Just seeing that many Diet Coke cans makes my kidney hurt.
commodious spittoon
on January 11, 2018 at 11:20 am
And not a single bottle of rum. It’s a disgrace.
Gustave Lytton
on January 11, 2018 at 11:23 am
Getting rid of the old labels before the redesign evidently.
commodious spittoon
on January 11, 2018 at 11:18 am
Remember when the press dutifully ignored Obama’s fickle affection for cigarettes, or treated it as an innocent peccadillo? And now it’s all about Diet Cokes and McDonald’s. I didn’t think politics could get dumber than Trump’s kayfabe routine, but he’s holding the beer now while the news media attempts to show him up.
on January 11, 2018 at 11:31 am
This has been going on for a while:
Terrible things:
Bush’s hatred of broccoli
Quayle’s spelling Potatoe
Clinton’s love of McDonald’s
Obama seeing all 57 states
on January 11, 2018 at 11:56 am
Austrians who speak Austrian, the Falkland Islands are actually the Maldives, Navy “corpsemen”, the tornado that killed 10,000 people, the fallen heroes the nation honors on Memorial Day who he saw in the audience, etc, etc
on January 11, 2018 at 12:20 pm
Clinton’s love of McDonald’s going at it with women not his wife.
Is the media still pretending to be unbiased at this point? Or have we finally dispensed with that fiction.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:02 pm
They’re still pretending, not sure how many people believe it.
But apparently a lot of people think the economy is doing better because of Obama, so what do I know?
on January 11, 2018 at 12:14 pm
The media’s problem is no longer bias (which can be accidental), but corruption (which is deliberate). Secret communications with politicians that are covered, running stories about Fusion GPS without disclosing personal or business ties to Fusion GPS, and other sorts of material conflicts of interest.
I still remember that interview where Michelle got down on an actual Olympic athlete for enjoying some McDonald’s. Like, sincerely–fuck off. That chick was in better shape eating McDonald’s than Michelle could ever have hoped to be eating a diet of pure champion stuff.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:34 pm
Michelle was just craving another opportunity to chew baccy.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:35 pm
Oh, that was the worst. Here’s this happy kid who just won Olympic goal and that scold tut-tuts her for wanting to go to McDonalds? Who the fuck are you to be lecturing that girl?
on January 11, 2018 at 12:37 pm
Not just an “athlete”, but the gold medalist in gymnastics (Gabby Douglas) after the close of the Olympics.
Oh yeah, I remember that shit now. I mean, if anyone on Earth is in a position to eat a #3 with cheese, fries, and a large Coke, it’s someone who probably blows through 2000 calories during a practice.
on January 11, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Yup, Olympic-level athletes burn so many calories when they are training they pretty much eat whatever they can. I remember Michael Phelps’ training diet included a huge amount of calories.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:38 pm
Not to mention dehydration and electrolyte loss.
on January 11, 2018 at 1:32 pm
You know who eats nothing but green leafy shit? Fucking elephants. You know who eats a red-meat-based diet? Fucking cheetahs. Which would you rather look like?
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 1:35 pm
As one my hunting buddies commented when we were confronted with a salad bar:
“That’s not food. That’s what food eats.”
on January 11, 2018 at 1:53 pm
Vegetarian is an old word that means “bad hunter”.
on January 11, 2018 at 4:11 pm
I wonder what “plutocrat elitism” would be attributed to Trump if he had a fondness for foie grae and escargot?
A drooling retard from Forestry was brought in and the hat was roughly jammed on his misshapen head over and over again, his elastic band stretched to the breaking point, his most intimate concavity repeatedly violated. And still the hat gathered his scraps of remaining dignity and sat on the table where they placed him, mute and inscrutable.
Psycho Effer
on January 11, 2018 at 12:00 pm
Speaking of stupid shit flag officers put out, observe this garbage.
1. Yep, it continues to be difficult to find secure sources of water in deserts, and that can lead to conflict.
2. You can’t cite science fiction set in the future as proof of current events.
3. The “starving polar bear” video has been panned even by climate change supporters as a canard at best.
4. He’s assuming several points that he has yet to prove.
5. I believe Wikipedia would refer to this as an example of “weasel words”.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:26 pm
for his solutions…
And third, the U.S. needs to break out of its traditional stove-piped structure
I fail to see how Abe Lincoln’s hat fits into all this.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:37 pm
Anyone who cites that bullshit polar bear video should be laughed out of public life.
Raven Nation
on January 11, 2018 at 12:18 pm
General TW: ENB has a pretty good piece on TOS taking down Kamala Harris.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:36 pm
Taking down Kamala Harris has a pretty low degree of difficulty. Still, good for her/
Raston Bot
on January 11, 2018 at 1:00 pm
that was a comprehensive smack down and i will keep that page bookmarked for future reference.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:48 pm
Damn, that was actually pretty good. It’s good to see that she can drop the social justice schtick and actually show some teeth from time to time.
OT: back from the doc’s office (why does she wear such short skirts?). I’ve lost ~25 pounds from my late summer high. So under 200 for the first time in a long time.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:21 pm
Congrats. I’m on that path now as well.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:22 pm
You just successfully stopped me cracking open a can of non-diet soda, you monster!
If someone (I can’t emphasize enough, not me) were to do such a thing (which I don’t recommend), that person would look at a peptide research lab providing things for experimentation and not for human consumption. This is actually perfectly legal as this substance is not scheduled. That person would also want to do substantial research on dosing, side effects and supplements to take that will mitigate those side effects. That person should also realize that not following said advice could be dangerous, but barring any pre-existing conditions (primarily blood pressure and heart) and used appropriately it is safe and very effective.
on January 11, 2018 at 1:23 pm
That was very educational. I hadn’t realized this at all, and will file it away as further interesting background on the subject in case I am asked the same thing in the future by someone with an academic interest in the topic.
Caput Lupinum
on January 11, 2018 at 1:28 pm
Interestingly, my sister that lives in Connecticut and teaches at the college in your town specializes in peptide research. If you truly have an academic interest, she’d be more than happy to talk about it; in fact, the hard part would be getting her to stop.
Isn’t it always hard to get women to stop talking?
Creosote Achilles
on January 11, 2018 at 6:21 pm
Say someone were interested in researching this for purely academic reasons and to be well-informed when discussing celebrity gossip, where might one start their research on proper dosage and supplements?
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 12:58 pm
why does she wear such short skirts?
So many questions . . . .
on January 11, 2018 at 1:05 pm
If the view is nice, don’t question it, just enjoy. (Not too much)
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 1:10 pm
If the view is nice
That was my first question.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:33 pm
OT: I just noticed that one of my collard green plants is still alive.
I’m in Ohio, the nation’s capital for erratic, unpredictable weather, so it’s 57 degrees here. I just came back from jogging and looked over in my side yard, and sure enough, one of the plants has fresh little green leaves sprouting out the top. I’m pretty amazed at that since I remember it being in the negatives for a few days straight, and it got as low as -15F. It might even survive until the spring.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:39 pm
Up here in Cleveland we hit 60 today, and we’re predicted to be back in single digits by the weekend. No jogging here, and I’m not planning on taking one of the bikes out in the rain (the road bike is already prepped for trainer riding anyway).
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 12:59 pm
No jogging here
Probably more like “fleeing”, as I recall my last trip to Cleveland.
on January 11, 2018 at 1:57 pm
Remember Nephilium
Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
Fair-weather riding is a luxury reserved for Sunday afternoons and wide boulevards. Those who ride in foul weather – be it cold, wet, or inordinately hot – are members of a special club of riders who, on the morning of a big ride, pull back the curtain to check the weather and, upon seeing rain falling from the skies, allow a wry smile to spread across their face. This is a rider who loves the work.
You should also have a B bike ready for such sloppy outdoor adventures.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:12 pm
One of the first supported rides I did was the Sweet Corn Challenge back in 2016. Here’s the route it took. I was on my hybrid, riding solo, and unprepared for the amount of climbing in this route (my stats for the ride show a max grade of 11.4%). About half way through the ride, I met another rider who was walking her bike and getting ready to call for the wagon. Together we made it to within 3 miles of the finish, where the ride got washed out due to thunderstorms, about 5 feet of visibility, and standing water on the roads.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:29 pm
Awesome, it’s fun to meet up with new people on a ride and end up having a good time.
Here is my first group event ride. Mostly gravel roads with some mountain bike trails around the lake at the beginning.
Rode along side a dog that wanted to go for a run for about 5ish miles. Flatted out and ended up finishing the ride with two others that stopped and chatted while I fixed my tire.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:47 pm
Damn… I would have to work to build a route with that much climbing in it. Most of my rides are solo, as I’m still trying to get the girlfriend into riding more, she’s at the level where she thinks a 10 mile ride is long, and 25 miles is unbelievable.
52 here in the Mitten state. But tomorrow is looking to get cold enough to freeze everything. I’m sure it will be an ice rink tomorrow.
Private Chipperbot
on January 11, 2018 at 12:55 pm
This weekend is going to be an icy mess.
on January 11, 2018 at 12:47 pm
It was 40 degrees when I came into work this morning. It’s 17 now. The streets are iced over and more rain/ice/snow is on the way. It will be a pleasant drive home tonight.
/ looks at forecast and sighs ….
And I have to spend the weekend in Rochester :/
on January 11, 2018 at 1:00 pm
Being in Rochester can be very comforting to people; not only do you 100%, for sure, know God exists, but that knowledge comes at the evidence that He hates you and wants you to suffer utterly.
Fowl fact – roosters do not have the body part named after them.
Poor, emasculated birds.
invisible finger
on January 11, 2018 at 2:31 pm
“why did the chicken cometh? ”
So that the road could feel whole by being crossed.
on January 11, 2018 at 2:39 pm
It doesn’t matter whether that road was wearing concrete, blacktop or even stripped down to the bare dirt that does not mean it was just begging to be crossed
The Late P Brooks
on January 11, 2018 at 1:27 pm
Because I’m stupid, and have no life, I have a Morning Joke replay on in the background. They started out by “lampooning” Donald Trump’s “obsession” with Hillary. The Joke Himself repeatedly hammered the Hillary-won-the-popular-vote thing. Needless to say, the Electoral College is a racist anachronism which must be abolished.
Speaking of obsessional… good grief, these people are completely and utterly obsessed with Trump, and there is no talking point too vapid or substanceless to be trotted out as evidence of Trump’s unfitness and incompetence. Boo hoo hoo Trump is destroying democracy and has ruined the Republican party for centuries to come.
*Scarborough is totally not a democratic socialist, he’s just a Republican driven in tears from his philosophical home.
Psycho Effer
on January 11, 2018 at 2:17 pm
This is probably not psychologically healthy. IANAP.
Just Say'n
on January 11, 2018 at 1:28 pm
Wait- did that chicken ‘come home to roost’? What does Sugar Free know and when did he know it
So, is the Russia collusion thing basically a known fact now? I mean, collusion requires quid pro quo, and the only quo I’ve really seen batted around is having the White House ease sanctions, and the only real evidence provided is the meeting with the Russian Lawyer Chick that was given special permission by the Obama DOJ to enter the country. For that to be collusion with the Russian state, RLC has to be a representative for the Russian state.
Now, RLC is also known to have hired Fusion GPS, specifically in order to spread smears and propaganda to corrupt journalists assist in removing Russian sanctions. In other words, whatever corrupt shenanigans the Russians were pulling, Fusion GPS was acting as their agent. Which means that the Clinton campaign paid an American agent for Russia (Fusion) to use Russian intelligence sources to dig up dirt on the opposition. And the Obama administration (who gave special privileges to Fusion’s Russian handler) used that Russian-supplied opposition research to surveil the opposition and illegally leaked the results to attempt to undermine the transition of power.
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 1:47 pm
the only quo I’ve really seen batted around is having the White House ease sanctions
Which is weird, seeing as Trump signed new sanction on Russia into law last year.
He’s also clearing the way for more oil exploration and drilling, which is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to Russia economically.
If you want to know what the quo for a Russian quid might look like, I would direct you to the Obama administration’s policies on oil, Russia relations, and the Middle East.
Dr. Fronkensteen
on January 11, 2018 at 2:00 pm
The thing is that Russia didn’t need to collude with Trump to interfere with the election. The e-mail hacks* didn’t need the Trump campaign to release the information. The Facebook adds were done on Russia’s own initiative. The only things Russia would need to collude with Trump on would be if the Russians lifted Hillary’s strategy with the e-mails and gave that to Trump, and there is no evidence that they did. Or to make it appear that there was collusion so they would have leverage over Trump. And if they had leverage over Hillary as well perhaps through Uranium One deal then from the Russian’s point of view it wouldn’t matter who won as they would have leverage over whoever won.
*assuming the e-mail hacks were from the Russians.
on January 11, 2018 at 1:57 pm
Look at you, trying to be logical.
The Other Kevin
on January 11, 2018 at 2:22 pm
I don’t see how any of this results in Trump being removed from office.
* stamps FAKE NEWS across post *
Jim Acosta: Where did she get this from? This wasn’t on the list of talking points for the day?
Wolf Blitzer: My talking points just say “literally Hitler”
Jim Acosta: She’s a conspiracy theorist. Only Nazis want to stop government spying
Stinky Wizzleteats
on January 11, 2018 at 2:23 pm
One of the few true journalists left which is a shame.
Raston Bot
on January 11, 2018 at 2:13 pm
little girl who started “shitty media men list” outs herself before Harper’s writer can out her. says she lost her job after creating the list. i’ve read elsewhere that her former employer TNR denied she lost her job because of the list. anyway, set the clock to 15 minutes. counting down 14:59.. 14:58..
Not to be like whatever, but wasn’t she treading awfully close to libelous grounds there? Assuming that it’s possible not every single entry on the spreadsheet is something that would stand up in a court of law, say?
R C Dean
on January 11, 2018 at 3:28 pm
Oh, yeah. Spreading false rumors is pretty much defamation, full stop.
I can’t imagine she is worth suing, though. But I also can’t imagine why anyone would hire her after that stunt.
on January 11, 2018 at 4:27 pm
It was a group effort, right? I imagine the process of discovery alone might make a lawsuit worthwhile, since you might find out that a fellow contributor had far deeper pockets.
Just seeing that many Diet Coke cans makes my kidney hurt.
And not a single bottle of rum. It’s a disgrace.
Getting rid of the old labels before the redesign evidently.
Remember when the press dutifully ignored Obama’s fickle affection for cigarettes, or treated it as an innocent peccadillo? And now it’s all about Diet Cokes and McDonald’s. I didn’t think politics could get dumber than Trump’s kayfabe routine, but he’s holding the beer now while the news media attempts to show him up.
This has been going on for a while:
Terrible things:
Bush’s hatred of broccoli
Quayle’s spelling Potatoe
Clinton’s love of McDonald’s
Obama seeing all 57 states
Austrians who speak Austrian, the Falkland Islands are actually the Maldives, Navy “corpsemen”, the tornado that killed 10,000 people, the fallen heroes the nation honors on Memorial Day who he saw in the audience, etc, etc
Clinton’s love of
McDonald’sgoing at it with women not his wife.…sometimes against their will.
“If she didn’t want it, she wouldn’t have been alone with me”
Is the media still pretending to be unbiased at this point? Or have we finally dispensed with that fiction.
They’re still pretending, not sure how many people believe it.
But apparently a lot of people think the economy is doing better because of Obama, so what do I know?
The media’s problem is no longer bias (which can be accidental), but corruption (which is deliberate). Secret communications with politicians that are covered, running stories about Fusion GPS without disclosing personal or business ties to Fusion GPS, and other sorts of material conflicts of interest.
“bias (which can be accidental)”
Quite true. All humans are biased in one way or another. These people are propagandists.
Their bias is not accidental or unknown to them.
They just think they are either right or wrong for the right reasons so it’s OK.
I seem to recall Obama liking he’s greasy burgers.
I wonder if Michelle nagged him as she pestered the country with her dancing with turnips routine.
Of course she did, it’s in her nature. She knows better than you what is good for you.
I still remember that interview where Michelle got down on an actual Olympic athlete for enjoying some McDonald’s. Like, sincerely–fuck off. That chick was in better shape eating McDonald’s than Michelle could ever have hoped to be eating a diet of pure champion stuff.
Michelle was just craving another opportunity to chew baccy.
Oh, that was the worst. Here’s this happy kid who just won Olympic goal and that scold tut-tuts her for wanting to go to McDonalds? Who the fuck are you to be lecturing that girl?
Not just an “athlete”, but the gold medalist in gymnastics (Gabby Douglas) after the close of the Olympics.
Thank you! I couldn’t remember if she had actually won or medaled or what. Don’t do drugs, kids.
And yeah, Michelle needed to take her bingo-wings and fuck right off about it.
She won both team gold and individual all-around gold.
“Drop the McChicken!”
Kinda looks like SHE SMITH
It was on The Tonight Show.
Oh yeah, I remember that shit now. I mean, if anyone on Earth is in a position to eat a #3 with cheese, fries, and a large Coke, it’s someone who probably blows through 2000 calories during a practice.
Yup, Olympic-level athletes burn so many calories when they are training they pretty much eat whatever they can. I remember Michael Phelps’ training diet included a huge amount of calories.
Not to mention dehydration and electrolyte loss.
You know who eats nothing but green leafy shit? Fucking elephants. You know who eats a red-meat-based diet? Fucking cheetahs. Which would you rather look like?
As one my hunting buddies commented when we were confronted with a salad bar:
“That’s not food. That’s what food eats.”
Vegetarian is an old word that means “bad hunter”.
I wonder what “plutocrat elitism” would be attributed to Trump if he had a fondness for foie grae and escargot?
So USA hat couldn’t hold his Diet Coke? Figures.
I bet the back is mesh too.
Meth and caffeine can tucker you out.
Of course the hat would like him more if he were a redhead.
“The Hat, The Hair und ein blau busenhalter”
Mr. Riven might be able to give those fellas a run for their money on diet soda drinking 😉 Kidding, he doesn’t drink near that much.
What came first – the chicken or the Hat?
Trump, into the hat.
No wonder the hat needed to do drugs; he just had to suppress the memories somehow…
How soon they forget… https://glibertarians.com/2017/03/the-deep-state-v-fight-to-the-finish/
Speaking of stupid shit flag officers put out, observe this garbage.
“dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University”
They left out “and angling for Sec Def in the next Donkey Administration”
Oh for chrissakes. His “evidence” is ridiculous.
1. Yep, it continues to be difficult to find secure sources of water in deserts, and that can lead to conflict.
2. You can’t cite science fiction set in the future as proof of current events.
3. The “starving polar bear” video has been panned even by climate change supporters as a canard at best.
4. He’s assuming several points that he has yet to prove.
5. I believe Wikipedia would refer to this as an example of “weasel words”.
for his solutions…
I fail to see how Abe Lincoln’s hat fits into all this.
Anyone who cites that bullshit polar bear video should be laughed out of public life.
General TW: ENB has a pretty good piece on TOS taking down Kamala Harris.
Taking down Kamala Harris has a pretty low degree of difficulty. Still, good for her/
that was a comprehensive smack down and i will keep that page bookmarked for future reference.
Damn, that was actually pretty good. It’s good to see that she can drop the social justice schtick and actually show some teeth from time to time.
OT: back from the doc’s office (why does she wear such short skirts?). I’ve lost ~25 pounds from my late summer high. So under 200 for the first time in a long time.
Congrats. I’m on that path now as well.
You just successfully stopped me cracking open a can of non-diet soda, you monster!
*presses Diet Coke button*
There, just wait a moment and all will be well.
Part of the allure of soda is you know it’s bad for you in a somewhat natural way.
Diet sodas are you lying to your body – the last person a man (or woman) should be lying to.
That, and aspartame turns the frogs gay AND gives them pancreatic cancer and autism.
That is why I only drink delicious Tab cola! With tasty saccharine!
TAB is apparently a huge fan of erotic political fan fiction.
See all those SUGAR FREE!’s on the side of the can?
Don’t say the name 3 times though.
Stewie has a Tab…
Tab gets all the good gigs.
Natalie Wood and Tab wouldn’t.
Good work.
Repost from morning lynx:
The question, of course (purely an academic interest) is how the heck you could get Clenbuterol in the US without firing up a Tor browser.
You need a new .sig – something like “A Better Life thru’ Superior Pharmacology”.
If someone (I can’t emphasize enough, not me) were to do such a thing (which I don’t recommend), that person would look at a peptide research lab providing things for experimentation and not for human consumption. This is actually perfectly legal as this substance is not scheduled. That person would also want to do substantial research on dosing, side effects and supplements to take that will mitigate those side effects. That person should also realize that not following said advice could be dangerous, but barring any pre-existing conditions (primarily blood pressure and heart) and used appropriately it is safe and very effective.
That was very educational. I hadn’t realized this at all, and will file it away as further interesting background on the subject in case I am asked the same thing in the future by someone with an academic interest in the topic.
Interestingly, my sister that lives in Connecticut and teaches at the college in your town specializes in peptide research. If you truly have an academic interest, she’d be more than happy to talk about it; in fact, the hard part would be getting her to stop.
Isn’t it always hard to get women to stop talking?
Say someone were interested in researching this for purely academic reasons and to be well-informed when discussing celebrity gossip, where might one start their research on proper dosage and supplements?
why does she wear such short skirts?
So many questions . . . .
If the view is nice, don’t question it, just enjoy. (Not too much)
If the view is nice
That was my first question.
OT: I just noticed that one of my collard green plants is still alive.
I’m in Ohio, the nation’s capital for erratic, unpredictable weather, so it’s 57 degrees here. I just came back from jogging and looked over in my side yard, and sure enough, one of the plants has fresh little green leaves sprouting out the top. I’m pretty amazed at that since I remember it being in the negatives for a few days straight, and it got as low as -15F. It might even survive until the spring.
Up here in Cleveland we hit 60 today, and we’re predicted to be back in single digits by the weekend. No jogging here, and I’m not planning on taking one of the bikes out in the rain (the road bike is already prepped for trainer riding anyway).
No jogging here
Probably more like “fleeing”, as I recall my last trip to Cleveland.
Remember Nephilium
Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
Fair-weather riding is a luxury reserved for Sunday afternoons and wide boulevards. Those who ride in foul weather – be it cold, wet, or inordinately hot – are members of a special club of riders who, on the morning of a big ride, pull back the curtain to check the weather and, upon seeing rain falling from the skies, allow a wry smile to spread across their face. This is a rider who loves the work.
You should also have a B bike ready for such sloppy outdoor adventures.
One of the first supported rides I did was the Sweet Corn Challenge back in 2016. Here’s the route it took. I was on my hybrid, riding solo, and unprepared for the amount of climbing in this route (my stats for the ride show a max grade of 11.4%). About half way through the ride, I met another rider who was walking her bike and getting ready to call for the wagon. Together we made it to within 3 miles of the finish, where the ride got washed out due to thunderstorms, about 5 feet of visibility, and standing water on the roads.
Awesome, it’s fun to meet up with new people on a ride and end up having a good time.
Here is my first group event ride. Mostly gravel roads with some mountain bike trails around the lake at the beginning.
the route planner’s map.
Rode along side a dog that wanted to go for a run for about 5ish miles. Flatted out and ended up finishing the ride with two others that stopped and chatted while I fixed my tire.
Damn… I would have to work to build a route with that much climbing in it. Most of my rides are solo, as I’m still trying to get the girlfriend into riding more, she’s at the level where she thinks a 10 mile ride is long, and 25 miles is unbelievable.
52 here in the Mitten state. But tomorrow is looking to get cold enough to freeze everything. I’m sure it will be an ice rink tomorrow.
This weekend is going to be an icy mess.
It was 40 degrees when I came into work this morning. It’s 17 now. The streets are iced over and more rain/ice/snow is on the way. It will be a pleasant drive home tonight.
Can I put this in the Glib recipe section?
Points for not putting in a Harry Potter reference until three quarters through, I guess.
*glares balefully*
Wait, you do more than squint? Can your eyes handle that? I don’t want you to sprain your orbicularis oculi.
*narrows gaze*
/ looks at forecast and sighs ….
And I have to spend the weekend in Rochester :/
Being in Rochester can be very comforting to people; not only do you 100%, for sure, know God exists, but that knowledge comes at the evidence that He hates you and wants you to suffer utterly.
So, what you’re telling me is that Sithrak is real?
Sithrak, The God of Lake-Effect Snow
Are you sure you’re not Trudy Cooper’s equally-evil twin?
We do seem to share a certain headspace.
Sithrak unleash wrath on Lake County, Indiana….regularly!
Sorry, wrong joke.
Hmm…STEVE SMITH, Tech Support…
He might have an abominable relative.
As well as Lake County, Ohio.
Any idea why I can’t change my avatar?
I’ve tried on both my home and work computers and my phone and it says “Profile Updated” but the avatar never changes.
I had a picture of my truck when I first signed up, but somehow it changed to this thing.
See SF’s 1:00 pm comment above.
But I’m not in Rochester
*Willfully misses the point*
Cruel – but hilarious.
Can you change your avatar or do you have the same problem.
Hmm… It let me change mine and you aren’t on any sort of provisional commenter list.
Log out and back in and try again. If there is still a problem, I’ll poke the sleeping bear of web admin.
Tried that before and did it just now, no luck.
It’s not a huge deal, just mildly annoying.
I think it’s because they hate you. Which would explain that article “73,440 Reasons Why We Hate Ron” that HM posted a little while back
I remember that now, it was definitely the Nick Gillespie of articles.
Careful you don’t complain too much, or you might find your avatar is a catbutt that only She Who Admins can change.
Couple possibilities – how large is the image file, and is it a .png, .gif, .jpg, or something else.
It’s a JPEG 4.23 MB 5312x 2988with 72 dpi resolution
That’s pretty huge. Might want to reduce the size a
bitlot.I took it down to 213×120 and got the same result.
Right under where you upload the avatar, what rating is selected? I remember mine having an issue until I told it that it’s G.
Maybe that’s it, mine has x checked, I’ll try that
Fixed, thanks
And that’s how the site keeps its family friendly rating… look at you trying to put up a rated X avatar.
I do think my truck is sexy
I love this: “the chicken cometh.” It’s very existential: why did the chicken cometh? will it return? what did it want?
Wait, is the chicken like Ancient Aliens?
If it’s the libertarian chicken isn’t the answer “None of your business, am I being detained?”
Did the chicken cometh? Or did it just wander in and back out again without any sort of, umm, release?
*narrows gaze*
Why did the chicken cometh?
Cause the
cockRooster was hitting all the right spotsFowl fact – roosters do not have the body part named after them.
Poor, emasculated birds.
“why did the chicken cometh? ”
So that the road could feel whole by being crossed.
It doesn’t matter whether that road was wearing concrete, blacktop or even stripped down to the bare dirt that does not mean it was just begging to be crossed
Because I’m stupid, and have no life, I have a Morning Joke replay on in the background. They started out by “lampooning” Donald Trump’s “obsession” with Hillary. The Joke Himself repeatedly hammered the Hillary-won-the-popular-vote thing. Needless to say, the Electoral College is a racist anachronism which must be abolished.
Speaking of obsessional… good grief, these people are completely and utterly obsessed with Trump, and there is no talking point too vapid or substanceless to be trotted out as evidence of Trump’s unfitness and incompetence. Boo hoo hoo Trump is destroying democracy and has ruined the Republican party for centuries to come.
*Scarborough is totally not a democratic socialist, he’s just a Republican driven in tears from his philosophical home.
This is probably not psychologically healthy. IANAP.
Wait- did that chicken ‘come home to roost’? What does Sugar Free know and when did he know it
The People demand answers!
Evergreen College
black and white photo
ca. March 2017
*stands to begin chanting and raising fist*
*starts putting the giant dunce cap together*
Need moar duckface.
Being Rochester can be very comforting to people
That’s so racist.
So, is the Russia collusion thing basically a known fact now? I mean, collusion requires quid pro quo, and the only quo I’ve really seen batted around is having the White House ease sanctions, and the only real evidence provided is the meeting with the Russian Lawyer Chick that was given special permission by the Obama DOJ to enter the country. For that to be collusion with the Russian state, RLC has to be a representative for the Russian state.
Now, RLC is also known to have hired Fusion GPS, specifically in order to
spread smears and propaganda to corrupt journalistsassist in removing Russian sanctions. In other words, whatever corrupt shenanigans the Russians were pulling, Fusion GPS was acting as their agent. Which means that the Clinton campaign paid an American agent for Russia (Fusion) to use Russian intelligence sources to dig up dirt on the opposition. And the Obama administration (who gave special privileges to Fusion’s Russian handler) used that Russian-supplied opposition research to surveil the opposition and illegally leaked the results to attempt to undermine the transition of power.the only quo I’ve really seen batted around is having the White House ease sanctions
Which is weird, seeing as Trump signed new sanction on Russia into law last year.
He’s also clearing the way for more oil exploration and drilling, which is absolutely the worst thing that could happen to Russia economically.
If you want to know what the quo for a Russian quid might look like, I would direct you to the Obama administration’s policies on oil, Russia relations, and the Middle East.
The thing is that Russia didn’t need to collude with Trump to interfere with the election. The e-mail hacks* didn’t need the Trump campaign to release the information. The Facebook adds were done on Russia’s own initiative. The only things Russia would need to collude with Trump on would be if the Russians lifted Hillary’s strategy with the e-mails and gave that to Trump, and there is no evidence that they did. Or to make it appear that there was collusion so they would have leverage over Trump. And if they had leverage over Hillary as well perhaps through Uranium One deal then from the Russian’s point of view it wouldn’t matter who won as they would have leverage over whoever won.
*assuming the e-mail hacks were from the Russians.
Look at you, trying to be logical.
I don’t see how any of this results in Trump being removed from office.
* stamps FAKE NEWS across post *
I see the USA Hat arrived.
Fuck that guy.
Jim Acosta: Where did she get this from? This wasn’t on the list of talking points for the day?
Wolf Blitzer: My talking points just say “literally Hitler”
Jim Acosta: She’s a conspiracy theorist. Only Nazis want to stop government spying
One of the few true journalists left which is a shame.
little girl who started “shitty media men list” outs herself before Harper’s writer can out her. says she lost her job after creating the list. i’ve read elsewhere that her former employer TNR denied she lost her job because of the list. anyway, set the clock to 15 minutes. counting down 14:59.. 14:58..
Good chance that she gets more than 15 mins, given that libel cases take a while to put together.
Not to be like whatever, but wasn’t she treading awfully close to libelous grounds there? Assuming that it’s possible not every single entry on the spreadsheet is something that would stand up in a court of law, say?
Oh, yeah. Spreading false rumors is pretty much defamation, full stop.
I can’t imagine she is worth suing, though. But I also can’t imagine why anyone would hire her after that stunt.
It was a group effort, right? I imagine the process of discovery alone might make a lawsuit worthwhile, since you might find out that a fellow contributor had far deeper pockets.