Dear Zardoz I’m looking at local job postings and I came across “Sugar Free Operator I; 3rd Shift”; would such a position be cleansing enough against brutals?
Sugar free candy can be very cleansing.
Is SugarFree candy taken orally, or as a suppository?
I’m not sure it matters.
Fair point.
Investigators plan to review video, according to police sources. It is not yet clear whether Spitzer will be questioned regarding the verbal dispute.
Its clear to me nothing will become of this.
Her hairstylist should be cleansed.
Drugs are good, mmkay.
Gentlemen, start your erections!
Number 5 is presenting a pretty good target for said erection.
#35 – I think my eyes are bleeding
Fortunately #47 cured me.
#15……BOOBA Fett, amirite?
TIL: Moby is schizophrenic.
I like electronica, i listen to electronica, I play Electronica, i know who Moby is, But i’ll be Damned if I ever heard anything from him, on the Radio, or online. What’s the name of his biggest Album? hit? anything?
/Fucking Poser
Are you certain it’s electronica, or one of the 478920584375824308 sub-genres?
Revivifying dead threads is so déclassé.
We’re supposed to have class at Glibs?
You’ve probably heard this one.
Play is the name of his biggest album.
Although you’ve heard the Gwen Stefani version, most likely.
Wow. Cuckoo….
So, Moby’s bragging that he’s a hack for the CIA. Real hardcore stand against faceless imperialism there, big guy.
I know Hayeksplosives likely doesn’t have the “aussie” flavor, but any port in a storm, after all:
To read the full article, please answer this quick question: どのギフトカード / 商品券を自分用に購入しましたか?(複数ある場合は、もっとも最近購入したものを1つ選んでください
Makes sense. Pornhub sells gift certificates?
Oooh, a stocking stuffer.
Bad news. The redemption code is pixelated in Japan for some reason.
This guy is right about everything except for one thing; the media meltdowns, IMO, don’t hurt Trump, they help him. They’ve helped him thus far, why would they start hurting him now? It’s hard for coverage to get any more negative than it was during the election and he still won.
Agreed. I was ambivalent at best about Trump back when, but these displays and the insanity have made me thank whatever divinity spared us the Clinton empire daily now and worry about what comes after.
Richard Macadangdang Sales. Macadangdang. Say it with me….
Hollywood lefties are brain dead. In other news, water is wet.
But the Comments are Gold!
Replying to @jamieleecurtis
Go back to filming Halloween 73.
I’d love to see the flow chart describing how she came up with that.
I followed and participated in twitter for about 60 days.
Deleted my account and app Friday night.
That place makes shitholes look nice
I made an account nearly a decade ago, and other than that 1st day, its been dormant. Dont even recall my login info.
I dont think I ever once twatted.
My only public tweets are bare links to favorable trade press coverage/industry awards. Marketing claims this has some favorable effect on twitter algorithms that I should in theory care about. I’m a bit skeptical, but easiest to just do it and not have to discuss.
If 90% of art is shit, twitter raises that to 99.999%.
I wonder if she reads and them and makes her realize how stupid she sounded.
Bruce Lee with Light Sabers! Awesome!
Spitzer — who once warned a rival, “I am a f–king steamroller” and promised an ex-hooker “a slow, painful death” — approached Antolini’s table three separate times over the course of the meal, police said.
We’ve all been there.
Sure…but who threatens to stab another guy in the dick? That’s where I draw the line.
He got that completely backward, IMHO.
I, too, feel Megan Markel’s semen is an existential threat to the United Kingdom.
JFC, UKIP. Take that Nazi shit elsewhere.
I don’t get it. She’s not UKIP. She’s dating it it. Who cares.
“into” it
Fucking UKIP. Hopefully they will disappear. That being said, would.
That is most likely her real views, but I get leery about taking one snippet from a conversation like that.
Unless it was tongue-in-cheek, how could those comments be taken out of context? Her words are actual, no-kidding racism/anti-individualism and, according to the article, she has made similar statements about blacks before.
Note: not trying to criticize you, just think that snippet is enough to presume she meant what she wrote.
This is what I was getting at, I know a lot of snippets of conversations between my friends and I would look real bad if you cut them off at the wrong spot.
Or here at Glibs.
What Would Richard Spencer Do?
Know enough Latin to realize “seed” is a direct semantic calque of “semen”?
Res ipsa loquitur
Indeed. Indeed.
And more importantly, semen is generally in the eye of the beholder. Unless they’re pretty careful about that sort of thing.
Glamour model? I guess for Britain she counts. To me, she looks like Thom Yorke in a sweater dress.
Any of you gun Glibs planning on picking up the new Sig P365?
It looks interesting. I’m thinking I might want one, but might wait a while to see some range reports.
they do look good.
Read this review earlier this week. Yeah, I’m definitely interested. Sounds like they’re looking at putting out one with a manual safety. I’ll probably wait for that as I would like a safety on a pocket pistol as long as it was quick off thumb down style.
Wow. That looks very nice.
It’s interesting, but pocket pistols already tend to run on the thin edge of reliability. I agree, it’s probably wise to let someone else be the early adopter.
Steelers are making some serious drives after that horrifying start.
Annnnnd …. so much for that.
Their offense wasn’t their problem
Hold on.
Lot of time left
Steelers D leaving a lot to be desired.
Antonio Brown is amazing
And that’s all she wrote. Jeebus.
Not at all- remember the 38-37 comeback against the Ravens?
What the hell was the o/u on this game?
2 TDs + in 4 minutes? I dunno.
That’s what they did against B’more, curse them.
The Jags seem a little less suicide inclined than The Ravens.
Apparently not. This is uncomfortable.
Yeah man, this is a nail biter. Wow.
If he says “Jag-wires” one more time, I swear SP is going to go right through the TV set and strangle Fouts.
OK, that’s more like it.
Make sure you film that for posterity.
Threading fail
I figured that. 😉
I baked some lemon blueberry (low carb) muffins today. My house smells delicious.
I braised a bunny rabbit with new potatoes and carrots.
I have a dream.
Also have a dream.
Very glad you went there.
I give a gift to Q
Nice use of the mirror.
I mean, at least in a vertical sense.
Also, fuck you Taiwan, you’re just a separatist group that “subverts the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China “.
Good God, that was just terrible.
Marriott execs now have to attend to the bruises on their foreheads.
That was …
I’d be mighty tempted to change the dropdowns to
Republic of China
Republic of China (communist occupied portions)
LOL. You know some cubicle wag inserted “Tibet” into that list – that doesn’t happen accidentally.
Margot, wife of Erich, has a bio at wiki that says this:
Shorter Honecker: everything was rainbows and roses until that dirty capitalism showed up! Ignore the pile of dead bodies atop which I stand!
It worked so well we needed to spy on everyone 24/7 to make sure it stayed a great fucking place
Along with an anti-fascist barrier and inner border to keep the capitalist dogs from taking their stuff to West Germany. And at times you need the Soviets to send in the tanks to crush fascist rebellion.
Sounds like Google’s secret motto.
Come on, they had almost unanimous public support!
And it wasn’t a one party state but a five-party coalition just without any opposition parties. Very different.
We always think of just the Berlin Wall, but this
went from the Baltic to the Czech border
Ah, the Iron Curtain. 80s nostalgia porn.
The old inter-German border had some true oddities. There were villages (both sides) surrounded on 3 sides by the “other” Germany and only 10m wide access and several isolated portions with no ground access. The desirability of DDR locations depended a great deal on how much western TV and/or radio they could get. Don’t get me started on the “numbers” radio stations on the short wave band.
Here’s one where the border split a village – the eastern portion was removed.
Truly evil and no one seems to know or care.
+1 From Russia with the Love Bone
I heard that behind the Iron Curtain, there was a piece of glass.
Stupid Krauts went and elected Merkel, another East German brainwashed hater of the west. Her bringing in all of those muslim invaders is nothing more than her gathering up ready-made useful idiots.
The perpetual outrage machine directed at Trump, and all Republicans for that matter, make me wonder what would happen if the LP actually managed to gain power. What do you think would happen if Gary Johnson tried to make good on his vow to eliminate the Department of Education? The left would go completely crazy and many “sensible” conservatives and libertarians would too.
‘Squish’ Johnson never had any intention of winning and if by some miracle he managed to have it forced on him he would not do anything. The accounts I have heard of his governorship were that he did very little and had no interest in doing anything. He sat in his office all day and shot rubber bands.
He sat in his office all day and shot rubber bands.
Exactly! And kept his mouth shut, I hope.
He did veto a lot bills, FWIW.
Indians (tanto, not ghandi) Catching on to White Man’s Game
Essentially: the greens want to keep you poor and marginalized so you make good victims in their victim-mongering puppet show
Indians learned a while back that the only people looking out for their own best interests are themselves. Welcome to the Casino, pilgrim. They are now realizing that they are losing far more in jobs and land-easement rights by opposing any/all oil + gas developments. Greenies aint show them no green.
Native band Chiefs are up here are incorrigibly corrupt.
But white man keep them down.
Nothing irritated me more, or exposed the craven shittiness of the media / left (i repeat myself) quite like this contrast
the fact that @ the same time the Dakota Access Pipeline story was being pumped to death in print….
…the story of the Navaho tribe which the EPA dumped waste all over was being conveniently buried.
iow, in the former case you had a story about “Potential” environmental despoilation… by corporations! must pump story and milk outrage!
in the latter case you had a story about *actual* environmental despoilation… by government!
which, naturally, we shouldn’t make too much of a deal out of, and make sure people know the issues are “complex”, and nevermind if Obama’s EPA tells them to go pound sand. See, that story simply doesn’t have the right hooks.
it just shows that no one gives a shit about “the environment” or “the disadvantaged minorities”; they only care when its a vehicle for bashing the usual suspects.
Cui bono?
It’s how I figured out Al Gore is full of shit.
A big reason is that Indigenous people have unique legal rights and by working with them, green groups are better able to block developments than if they relied on environmental grounds alone, he said.
Unique legal rights. Oxymoron?
“Feature, not bug”, said the progressive
Some animals are more equal than others.
It may be about to get worse.
Nice link
Well, that was quite a play.
You what else was quite a play?
Our American Cousin?
At least wait til April…
The beginning of the long running feud Republican Presidents and Democratic Actors.
It certainly ended with a bang.
The Holocaust?
/alt-right goon
Our Town ?
The play’s the thing
Go for the five point conversion.
Nice. That or the onside field goal.
China is technically a “multi-party” system but:
They “technically” have freedom of speech and religion too.
In other words, their constitution is a pack of lies. Imagine that.
A common Commie tactic is to state that certain rights exist but either in the context of a socialist system (so political opponents can be punished) or that rights exist as far as the law allows.
Also they have “free” elections but ensure that no one can challenge the basic system and that the Party controls the actual selection of candidates.
Canada has this as well. Thank you Turdeau Sr.
Countries which claim to be democracies (in blue):
For me ‘Democracy’ has come to be a code word for ‘Dictatorship’.
A song for Suthen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jBi8XfKzk0
Anyone seen Neighbours?
“I only saw the beginnings of Mao’s revolution, my faith in human nature was reinvigorated by it.”
Useful idiots are idiots.
Im boudda get my rib-game on.
Looks Great! I’m doing Teriyaki Pork in the Crock pot, no pic, it’s in a crock pot still
I have a pressure cooker for the primary stage. Shaves a couple hours off the clock.
I was thinking about an Instant Pot, it seems all the rage right now
The Chinese Commies have such nationalist bonafides.
I read somewhere that Mao said that he would not have come to power if the Japanese hadn’t been fighting the Nationalists all the time.
Do you work in sales?
nevermind, the joke isn’t worth it.
Good cuz I don’t get it. *insert joke about me here*
Did you get your car insurance from GEICO?
David Burge
Darth Vader was from a Sith hole country
11:07 – 2018年1月12日
I created this a day before Iowahawk tweeted that. More proof of another famous glib lurker.
I have suspected for a long time he lurks. some others too. In fact I have sent out invites to a number of people that I was confident would fit in nicely around here and I am sure some of them have at least had a look. Cant hurt to ask, right?
TBH I have heard that joke before yesterday. Not with Trump in mind, of course.
It was an obvious joke. Still, can’t you just let me believe I’m important?
I find that lots of bits like that just seem to give birth to themselves. It’s time has come like technological inventions. A number of people suddenly notice that all of the ingredients are laid out on the counter and they all throw them together at the same time in different pots.
Don’t worry, even if you aren’t important we still like you.
How many metaphors did I mix there?
*starts counting on fingers*
*runs out of fingers, unzips*
Parallel thinking. I’m pleased to have been on the same parallel as Burge.
Ok. But how is letting moisture farmers from Tatooine come here hurting anybody?
We need some power converters from Toschi Station.
Also Vader wasn’t a moisture farmer.
That’s what I’m saying. We can’t judge an entire planet because one became a Sithadi.
There’s also Jabba and the Sarlacc.
Democrat attempts Jedi mind trick
This is not the Hitler you are looking for?
It is worth pointing out again: Trump has been in the public eye for how long? 40 years? 50? No one called him a racist, no one called him a Nazi, no one called him a misogynist until he said he was going to drain the swamp on the campaign trail. Funny that.
The Dems and swamp creatures have their favorite terms of abuse and they are going to use them damn it!
That’s not true at all. Remember the Central Park jogger rapist thing?
Well, if he’s the one who raped her, at least it was a white woman.
He likes what he likes.
Thank you for reminding me, I did not remember that. I never liked the guy much and didn’t pay attention to him until it was clear the guy was headed to the White House. I vaguely remember one of his divorces being pretty nasty and a non-verifiable accusation of rape from the Ex-wife….who stood to get millions out of the divorce. Or maybe she just accused him of beating her, I dont remember.
*Reads over that case*
I guess they did but it looks like the same pattern of behavior today. Trump calls for iron fisted law and order to quell soaring crime. Leftists twist it into a racial issue to avoid having to discuss the real issues at hand. I am guessing the rising crime at the time was cutting into his property values. Yeah, Trump is a bull in a china shop but I have yet to see anything about him being an overt racist.
I could care less what the guy’s sentiments or thoughts are. I care about what he does and his law and order boner makes me very nervous.
In this case, I think his obstinate is less racism and more he just refuses to admit that he was wrong. And you’re absolutely right about his law and order boner. The whole affair served to distract from the fact that the NYPD beat confessions out of 5 innocent men. The whole “Thin Blue Line” bullshit that wrapped itself around Trumpism is the most nauseating and dangerous aspect of it.
Correct. Even if his law and order efforts are directed only at the people who really should be prosecuted in each and every instance he is building machinery that inevitably will be used against the wrong people. That machinery should not even exist.
Yeah, a wall can be used to keep people out but it can also be used to keep people in.
That’s probably what bothers me the most, HM, it I hadn’t articulated it that way.
From the thread:
“A little background here, Trump’s grandfather came here from Germany. All be it a pre-Hitler Germany but still most likely a racially motivated country. So is he racist? Given his comments.. yes.”
Not racist, sure, but bigoted as hell and posted with no sense of irony.
“Of course he is a racist. He is a goddamned White-Ass Kraut Cracker.”
That is The Root worthy.
Good summary…
Daily Beast “writer” Expert in Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
The Steelers were ridiculous today. Guilty of looking ahead.
The Vikes are crushing the Saints. Didn’t take long.
A flock of Eagles against a band of Vikings. Who would win on…..DEADLIEST WARRIORS?!
I know, because I was a SEAL sniper.
//John “Mack” Machowicz
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
How are you threatening me? You died of cancer a year ago.
Um…I don’t think Catholicism works that way.
Buddhism can, though.
When he had the show “Future Weapons” i used to do a great impression of his schtick. No one else got it, but it was hilarious.
He basically repeated the same “OMG YOU WONT BELIEVE HOW DESTRUCTIVE THIS FUCKING THING IS” hyperbole for every item he came across. Sometimes he was absolutely right*. Sometimes it was just silly.
The should do a The Birds remake and use….EAGLES.
/Eagle squawk.
I was about to,write, “Its still early,” but Brees was intercepted on a deep ball before I hit post.
Steelers ruined my dreams of a repeat of SB IX. It would have been hard for Pitt ti win in Foxboro next week but I see no way JAX will.
Sorry, I didn’t see either team brating NE.
Your Future Reptilian Overlords are predicting a Tom Brady Sad Face next week
To be sure, I’d be happy with that result.
Q, you need to get a hobby. Oh, wait…
Those are truly epic.
Speaking of Trump’s granddad it seems the story of the surname being “Drumpf” at one point seems to be false:
Anyway I doubt his family “changed” their name because of the lack of standardized spelling at the time.
He’s white. He immigrated from Germany. Ergo: Racist Nazi.
Einstein was a white man who emigrated from Nazi Germany! How evil is that?
And he was one of (((them))). Can’t get more evil than that.
Your Future Reptilian Overlords are most pleased that the Northeastern Tlorida Felines have beaten the Western Pennsylvania Carbon Chrome Molybdenum alloy pushers.
A good day. Cleaned up the house this morning, had a vodka and a nap, now reading here. The fire is aglow and there is a pot of cowboy stew simmering on the stove.
The recipe is….
How do I find recipes in the topics? It is already published. I dont see ‘recipes’, ‘food’, or ‘cooking’.
Took my daughter to her soccer game. After determining yesterday there was nothing wrong with the air blend door actuators on my car, I grudgingly purchased a new blower motor. So I spent the afternoon tearing my Grand Cherokee’s interior apart and replaced the motor.
Me: the guy at the dealer said their replacement motors are louder.
Wife: so how loud is it?
Me: whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom
Wife: *rolls eyes*
I hate this referee. Index card motherfucker
Fun fact: The parent company of PornHub, Mind Geek, owns ~75% of all online porn content. Even though nobody pays for porn anymore, I don’t even wanna know how much they rake in on ad revenue.
I’m not that big on gadgetry when it comes to cooking (though I do love pressure cookers, electric and stovetop,) but I got an immersion circulator a couple of weeks back, and I’m becomain’t pretty fond of it.
Did eggs with it for the first time this morning… kind of a vaguely rancheros thing, but with the eggs brought to 145 F in their shells. The texture was really interesting- the yolks were runny, and the whites were a consistent sort of gel. Never had eggs with quite that texture before, and I think I approve.
I have a pork tenderloin in a bath now- seems like a pretty perfect use for the thing.
I’m into some sick shit, but…that’s gross, dude.
If you’ve lost HM, you’ve lost the commentariat
I would have thought that too- I’m definitely _not_ a fan of schlunkies in my eggs. But since most methods of cooking eggs cause a temperature gradient you wind up over cooking parts of the white getting other parts cooked enough to be edible.
Maybe gel was the wrong word- let’s say the consistency of the white in the best part of a perfectly soft-boiled egg, but that way through the entire white. No schlunkies at all.
It’s not even the egg white…I can’t stand runny yolks.
Using egg whites as a sexual lubricant supposedly raises the chances of conception.
I’ll bear that in mind. Thanks!
Ah, well in that case you wouldn’t like 145 degree eggs. I am inclined to think the circulator will do hard-boiled pretty perfectly, but I have yet to try that, because I don’t eat a lot of hard-boiled eggs.
The circulator is also making me appreciate certain aspects of British food more than I have in the past. One thing about doing roast-like things with it is that you don’t get the kind of drippings you would in an oven.
But you know what? Onion gravy is actually pretty good stuff. It’s a bit of work to make, cause the onions take a long time if you do them right.
Got Mrs. Dean a soul vide gizmo for Christmas.
It. Is. Awesome. May do an article on it.
Honestly, I hope Spitzer gets off. And goes on to try this sort of shit with the wrong guy. Because nothing would warm the cockles of my black heart like hearing that Elliot Spitzer got beaten with a baseball bat within an inch of his life.
The guy is a walking, talking, piece of shit. The guy personifies everything I detest about the political class. This is a guy who cracked down on prostitution while he was hiring prostitutes. This is a guy who tried to push prosecutions by leaking embarrassing but legal information about his targets. This is a guy who threatened to destroy one of the few genuinely decent and respectable people in investment banking for speaking up about his behavior and then denied having made his threat (the guy had it recorded).
Honestly, if I heard Elliot Spitzer was dying an excruciating death from cancer or AIDS, it would put a smile on my face.
Fuck him. In the ass. With Negan’s Lucille.
Who is the investor?
John Whitehead.
Sooooo….worth using the woodchipper over?
He’s a miserable cunt who deserves the worst life can hand him.
Feet. First.
“It’s fake..”
“Oh well…mine’s real”
Almost three times as many votes than for MIke Bloomberg. It’s Happening!
OT: I’ve recently heard John McWhorter interviewed on EconTalk and The Fifth Column. If you have any interest in language and/or how a principled left of center intellectual views race he is well worth listening too.
Every time McWhorter is mentioned, I feel it necessary to state that his criticism of linguistic relativism is simple-minded (at best), and ignores the compelling evidence gleaned through research by such folks as Lera Boroditsky or Özçalışkan, Lucero, and Goldin-Meadow.
That is all. Carry on.
A SFW HM link?
I blame Trump
I’m not drunk (yet), but I’ll add that every day is proving Pinker’s criticisms of connectionism to be moot as well.
I am not well read on this subject outside two, maybe three books and those were written for dummies like me. Criticism of linguistic relativism? It seems pretty intuitive and straightforward to me. Does he nit-pick or is he trying to knock the legs out from under it?
I’ll try to find the video, but his argument is, “racists once liked linguistic relativism, so its bad.”
I should have added that in. That was my suspicion. Straight up ad hominem. Good God why does everyone have to connect everything to race? It gets so tedious and it makes them look like idiots. Simpletons need simple – pegging someone because of noticeable physical attributes is easy.
I nearly had a falling out years ago with a close family member because she used whatever visceral emotional effect someone’s physical appearance had on her to project her judgement over the whole person. No matter how I explained it she could not understand what I meant and was adamant that ‘beetle browed’, ‘thick-legged’, ‘beady-eyed’ etc were sufficient for her to gauge their moral character and thus whether she liked them or not and how she would treat them.
It drove me fuckin’ nuts. According to her Barack Obama is a ‘good man’ (because he is handsome) and a local real estate guy who donates a half million dollars per year to St. Judes and Shriners hospitals, who used to be one of my redneck gun shop coffee drinking buddies, is a brutish shitheel ( because he is pretty ugly I admit). Nicest guy in the world, happy family, pillar of the community – he is the brutish shitheel.
Classic emotion over rational thought, the foundation of leftist thinking.
Does linguistic relativism have honor?
I’m checking out of the Vikings/Saints game to go to the dog park. Minnesoda glibs you appear to be well on your way to victory. I expect you’ll be seeing the Patriots in the Super Bowl.
I’m hoping it’s all just setting up to an epic meltdown like their last two times they thought they were going to the superbowl./packers fan
I hope so too. Anthony Barr knew what he was doing when he didn’t hold up.
Got a little interesting now.
More interesting.
I think this might be the Capitals’ year.
I made the grave mistake of letting grout dry on tile. In fairness, I told my brother I wouldn’t return on Sunday, the day after I geouted. He’s should have hit the floor with a mop himself. But now I’m responsible for getting the crap up, and the tile is wood print stuff. Tons of pits and ridges where they crap collected and hardened. Fuck me!
We tried a few acids and scrubbers before I landed on a lifesaver: a nylon brush attachment for power drills. It eats through the grout and doesn’t touch the print. So with a spray bottle filled with vinegar and a drywaller’s drill (because you can lock the trigger on and leave it running), I spent the weekend cleaning up my fuckup. It’s slow work, but a lot less hellish than going over the tile by hand with steel wool.
Lesson learned: don’t be a fucking idiot about grout.
The moral of the story is don’t install tile since it requires grout.
The real lesson is just pay the fucking rent and don’t agree to a cockamamie scheme by which you trade labor for rent, at least not with family, and especially when nobody is keeping hours. Fuck me.
Oh, and now I’m sitting in a bar surrounded by cute chicks and smelling like a literal douche.
I heard the females are attracted to man-douche. Or maybe that’s just STEVE SMITH.
Talk to one of them. Fake it till you make it.
Why would cute chicks surround a bar?
Maybe a shoe sale or something
He didn’t say how close they were. You and I both are also surrounded by cute chicks at this very moment.
Raising chickens, eh?
“…grave mistake of letting grout dry on tile…”
*snort, snicker*
That is an accurate description. Very accurate. I was going to suggest muriatic acid (10 to 40 % hydrochloric acid ) but that can be a bitch to work with. It sure will dissolve cements. It will also oxidize everything else including you. Sounds like you found a better solution.
That was the nuclear option. I’ve used it before getting cement off bricks (as a young teenager, no less… mom was frugal with both material and labor, so she got a bunch of salvage brick and had us kids break the mortar off.)
God damn it. My wife got into it with a couple of her”friends” on Facebook about the Trump-Hawaii-missile derp. Naturally, her Portland friend demanded she apologize for offending them with her “white privilege.” I interjected, stating WP is a bullshit, racist concept employed by the fascist left to shut down legit debate. Naturally, that did not go over well with her “friends.”
I need a drink.
“Demands”. People that demand shit when the other person can just say, “Um, No” don’t seem to understand how impotent it makes you look.
Throw a “fuck you” in there for good measure.
Tell him to go fuck himself. If someone ever told me that I will not hold back.
Boy am I messing grammar up today.
I was impolite, but I’m afraid to go any farther in a public forum. Really, I should have stayed out of it completely.
One of the reasons I come here is to vent anonymously. Seeing where the ABA is going, I might not stay employed for publicly sharing my beliefs in any but the most vague and innocuous ways. Seriously.
We live in a police state.
You need a drink and your wife needs new friends. I doubt I would have been as tactful as you were.
“Go blow that marxist horseshit out of your ass somewhere else.”
I suspended my Facebook account a while back. Just wasn’t worth it after a while.
Dan Carlin’s episode on the political and actual fallout of the nuclear bomb, Blitz, was also a lifesaver. I have a lot more respect for both Truman and Kennedy now, at least with respect for their handling of this incomprehensibly novel, world/history-hanging weaponry. And thank God it was we and not the Nazis or Stalin who developed it first.
Changing. This fixing phone…
Stalin’s spies where on it very quickly.
So the Vietnam War and nationalization of Steel Mills were great ideas?
That’s a hell of a way to split up a sentence.
I kid I kid. But saying nice things about Truman and Kennedy is a capital offense in libertarianville?
Carlin makes some good points about the generally dismal trajectory of human history, and the novelty of this potentially world-ending weapon. Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy all fought their generals over their wanton use, and Kennedy probably saved the world by declining air strikes or invasions in Cuba.
[T]he Vietnam War and nationalizing steel mills were great ideas[.]
Winston, 2018
Where’s my Democratic nomination?
Pfft, you’ll need to fellate the surviving Tsarnaev asshole to even get in the ballot.
Richard Frank’s “Downfall” has an excellent section making the moral case for dropping the bomb.
Not to be confused with Fall Down, the last weeks of the Clinton campaign.
Or Falling Down, where a despondent Hillary Clinton stumbles across the shithole neighborhoods of DC looking for the White House, yelling at random Republicans along the way.
My dream scenario. The owners of Facebook and Twitter and Google all go bankrupt and lose their livelihoods for fucking with people’s right to free speech and ruining accounts and end up in the street.
At which point Rufus is walking down the street – Boulevard of Broken Derp (TRADEMARK) – whistling minding his business and notices them panhandling. Rufus – that’s me – then turns and tells them while flipping a (Canadian) quarter at them, ‘Beat it. You’re making this place a SHITHOLE!’
That’s my dream.
Check out my post up thread ” I have a dream”.
We’re on the same page!
The Canadian quarter was by far the biggest insult.
Zuckerberg walks in on his wife being pounded by a porn star, gets hammered then runs his Lambo into a bridge embankment at 150.
There have been a TON of great catches in these two games
A wee bit excessive don’t you think?
It is only when you have gone too far that you will know you have gone far enough. Also, Liberia is kind of a shithole.
So Racist. Though if a Democrat said it then it would be truth.
Well, as we all know Democrats are the worst racists, so QED.
Dunno though- when the President of a nation is credibly accused of cannibalism, and campaigns on the slogan “he killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I’m still voting for him,” I’m kind of inclined to think it’s a shithole.
That’s not really a racial judgment- Iit’snot as if I think African-Americans generally want to eat me, or kill my parents. And Albania, Moldova, West Virginia, and Uzbekistan, just to mention a few other shitholes, are pretty white.
Liberia though…
For it to be too far you have to assume that anyone in Liberia at the time understood what those numbers meant.
There are primitive cultures in the world that dont count over five. Everything else is just ‘one’, a bunch, and more. Their lifestyle simply doesnt require precise arithmetic so they dont have it.
Well in Liberia’s case there may have been a lot of illiteracy. Also I’m not sure how well known the extent of the corruption of that election was known at the time? How many people were aware of the 15000 registered voters?
Good article by Jeffrey Tucker.
If only…
It’s cure that he’s trying to bring back liberalism. About 100 years late…
That is a lot of words to say “The fight is the same as it has been since the beginning of time: liberty vs slavery”
Also from 2017…
Holy shit, the Vikings were clutch as fuck. What a game.