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Hmm, they look different. I don’t like change.
I wanted to shrink your versions down, but they looked terrible and importing wasn’t supported by the webcomics software I refused to pay for.
e-mail the clean background and I’ll play around with it in case you want to do more of these. And also, I could swear hat had no writing on him when I first viewed this, now he does…the SugarFree induced dementia is setting in!
No, I just put the wrong version in and then fixed it when I realized it. Sanity intact.
Thanks for the offer, but after the initial run this week, I’m going to hold off on doing more of these. They came off a bit forced.
i liked it
Well, because I’m obsessive and procrastinating instead of working.
Must be a big button. Huge.
Lazy commics edition
So, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in the last 3 frames. Is this one of those hidden object things?
I think it’s a contest. You have to finish them. The winner gets a visit from STEVE SMITH.
The lynx thread is dead, but I did see your suggestion for Altamont grips the other day. I picked up their Round Frame boot grips in G-10.
I’m going to wait for the next paycheck Friday before I pick up a night sight. I might go with a gold bead from Dawson Precision or an XS Big Dot.
Nice. I’m glad that helped.
They depict the hat’s O-face.
There’s a lot of stuff going on behind the curtains.
A vibrating Diet Coke button? Well, now I’ve heard of everything!
What if the wiring gets mixed up and Trump accidentally bombards the Norks with diet coke?
They get fat
On diet coke? Well, maybe fatter than they are now since there’s nothing to eat and it’s hard to grub for roots when the ground is frozen.
Because Ive only seen fat people drink it
That, and it would likely kill many of the parasites.
Riven, Yesterday was… Surprising but a lot of fun!
You are welcome. I figured the HVAC piece was timely, considering the cold people were laboring under – so I did what I could and set it right away.
So, I Don’t get all this fancy Interweb thingy, But Thanks Swiss! I’m glad I was still around when it came up, got some great responses,
Wait….what did I miss?
*checks posts from yesterday*
OT, but the left have already started their attacks on Oprah, that didn’t take long. I didn’t really expect that, but it’s happening.
One hilarious thing about the Golden Globes is I havent heard a single piece of news about who won what
The only one I heard anything about was Aziz Ansari for Master of None. And that was because Netflix told me.
The only thing I heard is the the winner for Best Director doesn’t have a vulva.
He probably has a Porsche.
Is because they just figured out that she’s black?
O is the Asian of White people
It seems to have something to do with who she’s had / is having on her shows. I think she’s actually on their side as far as politics are concerned, but she apparently does not pass the purity test and the hate is coming on fast. She didn’t even announce anything yet and they’re already in raving attack mode.
That’s awesome. I don’t think that bodes well for them in 2020.
The idea of ideological purity is one thing, but the idea that your ideology is so obvious that someone should have always had it is hilarious.
It’s nice to see a party other than the Libertarian Party eat their own.
Libertarians don’t taste good, too Spicy
Nick Sarwark: Son-of-a-bitch, that’s a great idea! Oprah Winfrey and Bill Weld, Libertarian ticket 2020.
We’d actually have a chance!
And gain nothing
Nick Sarwark is the Nick Gillespie of party chairmen.
Did I do that right?
Sarwark is actually a great chairman. He’s just chairman of the wrong party.
So, half credit
In more eating-your-own hilarity:
Dem Donor Considers Pulling Support From Lawmakers Who Urged Al Franken’s Resignation
All they need now is a naked dancing fat guy.
Naked dancing Oprah
“Mingy, I wanted to see Paris once More”
We’ll see how interested she is when she sees that running as a Dem will require her business to conform to a bizarre and ever-shifting set of social justice requirements.
Well, she’s female and black, so there’s 2 points for her. She also might have to wear a pussy hat in public, get a good case of TDS, and claim that she used to be a guy.
The November surprise is that she and Gail come out of the closet for 1 more SJW point and teh WIN!!!!11!!!1!
That would surprise no one.
Also, there seems to be this pervasive attitude on the left that anyone alive can beat Trump in 2020, but there seems to be no consensus about who that might be. The only candidates I’ve heard mentioned that the left can at least get some consensus on, are Bernie, Hillary, and Biden. And the infighting over that is viscous, in particular between the Bernie bots and the Hillary hangers on, with one side blaming Bernie for causing Hillary to lose and trying to stop her from running again, because it’s still her turn. And the other side blaming Hillary for losing the election, because Bernie would have won and is the future. OK, a 90 year old communist is your future. Sounds like a plan to me.
“And the infighting over that is viscous”
I believe you mean that their retreaded socialist policies are viscous- they refuse to allow data disproving all of their failed economic policies to move them. I believe their infighting is quite fluid
I think Oprah would easily win. She hits that black-but-not-too-black, coastal+flyover white women, theoretically-edgy-but-really-quite-conventional sweet spot.
And Gayle would make a pretty good First Lady.
*Stedman breathed a sigh of relief from not getting roped into Oprah’s latest adventure*
I don’t think she has much traction with the flyover white women anymore, not since her show went off the air and she went 100% in the tank for Obama.
I’m pretty sure her ratings went down when she got political.
It’s like Eisenhower and Colin Powell: everyone loves them until they pick a side.
I think her popularity in flyover states is way overrated. She’s acceptable daytime programming for upper middle class soccer moms, but for women who don’t have a Starbucks card she’s not someone you’d call a “thought leader”. People who would vote for Oprah are people who voted for Clinton or Obama, generally. Women who maybe aren’t very interested in politics and don’t hold particularly strong beliefs but just kind of generally respond to people who say nice things. People who want anyone but Trump, of course, and people who are responding to the fact that she’s a black woman would support her, too.
She actually has a pretty good pitch. Famous businesswoman, rags-to-riches story, generally a very positive public image, no big scandals. Progressive bona fides without coming across as radical or unreasonable. She has a connection to Obama and he was the last big Dem winner.
I think what sinks her is a.) she’s not part of the Dem establishment, and there are party loyal in the wings waiting their turns, b.) she’s basically a huckster and the people she promotes are hacks, quacks, and pseudo-scientists, and c.) I actually think if the Dems nominate her there’s an appearance of, and I’m being totally serious here, racial bias. Nobody can come out and say that they have a problem with a political novice being nominated over experienced candidates because of her race and/or sex of course, but it’ll be there, and it’ll fuel the pushback to the social justice fanaticism that’s taking over the Democratic Party.
“b.) she’s basically a huckster and the people she promotes are hacks, quacks, and pseudo-scientists”
This seems to be the reason that many on the left oppose her running. However, I think there could be other reasons hiding behind that facade. And the reason I suspect that is because so many on the left go along with this GMO scare non-sense. There’s not even one single sentence of peer reviewed science published making any type of claim that GMOs are harmful to humans. So if they freaking love science so much, why do they take the word of Indian mystic writer over peer reviewed science? No, that’s not really the reason they don’t like Oprah. I don’t claim to know what the reason is, but it’s not what they are going on about.
I see what you’re saying, but I think that’s precisely why they’d have a problem. They’re already on thin ice with independents. If they run a candidate who appeals to people who believe the crazy shit she sponsors they’re gonna be over the moon, which means they’ll be very prominent and very obvious supporters, something that would hurt her with people who don’t routinely sniff glue.
Also, there seems to be this pervasive attitude on the left that anyone alive can beat Trump in 2020,
And that’s going to be their undoing. Right now, they think anyone can beat Trump. So, they’re all running to the hardest left they can find to appeal to the Democratic base. But, elections aren’t won by the base. And running a woke candidate whose lifelong political mission has been transgendered bathrooms, banning guns, and raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour isn’t going to win you back Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. That isn’t how they vote.
Winfrey might be able to get around this quagmire by the fact that she’s Oprah. But, I don’t think it’s as certain as anyone thinks. By the time of the 2020 election she’ll have been off the air the better part of a decade. Yeah, the older audience will remember her. But younger voters? They’ll quickly enough paint her as a billionaire pushing mainstream politics.
The same thing happened in 2004. The “Anybody but Bush” crowd was completely wrong. You have to run ON something.
And then the GOP did the same thing in 2012.
Exactly. I have a hard time seeing the Dems getting it together enough to get someone through the primary process in 2020 who can easily beat Trump. They still seem to be obsessed with fighting out the last election. And the historically common mid-term election wins will convince them that their “message” is succeeding, so, therefore, hit it harder.
All they have to do to hit is put up a moderate candidate without a huge amount of baggage. They will turn this into an impossible task.
The premature speculation over a candidate does have a certain 2012 feeling to it.
I expect the Republican will lose some house seat as is normal in the mid-terms, but I don’t think it is going to be all that bad. The economy is improving, and the Democrats are doing absolutely nothing to appease blue collar workers who told Hillary to fuck off in the last election.
Well, we could just start off with the premise that an incumbent is always harder to beat. Then we can add in an ‘if’ the economy is still on the upswing. 4 years of strong economic growth fueled by tax cuts could also be a strong factor.
If you just add those things in with the left are currently in a self defeating cycle, I see a landslide, for Trump.
The media keep using this ‘very unpopular’ tag for Trump when his ratings are actually close to what Obama’s were after the one year mark. I mean it is true that Trump is very unpopular with the left, just as it would be true for any Republican president. But he’s just as popular as ever with his own base.
I’m not sure how big a sub-set of his base they are, but I’ve been hearing more and more grumbling from the Breitbart crowd on their radio show. It started before the latest Bannon/Trump split so It’s not just a reactionary defense of Sloppy Steve. No wall, toying with DACA, Hillary’s not in jail, there are a lot of unhappy Trumpsters in that audience.
The Bannon crowd are unhinged. But I don’t think there’s that many of them.
MSNBC is never going to run a segment titled, “Actually, Trump’s not doing all that bad.” That’s why you’re hearing a lot about the non-story surrounding the Russia investigation, and Steve Bannon being salty, shit like that. It’s because job growth is heading in the right direction, the economy’s growing, and things aren’t going to hell in a handbasket, contrary to predictions. An incumbent in that scenario has a massive advantage.
I think Oprah would do well against Trump in a debate. The moderators could easily make him look like a bully. But I don’t think she’d do well in a primary debate, especially against the next “anointed” candidate.
what if all of her primary opponents are literally Hitler?
Hillary will get the nomination. Or else.
Yes, this. Let’s not pretend Hillary’s just gonna roll over and let this thing happen without a fight. She ain’t in no ways tarrd!
that was cringe-inducing
that was so bad i went out and hired a speech writer just so i could fire them.
What even in the fuck? Is that accent supposed to be funny?
whatever happens, 2020 will be hilarious for the mass infighting the dems will fall into.
It’s going to be bloody.
the left have already started their attacks on Oprah
As I recall, Oprah used to say a lot of things which closely echoed what Bill Cosby used to say about black culture, self discipline and achievement. Maybe somebody went back and dug up some old interviews.
SugarFree begins 2018 with a rare departure from his wordsmithed editions of the Hat and the Hair in favor of a visual edition. It does not disappoint. In a delightful, lighthearted send-up of several of today’s headlines, he eschews the more obvious vaginal references for a more subtle take that is nonetheless as sexually charged as it is topical. The staid yet relevant visuals do not detract from the usual cheekiness we expect from H&H.
Three/four stars.
OT but too good not to share: raw water
The money quote: “…Chloramine, and on top of that they’re putting in fluoride. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but it’s a mind-control drug that has no to our dental health.”
*benefit….oops. Sticky fingers, don’t ask
add some Carbon and you Got Freon!
the most delicious of the chloroflourocarbons!
Well, chloramine will make your beer taste like shit if you brew with it without using Campden tablets to pull it out, but other than that…
In memory of a terrible book that led to terrible consequences. Just an FYI- the government funded abortions that each Republican president repeals and every Democratic president reinstates was begun because of the nonsense about ‘peak population’
The earth could tip over.
The elephants can keep it balanced.
But now hunting elephants is legal!!!!11
Yeah, totally not a sociopath.
The insecticide DDT was killing his beloved butterflies
Of course, any collector kills them, too. So his real objection was that someone else was killing butterflies.
Yeah, totally not a sociopath.
i’m the asshole who asks if the last three panels represent an awkward silence.
well there’s some background noise.
You are correct.
But at least you didn’t say it needed more labels, my biggest fear.
Wait, this isn’t just abstract art? I don’t know what anything is without labels!
Dammit I was just checking to see if anyone had said that yet, now I gotta come up with something original.
But at least you didn’t say it needed more labels, my biggest fear.
When I first saw it I thought “Why is the hat talking to an empty taco shell?”, so I might be one of those poor souls who needs more labels.
I like it. Only change would have been the hat rotating in the last few panels to show the buzz was working.
An actual ‘Libertarian Moment’
With Prejudice, I like that
great news
STEVE SMITH has a personal grooming line (and a PhD)
Oh, I completely missed the best part! Evidently STEVE SMITH has been taking pointers from Harvey Weinstein and Jerry Sandusky. #ShowerWithSquatch
To Semi-Spartan Dad in re to online advertisements and such. After clicking trshmnstr’s link DR. Squatch products just showed up on my Facebook advertisements.
When words mean things
Well, there went half of Virginia’s population.
So, their protected status, from a natural disaster from almost 17 years ago was set to expire (again after the last two kept extending it) and Trump extended it again, just not indefinitely. Therefore Trump is Hitler.
No, Trump is worse than Hitler. GET IT RIGHT.
ugly single American women are about to get a windfall of suitors.
“The think tank estimates that in 2015, remittances made up more than 15% of El Salvador’s GDP.”
And there’s the rub. This is why Latin American countries are so hot to trot on sending people to the US, remittances make up huge percentages of their economy. So they can export their undesirables while simultaneously pocketing huge amounts of money and grow ever more comfortable that dissatisfied citizens who might get fed up enough by their corruption to make changes will just leave instead. It’s win-win-win.
If remittances were an industry, it would be Mexico’s largest.
Similar in the Philippines – esp. with the overseas work in the middle east, etc.
It’s also not the right type of foreign aid. The NGOs get pissed that they don’t have control over it.
Boo hoo
In the other ceremony, awards were claimed and key figures were thanked without much sense at all that anything in Hollywood had changed. The actor James Franco, grinning, brought Tommy Wiseau to the stage while accepting an award for The Disaster Artist. The director Guillermo del Toro scolded the orchestra for trying to play him offstage. Gary Oldman quoted Churchill. McDonagh wished his mother a happy birthday. It was almost as if Harvey Weinstein, #MeToo, and the subsequent tsunami of accusations against powerful men in Hollywood and beyond had never happened. Women were largely left with the labor of explaining why wage parity matters, and why telling diverse stories matters, and why having more women and people of color occupying positions of power in all industries in America matters. (The actor Sterling K. Brown didn’t mention #MeToo, but he powerfully praised This Is Us’s creator, Dan Fogelman, for writing a role specifically “for a black man.”) The women were left to try and transform a pivotal moment for Hollywood from a painful scandal into a necessary reckoning. And as their male co-stars and directors and producers mostly made clear, they were—and they will be—doing all this by themselves.
Those awful men didn’t kowtow at the altar of the #metoo god. What are the odds they would have been accused of “hijacking” the triumphal squawking of the scalp-taking womynz if they had tried to pile on?
I would have loved to see one of those guys duck the obligatory hug-and-kiss from a female presenter.
“telling diverse stories matters”
And there you have it folks, PoMo in four words. The only thing that matters is lived personal experience, objective truth doesn’t exist, therefore any conclusions drawn from reason and rational thought are the product of the speaker. Since Enlightenment was the product of white men, it’s a tool of oppression (never mind the fact that Karl Marx was a white guy… look over there!).
I was told by some leftist on WaPo a while back that the progressive movement sprang forth out of the New Deal. The ideology never existed before that.
*stares blankly while brain leaks out of ear*
I had mentioned Marx. So the guy tells me I don’t know history and says the thing about the New Deal being the origin of the progressive movement. Then I ask him about those guys who were involved in the temperance movement, who called themselves progressives before the New Deal happened. Then he said something to the effect of ‘How many Rubles does Putin pay you to post this stuff?’.
This is the legacy of social media. There is no such thing as history, no such thing as truth. Whatever you need to say to support your cause is said.
I’m guessing he never heard of Teddy Roosevelt?
Fighting Bob La Follette haz a sad.
Well can you blame them for making that claim? If I were a “progressive”, I sure as shit wouldn’t want to own up to the eugenics and explicitly racist economic policies of the early 1900s “progressive” movement.
Why not? Current progressives also embrace explicitly racist economic policies and the elimination of undesirables.
They’re also very easily confused. One day one of them got mad because I called him a leftist. So he says ‘I’m not a leftist! Where do you Trumpets get this stuff from!?’. So I said ‘Well, I got it from you guys, you know because you’re always identifying as the left? So now you’re saying you’re not on the left?’. And the comeback was something like ‘You don’t even know what left means!’.
Yeah, but didn’t you know that they switched sides with Republicans at some point and so now the Republicans are the racists? That’s exactly what went down. The Democrats just went to Republicans and said ‘we don’t want to be racists anymore and so we’ll just trade platforms’ and it was done. Don’t you history, dude?
“telling diverse stories matters”
No it doesn’t. What they want is LETELU: Looks exotic, thinks exactly like us.
For you S&W M&P owners, believe the hype on the Apex Tactical trigger upgrades. My M&P40c had a very mediocre trigger (heavy & mushy) from the factory. After having the upgrades done, I absolutely cannot believe the difference. It’s fantastic now.
The only downside is this pistol now outclasses my M&P9s and I might have to do them too.
Thanks for the tip. My buddy has a shield that he loves. Here’s been trying to talk me into the 2.0 .45.
Do it. The 2.0 rox.
The MO for the internet gun weirdos has been to incorporate the cost of an Apex trigger for the M&P s as part of the cost of ownership. The stock trigger is really is that disappointing.
IIRC, the Shield triggers are different than the bigger M&Ps. I’ve not had any issues with mine.
I think you’re right, the mechanism is a bit different.
The shop just called. I can pick up my EMP-4 this afternoon.
How did the safety fall out? Did something break?
Is this a neuvo-Garfield minus Garfield comic strip?
Garfield is more pompous than President Garfield. Good riddance.
What the world needs is a few more lasagna and Mondays jokes.
this one..
I was never a fan of Garfield minus Garfield.
I preferred the version that just removed the thought balloons from Garfield, so it was just Jon talking to his cat.
Amidst a series of drivel tweets about how he’s all aboard the Oprah train, Bill Kristol takes time out to remember what’s most important:
Let’s volunteer him for that one-way trip to Mars.
Overheard at Weekly Standard staff meeting
Kristol: You know what I saw the other day on TV
Hayes: What’s that?
Kristol: There were people in Damascus celebrating Assad’s regime
Hayes: Terrible
Kristol: What does this tell us about Trump’s foreign policy?
Hayes: Well that he’s failed. I mean there are people still alive in Damascus. That is disturbing
Kristol: That’s right. I’ve read reports that the death toll in Syria has declined something like 50% since 2016
Hayes: Unacceptable
Kristol: These people don’t fear coming out of their homes? How is this a good thing?
Hayes: I mean..it’s not.
Kristol: That’s exactly right.
Neo-cons: starting wars to compensate for their tiny penises since 2001!
Neo-cons will believe anything you want them to believe so long as they get to kill Arabs (or anyone really).
Case in point: Max Boot
Max Bootlicker.
That was one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read.
I commented the other day about how I couldn’t sign up for the opposition to Trump because it would require my abandoning any semblance of principle as to why I’m a Republican. If you want to see the “reasoning” of someone who is willing to sell out his sanity to oppose Trump, Boot is pretty much right up your alley.
Also, we’re almost out of refugees, what with Trump sending all the Haitians and Salvadorians home and blocking the Syrians. It’s a crisis!
Temporary means temporary — send’m home.
The man is fearless in the face of bad press.
Yeah, if you put his set on a balancing scale with all of GOP congress on the other, there would be a noticeable sound when his side hit the table.
Relative to the utter lack of gonads from typical GOP pols, he’s not clearing a very high bar.
Okay. I larfed.
Let’s hope this kind of stuff can do to Hollywood what internet blogging did to the MSM.
One of the things that absolutely has to be done is to break the left’s monopoly of entertainment and media. Then we have to also break their hold on education. When that is done, they will not be anyway near the force to reckon with as they are now.
meh. they can keep what passes for public education.
Education is the cornerstone for reclaiming liberty. Leaving the past we don’t like to the left means the libertarian moment is a nonstarter. They get a 13+ year headstart as it is.
I could have a libertarian movie studio up and running in a few months, if I had some backers n_n
I thought all libertarians were getting massive amounts of cash direct deposited from Koch Brothers; or is that just me?
I blow all my Koch money on blow.
Nah, in lieu of cash, I’ve opted for them to ship me hookers and blow directly via an app based courier.
The Koch Brothers have been late with my checks lately. Very disappointing.
The Rabbi Cabal is much better with their deliveries of gold so I can deny the truth of the Protocols. [ONLY JEWISH GLIBS CAN READ FOLLOWING GLYPHS: I HAVE SACRIFICED THE NECESSARY CHRISTIAN CHILDREN TO STAND FOR ELECTION AS A ZIONIST ELDER. VOTE JB ’18]
“massive amounts of cash direct deposited from Koch Brothers”
No, no, no! Where have you been? Replace Koch Brothers with Russians!
Well, it would be blocked on Youtube for being hate speech if it became at all popular.
Cody Wilson documentary The New Radical looks interesting..
here’s a short funny review where the reviewer probably claimed workman’s comp after being assaulted by the movie.
Tough to take from the start, “The New Radical” becomes increasingly sickening as we watch Wilson and Taaki become radicalized. With such a hands-off approach, this film offers judgment-free access to these discourses. Ultimately, it feels irresponsible to remain unwilling to take a stand on this extreme abstract rhetoric in support of an all too real and immediate threat.
I had to larf at the url: beta.latimes. Seriously, that’s just too perfect.
“Yucky people think and do things I don’t like! Make it go away! Why do they have to exist?!?!”
Wait….what??!?! Smart underwear? Wireless smart underwear?!?!?!?!
No, just…no.
I know, right? Who the hell wears underwear?
Maybe you just got sick of dumb underwear. Smart underwear can tell you when your period starts or the volume of pee released when you laugh.
My wife, unfortunately.
Mitt Romney.
But those are magic.
:Text Alert: You have just pooped yourself.
I want a more snarky voice to my underwear. Something like “you’re gonna have a shitty time cleaning your underwear today” or “are you feeling pissed off, because I’m feeling pissed on”
They are hoping to roll out voice integration in early 2019.
“Toilexa, loosen the crotch axis by three degrees.”
“I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
Wait until they add a penile sphygmomanometer… I’ll never leave the house again.
Will it fellate you while measuring the pressure?
Like sleep number. Automatically adjusts.
“Myant, which makes the Skiin underwear products for men and women that monitor vital signs like heart rate, breathing rate and temperature,”
Um, ok, so is having ‘smart’ underwear just the latest coolest trend? Because it sounds stupid to me and I can do all those things with a fitbit, which sounds a lot better than having underwear with wires and an electrical charge.
Goddamn these electric sex pants!
OK, those I’d wear.
But does it have integration for the blue tooth buttplug?
Wait for the 2.0.
You know what other buttplug was incompatible with integration?
The one made from a mold of STEVE SMITH’s genitals?
That one was incompatible with reality.
Yeah, no way that gets spied on. Nope. Never. Just like those smart dildoes.
But why?
The Hat and The Hair and The Smart Underwear
Pfft. The Hair to went wireless charging back in 2008.
Show me an autonomous merkin and I’ll be impressed.
Show me an autonomous merkin
Would Huma qualify?
“Myant, which makes the Skiin underwear products for men and women that monitor vital signs like heart rate, breathing rate and temperature,”
Does it emit a “Ding!” when your wife/girlfriend is, err… ready?
Sure. It’s like the oven letting you know it’s preheated.
That’s the ticket, it’ll link to an app so you can earn achievements… like Untappd.
It’s more like one of those turkeys where the button pops up.
Don’t worry, it’ll be memory holed.
One Trump tweet, and the memory hole is, err, history.
New character for my plot!