Have I got a deal for you!
@#$% someone decided the very end of Friday would be a good time to schedule some vendors to come in and tap dance for us…”Buy our services, and you will ascend straight into PARADISE!” Ah…no. Waiting for that, I did have time to prepare some links..So I will try not to narrow my gaze at them the whole time. As for you lot…since I won’t be around to read the comments, I will just give you all a nice general *NARROWS GAZE* in advance.
- Are we sure this wasn’t a SEA SMITH incident? Eh, probably not, as there wasn’t any rape reported. Maybe he was just having an off day?
- You know who else was an elected leader who looked to the East?
- Sit down, everyone. I have a shocking story about things not really being all above board…in the Chicago Police Department!!!! DUN DUN DUHHHHH!!!!!!!! *cue gasping and fainting*
- Who among us hasn’t shot off a couple of fireworks…into traffic. While drunk.
You enjoy and snark away, while I try not to strangle any co-workers or vendors.
Oh…one more thing. All of you missed it this morning. Sloopy put this up:

What am I?
None of you guessed right (and he was willing to lead you on). The Swastika isn’t meant for viewers on the outside – it is a Nazi hackenkreutz…for the one INSIDE the can! It belonged to trshmnstr’s evil twin.

Oskar der Griesgram!
It is common knowledge that there is rampant cheating on those police exams
That happens when you make sure to not let anyone too bright onto the force.
Drunk? Yes. Crazed? Maybe.
How crazy can he be if he’s aware enough to get drunk?
Great, thanks for reinforcing glibertarians=Nazis, Switzy.
Speaking of which, the “Have I got a deal for you” guy above looks like the aduit Greg Brady.
That’s a lie. If he posts here, he’s the evil one.
It’s easy enough to tell which is which – the one with the goatee is the evil one.
But we can’t see Oskar’s goatee in that photo!
…the one with the goatee is the evil one.
Only in the mirror universe, d00d.
Fake news!
Well, crap… I’m evil.
Wait, I knew that already.
*strokes goatee*
Whoa, whoa, wait a second. You mean trshmnstr was the evil trshmnstr? I am shocked! Shocked! Well, not that shocked.
I came here to post this.
You like me!
you really really like me!
Why we can’t have nice things, ch 7,207
In the universe of New York’s garbage industry, Action is considered a company that takes the high road. A union shop, it offers starting pay of about $16 per hour for helpers and $23 for drivers, far more than many other companies. And unlike some other companies, Action provides high-visibility gear and conducts safety meetings. But since 2008, the company’s trucks have killed five pedestrians or cyclists.
In New York City overall, private sanitation trucks killed seven people in 2017. By contrast, city municipal sanitation trucks haven’t caused a fatality since 2014.
There are two vastly different worlds of garbage in New York City: day and night. By day, 7,200 uniformed municipal workers from the city’s Department of Sanitation go door-to-door, collecting the residential trash. Like postal workers, they tend to follow compact routes. They work eight-hour days with time-and-a-half for overtime and snow removal and double-time for Sundays. With a median base pay of $69,000 plus health care, a pension, almost four weeks of paid vacation and unlimited sick days, the Department of Sanitation workforce is overwhelmingly full time and unionized. It’s also 55 percent white, and 91 percent male.
But come nightfall, an army of private garbage trucks from more than 250 sanitation companies zigzag across town in ad hoc fashion, carting away the trash and recycling from every business — every bodega, restaurant and office building in the five boroughs. Those private carters remove more than half of the city’s total waste.
Long tearjerker about private garbage haulers in NYC. It’s our 21st century version of The Jungle.
tl;dr: Unionized municipal utilities for everybody!
So, what’s the comparison of miles driven between those fleets?
Private = Deadly; it is known.
Unlimited sick time!?! No way that will be abused.
70k? Isn’t that more than teachers?
Depends on the teacher.
From NYC, for a fair comparison:
How many of those haulers are mob owned?
It’s also 55 percent white, and 91 percent male.
This is an odd detail to point out when touting the public sanitation department in contrast to the private companies. Sounds like our author ain’t woke. To the reeducation camps!
Unlimited sick days? No, that can’t actually be a thing.
At the state prison, one of the nurses got in an argument with her boss (over basically being told to do the job for which she was paid) so she went whining to the union rep and got to go on paid “stress leave”. She was gone for about six months I think, and they had to get a contract nurse in there on the double. She was the only psych nurse we had, and some of the inmates missed their meds because of her being allowed to take off like that.
“Forced inoculation is wrong, to be sure, but it’s totes okay if it has to do with HPV or something else related to culture war. Everything within the culture. Nothing outside the culture war.”
– Vice Chair of ‘Libertarian’ Party
Is that what he’s saying though?
What is he saying then? Am I misunderstanding this?
My God, I am an idiot.
Is he trying to display the hypocrisy of those believing that 16 years-olds cannot consent to sex, but who support all the above issues.
Reading comprehension is not my strong suit, apparently
Yeah, that’s my take on it, as well. At least, absent any other context.
I screwed-up. I misread the whole thing.
To be fair, he said “under 16”.
Or, in other words, “if a 13 year old can consent to sex with a 15 year old, why not 25 year old?”
Which, not a question your words should ever be even remotely close to. No, I don’t care how reasonable the question sounds, not even if you are 100% confirmed Aspie.
Why, pray-tell?
Because the perception becomes “oh, you’re defending pedophiles” and libertarians have enough problems with misinterpretations of their ideas.
Or maybe it doesn’t matter, given the party’s overall irrelevance.
Most of us, I presume, are already comfortable being called Nazis… I’ll stand on principles rather than PC.
I Nick Gillespie’d myself
Don’t be *that* harsh on yourself.
tbf, I’ve seen a libertarian argument that not vaccinating violates the non-aggression principle. I don’t agree with it, but it’s an interesting thought experiment.
Ah yes, the John argument
I think Bailey might have made that argument – but I’m not totally sure.
That might’ve been where I saw it.
(sld: You shouldn’t be forced to vaccinate, but you’re a fucking moron if you don’t)
Well, you can’t force people to get vaccinated, and you can’t stop people from shunning those that don’t get vaccinated.
I notice that the proponents fall into the ridiculous anti-vaxxer labeling immediately, much like the great minds that brought us the term climate-denier. Hey if you can’t present an intelligent argument why it harms other children by choosing not to inject my hours old newborn with a vaccine that targets a disease only spread by sexual intercourse and IV drugs, resort to sticking your fingers in your ears and calling names (directed at a certain non-Glib writer).
It’s a crazy thought that some parents may choose to vaccinate early for some conditions while delay vaccines for others based on some combination of the severity of the disease, the mode of the transmission, and the effectiveness/side effects of the vax. The only argument I’ve seen from the NAP camp that advocates mandatory vaccines do not allow any variation from the government imposed schedule.
I’m sure those vendors are really stoked for the opportunity to pitch to a bunch of people looking at their watches.
What accountant scheduled that one?
It was a very highly placed lawyer who did. To be fair, he confessed the error of his ways, and did have three out of state people there, so not so bad for me. And we finished early. So I am off to go stick my face into a pint glass of delicious beer.
I’m more confused than before…since we are all libertarians (and therefore Nazi shitlords), wouldn’t trshmnstr’s twin be good?
No, he’d be a communist.
“Psst. ‘Is it okay to kill an unarmed person?’
Is the unarmed person a cop?
He gotta tell you if you ask!
Are they brandishing a weapon with their feet?
*shifty look*
“The answer is ‘I feared for my life’ – oh, and bonus points for furtive movement“
Don’t forget the throw-down gun.
Bzzt – that answer only applies to those with badges. Have you got a steenkeen badge?
Only if you sprinkle a little crack on ’em after. Or, you know, meth if they’re white.
Pining for the Islamic State at the New York Times.
This article is so so bat shit crazy, I cannot believe that this was ever published.
From the article:
“The discussion about the post-Islamic State world purports to be about security, but it fundamentally neglects the fact that what the Islamic State claimed to represent — the idea of a caliphate — remains squarely in the minds of Muslims, even if many forces conspire to keep those sentiments from the public view.”
No one who supports a theocracy can claim to be a liberal. Progressives are socialists. Michel Hilebecq’s book “Submission” is prophetic
I read “Submission” months ago based on the recommendation of one you Glibs. If that was you, ‘thanks’! Good read, but a little too real.
NYT pitch: “Subscribe to debate, not division.”
The worst part of this article is that the author conflates “Muslim nationalism” with “Arab Nationalism”. Malaysia is the most populous Muslim nation, but the authors concerns are squarely focused on the Middle East. He cannot advocate “Arab Nationalism”, though, as that was strictly secular under Nassar (who was a good man, in my opinion, even with his shortcomings).
This is what the international Left has become: embracing of radical Islam (and not Islam, particularly since this would actually require real religious observance); support for totalitarian states; a reflexive hatred for all things Western, and highly illiberal.
Misery loves company.
Hence, why they’ve shifted to ‘yes, commie-nism is bad but man capitalism is the worst.’
Nassar (who was a good man, in my opinion, even with his shortcomings).
No, he was a rampaging asshole who led a long, bloody and pointless intervention in Yemen at the same time he decided re-militarizing Sinai, kicking out UN observers, closing the Red Sea only needed to be compounded with warlike rhetoric and moving troops all over Sinai, and was then shocked when Israel attacked and kicked his army out in three days.
He could have pulled a Sadatt at any time during his reign, but he failed to.
It took Morsi for Egypt to find someone more incompetent and worthless than Nasser.
Are you including Nassar’s anti-semitism in your analysis?
Malaysia isn’t even in the top three: Indonesia, Pakistan, India.
New America is described as ‘non-partisan’ according to Wiki. Yet, it’s President is Democratic. I always wonder about these tags and claims of ‘non-partisan’ especially when you dig it always seems to stink of partisanship.
I’m skeptical that unbiased media can exist at all. Humans are going to inject their own worldview into whatever they report, even unconsciously.
No, it can’t and it shouldn’t. Pretending to be “unbiased” is a tactic the Left uses to advance the farcical notion you occasionally hear them express in rare moments of honesty that “reality has a left-wing bias”.
Just be open about your biases, and I’m fine with that. It’s not that hard.
A state for Muslims:

A state for Jews:
That is what is illogical here. There is no one ‘Muslim faith’ and there is particularly no one leader of the ‘Muslim faith’. He is trying to superimpose Arab Nationalism into a Muslim Nationalism that hasn’t been a viable notion since the fourth caliph way back when
But do they all eat hummus?
No, but if you ask nicely, they might hum us a tune.
Oh dear me.
Cause they dont know the words?
…a Muslim Nationalism that hasn’t been a viable notion since the fourth caliph way back when
The Caliphate will rise again!
*honks a few bars of “Dixie” and drives off into the sunset*
Seems legit.
Also, any legit caliphate needs to be run by the Turks.
If Erdogan’s going to be running it, no thanks.
Probably would be run as historically was, by a Grand Vizier of Serb, Albanian or Greek origin. Sometimes even a Turk.
Most Sultans were hands-off, since any success achieved by subordinate is automatically ascribed to the Sultan’s wise leadership, and any failure can be pinned on subordinate’s incompetence.
They already call us Nazi, now you’re claiming wypipo (and Greeks) are responsible for the successes of the Turks?
Yes? That’s hardly a secret.
Janissaries weren’t just the best troops of the Sultan, they were also the recruiting ground for capable, loyal administrators. Not having any family ties in the nobility helped a lot with ensuring meritocratic (for a given value of etc) promotion.
This guy, for example.
Dropped a Ken o’ Text on you in our immigration discussion in today’s installment of Hat n’ Hair. I struggle with this one – I think its where my desire to live in a certain kind of community/society and my experiences with unassimilated immigrant communities starts rubbing up against my laissez-faire side.
Unassimilated is unacceptable. Sorry to go all Borg like, the point of coming here is to leave the shithole behind. Anyone who says otherwise is more than welcome to leave here and preach to some other country how THEY must change to accommodate their new arrival.
That’s some craziness.
In Europe this is palpable everywhere: Structural racism keeps Muslims disproportionately unemployed and incarcerated…
I fucking knew it was Whitey’s fault.
I always assumed it was their shit work ethic and inability to adapt to secular rule of law.
Points and screams!
Someone needs to read European labor laws to the asshole writer.
Somebody at work was brandishing their ($3.00 ! Fuck that) NY Times at me and telling me how it’s the best place to get real news. I nodded along like one of those nodding things.
I would have laughed in their face. (Disclaimer: I don’t know the culture at your work.)
I had a coworker try to sell me on “unconscious bias” training. I changed the subject. If I confronted it, I’d lose and then be marked as a wrongthinker.
Who among us hasn’t shot off a couple of fireworks…into traffic. While drunk.

Edit fairy please halp! Supposed to have Swiss’s text in italics!
Then make this comment say how much I love this site.
You’re lucky you didn’t end up having to kiss worse fairy ass.
Are we sure this wasn’t a SEA SMITH incident? Eh, probably not, as there wasn’t any rape reported.
Ken Shultz has a sad.
Sea lions are territorial little fucks.
The comments for that article are terrific.
It’s Friday, so read a little history on how Coca-Cola won the cocktail wars.
Some of us don’t order either.
Some people enjoy eating sewage, I’m sure. Doesn’t mean they’re right.
Rum & Coke is my go-to when I’m somewhere like Olive Garden (it’s my daugther’s favorite restaurant. I’m not sure where I went wrong) and don’t trust the bar with anything more fancy.
I’m a wine drinker.
I knew there was something wrong with you.
So says the guy who only drinks bland stuff like distilled water.
He didn’t say Boone’s Farm. Of course if he did, then you and I can tag-team on just what a horrible lowlife he is.
Rum & Coke is my go-to when I’m somewhere like Olive Garden (it’s my daugther’s favorite restaurant. I’m not sure where I went wrong) and don’t trust the bar with anything more fancy.
There’s a lot to be said for that.
Of course, the US gets second-rate HFCS Coke. One of the benefits of living in Tucson is that we can get cane sugar Coke, which is what I use for Mrs. Dean’s Jack and Cokes.
Not just in Tucson, even up here on the North Coast we can find cane sugar Coke (sold as Mexican coke in glass bottles).
For a go to drink, I’ll stick with Gimlets or whiskey neat.
12 years ago, I could only find the cane sugar Coke in local Mexican tiendas. I read an article in the WSJ around the time about it. Apparently the sugar cane Cokes were banned by Coke corporate because of fears that Americans would start preferring it over the HFCS crap if exposed. Coke actually had their own action teams that would conduct unannounced inspections at stores, especially in border states, looking for the contraband. If the team found any, that store would lose their ability to sell Coke products. So no mainstream places would risk it.
Now I can find it in Costco and Kroger, so Coke must have reversed course at some point since then.
Got em in every costco in the state far as I can tell. That and the other crazy messican sodas.
Get (((Passover))) Coke. It is kosher for Passover and made of real sugar. Look for the yellow lid.
Hah! Tulpa identified. His signature drink.
Damn, you found me.
Nephilium, are you a QSA or is PCI work just a side-effect of your job?
Side effect, I work in voice and data. Since our company records calls, our PCI consultants determined that everything that can touch the recording or any call data falls under PCI.
Alternative: Don’t dump sugary crap into spirits.
Had an introductory call with a vendor today… got the “let’s go through a slide deck for 30 minutes to give you useful info you could have* gotten from our website in 2” treatment. Which is especially irritating because I actually want to buy from them.
*In my case, did. Though some of my coworkers seem unable to absorb information if it’s not delivered within a block on their calendar, so maybe the vendor’s on to something.
I’m still stuck in 2018 planning meetings. I’ve been in so many I can’t even remember if I have action items on any of them.
Here is a blonde with big casabas:
Huh, there is also an article.
“A lawyer for Donald Trump arranged to fork over $130,000 in hush money to an ex-porn star a month before the 2016 election to keep her quiet about an alleged hookup she had with the future president, a new report said Friday.
Michael Cohen, a longtime lawyer for the Trump Organization, set up the payment to Stephanie Clifford — whose nom de smut was Stormy Daniels — after her lawyer negotiated a nondisclosure agreement, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
Clifford alleged that the hook-up with Trump took place in July 2006 after the pair met at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe — a year after Trump married his third wife Melania.
The White House minimized the salacious revelation — one of many alleged incidents of inappropriate behavior with women the president has faced and denied
“These are old, recycled reports, which were published and strongly denied prior to the election,” a White House official told the paper.
The official wouldn’t answer questions about the reported deal with Clifford — who performed in about 150 porn films, including “Dirty Deeds,” “Nymphos” and “Good Will Humping,” an XXX-rated spoof of the flick “Good Will Hunting.”
Cohen wouldn’t talk about the $130,000 payment but said in a statement that “President Trump once again vehemently denies any such occurrence as has Ms. Daniels””
“Another adult-film star, Jessica Drake, alleged in an October 2016 news conference that Trump kissed her and two other women without permission after the same 2006 golf event.
She said in a statement that she never sought or received any hush money from Trump or his people.”
She let him kiss her, he could do what he wanted…
He met her in Lake Tahoe and kissed her in that shithole.
So the pee fetish was a lie, but that fetish may be worse. You never go ass to mouth.
I have it good authority that you can go ass to mouth:
That’s probably a link to the end of Clerks 2, but I’m at work and it’s too risky a click.
The shithole
I’m glad they explained this, I would have been so confused otherwise.
Loved Maggie’s take on it.
Then there is this take:
“(THREAD) The BREAKING NEWS that Trump cheated on Melania with porn star “Stormy Daniels”—then used his lawyer as a “fixer” to pay six-figure hush-money a few weeks before the 2016 election—is relevant to the Russia inquiry. I hope you’ll read on to see how, and share with others.”
I was so happy he made it to 200 last night. Twitter should’ve give him some kind of award for it.
I’m not sure Seth gets the idea behind Twitter.
Boobpedia says those casabas are courtesy of DuPont.
Hmm… I got my companies mixed up. Dow makes breast implants but DuPont and Dow merged.
But the best ones are made by Mentor Corporation.
*writes down new pick up line
“Soooo, are those Mentor’s, because I am pretty sure they are meant for me.” wink wink
“…Sources said…”
It has gotten to the point where I read that and reflexively mutter ‘fuckin’ liars’. and move on.
I initially read that as “big casbahs,” which seemed like an odd euphemism for breasts, but I understood what you meant, so…. ::shrug::
“You know who else was an elected leader who looked to the East?”
Jerry Brown?
They mayor of China Grove?
East or THE east? It’s always confused me
The Orient.
Mirror universe Horace Greeley?
Nicholas II?
Check this out from the World Scouting Museum: http://www.worldscoutingmuseum.org/swastikas.shtml
The swastika was also a widely used Native American symbol.
So that’s why a swastika is so bad — cultural appropriation.
I’m not sure which I consider stranger, the Hindu or the Jewish Swastika.
So it was in circulation on certain awards from 1911 – 1934, when the association with Nazi’s caused people to say “Maybe we need to rethink the design what with some of the stuff going on in Germany these days.”
Funny to think of a time when the world didn’t know what Nazi’s were.
Trivia start…..
The US 45th Infantry Division patch was a gold swastika on a red diamond. They changed it to a gold thunderbird for WWII. Both patches represented the tribal influences of Oklahoma.
Trivia end…
I thought it unusual when out local “troop” changed to “Klavern”….
“Despite Venezuela, Socialism Is Still Popular in the U.S.
By blaming everything else but socialism and tweaking its definition, the Left has managed to keep it haute couture.
It’s a puzzle. Over the last decade, Venezuela has supplanted Cuba as the Shangri-La of the American left. Not long ago, self-declared socialist senator Bernie Sanders insisted that the American dream was more achievable in the Bolivarian Republic than in America. A string of Hollywood luminaries made the pilgrimage to visit the socialist Mecca to say ponderous and stupid things.
Today, the praise is more muted, because events have illuminated that stupidity. The government recently advised its citizens to eat their pet rabbits. Inflation in Venezuela is reminiscent of Weimar Germany. Roughly 85 percent of Venezuelan companies have stopped production to one extent or another, in the most oil-rich country in the world.
And yet, socialism is arguably more popular — in theory — than at any time in American history, particularly among young people. A Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation poll last November found that 42 percent of young people support capitalism, but 44 percent prefer socialism for a socioeconomic system.
Why the disconnect? For conservatives of my ilk, the most obvious answer is that, for the left, socialism itself is never to blame. One of my favorite guilty pleasures is the Socialist Party of Great Britain’s Twitter feed, which insists daily that the socialist ideal has never been tarnished by real-world socialists. A tweet permanently affixed to the top of their page reads: “Are you about to tell us ‘Socialism was tried in Russia’ or ‘Look at Venezuela’ etc? It has NEVER EXISTED! It comes AFTER global capitalism!””
So they’re going to start promoting global capitalism in order to sooner reach utopia?
I was listening to a BBC news story yesterday about Columbia and the reporter mentioned Venezuela in passing: “Even though Venezuela is not technically socialist, it pretends to be so.”
Of course Socialism comes * after* Capitalism – you weren’t expecting Socialism to create the wealth it’s going to suck dry you?
+1 Das Capital
Capitalism essentially provides the down payment for socialist disasters.
Socialism Is Still Popular in the U.S.
Of course. Socialism is just the current socially acceptable manifestation of the ancient impulse to plunder one’s neighbors. It would be gauche to sully one’s hands by participating in a raiding party oneself; modern, civilized man must outsource such tasks.
Just in case you think your job was lousy:
Nudge, nudge
Other shoppers closely read the sign, which explains that as of Jan. 1, Seattle shoppers are paying 1.75 cents per ounce on sugar-sweetened beverages – something shoppers are really noticing when buying in bulk.
The tax has many people opting for the diet soda.
Supporters of the tax said that’s the point – not necessarily to switch to diet soda, but getting consumers to go for healthier options.
“I’m just very excited,” said Jim Krieger, who is on the committee for Seattle Healthy Kids Coalition and is the executive director of Health Food America.
“The hope is consumption of the unhealthy product — which causes heart disease, diabetes — will go down, the sugary drinks to go down, and we fully expect that to be the case,” Krieger said.
The other purpose is tax dollars.
The $15 million Seattle expects to raise from the tax will go toward programs that will help people who are in need have better access to fresh fruits and vegetables. The money will also fund education programs. See the full breakdown provided at the end of the article.
Thank god. Without Jim Krieger, Seattlites would never be able to find a banana to, put bon their Sugar Frosted Flakes.
I always hated the dual explanation for soda taxes. They simultaneously want people to buy less of it, and collect fewer tax dollars, and buy the same, and collect more tax dollars. I suspect they only want one of those things. Kind of like red light cameras.
You’re cool with the dual explanation for all other taxation though?
Cuts off your leg and expects to be thanked for handing you a crutch.
“Democrats Must Not Only Denounce Trump’s Racist Agenda — They Must Defeat It
As an organizer and advocate that works with Black immigrant communities and the daughter of Black immigrants, let me be clear: President Trump’s statement calling Haiti and African nations “shithole countries” is racist.
The President is racist.
Unfortunately, it is all too believable that this is how the President speaks in private, because his public policies have been driven by racism and hatred since day one. This is about far more than just vulgar language. It is about Trump’s vicious policies that treat immigrants and people of color as less than human.”
Calling attention to your race is racist.
He called non-black countries shitholes, too.
That explains why so many college co-eds like to go to spring break in Haiti or go backpacking through Africa after they graduate from college.
Oh, wait.
This is where I get confused about Trump. I hear these gripes about how he hates the gays, but I seem to recall him saying in a speech saying something “let’s not forget about the LGBTQ community”, maybe after the Orlando night club shooting. When people call him racist, I don’t get what they are referring to. The blocking of people from certain countries? That doesn’t seem racist to me (maybe I’m a racist?) just more of a dick kove. It’s not like he said what LBJ? said.
If anything, you’d think it would be nationalist
I think his comments targeting Mexican immigrants during the campaign are what got most people started on this. Not sure whether they should be characterized as racist comments but that’s the source of most of this.
Because I guess Mexican is now a race right?
Through most of human history, most of the world was a shithole. A few places in the late 17th century very slowly started to become non-shitholes. And I think it’s safe to say none of those places really emerged out of shithole status until maybe the late 19th century. So, recognizing large parts of the world as still a shithole, while undiplomatic, is probably factually accurate.
People from these locations aren’t, for the most part, bad people. They ARE poor people. And they bring with them the same problems and headaches that poor people everywhere bring with them. Moreover, they bring with them additional competition for low and semi-skilled jobs. People from shitholes WILL work more cheaply than our own native poor. Now, from a strictly selfish standpoint, I’m good with that. It means I can get a reasonably priced cleaning lady and the price of my girlfriend going for a manicure is held in check. But, if you’re worried about wage inequality or the plight of the working poor, these people, no matter what their personal merits, pose a problem.
“But, if you’re worried about wage inequality or the plight of the working poor, these people, no matter what their personal merits, pose a problem.”
Which is exactly why progressives came up with minimum wage. To protect native workers.
Correction – White native workers. Progressives are one of the worst racists out there.
My septic tank is still a shithole.
So the people who spent the Obama Admin calling me a Teabagger and now walk around wearing vagina hats – they are offended at the world “shithole”?
The government recently advised its citizens to eat their pet rabbits.
Did they offer any suggestions as to how to properly stun them before boiling?
Good lobster joke.
I’ve thought about breeding rabbits as a food source for my dogs. Most of the breeders I’ve talked to recommend using a broomstick to dislocate the neck before butchering. These people must not have .22s.
So Venezuelan women – bunny boilers, every one?
I think I’ve got my joke:
I heard one time Trump met a girl in Haiti and kissed her in the shit hole.
But on a trip to Haiti, it was John Holmes that got the……*dons sunglasses*……shitty end of the stick
….tip your waitress
And now he has aids.
At least we still have Lou Reed.
Here is the joke: AP broke a story recently about trump forcing a Haitian competitor at Miss Universe to let him perform anilingus or be denied the prize purse. at When reached for comment she confirmed, “Those weren’t the words used but I agree with the sentiment.”
Sounds familiar.
Usually I wear a condom, but then I figured when was the next time I’d be in Haiti.
Looking at the primary lineup in Arizona, it’s pretty clear that the AZ Republican party decided that what happened in Alabama wasn’t good enough, and will be shooting themselves in the foot with rifles instead of just pistols like they did in Alabama.
The Republican Party essentially backed the Dem challenger in Alabama. The eGOP got the election result they desired.
I seriously wonder how it is that the so-called Party leadership can’t find some milktoast rep that’s been warming a seat at the state level for 15 years that will follow orders and vote as their told. They don’t need to re-invent government or galvanize some previously untapped voter base to win. Just put forth a candidate that isn’t a total zero.
McSally is running for Flake’s seat. She should win in a walk – former A-10 pilot, smart, funny, not bad looking. Pretty ordinary Republican as far as policy and voting goes. She won a House seat in Tucson, which is pretty purple and has sent Dems to that seat in the past.
“It’s Time to Resist the Excesses of #MeToo
Donegan insists that she was extremely naïve and believed that an online document containing these explosive details — distributed among journalists no less — would be kept “private.” (Did she think this is 1995?) Donegan also argues that “it was intended specifically not to inflict consequences,” and yet the crowd-sourced document that I read ends with the words: “Let it burn y’all” — even if those aren’t her words, they seem to speak to an intent of the authors and promoters of the list. She expresses no regret about crowd-sourcing anonymous allegations with the potential to destroy lives — just regret that “I’ve learned that protecting women is a position that comes with few protections itself.” For this, Donegan has been showered with wave after wave of praise on Twitter, with the overall impression that she is being extraordinarily brave.
And maybe she is by finally going public. Getting doxxed by alt-right loons is a horrifying experience no one should have to endure. I’d defend her right to basic respect and decency, as I would anyone’s. But I’ll tell you what’s also brave at the moment: to resist this McCarthyism, to admit complexity, to make distinctions between offenses, to mark a clear boundary between people’s sexual conduct in a workplace and outside of it, to defend due process, to defend sex itself, and privacy, and to rely on careful reporting to expose professional malfeasance. In this nihilist moment when Bannonites and left-feminists want simply to burn it all down, it’s especially vital to keep a fire brigade in good order.”
This is stage 2 of “kill the #MeToo fad because it’s taking out too many Dems”.
I thought the end of #metoo was when Oprah lectured us all about a gang rape done during the Jim Crow era like we all had something to do with that crime.
Jesus. That was ridiculous. She had to go back 70 years to make a point. Why? Of course to inject race into the equation.
Did Meryl Streep wear black? Good. Fits her. She’s the same color on the inside.
Uber accused of using secret ‘Ripley’ software to remotely lock down computers and phones in its overseas offices if they were being investigated
Good for them. That kind of software should be industry standard, BTW, for any company mobile devices, so applying it to non-mobile devices strikes me as pretty unobjectionable.
This is corn on the cob:
ERMAHGERD I’m about to get my brother’s DNA results (if I can get him to give me the fucking login instructions).
Good entertainment while sitting in DCA waiting for my delayed flight
Wondering if he’s related?
It would be the shock of my life if we were!
KK, you’ve probably already seen this, but something to entertain you while waiting.
He’s got an SQ A380 behind him too.
I’m more a rotary-wing kinda dude, but I used to fly into Stewart all the time. However, given its usually all CRJ’s and those annoying Fokkers, and Saabs, Id like to have seen it:
Reminds me of this: http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/21/travel/kansas-cargo-plane-wrong-airport/index.html
And the take off the next day: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5UiAd2c-MM
Closest they had was a possible 1st or 2nd cousin. There were 3 names that showed up more than once. I will need to dig into those family trees. Do some genetic genealogy.
Friday afternoon of a 3 day weekend, let’s celebrate with the soulless beauty we’ve come to love!
5, 6, 9, 13, 15… must… go… to… bunk…
Some of us work on Monday.
I have to work on Monday. I’ll have an orgy with all these redheads to console myself.
Part 1,000,000 of “You Mean Rich and Powerful Men Sleep Around?!? UNPOSSIBLE.”
Also, she signed a statement saying she didn’t have sex with Trump, so what’s the big deal?
Cool link, bro.
I waded through some of the comments on Seth Abramson’s twitter post that Count Potato posted above at 3:48pm. It’s astonishing how many on the left still believe (a) Trump colluded with Russia to win the election; (b) the GPS dossier about Golden Showers is true; (c) Melania is an abused spouse terrified to leave her husband.
This is one of the reasons the Dems have to keep pounding on the Russia story: if they ever admit none of it was true and they were just going along with it for political reasons, their base will eat them alive.
Their base won’t eat them alive. They want it to be true just as much as the press does, and they’re perfectly willing to ignore reality for it to be that way. And since you can’t prove a negative, there is no chance that they will ever be persuaded it isn’t true. Eventually it will pass into history as something “everyone knows.”
The base won’t eat them alive, they’ll praise them even more. The base would be proud of the fact that their leaders went so far for them.
Melania is an abused spouse
Wow. First I’ve run across that one. Where does it come from, anyway?
Never having the woman, she strikes me as someone who doesn’t shit from anybody and is quite capable of handling Donny Two-Scoops.
They’ve been going on since day one about how Melania really hates Trump and is like a slave afraid to leave the big meanie.
Never having the woman
Typo or intended? In either case, a sad, sad truth.
The left never admit they were wrong about anything. If they start doing that, they must eventually admit that their entire ideology is a lie.
I’m starting to see some fatigue among the left. The more reasonable of them are actually to the point that they’re tired of it and want to move on. Of course the hardcore ones and the media are never going to knock this shit off until they have a complete breakdown from it. I got the beer and popcorn all stocked up. Trump makes them dance.
Had a coworker (really smart dude normally) talk about how Russia ‘flipped the election’ via paid social media.
don’t have time to read article
but i find arguments that suggest “Guy paid off someone: ergo, *something bad must have happened*”
its the blackmailer’s gambit:
1 – “either pay me, or i spread lies about you. you can sue me for spreading lies, but it will cost you $100s of thousands to do so, and you’ll get bad press during the entire suit regardless. So pay me off”
2 – “Oh, so you paid me off? Well now i can just leak this and we can accomplish the same thing my earlier threats did”.
i’m not saying he didn’t do anything, or did – just that “payoffs” aren’t evidence of anything except payoffs. you can’t make assumptions, tho you certainly can do a deep dive on the person who received the payoff, and ask, “is this the sort of person who blackmails rich people?”
That link’s not working for some reason so let’s try this:
FTA she’s keeping her trap shut. I’m guessing one of her friends blabbed about it
A lawyer for President Donald Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to a former adult-film star a month before the 2016 election as part of an agreement that precluded her from publicly discussing an alleged sexual encounter with Mr. Trump, according to people familiar with the matter.
Anonymously sourced, of course. *tosses into circular file*
The list of people “familiar with the matter” would include (a) the lawyers who negotiated it, who should be disbarred if they blabbed, (b) Ms. Clifford, who agreed, I am sure, to never speak of it, and . . . starts running out of people at that point.
So no dolphins were involved?
I may as well…
“You enjoy and snark away, while I try not to strangle any co-workers or vendors.”
Whoa now, it’s illegal to strangle co-workers and vendors. It’s only legal to strangle clients. It is legal to strangle clients, right? Don’t make me lose all hope.
I thought it was co-workers you could legally strangle!
It’s only legal to strangle clients. It is legal to strangle clients, right? Don’t make me lose all hope.
First get their money. Then strangle ’em.
Have I taught you people nothing?
It’s only legal to strangle clients. It is legal to strangle clients, right?
If by “clients” you mean “civilians”… strangle away.
We talked a while back about holsters for a 9 shield. I just got my Christmas present, a leather tuckable IWB from Craft Holsters. So far, so good! I’ll update as I put some hours on it.
Edit Fairy, would you be nice enough to insert the pics that I uploaded into this comment? I can add pics to articles, but not comments.
I have been in the ER since 11am CST having been sent here from my Docs office. Got the flu but the real problem is That my lung function tanked and wont Respond to normal means, so I am being admited for observation overnight. Mr Splosives is on his way back to smuggle me a bacon cheeseburger. What a guy.
Hang tough, Road!
Your husband was so sick he infected you with something that’s breaking your lungs? Be sure to blame him loudly and often!
Oh no! Get better soon. Bacon cheeseburger will help.
At least around here, hospitals are being crushed by the flu season. We are literally out of beds, as in, we struggle all day to find an actual bed to put an admitted patient into.
As I always say, hospitals are no place for sick people. Hang in there!
Sorry. I hope you heal up soon. Enjoy the bacon cheeseburger!
five guys?
Had their bacon cheeseburger for lunch today. Yum.
Hardees. It was nearby.
also good.
hope you’re okay!
Stay strong. I had aspiration pneumonia a year and a half ago and it took a month of Levaquin to get over.
Get well, soon, RS. Wife and I just got over the flu about a week ago, it was a particularly nasty strain. Some of my co-workers had it also. I felt like I was terribly dehydrated the entire time, that was the worst part.
Hope you recover quickly. Sounds like hubby’s taking good care of you.
Dude get better!
Bugger! Get better, Roadsy.
(Like “Banksy,” no? You like?)
I like. 🙂
I like. 🙂
Flu squirrels!!
This is what you get for trying to leave for San Diego. If you won’t stay in the cold, the cold’s gonna stay in you.
/jk. Hope you get back on your feet soon.
Yeah, yeah.
Yikes. I am sorry to hear that. I have been holed up in the house with the lights off and the blinds closed only venturing out to the woodshed for firewood in the hopes that I wont catch the flu. I hear it is pretty nasty.
Number one place to catch the flu: Grocery store. I am glad I am stocked up.
Thanks, all.
Ps. It is tough to type on a galaxy 7 with your non dominant hand because you have an IV drip and oximeter in your dominant arm.
That is dedication to the craft. Rest up.
Well for heaven’s sake – just dictate to one of your orphans!
Feel better soon. This year’s flu is nasty.
Sorry to hear you’re sick. Obviously you need to up your liquor intake to kill germs.
Just saw a bit on BBC news where some sycophant was interviewing Queen Elizabeth and asked her about riding in the Royal Golden Coach during the coronation and she said, “It was dreadful! Horribly uncomfortable. And I had to travel half-way around London in it!” The interviewer seemed genuinely sympathetic. FUCK THESE PEOPLE!
Hey wait, what is this thread? Aren’t we supposed to be talking about mean stuff that Trump said? I was talking to someone who works for one of my clients today (a recent immigrant and openly not a Trump fan), and he brought this up. But anyway, he said to me something to the effect of “So what if Trump called those countries shitholes, it’s the truth. What’s the problem?”.
I bet he wasn’t from Haiti!
I’ll just haul this chunk o’ coal over from the earlier thread:
and as a relevant follow-up:
“So what if Trump called those countries shitholes, it’s the truth. What’s the problem?”.
Everybody knows shitholes are populated by Persons of Color. If you say bad things about shitholes, that’s victim-blaming. Racist, straight up.
You forgot about Canada.
Only the cold parts. That includes Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.
‘Cause they’re SHITHOLES.
They are ICEHOLES.
Nobody ever called ’70s Romania a shithole. Because white people.
Or Soviet Russia, or East Germany, or Yugoslavia…
Breaking News from SW Ohio!
Normally, Id say “would”, but I don’t think I’m her flavor: https://tinyurl.com/yalnf7l6
I lived there, for quite some time when I was a kid, young adult. All around that area.
My ggggrandparents left two shitholes for America – 1860’s Ireland and Norway
My ancestors left a string of places that either were or soon to be shitholes: Ireland->Ohio->Canada->Detroit->California. My shithole meter is pegged, time to find a Uhaul.
Since you put it that way. I’ll have to add Chicago, the plains of Nebraska, East LA and Oakland
Are you a California resident as well?
Born and raised in the Bay area. Left along with everyone else in the family.
Smart move. I’m born in SF and still here. Planning the inevitable exit.
Here’s Jackie Stewart in the Tyrell 6 Wheeler, i like how the Body doen’t move at alll, the Wheels are dancing!
Nice pit crew – fur coat o less.
When the look and style of a space is more important than being able to find a book by title.
My first thought is this is someone that doesn’t want visitors to see the shit they’re reading.
That is the stupidest thing I have ever seen.
Not the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen, but it’s definitely in my Top 5 — mebbe even Top 3. And I’ve seen some stupid shit in my life.
I can imagine,”I don’t want to bleach the spines of my collection of first editions signed by long dead authors.” But this is rather, “I bought a pallet of books at the Goodwill, and ecru is fabulous!
Proof they can’t Read
Aesthetic choice, no big deal to me.
Oh man, it’s been a long, hard day in Trump’s America. I’m beginning to think his strategy is to make the Left lurch so hard from one outrage to the next that they literally tear themselves apart. See: any news channel on your TV right now.
If it his strategy, it’s a good one. He is the guy with the laser pointer and the Left are cats. He can make them do basically anything he wants.
Now it’s “Obama had such polish and was such a great orator…” My ass. “Uh, uh, umm, (long pause), uh…” and that was with a teleprompter!
I just got up. It felt like Christmas this morning. I ran down the stairs and logged on to see what Santa had left for me. “Oh, Don Lemon, you shouldn’t have!”
The 1103 days of Christmas?
I think they’re missing 1461 days.
I think you mean 2564.
After a day of complete nonsense over at you-know-where because I can’t get to here at work, I just came home to this.
Yeah, I’d rather know what a man thinks then listen to endless obfuscations.
Bad language, polite language. If they’re doing the same shitty things, who cares how they say it?
BREAKING: Governor Fatfuck Rhino has granted Brian Aitken a full pardon!
Do you think he’s being principled, or just hoping to stave off a challenge to the Supreme Court that might overturn many of New Jersey’s bullshit laws?
Note if we can just get the pos NJ prosecuter and judge who sentenced him hung for treason.
Let’s just nuke the state from orbit.
Well, having a job was fun while it lasted.
Sacrifices have to be made….
The lying, conniving sacks of shit that make up the state should be glad I’m not God. Cause while I’m all about the golden rule normally, when it comes to the pols, the bureaucrats, and their henchmen. I’d be vengeful Old Testament God for sure.
Have I ever mention how much I hate The State? It’s like the fire of a thousand Suns. It really is.
The State, as an all encompassing master of us all, or the State of New Jersey? I agree with you x2 there.
However, if you’re talking about the old, incredible sketch comedy show The State, you’re evil and wrong.
Comedy sketch show huh. I’ll have to look it up. Doesn’t ring a bell.
You’ll dip your balls in it.
Good evening, glibs.
Hopslam https://imgur.com/gallery/wCyGO
Love Bell’s Oberon.
Because I’m forced to give credit where credit is due, good job Governor Christie.
Reply to #48
Coming up in the PM thread I’m sure there will be a lot of Star Wars talk, so I’m getting ready.
are we getting a pm thread?
Oh Hell yes, I love Captain Kirk!
I loved when he blew up the death star.
No kidding. What a sithhole.
I even made a little meme for it. You’re welcome.
I hate how that eye follows Frodo’s every move. It’s creepy.
We’re not worthy!
Stealing this
“Was it over when the Klingons bombed the Ewoks?”
You guys see this story? Can you get any more Chicago?
No. Chicago is when the Attorney General is robbing people at gunpoint.
Now you’ve made Swissy mad. Already linked
I did a search for “Chicago” with no hits. Guess the “district” reference threw me off. I don’t get time to read this site at all till I get off work.
Scalia and Ginsburg riding an elephant together in India.
Yes, this actually happened.
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews mocks Hillary Clinton, makes Bill Cosby pill joke in unearthed footage
Matthews was gearing up for an interview with Clinton in January 2016 during the Democratic primary season and his behind-the-scenes comments were captured by an MSNBC camera. The footage kicks off with Matthews asking: “Can I have some of the queen’s waters? Precious waters?”
The “Hardball” host then asked, “Where’s that Bill Cosby pill I brought with me?”
The Cut’s Noreen Malone, who uncovered the footage, noted that Matthews “then laughs, delighted with the line” and staffers are seen reacting “with disbelief, clearly uncomfortable.” Malone did not mention how she obtained the footage.
This is almost as funny as the time he was on Jeopardy! and repeated the same wrong response as another contestant, but said it louder.
Comedy is dead.
“Where’s that Bill Cosby pill I brought with me?”
He wanted to date rape Hillary? Jesus. *shudder
Fat Albert pulls a Cosby.
Mark Lambert, 54, of Mount Airy, Maryland, was charged in an 11-count indictment with one count of conspiracy to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and to commit wire fraud, seven counts of violating the FCPA, two counts of wire fraud and one count of international promotion money laundering.
H. Clinton’s indictment will be next week, I hear.