Sometimes the news comes fast and furious. And it’s almost always a delight to cynics like me. I mean, really, how do you do better than making an entire state shit its collective pants? Oh, I know, blame it on Trump!

Cindy Varner

Stupid f##king traitor presinfant trump for putting us all in this situation. People in Hilo were getting alerts on phone and radio, scaring the hell out of folks driving, trying to get home to see loved ones before it hit (12-15 minutes?). Craziness!!!

How brave and eloquent. And clever! Though the Trump presidency has as many shortcomings as the Obama administration, it’s certainly upped the derangement level in a most entertaining way. Never mind that there’s no federal involvement in Hawaii’s rather badly designed warning system, there’s OUTRAGE THAT MUST BE SHARED. SP predicted that the Team Blue idiots would exhaust themselves by now, ping-ponging from one outrage to another on a daily basis, but I think she may have underestimated the Power of Derp. Interestingly enough, the wizards who put this warning system in place have responded by now requiring two different signoffs before an alert can be issued. Which of course will, ahh, somewhat negate the value (such as it is) of a fast response system. My take: You get that alert…what’s your first thought? Do you think there is an actual nuclear attack on the US or do you think some government idiot fucked up?


I guess puppet heads and stupid slogans have now been replaced by higher tech versions of useless symbolism. Moral preening is always a way to persuade.


In the meantime, Team Red shows again that it’s the Stupid Party, and the circular firing squad is setting up once again.

“I think a lot of serious conservatives will realize that [this is Roy Moore being replayed] and reject his candidacy.”

Where do I find these “serious conservatives”? I thought they were extinct? They certainly don’t seem to be voting much in Team Red primaries.


An unnecessary revival of an unnecessary remake is about to pollute the cableworld. Critical mass of smug from a third-rate scientist who stopped doing science decades ago may cause brain hazards in the IFSL crowd (I should mention this wonderful takedown of IFSL and NdGT). But what the fuck would I know about it? Anecdote: I was at a party a few weeks ago and a group of arts-types were talking about how amazingly wonderful and brilliant Tyson was. Two mistakes then followed: they asked my opinion of him, “…since you’re a scientist. Isn’t he brilliant and amazing?” Mistake Two: I answered honestly, “He’s never let his bigotry and lack of knowledge stand in the way of his role as a public ‘intellectual.’ The guy couldn’t even do a basic freshman physics calculation but still felt it was important to tell the world his incorrect conclusions about deflated footballs.” The uncomfortable silence that followed was uncomfortable. CP Snow, cleanup needed on Aisle 8!


Don’t you just hate it when someone with tits that spectacular and a long track record of terrific work feels that it’s important to show the world that she’s as dumb as a post?


Well, this is embarrassing.


OK, Old Man Music, in this case another regional band (in this case, from Buffalo) that should have, in a just world, achieved widespread fame and fortune. Give it a listen, they were terrific. I met their vocalist/guitarist/harp player in Austin where he was doing some gigs at the Elephant Room (one of my favorite clubs there), or I would have never heard of this great group.