Animal Penis against Zardoz edicts? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.
I’m hearing “Pennies from Heaven” in a Brazilian accent now.
*plans to make liberal use of this edict.*
Which makes the penis taboo and therefore interesting.
Not that there is anything wrong with your …uh, interest.
Catholic school girls were on my mind.
It’s like Zardoz doesn’t the teenage brain or something.
(insert the word of your choice)
‘Penis’ seems apt for an insertion.
*narrows gaze*
I feel for ZARDOZ. After all, who does __________ the teenage brain?
In it, she describes how she went from a self-conscious Catholic schoolgirl to a promiscuous adult hooked on risky intercourse and cellphone smut — an addiction widely regarded as more of a man’s “problem” than a woman’s.
Ah. Makes sense now.
I honestly feel I could sacrifice a significant amount of time and effort into helping the above mentioned woman with her, “addiction.”
Just sayin’
ZardoZ, Was My HVAC post pleasing to you? Warm Brutals Can Harvest More Grain…

i cover the Vortex, I just charge more, it’s called going up the Hill
I posted this on the previous thread but in case it was missed,
“I have to say Thanks to Riven for all she does for me, I’d like to thank the Academy, all the Overlords, ZardoZ, Steve Smith and ALL you ShitLord Glibs out there!
I’m having a Blast fielding Questions and silly responses, I hope I have done some good, This Mad house keeps me Sane in an Insane World.
/And all you Lurkers out there? a special FUCK OFF!!! just for You!”
They like you! They really like you!
I like your Avatar,very Sweet, 🙂
Thanks, man. It is one of my many pics from the Minnesota Renaissance Festival.
I am a huge nerd.
I remember you saying so, I’m sure you are really Ugly like the rest of us, picture of Dorian Grey Style
/Totally kidding, you look very pretty
I haven’t been to a Faire since high school but I remember it being huge fun. Rock on.
We are regular season pass holders. The Minn Renn lasts about 6 weeks. Awesome.
Another Rennie pic. This one with the Mr. We are both huge nerds, literally and figuratively.
See, I’d hit that,(um, sorry, I mean you) and Hubby looks cool!
Live Long and Prosper!
We have our fun. To be honest, that pic of the two of us is 5 years old, when we were younger and skinnier. We have signed up for the Glibs fitness challenge and have already started to ease into it, for health, looks, and happiness.
Hubs looks pretty much the same now (he turned 60 on Friday and I am still 43!!) except his beard is white now.
Even though my avatar pic was from last fall, it was carefully selected to be as flattering as possible. This is the reality of the situation and why I need the diet.
We will get there! Gotta drop baggage from house, brain, and body.
That’s called Life too, Don’t kick yourself to get “fit”.LIVE and enjoy life with someone Who loves you
Thumbs up to Yusef.
For what it’s worth, my advice on losing weight is to make gradual diet changes you can live with. So if you drink a lot of Coke, switch to Diet coke. That’s a couple of hundred calories a day gone.
If you eat out a lot, plenty of places will substitute French fries for a side salad if you ask.
I,ve seen a number of people go on extreme diets like Atkins, and after about a week, they would crack your head open like a pinnata if they thought it contained potato chips.
That’s my plan. Except substitute “Mountain Dew” where it says “Coke”. Also cutting out potato chips and possibly more challengingly potatoes. Starting… now.
That’s how it’s done.
I would also suggest counting calories with DailyPlate.com or FitDay.com. Use the Harris-Benedict equation to figure out how many calories you should be eating to meet your goals, then shoot for a diet with high protein, healthy fats, and wholegrain carbs (if you include carbs at all).
Those calorie-counting apps will help you see what it is that is fucking up your diet. Very often, something that has a reputation for being healthy is shockingly high in calories.
One thing that I found helpful was to gradually cut out the vast majority of refined sugar from my diet. You’ll find that if you don’t eat it all the time, it won’t even taste good anymore after a while. I still make an apple pie or a flaugnarde from time to time, but I used far less sugar than the recipe calls for.
Who edited the HVAC piece?
*waggles eyebrows*
Bobby Fischer?
There was editing? Color me shocked…
I’m not advertising my Writing skills. I’m amazed i get to post at all. But I still submit, i still get posted, and by Golly People Like me!
/Where is your post?
Tulpa just got here, give him some time.
Look, its simple: HVAC on a phone is 4822.
On April 8, 1922, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle came to the US to give a tour on spiritualism, and also on that day, the St Louis Cardinals 1st wore their current uniforms in an exhibition game. Ergo, HVAC may as well be a Ouija board, and like the Cards, it either sucks or blows.
That is all.
the St Louis Cardinals 1st wore their current uniforms in an exhibition game
Is that the uniform with the logo of two birds on a see-saw?
That image must strike fear into the hearts of their opponents, harmless birds at play and all.
*narrows gaze*
I don’t get you, I get crap from every Glib here, but you seem to be targeting me, Even TedS gives props if he has to, and He is a Pedant of the First order.
I respect every Glib I chat with, but I don’t get you….
“Even TedS gives props if He has to, and He is a pedant of the First Order”.
Ugh, he’s part of those new Star Wars movies? Tell him he needs to stop.
*opera applause*
What did I do to deserve this?
You are the House Pedant, do you even read your own posts?
/Much love
I thought Riven did
She was quite busy enough. I was on duty.
Cool, no worries here, I didn’t even know it was going up so fast, read my TY above, always a Glib!
Swiss has the feminine touch, too.
Or maybe Riven has the Swiss touch.
Either way, go on…
A ‘swish’? Or a ‘swoosh’?
Swiss did All the Alt text, Most of the Captions, a bunch of bits and pieces, Swiss and Riven are as much copywriters as they are Editors, and I’m doing my best to write properly, and until they say Stop. I’ll keep submitting,… to ZARDOZ!
I’d wait a bit – we have a lot lined up this week, and probably next.
Swiis, I have enough submissions to feed that Cow you post,
I am patient however
Ezra Pound?
Liesl Von Trapp?
LILY Von Stupp
/Heavenly Body
+15 Schnitzengruben
See? sometimes you get it, other times you’re a Fag
/Sorry jesse your legit
Thelma Schoonmaker?
Who? pics please, or did I ask the Wrong Question?
Oscar-winning editor of Martin Scorsese movies, and the widow of director Michael Powell.
Martin Scorsese I know, You Sir are a Movie Geek, and I will direct my inquiries to you in the Future,
/trivia God
For Michael Powell, find a copy of Peeping Tom and watch it.
So, I’m going to try and submit a Photoshop the News entry this week like the contests I used to do over at Cracked before they sucked. Only thing is, so much of the news now is already so stupid I’m having a tough time finding material, but I’ll try.
You wrote for Cracked? they want submissions now for their cheap ass business model, should I look into it? I like Money….
I didn’t write for them, I did photoshop entries in their photoplasty contests. Was in a lot of em, and got paying positions for quite a few, but I can’t even stand to be over there anymore.
So, should I write for them? i can play Leftist better than Leftists(know your Enemy), I would love to monetize my writing, and I’m a smartass
Even when they had a whole staff of writers they still had a user writing workshop in the forums where anyone could submit ideas and articles, and get paid if they published it.
i might try it, I do better stuff than half the people there right now…
It’s really a damn shame what happened to that site.
Thank you hayekexplosives for the jambalaya recipe! Wife loved it. Did it without tomatoes and came out just about right with a regular pressure cooker. Sausage was a bit dried out but I think it was the brand I used.
Gonna be eating it for the next couple of days now…
Sweet ! Great to hear it turned out well.
Funny that you omitted the tomatoes; I had already noted to self that I wanted to double the tomato next time. 🙂 Apparently, tomato content is the main difference between Cajun and Creole.
I am actually not a big fan of shrimp, but the MR is, so I included it. Next time I might just omit the shrimp and add a little extra chicken.
I don’t recall getting a Recipe Submission. it must be in my spam filter. /raised eyebrow
Err, uh…
Will remedy in the next couple of days. The jambalaya is not my recipe; just one I found online.
However, my ridiculously seductive Kashmiri Red Lamb/Beef stew recipe is one that I must write up myself and submit. It is bliss to cook, eat, and just be around.
Well, I guess we’ll never know. *sigh*
I made that mistake, just once….
Will get on the case ASAP.
The “raised eyebrow” became “wearing leather bodysuit, dangling whip, raising eyebrow in menacing fashion” in my brain.
I lowered the Cajun spice a bit too as acidic foods and spices sometimes do a number on my wife.
Fishmonger had some good looking scallops so pan fried a half doz of those a little bit, cut in half and threw in with the shrimp at the end. Shrimp ended up a bit over cooked still. Used chicken breast (cooked from making broth for this and freezing for later) and the white meat held up a bit better in the dish than thigh meat would.
I got the Slap Ya Momma HOT variety and used it plentifully. Whatever floats your boat!
The hubs added Sriracha to his plate. I don’t know how he survived.
I added more on my own plate and a copious drizzling of Crystal.
Oooh! Sounds good.
Since she started with the pressure cooker thing yesterday, here’s how I do ribs. 1st, I use the rub Alton “Colossal D-Bag” Brown has in this recipe:
Using a typical St Louis cut from Kroger (more fat = better in a pressure cooker, or things dry out), I rub them and let them sit in the fridge, covered, for at least 4hrs.
Then, I sear them, and toss them into my 5 qt, coal-fired, Presto 403A Cooker O’ Love for about 15-20 minutes (15 psi). The ‘safety fluid’ I use is always about 50% v/v water/vinegar, and from time-to-time, Ill slop Worcestershire Sauce on them. Once they’re done, using tongs (cause they tend to fall apart), its onto a cookie-sheet for more rub, a small glaze of your favorite sauce, and into a 425º oven for the sole purpose of crisping. Alternatively, I do a broiler. However, since the burners on my broiler were likely tuned by Yusef, I have a rough time with equal heat. But after all that, crispy and sizzly, maybe some more sauce, and on the table in around 30 minutes. Pics provided upon request.
Since you’re new around these parts, I will let you know that we are considering a Glibs cookbook if enough recipes are submitted. This includes methods/techniques/algorithms, too. See the link in the navigation. 🙂
Ditto, the jambalaya was spectacular. Also ditto on the eating it for a couple of days, not that that’s gonna be any kind of hassle.
I subbed basil (which I had in the spice rack) for the thyme (which I didn’t), and used plenty of Todd’s Bayou Dirt creole seasoning. Man, it was great. Any more Instant Pot recipes that you feel like sharing, please go ahead…
IN OTHER NEWS….the Panthers might upset the Saints. Less than a minute to go. On Fox.
Yeah, the Panthers have done a great job hanging in.
Helped by the stupidity of the Saints’ going for it on fourth down.
Aaaaaand, it’s gone.
Welcome to MPLS, Saints.
He could have caught that 3rd down pass in the end zone.
I thought so too. You are paid MILLIONS of dollars for a reason, idiot.
The intentional grounding rule is too punitive:
1) Loss of down
2) Loss of yardage
3) Ten-second runoff
4) Clock runs at ready to play signal
I mean, come on.
There should be rules to punish the offense.
I read somewhere an idea that I have toyed with, and kind of like.
basically a forward pass is a live ball if it fails to reach the line of scrimmage.
this makes screen passes riskier.
I’m fine with that – but that many, though? How does an attempt to avoid a sack merit this many punishments? Any other penalty, offense or defense, is either loss of down OR loss of yards? Why both on this particular penalty? It makes no sense.
(That reply was meant for Ted’S)
The idea is to make the penalty as bad or worse than if the sack actually occured.
Yeah, It makes sense because it should have been a sack.
the under two minute part does make it suck, but that’s a different rule that needs tweaking.
this turned into a game!
NFL.com wants Flash to watch it, Fuck You
and the bruins penguins game is already tied at 1
fucking penguins.
SpaceX launch of the ZUMA mission in about nine minutes:
Cool! thanks!
3 minutes, listen…..
1 minute, this is BADASS!
Awesome launch and recovery, SpaceX. Good job.
That was Cool as hell! I don’t care about Tesla, SpaceX rules!
For all of the other shit that Musk pulls, SpaceX is probably the greatest private organization that anyone in this country’s put together in the past 20 years.
I’m an old SciFi reader, and this was predicted by Ben Bova, Heinlein, and many others, I may not see Mars, but I got see The Privateers (Ben Bova)
Not following this at all. Is it really private, i.e. unlike Tesla?
They have a system, they Compete against ULA for Gov contracts, they win becuase they launch at 1/10 of ULAs prices,
Sounds like a Privateer to me, Letters of Marque, just in Space
“The SAS trooper is said to have picked up the shovel to use as a weapon when the fighter charged and cut-off his head with one blow.”
Damn. I’m impressed.
Badass! and….. wait for it…..
We are Tulpa. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.
I am YUSEF, My Grandson destroyed the Cylons, and We will Destroy You!
and I have Office Manager Mohammed to back me up!
Hehe. I wish GOG would hurry up and get Battlestar Galactica Deadlock sooner rather than later now that Slitherine is on board the DRM-free train. I recall reading something about an expansion planned for this year… Maybe they’ll get a complete package when it releases, base game plus all DLC. Then we’ll see if your puny Colonial fleets stand a chance against the might of the Cylon armada!
Yes… I’ve been drinking. 😉
Yes you have, I have know Idea what you just said, I have a GOG account, other than that, I heard Bar bar bar bar bar……………
“Bar bar bar bar bar……………”
No, it’s freezing rain here so I’m drinking at home. 😀
That’s what the Greeks heard from the Bar barians, Hence the name,
BARBARIANS, History Much?
I’ve always liked “the Destroyer” but I’ll admit that “the Barbarian” has a nice ring to it as well. Both fine epithets.
Also: Comment nesting limit reached. That or I’m too inebriated to find the appropriate reply button.
Based on the news from the past couple of days, I was thinking of submitting an article to one if the medical news sites entitled “Stalin’s Children: Psychiatrists who violate ethics for political goals.” Think anyone will publish it?
P.S. Don’t let Yale’s overall reputation make you think a ‘Yale psychiatrist ‘ is any top mind. Their Psychiatry department is a joke.
Go for it. You’re actually a fairly prominent name in your field, right?
Please do this, i would like to ask a doctor about a few issues I have, do you know one?
Dooooooooo it!
I’ll lay cash money on two bets:
1. It will be excellent.
2. It will be rejected.
Why OverLord?
If anything…do it for you. FOR US.
Considering some of the ridiculous SJW shit I’ve heard coming out of Ivy League universities in the past few years, I don’t really consider them to have any extra authority on any subject.
Fuck the New Orleans Saints, fuck their fans, and fuck the city of New Orleans in general.
Tell us how you really Feel?
Can we fuck Jacksonville while we’re at it?
I spent almost a month in Palatka, FL, right outside Jacksonville, managing a project for a client. I did try to fuck Jacksonville. Didnt even dent it.
You know what it could be. It could be KC, the only team to not win a playoff game in like 50 years. They’ve went about as fur as they can go in Kansas City, they’ve went about as fur as they can go, lol.
*Clemson/Panthers fan.
My wife is a Panthers fan, though that’s not the source of my hatred.
I just really hate the Saints.
(a team that would probably be playing in Los Angeles right now if not for Katrina, but that’s another story)
I think if the Vikes can survive Drew Brees next week that we’ll be Super Bowl bound. I like our chances.
vikes are going all the way.
I just want them to win an SB while the awesome Fran Tarkenton is alive.
Fran Tarkenton, the infomercial guy?
Fran Tarkenton, the almost libertarian liberty-leaning Republican. I can work with that.
/Kids, Go Vikings!
No; the host of That’s Incredible!
I was thinking about that show the other day and how weird it was. Like freaks and shit that creeped me out when I was little. I can’t imagine that on network TV today.
Ah yes, the guru in the lucite cube.
Guru in lucite cube
I love Scramblin’ Fran.
Does he still have his entrepreneur show on Sirius? I used to listen to it. It was good.
Who dat?
“It felt like a relief for me because we had a sort of wall between us, and we didn’t have to get as [emotionally] intimate as we could have.”
Three Day Weekend! If I;m going to get that blood test tomorrow morning I need to stop eating and DRINKING in the next hour. Fuck it. I’ll wake up early on Tuesday and go in before work.
So, I was bored this afternoon and looking for a new game to play, when I realized I had old games I’ve never played. A lot of them. So I decided on Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. The ship battles in the game and just a lot of the sailing are epic. Escaped a hurricane with monster waves and water spouts and then sort of accidentally would up in a one hour long naval battle. The only downside I’ve found so far is that the game is capped at 60FPS, gah! It’s only using about 30% of my GPU and maybe 50% max. I guess it’s because it’s a PS3 port. Fucking peasants.
a sailing oriented Game? tell me more please….
It’s not all sailing, but it seems to be the funnest part. Seriously, you don’t know the Assassin’s Creed series?
I know the Series, But I have been searching for a good Sailing game for, 20 years? everything i ever found lacked in one way or another, and being a Sailor, you kinda know what’s done right and wrong, any ideas?
No, not anything reality based. Not saying it’s not out there, but I don’t know.
I’m guessing you’ve also tried Six Maker’s Pirates! And while not sailing related, but still naiticaul, I have fond memories of the 688 series.
No, I haven’t looked in a while,I imagine there isn’t a market for Sailing Sims
Ancient Art of War at Sea (very old). Might still be available via The Underdogs for free – if that site’s even still around.
Ketchup is tomato jelly.
Tomatoes and Sugar, very mild Spices, Grilled Cheeseburgers, Yep, Jelly works…
But there already is tomato jelly, and it is delicious.
You’ve tried it? I’m jelly.
um, you look quite Handsome, jelly, not so much….
I often substitute Chili Sauce for ketchup.
I do get what David French is saying here, but public opinion itself isn’t the only thing that is necessary for a successful impeachment. Both Nixon and Clinton’s special counsel had hard evidence to back up their obstruction cases, while Mueller’s counsel hasn’t found anything concrete to glue together his, just a bunch of hearsay and unrelated process crimes.
Way too much Derp, TL DR
I will shorten the article to make the #NeverTrump lingo easier to understand:
1. The public doesn’t like Trump because his style is icky and he says a lot of dumb things on Twitter, which unsettles the public.
2. Impeachment isn’t a legal process but a political process. There doesn’t have to be a smoking gun piece of evidence to make impeachment a politically viable move, just that enough voters have to believe that obstruction probably happened.
3. What makes impeachment viable is, in French’s opinion, opposition-control of Congress, low approval ratings, and “credible claims of corruption and abuse of power”. He argues that as much as people like me either deny the credibility of reports or believe that the evidence out there does not point to obstruction, he still thinks that the impeachment danger still exists because a bunch of people (which he believes is a plurality) either believe every accusation or are unsettled by them based on the legal experts that they choose to watch.
TY, then Civil War…
I’m pretty sure that ‘unsettling the public’ is neither a high crime, nor a misdemeanor.
He’s absolutely right that impeachment is a political process. In order for the Dems to get their way and to get trump out of office, they have to find evidence of a crime (haven’t yet) win a majority in the house (looks doubtful) and win a majority in the senate (very likely) They would have to have all three things.
So I can say,
HAHA! good luck Assholes!
/ I’m in a mood
You’ve got the odds on the House and Senate swapped.
At that point, the question becomes how many establishment Republicans decide to stab Trump in the back.
I;ll say again, Civil War….
I still contend also it would be terrible politics for the Dems.
All that would happen is they get a Republican who keeps his mouth shut more and triggers less Democratic fundraising. It would also appear to a very large subset of America to be a coup of sorts and to be undermining their vote.
Trump is currently in the low 40’s now in popularity. Nixon was in the 20’s.
By the end of 2018, the economy will easily be better than at any point under Obama and it should be fairly obvious to most Americans. (I’m not crediting this to Trump, necessarily, but it’s also not helpful for making regime changes to have a robust economy).
I know so many Democrats who want this “win”, but I’m not sure they know what’s best for them. I think they want Trump to stay right where he is and just try to win a normal election in 2020.
Trump has mostly been market-friendly as president, particularly on the regulatory side and the taxation side of the coin. I give a lot of credit to Trump for not interfering like Obama did and being hands-off.
Although I am also a free trade guy and think he could be better. He killed the TPP and has made no attempt to replace it with something different or better.
Again, Then Civil War..
Week 1: “Trump is Hitler”
Week 21: “Trump is STILL Hitler. Also, he eats two scoops while his guests get one. That’s like Hitler and Ghengis Khan combined”
Week 48: “So Hitler. And he drinks too much soda, and watches too much TV. Its like Hitler only he’s a gross, American Hitler”
For those who like Zardoz, another cult hit from Ireland:
Gorgo is also fun.
Nice, I have to pick that up. I love Barker.
10 movies too disturbing for mainstream audiences.
The reason the oceans aren’t rising as predicted by global warming is because the oceans are sinking because of global warming.
Ain’t science grand!
There was a whole thing with the great lakes water level changing over a decade ago. Everyone was scared they were going to dry up from over usage! Turns out, the bottom of the lakes are still rising after being depressed by glaciers and it had nothing to do with water usage.
try a TW autoplay next time, the Oceans are sinking! So there is a bigger pool for the water to play in? How do we fix it? more taxes?
Ow. I think that gave me one of those pesky aneurysms.
“The sky isnt falling….the ground is raising!”
This, every change is Climate change, a Fucking Earthquake or Volcano eruption…. Climate change.
these things are Grifters, nothing more, and should be rode out on a rail, they cost me Money
Global Climate Change is wonderful. Temperature increases — Global Climate Change. Temperature decreases — Global Climate Change. No storms — Global Climate Change. Big storms — Global Climate Change.
Weather doesn’t matter, just keep the gravy train rolling and give more control to the government and the elite, they know best.
I sometimes like switching words people use with something to piss them off.
like banker or 1% becomes Jew.
or Climate change becomes God’s will.
For every inch the ocean water rises, the ocean floor sinks 1″ so the sea level stays the same. It’s a catastrophe of biblical proportions.
Damn Christians and their Biblical Philosophy!
I make fun of people in the media for paying so much attention to Trump’s tweets, but this has my curiosity up”
12:35 PM – 7 Jan 2018
—-Donald Trump
I’m looking forward to these awards. And I have to say, it’s sort of like something Glibertarians Central Command might do.
It’s almost like Cortez Cortez or Zardoz doing an advice column–but it’s real life!
Imagine if the Hat and the Hair were handing out shitty news awards–you could see that in a Glibertarian post, right?
Well this is real life! Donald Trump is gonna hand out awards for shitty news coverage!!! And all the news outlets will be covering it.
Operation Covfefe is a go!
So clever I can’t even.
Well you need to cover it for us Ken, maybe we can get a post of you!
And Then Ken Goes Dormant, Again…..
What, is this still about your boyfriend in Kentucky?
The one that voted against cutting Medicaid by $772 billion?
Over how many years? Cause that’s higher than the annual budget.
Jesus Christ, have I linked this more than 30 times already?
Figure it our for yourself. I’ve already explained it to people who can’t understand that Rand Paul did somebody bad too many times–when the reason they can’t understand it is because he’s Rand Paul.
When asked whether God was on his side during the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln is alleged to have said something to the effect, “The question isn’t whether God is on my side. It’s whether I’m on his”.
I would, likewise, suggest that the real test of a libertarian isn’t only being willing to spread you buttcheeks and bend over for a libertarian like Rand Paul.
The question is whether you’re willing to call out misbehavior–even when it’s Rand Paul that does it.
Principles over principals, you’ve heard that around here, right?
That doens’t go out the window when it’s Rand Paul voting against cutting $772 billion from Medicaid, a total of $1.022 trillion in spending, and hundreds of millions more in tax cuts.
And that’s what he did. He voted against those cuts.
He has his rationalizations.
Politicians always do.
“hundreds of [b]illions more in tax cuts.”
*throws flag*
I’m explaining WHY I’m not making the same case again!!!
How can explaining why I’m not making the same case against get the same penalty as making the same case for the 31st time?
Somebody called me out–on an unrelated subthread–then seemed to think I was shying away from FACTS?
And then some other regular asked me where I got that number from.
I supplied it, and I told him to figure it out for himself.
P.S. Sorry ’bout the “buttcheeks”. That wasn’t very family friendly.
TL’DR. I saw Rand Paul’s name in there so I’ll just assume it was something about how awesome he is.
$772 billion?
That’s more than I make in a year!
I didn’t think they let poor people on this site?
I have to spend most of my budget to get here now that NN is gone.
No, the poor one’s his sister Urethra.
Making fun of my name?
Poor thing don’t get no respect.
I don’t like rand, IMO he’s a Pussy Boy
If anybody gets a flag, maybe it should be the instigator.
I hate the instigator rule!!!
I’m just sayin’.
I’m honestly not all that interested in Trump’s tweets anymore. It’s like a magician’s patter, if he wants you focused on his right hand, you should pay attention to his left, because that is how the trick is done.
thrakkorzog, nice to see you! I play with my Puppy like that, occupy the mind with one hand, and attack with the other, It’s actually a common tactic in War……
Diversionary tactics. Like setting off an explosion on the other side of town from the bank you are robbing.
Even puppies can figure out after a while that you’re just faking the throw. The best analogy I’ve seen is that the media is a herd of cats, and Trump has a laser pointer.
My pup runs to the Catch Zone, Yep, they figure it out pretty quick.
At least his left hand is doing some things that I like.
2 goals inside a minute.
Sport? Teams? What are you on about?
hockey. Bruins @ Penguins. Penguins were looking like they were going to pull away, 3-1. Boston has scored 4 straight now.
Did you see that ludicrous display last night? I mean what where the refs thinking with that call?
It’s a bold strategy, Cotton.
and the pens are coming back. tied at 5.
Love or hate em, they know how to party
Town encourages children to smoke during Epiphany
VALE DE SALGUEIRO, Portugal – The Epiphany celebrations in the Portuguese village of Vale de Salgueiro feature a tradition that each year causes an outcry among outsiders: Parents encouraging their children, some as young as 5, to smoke cigarettes.
Locals say the practice has been passed down for centuries as part of a celebration of life tied to the Christian Epiphany and the winter solstice — but nobody is sure what it symbolizes or exactly why parents buy the packs of cigarettes for their children and encourage them to take part.
The two-day celebrations, which start Friday and end Saturday with a Mass, include dancing around bonfires, a piper playing music and an elected “king” who distributes plentiful wine and snacks.
sounds fun, until the Cigarettes kill you, I just took a Nitroglycerine tablet for my heart,
If you Smoke STOP!
If you don’t DON’T Start!
The worst thing i ever did was get addicted to Nicotine, now I’m a walking Dead Man, even if I quit, the Damage is done……
/Fuck, writing that was hard
Sorry to hear that Yusef. I smoked for almost 30 years. In my 20’s I was doing 4 packs a day plus weed. Haven’t smoked in probably 10 years (except for the occasional mj toke) but I’m quite sure I did significant damage.
I am such an idiot that I bypassed smoking altogether and got addicted to Nicorette gum. Loved that shit.
Quit it 10 years ago. Still occasionally crave it!
That is pretty odd.
I don’t think there is much harm in the nicotine gum though. Some I’m sure, but magnitudes of order less than cigarettes or dip.
Inhaling Burnt Plants is just stupid, and while Nicotine and THC/CBD can be helpful, smoking a Shrub isn’t the best way to use it.
CBD Doesn’t get you high, it’s a calming thing that acts with your own CBD production
I believe the main problem with nicotine is that it causes vaso constriction, so when I got injured I had incentive to quit so I could heal better.
I started it when I had just eaten spicy Chinese food but had 2 hours of shopping to do. My companion who was trying to quit smoking popped a Nicorette, and I asked for one. He said, “It’s Nicorette!” ANd I said, “Is it minty????” and that was that.
As I said, idiotic.
I’m told that may be my Heart problem, the Heart runs fine,except for the Vascular artery being Constricted from Smoking, I had my Ultrasound Yesterday, so When the Cardio guy says quit or Die, I’ll quit, but I’m stubborn and scared of quitting
You can do it if adequately motivated. I moved from the 4 mg gum to the 2 mg gum, then made sure I only had so many a day, then cut that down, and eventually powered through it. Caffeine helped.
Chantix and that crap were not options for me because I have epilepsy and those meds can cause seizures. You gotta play with the hand you’re dealt.
Your last line of your post reminds me of Old Man River. “I don’t wanna go on living, but Lord, I’m scared of dyin'”
Don’t die on us bro. You got this.
What the hell?
American tourist ‘overdoses on Viagra and strolls through airport naked, yelling and throwing faeces’
I wonder which one of us will stop posting for a while.
Not me! Careful, I’ll change my name AND avatar!
/not Tulpa
I’m gonna guess there was more than viagra involved.
That’s not in their commercials.
Uh huh.
Yeah, I don’t think that would be the reaction to a Viagra OD. Projectile vomiting, perhaps.
I’m betting there was stimulant abuse going on there instead, maybe some poorly-concocted meth. But that doesn’t sound nearly enough of a headline-grabber as Viagra, right?
I’m currently performing a roll call of my FloridaMan militia…and I’m not quite ready to say it was one of mine. But I wouldn’t be surprised
I thought it was going to be this guy.
Or this guy
He truly is an American Hero.
Sad tales of lottery winners
One of the happier endings:
A New Jersey woman won the lottery back-to-back in 1985 and 1986.
But Evelyn Adams was too cocky with her luck and headed to Atlantic City where she gambled her winnings away.
After losing it all, Adams started a new life in a trailer park.
I really really want to slap these people.
Yeah I’m not surprised, if the kinds of people I see buying lottery tickets all the time is anything to go by.
They are all amazingly compassionate people who are (at least temporarily) voluntarily funding the public school systems of 48 states.
Yeah I smoke so #metoo.
But at least I don’t hold up the fucking line at the bodega.
I take it you are a New Yorker since you used the term bodega.
Yeah, I swear the lottery buyers are the slowest.
I am but TBH I can’t think of the ‘general’ term for the thing. “Deli”? But that seems NYC-centric too.
“Tiny store that makes most of its money on cigarettes and lottery tickets”?
Most places I lived have “convenient stores”, but I agree they’re different.
Ah yes. I haven’t heard of “convenience stores” since I lived upstate.
General stores.
Corner store, kwick -e-mart are both acceptable synonyms in fly over land, and we are also annoyed getting stuck behind lotto players thing to decide what tickets they’re going to buy, like they majored in statistics. If they studied statistics, they wouldn’t be buying lotto tickets.
I was also thinking convenience store, but I wouldn’t call them “tiny” anymore, what with Wawa, Royal Farms, Sheetz, etc. having as much floor space as a medium-sized grocery store.
“General Store” seems too Little House on the Prairie. I’ve never heard that in the East.
“Corner store” was on the tip of my tongue but seems inadequate.
I’ve said corner stores as well.
I just discovered that all of the brands I mentioned are local to the Mid-Atlantic. So maybe this phenomenon of “really large convenience stores” isn’t universal.
I’m glad to hear someone else noticed the slowness of the lottery player while you’re in the stores.
I often like to stop at 7-11s when I’m on the road, they’re so easy to get in and out of, and if all you want is a cold beverage or coffee, or a quick snack, it’s just very convenient (no wonder they’re called convenience stores!)
……Except when there’ a lottery player in line in front of you. Here’s what they almost always do when they get to the register, typically with about five clearly busy, eager to move people waiting in line behind them:
1) Ask that the cash register clerk take a few assorted Scratchers tickets from him — of the cards he has with him, he’s won a total of $12. Not sure how many he went through to reach that princely sum. The cash register guy has to run the tickets under the scanner to prove they’re legit, and prints out a little ticket that confirms that the guy did win $12.
2) The guy doesn’t want the $12 in cash, no, he wants to get $12 worth of new Scratchers. Well, there’s about twenty different types of Scratchers in a glass case below the register. And he wants: “one of #7, two of #19 — wait, not that one, the green-and-yellow one… what, that’s five dollars? Just for one ticket? OK, not that one, how about…..mmmm… one number 15. OK, how much does that leave me? (clerk does math for a few seconds). Four dollars, eh? OK, give me one #3, and one #5. Oh, you’re out of #5? What’s the matter with the one on the glass? Oh, that’s only for display, ok. Oh, what the heck, give me another #7.”
And now the line is ten people long, and you’re wondering if all this is worth it just for a damn Red Bull, and leaning your weight from one foot to the other, but he’s finally done. But… “Oh, I also need a Powerball , five quick picks. And can you print out what last week’s winning numbers were for me?”
I always wonder if the cut the bodega managers get from the lotto is enough to make up for all the missed sales that happen because the effing register is tied up by these clowns. Yes, I know that lottery tickets are a “stupid tax”, but can’t they be stupidly buying these somewhere else?
I think it might be. I lived in Philly and experienced the WaWa many a time, but also I live in Texas now and we have tons of mega-convenient stores/gas stations.
I’ve walked out more than a few times because of this.
There’s a new trend in my neighborhood where every bodega – and mind you, there is one on every block – is installing a meat counter. With a giant menu of fast food. Mother@#$%@ godd#@%#@ argh
You pay for the Schools too? I’ll light a smoke in your honor, Comrade!
Play Lottery. hit Lottery, Buy Property,
Buy into successful Company
Put money aside for proprty Taxes
Texas college warns students against working at Hooters
Those poor girls might make money, have fun, and be complimented on their looks! The Horror!
Dude, it is Abilene Christian University…it’s not like was U of T – Austin.
Dammit. I was too slow.
If I had a gun for every ace I have drawn,
I could arm a college the size of Abilene.
They don’t want anything to slow down that gravy train they’re going to be on after they are awarded their Abilene Christian University degree.
A private Christian school says “don’t go be ogle-bait” What is controversial about that?
Well I don’t know.
Does that answer your question?
Meh it’s a Christian college, so you can’t blame them for wanting to keep students wearing modest clothes.
I don’t go there for the girls, I go for the diarrhea inducing wings and the half flat overpriced beer.
Dear Zardoz, why did the thumb safety fall off my new 1911? How am I supposed to shoot brutals without a gun?
Well that malfunction in no way impairs you from shooting other mammals. Just cock the hammer before battle, or KEEP YOUR DAMN BOOGER PICKER OUTSIDE THE TRIGGER GUARD
which one?
My wife now has 580 rounds through each of her guns, and I hit 530 on both of mine today. I was ready to come brag on them in the links.
I was done cleaning my EMP-4 this afternoon and released the slide. It seated with a nice thud. A minute later I had the left-side thumb safety in my lap.
So I took it back to the shop. They took it back and said the gunsmith would have no problem fixing it. I should get it back in a couple of days.
It was just really weird.
*ZARDOZ vommits more guns on kinnath*
I fully trust my enemies, competitors and people I’ve fired to do my psychological evaluation.
people I’ve never met most of all.
I’ve got some bad news. You are Tulpa.
Think again, Tulpa….
Iran bans the teaching of English in primary schools, official says
Move comes after warnings by Islamic leaders that early learning of language opened way to western ‘cultural invasion’
This the kind of shot that annoys me. Persia was a global power in the ancient world. They were an ancient power that rivaled Rome. All the Persians I’ve met have been hard working friendly people. (Just don’t call them Arabs, unless you want to hear an epic rant.).
And I can’t visit their archeological wonders, because I’d probably be locked up on trumps charges for being America.
Never occurred to me. Could be because I knew an Iranian kid in HS but still.
“(Just don’t call them Arabs, unless you want to hear an epic rant.).”
*Hangs head, kicks rock*
Yipppeee! new Guy! hey!
Fuck Off!
New Guy? Hey White Indian, why don’t you gambol across the plains, and FUCK OFF! As Ken Shultz would say, ” FUCKING CUNT!!!”
*glances at links, straps on helmet and waits for Swiss*
Iran bans ‘UGLY’ teachers: Women with facial hair and men with acne, scars and fewer than 20 teeth will not be allowed in the classroom
Iran issued the new controversial restrictions though the FARS news agency
People witih colorblindness will be prevented from becoming art teachers
Even those with skin moles from spending too much time in the sun are patients
but 20 teeth is pretty by law now. so I got that goin for me.
Shit, I’m on Dentures, how bout Zero teeth?
/Best thing i ever did, saved my Life
hm, good point.
Derp, does it say anything about dentures?
“Son, the Future is Plastics”
/where’s that from?
The Graduate?
You Don’t count, your Old like me,
/But thanks for Playing! 🙂
In other news, the stories of teachers banging students in Iran increase…
Anyone ever use Experian.com to see if your email is on the dark web?
Anything I should know?
Never mind.
I can’t wait to find out all the HILARIOUS JOKES Seth Meyers makes at the Golden Globes.
I’m sure he’s gonna kill it.
So brave to go after a President at some shitty award ceremony.
The idiot even says he’s gonna be political because, you know, he’s so smart and you need to hear it from that scholar.
So how many awards did the gorilla network win?
Now THAT’S comedy!
Listened to both the Styx/Sargon/Spencer debate and the Molyneux/Kokesh debate on immigration over the winter vacation. Personally, I think Styx and Kokesh made excellent points. Sargon was petty. Spencer is Spencer: We can get our ethno state without mass violence. (Cuckoo). Anyone listen to either of those.
Bro, go play Music with your daughter, that Shit will mess with your Head, Too much Poli social BS, is not good,
/Rock on!
True. Got a tooth problem today, myself. Arghh.
as i said above, I had big Genetic issues with my Teeth, and finally got rid of the Time Bombs at 49, I was constantly dealing with Ear,nose and throat infections, and the outcome was not good, I have a real pretty Smile now! and I feel better
Cheers. Not great genes to start with me, either. Shoulda coulda woulda taken better care when younger. Water under the bridge at this point. Glad you feel better.
Styx is a smart guy and a good debater but he needs to be more assertive, Sargon’s good when he goes by a script but his debate skills are just terrible, and Spencer hems and haws when people try to pin him down on the specifics of implementation (I can’t imagine why that he does that). I haven’t watched the other debate yet but it’s on my list.
Sargon’s problem is that he isn’t anti collectivist. He’s just anti racial collectivism. It’s annoying watching a smart guy like Sargon twist and turn because he has no bedrock principle.
think Rush Limbaugh, Start with a principle, Market it, adjust viewpoint for Maximum cash flow, Profit!
/ Good Idea
(Psst–scroll back up /”find in page” to the smoking thread)
THANK YOU! I’m not going near Chantix, I;m seriously not that stable, and I heard recently that many marginal Bipolars get by with Nicotine, and lose it without. I’m Diagnosed Anti-Social Neurotic, with OCD tendencies, (You Don’t Say), but being the only breadwinner, i have to keep my Shit together.
I’m going to go with the Gum based on your XP, Sound Advise and Thanks agin!
Not helping with the decades’ long porn addiction…
There is only 31…
4,9,21 the list goes on……
So many types, I love em all
I keep choosing one of these from the menu, but none are ever delivered. Q is Lucy and the boobs are the footballs.
i can get Pizza, Pot and even Beer delivered but Boobs? The Tech ain’t there yet
Have you tried Craigslist?
I think the Wife might have Questions, Thankfully She has nice Boobies to play with
/TMI sorry
42, 44(‘Merica), 28, and 6.
32 would have been nice but DQ’d due to ink stains. 25, but 17 gets an honorable mention for the setting.
Speaking of teeth: Dental crisis leaves Britain reliant on charity from the developing world
Dentures 2300$ full price, 3 teeth at a time,4 months total and like 15 visits, You know, fuck this NHS crap, again, it’s Our Heritage that’s Dying over there,
Teeth? What a no brainer
I think We are getting Left Coasted, all the East is going Nite Nite,
Playa! Anacreon! Jesse! MS! Straff, While being Japanese, is aware of the situation I’m sure….
It’s only 10:30 and 1st intermission in the Rangers game. Not even close to bed yet.
I agree, But your Time is retarded and your shit is Fucked up,
Try being a central time zone guy working nights when the only other person posting was Agile Cyborg. (I miss that lunatic.)
Japanese? No.
But in Japan? Japanese wife? am I wrong? oops?
Middle age white dude. Been here since my mid twenties. I should get around to asking my wife were she’s from one of these days.
I’ll take Half an Answer and guess the rest, at I didn’t call you Korean…..
I’m here creeping from Straff’s island. I just found out there was a Glib fitness challenge so I was reading through everyone’s comments there. I love working out and seeing what other people are challenging themselves to do.
You must have great work out facilities available on base. BTW, I was in Hachioji the other day and saw multiple groups of Helicopters flying overhead. Maybe you can’t say, but it seems they are much more active at the base recently.
Meh, they are okay. It’s a government facility and it shows but it’s nice having it easily available. The best gyms are at spec ops bases.
Lots of things spinning up because reasons.
Wife and I have loved living here though, especially the food. We’ve got a few more years to enjoy it.
Food, customer service, safety. Maybe the best in the world.
The customer service is disconcerting at first but we are used to it. The wife and I are amazed at the number of people we know who refuse to venture off base. We’ve been here a few months and have been told we have done more than people who have been here years. My wife is learning Japanese and can already recognize hiragana and katakana (spelling?) and muddle through some basic speaking, though kanji is pretty much out. She learns a lot by bringing in some Japanese students who want to learn conversational English.
I do a good amount of work with the Japan Self Defense Forces and the lack of understanding on our side blows me away.
Anyways, that’s my opinion. People make fun of us because we try to respect their sovereignty and culture instead of just being the arrogant Americans. We aren’t trying to be Japanese (I think there’s a word for that…) but we know we are just guests. It’s kind of like going to another person’s house and following their rules.
It’s lunchtime, so I hope we can carry this on in another thread. But yeah, I’ve known people (not military) that have lived here for more than ten years and can’t even read or speak properly. Their choice. Seems like a total wast to me.
I can’t imagine living in a foreign country for any appreciable length of time and not making any effort to learn the language. But I’m a language nerd so I dunno.
Straff if you ever have plans to come this way hit me up.
Same Rhywun, makes no sense.
Straff’s Island sounds a bizarro game show where the participants getting drunk off their ass before starting. Not sure how the rest works yet.
I am planning to a 10 week keto blast to drop some body fat. I’m religious about lifting and I eat well, but beer carbs are a challenge.
What’s your plan?
I’m not sure. I don’t really drink and I’ve been doing the low carb, high fat/protein thing for so many years it’s not even a diet anymore, it’s just life. I don’t really drink much because even three beers will put me off for a week.
I gained 20 pounds of muscle and am down to 12% body fat roughly and have maintained that for about three or four years now, but I’m finding my stamina lacking, so I’ve been adding in some wind sprints three or four times a week after my weight routine.
I’ve tried a bunch of different supplements and read scientific papers and the only one I can find that adds any real results is a protein shake. I have BCAAs but there is zero scientific evidence it helps except in certain circumstances.
So basically…I don’t know. I’m pretty satisfied.
Prick! 😉
Good for you, Mustang. Getting lower than 12% isn’t very practical, so maybe a one rep max challenge for you, huh?
Supplements are meh. After trying a bunch, I’m down to Vitamin D, fish oil, creatine and protein. I recently got blood tests done and was really bummed to find out my T was normal. I was hoping for a legit prescription!
How old are you?
Haha, thanks. I honestly try to encourage people where possible. I know a lot of gym douches and don’t want to be that.
I do take vitamin D supp because mine is always low (probably from office work), Omega Red, and glucosamine for joints. I have another prescription that’s not related to physical ailments, but having something to ease my mental stress really ramped up my ability to workout. The workout industry reminds me of the climate change industry. There’s thousands of manufactured horseshit studies out there and it blows me away how easily people are sucked in.
Body fat is what it is for me. I’ve never had any issues associated with it and the doctors have all signed me off. It fluctuates beyond 12% depending on what I’ve eaten the past few weeks.
I’m 31.
I’m 31.
I can barely remember that!
50 seems pretty fucking old!
Note to self, find Tundra’s lawn and dance a tarantula just to confuse him.
I wouldn’t get near Tundra’s lawn lest he tell me to get off it.
Thanks, kids.
I gotta be honest – lifting and playing The Hockey with you youngsters is my favorite thing!
I wish I would have been more disciplined years ago, but whatever.
Now get off my snow-covered lawn!
I’m still here.
your not Here!, your Q! Boobies!
See! still Q, who is Here?
A funky little Jewish Princess,(LALALALA) who’s really Quite dumb, And squeaks when she cums!
And there we have it. Another win by an innings for Australia and they win the series 4-0.
/retires to be knowing most people have no idea what I’m talking about.
That’s that time-waster they play during the Aussie rules off-season, right?
I thought it was bocce
You’re obviously not a golfer.
Excuse me, I just played a Gally whomp of a game, we were down by 45 Gizel, and the defense was ready. Tally Ho! cried my Mates as we rallied round the gizump and Surrendered, A Glorious Day for All!
Probably 4-1 if rain doesn’t fuck up the 4th Test, but still. England were horrible.
STEVE SMITH was the MVP of the tour, by the way.
United Van Lines tells us where their vans are coming and going. I’m sure you can guess who tops the list of outbound states.
Even 20 years ago, We moved from CO back to CA with a 26 footer and a trailer for the car, 600$, same trip from Ca to Co? 1300$, in 1998
I was right!
You mean, i came, i saw a bunch of rednecks and tried to improve there lives? did what I could and bailed? Because Rednecks are Rednecks, and back Home in Cali, I’m a Red neck, but some States……..
I was right that the answer was Illinois.
I’m in a Wayne’s World Nightmare,
BTW the answer is 42
Oregon’s been an inbound state for the past 33 years, and 36 of the 39 years total, highest of any state. Going to pour another drink.
The Death train only goes one direction
I know none of y’all watched the Golden Globes (good choice), but Oprah’s totally running in 2020.
Oh God.
Has she ever been political? I ask because I really don’t know anything about her, other than she is richer than God and has a huge following of middle aged women .
I’m guessing Democrat and I’m also guessing she’d wipe the floor with any challenger including the current occupant.
Ihink Trump could take her. The secret to Trump’s success is that was willing to drop the gloves and not play by gentry rules. Oprah is the poster child for liberal gentry rules. Just by debating him she him would lose a lot of her brand.
Yeah you have a point. I guess it depends on how the economy’s doing. I do think she’d peel off some Trump voters not to mention attract a LOT of people who didn’t vote last time.
But… that’s only if she goes “centrist” as I would suspect.
If she goes hard left, forget it.
OpraH: STAMMER STAMMER Black People The Childrens! Womens, and finally, RACIIIIST!
and Trump wins again, people are sick of this shit
I think she’s too savvy to go full derp leftist like that.
That’s her Audience, too bad for her they are Sheep
Yeah Oprah didn’t make billions on her name by being unrelatable. If she runs, she’s not going to give a basket of deplorable type of speech.
Oh Bring it, Her False Majesty is only a media Fiction, the world Does Not Like Oprah
We now have the lowest black unemployment rate since the government started tracking it. I could see Trump trolling Oprah with, “you have a job, and You have a Job, jobs for everyone.”
And then forget the taxes on the jobs, like Her Car giveaway,
Fire and Fury the Trump Book entire!
‘”This is the administration’s strategy, make it look like market reforms and marketplaces aren’t successful,” said Park.’
Zero-care is *not* a market, it’s coercion masquerading as choice. Oh, and it was doing so well before Trump started making changes; how bout those 200% premium and deductible increases? Those sure make people happy.
Pathetically biased “journalism”.
2500$ a year because FeelZ!
Is True Irish Coffee a recipe? I;m going to sit in the rain Tomorrow, and thought it might be good
Weird night.
Daughter came back from a walk and said there was a guy acting strange up the street. Went out to find Tom, an old guy I’ve chatted with before, doubled over in the middle of the street with a couple shopping bags at his feet. After making sure he wasn’t dying, I got him back to my house, where he promptly doubled over again, complaining about his back. I asked the guy about ID, family, etc. Nothing. I decided since the hospital is only a couple minutes away, I would take him to the emergency room. Long story short, the ER chick couldn’t find anything worth pursuing and called the cops to get him home. I talked to them briefly and took off.
Vietnam vet from WI. Heart attack over the summer. Living somewhere close to me. The shopping bags were full of 2 liter soda bottles.
No real reason for telling the story, but it bums me out. I got the idea the ER chick was pissed that I brought him in. The cops were totally cool. I am thinking about tracking him down to make sure he is ok. Stupid?
Weird night.
Just be Careful, Mental problems can make Good people do bad things, you know this,
This guy cracks me up, though. Remembers the weirdest details.
I really hope he’s lying about having no people. I like the guy.
i blame trump
I don’t think it’s stupid. Could prevent a worse tragedy and make a new friend or get some good stories.
Yeah. He’s a character.
So, how old is this daughter?
Lol. Way cuter and tougher than Monique.
Such a great movie, isn’t it?
Only way you and I communicate, going back to TOS. Although we should expand to One Crazy Summer.
I loved that movie, too.. Sad that Cusack turned into such a douche.
Grosse Pointe Blank fan?
So, yes.
Man, it’s a shame to see people throwing away a perfectly good white like that.
I can forgive Cusack for being a leftie, it”s Hollywood, what can you do? But ragging on Better off Dead, now it’s on.
I got a whole category in my DVD collection for Cusack movies.
“No fucking way!”
You remind me of my little brother. Are you a divorced, hedge-fund IT guy with great taste in movies, music and martial arts?
No, I’m a guy who could have done all that, but instead chose other pursuits and is now 34 with bad knees and never married…depending on how old your daughter is
There is your billion dollar internet idea for people with fewer scruples than I, an online dowry facilitator. Boom, connect it to Alibaba and it gets you millions in Asia and Asia Minor.
I developed a fear or thrown mortar boards after that movie. And getting buried in sand.
fear of
I don’t care about actors outside of movies; John Cusack is a performer I will watch. If he said Hitler was a genius, I’d still watch his movies. Matt Damon on the other hand, doesn’t have the acting skill to make me ignore his stupidity off the screen.
Oh, I’m with you.
If I gave a shit about the political views of artists, my entire collection would consist of SugarFree and Baked Penguin.
Speaking of John Cusack and Hitler, have you seen Max?
Holy shit! Cusack Godwined his career.
Is the movie any good?
I like it. It kind of presents a ‘what if’ where Hitler failed as an artist because his Nazi followers messed up his chance with this jewish art dealer.
I touched a Krugman article, Help me Please!
You are infectious and need to be quarantined!
i called that shit. shortly after the election, on H+R. she’ll win too.
i think she may still not run, but if the dnc can convince her to do it, its a shoo in.
mostly unrelated, the expression “Her False Majesty” reminded me of this excellent all-lesbian party rap group from Atlanta which i thoroughly enjoyed. I wonder what happened to them.
Welcome to the age of celebrity presidents. After Oprah maybe we get Kid Rock?
oh, ha ha. silly you. a White? I don’t think so. There is a deep pool of talent in the Latino community waiting to be utilized.
That would be great.
My favorite is that Castro brothers from Texas are up and rising stars in the Hispanic politician community. I’m sure the Castro brothers will be a big hit in Florida.
I said it earlier but I think Trump could beat Oprah in an election assuming the economy stays strong. Republicans voted for Trump because he was the kind of Republiican that would drop the gloves. Oprah is the poster child for gentry liberalism. The kind of polite liberal who isn’t going to make scene at the Thangsgiving table, but once she starts departing Trump, a lot of that goodwill is going to disaappear.
But, anything Trump says against her will be shown as misogynistic and racist in MSM, and this is also assuming Trump doesn’t face a primary challenger from within the Republican party.
Glibs talking about music.
So, in the last half hour while I was at my computer my bathroom pipes decided to unfreeze, , now my bathroom is flooded. Fun times when you’re drunk.
Well, shit.