coolest haircut of all, he’s the one who finally came to deliver us!
Venezuela = shithole.
It wasn’t a shithole 20 years ago, but it is what they aspired to. Good to see that people occasionally can get what they want.
Mencken laughs from the grave.
that nearly made me choke. I can say this – they dont have far to fall. This shouldn’t take as long as Venezuela.
I give Bolivia about 10 years before they follow Venezuela down that road to socialist heaven on earth…
Aren’t you the optimist…
More bowl/dildo haircuts for all, I say.
GAH! I hate stupid software crashes! So, installed my editing software on a laptop (I’m supposed to be able to install on two devices) It’s been having compatibility issues with the laptop graphics driver I’ve been fighting with all day, so I gave up there and put an older version I have on the laptop and it works fine. I go back to the desktop, where I haven’t changed anything since I used the software on it since yesterday, and it crashes there!
As opposed to smart software crashes?
Anyone with access to Vermont beers: picked up my first case of Otter Creek in about 8 years. God damn, their brews have really gone downhill. And what the hell is up with most of the beer labels trying to ape 1960’s style psychedelic aesthetic, and basically ripping off Magic Hat (another meh brewery). Just a little disappointed since Stovepipe Porter used to be one of my favourite winter beers.
Still take ’em over Bud/Miller/Coors.
Fun fact- I actually got to drive through something similar once, back when I lived in Tejas.
Stuff you just dont read in ‘murican news: “They said he was wearing a dark toque, grey jacket “and carrying three club packs of steaks.””
Of course not. We know better than to use the made up word ‘Toque’
One toque over the line
What’s a theif?
Bob & Doug McKenzie hardest hit.
Model 3 Review from R&T
$52.500. Body and trim alignment issues. Fuck you, R&T.
I have made no secret of my disdain for Musk and his ‘vision’, but this is just sad. Sweet Jesus, who the fuck thinks an ipad replaces gauges??
The kind of people who think a slow-charging battery and eletric motor can replace an internal combustion engine.
Related question: Why aren’t series hybrids more popular?
Because every one who wants one has one, and they are no longer cool.
Has anybody even produced a series hybrid? I dunno that I’ve ever seen one. They’re all parallel hybrids with fancy transmissions.
Ah, sorry.
Not sure if anyone makes the series. Race cars, maybe?
The Chevy Volt is a series hybrid. Great car that you can fill up with gas as well as charge At your house. You get ~40 miles on electric only.
Good answer, they were a fad. The type of people who went for hybrids are now going for pure electrics or for the more fuel efficient direct injection cars that we’re seeing now.
It definitely accrued in my favor. I got a hybrid on the cheap because they’re becoming unpopular with the eco crowds. I get 45-50 mpg, and I maybe paid 5 grand more than the equivalent ICE.
I just LOOOOOVE your avatar. Very snazzy.
It reminds me of this.
Ah, back when B & T actually had some mildly amusing bits.
I haven’t listened…..couldnt tell ya when.
Actually, in a similar vein, that pic was inspired when that very disposal adequately chewed-up and swallowed a very well-built shotglass I d̶r̶u̶n̶k̶e̶n̶l̶y̶ accidentally knocked in there while d̶r̶u̶n̶k̶e̶n̶l̶y̶ cleaning up after a night of d̶r̶i̶n̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ entertaining.
Well, coolant temp and alternator/charge would be unnecessary, I suppose.
I firmly believe that the iPad my girlfriend leaves laying around is best suited as a coaster for my choice of beverage in 40 oz size. Or flyswatter in the summer.
I can’t help you Tundra. My car barely has gauges, let alone anything resembling an iPad. But I’m one of those weird millennials.
You sure you want to trust all the functions of your vehicle to a tablet?
I don’t trust the computer it has now, let alone one programmed by Tesla folks.
I’m rolling around in a ’94 civic. A tachometer would have made shifting easier, but I’ve only got a speedometer, a gas gauge, and a temp gauge. Damn near everything in the car is mechanical, as it should be.
I’m a programmer. I have very little faith in other programmer’s work if I can’t see it, even less when it comes to things that need to function when I’m at highway speeds. New cars can kiss my ass. Give me knobs, dials, and mechanical linkages, not touch interfaces.
Sorry. Misread your post.
You are my kind of Millennial and are welcome on my lawn anytime.
There’s a non zero chance that I will be in the Mankato area in the next two months; me and my 24 year old rolling death box might take you up on that.
Mankato? WTF? Are you in the Witness Protection Program?
Nah, I’m on too many lists for the government to protect me. My buddy moved out to Mankato, I’ve been planning on visiting. I want to wait until at least March though, Pennsylvania winters are bad enough, no reason to experience a Minnesota version. Trying to hit the sweet spot between visiting a more frozen wasteland and mosquito infested wasteland.
May is the answer.
May, huh? Getting shitfaced in Minnesota with you and his holiness to celebrate my 30th birthday isn’t the worst idea I’ve had.
Given Tundra’s escapades, it’ll probably take that long before I’m coherent again.
Hey! His Holiness is the wild one.
And don’t even get me started on Hayexplosives!
“May, huh? Getting shitfaced in Minnesota with you and his holiness to celebrate my 30th birthday isn’t the worst idea I’ve had.”
I want to hear that story when you’re 31.
Meh. Don’t most needle gauges accept some sort of a digital sensor or PIC signal anyway?
*contemporary needle gauges
Yes, but I can replace a gauge. Replacing an entire touch screen is also within my wheel house, but typically much more expensive and involved. Speed sensor for my civic is $20.
Still meh. I’ve never had a gauge or a display go bad on me. I have had sensors go, however.
I’ve had displays go bad. And gauges. One was an afternoon and $30 bucks to replace a temperature gauge, the display I said screw it when I saw it would be $700 for the parts.
Either way, hope your gridlock continues. No sarc, that shit sucks.
Eh, good luck rather, not gridlock. Goddamn autocorrect.
I was a little sloppy with cleaning chemicals while cleaning up the inside of my car and fucked up the touch screen. That was an expensive mistake. Thankfully my car doesn’t have everything on the touchscreen.
The fact that a cleaning agent inside of a harsh environment like an automobile was able to foul up a visual display says more about system design than anything else. Jaysus christ on a popsicle stick crucifix.
Yeah, I was pretty pissed because of that display being messed up.
I drive a Camry Hybrid that gets about 500-550 miles to a tank of gas. Until you can give me an electric car with that kind of range that will fully charge in, say, 20 minutes (willing to give some leeway there) and has charging stations that are as convenient as gas stations, I’m not interested.
Lol. I drive an F-150 with a similar range. And I agree with you 100%.
I have seen far too many charging stations sitting around of late.
Every single one is always empty. ALWAYS.
I know of exactly one charging station. It is at the public library of the most left-liberal town in the area. And as you say, it’s always empty. If it was properly exploited, it could cost the town taxpayers a real pretty penny.
There is some hope for a liquid electrolyte system where you pump out your ‘worn’ fluid to a charging bank. And fill your battery with a charged fluid. I suspect the range won’t be the same as current technology, but the fast change out is desirable.
Given how much worse spillage of that shit is compared to gasoline… That does not give me a warm and fuzzy feeling.
Hydrogen or GTFO. I’m already looking forward to the Chrysler Hindenburg.
I’m surprised they haven’t created some sort of quick-swap battery that you exchange like a propane tank. Pull up to a refilling station, push a button, wait 30 seconds, drive off with a full charge.
I remember when they were pimping that idea. Haven’t heard much about it since.
A Brawndo station?
I can get close to 600 miles on a full tank on the highway with cruise control on. Electric cars aren’t going to replace my car anytime soon.
Sweet Jesus, who the fuck thinks an ipad replaces gauges??
What could possibly go wrong?
Evening music:
Mariachi Metroid
That is an accurate audio portrayal of every battle against an Ichtherian space brain ever. (It’s a feature that all species experience in one of those battles. The belief is that all Space Brains telepathically project the same sound track. That way they can die in theatric honor)
A few words about sexual coercion, in the wake of the Aziz Ansari accusations
TW: author is a “Nonbinary Social Psychologist & Writer in Chicago. They/Them pronouns.”
So when she said “no” she really really really didn’t mean it.
They gave consent and so, and I hate to tell them this, it ain’t rape.
“””Nonbinary Social Psychologist”””
translation: “Crazy tranny person who thinks other people should listen to them”
opening sentence:
“A guy I knew very well once spent the better part of several days begging me for sex.”
a “guy”. Of course, ‘They’ aren’t a boy or a girl themselves. and this “guy” weilds patriarchical superpowers of…. whiny begging for a handjob.
Which, it should be noted, was successful in this case.
Also re: Ansari:
Then hold a penny between your knees, sister. You’ll be empowered AF handing out blue-balls to Aziz, and there wont be any time-wasting negotiations. Problem solved.
Then again, you may have to work harder for material for your next article.
Repeat after me: persuasion isn’t rape.
Nor does post coital regret a rape make.
I’m gonna speculate that had he knocked her up, and she soaked him for support for nearly 2 decades, that whole rape thing woulda went away.
Furthermore, with that scenario in mind, we would have to bear the price. Support payments would mean he would have to continue working, and subject far too many people to his “comedy”.
I dislike everyone in that story.
It’s rape even when it really isn’t rape. Let’s destroy him.
Mood music.
I hope this makes up for earlier.
Ahhh, that’s better…
I’d have thought this might be more appropriate.
Maybe I’m sort of a bastard for saying this, but perhaps part of the problem is that we’ve taken to giving these women an inevitable pass. We’ve allowed the claims of victim-blaming or “slut shaming” to act as a deterrent from passing the judgement that rightly deserves to be passed on women like this. She went out on a date with him and went back to his apartment. By her own admission, she did so so that she could hang out with a celebrity. Anyone with an IQ over 20 knows what she expected him to expect. She’s basically a whore for celebrity. If feminists want to have an “honest conversation” about sexual predation, then the least they can do is allow an honest description of some women as, basically, sluts.
You may be a bastard, but you’re our bastard.
I think you’re touching on a core inconsistency in how feminists view sex. They want no-holds-barred sexual freedom up to the moment when they feel an ounce of shame, and then they want to appeal to society’s more conservative sexual mores.
It doesn’t work that way. If sex is a no judgment playtime for adults, then #metoo is just a bunch of prudes bitching about a culture that has gone shooting past their comfort zone. Sorry, I have no pity for the regretful whinging from the ideological descendants of the sexual revolution. You broke it, now you can live with the consequences.
Yep. I think it’s related to the whole bullying/words are assault/privilege bullshit. The definition of rape has been watered down to encompass a sexual encounter that you’re not that interested in and later come to regret, and the justification is that, because of privilege and power imbalances and the terror of feeling uncomfortable, that is no different than a person holding a gun to your head and forcing you to have sex. If holding a door for a woman to enter a building before you is male oppression, then of course a man inviting a woman who has shown interest in him over to his place for a drink is exactly the same thing as physically restraining her and forcibly penetrating her.
But like I’ve said, I think the real risk here is when the pendulum swings back. This has gotten so utterly ridiculous that at least one of two things is going to happen. One, we’re entering a new era of ultra-prudishness. That goes beyond just people not having as much sex, or having boring sex lives. I think there are second and third order effects of restoring Victorian-era standards of behavior that nobody is going to like. And it might be couched in different language, but the effect will be that women are considered inferior to men. In the 1800s, there was language men couldn’t use in the presence of women–not just profanity, but even reference to topics considered unpleasant or disturbing–for fear of causing them to faint. Men and women were in many areas segregated–all for the women’s benefit, of course, to keep them from having to be looked at by lustful men or unsettled by masculinity.
The other thing that happens is that after too much crying wolf people become inured to sexual assault. Either the standard overcorrects, and things that would rightly be considered bad or criminal behavior are waved away, or fewer women are believed when they make accusations, and women with legitimate complaints are ignored because of so many ridiculous claims.
an IQ over 20
Well that just may be the problem here.
Really her whole complaint is he didn’t give her what she wanted. I’m guessing she didn’t tell him what she wanted because she’s too fucking scatterbrained to know herself. And while I’m here, is that really what men must always do – give women what they want? Wow, that is so woke!
Look, you go home with a guy, drink wine, make out, and blow him, he should take the hint that you’re not interested.
He really should have noticed that she was giving him the blowjob ironically.
Really her whole complaint is he didn’t give her what she wanted.
But, that’s just it. She did get everything she wanted. She’s now in the news. She’s latched onto his fame. Essentially, that was what she was saying she wanted out of the whole thing in the article. Well, she got it. She’s just getting it at his expense.
I don’t much care for Aziz Ansari, but the more I think about it, the more annoying I find this story. The woman was basically a starfucker who didn’t want to go through the bother of actually, you know, fucking the star in question. She made no bones about the fact that the reason she went out with Ansari was that she wanted to hang out with a celebrity.
And there isn’t one feminist that is challenging that. Hanging out with a celeb – like that is the ultimate accomplishment in life. Fucking idiots.
Not only idiotic, but basically scummy. Decent people choose who they spend their time with based on what they think of the person. The term for someone who hangs out with someone because they’re rich or famous is a “hanger-on”.
I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digga…
So she’s whining because they know where the line is and don’t cross it?
I am free as a bird in my very own home instead of the confines of the hospital, and man, does it feel good.
I continue to track my vitals, because that was part of the deal of letting me go last night instead of forcing me to stay another night. The Doc trusted me to keep it up, and I have the Excel plots to prove it.
Going to see my primary care doc tomorrow (same one who sent me to the ER on Friday) for followup. Hoping to get another supply of 10 mg prednisone to tide me over until Jan 30 when I see my pulmonologist.
Thanks for all the well-wishes over the last several days, Glibs. Cheered me up a lot during some not-so-fun times.
Want me to come over and check your vitals?
*waggles eyebrows*
And now we know that Tundra’s pet name for his penis is “eyebrows”
. . . Cute
*turns around to shield face*
I need to be checked back into the hospital now…
Hospitalized for…excessive swooning??
Well, OK…
All I can think about is “penis eyebrows” as in a penis unibrow. This is art I have to make now.
If Tundra and Trashy are your muses, we might be in for a lot of trouble.
Or a National Endowment for the Arts grant. How very un-libertarian.
uh huh-huh-huh, endowment
You could do much worse than Tundra and Trashy.
Thanks, Mad.
*contemplates writing knockoff SF vomit fiction to prove Mad Scientist wrong*
*decides instead to embrace this newfound respect*
You guys are national treasures.
As it would happen, I have a pile of 10 mg prednisone left over from my (deceased) dog. If you run out…..
Welcome back.
Are they pre-used by the dead dog?
My regular doc will be happy to prescribe me some 10 mg of my very own. And then hopefully when I lose some more weight and take better care of myself, I will be able to hold even “routine” asthma at bay and get rid of prednisone altogether.
This is good news!
Indeed it is!
Not exactly livin’ it up, but boy is it nice to be home.
Hey! I haven’t been around much lately to give you well wishes, so here goes: Glad you are doing better. Now keep it up and keep getting better!
Thanks, Mike! I am doing what I can.
Bonus is I lost about 10 lbs, so I am going to try to carry that small appetite, small meal forward and add exercise as soon as possible.
Glad to hear it, ’splosives. Sounds optimal given current parameters.
Totally un-related, but German Engineering:
I’m highly skeptical that is real. Just from battery concerns alone.
And yup…
Oh bother.
If you cant trust links from them intewebs…or maybe this means I need to learn german?
More German engineering:
An interesting talk from a Yeon-Mi Park, a North Korean defector. It paints a pretty good, albeit bleak picture:
Interestingly, she talks about fat men in North Korea, ala Kim Jong-un being considered attractive to women because the fat indicates status and resources.
Thanks, Stinky. Good stuff.
I think she has her own channel – but I think I also might be remembering the Reason video she did a couple years back. Asian Boss has some other good vids too:
I guess I should wait for you to post them all?×1152.jpg
Nice selection.
I suspect implants.
Yeah it’s the NYT but I figure this is gonna pan out.
Ex-C.I.A. Officer Suspected of Compromising Chinese Informants Is Arrested
WTF. Is this some deep state BS or just straight up incompetence?
Why the F.B.I. did not arrest Mr. Lee after originally finding the classified material in his notebooks remains unclear.
Did he keep those notebooks in a closet in his house?
What difference, at this point, does it make?
-most qualified candidate ever
But was his intention to betray their identities to the Chinese, resulting in their deaths? I’m sure it was just a bit of
gross negligencecarelessness.Bureaucracy: when it’s everyone’s fault, it’s no one’s fault.
Realize that you guys are working on the bugs in monocle, but it is a bit funny that you I have to go to the bottom of the page to find the go to bottom of comments button.
Isnt that where it belongs?
At the top or side of page, no?
It was a design decision to avoid taking up too much screen space. Once SP fixes the navigation buttons, you should check out Eyepiece. It puts everything on the side of the page. Currently it’s broken because it relied on pieces of the now-removed navigation buttons.
*Bows deeply* Berry, Berry gratefuru for all your hard work.
San Francisco: where to constituents are too loony even for Nancy Pelosi.
It’s funny in our circles to think that Pelosi has to tack to the right of her constituents, but that’s exactly what she has to do. Without incumbency it’s very possible that her district finds their own Kshama Sawant and makes him/her/xer their new rep.
When tacking to the right consists of “we need to wait until the election to try and gain power” you’ve gone pretty far down the rabbit hole.
“The idea that we are going to put all our eggs in the basket of the 2018 midterm election is seriously delusional,” a SERIOUSLY DELUSIONAL male activist who identified himself with declared.
Ending dependence on Middle Eastern shitholes (YEAH I SAID IT) for oil is one of the biggest, least covered stories of our time.
You forgot flying bathtubs.
Oh, nevermind.
Clearly Donald J. Trump made it happen.
This is a big fucking deal. Of the good kind, not the Obamacare kind.
The better deal is that we are keeping oil prices low which in turn prevents a slew of bad actors that use oil wealth to keep their shitholes running and to make other places into shitholes, from doing a lot of that shitholing stuff.
Judd Apatow is a fucking joke. He made one decent movie (Knocked Up) and then used his fame to become a lunatic.
To be fair, he was probably a lunatic before, just without a megaphone.
Note that the entire Frat Pack is basically a giant moonbat echo chamber that is almost like a Twilight Zone.
And if you want to see an utter Apatow Twitter shit-show, here’s a story about him going batshit crazy about Rand Paul posting a Remy video.
Chortle. What’s really on my mind at this point is figuring out what a “psychic racist” is supposed to be.
I’m happy if you want to:
Lift government restrictions on immigration
End wealth redistribution
End the war on drugs
End uncalled for foreign military interventions
Phase out fiat currency
Reduce regulatory over reach
These are libertarian positions most of us would hold, but since we are restricted by opportunity cost, individually we have to decide which ones we will put most of our efforts into achieving. I’m not going to criticize people who prioritize liberalizing immigration policy, nor am I going to criticize those who want to prioritize an end wealth redistribution. It’s not worth selling your soul on one point in order to achieve another area of liberty. My thoughts, anyways.
Under “end wealth redistribution” I’d include “end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Zero-care.”
Wow. Just wow.
Isn’t it just a poor parody of that landwhale holding the “keep your government hands off my Medicare”?
It looks photoshopped. It’s just a way of pointing out the contradictory view people have of government.
But yes, your point is well taken and since all of these things can’t be accomplished at once, it’s a matter of individual opinion what order/priority they should go. My primary focus would be smashing the welfare state (end assistance programs and transfer payments, end SS, end Medicare/caid, end Zero-care, end housing subsides etc.). This would have to then be accompanied or followed by smashing employment and economic regulation (end minimum wage, eliminate the EPA and OSHA, end banking regs etc.). This would get the economy going at full blast. Then you end the WoD while simultaneously making legal immigration much easier (no more black market for drugs, plus the proper economic incentives would results in all the right kind of people wanting to come). Finally I’d drastically scale back foreign military presence and deal with the world as much as possible through trade and economic exchange and as far as security I’d focus on making sure, again as much as possible, that attacks don’t happen on the homeland. This would NOT mean domestic surveillance (which would be abolished completely), it would mean true foreign intelligence gathering for the purpose of learning who exactly wants to kill us, not regime change or nation building. In the event of an attack, the response would be swift and merciless as a deterrent, then ended quickly.
My primary focus first and foremost would be halving the DoD’s budget personally.
Finally I’d drastically scale back foreign military presence and deal with the world as much as possible through trade and economic exchange and as far as security I’d focus on making sure, again as much as possible, that attacks don’t happen on the homeland.
This is the kind of stuff that Richard Spencer tosses into his platform between his pukeworthy racist planks. Does it mean we’re ethno staters because we agree with Spencer on that point? The lefts ability to herd everyone into one pen because they hold one opinion doesn’t tow the lion is ridiculous. We need to make sure that doesn’t work.
Be careful, a foreigner might steal a job.
I’m one of those thieves. You’ll never catch me, Copper.
You’re the evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight?
It’s not me, it’s YOU that has schizophrenia.
+1 Exidor
I agree entirely with 90% of that statement. the part i’d modify:
the nature of politics is trade-offs. if you want to keep your “principles” pure and unsullied, then never do politics, because progress on any subject is only made when you compromise with people who share none of your ideals.
I’m not going to criticize anyone for ordering their priorities differently, but I WILL point it out to them when they’re sacrificing ‘real gains’ in one area in exchange for nothing but meaningless-posturing in another.
in other words, personal priority is one thing, but PRACTICAL priority is another.
in your list – which of those things could there be meaningful advances on? (or – where are you seeing some progress, vs none at all? – and why?)
Weed and Ass-Sex have made meaningful progress in the past decade. And that’s good.
But if someone argues to me that i, as a libertarian, must necessarily die of the hill of “Mexicans”, instead of working alongside yokels who want to reduce taxes, cut regulations…and possibly offer more? I’d suspect they’re only telling me that because they have no real desire to see progress in those other areas, and are purposely trying to keep libertarians political neutered, albeit happy w/ their ideological purity.
Kind of my point. I’ll choose what hill I’ll die on, thank you very much. Someone spending their time fighting for weed legalization isn’t a bastard for not fighting for heroin legalization. They are bastards, however, if they use socon arguments for not legalizing heroin.
And again, of course anyone has the right to their opinion.
But if you decided to trade actual improvements to the status quo in exchange for symbolic, value-posturing? You’re not immunized from being called a fool.
I’m not advocating for posturing. I’m advocating using the principled argument to attain what you want. That doesn’t preclude you from form alliances with people that don’t share your overall ideology. “Weed isn’t the devil” and “you own your own body” are both legitimate arguments. “Weed is fine, but heroin shouldn’t be legal violates number two. I’ll stand with those people on legalizing weed, but I’ll call their argument bullshit. If they don’t like that and won’t accept my support, they are being the naive ones, not me.
again: politics is not about ‘principled arguments’ – its about subverting principle for the sake of progressive compromises.
i really don’t think it needs repeating any more. politics is not a game of “who comes out smelling the best at the end”, even if they lose the debate. its called “the art of the possible” for a reason.
Agreed. Off to work.
The entire point of politics (i’m repeating the same point above) is to look past other people’s “flawed arguments” for why they might end up on your side of a single issue, and simply advancing the ball.
another way of putting it: “they’re all bastards and no one has a ‘soul’ to sell”.
their arguments don’t matter – you take incremental progress where you can and you move on to the next fight, even if it means the ally you had one day is your adversary the next.
This debate is basically an encapsulation of why libertarians have been so impotent in politics for decades. Because every libertarian falls like shrieking harpies on the necks of the *most libertarian people in congress* because they dare to actually compromise with their colleagues.
I don’t think we’re actually debating. I think I’m just having a hard time expressing my point.
an example –
Trump – even considering his temporary travel-ban, and his lowering refugee-ceilings, and wanting to be seen trying to ‘build a wall’ and doing something about DACA, etc….
… is in reality hardly different than Obama or anyone else, currently, on the subject of immigration.
He *would* be different if he actually dared to try and pass something like comprehensive immigration reform – like congress did in Bush II’s second term, and got slaughtered for it
The reality is that immigration is mostly a ‘shuffling of the deck-chairs’ issue. Little to nothing can be done of any significance. At best? what can be done is to keep *the worst* ideas from getting traction again – think Real ID, or giving the feds more powers to demand documentation, or hugely increasing costs for employers by adding new ‘citizenship’ regulations.
“the wall”, even if it costs 20billion, will mostly serve as a meaningless distraction which will free politicians from having to do anything further. and even democrats will like it because it gives them a symbolic issue to pretend to fight, all while doing nothing useful for immigrants themselves.
basically, moving the ball towards any genuine immigration reform is suicide for both parties. they’d far rather play-fight about it. it has less-cost, and has optical-value for their respective constituencies.
Does this mean “open borders” types should shut up and never advocate their position? Not at all.
But they’d be far better off explaining the status quo as i am doing here (and looking for angles to improve things), rather than pissing and moaning about Trump’s “racism” or whatever.
But they don’t (e.g Cato, Reason), because their own sources of funding, imo, aren’t really all that interested in real change either. Cynical of me to say so, sure. But i really don’t think the Koch’s et al really care about “Dreamers” or open-borders as much as they do maintaining a certain status quo.
Had some work to finish up, but if you happen to see this, Gil, all I can say is that being overly cynical in regards to politicians’ stated policies is infinitely better than swallowing their bullshit. I should’ve made it clear that my point of holding Principle dear was meant for libertarian ears. Work with whoever you can to “move the ball” in the greater political battle. Reason and Cato have bought hook line and sinker into the smear campaign of anyone not in lock step with their position on immigration. High school girls are less cliquish.
Hey Mustang, I missed commenting on your ‘Tactical Libertarianism’ article last night.
That was a well written, interesting, and overall excellent read. Your suggestions at the end have tones of JBP in them -make yourself as good as you can, be there for your community and take leadership where opportunity presents itself.
I’ve forwarded it to a bunch of my friends. Thanks a bunch, and keep it up.
it was excellent. One of the best I have read on this site.
As a matter of fact Gordi, your trucking article and Mustangs poloce article are the only ones I have shared with my buddies from here.
I’m not denigrating others articles, but those two articles are ones that I think rural folk here in arkansas can relate to.
Gordi’s Trucking article was Great, I already told Mustang his article was Awesome 🙂
You don’t think they can relate to Q’s boobs links? 🙂
Wow, thanks Lach.
May you and your wife heal as best you can.
Oh! Oh! Oh! PleaseohpleaseohpleaseohGodohBuddhaohDavidKoreshohMohammedpleasepleasepleaseplease….
TW: Yaoo.
Oh shit! Is San Diego part of New California!? I might try living out there again if I could have coastal Mediterranean weather, good Mexican food, AND sane gun laws.
And Hepatitis! Stay where you are!
Hmm…what are we talking, A? B? C? I’m willing to take some risks for not having actual seasons and being close to a nice beach.
::fap fap fap fap fap fap fap FAP FAP FAP FAP!::
NFL Network is rebroadcasting the Vikes Saints game in its entirety with no further commentary than what aired at the time.
It’s currently at 3rd quarter, 5:48 to go, Saints 0, Vikes 17.
thanks, i will avail myself of that
and it was worth it
Sigh. Spent about five hours last week getting 4 documents that I needed for my immigration renewal from 3 different government offices. Spent another hour and a half waiting at immigration just to turn those documents in. Yesterday, I get a letter in the mail saying I need to turn in those 4 documents which I already did last week. Sounds like they lost them. Now I’m probably going to have to do it all over again and lose another day of work. Ugh.
Update: Wife just called them and laid the fuck into them. “Just a minute, please. Oh, we found those documents. We’re very sorry.” Sweet. The way they deal with each other is very different with how they deal with us non Nipponese. I would’ve never gotten a “sorry” from a Japanese government worker in that situation. A restaurant or shop would.
Easier and better cost-benefit tradeoff doing it this way than having a professional agency handle this for you ?
Can you ever become a citizen? You’ve been living there for, what, at least a decade and a half right?
Two decades. Becoming a citizen is a maaaaaasive pain in the ass. Unless you’re a sumo wrestler or celebrity and can pay a lawyer to handle it for you.
Is there ant benefit to doing it?
I’m sure there are legal protections. The US exit tax has to be included and no FATCA would be a huge bonus.
I applied for US citizenship last November. The application form was very easy to fill out. Had I not been traveling internationally non-stop, it would have been easier to fill out than most tourist visa applications forms. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
Where ya from, Grrizz?
Spy alert. Spy alert.
Welcome Glib Comrade!
Ok, fine. If nobody else is gonna ask, I’ll do it.
Did you hack the 2016 US Presidential election?
And if yes, did you use Perl? Tell me you used a Perl one-liner!
Welcome comrade.
Why does the NKVD always send out agents in groups of three?
One to write the report, one to read it, and another to keep an eye on the intellectuals.
It’s always the smart Guys! watch it!
Welcome to Hotel California.
We have more than one Grizzly Bear in here, watch your Ass, and I Don’t mean Jesse
/ clenches Butt cheeks
Office Manager Mohammed Get’s written up
Office Manager Mohammed: Some INFIDEL has complained to HR about my enthusiasm in praise of ALLAH! And that I must speak in a more civil tone, very well. I must cast blame on my Assistant Yusef, his efforts at guiding me through this Hell of a workplace, while helpful, often get me in trouble, especially with the Local Authorities.
Yusef: I didn’t tell you to yell!
OMM: then why do you yell now?
Yusef: I’m not yelling
Yusef: no…. I’m not
OMM: This is not Abbott and Costello! You work for me, I work for ALLAH! We make profits. Did you not buy your Woman a Kia?
Yusef: oh yes! Praise ALLAH for the Kia, and the gas mileage that the Prophet has given me!
OMM: Very well, in the future you will cease giving me bad advice, at the risk of your INFIDEL HEAD!
Yusef: may I clean your spittle bucket now?
OMM: gambols off to his waiting Mercedes 500 SL
Hi Yusef….
Which one is Momma? I’d say the round one, I love your pups
I like that he gambols. There isn’t enough gamboling these days. Or frolicking, for that matter.
I’m told it’s a Requirement of the position….
I have a gut full of beer, a meatloaf ready, and a pot of mac & cheese.
Goodnight, Missus Calabash. Wherever you are.
Fajitas and Cobra, with a dash of Torpedo at the end, UUUrp…
Anyone remember what I said about Maintenance? I have a customer with a Brand new Building, and I did an assessment for a Maintenance contract on Tuesday, 4 roof top units and 2 Server room units, Brand new, High Quality. i open up a blower panel and see this, A 12 thousand Dollar unit that was set and left, no start up procedures, no adjustments. I had to replace all the Belts, which is usually a 2-5 year interval, not 3 months, and I have some Grateful customers, I hate Hackers!
FFS, it’s 6 degrees outside right now. This only happens where I live every 8 years or so. I have to cut an enormous amount of firewood to keep my house warm at these temperatures. I could use some of that global warming.
That coil isn’t that efficient?
I thought it would kick some ass, maybe a small blower under the firebox…
it has a 1\8 hp blower under the firebox.
it’s extremely efficient. When I burned wood in a franklin stove and a fireplace insert, I burned about 20 rick a year. My outdoor heater does a better job of heating my house and I have used on average about 16 rick a year since I installed it 5 years ago.
It’s just been damn cold this year. I have already burned 10 rick that I have cut. I have about 8 more stacked up, but that’s not going to be enough for this year. It’s been colder this winter than any since I bought my house in 2010. I will have to cut 4 or so more to make sure that I done freeze in a random cold snap in april.
Cutting wood is work. Hard work actually. I don’t mind it. I spend dozens of hours each year doing it. The years I cut less are more pleasing to me.
Labor=Gas Bill, I would if i could, but I’m too old to waste my energy on young Men’s efforts, just don’t EVER install electric heat as an Auxiliary, Spin that Meter!
I have a propane furnace. I just don’t use it. I think there is about 300 lbs of propane in my tank right now. I have had that propane for 6 years. Why spend money on gas when I can use the fruits of my spare labor to create heat?
Agreed 100% Except there is no such thing as spare labor,only unmonetized Labor, took me 50 years to figure that one out
Huh. It’s 40 degrees and calm here in Philly. Seems we switched weather. Glad I have a new gas heater.
Gas Heating is 3X more efficient than Electric Heat, so It’s definitely cheaper, and I imagine like me, You don’t own a forest like some of the Glibs do, so enjoy comfort!
Not here in Philly, no. My family does back home though, but it ain’t mine to take.
It’s going down to 50, not bragging at all, when you live in warm climes you get used to it. i lived in CO and got used to Sub Zero temps, having to do heating calls in the middle of the night etc. I like warm
Brag away, Yusef. I detest hot weather, and I’ll gladly take the cold. To each their own.
I can take any Cold this Planet can dish out Bro! People Thrive in Warm climes not Cold, and I have some superior Cold Weather gear! but Why?
I can always put on more clothes, but I can only get so naked. It’s not so bad indoors with proper climate control, many thanks to you and your fellow HVAC guys, but I have to go outside sometime.
“But yes, your point is well taken and since all of these things can’t be accomplished at once, it’s a matter of individual opinion what order/priority they should go. My primary focus would be smashing the welfare state (end assistance programs and transfer payments, end SS, end Medicare/caid, end Zero-care, end housing subsides etc.). This would have to then be accompanied or followed by smashing employment and economic regulation (end minimum wage, eliminate the EPA and OSHA, end banking regs etc.). This would get the economy going at full blast. Then you end the WoD while simultaneously making legal immigration much easier (no more black market for drugs, plus the proper economic incentives would results in all the right kind of people wanting to come). Finally I’d drastically scale back foreign military presence and deal with the world as much as possible through trade and economic exchange and as far as security I’d focus on making sure, again as much as possible, that attacks don’t happen on the homeland. This would NOT mean domestic surveillance (which would be abolished completely), it would mean true foreign intelligence gathering for the purpose of learning who exactly wants to kill us, not regime change or nation building. In the event of an attack, the response would be swift and merciless as a deterrent, then ended quickly.”
GayJay should have just repeated this to every question asked to him during his entire 2016 presidential campaign.
Karl, People are Morons, everything you mentioned is scary, people don’t like Fear, in fact they run from it it like Blind Animals. I love the idea, except for the People part….
Most folk are scared of liberty.
Liberty IS scary, You Have to do it Yourself, and failure hurts, you might lose a Home, go Hungry, get sick, you know, Life. Or give in to the whole Nanny state thing and live a sad illusion of real Life, Id rather go hungry, but i won’t
notes on the site if anybody cares: the little arrows that block my view on my phone and are on the left side are different in Chrome on my laptop. Here they are on the right, and only the one to go to the top appears, there is no arrow to go to the bottom of the page, and the arrow in no way obstructs the view.
That is the current Schema, SP is working on it
“Liberty IS scary, You Have to do it Yourself, and failure hurts, you might lose a Home, go Hungry, get sick, you know, Life.”
This to me is the essence or Libertarianism, No one owes me shit, and I don’t owe anyone shit, but Our Society has many Relief systems in place for those who have “troubles” without the GOV getting in the way, Liberty is Scary…..
Just watched the ‘Black Lightning’ premiere off my DVR. It was better than I was expecting. The scenes trying to portray police abuse as only a racist thing were pretty bad; when your racist cops who only want kill black dudes draw tasers instead of guns you’re social signaling wrong. And lastly, The difference between this show and other superhero shows is that this isn’t an origin, he was already Black Lightning and quit. This the story of his reemergence. So they hammered home on how long since he felt the need to be Black Lightning, 9 years. Now usually, as a storyteller they’ll use the ‘magical’ number 7, or an even number, those are numbers that ‘feel’ right to the reader/viewer. But 9 years. That kind of stood out, even though it shouldn’t have. I wonder why nine years from today a black superhero would have felt comfortable to call it quits? What kind of message are the writers sending?
Suspension of disbelief, learn it, enjoy it
I know. It’s just this shit is getting old. Supergirl had an episode titled ‘Never The Less, She Persisted’ for fucksake, and I still watch it. But it just gets old.
i liked the Old Batman Cartoons, no PC bullshit, but I got out of TV, I have a nice one, I just don’t bother…
GF last weekend wanted to watch Bill Nye. We got one episode in before I was totally disgusted and telling her how stupid she was for believing all this bullshit.
Did. Not. Go. Well.
@Gordilocks, Naptown Bill, Psycho Effer, Lachowsky, and Yusef, I just finished the links (long day) and I wanted to thank you for your kind words about my post! May your orphans double their productivity!