There’s only one thing that makes the shithole we call “Twitter” worthwhile, and that’s Thoughts of Dog. It’s got all the Founders greeting one another with a hearty, “gooob morning frens!” and humping each other’s legs at get-togethers. The account’s genius creator has mostly kept apolitical, but there’s a bit of edging in that direction now and then, which I fervently hope stops. Leave the politics to morons like us, please.

OK, I’ll admit to being amused at this exchange between Somalis and Ethiopians predating the latest round of ginned-up outrage by several months. I am also delighted that the stupid and tired “But Somalia!” rejoinder to any hint of the idea of Americans having the liberty promised in the constitution may now be forced into retirement.

Something about this story just doesn’t smell right.

One more reason why, if we’re going to have a celebrity president, it damn well ought to be Mike Rowe.

When I was a grad student, I spent long hours in a lab running experiments, then more long hours scrawling research papers about things like quantum mechanics and macromolecules and transition metal interactions so I could eventually get that union card which said “Ph.D.” I really could have done much easier things for the same result. Man, am I a sucker! That is some impressive gibberish.

Remember the rantings of a particularly vocal and dumb commenter at Hit y Run about this? Being profoundly ignorant about a subject never stopped a true believer from forcefully giving his opinion. The phrase “overtaken by events” keeps occurring to me.

Given the state of our legal system, it takes a lot to have a lawyer be an actual embarrassment to that “profession,” but here’s someone who managed.

I am an unabashed fan of Chef John and his YouTube cooking videos. Which heightens my sense of being totally betrayed. What’s next, fricassee of foreskins?

OK, obligatory Old Guy Music. It’s a prog rock band that was weirdly a cult fetish only in Baltimore and Pittsburgh. Their fans are… avid. This song was from my college days when you’d see them at Painter’s Mill (before it burned down). You can hear how it anticipated a lot of other bands (this song was released shortly before Bohemian Rhapsody, for example), with lots of interesting tempos, key shifts, and complex arrangements, not to mention virtuoso playing. They’re still around and still kicking ass, not that I’m likely to be able to see them here in the Democratic People’s Republic of Illinois.