1. Here was an exchange several of us had on a group chat yesterday:

What the hell just happened?

JW: Looking bad for Minn. Now it’s hero or goat time

Swissy: Oh boy… Not much of a chance unless they can get out of bounds’

OMWC: zzzholy SHIT!




Sloop: Holy fucking shit

Los Doyers: God dkan. Damn, even

Swissy: DAYUM.

That started at 6:55 and escalated quickly at 7:07.  I mean…wow. I bet the Minnesodans on here are still drunk. I know the coonasses probably are, but that’s just because they’d be anyway.  But…wow. What a finish.

Elsewhere, the Steelers forgot what the fuck they’re supposed to do on 4th and less than a yard. Way to hand the AFC to the Patriots again, Tomlin and Haley. That game is completely on you two dumbasses. Meanwhile, the Eagles advanced to play the Vikings after a defensive battle. And the aforementioned Cheatriots will host the Jags next week.

In college basketball, I just want to mention that the Buckeyes tore the asshole out of another decent opponent and might actually start getting a little bit of the respect they should have earned a couple weeks ago. Look for them to make a splash in the polls today.

And across the pond, Arsenhole’s woes continue, as do Everton’s (I couldn’t resist) while their crosstown rivals Liverpool put a stop to Man City’s run at a season without a loss by throttling the Citizens (except for the last 5 minutes).

No more sports. That update was enough for some of you. Not enough for many of you. And a painful reminder that activities exist where they keep score to a few of you. I apologize to each of the latter groups.  And now that I’ve done so, let’s move on into…the links!

Idiot government worker causes millions of people to freak out. But instead of firing him, they give him another job. And now Hawaiian taxpayers get to pay two people instead of one to do the same job…which is basically to NOT push a button unless they’re really under attack.

Good enough for government work to keep your government job.

Trump accurately, if inarticulately, labels several places. The dumbest person in the House (debatably) goes berserk again and claim’s its grounds for impeachment.

Aziz Ansari is under fire now in the #metoo wars. I had no idea. Did this all explode over the weekend? Actually, don’t tell me. I really don’t give a shit.

A wife of a crooked politician is angry that another politician, this one not sitting in a federal prison, is using footage of her husband’s wiretap in a campaign ad. You know, there’s an easy way to avoid your corruption trial becoming footage in a campaign ad, lady.

Some black “leaders” are saying Trump’s presidency is at odds with Martin Luther King’s legacy. That may be true. But I wonder if its at odds with King’s words.  Let’s take affirmative action vs judging someone by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, for starters…

Totally not a shithole.

I can’t call the place a shithole for fear of backlash, but I sure as shit wouldn’t feel safe walking through a Baghdad market.

This song works one day out of the year: today. And its not a great song, but it’ll lead you down a rabbit hole of Queen greatness.  So, you’re welcome.

Enjoy the holiday, those of you that can enjoy it. Those of you that can’t, then get back to work!