As of 2:45pm Central, we had over 80 links posted by commenters today – some were duplicates of links from yesterday by staff, some were duplicates of other commenters links from yesterday or today …[Boiling bats, Huma divorce on hold, etc].
So it appears you all have much share. So you get an open post whatever it is you wish to share, or carry on conversations from dead threads.
P.S. If you think this would be a good post to have, periodically – please mention that in the comments.
I’m watching this right now, good fun!
and, first?
It Seems that HVAC questions are Being asked Still, I’m impressed, and will answer Any and all comers,
Maybe you know this one: those spinning metal vents on the roof that look like jagged steel balls, what is the technical term for it?
One of mine was knocked off in a storm last night. Thankfully it didn’t hit my Jeep on the way down.
That’s a roof vent. It’s to keep too much moisture from accumulating under the roof
What does the “V” stand for?
HVAC- Heating & VACuuming.
Heating ventilation air conditioning
Where in Cali are you, Yusef?
That nipple on the featured image seems rather turgid.
Could one of you (((people))) take time to weigh in on this?
“I am a scientist, I speak for science” Ö̶r̶n̶e̶k̶ ̶a̶d̶d̶e̶d̶ sais Tres in a bar, after too many shots, many time.
That’s heavy metallurgy, to be specific.
Well, it’s settled then.
That’s crazy. The waves would have knocked down all the cell phone towers. He would have had to have used a satphone.
Umm… I ran out of lynx.
For the web developer types:
What’s up with the website of Israeli broadcasting’s English service? It grinds Chrome on my smartphone to a halt; it crashes Firefox on the phone, and doesn’t seem to stop/finish loading on Firefox on Linux Mint. (It’s been loading for several minutes on Opera and still not finished; it’s on element 3238 out of 35something.) Maybe one in five times I’m actually able to listen to a program.
Borked on Mac Safari too. Maybe dropping hundreds audio clips on the home page isn’t so bright. I see them all “loading”. Also, the text seems to be composed of gibberish.
Also, the text seems to be composed of gibberish.
OMWC has a sad. It’s supposed to be Hebrew. Not that I can read Hebrew, of course.
Heh – I know it’s Hebrew.
It instantly detects if you are a member of the tribe. If not well… you know how it goes.
Your children’s bones are ground into matzah?
So dramatic. No, you just get lousy internet. The Elders of Zions are secretive, not violent.
I haven’t fired up the dev console, but at first blush I’d say maybe if they didn’t try to load everything on Earth at once it would be a little more responsive.
Ok, yeah, so loading every single audio file at once will bog your page down. If you’ve got a (((man on the inside))), I’d maybe recommend that they load the first five and lazy load the rest? Or maybe load the titles as links and then load the individual sound files in a modal or another page or something.
Heh, that’s got to be a helluva malware infection.
Nah. It’s just really bad coding.
I like a late post now and then, because the afternoon links are too early for me on weekdays.
Me too. If course not every day, but every one in a while would be nice.
Yeah, I spend too much time here already.
I had been planning to spend this afternoon writing – spend it on Glibs instead.
Penthouse Forum, right?
Dear Glibertarians, I never thought it would happen to me, but my office manager asked how we could cut 30% of HRs budget.
These are the links they call, West Coast Links, I’ll Bet Straff will be here Shortly
sometimes it’s us drunken insomniac midwesterners as well.
*Buzzes tower*
Negative Tres. The links are full.
I have a question of ZARDOZ, a burning question which came to me today that cannot wait til his next show of puking up guns and advice.
ZARDOZ, you have improved the lives of so many (some by suggesting extermination, no doubt) through dispatching the horrid advice of Abby, Prudence, and Deirdre, amongst other pretenders to wisdom and action.
Maybe I missed it, but have you yet to dispatch the advice of Dan Savage , an infamous Brutal and purveyor of ‘advice’.
It must be admitted, Savage, in some respects, would please ZARDOZ; he only spreads his own seed in places where it will not bring about a plague of Men, and he counsels many to also avoid this plague. That said, Savage is an unrepentant Partisan, purveyor of TDS, and counsels the brutals relentlessly in the ways of Team Blue; and he further spreads the plague of bad ideas, which are as bad, if not worse, than the addition of men to the world.
What say you, ZARDOZ? Will you correct his bad advice, and point a troubled world in the correct direction?
Glibertarians continues to add “ marks where they are not typed.
Wow. He used to be funny.
I wonder how his husband deals with the fact that Dan sucks The Democrats dick more than his. I mean, when your syndicated column and podcast are nothing more than a continual partisan blowjob, with the occasional bit of ‘advice’ tossed in ….
Dan’s husband probably thinks Dan is woke as fuck.
Democracy died up his ass.
Democracy = Santorum?
Not sure which is worse, really.
No, Democracy was the name of their pet hamster.
I seem to recall Marcotte going after Savage at some point because his GGG advice promotes rape culture or some bullshit.
I guess if that did happen they’ve made up, since everything I can find with their names together has them teaming up to #resist right-wing Christian Republicans who want to ban sex.
Possible spoiler alert:
New X-Files: good opening. Second scene, starting to fail.
Recording it. I haven’t had the will to watch last week’s yet even.
Recording but going to start watching soon and just use the DVR as a commercial buffer.
Further spoiler…
it’s veering toward TDS
Everything veers toward TDS given enough time.
So…death, taxes, and TDS?
Don’t forget planetary invasion…eventually
I started watching one the first season, but couldn’t get over the fact that nobody seems to have been promoted in 20 years.
So it’s not “Admiral Skinner” yet?
I saw about 2 minutes of it. Hollywood people sure age strangely. Scully’s head is now way too big for her body and her face looks like a mask her plastic surgeon glued on. Mulder sounds like he’s done nothing but smoke like Hank Moody for the last few decades.
Spent all day in photoshop working on a few…things.
Have a Coke. Things will go better.
If you don’t know what roll my photoshops serve on this site, then that is your fault. And your eyes will soon begin to bleed, but that is normal.
If you’re looking for ways to kill time during the post-Super Bowl/Opening Day doldrums, try this!
There’s the Champions League 1/8 finals in between, and I think the 1/4 finals are right around opening day.
link!a man and his 2002
Don’t fuck
withthe monkeys in Florida
RIP Harambe, amirite?
free-roaming monkeys
They’re not free to gambol across the state?
How did monkeys come to live in FL?
So Florida Man really shouldn’t be spanking that monkey?
Repost from the lynx:
I (to my shame) still have a gmail account. Not for too much longer. I just typed this screed to everyone in my address book:
I am writing you to let you know that I am changing my email address to . For all future correspondence, please send mail to this address. I must admit that I have been considering this for a long time given Google’s grievous track record on user privacy, spying and illegal collaboration with the US government. However, it is this that has finally pushed me over the edge.
Google is now in the midst of a lawsuit alleging employment discrimination. I have had the opportunity to peruse the complaint and find it despicable and horrifying. I invite you to read it all, but if you don’t have time, jump to Exhibit B on page 74.
I feel no need to defend my outrage at such; Google’s employees speak for themselves. I am no hard line Republican, Trump-fan or Social Conservative; I consider myself a free-thinker and a rationalist. However, by not toeing their particular ideological line, I am almost certainly considered a “Nazi” and thus fair game for physical violence. Just as I would refuse to patronize an establishment that held such opinions about blacks, Jews, Hispanics or anyone else for that matter, I refuse to patronize Google. Without a doubt, these individuals have a right to free speech; just as I have a right to refuse to use their services. This is what free association (a value that has largely been lost) is all about.
“To punish the oppressors of humanity is clemency; to forgive them is barbarity”
I find these weak-minded, provincial and hateful people to be self-styled French Revolutionaries hiding their bloodlust and craving for violence beneath flowery and disingenuous language extolling “equality”, “justice”, “diversity” and “community”. Odd how things ended up turning out for Robespierre in the end eh? I’m not a culture warrior, but I will not support such hate.
Therefore, as of February 10, I will be permanently deleting all my Google accounts. I would encourage you to think long and hard about supporting an organization with this scope and power, second only to the US Government itself, that tolerates ideas like these. There are many excellent alternatives to Google and I invite you to try them out.
Thank you for indulging me in this rant.
Sincerely and Love,
This fellow Protonmail user approves.
well done. I should probably do the same.
I will phase out Google as time allows. It’s unfortunately a much more involved process for me as my business uses the g suite heavily. The aggravation of switching to Microsoft or someone else is going to be rather severe.
I only use a couple google websites viz. search and maps. And Chrome at work because it’s Windows and I don’t care for Firefox.
But then I think to myself (without knowing anything about the particulars of the case you linked) are Apple and the like any better…?
They probably aren’t.
Black woman lauds diversity of experience, gets shitcanned (technically resigned I think but, you know).
Ah right. WTF.
I’ve wanted to de-google my life for a long time now.
I use Gmail mostly because I’ve been to lazy to find a new email service and update every single online service that might need to send me email. I should really get around to it…
I also use Hangouts, only because my friends are on there. If there’s a way to chat with Hangouts users without using that app, I’d gladly dump that one too.
I have never liked Gmail – the UX is… unusual. But I’ve had my own domain and mail server forever so I’ve never used Gmail much anyway.
I’m pretty much incapable of figuring out web security. Is protonmail user friendly? I have Gmail because I’ve always had it and it’s so easy to use the Army might be able to figure it out.
Protonmail is user friendly and excellent. Join us.
Hmm. I’ll play around with it after work.
I have a gmail but I haven’t actually used it in over a decade. My main email is a free yahoo account.
Your buggy-whips need attention too. The dinosaur leather is starting to degrade.
Protonmail is OK. If you have a family and/or a domain, you could use ZoHo which will allow you to run up to 5 mail accounts for free, and offers a slightly clunky GSuite alternative, but I only really use it for mail.
If you really have control over your own domain, and have the ability to set up DNS records, zoho will work with DKIM and SPF to keep your email spam and shit free. They’re an Indian firm, but I’m not sure where the data is stored, and at this point, anywhere that isn’t on US turf is OK by me.
I’m hoping people start to put together a general sort of strategy for completely cutting Google out of your life, without turning to people that are probably just as shit like Apple. Search and email are trivial, but from there it gets a little tricky. I guess Drive could be replaced with a combination of something like Dropbox and LibreOffice, and there are technically Linux phones, though it’s probably a difficult transition to make.
Protonmail has 500MB storage on a free account, probably more on the 4 euro per month plan.
I already have a protonmail with Hayeksplosives@ as the account, but I just made a new one for my real name in preparation for cutting google out.
It would be super awesome to get rid of google completely. But with maps, contacts, calendar, drive, email…it’s gonna be tough.
I use Gmail primarily 1x per 30 days, just to make fake accounts to score me free Sirius for the next 30 days.
There is technically a plan B, though it would require strong collective will on the right — name and boycott all companies advertising with Google, for as long as it takes until Google goes out of business. Then their useful services would be snapped up by other companies, who will hopefully be less eager to repeat their mistake.
On the plus side, if Damore succeeds, it’s open season on Rainbow-Nazi-occupied Google from anyone who’s either white, male, or non-prog, which ironically probably covers a lot of their workforce. Add to that conservative media sites suing Google for libel for false claims made by its “fact checking” service, plus loss of business as liberals and conservatives and sane companies shy away from their products and ads, and the people there that actually care about running a business might actually start to see helicopter rides as a cost cutting measure.
I’m just glad that this stuff is getting exposure. Should open a lot of eyes if it doesn’t get buried.
I’m actually rather surprised they haven’t stroked a check before the ink dried on the initial filing. Perhaps their legal team was picked using the same criteria as their manager promotions.
Hired for demographic profiles and not legal qualifications? Oooh, I like it.
That’s a great idea. In the other thread I posted some alternatives. I have my own email server on an account I use for stuff I actually care about. I also have a Lavabit address. I’ve got a gmail address that I’ve had forever, which is basically the reason I still have it. I mostly use it for crap I don’t really care about.
My comment when I posted this on FB was “Sure, and the grass and hay are free – to the cattle and sheep”.
I am not a lawyer. I am stupid. Therefore I ask:
What are the chances that Damore gets punitive damages?
That probably depends on venue. If he filed suit in CA – not a fucking chance.
OK, I kind of answered my own question.
For federal EEOC claims:
“Punitive damages may be awarded to punish an employer who has committed an especially malicious or reckless act of discrimination.”
Again, not a lawyer, but I’d say they have a case.
I’ve had Google accounts for over a decade now. Stuff on docs, email things to myself to store forever. It would be hard to migrate. Plus, I can’t afford a new iPhone every couple years, so if you have an Android they’re getting all your info anyway.
I want to look at switching but I got into the habit that google encourages of never ever deleting anything. Plus the whole email address as login thing. I have gone out of my way to never be logged in at least but getting purged would certainly hurt.
My e-mail site predates google; now it’s owned by squarespace, don’t know who owns them. I got it back in the day because it wasn’t blocked by my HS nannysoftware.
Tres Version 2.0’s doge:
Is she as ravenous as Bella?
Time will tell. She’s 2,000% puppy. Obedience classes begin with the boy and her tomorrow.
Oddly, when I asked, they wont let me use a choker collar on him- its for the dog.
Bad ass Pup! Looks Ravenous like Bella!
~S~ TedS
Wow, that’s one cute doge!
In case anybody is interested in what I’ve been looking up lately, here’s a link
Dude, you’re really old. And so not latin(x).
Not sure what to make of that.
I cant remember where Glibs, as a community, stand on deep-dish pizza? Let the healing begin:
Looks good.
That is not pizza. That is a pizza flavored casserole
An abomination and affront to God and man alike
Look, its not like it has pineapple. Or ham.
I atoned for that sin (yeah, I concur its a casserole, but the girlfriend “Jugsy” wanted it) with a calzone.
Yes, the last shot has a laptop with THE Ohio State O on the lid in the background. Just in case Sloopy is checkin in.
*drops gloves on the rookie*
I was too polite to say it.
Amateur food pics rarely do justice
The calzone looks awesome, though. It’s not the photography.
(it was better than the pizza)
/thin crust guy
Meh – not as bad as people putting ground meat in a taco.
^^this guy knows what’s up^^
tongue or GTFO
Good lengua is hard to find around where I am at. The only people that carry it freeze it because so few people order it. Gets too rubbery that way.
2 words: Pressure. Cooker.
Not one of those hipster contraptions that Hayek and her ilk think are new, either.
HAH! I know it’s not new. But it has features like delayed start and other handy items that free up more of my time and allow me to prep the meal, program the start time, and leave the house.
My good ol’ pressure cooker needs more babysitting.
You ever check at Asadero Norte de Sonora? I recall theirs being pretty good.
Best tex-mex tacos I ever had was at a joint in Portland OR – smoked brisket.
Third favorite are a San Diego staple – fish tacos.
Name of the joint by any chance?
Sorry, but Esparzas closed a year or two ago. Damn shame, but I guess they were ready to retire.
I had what Papa Murphy’s bills as “deep dish” the other night. I’m ambivalent about the deep dish debate, but this really wasn’t deep dish. It was two batches of ingredients separated by a second layer of pizza dough.
About to watch the hogs play ball against LSU. Should be a good game. Arkansas playing at home is unbeaten this year. We look pretty good.
Marvel’s Stan Lee has been accused of sexually harassing the nurses of a company he hired. Unlike most people that just apologize and pay money to make them go away, Lee says he’s the victim of a shakedown. It’s always nice to see one of these guys fight back against these accusations instead of rolling over.
When you’re five years from the century Mark, you’re undoubtedly out of fucks to give.
It wouldn’t exactly require a top notch legal team to find a half dozen nurses that work at nursing homes who have worse horror stories. Even if the stories are true, that sounds more like crazy old man than sexual harassment.
Dealing with old people can be shitty, doesn’t mean the nurses dealing with elderly patients can sue for an extra million bucks just because the patient is rich.
In Dereliction of Duty, McMaster excoriated LBJ’s defense advisers for their unrealistic assumptions about “graduated pressure” and “having a ‘conversation’ (via bombs and bullets) to convince the other side to negotiate” – because that is what they imagined a rational state actor would do.
So here he suggests some kind of limited attack on NK? I can see advocating obliterating NK – Strangelovian as that might be – at least you eliminate all doubt about the possible outcome. How can you possibly think you can attack NK without severe collateral damage to SK, not to mention the reaction of China?
McMaster channelling MacNamara – that is just too bizarre.
I’m pretty sure that a limited strike would confirm every fear the Norks have and turn the world against us, or at least diminish any support we might have, so how about no?
He’s been doing it for a while. If it wasn’t serious, it would be funny how much McMaster resembles the senior military leadership he made his name criticizing.
Karma – what a bitch.
None of his advisers in uniform gave LBJ that advice. Johnson famously through one of his temper tantrums when the Joint Chiefs presented a logical plan with a chance of success. That plan looked a lot like the bombing campaign that Nixon used to force the North Vietnamese to negotiate a peace treaty.
LBJ was one giant fucking asshole. I think Trump is far more likely to listen to Mattis than McMaster .
The JCS didn’t really advise very well (due largely to their stupid inter-service rivalry and politicking) – another McMaster meat-grinding. No, the guys I had in mind were the Bundys, McNamara (and team) and the retired GEN Maxwell Taylor.
Oh and since Rhywun mentioned gmail (Google), apparently the place is a fucking cult.
Didn’t he mention it in the context of Google being a fucking cult?
I stopped reading at “plural being”.
You really should read the whole thing – it’s incredible. If my [insert name of large multinational financial company] pulled this shit, nobody would want to work there. But Google gets a pass because Google.
But..but…muh Android phone!
Seriously, it would be difficult (though not impossible) to make the switch.
The fuck? I had a perfectly good response typed, but it disappeared.
Nuking Google would be a major problem. Not looking forward to it.
Q started it.
But this is what I was looking for – a summary.
*hunkers down, but needs to fetch a drink first*
No shit you’ll need a drink.
Chill with this.
“Googley values” – puke.
What a sick, sick culture. “Personal blocklists”? “Black Noogler”?! What in the everloving fuck?
All I can imagine is Ned Flanders re-programmed as a perverted SJW AI.
My mind went hier.
My comment earlier today after reading the lawsuit:
That’s the truth. I don’t you can really reel in water cooler talk completely but you can damn sure keep employees from using company resources for it.
Except that they’re completely unhinged about what exactly their work is and drawing a line between their personal and work lives. The company has an internal version Hangouts for chrissakes. It includes being able to block other internal employee users. Why the fuck should you be able to block other employees, or need to? If there’s a reason to block another employee, then one or the other should be fired.
I love the one exhibit where another employee feels completely justified in sending a threat to one of the plaintiffs and says go ahead and send it to HR. Immediate fucking termination on the spot. But that didn’t happen either.
This might be the inevitable result of a place like Google deliberately blurring the lines between their employees’ work and personal lives by providing all sorts of amenities (free food, gym, rec facilities, daycare, petcare, etc.) on their giant campus so that their employees never feel the need to leave the worksite.
Sure, they’re totally reaping the whirlwind.
FWIW, I’ve worked at G for the last 10 years (came in via an acquisition). While it’s easy to find all the madness in the internal groups and Memegen, I’ve never encountered any of it in my day-to-day work.
Doesn’t mean I approve of the way the higher-ups encourage it, but I’ve long since stopped caring about the antics of higher-ups in big companies. As a coworker used to say, we are the small mammals hiding in burrows while the dinosaurs thunder about overhead making loud noises (all apologies to Mr. Lizard, I’m sure he can make loud noises too).
Do any of these people who work for Google ever actually, you know… work?
I’m guessing they’re not posting on Glibs all day.
I would NOT bet against you on that point.
Wondering if Google accounting borrows from Enron?
I called my main engineering contact at the possible future employer with some workplace culture questions. Among them were “will I get marched off to HR if I use a four letter word? If I tell someone to get bent?” etc.
He answered that he comes from a company where “bastard” is a term of endearment and uses some pretty colorful language when spun up (which I have witnessed), and if he can last for 12 years, I should be fine.
I hope he’s right.
My first salaried job after I received my undergrad was at a defense contractor in Massachusetts. One day I cursed about something while sitting in my cubicle. Three people came over to me to admonish me about cursing in the office. “We don’t use that language here.”
I started looking for new work not long after that. My job hunt took longer than I wanted it to because I really wanted a job in New Hampshire. Eventually I found one.
Wow. That’s a bad omen. Where I work (a defense contractor) even the secretary can occasionally be heard saying “Awwww SHIT!!” rather loudly from her cube.
When I got a new functional manager, I gave him a tour of the lab I manage so he could understand what I do. He remarked “You guys do some fucking cool-ass shit down here.”
My close coworker is envious because if he drops a bomb of any kind, his manager says “{name}, we can do better than that.”
I want a job in New Hampshire! (in about a year)
When I was working at Target in college I was sitting in the break room and I was chatting with someone, I don’t remember what we were talking about, and I said, “Eff that!”
NOT “fuck that”
“eff that.”
As in the letter F.
And my supervisor was walking past and reprimanded me for “cursing.” On break. Because I “implied” the F-word.
Fuck Target. Seriously, worst job I ever had.
“comes from a company” should read “comes from a country”
That’s the San Diego gig, right? Have you looked into housing there yet?
Yeah. Kinda scary. The area I am looking at has pretty good stuff at $600k-$700k. That is crazy for a gal in a quarter million dollar house in Minnesota. I am definitely going to stick hard on the salary and signing bonus.
At this point, the money is the only sticking point. Otherwise, I have already mentally moved.
Yeah, I visited my old neighbors this past summer. We sold our place just under a half-mil – and everything there has gone up since. Like 150-200K more (in 3 years). I don’t regret getting out when we did though.
I saw that episode of Seinfeld.
Work Anecdotes:
Last year, I hired in the first female in our group. I had some trepidations, given the rather locker-room speech patterns of the scientists who work for me, but I had a good feeling about her. I was right- I suspect in her previous job, she taught sailors how to swear. It’s funny to see the guys wince.
My favorite co-worker (who sadly left, but we still hang out and she’s become SP’s best buddy) was a female PhD scientist who was constantly being admonished about her speech. I think I knew that she’d be someone I’d love when I had met the corporate head of R&D (female), who probably made four times my salary, and was… unimpressed. I asked Favorite Co-Worker, in my best Bob and Bob manner, “Exactly what does she actually do here?” Favorite Co-Worker looked at me like I was a naive child and said flatly, “She has a vagina.”
BTW, Favorite Co-Worker joined us for a rollicking alcohol-fueled dinner with SugarFree, JW, and Swiss, then commented afterwards, “Wow, your libertarian friends are really fun!”
Yahtzee!, here’s where Nephilium and I play.!table?table=36708897
Does anyone have any thoughts about the Remington rifle recall? I’ve had one for a while, but haven’t shot it that much. Wondering if it’s worth the hassle.
Also, my phone changed “shot” to “shit” and I had to go back and correct it. I guess that says something about me and my vocabulary.
Fix it. If you don’t shoot it much, you won’t starve to death while it’s gone 😉
Wasn’t aware of it until I read it here-if the rifles are going off when they aren’t supposed to and you own one of these I’d absolutely send it back and let them take care of it. It’s never happened to me but, at least from what I’ve heard, being accidentally shot can be fatal.
Hey Yusef, I’ve got an HVAC idiot story.
I’m driving down the freeway and in front of me is a pick up towing one of those light-weight, flat trailers that landscapers use. Sitting unsecured in the trailer is this big sheet metal HVAC sculpture four feet on each side. I could see the motor and the big squirrel-cage blower. It looked new like they’d just built it at the shop and were taking it to the site. The only thing holding the unit on the trailer was a 6-inch rail. Well, the traffic eased up and we were working our way from 50 mph to probably 8o and I could see the thing was starting to lift. II quick backed off as it became airborne and the trailer drove out from under it. It was pretty spectacular bouncing down the road shedding parts.
I’m sure it wasn’t you. : -)
Ho Lee Fuk! Wasn’t me I lost enough Ladders to know better!
Possible bad news if you use tannerite.
You mammals never do deliver on an earth-shattering kaboom
+1 Q-36 Space Modulator
stay Warm my Friend….
Ah ha, I see you plan. Spread spread your ambient temperature controlling advice amongst your people in order to freeze out Your Future Reptilian Overlords. Very crafty
*shivers, turns up hot rock*
I think I see Yusef playing the Jeff Goldblum role in this movie.
Called our HVAC guy this week. The propane heater in the garage is making noise and the air immediately around it is warm, but no blowing of hot air. Guy said the controller wasn’t sending the blow signal to the fan motor. And the motor is drawing too many Amps. Probably need a new unit. The guy also complained out the current installation – the exhaust vent points a bit upwards so the condensation is running back into the unit.
Amazing to me how many bad installers there are out there. Sounds like you have a guy who at least knows wtf he’s doing. How big is the garage?
You and Yusef were right about find good folks, trusting them and sticking with them.
The same guys put in the gas fireplace. We’d just bought the place and my wife called the gas company to turn on the gas to it. The guy said “No fucking way! Its a tossup whether you’ll die of CO poisoning or burn to death.” For an HVAC guy he was a pretty good carpenter.
Wife asked around and found the new guy and he’s good.
Garage is large 2 car with a 10′ ceiling. The heater was able to keep it at around 55 in the coldest weather – fine for wrenching.
heh heh……”blow signal”
I knew some gutter mind here would catch that.
Who does your HVAC? Dennis Hof?
this is why it died, correct it before you install a new one
New York City is suing five oil companies for costs associated with climate change.
“New York City Sues Oil Companies Over Climate Change”
Where to start?
I don’t know.
Regardless, it’s interesting that, on one hand, they’re going after the people who profit from causing climate change, but on the other hand, the city needs to divest itself of its oil company holdings (by way of its pension funds).
Should people impacted by climate change be able to sue New York City? After all, De Blasio “knew” the city was profiting from oil company activity that was causing climate change, and he just kept their money invested in the oil companies anyway.
I posted that to my timeline for the benefit of many friends and former coworkers from Oklahoma in the oil industry. It’s facepalms alaround.
My brother (a lawyer who used to work in the oil industry) wrote
I also shared it to the closed group “Minnesotans for Global Warming.” I heart those guys.
Took me a second to figure this out. lol.
Their ultimate goal is to do to the oil companies what the states did the tobacco industry.
The environmentalists want the government to take it over.
The order of operations went this way:
1) Prove that the tobacco companies knew their product caused cancer and kept advertising them anyway.
2) The state attorneys general launched class actions suits against the tobacco companies–the settlement of which would bankrupt them.
3) Al Gore, taking the lead while Clinton was dealing with Monica, organized legislation that would protect the tobacco industry from lawsuits if the tobacco industry would sign away their right to . . .
4) The tobacco industry is now a ward of the state, only tolerated for the insane amount of tax revenue they generate.
That was what the progressive activists wanted to do in the 90s. They want to do the same thing with the oil companies today.
And I’m not making it up. That’s basically what Al Gore himself said. He spearheaded the tobacco effort, and he’s the organizing force behind the state attorneys general suit against the oil companies for supposedly misleading their shareholders on the risks of climate change.
It wouldn’t surprise me if his organization is all over this, too.
Just for the record:
—-Washington Post, 1998
The way the Left have successfully hoodwinked the public into believing they actually give a shit about anything other than enriching themselves is one of the great swindles of the last couple centuries.
And here’s the money quote I was talking about:
—-The Climate Reality Project
That isn’t some other organization quoting Gore.
The Climate Reality Project was founded by Al Gore.
The Climate Reality Project is Al Gore.
This isn’t a conspiracy that’s been uncovered.
Gore is bragging about what they’re gonna do and how they’re gonna do it.
Do you think Mann does all those climate models using an…..*dons sunglasses*…..ALGORErithm ?
….Ill be here all week. Try the veal.
I really wish the end of those shitheel “anti-tobacco” commercials would have “Paid for by the Tobacco Industry” in big letters and voiceover.
I know where to start. It’s a shake-down operation that should be laughed out of any court. See hier for ample demonstrations of the hypocrisy at play.
I wish people would take it more seriously . . .
The verdict is whatever seven out of twelve jurors says it is.
The tobacco suit seemed like a joke at first, too.
In the end, the tobacco companies did the analysis, and they determined that their best course of action was to settle for $368.5 billion and beg to become the government’s jailhouse bitch . . . forever.
There is no reason why the same thing can’t be done to the oil companies using the exact same tactics. Hell, they’ve even got the exact same people running point!
Except it was easier when everybody knew smokers were just the dregs of society anyway. It’s harder to pursue that strategy with “people who use energy”.
The states lawsuit was already thrown out of the courts this past year and the AGs were reprimanded IIRC. Tried digging up some articles on NRO about it, but the search function is giving my browser hassles.
If it isn’t laughed out, there’s another tactic. Pull out of NYC. All five companies stop delivering gas, oil, and propane anywhere in the city. Time to lighten up your carbon footprint assholes.
neither here nor there, but one of the reasons CALPERs underperformed so horribly over the last 10-20 years was because of its politically-driven meddling about what to invest in (or not).
its only recently that they’re actually starting to re-think what they acknowledged was stupid 10+ years ago
it seems an especially retarded way for politicians to virtue-signal. Its not like they polled soon-to-retire employees and asked, “Should we pull your pension money out of reliable, non-cyclical large-cap value stocks, and load it all into iffy Green-investments?” The people these sorts of moral-posturing moves appeal to tend not to be the ’60-something low income govt worker’; its more the urbanite wealthy do-gooders and their progressive kiddies who give a flying fuck about where public-pension money is invested. The people who *rely* on their pensions tend to be less interested in using their retirement money in aid of soothing progressive egos.
and none of that even touches on the fact that its guaranteed to result in underperformance and cost taxpayers more money down the road. Professional money managers should have ONE JOB: maximize return while minimizing risk. pension funds shouldn’t be used as vehicles for Mayors/Governors to show how Woke they are.
ding ding ding
They don’t care.
Ah, yes Gilmore…
And how do you objectively determine which companies are immoral to invest in on such a wide scale anyway?
I remember when Apple was being taken to task in lefty circles for the treatment of the employees of their subcontractors in China.
I’d be interested to see if there’s a historical return to capture for running a sin fund, too. Put in the oil company stocks, whatever is left of the tobacco industry, some alcohol and beer companies, throw in some gambling stocks and some pay day lenders. Add some gun companies. Add some fast food.
I wonder how that index does, not just against the compassionate investor types, but also against the S&P 500.
No objective standards – just whatever the prog-hive-mind decrees.
“Share in SINDex fell today on news rumors of Christ’s return to Earth”
I’m not sure of the value of it, as the normal ‘link’ threads are already used a a general conversation/link dump by all (which I think is a good thing).
OTOH, it’s an easy way for the site leaders to start fresh late night links without having to spend time finding links.
Site “leaders”?
!00$ dollars a pound, too Expensive
Yes. Everyone is.
This, the Westies can handle it, if We aren’t too Stoned, all of My Posts are opene thread that’s how it should be, IMO
YouTuvbe just brought this up. Haven’t heard Chuck like this before.
+1 Buckwheat
Nice…but John Fogerty makes my ass-polyps burst. However, keeping with Hey Joe, have some Marxist reggae:
Nice – I like what reggae can do.
But, sticking with the basics
For those old enough to remember the weird wonderful world of Night Flight.
This web site and now a movie channel are attempting to recreate the wonderful music video, weirdo movie, and overal great late night experience that was USA’s night flight.
I saw many strange movies like fantastic planet and videodrome, kung fu movies, music videos with a themed concept.
I will say that Rhonda Shear’s up all night help to confirm that I am definitely straight.
videodrome? Youngun….
I was a teen when it was made, but not a younin any more.
Goodnight, Missus Calabash. Wherever you are.
School teacher gets pay cut for spitting on pupils’ faces
“The male teacher — who spat on the face of one of the students more than 80 times and slapped another in face more than 50 times — told the board he wanted to “narrow the distance” between himself and the pupils, the board said.”
10% pay cut. JFC.
To be restored after arbitration.
Not surprising.
That guy is everywhere here. So is Scarlet Johansson.
I’ll have to look harder. I’ve seen Kitano Takeshi adverts but not those two.
Is Boss like the GEICO of Japan with the funny commercials? I still remember all the words to the Ayumi Hamasaki jingle ones. I sing it to my cat because I’m that weird cat lady.
The alien jones series was great. Also, the coffee pretty good.
I heard about “jobs for life” in Japan. Unfortunately “teacher” is a job for life in the US too.
I thought this was part of the curriculum over there.
Related to Evan’s comment yesterday about nitrous:
Yes. Nitrous is the greatest thing on Earth. Well, maybe second greatest; though I’d really have to think about it.
Mentioned it to him last thread, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to be fucking around with that shit if you’re going through mental difficulties.
Nitrous AND boobs!
^^^This guy gets it.
It’s got all those robes on it.
“So it appears you all have much share. So you get an open post whatever it is you wish to share, or carry on conversations from dead threads.”
An overnight thread would be good. I wish there was a forum / message board. It’s difficult to have a conversation in this format. I have monacle,, but it always marks some of the new posts as read. Finding new comments after there have been hundreds, becomes quite a chore. That’s the reason I mostly lurk, as I did on TOS. Corpse fucking a thread seems pointless. Just my .02.
Hi Tulpa!
I watched on Crazy Summer last night; Your dogs so ugly!
I’m blowing the hatch!
I thought all boat engines came from corvettes for years.
Ferrari, brother.
A Ferrari is just an Italian Corvette built by a tractor company.
I don’t have that problem. In fact, I see the opposite. Sometimes it doesn’t catch posts you’ve already read, but I think that’s only when I post something in the same minute.
I only noticed it recently. Maybe it’s the new incarnation of Firefox.
You guys think I’m Tulpa? You’re being sarcastic, right?
That’s exactly what Tulpa would say.
Feel free to fuck the top post anytime. Also, what Tundra said.
Whaa Whaa! I want Muh furums!!!
/Fuck Off!
I don’t like this Tulpa. He’s asking for change, and change is bad/
I did say Please,
/not You OC
Unless this is a non-sequitur we may have caught our Tulpa.
Corpse fucking a thread seems pointless.
I do it. It was my MO at TOS, too. You never know, you might get Straffin or someone in Hawaii or something still online.
I guess that’s how it has to be. While I’m on hiatus, I’m generally up all night and sleeping it off during the day when posts go live. C’est la vie.
“An overnight thread would be good” what is this you’re commenting on, Sliced Bread?
So, different formats are going to work better for some people’s circumstances, and also people just have different preferences. My advice: listen to all suggestions, but someone has to make decisions. I’m guessing that someone is SP, but I’m not one of the people dedicating their time to make this great site available to all of us.
Go on…
Well, assuming you’re being serious:
Disquss or whatever is constantly updated about new comment above or below; I hate it. It’s data, not information. But maybe others like it.
Some forums you can opt to get an email when someone replies. I like it, but not for this freewheeling group: too slow. Is there a way to alert people who are logged in, maybe via popup, that you were responded to?
But main point, let the developer develope.
Me, I refresh and hit cntrl f if on a laptop/PC, three dots find in page on Android. Doesn’t work for new topics, but that’s why sane people start new topics at bottom of page
To All The Lurkers! The Overlords post links every Day, without fail, for Free, They like an audience and we are a pretty good one in that respect, otherwise, Why bother?
if You don’t like the Format, or the stylings of the Writers, stay quiet or Leave, Please. An easy to navigate, Family Friendly Website! is pretty Cool to me, and Hey, Echo…. echo… echo…
Trying to provide cover for your socks, eh tulpa? I’m on to you…
It’s attitude more than anything to me, it could be poor wording, I’m guilty of that, but….. Without The Overlords we have nowhere to go, without Us they have no one to chat with,ALL ARE TULPA AND NONE ARE….
What’s wrong with a word of constructive advice? Especially if it’s just mentioned once and that’s the end of it?
It was just a thought. I’m not married to the idea. Yusef could use a Xanax and a beer, probably.
New tulpas with childish names aren’t awarded thoughts.*passes out xanax like candy*
Sick Burn!
Whatever, man.
DGWF, you are in a Hostile environment, all are against you! /JK
Seriously, there is a lot of Inside Humor going on here, so STEVE SMITH SAYS, RELAX!!
I’ve been lurking here since the beginning, and at TOS for about 10 years. I get it. I’m not thin skinned, so rip away.
No, I’m good, But thanks for playing,
Thank God,
Regarding Google culture, I have a small anecdote that sticks with me to this day. I interviewed with the company and as part of the process was treated to lunch at their five star chef cafeteria. I had three items off the menu: flank steak, herb roasted potatoes and bacon cooked brussels sprouts. The steak was dry and chewy. The potatoes were hard and flavorless. The brussels sprouts were undercooked and bitter. None of those things are particular hard to cook well or with lots of flavor but they traditionally have a touch of class to them. I didn’t mention mention anything to my hosts but it sums up my impression of the company pretty well. Spends a lot of time trying to do the “right things” but can’t really deliver and are unable to tell the difference between good quality and poor imitation.
Too funny.
Tis the problem with ‘new money’
Christ, you are so right. My generation knows fuck-all about food. As long as it’s new to them it’s good regardless of the actual quality or whether or not it’s even “new”.
Actually…that’s progressivism in general.
I don’t think you’re much younger than me, I’m only 34. But I have lived a mostly rural life and know my history.
Uh, okay?
I was just commenting on the ‘my generation’ thing, that we’re probably in the same generation…what ever, I’m gonna get another beer, you want one?
I’m at work and they’re not keen on that, unfortunately.
There is the story of how crab/lobster were once the food of the poor, then rebranded for the elite. My dad was a truck driver, when freight was damaged he’d sometime get to take it home. One time that meant we got about 6 cases of crab legs. We got sick of them and bartered them around town for services. To this day I prefer imitation crab to real crab.
“Cafeteria” seems like the root of the problem to me. I’ve read about the tech dweeb culture places like Apple and their imitators in Palo Alto attempt to inculcate by supposedly forcing departmental integration and thereby, somehow, inspiring… ideas. About whatever. Well, now you have a big corporate culture like a petri dish, everything inside the sample pretty much a uniform culture and everything outside it foreign and probably lethal. You should want your corporate employees milling about with, you know, the peons you claim to care so much about. So can it with the corporate cafeteria, maybe open up a franchised food mall, or invite in the food truck brigade.
Or let your aspy tech dweeb nerds take their chances off-campus and mill about the hoi polloi. I dunno.
Wait, are you suggesting letting individuals work in the environment that would best allow them to be productive instead of forcing them to work in an 18th century business model in a 21st century company? Heresy! Burn The Witch!
Seriously. It’s amazing that these people probably imbibed the Robber Barons mythos without question, then emulated their general Baptist (I think?) driven attitude about social engineering.
Layer of ash separates morning and evening milk.
If your cow is milking ash you’re doing it wrong.
Morbier disgarees.
Or “disagrees.” Whatevs.
Man, I’m having a shitty week.
The cow you describe.
Rant. This is where I rant late at night. Think of the commentariat as a bar tender who makes houses calls but doesn’t bring any booze or make any drinks, but can advise what alcohol to use and directions on how to use it.
IPAs huh? I want a Porter!111!!!
+1 Humboldt Fog, the undisputed King of Cheeses.
Talkin bout One Boob bigger than the other, WOW!
Can I have one? she’s an Orphan right? how much?
The third season of Hot Chicks on Acid starts in about ten minutes.
It’s 2:15 in the afternoon for Straffin’
Damnit It’s 2:15 Thursday afternoon for Straffin’
Yeah, some of us are at work here, sheesh.
Just finished up. Hachioji today. Brrrr.
Wife and I will be checking out the Tokyo Auto Salon this weekend.
Yup. I’m told it’s one of the world’s largest shows for aftermarket parts.
From Yokota or Atsugi? Yokota would be a haul. I used to go to the Friendship Festival at Yokota in the summer. One time it must’ve been over 40C on the tarmac(?). Too much. Haven’t been since. Maybe we’ll go this summer since the kid is bigger.
Yokota. It’s only about 1.5 hours via train so it’s not too bad. We go into Tokyo pretty regularly and try to see as much as possible.
I work in Shibuya twice a week. Between the crowded train and the crowds in Shibuya, my fill of people is satisfied. Give me a mom and pop Izakaya and ¥6000 and I’m in heaven. But then again, you’re not an O-san yet. Put some pics up and enjoy the show.
Yeah, I’m not big on crowds and we probably spend more time exploring the hole-in-the-wall joints and elsewhere, but I’m a gearhead by nature so I’m not missing this one! I’ll link some pics next week.
With the wife being there you’ll have to be a little sly when getting pics of the gals. Go infrared if possible. /Jk.
Maybe we should post this for new Tulpas to watch.
And if you don’t have a Tulpa, here’s a helpful guide on how to make your own.
So that’s how you do it! I was just thinking of creating one last night.
Don’t do it. It’s like saying “Beetlejuice” three times in a row
Someone took the time to draw all those illustrations.
I haven’t heard this song in twenty years.
It’s only been 19 years since I heard this song; but that still wasn’t long enough.
I remember when that video came out and Go, for that matter. I bought the album.
I misremembered. This was the first Len video I saw
A little bit of respect, it just flew away…I mean I can understand liking the crazy that was Aqua…but…
You can’t lose what you never had. I see your Aqua and raise you this.
I made lots of bad music choices in my life. My library is not something to be proud of. On the other hand, not going to here in Feb. Interestingly, one of the guys in my platoon took his mid-deployment leave in Dubai and went to a B*witched concert when they first came out. I can’t say I did that.
My guiltiest of Guilty pleasures, S Club 7 Rachel Stevens is my Mecca.
Ain’t no party like an S Club party. Totally agree. Rachel was quite the looker. All of them were, except Jo was a little trailer for my tastes.
LOL, Sclub3; the one’s who didn’t get famous
My Freshman year of college I taped the Sclub 7 tv show; I’m man enough to admit my guilty pleasures. Then I bought the move when I saw it at the dollar store.
Fucksake, a Glib that knows Sclub7! We have to be a better match than 90% of people.
One of my best friends from college and bonded over Cameo.
More from my mispent youth
She’s got a pretty mod CD collectionIn the backseat of her carAll The Blur and The Cure and Oasis cases
Love that Simmons drum sound right after those lyrics.
A lesser known song by the band behind Roll to Me.
Create Your Own Tulpa! with this one Weird Trick!
/ No warranty is expressed or implied, Use at your Own Risk,
Not Tulpa:
Also not Tulpa:
Based on your recent article and all the boobs I can only conclude that you are monitoring our responses to use in some sort of experiment on existentialism.
It’s all part of the (((plan))).
Hail Q, Master of Boobies!
Random musical gem by Marc Martel, who became semi-famous for his spot-on impersonation of Freddie Mercury. ‘
This one is a Marc Martel original. Paradise.
I have been on a Martel kick since receiving his CDs as a “thnax!” kickstarter bonus for supporting his recent Christmas album. I listen at work when I am trying to drown out the din of annoying speaker phone conversations and just do some damned engineering. People sometimes ask “Watcha listening to?” I say Marc Martel. They slowly nod and walk away.
He’s got a good voice, and he nailed it on a couple of the Queen covers. One of my favorite bands Lake Street Dive did a Halloween parody video of Bohemian Rhapsody. The guitarist / trumpet player is from Minneapolis and named the band after the dive bars on Lake Street. I thought it was a fun version and well done.
If you like blues music, there is an excellent band playing Friday night at Famous Dave’s in Calhoun Square, which I think is fairly close to you. It’s a Houston, Texas band called Hamilton Loomis. If you go, you’ll definitely get your 10 bucks worth. They are kind of a fast paced blues band with a lot of funky grooves. He was a Bo Diddley protege as a youngster, and Bo’s last recording was on one of his albums. The main guy Hamilton plays guitar, harmonica and sings, and he’s quite the showman. They also have a keyboard / sax player. They are always on my bucket list every year. I’m gonna see them Saturday night in La Crosse, WI just 7 blocks away! I took my employees to see him once for our Xmas party, and half the guy’s who don’t even care for blues music all thought it was great. Judging by my bar bill at the end of the night, that could have had something to do with it!
I’m about 2.5 hours from the cities, so maybe I’ll make it to one of your meet-ups. I’m usually up in the cities several times a year for concerts. I love the music venues there and a couple of the local bands. I’m gonna be up there in late February to get my funk on with Galactic and Lettuce at the recently opened Palace Theater. I haven’t been there yet, so excited to check it out. I heard it’s a cool place.
It might be fun to do an “Interview with a Glib” series here. We can patch together what people think on specific issues from comments, but an entire post dedicated one commenter’s overall filter and how it informs his/ her opinion could be useful. Or it could turn into One True Scotsman insanity. Personally, I don’t want to be the interviewer or interviewee. Sure there are some here that would, however.
I just submitted an article that is something along those lines. Police reform from a law enforcement perspective.
SP read me excerpts last night while I was making dinner. It’s going to be a great piece.
My internet is so freaking slow lately. And it’s some stupid Xfinity setup where normal ip address doesn’t send you to the router. BIG SIGH
I guess I’ll have to fuck with it tomorrow sober. It’s still streaming, but I think I’m being throttled down by Xfinity. I guess somebody might have hacked my wifi… But my skills are at least good enough that there are easier targets in the area. “I don’t have to run faster than the bear, I just have to run faster than you.”
I’m on DSL via copperwire. BO left me behind.
Whoa dude! That’s brutal! Like the Stone age and shit. Have you at least constructed a shelter and gotten a fire started?
BTW CPRM, would you be interested in editing some videos if I sent them to you? I was thinking about starting with street interviews of random people trying to pronounce, “Glibertarian”. Is that in your wheelhouse?
Dude, that is so
lacistracistOK. Let’s think about it. Don’t know about the restrictions on using stranger’s faces and voices in publicly viewed videos. Talk to you later about it. Thanks.
I can blur faces…As a general rule in the USA, unless they sign a release you blur their faces.
I can send you a standard release if you want to do it. The other big concern is audio quality. If you are just out on the street with videoing with your phone’s mic, we might not be able to hear what is going on. For this you could use your iphone with a mic attachment, as that will be recorded in a format I can use. WORKFLOW SUCKS
How would you send them? do you have a cloud storage you can upload them to? An FTP site?
and then how would I send them back/would they be posted
I’ll tell you outright, if you’re shooting them on an Iphone, the mov format doesn’t play well with my windows setup.
Never done it before, so I have no idea. From my iPhone to ? Upload to where? I’ve only dealt in documents up till now. Is it a hassle? Last thing I need is for a stupid little project to eat up my, or especially your, time.
Ha! How about from my other phone? Android.
If it’s Iphone, then no. I can’t do it. If you can shoot with anything else, we can work it out.
Android shoots mpeg4, that I can work with.
give me an e-mail and we can work it out…I’d rather not be the one posting an e-mail address.
If I do this, I want lots of cute Japanese girls.
OK, anyone who links to Caveman videos can’t be all Tulpa. 😉
Pre-fame Shelley Long was delectable.
This week’s review. Spanish SF/genre mash-up “The Ugliest Woman in the World”:
Dead thread. Don’t care.
Karen Carpenter has the most perfect voice ever. Somebody pointed me to an artist I would probably like, and I do, oh so much. Therefore, I share.
Contraltos are a rare breed.