I’ll ape sloopy here and start with sports, because there was actually sports yesterday. Los Angeles doesn’t really deserve a football team, and yesterday they showed that they don’t actually have one. Alex Smith may have played his last game as a Chief, and played pretty damn well until Tennessee discovered the winning strategy- knock out KC’s go-to tight end. It’s official- Jon Gruden, who was a good-not-great coach, wins the NFL lottery. And I pre-gamed with Swiss Servator, which involved Deschutes Black Butte Porter and Deth By Cherries oatmeal stout. SP and I polished off a credible Barbera d’Alba with the Atlanta-LA game; a bit more volatile acidity and higher alcohol than I like, but the requisite low tannin and snappy acidity that we want in a pizza wine. And I’m paying for all of this as I type. GodDAMN, this keyboard is loud!
OK, on to Links. This I found amusing, showing that Portugal is really just the European equivalent of West Virginia. “Careful, Daddy, you’ll crush my smokes!”
Socialism. It’s just misunderstood. If we go socialist, we’ll ALL be wearing $700 jackets and living in million dollar third homes. The concept of “some animals are more equal than others” seems to have evaded this fellow’s reading.
“There is this idea that some people seem to have that socialists believe we should all be walking around wearing burlap sacks,” [Jacobin magazine editor] Uetricht said. “That’s not true.”
Although Uetricht is living on student loans as he pursues a masters degree in sociology, he revealed that he too enjoys occasional luxuries. He recently splurged on an “incredibly fresh” pair of $70 red, suede Nike sneakers, and a $180 pair of Timberland boots.
I can’t imagine that Uetricht’s fanboy enthusiasm for Sanders could be motivated by the thought of those student loan payments for a useless degree going away. That would be unprincipled.
This has gotten surprisingly little coverage in the US, but is certainly… suggestive. In other coverage, the real reason for Iran’s economic woes is exposed: unfettered capitalism, cuts in welfare, and lack of regulation. Bonus: a quote from Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, who should have been played by Adam West.
Hopeful headlines notwithstanding, I predict that we’re stuck with Sessions, the worst AG since Janet Reno, for quite a while. Of course, as we talked about yesterday, Team Blue has suddenly discovered their love for him.
This story reminds me greatly of a classic scene in Blazing Saddles.
A guy who led perhaps the most interesting life of all time has died.
And Old Guy Music, without which I’m sure your Sunday morning is not complete. I have rather, ummm, eclectic tastes in music, but I admit that I’ve shamefully neglected European classical in these various posts. I’ll correct this oversight with my favorite classical piano lyric piece, “Wedding Day At Troldhaugen.” Grieg rocked. This guy does a delightfully rollicking version of the song, and in retrospect, this should have been our wedding music instead of whatever stupid pop song was on the witness’s boombox (long story, but let’s just say that one has to do a bit of searching to find a wedding chapel in Vegas that will pretend that an 8 year old is at the age of consent).
The two-day celebrations, which start Friday and end Saturday with a Mass, include dancing around bonfires, a piper playing music and an elected “king” who distributes plentiful wine and snacks.
Let’s make it happen, folks.
First? Can this be my gif?
*narrows gaze*
That is rather hypnotic.
Fnord? What is that? The Swiss word for Thicc?
So much for the home field advantage.
Although Uetricht is living on student loans as he pursues a masters degree in sociology, he revealed that he too enjoys occasional luxuries. He recently splurged on an “incredibly fresh” pair of $70 red, suede Nike sneakers, and a $180 pair of Timberland boots.
How do you say, “Money is fungible” in Socialistese?
Alternate Title: “It’s OK if We Do It”
The real question is why a guy who doesn’t work needs a pair of $180 work boots.
He hopes to stomp on some faces one day.
$70 red, suede Nike sneakers, and a $180 pair of Timberland boots.
The fuck? I dropped a massive $54 on a pair of steel-toed boots for work. That’s the most I’ve spent on footwear… ever. Free shipping, too. When I need new tennies I go for $30 Sketchers.
I’ll drop $70 on a good pair of sneakers because they’ll last longer. I tried Skechers once, they didn’t last very long.
But I’m not a “social democrat”.
Oh, I fully intend to becomea shoe snob when I have the cash. But I’m not financing it.
I have a pair of Skechers work series. They wear like iron, have a protective toe, and feel great with Dr scholls gel inserts.
I’d buying another pair when I wear out my current ones.
Fingers crossed that greens will be uncovered today.
According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Ahmadinejad’s comments, which came as anti-government protests over the economy were heating up, led to his arrest.
AntiFAmadinejad, and hard.
Jesus fucking christ on a tin plated pogo stick, autoplay video pisses me off.
Is the snowflake generation really about to kill off comedy?
Presented without comment.
Gillespie assures me that even though the young’uns hate capitalism, embrace socialism, and believe it’s okay to use violence to suppress free speech, they’re actually hardcore libertarians on account of South Park.
very few of the people my age I know even understand capitalism.
most hate it thoroughly. and Bernie is their dreamboy.
my little brother is going to be either an anarchist or a right libertarian though. I’m corrupting him, but I don’t think I’d even have to try. he’s heading that way on his own.
very few of the people my age I know even understand capitalism.
True, and I’ve heard it argued that this is actually good news in that they wouldn’t hate capitalism if they understood it better. But when you break it down to constituent questions like health care policy, education, welfare, the role of the state, etc, it becomes clear their ignorance of the terms “capitalism” and “socialism” is more or less irrelevant – most of them want a massive role for the state far in excess of its current one, which is bad enough as it is. A rose by any other name, and all that.
That seems strange to me. I distinctly remember my dad, a sheriff’s deputy working nights and weekends as a bouncer to make ends meet, telling me about how he owned stock in IBM that was part of his retirement savings. The more I thought about that, the cooler it seemed. First, the idea that you could earn money by just buying stuff with it that would be worth more later was sort of magical. Then, the kicker was that, in some small way, a middle-class, blue-collar technophobe owned a part of the largest, most famous computer company in the world.
Funny you mention that. We went to watch Manascalco last night and there was an opening act.
After the show my sister in law was all ‘I didn’t like him. He was too negative and too negative about his wife. I didn’t laugh.’
I wanted to tell her, ‘Honey, stay home. This shit ain’t for you.’
I don’t know what people expect when they go see a comedy show. It’s like they want to laugh and not be offended about something.
In the caption:
“As society becomes more inclusive, some of the UK’s most loved comedies rapidly seem dated – such as the ‘rubbish transvestites’ of Little Britain PA”
This suggests comedy wasn’t ‘inclusive’ and how do the two relate anyway?
It’s stupid phrases like ‘as we become more open’ and ‘as we become more diverse’ that’s killing comedy. And trust me even *normal* people are being lulled into this form of thinking. ‘He’s too mean. There’s no reason to be mean. That kind of comedy doesn’t work anymore. I mean, you shouldn’t be making Washington Redskins jokes’.
I have a friend who told me something along those lines recently. He’s my age.
I responded, if you don’t push and challenge then you ain’t gonna have good comedy. You’ll have safe, snowflake comedy. Which will be shit.
And the said, ‘People change. Some stuff gets dated.’
So big shit? Of course it does. It’s not because the person was racist or said mean things. It’s just that our conception of comedy evolves and some people don’t have an elevated sense of humour anyway preferring to watch sitcom crap. Sheesh, some people people better not listen to Redd Foxx. That’s why I like Nick DiPaolo. ‘Go fuck yourself’ comedy is very satisfying to me.
Anyway. Even Sarah Silverberg seems to have gone that route.
just most of us.
How else can the non-believers be reliably identified?
“Nobody needs a Lamborghini. If Bernie bought a Lamborghini, I might have to reconsider my support for him,” he said.
Let them drive Teslas.
but the three houses is fine or something.
I’m pretty sure he’d be able to rationalize o’le Bernie owning a Lambo.
“At least he made the money spent on that car by serving the people and not international corporate/banking conglomerates” or something along those lines.
And it’s owned by VW, they make the peoples car!
VW should have their interiors designed by Hugo Boss.
You know who else…hey, wait a minute?!
These are probably the same people who decry the high salaries of CEOs but turn into total free market proponents when it comes to Hillary’s exorbitant speaking fees… “They like, paid her that voluntarily and stuff, so it’s ok!”
“There is NO ethical consumption under capitalism”
So, those “sweet” red suede Nikes, Sanders coat et al are all unethical i guess
From a guy that talked about his “fresh” Nikes? Immunity to cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.
Why does the image of Bernie, with that goofy hair, sitting in a black countach, immediately make me think of a very twisted version of Back To The Future?
well now the birds play the dirty birds.
I’m not sure who will win. the Eagles seem to not be up to play against a good Defense, but time will tell.
I’m going to end my 2 year drought of NFL football and watch if the Vikes make it to the superbowl. That’s a big “if” I’m guessing.
The NFC is having a contest for who will be the losing SuperBowl team.
Letters to the Local Rag: Lili von Shtupp Edition
Let’s face it, everything above the neck is kaput.
*approving glance*
It’s very okay to be tired of DJT45; I was exhausted at the mere prospect.
It’s okay to hate Blue, to have despised BHO44, to rejoice in having narrowly avoided a HRC45; that’s all good.
And it’s okay to notice that a couple of his tantrums have resulted in the odd change that might leave us slightly better than where we were.
But none of that makes DJT45 an experienced, worldly, principled libertarian. The NSA is still reading your emails; our troops are still running around everywhere. And he’s a piece of shit I wouldn’t stand for a beer. If you want to piss on Hillary and Barry, knock yourself out; but don’t pretend that this man-child is the president we’ve been dreaming of or that everyone who despises him is worthy of ridicule for registering their dissent.
If you want to piss on Hillary and Barry, knock yourself out; but don’t pretend that this man-child is the president we’ve been dreaming of or that everyone who despises him is worthy of ridicule for registering their dissent.
I think it’s more the vapidity of the dissent, amplified by the frequency. If your best criticism of the president is that he gives you headaches and he should resign from office to make you feel better, yeah, sorry, you deserve ridicule for your dissent. Not for dissenting, but for being an idiot.
Trump puts the BULLY in bully pulpit.
We have to celebrate small victories where we can. There are so few.
I’ll take it. It’s like Nero being played by Dice Clay.
It’s like Nero being played by Dice Clay.
I’m stealing this.
I misread that at first as “It’s like Negro being played by Dice Clay.”
Exactly! Very well put.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like Trump. He’s an ass who stumbles across the right answers on occasion.
I am, however, tired of the constant screeching from the left. They cry wolf at every turn. Everyone’s a victim these days, with all the rights and privileges that confers.
I’m also pleased that Trump, all his ills not forgotten, has actually reduced the size of the administrative state in minor form. That is something that hasn’t happened in decades from Democrats or Republicans.
Yeah, I’m not in love with Trump, but the left has gone mad. they are still reeling like everything is on fire. still. over anything. everything.
that “my button is bigger” tweet got a bunch of my facederp friends to make their (now common) diatribe about “how coudl anyone defend this man”
as though Kim hadn’t been talking about it as well. or that neither actually has a button on their desks, or that this is really any different than “we will use them if you do” common talking point we’ve had with several countries since before I was born. Sure, it’s been “trumped” or something into the twittershpere. that’s unfortunate, I guess, but it’s not like the last president wouldn’t have been on some TV interview where he said it like he was a pastor talking down to a bunch of 5 year olds.
different, sure, but it’s not that different.
different, sure, but it’s not that different.
That’s really the point with Trump. There’s nothing you can say about him that hasn’t been equally true of pretty much every president in the past century. It’s his style that his most histrionic critics object to, not his substance.
The same exact shit went on with Reagan and W.
I didn’t vote for Trump (or Clinton) but what his opposition is doing is worrisome.
A widely publicized book, authored by someone who everybody realizes has issues with the truth and is nothing more that semi-fictionalized gossip according to the author, is being seen by many as an accurate portrayal of Trump and the White House.
Also, you have a psychiatrist briefing Democratic lawmakers on the need for Trump to be forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, despite never speaking to Trump. And she is worried that this would appear as a coup.
I’m actually starting to be worried that something may happen.
Apparently, SF needs to make a compendium of H&H and it will be a best-seller.
This is pretty much how I feel. The judges, decrease in regulation, and yes, even the semi-mediocre tax reform is far and away better than anything we’ve gotten in literally decades.
Yes, Sessions is an asshole, Trump defers to much to generals with respect to things like Afghanistan, is generally bad on trade, etc.
BUT, the genuine hysterics and violence from the left should remove any benefit of the doubt that side of the political fence is anything other than dangerous.
I’m at heart a Rothbardian ancap. Still, Trump has turned out nowhere near as bad as I feared, while the left has become more unhinged than I thought possible.
If ever our refrain of “Fuck off, slaver” was not only necessary, but accurate, it’s now toward all those who comprise the “resistance”, Bernie bros SJW, high paid no-it-alls in the MSM and most of the entertainment industry, and the bulk of nanny stater politicians. Fuck them all.
For me the overwhelmingly positive thing about Trump is all the Left’s media complex masks are completely torn away.
Yes, this is almost exactly something I said to SP last night after several drinks.
everyone who despises him is worthy of ridicule for registering their dissent.
It is the motivation for that dissent that is MORE than worthy of ridicule – extensive, painful ridicule.
That way, when you join them in condemning something about Trump’s policy (vice his personality) they are even more confused.
There’s registering dissent, and there’s literal wailing and gnashing of teeth. Conservatives and classical liberals didn’t actually rend their garments in the streets when BHO was elected–twice–nor did they broadcast things via social media that you might expect from deeply disturbed people who’ve gone off their meds even after the abomination that is the ACA was passed. Considering all previous American presidents, Trump is, at least in my opinion, a little better than average but mostly just more of the same. For my part, I think the best thing he’s done is make it achingly obvious how many people in this country, from the media to your friends from high school to strangers in the street, have childish, retarded (in the actual diagnostic sense) conceptions about politics and therefore can safely be ignored when it’s time for the adults in the room to discuss policy.
I was going to say something about this, but I died twice last week from the tax cuts.
That’s handy, because now it costs me $15 per reply thanks to the repeal of Net Neutrality.
But none of that makes DJT45 an experienced, worldly, principled libertarian. The NSA is still reading your emails; our troops are still running around everywhere. And he’s a piece of shit I wouldn’t stand for a beer. If you want to piss on Hillary and Barry, knock yourself out; but don’t pretend that this man-child is the president we’ve been dreaming of or that everyone who despises him is worthy of ridicule for registering their dissent.
Is anybody doing this except for party-first republicans?
On the other hand, Trump has some accomplishments that should make libertarians smile:
– Reduction of the corporate tax rate
– Repeal of individual mandate
– Net neutrality repeal
– Withdrawal from Paris Accord
– 2-for-1 regulation removal mandate
– Don Willett to 5th circuit
– Neil Gorsuch to SCOTUS
– Withdrew from TPP
Tack onto that the fact that he makes progs froth at the mouth and piss themselves, and I find DJT’s first year in office pleasantly positive. Not perfect, but I’m not under any illusion that he’s a libertarian. I expected him to govern as a blue dog democrat, and he’s actually governing more like a Reaganite. In my book, that’s about as good as you can ask for on the federal level these days.
Indeed. Come to think of it, I believe the regulation removal ratio has turned out closer to 10-1.
But is he like wet sauerkraut in her hand?
“In a capitalist economy, the small class of people who finance and own industries pay workers less than the value of their labor and take the “surplus value” – the value left over – as profit.”
Early leader in the clubhouse for dumbest thing I’ll read today. But its very early.
Somehow Galbraith managed to say something insightful once. Blind squirrels and all that.
Meh i dont fully agree with the first bit
I don’t fully agree with it either, but being on the short end of information asymmetry or bargaining power can sometimes feel like exploitation, so I’m capable of sympathizing with people who might simplify it that way. Being that it’s Galbraith you take that as the cost of admission. At least the old-school academic leftists could acknowledge that the Marxist critique was more or less bullshit.
Too dated. Labor theory of value is so passe. These days it’s all about the patriarchy!
“Patriarchal labor theory of value”. Prog econ ntersectionality **taps forefinger to temple**. Me smart.
industries pay workers less than the value of their labor
That jumped out at me, too. Teeth grinding.
I was discussing the NY state minimum wage law with an ex-coworker a couple years ago. I remember saying, “Everything is a cost for a business owner. The rent, the utilities, the cost of the product you’re reselling, the labor. It’s all just widgets you plug into the calculus, it’s not personal. Labor is a cost like everything else.”
She said, “I know. But it just doesn’t FEEL right.”
I can’t wait to see how much gets taken out of my next paycheck for the “paid” leave scheme the government imposed on businesses and then claims its oh-so-generous for doing with other people’s money.
And, of course, all the news reports are glowing about how magnanimous the state is for foisting these costs on employers and doing none of the lifting themselves while taking all the credit for it.
Cuomo is the biggest fucking hypocrite I’ve ever encountered in politics – and that’s saying something. The man who once campaigned on how high taxes are ruining the state’s economy is now lurching so far to left he’s in danger of falling off the edge. Because #resist. I think he’s reading the tea leaves wrong myself & will be rightly laughed off the stage in 2020.
Tee hee…Spy Magazine spent the 1980s calling Governor Mario’s idiot son Rat-Faced Andy, The Mobbed Up Lawyer.
If you think that’s dumb, don’t read up on marxisim, cause that’s the whole theory. The exploitation theory of profit was pretty thoroughly devices debunked by Böhm-bawerks “Capital and Interest”.
It was never really a theory – it always was, and is, an article of faith. Unfortunately, Smith was the first proponent, so you can’t entirely blame Marx.
Keep pirating content and you may lose control of your thermostat, ISP warns
Who could have foreseen that needlessly connecting every device in your household to the internet would have unintended consequences?
“but its soooo hard to walk over and turn the dial!” seems like the real life version of “this one goes to 11.”
The article says file sharing services “are, of course, illegal” but that’s just flat-out wrong. It’s the distribution of copyrighted material without regard for the copyright holder’s wishes that’s illegal. You can do that with any service capable of providing downloads, like FTP or HTTP, too. Granted, most high volume file sharers are probably violating copyrights but the services are also used for legitimate reasons. And if the torrent sites follow DMCA takedown procedures, then they would be under the safe harbor rule. Of course, they’d probably lose most of their users.
I am running on empty this morning but have to go to church to run the sound booth while my hubs rocks out on bass.
Here’s an obscure but very enjoyable song that is inexplicably comforting to my slightly unhinged mind today. Marc Martel is the guy who is a dead ringer for Freddie Mercury’s voice and does some Queen tribute band touring, but he is also extremely talented in his own songwriting.
Happy Sunday, Glibs! It’s a new week; let us go own it.
I used to run sound at my church. Watching them drop $200k on audio gear when they moved into their custom-built auditorium and then having the pastor (who, incidentally, lived in a nice 5 bedroom house in one of the tonier parts of town) deliver a sermon on the godliness of frugal austerity and the avarice of financing a new car is one of the reasons why I’m a bit sour on organized religion. It was a fun system to run though. Aside from the V-Drums.
We have a cheap ass old church with about 100 wonderful members. No frills. It’s an old Swedish church and totally looks like an overturned Viking ship with lovely curved beams. Seriously, I am pretty sure it was build by shipmakers. I work on the church budget too and have no idea how the pastor makes ends meet on his salary.
No Joel Osteen about it. I have attended a couple of megachurches since joining this place, and I will never go back to one. Just not for me.
t’s an old Swedish church and totally looks like an overturned Viking ship with lovely curved beams.
That sounds cool.
My old church started out in a rented room at the local YMCA when my parents first started going there when I was around 4 years old. By the time I left right around 14 years later, it was in the aforementioned 3,000 seat auditorium, which still required 2 weekend services to accommodate all the congregants. The head pastor was a sweetheart of a guy once upon a time but the growth really went to his head. Turned into a right prick.
Was it fun to worship there?
Dammit, I should have said “pray”.
Yes, I would have gotten the joke quicker that way.
It had a pretty kickass band if you could get past the fact that all contemporary worship music sounds like warmed over crap. During rehearsals when everybody would jam or do covers it was indistinguishable from any medium sized concert hall. The $200k sound system was designed by the same company that did the local House of Blues. If the church ever folds they could easily list it as a concert/entertainment venue.
Fuck Marty Haugen.
Heard that. My Pastor bought a new Caddy every year and had all the gold rings and bracelets to make a rapper drool. Old fart had the balls to call for “Give-It-All-Sundays” where he’d ask for the entire paycheck of congregants. Not rich families. Total POS.
There’s a hilariously bad blaxploitation movie called Abar, Black Superman, in which Abar, upon acquiring his superpowers, uses them to uplift black people. One of the scenes has Abar approaching a black church where the pastor is exiting a service and getting into his Caddy. Abar works his magic, and the Caddy transforms to a horse and buggy.
There’s another scene of Abar approaching a bunch of black guys drinking liquor out of paper bags, with the after shot being one of them drinking milk. LOL.
That doesn’t sound exploitive at all. Jesse Lee Peterson could do that role.
I was about 8 years old the first time I heard my grandfather use the expression “That’s harder than a preacher’s cock at a wedding”.
I had no idea what he meant. It didn’t take me long to figure it out.
Michael Jackson fans?
Wait, whut?
That is just plain weird.
Pastiest dick I ever saw was in Sweden. I was on the subway at a very quiet hour, literally the only person in that car, and a well-groomed guy dressed in a nice suit asked in Swedish if I minded him sitting across from me. I said not at all, but I’m American and just got here and don’t speak Swedish yet. He was very polite.
I put my nose back into the Aftonbladet paper I was trying to read, and then I noticed some odd motion across from me. He had whipped out his cock and was furiously jacking it right in front of me. I stood up, no idea how to react, and got off at the very next stop. He was very apologetic, but damn, dude, not a great way to make an impression on a foreign visitor.
You didn’t like that?
no idea how to react
/more perplexed
I once mentioned to ex Mrs Tres Cool, “you should bleach your asshole”.
Then she poured clorox on me.
…Ill be here all week.
Heh. I LOL’d.
Ya think?
It’s funny–I’ve never been particularly traumatized, but the #metooism has caused me to reflect on my 40 something years on this earth, and if I count them up, I have had to endure some pretty crappy sexual behavior from men.
Being a lass from a small southern town, I was raised to pretty much stay polite and put up with offensive and ignorant people. Thus, when I used to get confronted with overtly horrible sexual advances, I really didn’t know what to do except try to get away. Now, I think I’d mouth off and/or slap and/or knee, but back then, I was the one who felt embarrassed and tried to be polite.
Life is funny.
Seriously, didn’t your parents tell you about those types of fellas when you were growing up? My daughter turns 9 tomorrow and I’m trying to get that stuff across as delicately? Effectively? as I can.
No, not really.
Mom noticed when I sprouted D cups overnight at age 11 that I would need to start wearing bras.
Dad taught me how to shoot when I was 8, but there needs to be something between “No thank you” and Justifiable homicide.
And somehow now it seems ironic that I have just slapped pretty paint on my face and jewels on my hands and neck, a nice dress and all and don’t expect men to notice? And the final step in getting ready for church was putting on my handmade calf holster with my G26 (my other unofficial role at church).
Dad taught me how to shoot when I was 8, but there needs to be something between “No thank you” and Justifiable homicide.
That’s SP’s dad in a nutshell. And the “something between” would have been having her VERY large brothers spend a few minutes explaining the situation in a calm and moderately violent manner.
Years ago there was a case in Oregon of a guy giving just barely legal and entirely inappropriate attention to a girl, and there was nothing the parents could do (legally speaking) to keep the guy at bay. They ended up moving. I recall this because I said to my wife at the time – there was a day when that father, and perhaps a brother and friend or two would’ve “explained” to the fellow the error of his ways.
SP and webdominatrix are the sorts who would just point and laugh. “That looks like a penis, only smaller.”
“I have had to endure some pretty crappy sexual behavior from men.”
Same here ‘Splosives. Just replace the word ‘men’ with ‘women’ or ‘people’.
“There isnt anyone who, if you knew all of their sexual proclivities, you wouldn’t consider a pervert” – Samuel Clemens
Yep, I imagine we’ve all had more of that crap than we should. I wish it were more “permissible” for men to talk about it too.
There’s a lot of attention to sexual assault in the military. In the press, it is all focused on women being assaulted, but men are assaulted much more frequently.
I don’t doubt it. I have never served so I can’t comment from wisdom or experience, but the mixed groups just seems like a bad idea.
I call bullshit. I have it on good authority from the PJ Mediasphere that Sweden was a veritable Garden of Eden before the swarthy hordes invaded.
A bit cold for that garden stuff, eh?
That’s what winter gardens are for.
That’s like one of those moments when someone does something so clearly beyond the pale that you short-circuit. Like if he’d jostled you a bunch of times you’d know how to react, but sitting down and spanking it like it’s no big deal is so far off the scale that it makes you wonder if maybe you’re the one who doesn’t have a solid read on the situation. Like he’s gone so far beyond acceptable behavior that he’s out of the context of the social situation and mentally you’ve got so far to go to catch up to him that it leaves you flat-footed.
I see The Nation is aggressively defending their content from moochers like me, which is, of course, their right.
But how many people actually pay good money to read their frothing anti Trump screeds and socialist apologia?
Charging money for the right to partake in a service or obtain a thing of value sounds oddly Capitalist….
Morning, Tulpas. my playlist is starting with this today.
If you like that check out Best Coast. They opened for the Pixies when I saw them a few years ago and when I first clicked the link I thought that’s who it was.
Best Coast is how I found this!
I bounce all around in music, but I wanted to not think about the fact that it’s currently 18 below zero outside. I think it might be too early for whiskey.
It was basically “DUDE WEED LMAO: The Band” when I saw them, but they put on a good show.
hahaha. fuckin hippies.
Nice! Added to rotation.
I’m listening to her album for the second time this morning. She’s got a great guitar sound. Thanks for linking.
May as well add Snail Mail to the rotation if you’re looking for girls and guitars. https://youtu.be/21ix1OwPoY8
…if you’re looking for girls and guitars.
That’s a given. Added SM.
She sounds a little like Aimee Mann.
That’s a good thing. Well now I’m gonna have to go and listen to Aimee Mann.
More girls with guitars The Courtneys https://youtu.be/Xl77f2gFSL4
Also featured on my Spotify playlist Jangle Noise. Now with 113 songs, Jangle Noise is 6 hours and 43 minutes of guitar based rock. From Buddy Holly to Sonic Youth to The Courtneys. If you like guitars both sweet n jangly and all scratchy n noisy, check out my Spotify playlist Jangle Noise.
That’s a good thing.
Amen. I dated a girl many years ago who first turned me on to her (just plain turned me on, come to think of it…). I think Aimee married Sean Penn’s more talented brother.
Letters to the Local Rag: Disqualification Edition
[citation needed]
Seeing how many legislators vote for bills that give the state more power, they should all be thrown out. Or into woodchippers, maybe.
but don’t legislators benefit from higher taxes?
or is this one of those things that only works when they dislike the result?
Years ago, if a bill benefited you, a senator would refrain from voting on that bill.
What does that even mean? Don’t all laws purportedly benefit the public and are Senators not members of the public? Or had the Senate never passed any bills until just recently?
A guy who led perhaps the most interesting life of all time has died.
Love is in the air,
Everywhere I look around….
Since everyone is dropping their music this morning, I’ll share some Greek black metal from 2017.
Wampyrinacht – She Lets the Flames Embrace Her
Charging money for the right to partake in a service or obtain a thing of value sounds oddly Capitalist….
Last time I saw her (on my teevee), Katrina Vanden Heuvel was not wearing a burlap sack. That doesn’t mean The Nation isn’t a giant cash sink.
Katrina Vanden Heuvel in a burlap sack. HAWT
But none of that makes DJT45 an experienced, worldly, principled libertarian. The NSA is still reading your emails; our troops are still running around everywhere. And he’s a piece of shit I wouldn’t stand for a beer. If you want to piss on Hillary and Barry, knock yourself out; but don’t pretend that this man-child is the president we’ve been dreaming of or that everyone who despises him is worthy of ridicule for registering their dissent.
I’ll just go on the record, here.
Not only is Trump better than Her Hillaryship, he’s better than JEB! or any of those other stiffs he beat like red headed step-mules along the way. That’s not the same as “:good” but it’s a damn sight better than “fucking atrocious”.
I’m guilty of “the soft bigotry of low expectations” when it comes to politicians.
He’s better than the last several presidents, I’ll give him that, but he’s absolutely terrible on some issues. That being said, he was the least terrible option out of the bunch (Rand Paul accepted) and I’ll take what I can get.
any of those other stiffs he beat like red headed step-mules along the way
Better than Rand Paul? No, absolutely not. I will begrudgingly admit that he has ended up being slightly better than Hillary, despite my prediction he’d be about the same. But on all the big things (war, domestic spying, the carceral state, police abuse, asset forfeiture), he’s been exactly as bad as the alternatives.
Rand or even Gary would still be better. that Trump is the third or fourth best of libertarians is fucking scary.
We won’t have anything approaching a true libertarian in our lifetime or, well, ever.
I voted for Gary, but was unhappy about it- at least it was better than Bob Fucking Titty Cheese Barr, which convinced me that the LP was hopeless. If he were a candidate, I’d hold my nose and vote for Rand. I would gleefully vote for Amash, and somewhat gleefully vote for Mia Love. If Team Blue runs Wyden, I’d probably vote Blue for the first time since 1976- he is absolutely awful on everything except two of my hot-button issues, war and domestic spying, but that makes him better than any other Team Blue alternative I can think of and nearly all of Team Red.
I also voted Gary.
I chose not to vote for the first time in 30 years.
Me too (sans hashtag)
Not a single one of them was any good but I admit to being pleasantly surprised by a few things that The Donald has managed.
I voted for him in ’12. Back before he had proposed head scarf bans, Nazi cakes, and a national VAT; taken on a veep who supported gun confiscation and endorsed the major party candidate in the election; and made himself look like a geographically and politically illiterate boob on national television. Sadly, if Sarwark is any indication, he may go down as the best Libertarian Party candidate this century.
I didn’t like it, but was hoping to keep the LP on the ballot in CO, which happened.
Sarwark is going to be the death of the LP. stop laughing, i know it was already dead!
I wrote in Tim Sandefur. Being in CA, might as well write in someone who would actually obey the Constitution – not like I was changing the electoral result.
The only lever I’d pull for Wyden would be an ejection seat. The guy’s been a parasite and freeloader his whole life, the only redeeming qualities is he mouths the right words for those two (but has zero effectiveness for actually accomplishing anything & he gleefully throws freedom in every other area, particularly economic, into a woodchipper ) and he not as dumb as his junior senator or most of the rest of the state’s congressional delegation. Now that his FIL is dead, I bet he’ll spend even less time at his supposed home state that he already does while his staff spins and lies about it. Which is another point in his favor. Still not enough get a vote.
Rand in primary, (Hold my nose and voted for) Gary in November.
Same here. And living in CA, my vote didn’t matter anyway.
Rand was a disappointment in the presidential. Given the opportunity to get in there and wrassle in the mud with the hogs, he chose to keep himself clean and got ignored. Trump won because he did what was required (right or wrong, that’s the way it is now). I surrender to the realities of our political system.
I would have preferred a President Paul by a long shot across the spectrum of political issues, but I have to question whether he would have had the cajones to take on the bureaucracy the way Trump has.
One of Goldberg’s better efforts.
While I agree with Goldberg’s point broadly, it it’s interesting that despite his apparent ignorance, the Trump adminstration has shown more respect for the Constitution than the previous administration did, despite the latter being headed by a “Constitutional scholar”. Maybe it’s the people around him rather than Trump himself but unless he does an about face at some point, it doesn’t really matter.
The bulk of constitutional “scholarship” is concerned with how to implement the Constitution in a manner other than its plain meaning would suggest.
Goldberg is just pissed that the common people didn’t get what Goldberg wanted them to get.
Meh, I read Goldberg and he always seems more amused than pissed, he takes jabs at Trump, sure, but not in a hateful way. That the comments are consistently filled with “Jonah is just a TDS infected never-Trump loser” enforces my belief that most people only see what they expect to see.
Just to expand, a bit: If you think an [insert random nevertrumper establishmentarian darling] administration would have been meaningfully different than a Hillary administration, I can only
feel pity formock you.As a non American, I dislike trump myself but then again I fail to see something he actually did that was in any way significantly worse then his predecessors (maybe he even did better, thats not the point i wanna make, he didnt have any disasters). SO I see little justification for all the abuse he gets. Overall I think is his lack of keeping the standard appearances which were part of the game between politicians and journalists and such. I find it strange the kind of adulation a non entity like Trudeau gets (even in Romania he is admired by many whop cannot name one decent thing he did but hes so cool like. stage a few photobombs and no matter the rest). Politics had become just a matter of signaling right and all the government worshipers liked it cause it made government seem elitist and classy or some shit. Trumpy-poo wrecks that illusion. I am still surprised by the TDS among so called libertarian journalists, but it makes sense if they are not concerned primarily with libertarian ethics and more with the same surface appearance.
Yeah, I try to describe the national, and even state politics as though they were the bachelor or something on TV.
Our president right now is the definition of classy dignified whatever. But also very ineffectual. Hes mostli MIA
Yeah, as another non-American I agree. I don’t have much time for Trump, to the extent I think about him at all. But I find the way self-described smart young millennials latch onto fashionable opinions and shun anything that might challenge them extremely obnoxious. Macron, Hillary, Trudeau, Corbyn (to an extent) and the EU are the white hats and their opposites the black hats. How could anyone possibly think differently?
It might be possible to construct a pragmatic ‘lesser of two evils’ argument for most of these alleged ‘good guys’ (except for Corbyn), but that never seems to be the case. There’s no actual thought process behind it – just misplaced and shrill moral judgment.
It’s my experience that people who arrive at their opinions under their own steam are readier to defend and discuss them. I think there’s a strong connection between the intolerance of dissent we see so much of and the fact that an increasing number of people like their political views pre-packaged and ‘nice’.
unfettered capitalism, cuts in welfare, and lack of regulation. Bonus: a quote from Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, who should have been played by Adam West. = this unfettered capitalism fellar seems to get around a lot. Strange I never seen him.
But seriously the stuff I heard about Trudeau from the local young urban population based on cute was amazing. And dispiriting because there is no way to change the system with these people for the better, can’t wait for the old commie generation to die out, the new one is vapid brainless urban prog social signalers.
Wrong thread. File under previous one
Better than Rand Paul?
Who considered Rand to be a serious contender? Not I.
*Says more about the electorate and the system than about Rand, sadly.
What about cruz? On what would you say he would have been better/worse than trump
I honestly don’t think Cruz or really any of the other major Republican contenders would have actually done much different from Trump in terms of actual policy. Except possibly more foreign intervention.
Not sure….might have been better on some, worse on others.
Well thats the whole question there. Better on which worse on which
Better on spending, worse on foreign affairs/war stuff?
Depends on which Cruz he decides to be at the moment. The one for criminal justice reform, or the one against it? There is the most fundamental problem with him right there.
The psychiatrist who briefed Congress on Trump’s mental state: this is “an emergency”
If the APA values their credibility at all they’re going to have start pulling credentials, starting with this broad.
Trump is the best thing we have seen in decades. At least the best thing we have seen to actually win office.
I have high hopes for Rand Paul. He doesnt have the balls Trump has in spades, but I think the asswhipping he got from his crazy pinko neighbor may change that. If the guy decides to run again I’ll back him, balls to the wall.
Not saying much of what was seen in the last few decades
Tallest midget.
There was a communist joke russia has the worlds talles midget and the shortest giant in the world
Or my favourite in Russia cornstalks grow like telephone poles or sometimes even further appart (it is funny in romanian not sure about my translation)
It works. Other than the inexplicable spelling of favorite.
I am typing on my phone so do not have spellcheck and i am used to that spelling
It’s ok Pie, you’re among friends here with spelling. Well, maybe with the Canadian contingent.
Share some more, man. I love jokes, especially ones from other countries.
You should do a post, explaning the language puns and stuff
I agree with Slammer, more jokes. I’ve heard dozens of Russian/Warsaw pact jokes, but never that one. Do continue.
Maybe I’m just feeling contrarian this morning, but-
For all his “lack of qualifications and credentials”, Trump is the only President in my lifetime with a meaningful track record in the private sector. He has actually been on the opposite side of the table from the government. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t played the crony game like a champ, but at least he has a grasp of the ways in which some functionary can throw sand in the gears of progress.
Too bad about the law and order boner.
I also feel private sector experience is crucial. Not much of that going around for Europe politicians
Don’t know your age, but Jimmy Carter built a pretty successful business before becoming president. That convinced me that there’s no correlation between being a good businessman and being a good president.
I would call it a necessary but not sufficient condition for a politician. You need some first hand understanding of how things work. Obviously private sector does not mean good politician. But bureaucrat for life means much lower to non existent odds of something good.
Also i believe to.many lawers in parliaments around the world which makes.for bad law.
Romney. Bloomberg. Perot. Corzine. At a certain point, the process of building that level of wealth requires exactly the kind of shitheadedness that politics does since they become so intertwined. If anything, the kind of businessmen who make their way into politics are probably the worst of the bunch.
Imo still better than career bureacrats
Reagan, Bush Jr, Trump, all had private sector careers. Republican candidates are far more likely to have been in the private sector. Dem candidates seem to be government/academia/NGO lifers.
Coolidge, aside from his early years in private law practice (started as an apprentice) was a career politician. We could really use another Silent Cal – that might drive the media into an even greater frenzy than Trump.
Spending entire summers fishing in the Black Hills? Yes, please.
The corollary I see is that Trump is to the presidency what Happy Gilmore was to golf.
And for the record, I cant stand Adam Sandler.
WC Fields. Always willing to puncture the hoi polloi’s bubble despite being a wealthy man in real life (I assume)
This is a question of crucial importance, not just because the vice president and the Cabinet (or Congress) would need certainty about his mental incompetence to invoke the 25th Amendment and declare him unable to do his job — an option that, while still highly unlikely to be used, is now regularly being discussed.
At what point does actively advocating for the removal of the President from office cross the line into sedition?
A revolt or an incitement to revolt against established authority, usually in the form of Treason or Defamation against government.
Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the First Amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare. Nevertheless, sedition remains a crime in the United States under 18 U.S.C.A. § 2384 (2000), a federal statute that punishes seditious conspiracy, and 18 U.S.C.A. § 2385 (2000), which outlaws advocating the overthrow of the federal government by force. Generally, a person may be punished for sedition only when he or she makes statements that create a Clear and Present Danger to rights that the government may lawfully protect (schenck v. united states, 249 U.S. 47, 39 S. Ct. 247, 63 L. Ed. 470 [1919]).
The crime of seditious conspiracy is committed when two or more persons in any state or U.S. territory conspire to levy war against the U.S. government. A person commits the crime of advocating the violent overthrow of the federal government when she willfully advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government by force, publishes material that advocates the overthrow of the government by force, or organizes persons to overthrow the government by force. A person found guilty of seditious conspiracy or advocating the overthrow of the government may be fined and sentenced to up to 20 years in prison. States also maintain laws that punish similar advocacy and conspiracy against the state government.
It doesn’t matter what sort of a frilly dress they put it in, the fundamental basis for this 25th Amendment crap is based on policy differences, and nothing more.
But there’s no advocacy of a violent overthrow, therefore no sedition.
My own opinion is that advocacy of a violent overthrow should be under 1A protection, with no crime until actual violent action is taken.
+1 woodchipper
I agree. Incitement of violence towards private people is not 1a protected speech
Inciting violence toward the government is protected. As it should be. That’s the whole point of the 1st amendment. To protect political dissidents.
I’ve said and continue to say things related to my position on the 2A that could very well be considered seditious, and that also sound pretty damned close to things certain stubborn New Englanders were saying in the late 1700s. The saying is that the 2A exists to enforce the 1A, but I’d like to think there’s a reciprocal protection there, too.
Fuck- should be 25th Amendment
stupid keyboard
Jimmy Carter built a pretty successful business before becoming president.
Built on government price supports and protection from competition?
Quick wiki: Poundage quotas were authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, so the peanut poundage quota was the supply control mechanism for the peanut price support program until its revision in the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107-171, Sec. 1301-1310).
I don’t believe “being a ‘good’ businessman” translates into being a good President, but at the very least, it implies some familiarity with the real world effects of regulation and government “oversight”.
“Jimmy Carter built a pretty successful business before becoming president.”
But he became a governor first, like Reagan, like Mittens, et al. Compromised by politics before running for or becoming Preezy.
But there’s no advocacy of a violent overthrow, therefore no sedition.
More like a coup.
I believe in impenetrable 1st Amendment protection for vitriolic abuse and ridicule of every single person who draws a paycheck from the “public” till. I just find it fascinating that so many people who thump their chests about their love for our nation of laws can so cavalierly call for the involuntary removal from office of a man they deem to be crazy because he doesn’t agree with them.
And, of course, there’s the argument ad nutjob; who takes responsibility for some unhinged devotee of the #resistance who takes their screeching seriously?
But ALL right-thinking people agree with ME!1! /progtardicus maximus
Lachowsky’s recent Facebook adventures.
I posted a pic of myself in my new taxation is theft shirt a few nights ago.
I included a very well reasoned caption.
“But this theory of our government is wholly different from the practical fact. The fact is that the government, like a highwayman, says to a man: Your money, or your life. And many, if not most, taxes are paid under the compulsion of that threat.
The government does not, indeed, waylay a man in a lonely place, spring upon him from the road side, and, holding a pistol to his head, proceed to rifle his pockets. But the robbery is none the less a robbery on that account; and it is far more dastardly and shameful.
The highwayman takes solely upon himself the responsibility, danger, and crime of his own act. He does not pretend that he has any rightful claim to your money, or that he intends to use it for your own benefit. He does not pretend to be anything but a robber. He has not acquired impudence enough to profess to be merely a “protector,” and that he takes men’s money against their will, merely to enable him to “protect” those infatuated travellers, who feel perfectly able to protect themselves, or do not appreciate his peculiar system of protection. He is too sensible a man to make such professions as these. Furthermore, having taken your money, he leaves you, as you wish him to do. He does not persist in following you on the road, against your will; assuming to be your rightful “sovereign,” on account of the “protection” he affords you. He does not keep “protecting” you, by commanding you to bow down and serve him; by requiring you to do this, and forbidding you to do that; by robbing you of more money as often as he finds it for his interest or pleasure to do so; and by branding you as a rebel, a traitor, and an enemy to your country, and shooting you down without mercy, if you dispute his authority, or resist his demands. He is too much of a gentleman to be guilty of such impostures, and insults, and villanies as these. In short, he does not, in addition to robbing you, attempt to make you either his dupe or his slave.”
From one of the liberals in my family-
Kurt Lachowsky I had not heard of Lysander Spooner until I read this. I just looked him up. Certainly an interesting guy and obviously an intellect bordering on the genius. That great innate ability unfortunately seems to have blinded him to the fact that not everyone has such abilities and discernment to draw upon. Most interesting was the fact that he saw no value in professional credentials. He felt anyone should, for instance, be able to practice medicine without any professional credentials or oversight. He also opposed any government monopoly, in particular challenging the postal service and, I suppose, anticipating UPS and FedEx by 100 or so years. Calling him an abolitionist does not fully explain his philosophy, as he supported gorilla warfare by slaves against their owners but opposed the right of the Union to forcibly prevent southern states from seceding. His advocacy for the doctrine of jury nullification, the right of jurors to ignore laws they consider unjust when considering guilt or innocence, would seem in line with someone like Roy Moore, who seemed to think as a judge he could choose which laws to uphold and which to ignore.
Spooner also became radically pro-union in his advocacy for workers’ rights, a position I assume is directly opposite to your libertarian views. His quote that, “almost all fortunes are made out of the capital and labour of other men than those who realize them” would look right at home in the writings of Karl Marx. So I think your using a selected quote of his as justification for your no tax philosophy is probably not something he would appreciate.
Damn it, people are stupid. The guys reads a wiki blurb about lysander Spooner and then decodes that I’m quoting him out of context because – hell I don’t know why. He then makes assumptions about my beliefs. This shit is frustrating. I posted a long winded refutation. No reply yet.
On the bright side, I got a lot of posting feed back from non retards.
Sorry for the long post. I hope you glibs read I.
gorilla warfare by slaves
Tell him that’s racist.
Maybe he saw that on the new channel
my long winded refutation-
I see no value in professional credentials that are granted by governments. When credentials are handed out by political bodies then the accreditation process becomes political rather than merit based and the validity of the credentials is driven not by meritocracy but by the political aims of the granting agencies.
I’m a – okay with slaves revolting and I think that the north had no right to stop the south from seceding.
Jury nullification is great and I wish that more people were aware of its power. The only way in which jury nullification could relate to Rot Moore is if a jury he presided over used in a case he way trying. Roy Moore was a judge, not a juror.
I’m not opposed to unions. I’m opposed to unions of government employees. I’m also opposed to unions that use the power of the state to force membership. A voluntary union of workers working together to contract with their employer is an example of people freely associating with one another. There is nothing anti libertarian about that.
*standing ovation*
I see no value in professional credentials that are granted by governments – well I think your electrician licence should be revoked.
Which would of course drain all knowledge and skill in doing electrical work from his brain, right?
I live in a state that doesn’t mandate a license for my trade. My employer says that I can do the job, not the state. I have no license.
that kind of anarchy is why Arkansas is not as evolved as California. I hope the lawmakers come to their senses and licence you
He’s still licensed to ill.
That kind of anarchy is why middle class tradesman can earn a good living and live high on the hog in places that allow them to.
only people with masters degrees in gender studies should make a good living
I don’t need a License in California, what for?
Revoked, or not required.
Unless I missed humor (I am sick and cranky today).
ehm Revoked …
I think it’s worth noting that most government licensing schemes nominally start out focused on the merits (while still being designed to limit supply, a political motivation if ever there was one) but eventually end up an unholy mess of unrelated and outdated bullshit. The problem is twofold, in that the government has its hands in too many pots so rarely gets held accountable for most of the things it does, and that the government is run by people no better than the rest of us, and wire often worse.
Even independent accreditation organizations face scope creep. The later generations in charge of, or active in, the group’s decision making are as disconnected from reality as the grandson of a successful businessman.
Quite often not wire often
Well said.
The private ones often want the government to help out, too.
locksmiths hardest hit.
Independent licensing agencys, in the absence of government licensing agencies, would be held to the standards of the market. Agencies that licensed incompetamts would be discredited. Agencies that held their licensees to a higher standard would gain market share.
Indeed. There’s more issues than just what I mentioned. But not everyone has read Bastiat, and I do think we have to account for some obvious counterarguments.
Did he bring up any of the Constitution of no Authority stuff.
I love that argument, and I find it very very hard to argue against Spooners position
I have not read the constitution of no authority in its entirety. I have listened to several parts of it, but never the whole thing, so I feel like I can’t make an authoritative arguement about Spooner’s views.
I need to fix that. From what I know for the book, it’s excellent.
Give him some Bastiat quotes to mull on. This one tends to make a dent:
“If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?”
I like that one.
Yes. And a lot of progressives believe the same thing.
Only if the right people get in. Not the wrong people
Some actually will admit to not being extra-special – and THAT is the justification for the need for those purported to be made of the finer clay. In other words – they must exist because we need them to. Then of course you can try to make them describe where such people come from – and the usual answer is Harvard.
You see, you can’t argue with faith.
Projection. They’ve got anger management issues that would make them unsafe around gins, so nobody should be allowed to have a gun.
“Is it really true that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest? …I think you’re taking a lot of things for granted. Just tell me where in the world you find these angels who are going to organize society for us?”
Uncle Milton.
I didn’t know you were 9 feet tall.
*slowly backs away, crosses street*
I laughed. Barely over 6 feet. My wife was sitting in the recliner when she took that picture. I guess it does make me look quite a bit bigger than I am.
My wife also made the shirt. I’m proud of her for that. she gets me. 🙂
Based on your comments I would have though you looked more badass though
I will work on my beard.
if the wife doesn’t like it, just tell her they grow on you.
do you even lift?
No, you look perfect for your position, a little tired but, Yea…..I’d be tired too
This video elicits entertaining responses:
I’m Allowed to Rob You!
I dislike Larken Rose. He is the definition of unpersuasive ancap preaching to the choir (we don’t have that saying in Romanian it is more like selling cucumbers to the garner if that makes any sense in English)
Not everyone can be the The Pholosopher, dude.
actually i do find The Pholosopher quite more ehm… persuasive
On several occasions, the Dalai Lama has said his next incarnation should be female, but not an ugly chick.
Big hitter, the Lama…
I think you meant “gardener”, but it makes sense. Equivalent to “carrying coals to Newcastle”, but probably nobody even gets that one any more.
yes gardener
“Selling refrigerators/ice to the Eskimos”
“I am not even vaguely acquainted with the name of the person you are referencing, but let me explain to you why he didn’t really mean what he said”
Pretty much the perfect encapsulation of the modern left.
Don’t forget, the moral of Nineteen Eighty-Four is that rabble-rousers might undermine public trust in our government and media betters.
And then there’s this classic
Government Explained
Tell him The London Underground is not a political movement.
To the smarter or nuanced Glibs,
“That great innate ability unfortunately seems to have blinded him to the fact that not everyone has such abilities and discernment to draw upon.”
What the fuck does mean? I have no idea what he’s talking about. I don’t even know how to attack that arguement, because I don’t understand it.
In the context of the comment, I took it to mean that Lysander Spooner incorrectly presumed that everyone else was as intelligent and well-informed as he, and the government needs to step in to protect those poor benighted masses from themselves – with things like professional licensing.
Spooner doesn’t understand that the great mass of people are much stupider than him and need Top Men to run their lives?
“From each according to his abilities, to each according to his need.”
What that means is common people are too stupid to be trusted to their own affairs.
The immediate response is – are you talking about yourself there chief? You need a nanny to look after you?
Which of course they never are – they are always talking about other people, you know, folks who do things I don’t approve of.
“Which of course they never are – they are always talking about other people, you know, folks who do things I don’t approve of.”
RAH has one for that, as for most things.
“Must be a yearning deep in human heart to stop other people from doing as they please. Rules, laws — always for other fellow. A murky part of us, something we had before we came down out of trees, and failed to shuck when we stood up. Because not one of those people said: Please pass this so that I won’t be able to do something I know I should stop. Nyet, tovarishchee, was always something they hated to see neighbors doing. Stop them for their own good.”
Unless that thing is smoking.
It was a really smart-sounding way of saying “those poor dumb people need help, so we’re good with force”
This is it.
Pat, RC, And Scruffy. yall are probably right.
I mean, unlike your boy I’m not going to pretend that I can take a single quote from someone I don’t know and authoritatively declare his or her ideological stance, but I’ll take a shot at deciphering that. I’m guessing he’s basically saying that people like Spooner who are particularly gifted or talented will tend to do well for themselves regardless of circumstances, but most people need the government to help them get by.
IOW, geniuses, being geniuses, assume everyone else is as able to be successful as themselves, but it takes a bunch of dummies to decide that they should pool everyone’s resources and let a core group of dummies decide how to divvy up the spoils. Or something like that.
as though that argument is even related to “taxation is theft”
we (not you) can discuss whether a government helping those that are least fortunate is a good for society, but it doesn’t change anything about the force needed to collect taxes.
Exactly. And I’d daresay that Spooner was pretty damned clear about his position on taxation, and neither a single damn thing he ever wrote nor anything he did in life would lead one to believe he’d have any time for Karl Marx.
I’m super late but i read shaking my head back and forth, back and forth….
Well done. You’re doing the Lord’s work on FB, as thankless as that may be.
I laughed and laughed.
‘Gorilla channel’ warfare: Parody book excerpt fools Trump trashers
One of the most entertaining “excerpts” circulated from Michael Wolff’s explosive tell-all was a passage describing President Trump supposedly watching a “gorilla channel” for hours on end.
The excerpt, of course, was a parody and wasn’t actually from the “Fire and Fury” book.
But it managed to fool plenty of Trump critics anyway, with an MSNBC contributor and others initially appearing to treat the passage as legit.
The wild tale involves White House staff appeasing Trump’s demands for a “gorilla channel” by compiling footage of the combative apes, only for them to have to edit it further as Trump complained that they weren’t fighting enough.
The story finished with a Wolff-style quote from an “insider.”
“‘On some days he’ll watch the gorilla channel for 17 hours straight,’ an insider told me. ‘He kneels in front of the TV, with his face about four inches from the screen, and says encouraging things to the gorillas, like ‘the way you hit that other gorilla was good.’ I think he thinks the gorillas can hear him.’”
Yet the tall tale was picked up by some credulous Trump trashers. MSNBC contributor Scott Dworkin circulated the ancedote, mocking Trump. He later deleted it, but it was preserved here. He later said he wasn’t fooled at all.
Dworkin is an idiot. And he has a head shaped like an egg. There, I said it.
“But it managed to fool plenty of Trump critics anyway”
Including every single retard at DU.
On the bright side, I got a lot of posting feed back from non retards.
Well done.
Pie mentioned that idiot Trudeau.
Here’s the latest retarded thing he did:
But he looks good and says all the right things. progtard swoon
I think even that’s wearing thin. To the normal person anyway.
I hope.
That never happened with Obama.
Well, ended up up with TEAM RED in charge of Congress and the WH…
What about cruz? On what would you say he would have been better/worse than trump
It seemed as if the most common opposition to Cruz boiled down to, “That guy’s a jerk.”
My recollection is that he was good on the Constitution, but too much of a social conservative for me to like him.
As for Rand, I thought he’d get slaughtered, and he was more valuable in the Senate than as a failed Presidential candidate. I still think that.
Some of the biggest opposition to Cruz was he looks funny. I think it is the nose. Which makes it even funnier that we now have Trump. As far as I know Cruz is awesome on the Constitution and he and Rand were the only real constitutionalists running last go around. Cruz is a SoCon, but from what I know of him he gave me the impression he was a person who could actually separate personal religious beliefs from constitutional law. To some people that is not good enough. If your religious beliefs have you leaning toward marriage is between a man and a woman, but you don’t really give a shit if same sex couples get married and believe it is not a government function to begin with it is not good enough. The fact you hold a personal belief is enough to burn you at the stake.
I thought it was because he looked like a melting wax sculpture. But yeah, you’re right about the “personal beliefs” thing and the fact that most people can’t get past them.
I agree with Brooks: Rand Paul is very good to have in the Senate, not good as a failed presidential candidate.
“That great innate ability unfortunately seems to have blinded him to the fact that not everyone has such abilities and discernment to draw upon.”
What the fuck does mean? I have no idea what he’s talking about. I don’t even know how to attack that arguement, because I don’t understand it.
Appeal to Authority. You’re too dumb to make your own decisions and run your own life. That’s why you need the guidance of Top Men.
Coolidge, aside from his early years in private law practice (started as an apprentice) was a career politician. We could really use another Silent Cal – that might drive the media into an even greater frenzy than Trump.
Coolidge allegedly said, when asked, that his hobby was running for office.
*This may or may not be true. I read it somewhere, maybe even in something Mencken wrote.
You know. Sometimes I wonder.
This past summer my neighbour and I were talking and he was telling me how his son couldn’t get a mortgage for a house we wanted to buy. Yet, these guys have all the winter toys imaginable – Can-Am Atv, Ski-doo, boats…just now the son pulls up with a Can-Am.
But he can’t get a house.
I’m in a decent enough position to go out and get some of those (I’m gonna wait) but I don’t feel it’s time because of the business and other issues (I plan to move and make sure I have space/land to store some of those) to deal with. But some people man….it’s full throttle.
Maybe already been posted, not sure.
#MeToo making it’s biggest fans sad now?
Well, no one ever saw this coming. The left need to continue to embrace the craziest people and their stupid ideas. Nothing can possibly go wrong, next time.
Maybe the whole circle-jerk will collapse. ????
Glibertairan parents. You need to make sure your kids don’t have best friends.
Once 14 and up, only friends with benefits allowed.
Ask your daughters: Honey are you giving that young fellow some tail? No? well you cant see him no more. Damn tease
My best friend in 4th, 5th, and 6th grade was a black kid. (I am white.) it wasn’t until considerably later in high school (we went to different schools by then) that I reflected on that and it occurred to me why my teachers were so tickled pick by it.
I’m thinking there’s a best-friend loophole here if your kids need one.
So, in other words, being male.
At the workplace of one of my clients, they were doing this weird thing, something to assure that everyone is happy at work. There were all of these questions, one of them was ‘do you have a best friend at work’. Everyone just sat around the table looking sort of embarrassed or bored until one person finally spoke up and said ‘I just don’t feel a need to have a best friend at work, what is this, kindergarten?’. And everyone laughed. Seriously, who thinks up this bullshit? People without anything better to do, obviously.
“Does the bottle of liquor in my bottom drawer count?”
Gross. I’ve had best friends at work before but it was just happenstance. And it was almost 20 years ago. These days I can barely tolerate any of them.
The education industry seems to have a large contingent of assholes who probably didn’t have best friends as kids.
I think I just made and ate the weirdest thing. Hungry without much food I had some old leftover bread – kinda hard – and some dry leftover turkey breast., Put some butter in a pan and fried the bread till edible shredded the turkey in it to warm a bit, added an egg and scrambled about to tie things together and then shredded cheese on top until melted. Scooped on a plate and ate. It was actually edible with some sriracha on top
Your next article should be ‘Pie goes grocery shopping’.
Pie goes grocery shopping’ – wait are you suggesting just because I am Romanian I cannot afford orphan servants? That’t is microaggression. I feel othered
Of course not, I was just suggesting to take advantage of the current situation to make an excellent article. We can find out what grocery shopping is like in Romania.
If you let the egg set and then finished it under the broiler you more or less just made a toast and turkey frittata.
Egg should have been over easy, otherwise not bad.
Quote of the Day:
—-Wall Street Journal
So what was it that upset the Pakistanis so?
Is it because we violated their territorial integrity when we killed Osama bin Laden?
Is it because our security goals are no longer largely aligned (if they ever were)?
Is it because Trump tweeted something stupid about Kashmir or India?
No, no, no.
Here’s the reason the Pakistanis are so upset:
The Trump administration doesn’t think America is getting their money’s worth, and unless they see some improvement in Pakistan’s job performance, we won’t pay for the service anymore.
This is what prompted Pakistan’s Foreign Minister to say things like:
The world is a complicated place and Pakistan even more so. Pakistan was our ally during the Cold War because India, effectively, sided with the Soviet Union. The ISI has been knee deep in the Taliban since forever–The Taliban apparently takes orders from the ISI–but the ISI is like a state within a state. And Pakistan is a nuclear power. We weren’t going to war with Pakistan, directly, any sooner than they wanted to go to war with us. Meanwhile, paying the official military and civilian government off to have Pakistan divided against the ISI’s interests with the Taliban has probably served our interests well in the past. The alternative–a nuclear Pakistan unified in support of the Taliban and against the United States–would have been far worse.
Still, that sort of cost/benefit analysis should always be subject to recalculation. I can’t fault the Trump administration for either demanding more for our money or cutting Pakistan off. I could certainly fault them for continuing to pay Pakistan off despite non-performance. I don’t know that the Pakistani government is even capable of reigning in the ISI, but you know what the definition of insanity is, right?
Chalk another good decision up for the Trump administration.
The “alliance” with Pakistan has largely been a sham anyway. They actively work against us while we continue to give them money.
I’m surprised at how under-reported the fact is that Trump has threatened to do cut off aid to the “Palestinians”.
I get a boner just thinking about it.
I expect a “My New Fetish” post tonight.
No pics please
Palestinian milk baths?
I was listening to NPR on my way to town a bit ago. There was some full on sniveling and whining about that by their expert guest on the subject. Essentially the Palestinians can never trust the US again and Trump is a big meany.
Like we could ever trust the Palestinians?
Just as big of a culprit in the ongoing clusterfuck that is the “Palestinian question” are Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. They could very easily extend citizenship to them and integrate them into their populations. They share a religion and an ethnicity, but it’s better to keep them as permanent refugees and use them as a political football. The whole situation is absurd and loaded with double standards.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it; Israel needs to just tell the rest of the world to fuck off. Steamroll through the disputed territories and say if there is any more aggression toward them, they’ll take more land. I’d love to see Israel pull out of the UN completely too since it’s become a completely antisemitic organization.
It’s been said that the day the Palestinians realize that the only friend they have in the Middle East is Israel, the rest of the Arab world is fucked. The only reason anyone in the Arab world outside of the Palestinian territories gives a shit about Palestinians is because they can be used as a cat’s paw to try to goad Israel into ceding territory. If the Palestinians got everything they wanted ten minutes later they’d be absorbed into Egypt, Lebanon and/or Syria, and Jordan.
Not every country in the world has a civilian government that’s really in control of the military and every facet of the military they control.
Speaking of a unified Pakistani government is t oversimplify.
We’ve had allies in the civilian authority.
We’ve had some allies in the military.
Neither the civilian authority nor the military is necessarily in control of the ISI.
Certainly, because the ISI can’t be bribed to join our side doesn’t mean there wasn’t, isn’t, or will never be advantages in having two out of three on our side.
It’s just hard for average people in the west to understand that a country on the map doesn’t operate like France or the USA. Most of the world probably isn’t like that. Mexico isn’t like that. The faction that runs the state police, the faction that runs the federal police, the faction that runs the military, and the faction that runs the courts don’t necessarily all belong to the same faction that controls the government in Mexico City.
From South America to much of Asia, from Central Asia through the Middle East and Africa, the guy in control of the official government may or may not be in control of every part of the military.
Both here in the US and in Egypt, people used to criticize Mubarak–as if he were responsible for what the military did. Mubarak turned out to be a puppet of the military. It’s like that in Pakistan–only more so. I’m not sure the president could reign in the ISI to save his life. He has some power, but he’s not a magician. If the president of Pakistan publicly told ISI to stop directing, training, and supplying the ISI, the ISI might put a bullet in the president’s head.
It’s almost like we’re insisting on a civil war in Pakistan if they want anymore aid–which might be what we should do. It might be a fancy way of simply deciding to cut them off. If they won’t resist the ISI until they have no other choice, then maybe give them no other choice–or fewer choices anyway.
Incidentally, the ISI isn’t going away until Kashmir is resolved, and that’ll only happen once Jesus comes back.
My hope is that if we encourage our kids to broaden their social circles, they will be more inclusive and less judgmental. The word “best” encourages judgment and promotes exclusion.
We must root out counterrevolutionary tendencies wherever we find them.
If redheads had souls, would they be as alluring? The question we all long to have answered.
Saved the best for last, 38!
4 is rather cute. and strangely 6. and 7. and 10. and 11 ignoring the piercing. and 23… and 28… and 31… and yeah 38
I had a hard time making it past #1. Still, I persisted.
I love all women, I really do. But that’s my kryptonite right there.
I’m going to repost my response from late last night:
I’d carpet bomb that whole link…with my dick
H/T Gavin McIness
Number 4 is really super!
11, 14
If redheads had souls, would they be as alluring? The question we all long to have answered.
“We”? Speak for yourself. It’s a question that doesn’t matter.
Regarding Trump, I have explained to my brother that Trump is a bullshit artist. There is a fundamental difference between a liar (who actually wants or needs you to believe the lie) and a bullshitter (who doesn’t care that you know it is a lie). The point of bullshitting is to bury the listener in shit; anger them to the point of exasperation; and render them unable to function.
Trump has been conducting a master class in bullshit starting with the primaries, running through the election, and into his first year. The Democratic opposition has been rendered helpless has they anguish over every fucking tweet while in the background Trump is quietly filling the judiciary with young conservative judges and the administration has been shutting down the regulatory system.
The wall is just part of the bullshit. The twitter war with Rocket Man is just part of the bullshit.
and they all fall for it. it’s actually hilarious.
I’m not sure how anyone can miss that Trump using the wall in exchange for DACA, is just his latest playing of the Democrats like a fiddle. Schumer and Pelosi are never going to stop falling for this stuff. Trump knows a wall will never be built and he knows he’s just going to let DACA expire. But the Democrats can now take the blame from the so called dreamers.
If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him.
– Sun Tzu
Anyone wanna take bets on whether this chick gets any kind of professional backlash over her incredibly unprofessional behavior?
I might get off my ass and write about it, if C. Anacreon isn’t kind enough to do it for us first. Long story short, at the very least, Dr. Lee should be drumheaded out of the American Psychiatric Association.
What pisses me off is it’s people like her is precisely how you end up with Soviet communism.
It’s frightening.
Nope. You can say anything you want as long as it’s the right opinion. But remember, this is the #resistance, a plucky band of underdogs fighting desperately against a vast, all-powerful right-wing regime.
Hey, remember when conspiracy theorists were saying that Obama wasn’t actually an American citizen and demanded to see an authentic birth certificate? I can’t seem to recall newsreaders on cable television or journalists in the print or online media giving that any credibility. Isn’t it odd that the mental illness angle gets different treatment? Almost as if the media has some sort of bias…
I recall seeing this same thing prior to Trump only applied to all Republicans. J. Garafolo used to go on about this all of the time and we know how smart she is. Not surprising that a Yale psychiatrist is no smarter than her.
And yet none of these people called for the piece of shit from Arizona to retire when he was diagnosed with his brain tumor.
If pee is stored in your balls, then girls how to pee?
I’d say “they don’t”, but I’m a little worried your response would be a link no one needs to click.
Women don’t use the toilet silly man!
and if they do only rainbows come out
I’d be happy to do a little poking and prodding to research that for you.
Re Gruden. Some people are just born with the lucky star.
If he’s worth $100 million what the heck is Belichick worth?
The downside of sacrificing your soul to the devil is that you are cursed to live inside a talking doll forever the upside is failing into a Super Bowl ring, a soft career as a commentator, and a $100M coaching contract with the Raiders.
The downside is that he gets called Chucky for the next 10 years and he hates that. Chucky, Chucky, Chuky, lol.
I bet Belichick is getting paid way more than $10 million per
Bernie Sanders is on ABC saying a government shutdown would be disaster.
The horror.
Disaster? The bodies (all frozen) are already piled four deep due to tax cuts and net neutrality.
These fucks are skating very close to a line they shouldn’t want to cross.
Bad comedy writers think to highly of themselves
I sometimes wonder how it’s possible for someone to go through life with absolutely no self awareness whatsoever. Jesus.
No one has more moral authority than Hollywood Directors.
Speaking of which, isn’t Golden Globes on tonight? Someone here going to suffer through that to give us a derp report? I’m sure it will be past my bedtime.
If I wanted to watch obnoxious rich people have a circle jerk, I’d flip on CSPAN during a legislative session.
Trump has the gall to say about himself what every Obama sycophant shouted from the rooftops about his Milk Chocolatey Goodness!
When is Leslie Mann going to leave his sorry ass and come find me?
I don’t feel like researching Judd Apatow’s history with Trump, but I’ve got a few bucks that says Apatow didn’t have a single word to say about Trump until late 2015. Which, if I’m right, doesn’t qualify as “long”.
2+ years of Trump is like 14 years of any other president. I mean, “long national nightmare”.
“Trump Years”
This is a perfect example of what I was talking about upthread. I respect informed or at least reasonable dissent. I absolutely do not respect yammering hysterics virtue-signalling to the in-crowd or engaging in moral preening with their fellow travelers.
“Mandalay Bay staff interacted with Las Vegas shooter more than 10 times in days before Oct. 1”
I like that not wanting Juanita to run the carpet sweeper over your room and check the bedstand for valuables once a day is now suspicion of terrorism.
I’ve found a whole Twitter thread just for Swiss. https://mobile.twitter.com/benshapiro/status/950044080028844034
“‘White-Informed Civility’ Is the Latest Target in the Campus Wars
The rules of collegiate debate are also coming under attack as racist and patriarchal.
From the land that irony forgot—which earlier gave us microaggressions and trigger warnings—comes a new and surprising movement, this time to combat civility. Civility, you see, is a manifestation of the white patriarchy. Spearheading this campaign are a duo of University of Northern Iowa professors, who assert that “civility within higher education is a racialized, rather than universal, norm.”
Their article in the Howard Journal of Communications, “Civility and White Institutional Presence: An Exploration of White Students’ Understanding of Race-Talk at a Traditionally White Institution,” describes a need to stamp out what they call “whiteness-informed civility,” or WIC. The pervasiveness of WIC, it seems, erases “racial identity” and reinforces “white racial power.””
Didn’t take them long to go from “political correctness is just a fancy name for good manners” to this.
Paywalled, but is this where that slam-debating or whatever the hell that was comes in?
OK, pistols at dawn then.
So the open discussion of ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect is a white thing? And, I suppose by extension, a bad thing? So, the corollary would be that disrespect and a lack of civility would be the politically correct stance? Meaning, of course, that I would be required to not respect the effects of my being polite to members of marginalized groups. Which is to say that we’ve come full circle and I should just ignore all of this social justice intersectionality nonsense.
“Should Schools Ban Kids From Having Best Friends?”
The State is the only friend you need.
Good luck with that. How young is too young to say “fuck off slaver”?
Spawn 1 dropped his first F-bomb at a very young age. 24 months is probably about right!
I remember when USN&WR was a decent rag. Now they’re at the same level as Time which is about as bad as you can get.
The projection is pure, so white hot.
LOL yeah I can’t go any further
God, I hate when Lefties toss around that “anti-science” label.
Science is a mode of thought, not a specific group of human beings in one profession. Disagreeing with human beings does not mean that you’re anti-science. In fact, the real anti-science people are the ones who insist that nobody should be allowed to ask questions because a numerical majority of scientists believe something.
These are the same kinds of people who ostracized Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis for suggesting that doctors should wash their hands after handling corpses.
Appeals to authority are profoundly anti-science.
I remember having a discussion with a leftie musician friend of mine where he was weighing in on a subject in environmentalism where I’ve done research and had some significant publications. I prefaced my response with, “I realize that I don’t have the depth of understanding that a touring folk singer would have, but…” and the irony was totally lost on him.
He’s a lefty. He already knows everything he needs to, anything outside of that is fake news propaganda.
? ?
Distracted Boyfriend
“One of the most entertaining “excerpts” circulated from Michael Wolff’s explosive tell-all was a passage describing President Trump supposedly watching a “gorilla channel” for hours on end.
The excerpt, of course, was a parody and wasn’t actually from the “Fire and Fury” book.
But it managed to fool plenty of Trump critics anyway, with an MSNBC contributor and others initially appearing to treat the passage as legit.”
Nice photoshopping. I love how Melania’s hair just ends.
Those Ps skills are, like, genius and super classy.
Can I tell you a Story?^
Of a lovely lady?
So our universities are pretty much filled with Bolsheviks at this point.
They aren’t even good Marxists, if such a thing exists. Marx couldn’t have cared less about race.
I know we rail and laugh against these idiots, but universities always had idiots and assholes in their ranks.
Did you know that one of those hard-left “expose” books actually argued that the American university system has been “taken over” by the Koch Brothers and an evil cabal of right-wingers? (I think it was “Democracy Dies in Darkness” or something). I remember them mentioning Hillsdale College and George Mason University… So two universities teach Austrian economics, and that means that the entire secondary education system is owned by right-wingers. I don’t remember any complaints about the blatant leftist propaganda being spewed at almost every other university.
Some “progressives” live in a bizarro world where the media was biased against Hillary Clinton, Western women live in horrid oppression, and Hollywood is enforcing white supremacist narratives.
The pizza pic brought out some serious pizza envy here. So much so that I brushed the snow off the car and drove to town for cheese.
That’s some gown.
Crazy, but still….
I little bag-of-antlerish for me.
This Arsen-hole (H/T somebody) match is bananas.
Don’t say “bananas” when there are black footballers on the pitch.
I’ll go hit myself with a plank now.
Deschutes Black Butte Porter
HM likes Black Butt, too.
Who doesn’t, honestly
Yep. Excellent beer.
Modest proposal:
Since our elite better are unwilling to revisit drug and/or gun laws that might make a difference in curbing Chicago’s violence, I suggest we put our money together for privately funded solutions.
1) Marksmanship training for gangsters. Make sure you hit your target and minimize bystander casualties.
2) Urban octagon. Choose bareknuckles or pistols at dawn, confront your rival as men did in the old days.
3) Private security enforced drug market zone. Hire Blackwater (or some other such outfit) to enforce an area in which rival gangs and dealers have to compete in a free-market ruled by the NAP. Junkies will get to choose their favored supplier.
“Modest proposal:”
Needs more consumption of babies.
So this would be, what, like 90% of recent immigrants?
I’m sure they’ll find nuances in what constitutes “real” antisemitism that they’d never bother to find with native born Germans espousing the same sort of views.
You know who else deported native born Germans?
The Argentinians?