- Here was an exchange several of us had on a group chat yesterday:

What the hell just happened?
JW: Looking bad for Minn. Now it’s hero or goat time
Swissy: Oh boy… Not much of a chance unless they can get out of bounds’
OMWC: zzzholy SHIT!
Sloop: Holy fucking shit
Los Doyers: God dkan. Damn, even
Swissy: DAYUM.
That started at 6:55 and escalated quickly at 7:07. I mean…wow. I bet the Minnesodans on here are still drunk. I know the coonasses probably are, but that’s just because they’d be anyway. But…wow. What a finish.
Elsewhere, the Steelers forgot what the fuck they’re supposed to do on 4th and less than a yard. Way to hand the AFC to the Patriots again, Tomlin and Haley. That game is completely on you two dumbasses. Meanwhile, the Eagles advanced to play the Vikings after a defensive battle. And the aforementioned Cheatriots will host the Jags next week.
In college basketball, I just want to mention that the Buckeyes tore the asshole out of another decent opponent and might actually start getting a little bit of the respect they should have earned a couple weeks ago. Look for them to make a splash in the polls today.
And across the pond, Arsenhole’s woes continue, as do Everton’s (I couldn’t resist) while their crosstown rivals Liverpool put a stop to Man City’s run at a season without a loss by throttling the Citizens (except for the last 5 minutes).
No more sports. That update was enough for some of you. Not enough for many of you. And a painful reminder that activities exist where they keep score to a few of you. I apologize to each of the latter groups. And now that I’ve done so, let’s move on into…the links!
Idiot government worker causes millions of people to freak out. But instead of firing him, they give him another job. And now Hawaiian taxpayers get to pay two people instead of one to do the same job…which is basically to NOT push a button unless they’re really under attack.

Good enough for government work to keep your government job.
Trump accurately, if inarticulately, labels several places. The dumbest person in the House (debatably) goes berserk again and claim’s its grounds for impeachment.
Aziz Ansari is under fire now in the #metoo wars. I had no idea. Did this all explode over the weekend? Actually, don’t tell me. I really don’t give a shit.
A wife of a crooked politician is angry that another politician, this one not sitting in a federal prison, is using footage of her husband’s wiretap in a campaign ad. You know, there’s an easy way to avoid your corruption trial becoming footage in a campaign ad, lady.
Some black “leaders” are saying Trump’s presidency is at odds with Martin Luther King’s legacy. That may be true. But I wonder if its at odds with King’s words. Let’s take affirmative action vs judging someone by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, for starters…

Totally not a shithole.
I can’t call the place a shithole for fear of backlash, but I sure as shit wouldn’t feel safe walking through a Baghdad market.
This song works one day out of the year: today. And its not a great song, but it’ll lead you down a rabbit hole of Queen greatness. So, you’re welcome.
Enjoy the holiday, those of you that can enjoy it. Those of you that can’t, then get back to work!
I bet the Minnesodans on here are still drunk.
I bet so is Marcus Williams. Then again, I think he was drunk during the game.
Wow. Harsh.
This Minnesotan isn’t drunk because none of the IV bags seem to include vodka.
Opiates, on the other hand, I got plenty. Woo-hoo!
Diggs made a pretty good catch that was made legendary by Williams. And I’ll take it. Hope you’re feeling better.
Getting there, thanks. Still need the albuterol doses periodically to open the lungs up, but the in-between baseline low is getting higher each time, so the trend is in the right direction.
“The trend is your friend”
Speaking of gambling..
Thank you Vikings for taking a knee on that extra point.
so the trend is in the right direction.
That’s good news.
This one isn’t either, but damn, was that a fun game!
Glad you’re getting better!
That was a great game. It almost made up for all the shitty football I had to suffer through this year. That was honestly the only good game I have seen all season.
Not drunk, just reveling in the tears of Saints fans on their local sportzball sites.
The look on Payton’s face is enough to sustain me for many more seasons of mediocrity. Sad Brees was a bonus.
Not a big Vikes fan (Grew up in PA) but I was watching. Figured it was over and went into the kitchen to check on dinner. All the sudden I can hear the guy next door screaming his lungs out. I thought, “Hmm.. I wonder what happened?”
Pretty awesome.
But instead of firing him, they give him another job.
It takes a village, comrade.
Not pushing a button is hard work. I mean it is a button. Right there. Daring you to push it.
Was expecting this.
I was expecting this at about 1:46 or so.
Pie, on an entirely different matter, could you give us your thoughts on why they shot Mr. and Mrs. Ceaușescu so quick when none of the other commie bloc leaders were done in at all?
They wanted a quick clean coup is all. All the structure was in place to take over control of the country. Find a scapegoat for all the troubles ( Romania had a little worse then some other commie countries ) give the people some blood, eliminate unneeded complications, put the blame on him and not the new leaders who were all high ranking in the party/security etc. Ceaușescu did not have enough power left (for a few years before 89) to get out alive
The show trial, as I understand it, was conducted quickly, but there were disagreements immediately after the sentencing.
Ceausescu was the subject of a powerful cult of personality, and there were allegedly concerns that loyalists would stage a countercoup. Interestingly, (well) after the event, Valentin Ceausescu claimed that the revolutionaries should have simply shot his parents on 22 December.
There was also a rather touching concern that a firing squad was more humane than letting the Ceausescus be lynched in the streets.
This is based largely on Western reporting, which may vary in major ways from Pie’s views.
Ceausescu was the subject of a powerful cult of personality, – meh i think it was mostly fading by 89
but the full truth no one will ever no i would think
This shit is why we are where we are today. At least in the past our Top Men had to be effective and were held accountable, so things worked, and when they didn’t someone was held accountable. Today these Top Men are pissed that the plebes won’t take them seriously anymore because they refuse to be held either accountable or do work and in general are nothing but a bunch of credentialed cunts.
I think getting rid of public sector unions would go a long way towards making the government smaller and more effective at what legitimate functions it does have.
More people are realizing that police unions are part of the reason that murderous cops never get fired, but they’re slower in catching on to the fact that the bad effects of pubsec unions are not limited to police departments. The same shit happens with teachers and every other group of government employees that is unionized: they make it impossible to fire the bad ones, and many of the employees become complacent (or worse) when they accumulate enough tenure. I saw so many officers at the prison who were lazy as fuck because they had several decades of seniority and knew that nothing short of raping an inmate would get them fired or disciplined in any way.
Oh, I think public sector unions are definitely one of the main culprits behind the deterioration of the effectiveness and efficiency of the bloated government machine, but I can’t shake the feeling that a big part of it is the credentialing system that has been pushing out your generic marxism believing proggie idiots that have no real skills or capabilities to do any sort of work of value. Our last president’s greatest claim to fame was as a community organizer, for god’s sake, and they made that out to be why he would be so awesome, while the orange guy we have now is considered not just stupid, but evil, because he not only lacks the right credentials, but comes from the evil business world of all things.
Accountability and ineptitude are hidden by a system that puts credentials over achievements, and we wonder why these credentialed douchebags can’t help but fuck up whatever they do. Does anyone think our government today could build something like the Hoover Dam, the Manhattan Project, the Interstate System, or sending a man to the moon. after such fiascos as the Obamacare website, the Obamacare implementation, and the scandalous behavior in practically every government entity ranging from the IRS to the VA system?
That would make for a nice guy copy pasta.
Rebecca got schooled!!
Not that she’d know it. She probably thinks she’s been bullied.
She replied…
It was an offensively retarded one:
His reply or pretty good.
Can you paste it in?
Unfortunately not on mobile. Essentially calls her out for not providing any proof of her claim that he’s anti-science. And slabs her as a writer, she should enjoy the opportunity to speak to 5 million people.
Was there at any point doubt that she would not have anything but the usual virtue signaling, burn the heretic, bullshit to reply to Mike’s post with? I for one have interacted with enough of these “science lovers” to know they love them some hardcore marxism, but no science whatsoever.
For the lazy:
Be on the lookout for a blog post written by Becky in the next few weeks titled: How Mike Row Dogwhistled the Alt-Right On Poor Widdle Me
Not lazy, just don’t Fazbuk like a Gay Frog, so
Now that’s a burn. I can hear the sizzle from here.
Good piece in general, but the bolded part above annoyed me, becuase it just isn’t true.
It made me think of “always Sunny in Philadelphia” and Charlie’s argument, that science is wrong… sometimes
Science is a liar…sometimes.
I kind of ignored it because there is so much worse out there.
The other night, I was listening to a TED talk by some physicist who was “explaining” how we came to use x as a kind-of-standard variable name. Every. Single. Thing. he said was wrong. Research scientists are great, but they should stay the fuck out of writing history until they know something about it beyond reading a couple of century-old hacks.
But the narrative!
Good piece in general, but the bolded part above annoyed me, becuase it just isn’t true.
Well, that all depends on the contextual timeline: “once upon a time” could extend further back than 550BC, which is the earliest any scientist/philosopher declared the earth to be round. It’s a bit vague, so you are right that it could be referring to the myth that medieval scholars thought the world was flat until Columbus.
I suspect that was what he alluded to. Funny how we are finding out that older civilizations knew some stuff that we for a period forgot about or considered just plain stupid until we found evidence that these supposedly primitive societies knew some seriously advanced shit.
One of the catalysts for realizing that was an archaeological paper I read years ago at the insistence of a friend, that discussed some apparent construction material that the Romans had used at a minor port somewhere in the Empire – I remember it wasn’t in Latinate Rome.
Turns out that the Romans could make hydraulic “concrete”. Whether by accident or otherwise, they made mortar with high Aluminum content which is highly water-resistant. The Egyptians and Greeks had made so-called pozzulanic mortars for generations, without the explicit (apparent) knowledge that it was aluminum content specifically that was responsible for the seawater resistance, but the Romans (or one of their subjugated nations) discovered the connection and some bright spark added alumina directly. The important additional benefit of the later invention was that it would set under water too.
This knowledge was – like so much – lost in the Dark Ages, and not rediscovered until the 1700’s.
Yeah, I am with you on this. There are so many things that we have found out were already know by civilizations that we still consider as primitive by our standards today that showed some serious sophistication and advanced knowledge in a variety of difficult fields that we though had not been discovered until recently. Especially things we dismissed as old wives tales or stupid, only to find out later that the idea was pretty clever and based on something we didn’t get even with all our scientific knowledge and know-how these days.
I annoyed me, too. It always annoys me when people say that educated people in the West thought the earth was flat. I don’t know about China, India, or the Americas, but pretty much every educated person in Europe, Near East, and North Africa has known that the earth is round since at least 6th Century BCE Greece. Several of the Greek philosophers made estimates of the circumference that were in the ballpark. It was known in the Islamic world as well.
Question for Sloopy. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about the Brookshire area of Texas would you? It’s a bit west of Houston.
I do. It’s a very nice little country town that’s a decent place to live and has a cost of living a lot lower than 15 miles east in Katy.
It possibly has the worst traffic in America piled up at its I-10 exit during rush hour though.
What do you want to know, and for what reason? I’ll help all I can. And I think we have a couple other Glibs who live in Katy that can answer too.
I’m just wanting to know if it’s a decent place in general. Anything that might be of interest to someone moving there. I already know the cost of living is a huge drop from out here in the Inland Empire.
Hmm. Sounds good. I received an email over the weekend about getting an interview at my work for a higher level position at a new facility opening up there in March. I’m not going to hold my breath about actually getting the job, but you never know.
If you’re very social, you could live in Katy and do a reverse commute. The cost of living is higher, but you’d never have to deal with the traffic. If you’re country, you could live north of there going toward Hempstead or Bellville. I’d be leery of moving west out I-10 because then you’ll still have to deal with traffic. And Sealy is worthless. Any farther out like to Columbus and it gets better, but then you’re over an hour just to get to Katy if you want to go do city stuff, like shop in a real grocery store.
“city stuff, like shop in a real grocery store.”
Ah, this was something I was wondering about too. Brookshire looks pretty small on the map, so I was wondering just how much stuff is there that I’m used to living in the IE. So it probably doesn’t even have a Walmart or Target I’m guessing? So Katy might be the place to apartment hunt if I get the position.
Yeah, if it were me, I’d definitely want to live in Katy or even a bit closer in. You’re not going to have to deal with much traffic at all, since you’ll be driving opposite it during both rush periods. There’s a lot to do there and you’re that much closer to Houston proper and everything it has to offer.
Sounds like that would be the best of both worlds: living in a nice busy area but not dealing with rush hour.
“You’re not going to have to deal with much traffic at all, since you’ll be driving opposite it during both rush periods”
Unless of course the position they offer me is night shift.
Oh another thing, what danger is my car in for having California license plates? And regarding guns, is it open carry, no license needed?
You need a CCW for open carry. You can get that in a couple days if you do the one day course.
Nobody open carries here though. Not really. But expect about half the adults you come in contact with to be concealed carrying.
As for having CA plates, Katy is a tech corridor. There are plenty of people there who have transplanted. And besides, people from here have manners.
What, you need a license for concealed and open carry? I thought Texas was supposed to be the wild west?
Well, at the very least I won’t have my name put on some list just for buying ammo. Buying a gun is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while, but I’ve been waiting to get the hell out of this state because of all the strange rules around guns here.
EE, as far as I know, Texas does not have any sort of constitutional carry. There was a measure in 2017 to allow both constitutional open and concealed carry, but I think it failed. If so, they will try again in 2019.
Heck, you couldn’t conceal carry in Texas until after the Luby’s massacre (1991), which the people of Texas responded to by demanding less gun control. They didn’t get less gun control until they finally threw the Democrats out of office a few years later.
I’m not sure when or why Texas outlawed open carry, but they did. It was only re-legalized (kinda) a few years ago. Really strange, IMO.
Open carry was illegal until very recently (2015?). You definitely need a CCW.
Contrary to popular belief, Texas actually has pretty stiff laws on handguns. To carry a handgun off your own property, open or concealed, you must either 1) have CCL or 2) be en route to a gun shop, a range, or across county lines.
Other than cops, you will probably not see an open carry.
The rules on long guns are much more relaxed. No license or registration of rifles and shotguns required. In the old days, it was not at all unusual to see a full gun rack in the rear window of a pickup truck. That’s probably why Yankees thought Texas was the Wild West.
Other than cops, you will probably not see an open carry.
I’ve only seen open carry in person once in TX, and it was long guns. It was also an open carry protest.
I’ve seen a non-cop open carrying twice in TX, and that’s it.
My favorite part was all hyperventilating about it was all TRUMP’s fault. Somehow. Because TRUMP!!
Actually it’s quite frustrating, because it underscores the face that to most people the president is the only government.
Ah come on man. Usually I think these fuckers are just that stupid, but the issue is that these people want to virtue signal their bonafide creds and would blame Trump for anything and everything because they know that any lie told enough times will eventually undermine his authority with your usual idiot.
Policing Sexual Desire
The #MeToo movement’s impossible premise
Clearly whoever wrote that is a rapist.
Or at the very least a Rape Denier!
Aziz Ansari is under fire now in the #metoo wars. – I mean based on his voice I say guilty. Prepare the little guillotine
For removing the little head?
Isn’t one of those idiot comedians like Patton Oswalt going off on Trump?
I notice the lack of celebration of National Hat Day 2018 in United States of America in these here links. Expected from libertarians which everyone knows have no sense of fashion.
Hey, these parachute pants are still hot.
dang it, I have a top hat. . . I should wear it more often.
I can’t call the place a shithole for fear of backlash, but I sure as shit wouldn’t feel safe walking through a Baghdad market. – me and friends had the habit to call Romania a shithole but honestly, in the grand scheme of shitholes, it aint that bad.
Sorry, no shithole status for Romania. Unless you are burning dung for warmth and cooking, have no indoor plumbing and little to no available electricity.
No kidding. Parts, at least, look amazing.
Damn. How much rent a sports car for the drive through the Transfagarasan?
Parts do look amazing but some parts can be rundown
Have you seen pictures of New Mexico?
It seems likely that I have all the time I spent on the internet
Re: #6, Is it the angle of the photo or is that totally undrivable?
It’s in Transylvania, for that stretch of the road you’re expected to turn into a bat and fly up.
Wow. Nice pictures.
On the Top Gear Romania special, they drove through some villages that looked close to that description.
When I go through the Panjshir Valley, and see mud brick houses, wheels of goat crap drying for use as fuel, and no plumbing or electricity anywhere, as I go down the dirt roads… Yeah, “shithole” came to mind more than once. And that was before you would walk through the field littered with human turds, sheep scraps and trash.
That’s a shithole.
About the field with human turds: That reminded me a of Vice special on Liberia where they showed people routinely using the beach as a toilet.
A few years ago I read a journal written by my Great-Great Uncle. It was about settling on the Dakota Territory in the 1870s. He wrote about how they lived in sod houses and dried dung for fuel. It was pretty interesting.
They lived that way because the Dakota plains offered you nothing else. It wasn’t a matter of accepting that life. They worked hard to make their situation better. Once the railroad came in, life improved immensely. And by the next generation, they were living in a big house and owned a few businesses.
A good part of Romania does not have indoor plumbing, although less and less. People can generally afforest fuel and electricity is fairly extensive.
The cost of victory has been nearly incalculable as the three years of war against IS devastated much of northern and western Iraq — roughly a third of the country — where Islamic State militants had held most of the territory.
It can’t be that hard to keep track of how much cash and weaponry wound up in ISIS sympathizer’s hands.
But it gets hard to keep track without the Clinton server.
In this world, there are tits and there is everything else.
For my money 30 wins by a mile, 8, 12, 13, 15, 24, 44 runners up and, guess who, #20 the Glib rack of 2017 makes a reappearance.
#20 looks like a dead eyed brunette version of Christina Hendriks. Those eyes are a little off-putting, more so than crazy eyes. I don’t know if I’d include here in the orgy.
20 is a winner, 21!!!!
I saw “Christina Hendricks” and got all cised, and I must say I was disappointed. #20 looks like a RealDoll version of Christina Hendricks rendered from a memory of Mad Men from a few years ago.
Also, Saturday Blondepocalypse, with fewer selfies.
Nice set!
1, 22, 30, 44. Honestly, it took a real feat of willpower to get past #1, but it was worth it for #30.
11 wins. No idea what she’s drinking, but it seems to be working.
Speaking of #MeToo, Liam Neeson is calling it a bit of a witch hunt. How long before he gets some kind of attack for this wrongthink? You’re supposed to listen and believe, Liam!
He is actually one of ours. He is carrying out an experiment in repetitive type casting of a subtle bad-ass.
I was hiding in the bathroom. The sqieeze came in and said it was 24-23 New Orleans. At that point I was resigned to my fate and came back to the living room.
It was awesome.
I was preparing to counsel my youngest altar boy on how to accept defeat and despair as a Vikings fan, when they somehow pulled that off.
The tables were turned, he had to counsel me on how to deal with success like a normal fan.
My coping method has been to assume that this is only a trick to get our hopes even higher so the football gods can laugh even more at our final loss.
Diggs was a Terp, by the way. Just puttin’ it out there.
Was strutting around like he did something awesome, when really he just got lucky.
I was channeling my inner Hank Hill and telling the boy, that is not how you act when you win.
It looks like them Duke Boys may have a little trouble getting out of this one.
My worst nightmare is to die right after getting dental work done. Before? That’s not as clear cut.
That’s a highly specific worst nightmare.
Mine is to die violently at the hands of others.
Mine is to die of old age after many years in some kind of old folks’ home.
That is why I am gonna eat a bullet before it comes to that. Saw it happen with my dad, and there is no way I am getting to that point in life.
As with most things, it comes down to money. If you’ve got it, independent/assisted living can be be pretty nice – here in Tucson, $6K a month gets you your own townhouse (2 bedroom), maid service, meals (real chef and kitchen, order off of a menu), a bar (cash, maybe one freebie), nice grounds, transportation, activities, and somebody who checks on you once or twice a day.
If you don’t have money (like most people), well . . . .
I can speak from recent experience. While with money, you can live comfortably in your dotage, it doesn’t do anything to improve dotage. Seeing my MIL die recently, having had quite good assisted living facilities, she was still in a sad state, one which I would not like to experience.
Makes Mrs #6, and ardent (if not plausibly devout) Catholic, ponder whether this suicide thing doesn’t have some merit.
No question, at some point the juice isn’t worth the squeeze, no matter how nice the digs.
Protip: Don’t use a gun – it makes a terrible mess. As a geezer, you will have no problem getting your hands on enough drugs to go out easy. One 30 day opioid prescription and a bottle of your favorite booze, and you’re done without the muss and fuss.
How have we gotten to a point that where the best elder care we provide in our society is on par with a bargain cruise line?
To be fair, the cruise line usually offers free legionnaire’s and/or listeria.
Yeah, it isn’t about the quality of care but quality of life for me. My father, one of the most independent and self sufficient people you could ever have met became unable to control basic function and had no idea what was going on or whom was whom anymore. That’s not living to me, and I am checking out as soon as I see that writing on the wall. I prefer to go on my own terms and while I still have dignity than after a protracted period where I am just not even aware of what is going on.
How have we gotten to a point that where the best elder care we provide in our society is on par with a bargain cruise line?
Not at all. If you have serious money, you can shell out tens of thousands per month for in-home care. Our society will provide the best elder care you can afford.
Mine is to experience a living death devoid of meaning, pleasure or enjoyment; filled with regret for what could have been but knowing it’s too late to change anything.
You’re talking about boobs again, right?
That would be LACK of them.
Cheerleader outfits and weird looks: I went to the biggest tech industry conference of the year for the first time, and it’s clear CES still has a woman problem
Sex sells. Wow. What a concept. If only someone had thought of it before…
Comrade, you don’t recognize capitalist exploitation when it stares you in face?
You know, Avery Hartmans isn’t ugly by any calculation. Why does she feel the need to decry people using attractive chicks to draw in customers? It’s not like State Farm actually has Aaron Rodgers doing actuarial work. He’s eye candy. That’s what the cheerleaders at CES are. They’re not writing code for robotics.
I saw groups of young women in cheerleader uniforms working the party. – NOT A PROBLEM
both of whom were equally appalled – i am sure they were, all the way, deep down
Also where are the good pics?
See? Regular interactions between people are proof that women aren’t treated equally.
peered directly down into my lap where my name badge was dangling
If you don’t want people talking to your snatch, don’t put a nametag on it. Geez.
For women, displaying your name prominently like that gives people license to act like they know you.
I constantly forget to take off my work badge when I’m out of the office. Turns out total strangers love calling you by your name when you have a nametag on. Film at fucking 11:00.
I pointedly said yes, but he ignored me, then peered directly down into my lap where my name badge was dangling, and said, “Oh, I just love your publication
See, sweetie, he didn’t ignore you. He didn’t strike up a conversation when you said you were busy, he gave you a compliment and went away.
Christ, what an asshole.
I’m headed to World of Concrete in Vegas next week. I’ll take pics and share.
Sounds far more interesting than the AVN Awards, that’s for sure.
Heh, my housemate used to attend that show back in the 90’s. At that time it was the adult section of the annual video rental house convention. He said that it started getting old after he saw about 87 boob flashes to a gaggle of photogs. But the pornstar in the booth next to him was nice, apparently.
Re: Aziz Ansari
Sounds like he did absolutely *nothing* wrong other than being a bit importune. What is this neo-Victorian, women are delicate flowers that can’t take care of themselves bullshit. He wanted to get laid. He assertively pursued said goal. She capitulated (voluntarily) to his advances. Describing a scenario that has only played out a few billion times in the course of human history. If you don’t want sex sweetheart, then have the lady stones to say “No” unequivocally and leave. Then for good measure:
‘“I continue to support the movement that is happening in our culture. It is necessary and long overdue,” he added.’
Uh, you just got gored by your own ox and you say “thank you may I have another?” That’s right comrade, enjoy your struggle session.
I read that name and I just see Buzz Aziani.
Google it, I dare you
Like I haven’t learned my lesson with clicking HM links? NO CHANCE!
*Accepts the reptiles challenge……
Hello there!
Because he’s enlightened. He understands this is necessary for #metoo’s success.
Gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
This Pats fan would have preferred the Steelers. The Pats have owned them in the playoffs for a long time.
Really? The Jags barely beat Buffalo, not sure how they have a snowball’s chance versus NE.
Beating the Steelers for the AFC Championship has become kind of an annual tradition. The Jags defense does match up well with the Pats.
The Pats managed to lose to Miami, so who knows?
Tech Bro Fired from Google for Saying Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers Will Speak at PSU Next Month
James Damore will answer questions about his opinions on diversity and, presumably, why he thinks women can’t do math.
Does the fact that he never actually said ” Women Are Biologically Unfit to Be Engineers ” or “women can’t do math” open these idiots up for a Libel suit?
He’s already put a federal discrimination suit on Google. Anything won here would be like finding a quarter in the couch.
I hope that as this lawsuit progresses and we find out how fucked up Google is as a place of employment because of the prog derp that permeates the place, the company takes a huge financial hit. And I hope Facebook and the other proggosphere entities like it are not far behind being sued and made to pay huge cash as the world gets to see how fucking deranged these people are.
Why do you hate my 401(k), dude?
/woke hipster
Because your 401(k) hates me?
Seems like they can’t win. They get onboard the personal responsibility train, just like we tell them, they sign up with Vanguard and build a portfolio that will let them take responsibility for their future finances, and then Alex (old white unwoke dude) hopes they take a bath!
Not cool man, not cool!
The only thing that will derail this proggie train to hell will be financial pain for companies that do what Google has been doing. Choose your investments accordingly 🙂
Well I’ll tell you this much, I have a skill set and resume that could pretty easily get me a job at Google in Boulder. I had always kept it in the back of my mind as a possibility; now, I would never consider it. AFAIC it would be the same as working for the head office of a white supremacy organization. It is a den of hate.
I have avoided a ton of these “cool” places to work at precisely because of this stuff myself Q. I work where I work today because I know my shit and they will not do anything to me as long as I don’t engage in outright criminal behavior, because I am critical to the shop I run and my leaving would cost the company big money. Heck, I recently told my boss that if they had problems with me pointing out things being done were not just wrong, but being done for the wrong reasons, I would go find work elsewhere. I am not going out of my way to insult people, but I certainly don’t want to have to run everything I am going to say through a PC filter so I can make sure I don’t hurt the feelings of people that are perpetually aggrieved and looking for insults to them in anything and everything others do or say, regardless of if there is any merit to that. Why the hell would anyone want to work where some snowflake getting all mad that people point out their idea is idiotic and bad would cost them their employment?
Why the hell would anyone want to work where some snowflake getting all mad that people point out their idea is idiotic and bad would cost them their employment?
I dunno.
*quietly whimpers onto pillow*
I am in a unique position that I can work for a company that is utterly feminized and has a 10% HR presence without having to feel like I need to walk on eggshells to avoid the eternally aggrieved Trash, but I am well aware not many people have that luxury. You wouldn’t believe the waste and inefficiency in these systems that cater to these people and their phobias and needs. This is why I firmly believe we need to change the system to actually value work, results, and success, even when there are also failures, instead of glorifying everything and handing participation trophies out.
Would be nice to see.
I’m no lawyer, but I think that article should. Though she did throw in an “allegedly” at the end.
This man is a pedophile, allegedly.
I don’t know, but at least I know not to read from them because at best they lack any reading comprehension.
He was also not against diversity but the way Google were going about it
Based on the non-hysterical, reasonable, even-handed headline I expect to find an article full of information and balanced analysis.
Here’s hoping Damore uses some of his Google money to fund defamation lawsuits against people claiming he was a bigot of some kind.
Google is out of its mind not to settle with him. He’s got state and federal claims both which give him discovery rights to just about all of of Google’s internal communications. Even if he loses (which I actually doubt will happen), the discovery process and publication of internal communications will do enormous damage to Google. Its already started; Google is now famous as the company that hires people who identify as dragons and buildings, and we have barely begun to sift and winnow their internal communications.
The REAL Bigfoot: Gigantopithecus Would Have Been Terrifying to our Ancient Ancestors
Our pre-agriculture ancestors were pretty badass. The list of animals they sent into extinction with spears include mammoths double the size of the biggest elephant, half-ton American lions, giant bears, and all kinds of other monsters.
Yeah, once they developed the spear and the atlatl, there were basically two types of animals left: those that were afraid of humans, and those that were extinct.
And the rapesquatch.
After doing some research and talking to a lawyer I work with, I think I’m going to end up having a firearms sale after all. I can make partbof the buyer’s terms having a background check done by the FFL dealer I use for the sale at a cost of the check plus a “convenience fee” of like $10 or something. I can get a dealer to do that without much difficulty. And the lawyer has probably 200 guns sitting in his office from various estates that he needs to get sold but can’t get a dealer to buy them from a third party even though he’s admin if the estates. If his involvement is limited to doing background checks, it should be fine.
So question: if I sell to out if state buyers, can they fax or email the form?
I think they have to use another FFL dealer — you’d have to ship it to the dealer anyhow if they aren’t buying it in person from the dealer you use.
Sounds right – check out how things work at http://www.Gunbroker.com
I assume you would need to follow that process – or even use that site to sell them.
Are you sure you won’t run afoul of federal regs? As in you would need a FFL?
Specific for auctioneers:
Short answer, maybe.
Out of state dealers will have to work with someone in your state with an FFL.
I’d still recommend a local gunsmith rather than a dealer if you can find one, primarily because gunsmiths tend to be small firms that would benefit from the business.
This reminds me of a story:
My parents like to go to auctions; they rarely buy anything, but find the whole deal entertaining (and my dad likes to bid people up if he thinks they’re getting a steal). So when they lived in Maryland they once went to an auction out in the boondocks in the west of the state. Now Maryland does not have very friendly gun laws, but the people out west don’t much care for what the easterners think. So this auction was selling “grab bags” where they would sell a bag and “whatever happened to be inside it”. Of course, my Dad was curious so looked inside them, as did the other buyers, and they each had a gun. He found this defiance of gun laws humorous, and nothing else happened.
In a figurative sense, I’d kill to get hold of a few firearms that haven’t had to go thru’ a 4473 OR a DPS-16. Ideally a nice barely used S&W 66 and a well-cared-for Browing Hi Power, if anyone’s listening.
if anyone’s listening.
We are.
I damn near got a Model 10 from a dude who found it cleaning out his dad’s place. After accepting my offer, the fucker decided to keep it himself.
Maxine Waters is pretty dumb, but I’ll put Hank Johnson as dumbest person in the House.
I’m pretty sure I read he was just fucking with the general. Stupid waste of taxpayer time and money, if true.
I’m not sure about that.
Ah, that clip never gets old.
Laboratories of state capitalism
Murphy is ready to end his obscurity. On Tuesday, when he is sworn in, New Jersey will become one of just eight states where Democrats run every branch of government. If Murphy has his way, New Jersey will become a proving ground for every liberal policy idea coming into fashion, from legalized marijuana to a $15 minimum wage, from a “millionaire’s tax” to a virtual bill of rights for undocumented immigrants.
Undergirding all of it: automatic voter registration, early voting and the right to register with a political party as late as Election Day.
Good luck with that, Garbage State.
Neighboring states best get ready for the tide of refugees.
New York need not worry – pan to fire and all that.
I might join the refugees heading for Pennsylvania.
Come on over!
/Former NJ resident
YES!!! – Homeowner in Philly suburbs
Ready to sell?
More likely we’ll become even more of a warning to other states to avoid this kind of stupidity.
Just as the housing market was recovering and my escape plans are becoming more likely, this idiot gets elected.
Because all the leftist ideas already implemented in New Jersey have worked such wonders. I guess Murphy wants to go the full-on “Let’s turn an entire state into Detroit” route.
Let’s see if we can fuck up a state worse than Connecticut.
“Challenge accepted!!”
– Murphy and the Democrats
::Winces at the totally justified burn::
Since when was marijuana legalizaton a liberal idea?
Earth’s magnetic shift to cost Wichita airport
Renumbering three runways costs hundreds of thousands of dollars?
They need to update the approach plates for all the runways. That’s a pretty expensive thing.
Maybe they could just make the runways wider and repaint the lines to the new shifted heading. It would be a little cockeyed, but then again it is in Kansas so who would notice.
You know who else from Kansas was cockeyed?
And apparently this shift is only noticeable in Wichita?
I think the State tax cuts did it.
It’s sensational news. For procedures, there is a 5 degree tolerance and Wichita happens to be out of that tolerance. Las Vegas did theirs last year but only the 25/7s. The 19/1s didn’t go out of tolerance so Mccarran only repainted it’s 25/7s to 26/8 runway heading.
Along with that some equipment needs to be adjusted but it’s not that big of a deal. If they have ILS it’s minor and a 20 minute adjustment. Radar can be adjusted via software on the automation and to account for the magnetic variation. The FAA has been dragging it’s feet on adjusting all terminal radars to True North and solely making any adjustments to variations in the automation side.
The largest and probably costly change is as said above, redesigning any procedures for the new approach/departure headings or a change to a VOR.
Again, this happens all the time and isn’t some new issue
Is there no end to the damage caused by Climate Change?
This is either fake news or a government makework program – Wichita is in Flyover Country. Nobody needs to land there.
So question: if I sell to out if state buyers, can they fax or email the form?
In my experience, the firearm is shipped to the buyer’s local FFL, who does the background check at time of pickup.
That can’t be right. The wait period doesn’t begin until the background check is done and the gun purchase made, from what I remember being in California.
I just did that in NJ. For a rifle or shotgun, I would just need my state FID card. For a pistol, you get a purchase permit ahead of time, then go shopping. The local shop received the gun and did all the background stuff for about $40.
^ This was my experience when I last bought a firearm out of state.
If you’re looking for pre-approval, it seems to me you would still want to do that on the buyer’s end. Also, I’m not sure if it’s a state by state thing, but at least in Montana, a CCW license gets automatic background check approval.
What I want to know is: can someone fax a background check form in? It’s a federal check, not a state one, so it doesn’t matter where it’s done. And my policy for all out of state buyers will be to ship from my local FFL dealer to a local FFL dealer in their state and all waiting periods, etc exhausted before they can pick it up.
“Background check” == 4473? No. An FFL has to fill that out and submit it (looking at a 4473, it looks like an FFL has more top fill in than the purchaser does).
from what I remember being in California.
What is this “waiting period” of which you speak?
California is… special.
I NEVER bought a gun there. I just remember seeing the process and scratching my head.
Same with New York, IIUC when it comes to pistols. Dealers need walk-in safes to hold all their customers’ purchases until the state does its work.
Turning the army into a Safe Space
Well, there goes another ally.
They’ve been going for a while. At least they’ll be harmless if they become an enemy.
They’ve been inching “fighting officers” out of cadre for some time. The Royal Navy is, by some accounts, even worse.
What I want to know is: can someone fax a background check form in?
Sorry not an FFL. I’ll shut up. If all else fails, you could all the ATF and ask if they have a published policy for auctioneers.
He was also not against diversity but the way Google were going about it
We can’t allow you to make his position sound more relatable, because then people might realize that there are multiple ways people can view something, and not be a horrible human being.
Jim “Pet Detective” Carrey:
“Suffering beyond imagination” on the horizon because Trump.
Meanwhile South Korea is happy….
It’s almost like the US and SK were playing bad cop/good cop.
Hard to tell. Are we in Riggs/Murtaugh territory, or Tango/Cash?
Are you kidding? Trump is totally Riggs – a special brand of crazy that occasionally gets things done.
I’d like to thank Hawaii for providing a real world example of why I stockpile emergency supplies. I’m no longer the completely crazy paranoid family member for worrying about a run on the stores after a disaster. I don’t know why it took a fake ballistic missile to prove that, but oh well.
It’s not the supplies that freaks them out. It’s that home made Urban Assault Vehicle, and the underground shelter with the submarine door buried out in the jungle that has them worried about you.
::returns to carving punji sticks::
End Qualified Immunity for Police? Question of the Day
Interesting discussion over at TTAG.
Yeah, there really is no question. King’s men bullshit is bullshit.
70s-riffic flashback: I’ve been watching a 1973 documentary called The Ascent of Man by (((Jacob Bronowski))). Same producers as Cosmos, so there are some parallels. Though Bronowski is very much more the intellectual than Sagan. He gives deep analysis of science and humanity through the ages, and how the two are intertwined. It still holds up in the bigger picture, even with the early 70s computer graphics / technology.
Available on YouTube.
We got ~2 inches of snow on Friday/Saturday.
In other words, pretty much nothing. However, it led to this realization by me: I wish the grocery stores would put in surge pricing for bread and milk.
Also, I spent all of Thursday evening in the ER with my daughter (got home at 5:23 AM Friday). Everything is fine now. But I am a bit cranky.
We finally got some winter in Bucharest. -6 with a dusting of snow. Better than nothing I suppose.
So vaguely famous You-tuber Sargon_of_Akkad coins a term for his politics
The Liberalist movement is a political philosophy (re)coined by Carl Benjamin, a youtube content creator and game developer. The Liberalist movement is a proponent of Classical Liberalism. And the name was chosen to distinguish itself from “liberalism”, which in the United States of America has become synonymous with left wing.
So we have liberal, libertarian and liberalist. Not to mention glibertarian. It is getting confusing. Can I have a fuck off slaver for liberalistism?
Wait false alarm, it seems it is just more Nazi stuff
Everything is secretly Nazi stuff. Didn’t you know?
I like to call it “Libertarian But”
Libertarian, but prefer socialized medicine, gun control, and probably lots of high-speed rail.
So not libertarian. The whole left libertarian shtick. The amount of power the government needs to implement socialized medicine makes nothing libertarian about it.
He’s unapologetic about his stance, and it certainly puts him in left-libertarian land. He’s consistently dismissive of Ancaps too, so his placing on a Nolan Chart isn’t difficult to plot; but I’d rather court people like him as allies than I would court any of the organized political parties in the UK, if I cared a whit for courting allies. Not really a minarchist, because of his “camel’s nose in the tent” approach to social welfare. Potentially constitutionalist, except he doesn’t live in a country that has, or wants one.
His obsession with “having a name for what he and his buddies think” is a bit retarded though. It denies you the ability to be an individual when someone challenges you, and gives your critics a stick to beat you with. Maybe he feels lonely and abandoned. Any name he and his buddies adopt will simply be branded “Nazi” anyway, or his ideological enemies will steal it, hollow it out and wear it as a skin suit, just like they’ve done elsewhere.
that said, i wouldn’t be surprised if Reason called him “Alt Right” at some point
I think it’s far easier for them to label “liberalists” as Alt Right and use guilt by association.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Reason called Ayn Rand “alt-right” at this point.
/Fuck Off?
Also from the AoS gun thread:
In The Beginning: Semi-Automatic Pistols of the 19th Century
Some weird and wacky designs. Love the Mauser C96.
I agree, that’s what I picture when I think of a Mauser.
I’ve just finished a cool little western called Into the Savage Country about fur traders asking the Missouri river. One of the characters carries this Collier pistol which was revolutionary during the time because everyone had single shot flintlocks. Everyone he came across was envious.
Another little tidbit from that Weigel piece about New Jersey’s new governor:
In the short term, Murphy endorses an idea popular in blue states with high taxes — allowing taxpayers to write off their state taxes as charitable deductions. Before taking office, he has been working with towns and cities to create charitable organizations for that purpose. “It’s not clear that you actually need laws passed for towns to do it,” he said.
I cannot help thinking this would get you a long face to face meeting with a room full of IRS agents, in a sane universe.
Seriously- all the same people still jabbering incoherently about Trump’s tax returns will have no problem whatsoever with this particular loophole. What happened to all those, “Please raise my taxes” Democrats? I’m sure they’ll be along shortly.
Not only that, but it’s perverse to call taxes charity.
Ironic ain’t it? They think it’s cool to have the federal tax code subsidize their corrupt high-tax policies.
I am fine with making taxes charitable deductions IF AND ONLY IF they are also voluntary.
And really voluntary, not fake voluntary.
They are voluntary, cause you voluntarily signed the social contract.
The way I have heard it explained is that you either pay the taxes (and then get hit by the cap) or your make the mandatory voluntary donation. There is no option to not pay the money the state says you owe them.
That’s it… we’re done here. Shut it down, time to go.
*Strokes chin and ponders opening a liquor store charity so all purchases can be written off as charitable donations.
I’m going to turn my business into a non-profit, where my income is a charitable donation.
My wife had a divorce client who’s husband was doing exactly this. He had a “non-profit” company that made TV commercials. He would get paid via the non-profit, and then use its credit card for all his personal expenses and shopping trips.
I had no idea how he stayed out of jail.
He would get paid via the non-profit, and then use its credit card for all his personal expenses and shopping trips.
Isn’t that how the Clinton Global Initiative essentially worked for all the Clinton cronies who were employed there? Hell, isn’t that how all charities work?
Hell, isn’t that how all charities work?
No. I’ve worked for 501(c)s for probably 20 years, and none of the ones I worked for would permit that. Hell, I fired a guy who used the company credit card for personal purchases even though he offered to pay it back.
Well then you are obviously in the wrong charity sector RC.
allowing taxpayers to write off their state taxes as charitable deductions.
First, you need to get the states and locals to set up bona fide charities that can receive tax-deductible donations. Note that these charities must have a charitable purpose, and can’t use/grant their money for stuff outside that purpose. If the purpose is to fund education, no problem, but not so clear that giving money to a state or local’s general fund would count. I don’t know how independent the charity would need to be from the government for it to still count as a charity, or what the lore might be on government entities as legit recipients of “charitable” money.
Second, you need to have these donations offset your state and local taxes. This is actually not that hard, either – just give a 100% tax credit up to the amount of your tax bill for donations to these charities.
Actually, not that hard, now that I think about it. I expect complications in the charitable purpose and uses of the SALT charities, and maybe in their governance. It will definitely add complexity and thus inefficiency (for example, in most states the AG has a lot of oversight on charities in that state – I bet the locals are going to be thrilled that the AG is now overseeing their sources and uses of funds), but who cares about that?
Pondering this a little more, if the states allow any charitable donation to count for the 100% tax credit, they are going to see a lot of “leakage” to non-SALT charities. One bottleneck might be setting up a charity that can only give money to a government, although the assets of a charity can go to a government when it is dissolved, so this may be permissible.
I think the biggest bottleneck is the uses of the funds raised by the charity. The IRS says a charity that you can make tax deductible contributions to must be:
There are mountains of technical interpretations of this clause, but I don’t really see any way to squeeze a lot of government activities into that definition. Note that the “public safety” purpose is really “testing for public safety”, so much of the law enforcement (and fire department) budget couldn’t be funded this way. The courts, I just don’t see any way to squeeze them in there, and a lot of regulatory agencies are probably in trouble, too.
If they took all the things that local and state governments do and turned them into actual charities in order to avoid these federal taxes, then Trump would be the greatest accidental libertarian in history.
Sham Transaction Law and Legal Definition.
A sham transaction is a business transaction that is entered into for the sake of avoiding tax. Since the 1930s, courts have used what is known as “the sham transaction doctrine” to invalidate deals designed solely to skirt income taxes.
Since when was marijuana legalizaton a liberal idea?
Haight-Ashbury, Dude. Flower Power.
But then they realized how much money and power the government could grab with the WOD.
Historic German Church Demolished
The articles blames the Muslims – but it’s really due to Germany’s idiotic energy policies. When they decided to shut down all their nuclear power plants after Fukushima (because there are so many earthquakes and tsunamis in Germany) – they had to start digging up the countryside for that new clean power source – coal.
But they had to. What if a tsunami came to Germany? Like the big tsunami of 1977?
Now you made me look at a map. Brussels and the Netherlands would really be screwed if a tsunami made it to Immerath.
Never change, Breitbart
I’ve been watching a 1973 documentary called The Ascent of Man by (((Jacob Bronowski))).
Excellent. Also very good from that time period (possibly Bronowsk as well)- Connections. That show was awesome.
No. James Burke.
“Connections I” is some of the best TV ever (II is still good, by III james is getting old and their budget had been cut. his jokes aren’t as sharp)
I have all of these things in my giganto DVD collection. Ascent of Man is cool, but that guys lisp and his fawning over classical artwork gets a little grating at times.
I remember watching Burke’s “The Day the Universe Changed” many years ago and thought it was fantastic. It seems to have had less airplay in the US than did “Connections.”
Potential job quandary – a consulting company over in Chicago wants me to come in for a face-to-face interview. If I took a job from them I would do a lot of the work from home but they expect me to travel 25% of the time, which is too high for my family needs.
Since I balked at that , they had me talk to someone else, the guy who would be my manager to discuss the travel expectations. He says he rarely travels and would like to do more. Basically there is no way, according to him, that I would be traveling that much.
So who do I believe? I would hate to take on the job and have to be gone from home for 2-3 months out of they year. But the source says that probably won’t happen. But I’m afraid of the expectation of having to travel – I loathe airports and driving long distances; plus it would put too much of a burden on my wife’s career which I consider more important than mine.
25% Travel as in one week once a month? Or like a couple of months in another country?
In similar situations when kids were young, I’ve told employers that my travel has to be planned well in advance and still might not happen if there is a major conflict. Now I’m at the stage where it doesn’t matter as long as my wife’s very occasional travel doesn’t conflict.
If you’re really interested, go to the interview and state your concerns.
And make sure that the other guy doesn’t make you do all the traveling because they don’t want to do it themselves. Also remember that these promises come and go at the whim of the employer…
Predicting the future? Always assume the worst case scenario.
Is your job forcing you to travel more than your family obligations will allow better or worse than your prospects of finding a similar or better job?
Once you’re in the situation you’re trying to avoid, your calculations will change–and you’ll feel compelled to sell your family obligations short. There won’t even be an argument about it. They’ll just “ask” you to travel on a case by case basis, and you’ll probably just say yes.
Even if you did argued about it, picture yourself telling your boss that they should turn down work (or hire someone else) because you would rather not travel. You’d probably never say that no matter what they said before you were hired, right?
Fair or not is, of course, beside the point.
I don’t know how badly you need this job or how adamant you are about not traveling, but I wouldn’t count on them not wanting what they said they wanted before they met you. Hiring situations are funny that way. They won’t even know if you’re going to work out until you’ve been there for a few months. Right now, they just see you as a possibility. Sometimes they’ll say whatever they need to say to make you try out–knowing that once you get there, you’ll do your best to be the employee they want you to be. Whatever reasons they had to assume your position will need to travel will still be there, and subconsciously or otherwise, they’ll still think of you as the guy that’s supposed to travel.
P.S. I should say this is like the kind of thing that happens to people that accept counter offers after they’ve announced they’re leaving to go somewhere else. Never accept a counteroffer from your present employer in that situation. At that point, they’re trying to figure out how to replace once you’re out the door, and once they start thinking about that, they don’t stop. It may take them six months to a year to find and train a replacement for you. So they need you to stick around for another year? Don’t expect to be with your old company that counteroffers much longer than that. In their minds, you’re already on your way out the door. Why would they include you in their long term plans when you’re already on your way out the door?
Thanks, Ken. That makes a lot of sense.
I don’t need the job as I’m still employed. Was looking for a step up in pay and for a new opportunity, but, as I said, my wife’s job is more important than mine. Also with a special needs kid, time is of more importance than money. That’s my big hang up about working for this place; yes I would be working from home but I have a feeling that I would be gone a lot more often, leading to scheduling difficulties on the family side. More babysitters needed, less time spent with my family.
I’m in a similar position, working from home and with a special needs kid. I try to keep travel down to a minimum though still have to do some infrequently. I may be receiving an opportunity soon for promotion/transfer in which travel with be a big consideration. Ideally they want someone who is willing to travel very frequently, and I am not. They are willing to waive travel for me because of my rep for output, but I don’t know if I will still be nudged into more and more.
I’ve watched 3 supervisors take on roughly triple the amount of travel they were expecting. None of them are happy about it, but they do not have young kids and want to do right by the company. My lesson from that is that travel expectations can change at any time depending on company needs and you can never guarantee a set amount. If you are willing to meet those expectations (I am not because I need that time for my kids) is a different story and I know my ability to scale the ladder will justifiably suffer for it.
I also accept this without blaming it on gender discrimination.
they expect me to travel 25% of the time, which is too high for my family needs.
Just curious; are these overnights, or week(s) at a time?
Yes and Yes – I could be stationed, in theory, at a client’s office doing the work there. Apparently rare but it can happen, especially for a new install.
No. James Burke.
Ah. Great show.
I could be stationed, in theory, at a client’s office doing the work there. Apparently rare but it can happen, especially for a new install.
I can see how that could be problematic.
Strokes chin and ponders opening a liquor store charity so all purchases can be written off as charitable donations.
“Lissen, those bartenders DEPEND on me!”
This is what I don’t get about this whole missile scare. It took 38 min’s to manually type in and activate a retraction message? I am not sure I buy that one. They could have easily called other agencies like whichever agency is in charge of Amber Alerts and had them post a false alarm alert message (as discussed yesterday). There is any number of ways to get the word out that the alert was a mistake and it took them almost 40 minutes. That is fucked up.
I’m more confused about how it happened in the first place. The last thing I read about it was that a state employee pushed the wrong button. The government designed a system that allows you to send messages to an entire state with single push of a button?
No password requirement, second person-authorization, or at least a pop-up confirmation box similar to the one I receive if exiting out of multiple windows at once…”WARNING: Are you sure you want to send out an incoming balistic missile warning to the entire state of Hawaii?”
According to the news I listened to this morning, there are three different pop up confirmations that had to be done to confirm that he indeed wanted to send an incoming ballistic missile warning to the entire state of Hawaii. Three of them, and this yahoo clicked yes on all three. According to the article they did not even know he sent it until phones in the center started going off with the warning. It sounds like he pulled up the wrong message and then did not read the confirmation prompts. How they don’t have a retraction message in the system is a bit bizarre as well, but then again we are talking Gubmint.
If it’s not a drill, why would they need a reaction?
What’s the odds this douche did this was not accidental at all, but done on purpose to protest Trump, global warming, or whatever virtue signalling event of the day these idiots think makes them special?
The chances are that it’s just a standard piece of software like our town uses to send out phone alerts when they have a lockdown at the school.
So, it’ll be badly designed, with no real audit or safeguards, and probably little in the way of customization – i.e. a pretty standard Web App 2.0, where you get what you pay for ($25/month) to generate text and voice alerts.
Add to that some punk-assed jagoff whose only real qualification for employment is that they have a pulse and a diploma in political theory who has some inarticulate grudge about how white people are poisonous and you have all the components you need for this scenario.
The sad thing is that this is the simplest and most likely explanation.
So… no wax on/wax off?
*narrows gaze*
Any guesses as to what Nobel Laureate said that?
My guess as well. He was a real economist, once upon a time.
Then he realized there was no money in it, and he switched fields. That economic knowledge came in handy, in the long run.
We have a winner!
We have been getting a lot of grief here in Minnesoda about Trump’s mean plan to end the temporary refugee status of the West Africans who we let in during the ebola crisis. The press has told us how cruel it is to send them back because their countries still aren’t ready.
Cue the shithole comment and look what changed.
West African immigrants are OUTRAGED. How dare he call their countries shitholes?
I don’t think for a minute that Trump meant to do it, but didn’t he trick these people into agreeing that their countries are fine and they can return?
Related: The Onion Point/Counterpoint Nigeria May Be A Developing Nation, But It Is Rich In Culture vs. Get Me Out Of This Godforsaken Hellhole
Riiiiiight, Abdullah. It’s heaven on earth.
These countries are beautiful and have produced some of the best leaders in the world, global icons like Nelson Mandela.
OK, there’s one. Any others?
You know who else was a global icon?
Idi Amin?
Don’t forget other great leaders, like Robert Mugabe, Charles Taylor, and Idi Amin.
And while we’re at it, the Duvalier family did wonderful things to beautify Haiti.
And I say again, all the Haitians who are outraged by Trump’s remarks will nevertheless remain in Flatbush.
Seems like this fellow still has a ways to go before he assimilates if he is still so attached to his former country that he gets offended when someone insults it. A lot of Americans have ancestors who came from shithole countries: that’s why they left and came here. Heck, some of my ancestors came from a shithole country (19th century Ireland). Good people are everywhere, just because you came from a bad country doesn’t make you a bad person. But if you can’t recognize that they country you left had serious problems, it does reflect poorly on your judgment.
That’s a very fair point. Why hasn’t Trump insulted MY home country yet?
Maybe if they manage to stop being a satrap of the EU.
I’d have thought being a satrapy of the EU would have made us more deplorable and worthy of a slight.
Trump should have just called them “bitter-clingers” or “deplorables” and then no one would have batted an eye.
Highlight of my weekend
Good game.
The Rangers on the other hand, shipping 12 goals in 24 hours.
I actually watched the game.
What school of goalkeeping did Karius go to on the first goal?
Good. They need to be punished good and hard and repeatedly before some eyes open. When your goalie is the only guy who ever makes it to All-Stars how do expect to ever rise above mediocre.
Thanks for the Queen! Improved my mood. But now I want fried chicken.
I do think that word means what you think it means.
gah – not think
White Man’s Burden brah. That’s what keeps Africa down bro.
Funny how with these people and places it is never the idiotic tribalism or other such cultural nonsense that keeps them down and makes the place a shithole, despite the amount of money or other aid thrown at them to help change things, but somehow the fault of some outsiders.
And why exactly is there a diaspora in the first place?
They’re all so excited about how wonderful their home countries are that they feel the need to tell people in other parts of the world. Mostly parts like France, the US, etc.
And why exactly is there a diaspora in the first place?
Mainly, Arab slavers exporting their stock?
Under the circumstances, we have no alternative but to issue a sternly worded memorandum
South Africa is planning to formally protest President Trump’s reported remarks referring to Haiti and some African nations as “shithole countries.”
South Africa’s government on Monday is expected to issue a diplomatic protest to the U.S. Embassy in Pretoria, CNN reported.
“The Department will provide an opportunity to the Charges de Affaires to explain the statement that African countries, alongside Haiti and El Salvador, constitute ‘shitholes’ from where migrants into the United States are undesirable,” the Department of International Relations said in a statement.
“Your words were unkind, and hurtful, Sirrah!”
So a couple months ago our company announced with great fanfare that we would all be getting MLK Day off from now on. What wasn’t in the main announcement and you had to look for was that we would also be getting 1 less personal day a year. So they give is a day off in January (3 degree wind chill right now) which happens to be their slowest time of the year instead of a day of our choosing, it cost them nothing but they want to act like they’re doing it because they’re so woke.
That is fucked.
I was just complaining to my brother the other day how all these federal holidays happen in the stupidest time of year. MLK day, or president’s day (or both) need to happen in August.
I like MLK Day. There was absolutely no traffic on the way to work this morning.
Trump is so fucking racist and filled with Haiti-hate, he personally helped Rand’s eye surgery mission.
Christ, what a shithole.
Probably because Trump is such a buffoon that he didn’t realize that all those Jeans in Haiti were dudes and not WOC that he could grab by the pussy. I’m sure once he realized his mistake he withdrew his check.
I was saying the other day maybe Rand would trade Trump FISA for a border wall; looks like he’s in a good negotiating position now.
re: that car that parked itself
onin the 2nd floor of a buildinghttps://twitter.com/KHOLMESlive/status/952721202270711809
footage of its jump. the fact dude didn’t die in ball of flame and twisted metal is…. hard to believe. he also could have hit a bus.
Wow. That’s crazy. It’s amazing be went so high.
Damn. Everyone was lucky. I like this comment:
he also could have hit a bus.
Totalling your car and getting pregnant would make for a very bad day.
Was Vin Diesel driving that thing?
I literally drove by there on Friday afternoon. Didn’t see any flying cars, though.
Also happened in Orange County: Agent Orange recorded this song
Totally not character assassination. We’re just asking questions.
“By every metric and methodology tested, Donald Trump’s vocabulary and grammatical structure is significantly more simple, and less diverse, than any President since Herbert Hoover, when measuring “off-script” words, that is, words far less likely to have been written in advance for the speaker,” Factba.se CEO Bill Frischling wrote. “The gap between Trump and the next closest president … is larger than any other gap using Flesch-Kincaid. Statistically speaking, there is a significant gap.”
The White House is furious at Wolff’s book, Fire and Fury, but the book makes a compelling case that West Wing insiders do not have confidence in the president.
National security adviser H.R. McMaster reportedly called Trump an “idiot” with the intelligence of a “kindergartener” back in November. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson reportedly called the president “a fucking moron.”
And Trump’s National Economic Council chief Gary Cohn allegedly wrote in an email that the White House was in chaos.
“It’s worse than you can imagine. An idiot surrounded by clowns,” Cohn wrote. “Trump won’t read anything—not one-page memos, not the brief policy papers; nothing. He gets up halfway through meetings with world leaders because he is bored. And his staff is no better.”
But the Obama White House was like a kindergarten story hour, with all his little acolytes sitting on the floor around him listening open-mouthed as he spun his faerie stories. That’s what being President means.
Condescension is always better with a flamboyant vocabulary.
Yeah, a little multi-lingual flair always spices it up, too. Like when you speak Austrian.
The White House is furious at Wolff’s book, Fire and Fury, but the book makes a compelling case
How can a book make a compelling case for anything when even its author admits its not factual?
I pointed this out to my boss who told me someone sent him the pdf and wanted to know if I wanted a copy and he looked at me like I was an alien. That was the whole conversation thank Zod.
Because we #believe?
Just because it is fake doesn’t mean it is accurate.
is is supposed to be isn’t dammit.
I’d love to see Amazon put it in the “Fiction” section of the site.
So he doesn’t like wasting time in meetings listening to foreign politicians blather? And, he doesn’t like reading memos about everything possible?
This is how I’m imagining that going down:
The ‘world leaders’ were from some shithole country asking us for money, and Trump thought “fuck you”, and to prevent himself from telling it to their face walked away from the meeting.
This right here is the clue that it’s not really about Trump at all.
Yeah not the White House I would imagine being run by John Kelly. I could see Trump being impossible to control but I do not see anyone fucking with Kelly or his rules.
These are people coming from what might charitably be described as a “meeting culture”. They will fill their days having meetings at which they discuss other meetings and schedule further meetings at which to schedule other meetings, and consider that time well spent. They look at someone who expects meetings to be short and to the point as something like a child cannibal.
reportedly = “we imagined it” because Trump would have fired either of them on the spot if it really happened.
Donald Trump’s vocabulary and grammatical structure is significantly more simple, and less diverse, than any President since Herbert Hoover
There is a field of thought in public speaking (according to someone I know who does this for a living) that if you want to reach everyone with your thoughts you need to simplify them so that even a 10 year old could understand. Trump’s problem isn’t simple speech, if anything it helps him.
Obama was that high?
All I got out of him was blah, blah, average rhetoric.
I guess they weren’t counting the “ummm”s and “aaah”s.
Obama was much more eloquent than you give him credit for:
Let me be clear: you didn’t build that. I think we should spread the wealth around. Blah, blah, nonsense.
Archive photo of STEVE SMITH (r) and brother SEA SMITH: https://musingsofamiddleagedgeek.files.wordpress.com/2017/03/war-of-the-gargantuas-brothers.jpg?w=1000
Also, it was Sophie Marceau (*swoon*) in Braveheart, not Monica Bellucci.
Also, it was Sophie Marceau (*swoon*) in Braveheart, not Monica Bellucci.
I’m not picky.
Sniff sniff
Right, then! ‘Bitches’ it is!
They’re Brits so I think the proper nomenclature is trollops.
Not wenches?
Wenches works, also tarts and birds.
There’s a subtle distinction between trollop and wench. I *think* that wench was a general term for a serving woman on land. Trollops were ladies (sometimes ladies of negotiable virtue) who visited, and sometimes sailed on His Majesty’s Ships in the 18th century to protect the reputations of the ships, since “Rum, sodomy and the lash” was a total loser for recruitment purposes.
Like so much of English colloquial language, we owe much to Britain’s naval traditions.
Nowadays, I dunno what the Urdu word for “worthless white bitch” is, but I suspect it’s become far more popular.
sometimes ladies of negotiable virtue
So strong business women. The best kind.
Like so much of English colloquial language, we owe much to Britain’s naval traditions.
Enter the word Bunghole, which in my experience requires some extra negotiation to enter.
If you’d stop molesting the rum barrels, maybe people wouldn’t treat you that way.
I’m going to ruin a joke by cutting to the punchline.
Best I could find:
“Gora (India, Pakistan and UK) a term used by Asians to describe a white person.”
I’ll ask a guy I know when I see him tonight. Might come in useful. What I was really looking for was urdu for “THOT”.
That is profoundly incoherent. They don’t want to call their students “girls” in case some of them don’t identify as girls. Does this mean they will admit biological males who identify as girls? If so, I think that means that whether you are eligible to go to school there depends on your subjective gender perception, which is fine, I guess (their school, their rules). But if subjective gender identification is the test, wouldn’t that mean biological females who don’t identify as girls shouldn’t be admitted? Which is it, biology or subjective perception?
The whole gender thing is completely out of control. Government and academia are like Lord of the Flies.
In fairness, Brits have been confused about the sexes for years.
I just saw some admission paperwork for a nursing home that had these two questions:
EDIT: Medicare-A already pays for up to 100 days of all-expenses-paid nursing care… I can’t wait until the Democraps argue that this should also include geriatric sex change operations.
“– Which gender were you assigned at birth?”
That question is literally gang rape. Not the good kind either.
“Back then, I was an attack helicopter, that was the style at the time”
The French scoff at your 28-hour workweek and demand it be reduced to 15!
Do your part for society, comrades.
Humans aren’t going to behave how we want without a little push and by push we mean….
Ding ding
“But there’s a catch: If everyone works fewer hours but hourly wages don’t rise, people could see a big loss of income. So a shorter work week would need to be accompanied by hikes in the minimum wage.”
lol. Naturally. A little social engineering here, a little band aid application there, a little breaking heads and habits there and we’re good to go. BUT HOW COME THIS PAINTING CAME OUT WRONG?!?
FFS. Just go full communism already and admit it.
Are they this disingenuous because to me this is just a slow march towards communism they so want.
Every little potential internal policy change is asterisked at my company with “not applicable for employees in EU countries until consultation with works councils”. Ugh. Should be no-works councils.
Can someone glibsplain to me why Buck and Aikman are so hated? I don’t really pay that much attention to them.
I have to listen to the radio coverage, so I didn’t hear this at the time, but it started with Packer fans as far as I know; so you’re bound to have the opposite and much worse opinion 😉
Speaking of having to listen to the radio coverage, I thought one bright spot of them sucking this year was I wouldn’t have to work for the championship games and be able to sit and enjoy them, but nope I have to do them.
Other than being inconsistent about agreeing with the refs on interference calls or non-calls and making a big fuss about it, they didn’t really bother me. I don’t think they added much though.
IDK, I don’t mind them. There are a bunch of really bad announcer pair, but Buck and Aikman don’t bother me.
Anybody with Gruden makes the worst announcer team in the NFL.
Absolutely. I was very happy to hear he got a job not in commentating.
Everyone sucks compared with these guys.
I see all these Tweets along the lines of “Fox should never let Buck & Aikman near another [insert team name] again”. Today it’s mostly Vikings fans. But I don’t see any specific examples of their suckage.
Whatever. People just need to bitch. Honestly, I listen to the vast majority of the games. Our radio guys are great. If they synched better I would just skip the tv guys altogether.
Same here, especially when I lived in Wisconsin – the local radio guys who would do GB games were just a lot of fun. Totally homers, chock full of local sayings and pronunciations, the ads were great small-town ads. But the syncing made it very hard to do TV with the radio for announcers. Why they still have a seven second delay for radio, I have no idea. If you don’t need it for one broadcast medium (TV), why do you need it for the other (radio)?
The delay is the other way now. TV is behind radio. Both have delays, usually for complying with FCC rules (a swear button). And it matters which kind of TV (cable, satellite, over the air) system you have and even which channel. I noticed CBS NFL games are much closer in sync than FOX NFL games. A lot of technical stuff I could get into, but I have to get going.
Just quick before I head out the door. It’s has a lot to do with origin and transmission of the signal, and how much information has to carried by that signal. If your radio is ahead of the TV, your radio station probably has a direct satellite link with the origin source. If your radio is behind your TV, your radio station is probably using an internet connection, which is not direct.
Now TV is similar. The signal is routed from the broadcast facility, to the network headquarters, then routed to your local network, then either sent out over the air to your TV, or routed again to your cable/satellite provider then finally sent to your TV.
I was going off of my recollection of Green Bay and Dallas games, where we would have the radio on outside for the cigar smokers, and the TV visible through the window. The radio always lagged the TV. OF course, it would be more complicated. Hell, its the (Iron) Law:
The less you know about something, the easier it looks.
Noticed that when I was watching the Red Wings game on NBC (with their awful commentators) but listening to the radio with Ken Daniels announcing and Mickey Redmond color. Radio lagged 2-3 seconds behind.
I saw the clip of whatsisface (the local guy) calling the Diggs TD. I should always listen to the local radio call over the TV broadcast. I could sync them with my DVR pause & rewind.
Paul Allen and Pete Bercich. Yeah, that was great. It’s cool when professionals are as excited as the rubes.
One of my bosses has a thing like this to sync them up.
Buck can be a little over dramatic and judgmentally.
Weak on the beard and heavy on the makeup.
I’ve been running errands all morning. Shockingly, places are open during the workday. How do they get any customers like that?
Having paid a visit to the local palace of booze, I tried a few new bottles. Luckily, there is a whole minibar-size section for brands you’re uncertain about. So my bank account won’t weep.
Stoli is passable vodka. Perfectly servicable if mixing drinks, but not my first choice for drinking neat. Though if I wanted to be fair, I should throw a bottle in the freezer overnight and try it at that temperature. I haven’t opened any of the other bottles yet.
Though I think it was a mistake to down what amounted to four shots on an empty stomach. The little bottles hold more than you expect from appearance.
Should I eat something before I drink some more? I’ve got several unopened bottles I haven’t sampled.
Yeah. I had the realization that I did down what turns out to be 250mL of 80 proof vodka on an empty stomach in under ten minutes.
Vodka neat seems like the most UCS boozy drink possible.
Wouldn’t want any of that flavor to get into it.
With a couple of drops of distilled water to really open up the blandness?
And then to achieve full UCS you have to hold your nose when you drink it.
Is that A Patriots fansite?
I read through some of the “cheating” and it’s fairly pathetic. One innuendo or inference and it’s 7 “cheater” points.
I don’t doubt that cheating is rampant, but that site is pretty bush league.
Ten times better than any Star Wars fight scene
Bruce Lee is the best!
Last night was a reminder that I’m not as young as I use to be. Went to meet some friends for cigars around 4. The plan was for a half-dozen of us to have cigars and maybe a beer or two over a couple of hours at most, then go our merry way. Then someone invited some young ladies, and some other guys and we wound up with 20 people, teaching some of the young women how to properly provide cigar service and teaching a couple of young men and young women how to smoke cigars. And pretty soon it was after 11pm and I’d gone through 3 cigars and a half dozen Old Fashions. I am not hungover, but I did sleep late and feel a little lethargic. But man did we have a good time.
i like cigars, but i don’t even know what this means
Kind of makes you wonder if any of the young ladies where wearing blue dresses doesn’t it?
It’s a TRAP!
It’s true that personal income taxes are going down for many Americans. The White House has said that 90% of wage earners will likely take home more money as soon as February.
But it would be tough for those gains to offset the huge savings companies are guaranteed. The tax cuts are “skewed toward businesses and high-income earners,” Beth Ann Bovino, S&P Global’s chief U.S. economist, wrote in a report.
“Offset”? What in the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
How does a tax cut for one group even offset a tax cut for another group? Are they just randomly generating sentences now with bad-sounding words to criticize this thing?
The real criticism should be directed at spending, but we all know ain’t nobody going to touch that. Our trajectory toward monetary/fiscal collapse and subsequent economic and social disruption continues pretty much unchanged, as far as I can tell.
That is one of the clearest statements of greed I have ever seen. Or is it envy? Probably both.
These morons believe that any world where someone else makes more than them, or worse, where someone or some entity makes a profit, of all things, is an evil place. These are the people that tell you any sort of meritocracy is evil because it generally favors honkey men choose that work hard over other people that think they are owed simply for participating (and often not even doing much of that).
I just finished reading The Rise and Fall of Society by Frank Chodotov. If I didn’t know it was written almost 60 years ago I would have thought it written today. Clearest elucidation of taxation is theft that you’ll ever read.
That article is a heaping pile of mendacity.
“tax cuts risk overheating economy”
i hate how they make me end up agreeing with trump. they’re literally trying to spin a booming economy as somehow ‘dangerous’. Yet at the same time, they’ll say the tax-cuts were *too small* and don’t help anyone.
The tax cuts may indeed be dangerous for the chances of their party winning the next presidential election.
On either NPR over the weekend I heard some narrator moaning that due to draconian budget cuts, the IRS might not even be prepared for all these tax changes.
That’s what they’re down to, trying make me think that maybe keeping a tiny bit more of my own gotdam money is a bad idea because it might inconvenience the fuckin IRS.
eitherteaching some of the young women how to properly provide cigar service
Totally not an euphemism.
Nudge nudge wink wink.
+1 nyotaimori
Lots of jokes about ‘just the tip’ though, yes.
Will be going here for lunch/brews today. http://www.brouwerijwest.com/tastingroom
Then on to Phantom Carriage for a couple more. And maybe a place on the way back. Also, got to hit Lowe’s and pick up some butane for my kitchen torch. Creme brulee for dessert tonight.
The dangers of being a good samaritan.
Man pulls over to help disabled vehicle on the side of the road. The “disabled” vehicle proceeds to back into the samaritans vehicle. Two teens get out of disabled vehicle and walk back toward samaritan. Samaritan shoots and kills one of the teens.
As someone that has done the good Samaritan thing a few times, I can’t say that there have been times where I wondered if this was the one that was going to bite me for trying to help someone….
Cops should be giving him a medal.
If the guy doing the shooting had been a cop this would be a complete nothing burger. “Approaching me, menicing attitude, reached for.. .yada yada.” Nevermind taking a couple weeks off instead of sitting in cell.
“You hate shootings. I am not one for the guns and all. It seems people want to solve differences by pulling out a gun.”
–From a neighbor
Not wanting to jump to conclusions, but the face that charges were not pressed yet, indicates that this is definitely not clear cut as this lady wants to present it.
I must just add that I was NOWHERE NEAR THAT INCIDENT.
Lead singer of the Cranberries has apparently died. Unique voice.
Article said she died suddenly, so at least… *dons sunglasses* … she didn’t linger.
Maybe she’s a zombie.
My wife used to hate the words I made up to sing along to “Linger”
Oh, P. U. !
There’s such a smell coming out of you
When you made me pull your finger
Did you have to make it linger…..
I have a couple of their early CDs. A wild, but engaging, voice.
Good riddance. Vile woman.
Harsh. I take it you ran across her back in the day?
Not personally. But I have heard stories from very credible, non-exaggerated, sources who did.
Back Pain + Bipolar Disorder == ???
More subtly nuanced analysis from team “You Didn’t Build That”
A number of trends have coalesced to boost the fortunes of the working classes. In announcing that it would move its wage floor up to $11 an hour and expand its paid maternity and paternity leave policies, Walmart pointed to Trump’s massive corporate tax cut. “We are early in the stages of assessing the opportunities tax reform creates for us to invest in our customers and associates and to further strengthen our business, all of which should benefit our shareholders,” Doug McMillon, Walmart’s chief executive, said in a statement. “However, some guiding themes are clear and consistent with how we’ve been investing—lower prices for customers, better wages and training for associates and investments in the future of our company, including in technology. Tax reform gives us the opportunity to be more competitive globally and to accelerate plans for the U.S.”
But labor experts and economists are skeptical, characterizing this framing as more a marketing ploy than anything else. “With the labor market tight, most employers have been raising pay, especially now that states covering one-fifth of the U.S. workforce are phasing in $15 minimum wages,” said Christine Owens, the executive director of the National Employment Law Project, in a statement. “This low-ball announcement by Walmart after the corporate tax give away looks more like a ploy to promote the myth that corporate tax cuts are what raise wages.”
They cannot bear the thought of workers benefiting from something they did not do, and do not approve of. And the fact that Trump might get credit for it drives them utterly bananas.
Like the fox sneering at the out-of-reach grapes, they are compelled to deny the genuine benefit realized by those workers.
Notice the framing of this paragraph:
This woman is no “labor expert and economist”. She’s a community organizer and a union hack. This article is a pay piece by a union backed agitant organization.
In 1997, Chris joined the national AFL-CIO as a senior policy analyst specializing in workplace equity issues, and in 2001, she was appointed Director of Public Policy. In those roles, she worked closely with NELP and other national and grassroots economic policy and worker advocacy groups, along with national unions and state labor federations, to promote minimum and living wage hikes, pay equity for working women, and state UI coverage expansions, among other reforms.
Prior to joining the AFL-CIO, Chris founded the Workers Options Resource Center, where she helped to coordinate a broad-based coalition of national and community organizations to win the 1996 federal minimum wage increase.
Under her leadership, NELP and its partners have helped to secure more historic minimum wage increases throughout the country, crucial protections for millions of home-care workers, and ban-the-box hiring policies in dozens of states and localities.
In addition to her work at NELP, she is a member of the board for the Coalition on Human Needs, an alliance of national organizations that serve low-income and other vulnerable populations. She was also recently appointed to the board of the Union Community Fund, a national charity funder of the AFL-CIO.
An outspoken and respected voice among workers’ rights advocates, Chris has written for the Huffington Post, Newsweek, The Hill, and other outlets, and she has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington Post, New York Magazine, and more.
Commie pinko.
And making way above union scale I’d wager
I really hate when people say economists (or scientists, etc.) believe something. As if there were only one school of thought in the discipline. Are there people who call themselves economists who would agree with this statement? Probably. Do all or even most? No. But I guess truth isn’t what they’re seeking, after all.
Theologians say that God is the transcendent essence of man
Whatever, dude. Take your meds.
The term “white backlash” is often used in modern contexts to apply specifically to the racial animus to the presidency of Obama that became a powerful political movement. As my colleague Ta-Nehisi Coates has argued, this backlash against “an entire nigger presidency with nigger health care, nigger climate accords, and nigger justice reform, all of which could be targeted for destruction or redemption,” can be called to account for the election of Trump to the presidency.
… ::ignores whole article:: on basis of guilt by association
1) MLK’s peaceful vision of coexistence
2) Identity politics
Choose one.
What? People who say “a colorblind philosophy is problematic” are totally carrying on King’s message and not just wearing his skin for credibility.
You could say that they’re using the color of his skin rather than the content of his character.
In case anyone is interested: George Clinton is doing an AMA on reddit.
He hasn’t changed. Thanks for the link!
Comments are about 50/50 “Illegals are ruining everything!” and “Those worthless hick bumpkins in flyover are just jealous and have to tear down our utopia because it’s perfect.”
That article is a heaping pile of mendacity.
“tax cuts risk overheating economy”
I suspect it would require little to no effort to find an article written by that same person in which (s)he/it asks, in befuddlement, “Why hasn’t the Federal Reserve been able to get inflation up to where it belongs?”
“And by the way, the smell of my farts in the morning is incomparable! #takethat”
Fucking flu sucks man.. Hate this shit.
Fucking flu
No, lucky for me it is just the regular flu. The one that has been killing people left and right with its virulence and potency. Have not had this in over a decade, and getting it now that I am older, especially a week after I gave blood, has left me beat up and dragging ass.
Keep safe!
“In before that prick Kimmel upstages me.”
Conan still has a show??
Damn. And I won’t make a Linger joke. RIP
Headed to Haiti later this week to explore and make some new friends. Stay tuned for my report. #ConanWithoutBorders.”
“Here we are, on the private (no “natives” allowed unless on the clock and in uniform) beach of a four star resort in Haiti. Totally not a shithole. Take that, Trumplestiltskin.”
You are joking, but this is exactly the response I expect from these morons. There is a reason these morons all went to horrible places like the Soviet Union, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Venezuela and came back and told us how great this horrible evil cult based harnessing the power of greed and jealousy of others….
Same shit will happen now as they stay in the gated and guarded four star resorts and tell us plebes how ebul we are for judging failed societies…
“Its a holiday for my kids, which means it has been no picnic for my wife and I today. I hope you had an excellent day and your employer did not expect you to labor.”
What? We still have racist organizations that work on MLK day?