Yusef and a client?
Yusef Adama(not real name) has been in the HVACR trades for 31 years, Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Refrigeration and currently runs a small operation out of Southern California.
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, HVAC – a silly acronym for the most valuable thing man has created to advance Civilization. What, Yusef? What about Computers? Medicine? Food storage?
NONE of those things would not be possible in their current form without HVAC, so let’s get started.

Behold Your God (of AC)
Way back when we used Fire, people began to notice if you gave Fire an easy place to vent smoke, it will go that way, Later we discovered Pressure Differential, and used it to our advantage. Today we use a variety of materials including PVC plastic to vent our Products of Combustion, and have developed standards of safety to insure said PoC don’t mix with our breathing air.

Yup, a that is a furnace alright.
Gas ranges, old boiler systems and floor furnaces all give off some PoC, but the legal maximum is 9ppm so that’s O.K. However any forced air furnace is limited to 3ppm.

Bad burning gas

Good burning gas
CO and You: CO is cumulative in the bloodstream – you start out with flu-like symptoms, then it gets worse…and if you don’t catch CO poisoning soon, you will die. If you have a good running gas furnace, it will produce NO CO, CO is created by incomplete combustion, Modern furnaces burn really clean, but even an old furnace with a clean burn, Will. Not. Produce. CO. If your CO detector does go off, I, personally, would do the following;
- Check for a clear vent,
- Run the unit and check with my million dollar meter for actual CO,
- Check the combustion air supply,
- Check for living air incursion,
- Look for cracked heat cells,
- Check and adjust burners,
- Check and adjust gas valve manifold pressure.
Combustion air and You: Furnaces need oxygen to burn clean (as does all fire) and a separate air supply is provided for just that purpose. Seen a screen or 2 in the furnace closet? That’s combustion air and it needs to stay clear of blockage – so don’t store things in there, not good.
Heat Pumps and electric heat: This is the fun one; First, they aren’t really AC in reverse, they require a number of check valves, 2 different metering devices for the refrigerant and a bunch of other things that make them work. When it gets below about 25 degrees, they lose the capacity to draw heat from the surrounding air and begin to freeze, this where defrost comes in…
“Why is my heater blowing out freezing air?” Defrost occurs via sensors in the outdoor unit, and flips it into cooling mode. This results in switching valves around and thawing the outside coil, then it flips back to heat… so hang tight, it will come back. If you have electric heat installed, this will temper the cold air until defrost ends. Heat pumps are really only useful in a clime like California or maybe Arizona, cause once you get below 25 or so your running strip heat, which is extremely expensive.
Back to modern furnaces: The days of fires and rollouts are long gone. Off the top of my head, there are; the centrifugal switch, the pressure switch, 2 rollout switches, a high limit in the burner compartment, another on the blower, the igniter itself, and finally the flame sensor. If any ONE thing fails, the whole machine will shut down, and you must unplug and reset the system to check those faults, takes me about ten minutes, unless there are birds in the vent,etc.

NOT a birdhouse
Bottom line, you are much safer than even 20 years ago.
Yusef what can I do to be safe and enjoy my comfortable warm/cool home? Filters, if you don’t know where they are, find them! Or ask me 🙂 usually located at the bottom of a furnace in a closet, in the ceiling as in a filter grille, turn off your system before changing, and no less than every 6 months for a forced air system, here’s why.

The filter is to keep the equipment clean, not your precious breathing air!
The indoor coil is capable of acquiring tons of dirt, blocking air flow for heating, and cooling and destroying equipment that demands airflow. It is expensive to clean up, and quite embarrassing for the homeowner.
![[INSERT JOE DIRT JOKE HERE]](https://glibertarians.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Dirt-180x300.jpg)
Did someone say “dirt”?
Forced-air furnaces, work like this;
1. Thermostat calls for heat,
2. Furnace calls for inducer motor (or vent motor if positive pressure)
3. Centrifugal switch closes to turn on motor,
4. Pressure switch closes,
5. Control circuit goes through all limit switches,
6. Igniter is energized, (could be a spark igniter or a hot surface igniter)
7. Gas valve opens for 7 seconds,
8. If flame is produced, flame sensor sends a signal to the control board,
9. After 90 second delay, blower comes on,
10. Once the thermostat is satisfied, the exact reverse happens – starting with the gas valve.
Heat pumps, electric heat:
1. Thermostat calls for heat,
2. Compressor fires off and reversing valve engages,
3. 2 sensors calculate ambient and coil temps every 15 minutes or so,
4. When it gets too cold and the outdoor coil begins to freeze…
5. Unit goes into cooling mode, defrosting outdoor coil, strip heat comes on,
6. Unit defrosted, goes into heating, strip heat turns off.
Yusef what can I do? I’m cold! Go to your breaker panel and rest the furnace breaker, or if a HP, both outdoor and indoor breakers. What we are trying to do is clear a programming fault in the circuit board, it does work sometimes and can save you oodles of cash, worth the small effort IMO.
If not, call an expert. the most expensive thing in your house is your HVAC… but it’s often the most neglected. It’s what keeps you comfy, and it will kill you if you don’t pay attention. I see dog hair clogged filters that look like a fur wall and ask my BMW driving customers, “would you do this to your car?”
“No? But you do this to your half a million dollar home.” (I despise those types)
Don’t be afraid, enjoy your comfort and don’t panic – but be aware, nothing is perfect, and CHANGE YOUR FILTERS!
First and I changed my filter last week!
All these years on both sites and…..*slowly wipes away tear*.
Thanks for this timely post, Yusef.
TY, I had no Idea this was coming today, Now I have Beer and Corn Dogs, question away!
I’m still not clear on what the “V” means….
Seriously? Vikings Man!
As someone from SW Ohio, Im genetically programmed to support not only the Cincinnati Reds, but also the Bengals.
My well of sadness is bottomless. Makes a handy excuse to remain drunk, though.
Real Vikings, not football Vikings
While I very much enjoy and appreciate HVAC, “the most valuable thing man has created to advance Civilization” still has to go to indoor plumbing. Sorry Yusef.
Did you know We need to be Plumbers as well? I’m a Certified Pipefitter among others,
I’m aware. Brother in law the plumber just left on an emergency plumbing call; combo, someone’s furnace gave out and their pipes froze. Gotta set aside some dinner for him and keep an eye on his spawn for a bit.
I’m a Certified Pipefitter
These euphemisms…!
Go on…
Indoor plumbing is pretty important.
Guys, I get that, Shit doesn’t equal Civilization, But we are now talking sanitation, not necessarily Plumbing itself.
Plumbing doesn’t mean clean water, Think Flint Mich.
I know plumbing doesn’t mean clean water. But there is something special about flush toilets, especially ones you can flush used toilet paper down.
I’m reminded of Austin Powers ” WHO is MR. BIG!”
Beer, sports
this helps me, I never know what I’m looking at in the heating room.
I do understand my wood burning stove decently enough.
Thanks Yusef!
My house has an oil boiler. Hot water and heat are both off the boiler. The boiler is 30 years old and still working well.
When I was looking at my house, the then owners didn’t have any maintenance records for the boiler. I suspected, given evidence of neglect around the house, that they had stopped maintaining the boiler. The home inspector I hired suspected the same thing. He added a comment about his suspicions to his report. I told the then owners I wouldn’t go forward with the deal unless they got the boiler looked at and sent me the receipts/report from the guy who did the maintenance.
They did, and they had a technician from a local reputable company take care of the boiler. No problems, just a lack of maintenance.
Since then, I’ve had someone in every summer to look over the boiler. It’s still going.
The people I bought the house from installed a wall mounted AC/cooling unit in one of the downstairs rooms. I am a bit lazy about cleaning the filter, but I do clean it. Just not as often as I should.
Good Man, Boilers are pricey to replace, and this Spring, run a gentle hose over the outdoor coil, and watch the dirt come out! then it will run better and cheaper
You mean Summer right? You remember that I live in southern New Hampshire? The outdoor parts of the unit are buried under snow. I probably won’t see them until Summer.
Whoever the previous owners had install that unit didn’t do it right. The put a nice cover over the hoses/cables/what-have-you that run from the outside unit into the house, but they didn’t properly seal up the hole they cut in the exterior wall. Wasps and mice got in through the hole. Once I figured out what was wrong, I took the cover apart and scared some wasps. Once they settled down, I sprayed them and cleaned up the mess. Then I filled up the hole with a mix of steel wool and foaming insulation. No wasps in the house anymore, but the mice found another way in. Bastards.
Ya got me there! you hibernate til when? June, July?
It depends on how bad the winter is. I’ve had winters where we have snow on the ground from Thanksgiving until April, with snow piles lingering into late May.
I think this winter might be a bad one.
And on this note, the thing I miss most about living in the Philly area is Spring. We have winter there, but winter doesn’t linger. We have actual Spring. Most every year I’ve been in New England we transition right from Winter to Summer.
I will emphasize the filters. I let an HVAC guy talk me out of using them for a couple years because I have an electronic filter near the exchanger. That was a royal mistake.
Buy the cheapest return filters and replace them once a month.
I tell my Customers Exactly that, Home Depot 4 pack for 3 bucks, But every 3 months is fine for homes,
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning, HVAC – a silly acronym for the most valuable thing man has created to advance Civilization.
Fake News. HVAC stands for Hair Vacuum which is indeed the most valuable thing man has created.
Does Robby know?
Mind. Blown.
Robby? is that You?
Im Tulpa.
But this along the same lines of what he said:
Who will stand up for the USPS?
Blah blah Trump’s crazy because where would we be without our mighty Mailperson of Color army?
I suspect that Prospect alum Jamelle Bouie is right, and the fact that the Postal Service has for so long provided good jobs for African Americans is no small part of the animus directed toward it.
Yeah, you got me. I only hate the Post Office because they hire black people. That’s why I hate the army, too.
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Is there anything which is not tainted by their racial obsessions?
I have met exactly One black AC Guy, Coincidence? It’s not like you need to swim or anything
I know that guy! 2 summers ago, he gouged me for the compressor start capacitor, cause I was out of town.
How much? I charge 165-210$
Note to self: Do not hire Yusef.
Socal, I’m cheap, I’ll also install a NEST wifi stat for 265$ with setup, That’s Cheap.
Tres, You’re paying for my Brain first, people don.t get that. I like the Customers who looked it up on YT, I get to bill them AND berate them,
my locksmith ass agrees.
People who annoy you:
_ _ _ g e r s
Close, it has two g’s.
Closer, the Gs aren’t contiguous.
I hope this game doesn’t suck as bad as the last one.
I think the AFC game we just endures pretty much leaves that side of the league down to “Is it going to be the Pats or the Steelers in the Superbowl?”
The Jaguars could well beat the Steelers again like they did in the regular season this year, but then that means the Patriots will make it to another SB. I don’t see the Jaguars being able to handle Foxboro in January,
The steelers still have the best chance to knock out the pats, but I’m not convinced. Who’s going to take the eagles out?
/Bears fan.
decorated den and all.
I’d say they are the strongest right now in the NFC.
I can hardly believe it, but the Vikes are going to be the first team to compete in a superbowl at their home stadium.
I plan to stay way up in the Northern Suburbs for a couple of weeks around then.
I am friends/neighbors/church volunteers with a guy who runs A/V at the minneapolis NBC station, KARE11. He is hating life right now because he has to do all the “game week” coverage from the Mall of America on a floor with next to no outlets etc. He is lobbying hard for some fiber optic installation because if they don’t, there will be a 4 second delay and all interviews will be awkward as hell.
Sad part is, he really doesn’t even like football. Poor guy.
I’m a GB guy but it goes like this
1. GB
2 NFC north
3. NFC
/ Black and Blue FOREVER!!!
Yeah, I can respect that.
I think it’s cute that the expansion team Vikes think that the greatest rivalry in NFL is between Vikes and Packers. We Bears and Packers fans just look at each other and laugh.
What? You root for Division opponents if your team gets knocked out?
Fuck that, they’re the Permanent Enemy
nah, you want to also lose to the winner.
I’m there ‘Splosives Black and Blue, not purple,
1. GB
2. Whoever is playing the Vikings or the Chicago Team
Oh shit, Ted and I agree on something,
/Oceans calm, lions and lambs……..
Breaks open the Seventh Seal…
If my CO detector goes off, the first thing I’d do is open some windows or move to a place with access to fresh air. YMMV.
Absolutely, then you have to find the source, your Gas Range will set them off,
PSA: INSTALL CO Detectors LOW to the Ground, Preferably BELOW your Bed height, CO is Heavier than air and will replace it from the ground Up.
Don’t put them in the Kitchen or the Furnace area, they’ll nuisance trip on you.
Do put them in hallways and Bedrooms
Thanks, man. Just moved the CO tester to the bedroom floor?
I have seen them on the ceiling right next to the smoke detector, and I ask why, how about,RTFM!
One is enough for a house, as long as it’s in the Primary sleeping area
There are a lot of combined CO/smoke detectors.
That is STUPID, Smoke rises, CO falls, I won’t, you shouldn’t, People are stupid
Yes, and I think Massachusetts requires them now.
Nope, I’m wrong. Combination ones are not mandated, but will meet the requirements of “Nicole’s Law”.
Links to details.
I can never finish these piles of Propaganda, I need Derpitoligist STAT!
Naming a Storm? Wasn’t a Nor’easter? there, that’s a Name
I had to stop at “existential impact”. That was an adequate synopsis.
Nice try Philly.com, but your paywall is no match for my ctrl+A copy paste.
by Tim Dillingham, For Philly.com
Hunkered down at home, under a “state of emergency” declared by Governor Christie, there’s something serious to be said about the weather we experienced this week. The media coverage is all over the “bombogenesis” happening outside my window, the “bomb cyclone” forecast to “explode” and “monster nor’easter” tackling the entire East Coast, bring temperatures “colder than Mars.”
While the phrase “bomb cyclone” might sound hyperbolic, we are not experiencing the same weather our parents did when they were our age and they trudged through uphill — both ways! — five miles, in the snow just to get to school. This was not your father’s snowstorm — and because of climate change, we may be in for more like it.
Individual snow storms (no matter how big) are rarely cataclysmic, but it is not fear-mongering to appreciate the existential impact of climate change: We really are altering the fundamental mechanics of the planet (and in particular, the oceans). As a consequence, individual event frequency and intensity are changing. Some storms are bigger and more frequent, but in some places there is less rainfall – increasing drought.
We know that the 10 warmest years (on average, for the earth) have occurred since 1997 and evidence gathered by organizations such as NOAA indicate that the warming trends seen over the 19th and 20th centuries is unprecedented over the past 1,000 years. Scientific models also indicate the likelihood of more extreme or unusual weather. Storms such as Sandy and this most recent event could very well be symptoms of climate change because they are unusual, extreme and fueled by an ocean that is far warmer than what would have been considered normal for this time of year not too long ago.
Straightforward science describes the relationship between snow and climate change.
Warmer temperatures cause more water to evaporate, and warmer air holds more water. The warming creates supersaturated air, bringing (when cold enough) heavy and intense snowfall.
Ironically, climate change is bringing shorter, warmer winters but is also increasing the intensity of snowstorms when it gets cold enough to snow – which it will still do, although within a smaller “winter window.” Additionally, rising sea levels increase base water levels so that, when a coastal storm occurs, we will experience greater and more widespread flooding.
Professor Anthony Broccoli of Rutgers University takes it to the basics. “The maximum amount of water vapor that can be present increases with increasing temperatures. That’s just a consequence of the laws of physics,” Broccoli said.
Dr. Kevin Trenberth, head of the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research draws the big picture. “There is a systematic influence on all of these weather events now-a-days because of the fact that there is this extra water vapor lurking around in the atmosphere than there used to be say 30 years ago. It’s about a 4% extra amount, it invigorates the storms, it provides plenty of moisture for these storms and it’s unfortunate that the public is not associating these with the fact that this is one manifestation of climate change. And the prospects are that these kinds of things will only get bigger and worse in the future.”
In a few days, the media will turn to the wrap up: damages to property (and hopefully not lives or limbs), economic costs because of missed work, inconvenience or trashed travel plans due to flight cancellations or delays, post storm flooding as the snow melts. The cost will pinch, but not be cataclysmic.
But in the not-so-distant future, when we are standing in line for milk or wrestling our neighbor for the last loaf of Wonder Bread, and it occurs to us that this is getting to be a regular occurrence, maybe we will devote a few thoughts to how – today – we might minimize or mitigate the impacts of climate change. There are readily available actions, both personal and policy, although we seem to be headed in all the wrong directions as a nation.
In New Jersey, nongovernmental organizations, scientists and businesses have come together to form the New Jersey Climate Adaptation Alliance. They have lots of ideas, found on their website hosted by Rutgers University.
We should take advantage of the snow, curl up with our laptops, and think beyond the hyperbole about the serious issues building up in drifts around us.
Tim Dillingham is the executive director of the American Littoral Society.
Professor Broccoli? You gotta be shitting me.
Thanks Derp!
Then it’s a good thing we have advanced HVAC, isn’t it?
Professor Broccoli speaks:
A more interesting broccoli
How did meteorologists know what weather effect was going happen if we’ve never seen weather like this before on earth?
The Weather Channel started naming them a few years back, I’m assuming for the marketing opportunity.
We aspire to need furnaces some day. We’ve got a floor furnace, which I’m sure Yusef is familiar with. For anyone fortunate enough to not know what this is, picture a 2’x3′ grill in the floor of your ground level. Beneath this grill, there is a furnace, in our case made by Coleman. Yep, same Coleman that makes lanterns and propane camping grills. There’s a little glass porthole type thing where you can verify that the pilot is lit, which not only serves to ignite the gas when the furnace comes on but also provides the very low amount of electricity required for the thermostat via some process I don’t understand. When the thermostat trips, you hear a soft “whoompf”, which means that you didn’t explode, the house hasn’t blasted off for Mars, and you’ll soon be enjoying warmth if you’re reasonably close to the grill, or smelling roasting dust, pet hair, and whatever your kid tossed down into the thing if you’re pretty much anywhere in the house. Also, you’ll need to be familiar with the term “waffle feet”, which is what happens the first few times you come downstairs in the morning and walk across the grill barefoot not realizing that the furnace has just turned off.
I’m bitching about it, but it’s actually not too bad if you’ve got a small house like we do. Apparently, at least based on a bunch of Internet forums I’ve come across, you still see a bunch of these in California, particularly in Sears kit houses like mine. It’s gas heat, which is cheap as dirt, and it’s pretty simple so there’s not all that much to go wrong. It also means that you don’t need ducts. Still, it’s not optimal, and we’re hoping to be able to afford to replace it soon. We’re looking at ductless. It’s more expensive, but in our case we’d have to pay to have ducts built anyway so it might come out to be the same in the end.
Ooh, first “furnaces” should read “filters”.
I’m looking at my Coleman floor furnace right now, I feel ya, where are you? there are all kinds of tricky ways to go about installing systems in old homes,
I’m in Annapolis, Maryland, specifically in an area called Eastport. This part of town is kind of known for all the houses being these Sears kit houses, especially the “Cape Cod” or “Bungalow” styles, and most of them had floor furnaces in the middle at one point or another.
Most of my wife’s uncles are in one trade or another, so we get a lot of work done for cost, which is nice. The only problem is that none of them are HVAC guys. One uncle is a general contractor as well as a master plumber. Basically, we could sneak some ducts in without having to have them exposed or frame out space for them but we’d still need to hire a guy to come and do it. Otherwise, that uncle could do a radiator system and toss in a new hot water heater (which we’ll need anyway) at cost, or he could pull in another uncle who’s an electrician and do baseboard. Neither of those exactly blow our collective skirts up.
Option three is to do a ductless split. He gets deals on those pretty frequently, and that solves our duct issue. The down side is that the inside bits are too large to fit unobtrusively where they’d likely be placed, so they’d wind up sticking out from the wall like a radiator anyway. I like ductless anyway because I like the zone control, and the added benefit of not having to deal with the duct bit is a big, big plus. On the other hand, I kinda like radiators for nostalgia reasons. My wife isn’t wild about those (or baseboard heat) because she’s worried about our toddler or any future babies burning themselves on them. The way I look at it, they’re only gonna do it once.
Really, I want underfloor heating, and the plumber-uncle mentioned brought that up, but that would require fixing up the crawlspace a bit and the cost would be an issue. We’re trying to sell in a few years, so we’re basically just trying to get this shack competitive with the rest of the houses near us.
They make Mini split indoor coils that sit on the ground and look like Baseboard heat, though they are still Heat pumps, I’m thinking of using them at my house
That might be the move for us. Where we are we need heat and A/C about equally. Winters will get down to the 20s pretty regularly, and we’ll get odd years like this one where we’re in the low teens. Summers hang out in the high 80s to mid 90s, but the big thing is it gets crazy humid and, ironically, considering we’re a big sailing town, we get like no wind so opening windows just lets the mosquitoes in.
What I saw would look really nice in my 89 year old villa thingy I live in, Old school, I think it might be a good solution for you, Low, out of the way, put a couch in front of them, as long as your not blocking airflow, you’re Gold.
OK fellow shitlords, time for us to stop raping Ma Gaia just to preserve our fragile toxic masculinity.
I’m sure the use of more masculine fonts will fix things. That’s actually suggested.
When environmentalists start in on their rants within earshot of my SUV driving hubby, he says, “Of course I was raping Mother Earth. Did you see what that whore was wearing?”
Pretty much stops the conversation dead. I have to try not to snort-laugh too loud.
I liked driving my FJ around in Boulder. prius and tesla drivers would sometimes give me shit and I’d just tell them my car’s environmental impact happened in 74. at least most of it. and the open pit mine they helped make is much worse. of course I had to yell over the sound of my engine rumbling away.
you get that rogue?
“you get that rogue?’
I has a confuse.
I thought I remembered you thinking about that as a car after renting one
Could be wrong.
Musta been one of the other hypothetical libertarian wemminz.
I still drive a 2000 Ford Expedition. Only 115k miles. I love that car.
such low milage!
(Facepalm) You are right. I did mention a Rogue that I rented that was a nice car. I would consider it.
But I will run my Expedition into the ground before I get a new car.
haha I’m not sure how I remembered, to be honest.
the proper way. unless a family member needs a car and can’t afford one or something.
My work Van is an E350 V10, the Dragon roars, Coal powered Cars now, Coal powered Cars forevah!
Keep up the Good work Doom! and Mr splosives!
It’s the Tesla that’s coal powered (at least in much of the country)
A guy a work was surprised when he told about the hybred he’d just bought and I said “Oh, a coal-powered car.” He was a good enough engineer to at admit I was right.
Their smugness cant match my diesel-scented sneer tho.
I’ve toyed with putting the cummins 4 cyl in mine when my original engine dies.
for the price though, I can get a toyota diesel and not need any adapters.
My business partner has one of those, We call her Obnoxious Diesel, Light em up Tres!
That’s what the eco freaks don’t get. That new Expedition is basically made out of recycled F-150s.
BTW DOOM you weren’t around last week when I tried to rub your nose in how I spent my New Years Day’
fuck, that’s beautiful.
Yeah. It was about 0 American still and 6% humidity – glorious.. And only about two air miles from home.
Did the Mega Storm of Death reach inland far enough to get you?
We got a foot of snow or so during it, and its been below or near 0 for over a week now.
luckily the cold snap is about to end.
They could spray Axe body spray on 100% recycled items. That would man them up.
I saw a FB post the other day along the lines of “I tried to kill a cockroach with a can of Axe body spray. Now his name is Brett and he won’t shut up about Crossfit.”
I call bullshit on this article.
I quit throwing empty beer cans out of my car window a long time ago.
Leave Hillary alone!
House Intelligence Committee ranking member Adam Schiff suggested Sunday that the White House pressed federal authorities to investigate allegations of corruption against the Clinton Foundation, the charity of former President Bill and Hillary Clinton.
“If they are investigating Hillary Clinton, it doesn’t take a genius — let alone a ‘stable genius’ — to see why,” Schiff said on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to President Donald Trump’s tweet Saturday that he’s a “very stable genius.”
“It’s not because some new evidence has come to light,” Schiff added. “It’s because they’re being badgered by the White House to do it.”
Odd- CNN neglected to note Schiff’s party affiliation. Just an innocent oversight, I’m sure.
It doesn’t take a genius to see why the establishment is still running with the Russia conspiracy shit.
I must say I do not have filters now. My humble, yet immaculately constructed and tastefully decorated abode (Farah Fawcett swimsuit poster) is heated by electric radiant heat. It is not efficient at all and is very expensive in large spaces but I am not heating much space. If/when I actually build a house on this chunk of dirt I pay the county to own I will be going Geo Thermal. That is the shnizzle of HVAC systems right there. If a person could figure a way to retrofit existing systems with a geo thermal attachment to make them more efficient they would be a squillionare. I have gained experience in my past life such that I know of ways to access the geo part of the equation without great property damage but it is the rest of the system that I know fuck all about and am too lazy to research.
Careful, that’s a load-bearing poster.
The number of loads the millions of those posters have born is incalculable.
LARF!!!! oh fuck!
That’s easy! It’s work but here’s how
1. A ground or water loop
2. a pump
3, a water cooled condenser
4. connect to existing system or build custom
But in geo systems, what does the V mean?
Your still Ventilating, unless your going radiant floor or baseboard, then you get no cooling from your system
*raises hand
What is a water cooled condenser?
Think AC condenser that cool with water instead of air, they are quite common in commercial apps, but the way for what We call Water/Earth source systems.
we are using the stability of the Earth temperature at depth, as a Heat exchanger, the rest is just Mechanical
Don’t you need enough land to dissipate the exchanged heat if you’re not taking out close to the same amount you’re putting back in?
Down 20 feet and you are at 49 degrees, they used to loop like a sprinkler system, now it’s Large loops or coils in the same foot print
You’re paying for my Brain first, people don.t get that. I like the Customers who looked it up on YT, I get to bill them AND berate them,
Yeah, my friend had that sign on the wall.
[more or less]
Labor- $50/hr
If you help- $70/hr
If you worked on it first- $120/hr
“[We] have developed standards of safety to insure said PoC don’t mix with our breathing air. ”
Yusef is literally Hitler.
People of Combustion are inflamed by this insult!
Good Catch!
/ I didn’t write the rules, i just enforce them
I came here to post this.
I replace our 3M Filtrete™ electrostatic filters once a month — expensive, but man do those things get dirty when you’re continuously running the furnace fan (we do it to help equalize the air temperature throughout the house, as well as to keep indoor air moving, ’cause it’s humid in the Lower Rainland™ and we’re trying not to grow mushrooms indoors…).
Used to use a re-cleanable/re-usable filter, but my wife accidentally destroyed it when she put it in the furnace slot the wrong way, and I haven’t been able to find a decent replacement since.
I never liked washable filters, once they go too long between cleanings they turn to Mud. filtrete is pricey, but you’re doing it right, and cheaper than Coil cleaning or Blower Motors
Well, eventually they stop being cheaper than either of those, if you know what I mean, but I figure it’s just part of the all-in cost of living in 21st-Century civilization rather than a freezing mud hut.
With indoor Plumbing………
So the band is coming together nicely. But we need a name. Thought I’d post the list of band names I made this morning to get some Glib critique. Please be brutal.
The Himalayas
Mäple Syrüp
Sea Spray
Mäple Syrüp sticks out, but only because I’m addicted to it.
Sea Spray if you guys will be urinating on people in the crowd. plan ahead, you know?
what kind of music?
Still coming together. But punky guitar based rock. Noisy guitar. Coupled with jangly guitar. Short songs. Instrumentals, songs about Italian horror movies. Husker Du is a good starting point.
Something from a Pixies lyric, maybe?
Isla de Encanta?
I am so not a Pixies fan. I would never reference them in my band’s name.
Fair enough.
sea spray and now The Himalayas are my top contenders, behind Please Be Brutal(s?).
Anyway Here’s Wonderwall
too bad “DeathTongue” has been taken decades ago by Bloom County.
Sure you could open for Pussy Riot, with a name like that, though.
Nice reference…
They took Billy and the Boingers too.
I used to have that record. I still have my copy of “Billy and the Boingers Bootleg”, and I thought I left the record in the book, but I can’t find the record anymore.
More Billy and the Boingers.
I like Please Be Brutal best
seconded, lol
Isokinetic Goat Felch.
(totally NOT my Glibs password)
What music genre?
In that case I would suggest Guido’s Swollen Reni.
The Lordosis Society
Hat and Hair
Let us know what you decide on, I wanna know,
Where you at? I would like to come see
I’m in Long Beach. Will post to Glibs when we start to play around SoCal. Hopefully soon. I’m not fucking around.
Upland here, I’m there Bro, Old Punker
Those Himalayas of the Mind
Sugar Free and the Wartys.
Riparian Mäple Syrüp, Here’s one I’ll give you if you like, from my personal List
Propaganda Sandwich
The Chicken Hypnotists
Chook Wizard
SJW realizes he’s a White Supremacist
comedy gold
what is this from?
It appears to be a debate between Sargon of Akkad and some guy I don’t recognize.
the whole thing is hilarious, Sargon kills it!
Colorado’s ‘Mad Pooper’ sorry, spokesman says
A man claiming to be the “spokesman” of a jogger dubbed the “Mad Pooper” – who reportedly has been defecating on the lawns of Colorado homes – says the woman is struggling after gender reassignment surgery and as she battles a traumatic brain injury.
He said he was speaking on the behalf of Colorado Springs jogger “Shirley” and said she is sorry for her actions. The man also said “Shirley” can no longer control herself after undergoing the reassignment surgery.
He added the jogger’s actions are protected under the First Amendment and the government cannot control when and where she decides to do her business – a claim blasted by criminal defense attorney Jeremy Loew.
The plus sign stands for poopers
He added the jogger’s actions are protected under the First Amendment
The first amendment of what? It sure as fuck is not the Constitution.
is the pooping art? how’s that when they can’t control their bowels?
Must be Alan Abel or one of his spiritual descendants.
I remember a local story many years ago about someone pooping in books at the library (something about the content being offensive IIRC). A local radio guy called him the Mad Shatter.
Bad timing. This post should have been in the earlier thread. This afternoon at 2:35 I heard some coughing. It was expected. I went and sat next to her and petted her while her heart slowed down and then stopped.
My Gladys, or officially Gladass, is gone. She was 22 years old and the best frisbee dog that ever lived. Here she is 15 years ago when she was still an absolute rocket.
She had a long, good life but I am still sad she is gone. It’s pissing rain now. I will bury her in the morning.
Condolences, dude. ?
You have my genuine sympathy and empathy. Ive walked that same road too often.
I’m so sorry Suthen.
I’m misting right now Suthen, I’m so sorry
Sorry to hear, Suthen.
So sorry to hear that. 22 years is amazing longevity though.
Damn, sorry to hear that. At least you were able to be by her side.
That’s tough. The worst. Sorry for your loss. I’m sure you gave her a good life.
22 years? That is amazing. Always tough to lose them though.
*raises drink to Gladass
I’m sorry to hear it, I’m glad she had a long and happy life.
Lost too many pups in my life. Glad that you had a whole 22 years with her, though — that’s an incredible lifespan!
And there never is a good time to lose someone we love. God Bless, d00d.
I’m sorry to hear that. It’s never easy to lose a dog, but it sounds like she was very much loved, and that’s worth a lot. Not every dog has a family to miss them when they’re gone.
Awww. My sympathies as well. Thanks for giving her a really good run.
Sorry Suthen.
I’m so sorry. You have 22 years of memories as her gift to you.
Oh Suthen… I’m so sorry, mate. That is a great picture though.
Sorry to hear that, Sutherland. It’s always tough.
Stupid autocorrect.
Just changed out my filters.
2 questions for you Yusef. My HVAC system seems to be unable to do the V part. The thermostat has a fan setting, but it does nothing. I’d love to circulate air through the house even when the H or AC is off (because there are warm and cold spots throughout the house), but it appears to not be a feature of my system. Is that actually a thing? My parents’ house back in the early 90s had a working fan setting. This system doesn’t appear to be quite that old (probably late 90s).
Second question. I’ve got cold air sinking from the attic through my register and into my hallway right where the thermostat is. This means that most of the house is cozy warm, but the heater hasn’t shut off in 2 weeks. Is there anything I can do besides dragging some bats of insulation into the attic and covering the intake box?
Second Question first, I think your Return air Duct is broken in the attic, that answers 2 things, one, the cold air coming down, and the fact your furnace is now drawing in Cold Attic air, so the Tstat never satisfies.
first one, Your stat should have an auto/on switch for the fan, do this. turn it to on and see if you have airflow, if not, pop the stat off of the subbase(snaps on and off) and you will see the wires going to terminals you should see at least,
R=red=24v power
W=White =Heating
Maybe Brown or Blue for Common 24v
next look in the furnace and see if the same wires are connected, it’s obvious, and there is a door switch the powers down the Furnace so your safe.
if the wiring is good, then the stat is probably bad
Have you checked to insure your V is properly provisioned? It may be set on “veal”. Or “Vanadium”.
You know that’s what I just told him to check?
Who is this one Who is so wise in the Ways of HVAC?
Did you say it in the voice of Yoda?
Monty Python, Bedevere
And Tres is poking me in the ribs,but I’m a tough old Man, and He’s still Tulpa
+10000 ADAMA!
In Soviet Russia, rib poke YOU!
I think your Return air Duct is broken in the attic, that answers 2 things, one, the cold air coming down, and the fact your furnace is now drawing in Cold Attic air, so the Tstat never satisfies.
Here’s some additional info for consideration. The register is approximately 35 feet from the furnace, and I can distinctly feel two flows of air, one sucking into the register for the furnace, and a second sinking cold air mass, which does not have a specific source (it doesn’t feel like it’s pouring out off the register, but it’s certainly originating from the area of the register).
Having recently been in the attic to insulate, I can tell you that the register box is only minimally insulated as compared to the rest of the attic, which is under 2.5 feet of fiberglass snow. I didn’t notice any breaks or unexpected airflows from the return air duct while insulating. Currently all of the return air duct except for the register itself is buried in fiberglass.
The Tstat is literally right under the register, and is sitting in a cold spot that is usually somewhere between 3-10* cooler than the rest of the house. In less extreme cold weather, it acts just as expected. We have to adjust the temperature +3 or +5 degrees compared to our usual comfort level to adjust for the cold spot, but the system cycles as expected.
It is entirely possible that the system is working hard because I live in a drafty house and it needs to work that hard to keep the house warm. I’ll pop the Tstat off and look at the wiring a little later for the fan issue.
I still think there is at least a crack in the flex, How are we getting that cold downdraft?
A crack also would explain the furnace drawing still. Go back up when you can and bring some duct tape, find it and tape it like a stock at Bristol, heating ain’t cheap
Stock Car at Bristol
Saints are rolling over the Panthers.
THE Ohio State University is mopping the hardwood with (#1 ranked) Michigan State, currently 77-60.
Did you do the head snap with “THE”?
I don’t even do College Ball and I know that
/Snaps Head
No, I genuflected.
Well, that was closer than it looked like it was going to be.
Good article, Yusef.
PS: I’ve been looking at my chimney for three days now, and I haven’t seen any “fiery colors” coming out of it. I think the neighbor lady is dropping acid.
I agree, is the Cap still on the top of the vent? That’s my only concern, if you look at the picture of the Birds, that’s a problem caused by the vent cap blowing off in High wind. If it’s gone, get it replaced ASAP, Vents are Warm, and Birds will land on them, no cap and they fall to an Ugly death, and cost you 500$ or so….
/Save the Birds!
Yes, the cap is intact.
Then it’s acid……….
Ill have what she’s having!
Is it worth having interior ductwork cleaned or is that a scam?
Scam, if you keep your filters fresh, every 3 months or so.
If you have Flexible duct, the cleaning tools could destroy it, then they say, “oh sorry, need to replace it, 2 grand please or have nothing. I make a decent living without Scamming WTF?
I have to say Thanks to Riven for all she does for me, I’d like to thank the Academy, all the Overlords, ZardoZ, Steve Smith and ALL you ShitLord Glibs out there!
I’m having a Blast fielding Questions and silly responses, I hope I have done some good, This Mad house keeps me Sane in an Insane World.
/And all you Lurkers out there? a special FUCK OFF!!! just for You!
I’m Headed to ZardoZ, please send any questions over there, that is all!