There is nothing wrong with your computer. Do not attempt to adjust the video. (((We))) are controlling the links. If (((we))) wish to make them louder, (((we))) will bring up the volume. If (((we))) wish to make them softer, (((we))) will tune them to a whisper. (((We))) can reduce the focus to a soft blur, or sharpen it to crystal clarity. (((We))) will control the horizontal. (((We))) will control the vertical. For the next four hours, sit quietly and (((we))) will control all that you see and hear. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to… The Morning Links.
Did you know that wypipo in Appalachia have something major in common with black bodies in inner cities? It’s true. They have no agency, no ability to leave, no way to look at any other options. They need to be saved from the ravages of capitalism by superior sorts who live in the Right Areas and think the Right Thoughts. And whatever you do, as a Right Thinking Journalist, make sure to obscure the reasons people freely make the choices they do.
In today’s good news, Banjos and Sloopy’s kids have a new role model.
And yet more Absolute Disaster, if we don’t take action RIGHT NOW, with a primary action being “more grant funding.” No more fish, Mrs. Paul’s Hardest Hit.
In sports news, ESPN is struggling to find announcers and commentators who have undergone chemical castration.
And finally, one more “journalist” is actually a psychiatric expert, who is able to make remote diagnoses in the service of patriotism. Tell you what, I’ll make a remote diagnosis of Chuckie Pierce: he is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Yes, yes, I know, y’all can’t wait for Old Guy Music. Because I have my finger on the pulsing penile vein of American culture. I read a deep academic analysis of this song, discussing how the relative sizes of the pianist and the vocalist are related to the power dynamics between white 1950s British culture and the racialism of modern London. or something. I dunno, I just thought it was a nice song and a cool video, but that’s because I’m not as smart as woke academics. In any case, have fun today- I’ll be drinking beer with Swiss and watching football with SP. There’s worse ways to spend a Saturday.
I have no idea who else, I’m not normally up this early on a saturday
4 am. Every morning. No alarm, I just pop awake. It’s a habit I got into from years of working early.
Our oldest child is 7. Wifey and I have not slept past 5:30 in 7 years.
I am a night person by nature. To avoid having to deal with traffic, I chose the 7am start time at work. So on the weekdays I’m at work early. The weekends, I end up sliding back to my natural sleep cycle and am not normally up this early.
My work starts at 6, and since Thanksgiving I’ve been pulling overtime and starting at 5.
7 is fucking late.
I have to work with people who start at 9! and 10!, so I can’t go any earlier.
Same deal with me.
Same here. Night owl, but chose to adjust schedule to 7-3 because it aligns with my wife’s work cycle. I’m not used to it yet, but it’s getting a little easier. And on the days I have to commute, it means lighter traffic.
I am usually am up at 7. I don’t use an alarm just my style. I am also a very morning person and am useless at night, so I have to do productive work early. Ideally for I go to bed at 11, when I go to sleep late I still wake up fairly early and am tired all day.
Baby woke up hungry at 6:15 (usually she sleeps until 7:15), so we got a bit of a reprieve today and I woke up at 8. Usually I’m up at 7:15 with the baby.
I’m up to walk the dog at 5:30am every weekday. If I’m lucky 6 on weekends. I love early morning.
*ponders title*
I don’t think he did.
Never mention the name!
Wait….what are you talking about? He didn’t say Hihn..
Don’t worry, I think it’s like the beetle juice thing….he won’t show up unless you say it three times
Baylen Linnekin?
Jack Nicholas?
Jimmy Dean?
Oh, fuck. I remember that Outer Limits episode. It scared the bejeezis out of me.
Well, this article I read on Townhall the other day doesn’t speculate that this move is an attempt to legalize marijuana on the federal level,but I do think it’s a solid argument on why Sessions’ move is correct on a principled viewpoint. Basically, rule of law vs. rule of man.
Yeah the issue I have with that whole argument is that the entire WOD is an unconstitutional action. The feds have no legal constitutional authority to ban drugs, period. It’s not a delegated power of the federal government.
I may need to tighten the foil on my head, but I wouldn’t be shocked if the whole Sessions-Federal Law-FYTW bit over marijuana isnt just a set-up for them
to have a solid piss on California over ‘sanctuary cities’. Along the lines of “yes, we’re going to enforce immigration law at the Federal level, and just to prove
our point, we’ll start with the ‘lectric lettuce you people hold so dear.”
Keep the foil tight and your Mexican chili warm Tulpa
The foil doesn’t go on your head!
Sheesh. You people…
+3 Hansons
Another use of foil
Ready to play, Coach!
That’s true of most of what the fed government does.
I actually tried to slog my way through that interminable excrescence from Quartz, yesterday. What a mess. I did get to the part where they seemed to be saying the railroads just magically appeared in coal country. Cause and effect are subtle concepts, often difficult to understand.
I couldn’t make it through. The author keeps telling us there is a reason the locals can’t escape. After the third time I bailed when he didn’t deliver. OMWC is right to say the author ignores agency.
The Appalachian Regional Commission was founded all the way back in 1965. It’s done a good job in its mission of keeping people dependent on the state.
But the idea that the region’s coal industry is dying is not quite true. For much of the hundred-plus years of its existence, the industry has been on a kind of artificial life support, as state and federal governments have, directly and indirectly, subsidized coal companies to keep the industry afloat. – nothing says capitalist experiment like state subsidies
People trying to avoid subsidized industries
And finally, one more “journalist” is actually a psychiatric expert, who is able to make remote diagnoses
Too bad he’s too old for baseball.
Actually the “psychiatric expert journalist” was complaining about Michael Schmidt being to soft on Trump.
And no, I have no idea who he is.
*comes running in panting and dissheveled*
Some fucking possum tried to eat me on the way here!!
Did you throw it into traffic?
Nah, it just kinda wandered out there on its own!
At least it wasn’t a killer rabbit.
Those things are scary.
+1 Book of Armaments
If anybody has unaddressed mental issues, it’s that guy from Esquire. He’s an angry, angry little man.
*What is up with all the asterisks? I feel like he was going to make a point and then spaced out and forgot.
What does this even mean? I’m just a simple cybernetic augmented city manager so would y’all smart folk be so kind as to explain how ocean water, which IIRC is composed of hydrogen and oxygen, is “losing oxygen”? Are the water molecules breaking apart and the seabed filling with hydrogen? What am I meant to be afraid of now?
Well, here’s the thing – Seawater is not pure. It has a crapton of dissolved compounds in it, including oxygen and carbon dioxide. The fish don’t actually breathe water, but the dissolved O2 molicules in the water. What some panicky people ignore is the fact that there have been anoxic zones in the oceans, pretty much since the oceans formed. Even if the dip were sufficient to suffocate fish too stupid to move, there will be oxygenated zones elsewhere, and it won’t be the whole ocean, nor will it be permanant.
Thank you. That makes sense. Do these Chicken Littles not realize just how vast the oceans truly are? Sigh… wifey is a high school teacher in Brooklyn; she has students who have never once laid eyes upon the ocean. Brooklyn is right on the ocean; the subway will drop you off within a couple hundred feet of the Atlantic beaches in both Brooklyn and Queens.
Do these Chicken Littles not realize just how vast the oceans truly are?
Not usually. They’ve maybe been to the beach, and they’ve maybe flown to Europe or Hawaii, but they never bothered to look out the window.
The Subway Fare Is Too Damn High!
(yes, I have actually heard this argument)
Well gases dissolved in water depend on temperature. Also algae bloom can reduce oxygen.
ever seen the Ocean? algae is small potatoes, it’s Newsweek ,FFS
It is more complete horseshit from the global warming grifters. “Give us money and we will make the boogey man go away.” I just cant understand why they keep making claims that are easily falsifiable and yet people keep buying it.
Nowhere in that article is the problem actually quantified. It’s all scare quotes and empty statistics.
Yes, maybe the dead zones have tripled in size, but what fraction of the ocean are they? 10%? 1%? 0.1%? And over what time frame have they been measuring it?
Beyond that, what does it mean? Do dead zones not ebb and flow by natural processes? What happens when the dead zones ebb and flow? Do they cause calamity? Are they a natural mechanism for balancing the ecosystem in some way we don’t fully understand?
There are 100 questions not asked and not answered.
Not to mention that even if they’re not lying, what the f are the top men going to do about any of this except to exacerbate the problem like with everything else they touch.
Extract indulgences and guilt-trip you into lowering your standard of living? Or else?
Nos, dudes. Do you even Supra?
We’ve been on a bit of a personal finance kick here in the comments over the past week. I think that personal finance is an important aspect of libertarianism. I don’t think it is wrong to use public services and systems that you’ve paid for, but I think that you come from a position of power when you can show people that life can be lived without government propping you up. I debated writing an article, but my article backlog is already too long. This comment will have to do.
As long as I pay for it with no choice in the matter I will use it if only to get some value back.
Yep. In the context of social security, for example, I’ll take every penny they pay me. I’ll also have a retirement plan that assumes I don’t get a single penny. It’s a matter of pride and of practicing my principles.
I though you were fairly young. So that may not be so many pennies.
About to turn 30 in June. I’m planning on not only no SS, but hefty taxes/penalties assessed on my retirement accounts.
That’s been my assumption since about the age 18 as well.
That has been my assumption since I started to work in a job with FICA withholding as well. The owner of the store I worked in 1976 told me to assume I would never see a dime in SS.
Just because you got ripped off, stealing from others is still theft.
Well if government said “no pension from now on” I would accept being ripped of until now and deal with it. But if it exists and given and voted for by the people being ripped off I have zero reservations ion taking it. If a future generation said fuck you grandpa I aint paying, again no issue. there.
But I am not going to take a moral high-ground in a society that support the current state of affairs.
Also, money has been stolen from me and dumped into an aggregate fund with other people’s money and spent. I don’t feel wrong about grabbing what was taken from me from the pile, whether or not the actual bills I pull were mine.
When I start taking SocSec, my attitude will be:
I’m not stealing from anyone, nor asking anyone to steal on my behalf. I’m taking money from the government.
If the majority of people didn’t want to get ripped off, social security wouldn’t exist. Yeah, I’m getting every penny back I can.
SO the orthodox priest just came through the neighborhood to throw water in houses while mumbling religions stuff.. He was disappointed when I was not interested.
Was it a free service, or did he expect you to pay?
He expected money. Orthodox priest always expect money. Weddings, baptisms, funerals making shit holly
If it was to keep away vampires, I’d say it is worth whatever he asks.
Not sure on the rates about 5 to 10 of your american dollars
You didn’t throw water on the priest?
Sadly I had just emptied the slop bucket
Mickey Rat knows how to deal with the situation.
Is that to mark Epiphany?
In Minnesota, it seems many people take their Christmas trees down the day after Christmas, and in my city, the trash services hauls away old trees only on the week after Christmas. I find it rather surprising, considering the relatively high number of Catholics and Lutherans around here.
I leave my tree up until Epiphany at least. It’s coming down tomorrow though. When I mention that I leave the tree up until Epiphany, people look at me like I am speaking a secret code language. If I say, you know, the 12th night of Christmas? Still nothing. The day the wise men arrived at Joe & Mary’s?? Oh, OK.
… you put up a tree?
Yup. Artificial though.
One of the ways to survive the Minnesota winter with its monochrome days that are so dang short in December is to have Christmas lights. I would probably put up a tree regardless of whether I were Christian.
Yes. Bobotează in Romanian. We even have a saying gerul Bobotezei – ger meaning very cold, because this is when cold usually starts. But it is different, botez means baptism and this holly day for orthodox celebrates the baptism of Christ. I think Catholics celebrate differently. Not this year. Besides blessing homes there is a habit to throw a cross in a big river – usually the Danube – and young people jump in and compete to see who recovers the cross.
Hah! The cross in the river competition sounds like a riot.
When I was in Germany, on Epiphany evening groups of carolers would knock on doors and sing a song. Then you’d give them some money and they’d chalk a the date and some sort of other characters on the doorframe to bless the house for the year. Kind of a Passover thing, it seemed to me, but with chalk it’s nicer than lamb’s blood.
People left the chalk up all year when feasible. Yet none of the Germans I knew even believed in God. They could answer instantly whether they were Lutheran v Catholic, but actually believing in God was not at all expected.
I figured the chalk was to mark that the house had already been hit and the well was dry.
Q wishes it were Boobotează.
Still no sign of winter in Bucharest. Can you like spare a cup of cold or something?
I worry about warm winters – can make the fruit trees bloom early and then a march frost fucks up all the fruit. Then again this winter was mighty kind on the heating costs. Payed 180 for gas for December, other years it was twice that. Then again December is rarely very cold in Romania, late January into February it is usually the coldest.
180 in what currency?
Lei. About 50 dollars.
Warm winters are worrying you? Come on over to East Coast USA, no warm winter here this year. 13 degrees right now, low of 2 tonight (-10 and -16 in your degrees).
And you should come to Midwest USA. -9 last night here, -20 the night before.
From the ESPN article comments:
“Sean Coldiron · Works at Maintaining his sanity
Gary Liniger We understand the comment, but:
1) It’s in really poor taste.
2) It lacked class.
3) It was not witty.
4) I got bored with this after 3 but I’m committed to the joke.
5) Joking about sexual assualt is lame, especially if you victim blame or offer excuses for the offenders.
6) If you need a reference for funny, Dave Chapelle dropped two new specials New Year’s Eve. You’re welcome.’
Good gracious. And the second Chapelle would make such a joke I’m sure Sean would write a stern comment on Facebook. People and their faux-outrage are dangerous.
Good job ESPN. You’ve cornered the cucked soy-boy market.
Veiled Tombstone/Doc Holliday reference??????
No Huckleberry, doesn’t count.
I just happened to stumble across this, in a letter to the editor in the Bozeman paper. I can only assume the person who wrote it is a self interested non profit parasite, but the phrasing is… extraordinary. You cannot parody these people.
Last April, the Aid Montana Initiative was launched by the attorney general’s office to combat Montana’s substance abuse epidemic that has created an alarming increase in the number of drug offenses in the justice system, overcrowding in our jails, courts and prisons.
Aid Montana’s goal is to have a blueprint for a strategic plan completed before the 2019 legislative session so that a roadmap can be presented to lawmakers to efficiently combat this epidemic.
A blueprint for a plan to consider drawing up a roadmap.
Just keep the grant money flowing, and everything will be fine. We might even find temporary housing for a junkie, some time in the future.
Call me silly, but I’d expect a plan to be a pre-requisite for grant funding. If you don’t know what you’re trying to do and have clearly measurable metrics, we shouldn’t be paying for it.
It’s not an epidemic if it’s not contagioius.
You haven’t caught the meth bug that’s going around yet? Consider yourself lucky!
People need to be careful wishing that the feds will act on cannabis. If they do, I’m just warning that they could move it from schedule 1 to schedule 2 or 3. I think that’s highly likely what they would do if they do anything. And what that would effectively mean is that it will be legal, by prescription only. Which in turn means that recreational weed will NEVER be legal. And if you’re caught with it, it will carry the same sort of punishment as if you were caught with a bottle of oxycontin that was not subscribed to you. Probably 5 year prison sentence for a first arrest. A cannabis crisis will be declared that will be exactly like the opioid crisis. Lots of pantshitting and cronyism. On the other hand, they could de-schedule it. Highly unlikely.
During Prohibition, alcohol was legal by prescription only. It got legalized.
When I heard Sessions was changing direction on pot, I had a pang of hope there would be push back and our overlords would actually debate the constitutionality of making it illegal in the first place. I still hang on to that hope but I am often delusional. Times and public opinion have changed. MJ is not the boogy man it was 50 years ago, and hemp is now a cash crop in some areas. Corey Gardner, who is a total fake, blocking appointments is stupid. Fight to change the stupid law you piece of shit.
I have the same hope that Cuomo’s upcoming lawsuit against the tax bill goes all the way to the supreme court. You betcha. If NY’rs right to equal protection is violated with this tax bill because they will pay more in taxes, how does that not apply to anyone who pays more than someone else? Bring on a flat tax bitches. It is the only constitutional/equal tax system.
Regarding the lawsuit section, I think you have way too much faith in the Supreme Court.
I did say I am often delusional. But come on now. When I heard the likes of Andrew Cuomo mumbling about equal protection the other day I almost dropped my beer. It is a Trumpocolypse miracle.
Next thing you know he’ll come up with something like this:
Oh wait, that is an actual quote.
From Amash’s FB page…
Whatever you do, DO NOT venture out into Pierce’s Esquire Facebook page and read the comments.
All I heard was “read the comments”
Lemme take a shot at the responses to that. All include the nodding of a head.
‘So true! I was thinking the same thing!’
‘It’s frightening people don’t see this!’
‘Thanks for such a well-thought out post! We need to do something!’
‘Wow. He crazy!’
‘When is Congress gonna get tough on mental illness?!!!!??’
I looked for that one. Where did you spot it?
Do Hillary!!
I would love to know how ESPN investigated incidents at the NFL channel. That lady must really be something if none of these rich guys could keep their hands off her.
Tennessee @ Kansas City
Atlanta @ LA Rams
Buffalo @ Jacksonville
Carolina @ New Orleans
I’m taking Kansas over Tennessee, Rams over Falcons, Jags over Bills, and New Orleans by a whisker.
It’s Missouri, not Kansas. Ok, that’s my word policing for today. I can’t even remember the last time KC won a playoff game, 1970? I’ll go with TN.
I expect (and hope) for all the games to be close, except the Jags game will be all but over by the half. We shall see.
Kansas City started hot, really had a bad stretch, but came out looking OK.
Look, all I really want is for someone to knock The New England Bradys off their perch this post season.
Some amusing stories out there about Buffalo maybe dominating the Jacksonville stadium.
If the Rams win, the Vikings play them next, otherwise we’ll play the winner of Saints/Panthers. So I’m rooting for the Rams as I would rather play them next.
I’m not sure it matters, really. If the Vikes D shows up, they beat either team.
They are looking good
So all the home teams. I wonder what the past results are for home teams winning all the games? Seems like there is always one road team that gets an upset.
I picked the homers, except for the Bills. My $5 parlay will get me $47.
Yes, I know; I’m a real high stakes gambler.
Re: The silver bullet discussion yesterday
Here is one of the rejects. It filled out but wasn’t good enough to load. The mold is for 158 grain round nose bullets. The silver version weighed in at 84.6 grains. Useless, just a novelty.
Here are the lead versions. the three bullets on the left are .309 caliber, 150 grain flat nose bullets for the 30-30. The three on the right are .430 caliber, 240 grain flat nose bullets for the 44 mag. Notice the copper cup crimped onto the base of the bullets. That keeps the base of the bullet from melting and scrapes any lead out of the barrel. These are cast from wheel weights and dropped out of the mold into a bucket of water to temper them hard. I lubed them with a beeswax/paraffin mixture.
Best bullets ever.
I can never get photobucket to actually display any images, but if you’re getting 50% of the weight from a material that’s 90% of the density, something has gone wrong, whether you can see it or not.
Well yeah, it’s silver.
I usually use a different image site but I forgot the address. post I cant figure out how to sign in to it. Image post? Thats a freakin’ porno site.
I am sorry you cant see it, the images are pretty good. is the one I think you’re looking for, you don’t need to sign in to upload photos there as long as you don’t care about not finding them again.
That’s because Photobucket got rid of third-party image display, which ducked with the regular links too.
If you want to show your Photobucket images on other sites, you’ll have to pay $400.
I can see his pics fine.
Very cool! Takes me back to when I was a little girl and my Dad and brother taught me to help them make bullets. I thought it was so fun. My sister and mom thought I was nuts. Good times, good times.
It is tedious work but for an aspy freak like me lots of fun. I spend days on end making those things. The pistol molds are 6-cavity and I can really crank out some bullets with those
Same brand and style, slightly different bullet design.
The rifle molds are all 2-cavity so takes a little more time to make a substantial number.
Oh. A 44 caliber gun actually has a bore diameter of 0.429″, so really a 43 caliber. Cast bullets are usually made 1 or 2 one thousands of an i nch oversized to make a good seal. 30 caliber guns actually have a bore diameter of 0.308 and I size my bullets to 0.309.
As a child my father used to mold his on jig heads for fishing jigs. It was totes fun watching the molten lead swish around like thick water in the pot on the dtove.
As an adult I cringe thinking about the fumes.
As an adult, I cringe at your use of the term ‘jig’.
I keep a fan on blowing the fumes away from me. I been kasting lead fer 40 yeers n I aint had no led posinin afect me cognizashonin’ yet.
*licks window, stares blankly at blue fingernails*
As far as the Werewolf discussion, I always assumed it doesn’t have to be an ENTIRE silver bullet. It could be a normal man-wolf stopping bullet with just a DROP of pure silver. Or you could dunk the bullet in Alex Jones Infowars Colloidal Silver solution. right?
Really cool, Suthen, butwhat the fuck is this nightmare fuel?
That, my friend, is a clay statue I picked up in Peru. Modern creation. Wonder how the injuns down there today know what the mask and sacrificial knife looks like? I dont. I found it especially interesting because it is the SA version of the Wendigo. Antlered/horned animal headed human that eats human flesh. That one is the Mayan version, the priest that sacrificed people so that they could be consumed by the worshipers. The Wendigo or some version of it was pretty common in the new world. Hell, the injun tribe that lived where I live, the ones that left chips and pottery all over this hill I live on, were the most notorious cannibals in North America.
You think that clay figure is nightmare fuel? That’s just a statue. The true nightmare fuel is that they are still doing that shit, or at least they were when I was down there. A few years back I met a girl who had been a peace corps volunteer down there. When she found out I had ‘visited’ the place she asked me what I thought of them. My answer “They aint worth the bullets it would take” didn’t exactly warm her hippie heart.
Impossible. I’ve been told that indigenous peoples lived in a perfect peace and harmony!
So I got a call from my headhunter (who works at a consulting company) where she apologized for my interview where the job was already taken.
And now I’m going to be interviewing for the same consulting company on Tuesday. Some travel but apparently the tech people don’t have to do as much as the bullshit artists. Or whatever.
We’ll see how this works out. I just know if I get this job I’m going to buy that used Mercedes CLS500 I’ve been eyeballing.
Do they throw in the used floor mats and used condoms?
You be ballin’?
It would be hilarious though. Asking for stupid shit as freebies.
/scratches balls. ‘Listen, through in a bag of chips and that hoe over there and you got yourself a deal.’
You don’t mention year model but:
One system repair will probably cost more on that car than you pay for it.
Nikki Haley.
Just sayin’.
Because she persisted?
Nowhere in that article is the problem actually quantified. It’s all scare quotes and empty statistics.
Experts agree.
Oh shit, in that case….
*freaks out*
Just made lunch. Burger, no bun, melted cheese, avocado, sriracha and a fried egg on top. Not to bad.
Having a glass of figuiere le saint andre red 2016. Not bad for a light easy red
Avacado? No thanks.
You just don’t get good Estonian avocados in the states like we do in Romania
Good avocados is an oxymoron.
I would expect nothing less from an unsophisticated Louisiana shitlord such as yourself.
Nothing like homemade quac
Home made Guac is good as well
May have under-cooked the burger, which makes it delicious but not sure if safe. Steak I feel is pretty safe rare, burgers not that sure. Oh well to late now
If you have listeria in a few days, you’ll know.
If not, don’t worry too much.
I sort of trust mu butcher and I had rare-ish burgers from there before, but I always worry
Ground beef should always be cooked fully unless it’s been irradiated. The bacteria that will make you sick is on the outside of the steak, but when it’s ground, the bacteria gets everywhere, inside and outside the patty. It’s got nothing to do with a butcher’s standards (though an unscrupulous butcher can make it more risky to eat a rare burger by grinding old beef with the new).
Also I recently bought Fleur De Sel de Guerande which is 10 times the price of regular salt but it makes the raw pig skin I eat seem so much more classy
Now I have to make breakfast. I’ll prolly just do bacon, egg, cheese, mayo on a toasted sesame bagel. Doing a crockpot full of chili latter.
Making a burger-crusted pizza this afternoon. Primary care doc said to go on a low-carb diet, supposed to go light on red meat but that is just a bridge too far. Once a week will have to do. 51 now, I want another 20 or so years or more (barring any “hold my beer and watch this” incidents).
I don’t understand that recommendation. Saturated fats are really important on a low-carb or keto routine.
But fuck that – how about the recipe and pics if it turns out?
Got some liver count that is off, has been since Iraq. No lentils, elevated cholesterol. Will do with the recipe and pics.
Around 2 lbs of 73/27 ground beef thickness of a thin burger, 5 cheese Italian blend shredded cheese, light pizza sauce with some Italian herb seasoning added, a bunch of bacon, caramelized onion, some pepperoni… brown the crust then drain, put on the toppings, bake it at about 400 until the cheese browns a bit.
Go away. Please go away.
It’s not clear what he will speak about. Uh huh. Let me guess…
What can he possibly fucking impart on analytics?
Not only that, I heard he will be Letterman’s first guest on whatever he has going on at Netflix.
Letterman has gone into this weird, neo-existential posture of retardation.
It’s hard to believe Norm MacDonald, who loves him, doesn’t see this and feels conflicted because MacDonald is one sharp cookie.
One of the lessons I learned all over again during my quest for email privacy: reviews are to be taken with a grain of salt.
Lavabit, the company whose founder suffered a contempt of court ruling for shutting its service down (and effectively warning its users ahead of time) rather than quietly complying with a subpoena, reopened its service with designs on a new mail protocol they developed, one which doesn’t store any encryption keys on their servers . . .
Or, rather, they’re still in the process of developing and implementing that protocol. In the meantime, they relaunched their service to people who funded their Kickstarter campaign back in January, and they opened up the service to new subscribers back in July. If you do a search for reviews of encrypted email services, chances are the first search page will contain a list of reviewers picking their top services and they all may includes Lavabit.
. . . but one doesn’t simply navigate to Lavabit and open an account.
I tried several times a day for three days but each time only received a message that read, “Silicon can be temperamental. Try again later”. I sent an email asking if they were still taking on new customers–but they don’t really respond to email like that. I finally gave up trying to open an account and went with another service instead, but later went back to Lavabit on a lark and tried one last time. I got a message this time that read something like, “Your request has gone through. Hard to believe, isn’t it?”
They know they’re having a hard time taking new accounts.
When you read the reviews of Lavabit’s service online, they seem to be describing the specifications of Lavabit’s new security protocol–but that protocol hasn’t been rolled out yet according to Lavabit. It’s still a work in progress. When they shut their service down back in 2013, they eventually had to let go of their development team. From what I can tell, the only person working on the project is the founder himself. He’s probably doing server admin and answering the phone, too. I’m sure he’s doing his best–and I’m glad to be a paying subscriber. If I were in charge of an award for average Americans who fight for our freedom at personal risk to themselves, the founder of Lavabit would have won it in 2013. I have respect for him and his work like I have respect for what Cody Wilson does with 3-D printed guns.
But review sites recommending the service of a provider their readers may or may not be able to subscribe to is kinda over the top. There is no webmail. Maybe that’s a feature rather than a bug. if one can ONLY control everything locally through an email program, that may be part of the protocol saving Lavabit from having anything to turn over to comply with a subpoena. Another popular Swiss based service, ProtonMail, has all their features intact, including webmail, but their proprietary interface that handles encryption in and out of your desktop client isn’t yet available for Linux. Lavabit has that beat–despite the poor guy at Lavabit doing it all himself. He gave free accounts to the people whose accounts were lost when he shut down the service. I’d bet that money is tight. I’d strongly encourage everyone who cares about freedom and internet privacy to open an account–if you can. Maybe even make a charitable donation.
But, holy smoke, reviews are recommending Lavabit on the web over others–but the service isn’t even complete, yet, and people may not even be able to subscribe?
but Lavabit is totally like awesome and stuff
I like the ability to use Pop and IMAP in Linux, and I love what they’re trying to do. You’ve gt a guy running the place who would rather suffer a contempt ruling than screw his customers on privacy. Sign up–if you can–and get your favorite email address ’cause this is gonna be great for a very long time.
In the meantime, You know that big chunk of plastic gun that Cody Wilson 3-D printed and made available for anyone to print by releasing the CAD file into the wild?
I think that’s amazing, but if I were writing a review, I wouldn’t favorably compare Wilson’s first 3-D printed handgun to a Glock 19.
Lavabit is better than that, but there are other providers who didn’t even make these lists.
“Another popular Swiss based service, ProtonMail, has all their features intact, including webmail, but their proprietary interface that handles encryption in and out of your desktop client isn’t yet available for Linux.”
Trying to make Windows private is like trying to argue with Tulpa or Tony.
Help, I think I’m becoming a Linux fanboy!
Minimum wage hikes across Canada will result in the loss of 60,000 jobs, according to the Bank of Canada.
According to a recent report on a study by the Bank of Canada, “In examining the impact of the wage increases, the report estimated that the consumer price index could be boosted by about 0.1 percentage points on average and real gross domestic product could be cut by 0.1 per cent by early 2019. The number of jobs lost was based on a 0.3-per-cent decline in the number of hours worked, while aggregate real wages were estimated to increase 0.7 per cent.”
I would be willing to sacrifice 60k jobs for social justice
I’d get rid of 60k government-sector workers in a heartbeat.
Question Ted, if all the government-sector workers lost their jobs, what do they do?
Welfare? Are there that many Private Sector jobs available? Suck it up?
“I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results.”
That’s not my problem.
Those people are going to be better off on the dole that working slave wages anyway.
Headline of the day?
Constructivist Grounded Theory Approach in Understanding Couples’ Perceived Fairness of Gendered Division of Labor: Implications on Marxist Feminist Approach and Third Wave Feminist Thought
This study uses a constructivist Grounded Theory (GT) Approach guided by feminist and pro-feminism perspectives in developing a new model that analyzes the paradoxical question of why couples especially women perceive gendered division of labor as fair. Responses from agricultural partner dyads were subjected to the three-step method of the GT approach. Theoretical analysis revealed that perceived fairness of the gendered division of labor is grounded on the themes of (i) type of family upbringing, (ii) perceived physical advantage of men and perceived physical disadvantage of women, (iii) feelings of self-entitlement among men, (iv) role performance as indicator for self-worth among women, (v) sense of duty shared by the couple, (vi) open communication channels between couples, and (vii) observed family cooperation that entails delegation of household tasks to children. A new model illustrating the process of how gendered division of labor is regarded as fair between agricultural couples has been developed. Implications of this new model to Marxist Feminist Approach and Third Wave Feminism as basis for future social and policy reforms are also presented in this paper.
Marxism with tits. Feminism is nothing more than a trojan horse for pinko bullshit.
Perceived fairness. Just reading that nearly made coffee come out of my nose.
“Feminism is nothing more than a trojan horse for pinko bullshit.”
You could say the same about any of these identity groups.
Some days you almost have to agree with Pol Pot’s approach to “intellectuals”.
Earlier this week, amid freezing temperatures, students across Baltimore City returned from winter break to face unheated classrooms. About 60 schools — nearly one-third of the entire system — reported issues, leading to the closure of four schools on Wednesday and early dismissal in two others. The teacher’s union condemned the conditions as “unfair and inhumane.” And teachers quickly took to social media to post images of shivering students and thermostats registering harsh temperatures.
With a closer look at the images, it was hard to miss the color of the children — almost every single one black or brown. Classrooms of freezing children of color is the epitome of systemic racism, laid bare.
Frigid Baltimore City schools: The racism we haven’t confronted
I’m in the middle of writing a 3rd part to my “Crafting a Narrative” series that’s gonna be a doozie, but this article I ran across during my research fits squarely in the first 2 parts of that series (I’ll not link to them to avoid moderation).
First, this “teacher” isn’t a teacher anymore, she’s a community organizer. From the fine print:
Janie Tankard Carnock is a policy analyst with the education policy program at New America where she writes on issues related to educational equity in pre-K through grade 12 education. Her writing has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, Hechinger Report, Univision, Education Post, the 74, Sojourners and elsewhere. Before joining New America, Carnock taught second grade in Baltimore City, where she lives.
Second, she doesn’t recognize the simplest of truths, like how Baltimore has been run by largely black Democrats for half a century.
Finally, I love the suggested related article to this piece: Educated liberals overuse the term ‘racist’
“she’s a community organizer”
Carnock 2020!
They think yelling racist or nazi will get people to listen to them.
Yeah, racism is what caused this. Not massive incompetence coupled with a bankrupt municipality likely trying to cut some costs by turning off the furnaces, it’s all about race. In a city that has been run exclusively by Dems (many of them minorities themselves) for decades. Maybe the politicians are light-skinned blacks and they wanna stick it to the darker-skinned inferior children? Anything that can’t go on forever, won’t, but human stupidity seems to defy that law.
Check out this article at the WSJ:
“‘White-Informed Civility’ Is the Latest Target in the Campus Wars”
Overuse of the term racist, huh?
No worthwhile conversation can begin without first addressing race, and your insistence on reason and civility is inherently racist.
One more step in the direction of rationalized violence.
The destruction of civil society is the goal of demoralization. It isnt just about making people unable to think, it also destroys their ability to live peacefully with others. Keep this in mind every time you hear some pinko shitbird talk about gun control.
“an armed society is a polite society”
“By treating black students with common courtesy and expecting the same in return, white students elide black grievances”
So just straight to fisticuffs then?
The last thing they want is for black and white students to sit down and talk and realize they are in the same boat.
You ever see this video?
Basically says it all.
Basically, everything went to shit after Don Schaefer. He was brilliant and totally non-corrupt, someone who truly loved his city.
30 seconds of googling turned up this. At least we can dispense with the silly idea of throwing more money at the district, right?
That’s crazy talk, of course we need more money. How do you expect the local Ed-Union boss to afford that new vacation home in Aspen?
I’m tempted to go back to that article and post a comment.
y’know, charter schools don’t seem to have a problem with heating the classrooms for their black students. Maybe it’s the teachers union, along with local and state governments that are the racists. Which party are they again?
“Marijuana raids are more deadly than the drug itself
Since 2010, At least 20 SWAT raids involving suspected marijuana dealers have turned deadly, according to data compiled by the New York Times.
The list of fatalities includes small-time dealers and people who sold the occasional joint to a friend, as well as people suspected of dealing in more serious drugs like crack or meth, but who were found to be in possession of only marijuana after the fact. It also includes four police officers who were killed during the raids, intentionally or otherwise.
The deadly raids are a reminder that an activity that’s legal and celebrated in some states — selling weed — can get you killed in others.”
The state is murder
Y’know if shitty fishwrap outlets would stick to writing stuff like this, they might (just might) claw back a tiny shred of their credibility.
Narrator: They didn’t continue to write stuff like this.
I was getting distraught that a key element of the kitbash for the article wasn’t going to work. But this morning I found a workaround. Luckily for anyone who cares, I documented the trial and error to find it, as such experimentation is part and parcel of the process.
For my ass Glibs, these ladies definitely have cushion for the pushin’.
12, 18, 20, 23 and I’ll take 19 lined up just like that in a slightly different setting/situation.
Good morning, Q!
Hardly any freakishly thicc ones in the group!
I like 2. Nice and fit, ponytail, perfect setting. A winner.
6 23 25 and probably many more
They’;re all facing away from the camera.
Linda Blair was unavailable.
I’m with Tundra; #2 is the winner. #6 is a close runner up
Every last one of them! Great job Q!
Also: An Asian Invasion. RUN!
Good thing I didn’t get my Yellow Fever vaccination.
#9 by a country mile. I’m not saying she has the best body but she’s either cooking breakfast eggs or making a grilled cheese sandwich. Hawt!
“making a grilled cheese sandwich”
ENB hardest hit.
I would be willing to sacrifice 60k jobs for social justice
Those jobs sucked. They were dreary and unfulfilling. Now, those people can get better jobs, like hedge fund management, which will make them happy.
“At 6.8 percent, black unemployment reached the lowest rate on record in December”
First Trump recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, now there are more jobs for black people? Worst secret Nazi ever!
He’s lulling them into a false sense of security before he starts rounding them up into camps.
With a closer look at the images, it was hard to miss the color of the children — almost every single one black or brown. Classrooms of freezing children of color is the epitome of systemic racism, laid bare.
Frigid Baltimore City schools: The racism we haven’t confronted
Is there some sort of statutory prohibition on maintaining those schools? Otherwise, we need to look elsewhere for a solution to this problem.
Completely equal opportunity freezing would be perfectly acceptable on the racism stack. You have to jump to a different stack to raise the complaint about improper maintenance/operation.
I rather enjoyed the bit about the lack of air conditioning. I was in high school from 1990-94, so it wasn’t THAT long ago, and my hoity-toity private school was a hundred year old building with dodgy heat and NO air conditioning. Somehow we all managed it.
To be fair, I would not want to be anywhere in Baltimore during the warm months – let alone indoors.
Jeez Old Man, do you have any idea where the cut-off on that allusion is – I doubt very few under 50 get it. I liked it. I always thought Outer Limits was better than Twilight Zone even though I liked both.
It amused me, so beyond that, I didn’t give a shit about the children (for once). That’s pretty much my approach to everything in life.
OL was a terrific show for its era. SP and I have been watching reruns of it on MeTV. She is not as enamored of it as I was, but hey, I was 9 years old when I fell in love with the show. This particular episode was one of my three favorites.
Luckily for anyone who cares, I documented the trial and error to find it, as such experimentation is part and parcel of the process.
Finding the solution is the fun part.
I just know if I get this job I’m going to buy that used Mercedes CLS500 I’ve been eyeballing.
To each his own, but there are a lot of cars I’d rather have than that.
RE: The Ongoing Marijuana Clusterfuck.
Obviously, my preference in this case would be for Congress to repeal prohibition. Given their simultaneous lack of a spine and balls (a truly crippling condition), we all pretty much agree this has as much chance as Jesse renouncing men and becoming the next Roosh V.
To that end, I offer this solution that will solve many of the practical problems, will be electorally popular for Trump and may even be a bit humanitarian. Reschedule the Devil Weed to schedule V (in the same bucket as cough syrup) and say we’ll treat it medically the same way; ie, no more abuse of your 2A rights for having a prescription, any doctor can give one for almost any reason etc. Simultaneously, beat the drum that this is offering a medical alternative for those in chronic pain who are having their supply of opiates fucked with and are getting addicted to street drugs. Given that pot can and does work on cases like that, and is much, much, MUCH less addictive/harmful than opiates, I think that would fly with big parts of the electorate. So he:
1) Mollifies the non-prohibition states as far as he can
2) Explains to the people separation of powers (“this is the best I can do as President, if you want more you need to pressure your Congressman”)
3) Scores points with drug-warriors for “fighting the opioid epidemic with less harmful alternatives”.
4) Maybe actually accomplishes something mildly humanitarian from point 3
Of course, he probably won’t do this, but I can dream.
Q, My Wife is on the opiods, and I gave her some CBD, worked great. she can’t use it because She has to pass a drug test, and Pot is Bad M’kay?
That is Fucking Stupid
Thomas Sowell had a few words to say about this.
That’s a great book.
Just what I don’t need, another book. Nonetheless, I’m buying it. Thanks for the reference.
These guys get it.
Yes, a big topic in the radio yesterday. Lots of butthurt, for some reason.
I’m all for it. I just wish they would go a step further and lose all the tvs, period. If you must have them, sports programming (or porn) would be more appropriate. The LT I go to has quite a few tvs, but the ones near the weight area are easy to ignore.
Porn at the gym…
I think you may have stumbled on a goldmine there. I’ll call an emergency meeting of the (((investors))) and get you some angel money for a start up. You could even have private rooms for people to, erm, take care of themselves and/or a friend when they’re done working out.
Potential names:
Pistons Gym
Babes n’ Barbells
Pleasure and Pain Gym
Roosters and Kitties Gym
Hard Bodies
It would change clean & jerk forever!
Don’t you mean the jerk and clean 😉 .
Not a pun about ‘snatch’?
I am disappoint.
I was trying to come up with something on dripping snatch but I got nothing.
How ’bout:
“Medicine balls deep in snatch”?
Well, there’s always ‘split snatch’, ‘power snatch’ or ‘hang snatch’.
God no! You know how many people won’t wipe down equipment now when they’re done?
At a previous gym, there was this one A hole who ride one of the exercises bikes so hard there was a lake of sweat underneath and the whole bike was covered. He’s do a half assed job of wiping some of it up unless someone else ragged him to wipe it all up. And next time he’d go to back to half assed cleanup. He also did this annoying hyperventilating noise thing while riding. Many many times I felt like taking a five pound dumbbell to the base of his skull.
Just hire some illegals to mop up the funtime fluids.
Commie Pope sez “you didn’t build that, and don’t even try”.
Let’s see how he would react to Germany getting rid the church tax.
“At some point, you’ve made enough money.” Let’s see if His Papishness advises the next step, but I bet he won’t.
“Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.”
Luke 18:8-22, King James Version
If it’s not Florida, it’s Germany.
“Bill Belichick ‘wants to be the Giants coach’ and ‘sees an opening’ to ditch New England Patriots on the heels of ‘escalating feud’ over Tom Brady’s ‘snake oil salesman’ training guru”
Only in my dreams.
The bit about Brady’s trainer is entertaining, but there’s no way on earth he’s forcing his way out based on just that.
So how was that Misfits show?
this is the kind of stuff people say when they’re renegotiating their contract. (or planning to in the next 6 months). You randomly make noises about how “you’d totally leave” if you didn’t get your way on X, Y, Z. Because you just want to present a series of dummy-issues you will need more money in order to tolerate. it doesn’t really matter what they are.
Mental Sandbox time:
Apparently the world in which we live most unfortunately includes Nazi wedding cakes back by government force. What about the other way around?
Let’s say a (((couple))) has a baby boy in a rural hospital in which there is only one OB/GYN. They, of course, want their new bundle of joy to be snipped (and they’re in rural wherever so there is nary a mohel to be found). The doctor refuses to do the procedure on grounds that, in his opinion, it’s medically unnecessary and cruel. In a case like this, his opinions are running up against the customers’ sincerely held religious beliefs. In our brand spanking new free-association-is-illegal society, who wins?
That (((couple))) shouldn’t be fucking with getting a doctor to do it. It is properly the job of a mohel. And they have eight days to get to the Big City to find one.
Well, circumcision is totes unwoke, so the doctor wins.
I don’t remember my circumcision, but I know it had to hurt like hell. I couldn’t walk for a year!
Tip your waitress, try the veal.
Posted without comment:
Supporters of the tax say they welcome the new revenue and claim it’ll help lower rates of obesity and diabetes.
Despite zero evidence throughout history to support the assertion.
Never change, proggies!
There’s some dipshit on the tweet in the story saying the money should be used to make healthier foods odd cheap.
How does he propose that when the goal is for the city to increase their revenues?
I’ve had this argument with stupid people before. If you made healthy food absolutely free, it wouldn’t change a fucking thing.
And yes, this is all about trying desperately to deal with runaway city budgets.
“Seven years ago, I lost my father to diabetes and I have a mother who has Type II diabetes as well. This is an issue that impacts Latino communities in particular,” said Seattle City Council member Lorena Gonzalez.
I’m gonna punish the city taxpayers for the shitty decisions of my parents!
Damn racist diseases only going after minorities!
They just can’t stop themselves! The seductive curves of those 2 liter bottles!!
I’m at the point that if someone said that to me I’d think I’d say “I’m glad they’re dead then. Thins out the weak from the herd.”
Just to be an asshole.
LOL that city council is a goldmine
Don’t we have a childhood obesity problem?
I’d also love to see some breakdown of actual data that counts how many kids really a) have no food in the home, b) no cell phone, c) no cable TV or internet and d) both parents working. My guess is that it is astronomically small. If kids have a cell phone, cable TV, or internet access, they don’t need food subsidies.
Many stores have signs posted showing you exactly how much you now have to pay.
WRECKERS! The lower classes aren’t supposed to know how much they’re paying in taxes. They might make the wrong decision with that information!
“Justin Timberlake drops video for new single Filthy featuring a dancing, crotch-grabbing robot”
He’s still alive?
That’s one of my favorite Dizzee Rascal songs Bassline Junkie is pretty good and funny too.
Yeah, me too. It was a tossup which I’d use, but for the sake of Family Friendly…
“ESPN is the CNN of sports channels.”
This is beyond stupid. If I had just won the World Series and was invited by Obama (someone with whom I *vigorously* disagree) to visit the White House, I’d sure as shit go. What other opportunity are you going to get to go into the private parts of the White House and shake the President’s hand (even if he is a douche)?
This. It would also be fun to steal a souvenir.
I had a chance to meet chocolate Jesus and declined….if a white house tour had been part of the deal I’d have given it some thought…..but the idea of waiting around behind a security barrier on a tarmac to shake hands with that dickwad didn’t appeal much.
Absolutely. Looting the White House would be the only reason to go.
I’d try to sneak off and find JFKs secret passageways and mistress rooms
Just don’t touch anything. Remember, Clinton used them last.
Ewww….I take back what I said
IIRC, what is now the Press Room was once the indoor pool where JFK and RFK would have their romps. LBJ had it filled in early in his tenure. I think he was bitter about JFK’s staff always calling him and Lady Bird Colonel Cornpone and his Little Porkchop behind his back.
I just want to draw dicks all over it.
Never give up on your dreams, Mad.
+ 1 Muammar Gaddafi hat and shoulder boards on Obamas portrait.
Tim Thomas (the Bruins goalie) declined to go and was criticized for it.
“The FBI’s Dubious Probe of Hillary’s Emails
It was a veritable spa of special treatment.
The FBI did everything but drive Hillary’s getaway car.
Former secretary of state Clinton is a free woman largely thanks to the tender loving care that the FBI provided her and her conspirators during its probe of her illegal, unsecure email server and related abuse of government secrets. GOP lawmakers concluded this after grilling FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe on December 21, behind closed doors, according to John Solomon’s molar-grinding expose in Tuesday’s The Hill.
“For the first time, investigators say they have secured written evidence that the FBI believed there was evidence that some laws were broken,” Solomon reported. This proof includes what Solomon calls revelations of “irregularities and contradictions” in the FBI’s inquiry.
Former FBI director James Comey’s first draft of his statement exonerating Hillary Clinton was dated May 2, 2016. But FBI agents on this case still were collecting subpoenaed documents and other relevant evidence. They cataloged additional exhibits on May 13, 19, and 26.
Comey wrote his “Free Hillary!” speech before 12 to 17 separate witnesses had been questioned, including Hillary herself. She was not interrogated until July 2 — fully two months afterComey penned remarks that kept her out of jail. He publicly delivered his words of absolution that July 5, in a widely covered press conference.”
On Saturday mornings, AoS has a bunch of weird news stories. This one caught my eye:
A cautionary tale for you Glibs still looking for Ms. Right.
Looks can be deceiving. Always proceed with caution – your balls will thank you.
Is it crazy that I still probably would?
I think it comes with the Y chromosome.
There’s not much else to do in Lancaster County.
“The Geigers, parents to an infant daughter, celebrate their first wedding anniversary next month.”
Poor kid.
Still would.
*hangs head in shame*
“No reason was given for dropping the misdemeanor rap.”
There’s a reason. It’s called the Pussy Pass. Those of you who still would are part of the problem.
Number.6 to the white courtesy telephone please.
“Keith Ellison’s ‘Antifa’ Tweet Spurs Anti-Muslim and Racist Backlash”
TW: Newsweek
They’re reposting comments from InfoWars? I guess that means DU comments are fair game for FoxNews.
Or everydayfeminism.
How is it fake news when:
1) He overtly endorsed antifa and their actions
2) In spite of a lack of formal designation, antifa clearly are terrorists in their tactics and goals?
Antifa means well though. That skull fracture you got for attending a Trump rally (or a libertarian candidate’s rally if we were important enough to bother with) is just the price we need to pay.
He overtly endorsed antifa and their actions
With that tweet? or are you referencing something else?
I’d call this an endorsement.
Looks like an endorsement to me too.
Sure if you ignore the text of the tweet and that the audience for this tweet thinks Trump is a fascist, for them a book titled the ‘Anti-Fascist Handbook’ should scare Trump. it’s about Trump being a fascist not about the quality of the book. Stupid sure, but to act like Ellison did this in an effort to promote the book (you know an endorsement) is specious at best.
So, basically, Ellison’s an idiot?
You know, after awhile, one would think the Democrats’ constant use of “I was too stupid to know what it meant” would start to count against them.
OK, OK…it was an implied endorsement.
We must have vastly different definitions of endorsement. Dumb joke is not ‘go buy this book and do everything it says.’
“We must have vastly different definitions of endorsement.”
It seems we do.
Agree to disagree. However, I think we both know what would happen if a GOP Congressman tweeted himself holding a copy of the Kloran saying “I found a book that strikes fear in the heart of the Dems”.
I think that Ellison’s past history is part of the reason it drifts into endorsement territory.
This is a guy who was happy to join the Nation of Islam and endorsed Farrakan. At least until he decided to run for Congress and then he told bald faced lies about his past and the MSM ignored it.
The guy is a fascist, so him posing with the Antifa book is going to be interpreted as an endorsement.
Those conservatives… SMDH
To be fair, a lot of the religious right did make complete asses out of themselves when he was sworn into Congress using a Koran instead of a Bible. Of course, those idiots were amplified by the MSM because they made the right seem stupid and silly.
I’ll be fair when the MSM cast the same attention on the fringes of the Left.
I’ll be happy when the media treats communism and fascism (actual or alleged) the same.
Dems discover the long lost 10th Amendment in-between the couch cushions.
They are going to have a hard time pressing the 10th amendment in defiance of what is clearly an enumerated power of congress when it comes to immigration. The MJ legalization on the other hand is clearly a 10th amendment issue and I hope all states that have legalized band together and fight that one. Maybe I am just too hopeful, but I see future national discussions on what exactly the behemoth known as the Federal Government is actually supposed to be doing. I hope it is the orange tasseled fringe on the silver lining of the age of Trump.
If the Democrats want to reopen McCulloch v. Maryland that’s fine by me, but then they’d damn well better be consistent about it.
Investigators discover what caused the fire at the Clinton house.
+1 Chappaqua Spring
I was going with something cigar-related.
Homo economicus needs a good hard nudge
Meanwhile, though research in behavioral economics itself continues, behavioral ideas haven’t spread — in most fields of econ, the vast majority of models continue to be based on an idealized, perfectly rational homo economicus. Meanwhile, the occasional economist still feels comfortable declaring that the behavioral paradigm is doomed.
What’s the reason for the continued resistance? Part of it surely has to do with the cultural residue of the 1970s and 1980s. In those days, many economists saw their purpose as defending free markets (a few doubtless still do), and the idea that human beings are irrational seemed to threaten that ideal. To allow for the existence of systematic, important deviations from rationality would be to open the door to corrective government intervention — an implication that frightens plenty of people outside economics as well.
If we can institutionalize our preconceptions regarding people’s lack of rational behavior (as defined by our cadre of Top Men), we can justify our many and varied social engineering schemes. As for free markets, and allowing individuals to pursue what we deem to be suboptimal alternatives? That time is past. Forward, into a glorious future, Comrades!
You said “homo”… hehehehehehe
, the vast majority of models are bullshit. Being an Austrian econ guy I am happy with humans want to increase satisfaction and act to do so based on their limited knowledge and subjective preference. You can’t really model that as each is different. That being said I find most behavioral economics nonsens. They try to do the same find some standard model for billions of unique humans.
Experimental/behavioral econ is mostly about a search for stylized facts that can be used to develop new theories. For example, in the ultimatum game, one person suggests a division of a sum of money and the second person accepts or rejects it. Offers of less than 30% are typically rejected. This holds across cultures and for even relatively large sums. For example, New Guinean tribesmen react the same as us college students. The experiments have been done using $10 in us colleges and three months wages in Serbia. So now, we need a theory that explains it. But wait, the 3″% can be manipulated. If you make it seem the offerers earned the position, then people will accept less than 30%. So the theory should accommodate that as well.
Fun fact: pigeons exhibit the same hyperbolic preferences as us college students.
Don’t know how I missed this one during the Thanksgiving season. But here’s a good guide to talking to your relatives during a holiday get together sometime this year about immigration.
TW: Teen Vogue
*flees in horror*
But will the illegal immigrants fuck the teenage girls in the ass?
Only if they identify biologically as boys.
A plane carrying more than 200 passengers from Chicago to Hong Kong was diverted to Alaska after two of the aircraft’s toilets were vandalised with excrement, officials said.
What a crappy situation.
This guy should team up with Asparagus Woman from the UK. They would be un-stoppable.
NYT begins laying the groundwork for backing off #metoo since it’s goring way more of their oxen than those of the enemy.
“We need more chicks on the force” – St. Paul cops.
I can’t make up my mind about this one. On one hand, I always worry when people try to get women to do a job that really does require a lot of physical strength.
It really comes down to one question. If a female cop knows she can’t get into too many tussles with bad guys and win, is she more apt to a) just shoot them or b) maybe try harder to de-escalate things?
“We need more female police!”
Yeah, we want more of this!
They should have just gone all karate on his ass like in the movies.
The “right” number of female cops is the number that want to be. I don’t know why that’s so hard for the Left to understand.
Because progs believe that men and women have exactly the same desires and abilities. Therefore, sexism is the only reason why less than 50% of cops (or soldiers or firemen or miners, etc) are women. Interestingly, the fact that most kindergarten teachers are women is never used as proof of sexism in that job.
Similarly, racism must be the only reason STEM fields are disproportionately Asian and white. Interestingly, the disproportionate numbers of blacks in professional sports is never used as proof of racism in that field.
Conspiracy Theory time:
Trump and Bannon’s feud is being staged because Bannon is such a polarizing figure and Trump needed to unload him to gain more mainstream and moderate appeal. Concurrently, Bannon leaks a bunch of fallacious garbage to this “journalist” for the crappy book making the rounds to give Trump an excuse to bash on dishonest journalists and writers.
Too crazy?
This is the discussion at our house…
Oh, how I laughed…
President Trump hit back at suggestions and accusations that he’s intellectually and emotionally unfit to be the leader of the United States, tweeting, “my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.”
Excerpts from Michael Wolff’s book, repeated often in the liberal media, say sources close to the president claim he is forgetful and doesn’t have the intellectual capacity to grasp the complex policy and politics of being president.
Trump has hit back at the claims in the book, calling Wolff “a total loser” when he retweeted a parody cover of the book that the Republican Party had tweeted earlier Friday.
“Michael Wolff is a total loser who made up stories in order to sell this really boring and untruthful book. He used Sloppy Steve Bannon, who cried when he got fired and begged for his job. Now Sloppy Steve has been dumped like a dog by almost everyone. Too bad!” he wrote.
That last quote…Goddamn.
The stories hyperventilating about this are great. All of them are ranting about what a narcissist he is.
It is like they forget that every president is a fucking narcissist.
I know, back on one of my old obsessions. Reading NRA-ILA publications just so you good people don’t have to.
Remember how bad it is that anyone – children, mentally-defectives, lizard people, politicians and other criminals can buy guns on the internet from greedy un-people who frequent those sites? Well, unsurprisingly, Over the last few years, federal agents have been cruisin’ those very bad, dangerous internet gun stores, and auction sites, trying to
entraplie to sellers of fireams in order to buy a gun illegally. Commissioned by the usual suspects, Elijah Cummings, Brian Schatz and Fauxcohontas herself, the GAO report “Internet Firearm Sales: ATF Enforcement Efforts and Outcomes of GAO Covert Testing” documents 72 attempts taken over that time with ZERO success in their efforts to entrap gun owners and vendors.This was apparently undertaken in an attempt to replicate and presumably substantiate Bloomberg’s and Brady “studies” (e.g. New York’s fabulist 2011 epic, “Point, Click, Fire“) that claimed that up to 62% of internet private sellers were prepared to proceed in a firearm sale even if they knew the buyer would not pass a background check. It says something about the moral stature of the kind of people Bloomberg and the Brady guys hang out with, if this is true (redundant ‘/sarc’ included for completeness)
I like Gunbroker.
Remember how bad it is that anyone – children, mentally-defectives, lizard people, politicians and other criminals can buy guns on the internet from greedy un-people who frequent those sites?
I thought Mr. Lizard had his own sources?
I’ve made two (LEGAL) purchases via Gunbroker, both quite satisfactory.
I recently expanded my collection thanks to Gunbroker. All legal. One of the rifles (a Lee-Metford) would have come to my door if I would have been home that day. Instead I asked FedEx to hold it at one of their facilities for me.
I’m not as much of a hater of the NRA as many on this board, thought I would like it if they took a hardline stance on more issues. I think the NRA-ILA occasionally does really good work too.
The only reason I’m a member at all is because keeping up your NRA training certs as a non-member is a PITA and costs more. The ILA does good work, but it’s no more than a pretty honest research department. The NRA takes that information, uses it in congressional meetings, and then won’t fight with the ammo its members have paid for.
I’m a life member that has been a life member long enough that I probably cost them money. I donate nothing to them.
I don’t think we’ll see a change in the NRA stances. Gun control existing is good for their business.
I really want them to go back to the jack booted thug days, but that won’t happen.
They got their dicks slapped hard in the pre-Internet days when the establishment and the media could present a wall of “universal” opinion. Unfortunately it set them down the path of cop fellating, and pretending that progs are anti-cop when they love authoritay as long as they’re wielding the baton.
Will you Northerners shut up about the cold and listen to us whine?
The strangest thing about this time is how coastal elites live down to the basest stereotypes. The author goes on and on about people from cold weather places laughing at the whining going on in Washington DC. No concept at all about how much this makes them look like silly, pampered assholes who are totally self-absorbed.
As a Northerner, I can’t tell you how tedious it is to be in the middle of a cold snap that has seen us have average temps of below zero for 9 of the last 12 days and be pretty much ignored by the MSM. However when a storm hits the east coast we get non-stop coverage on it. The storm gets a name and a logo. So yeah, when we laugh at your whining it is because you deserve it.
Well said, Jimbo.
Here is a story for you pansy fucking southerners.
Yeah, it was -14 at Rochester when that story happened. So when we get liquored up and drive around smashing things in the nude, we do it in -14 below weather.
How do we know the guy was nude? Well:
I bet he was a transplant from Iowa. A native Minnesotan would have just walked home at that time.
Not that we have bone chilling cold, but the Weather Channel’s stage spotting has the “meteorologist” permanently standing in front of the Four Corners. I also grew up in a state that people legitimately thought was not part of the Union. I know all about coastal bias.
The news follows where there are more people. Sorry.
True enough. But millions of people were affected by that cold snap that lasted over a week. And it was before the snowmageddon even happened, so it’s not like they were competing events.
While there is certainly some legitimacy to the “news follows numbers” argument, it is also used as an excuse for the East Coast media to give their backyards the lions share of coverage.
For “news” news, I can see that argument. But weather?
Weather is really only important locally. Sure if something truly catastrophic goes on, it could be of interest nationally (think hurricanes). But for the most part, who gives a fuck about cold weather anywhere now?
I don’t expect the MSM to run lots and lots of stories about how cold it is here (and in NoDak). I just wish they’d lay off the story after story about the weather out east. I know it is very interesting to them, but for the rest of us it is a total yawner.
Mike is onto something when he says that the East Coast media hypes this shit because it is local to them and thus very interesting. What they don’t realize is how irritating it is to waste time on that story when they should be covering the Vikings’ Super Bowl run.
It is in the teens here in Virginia and it is cold when you aren’t used to it. My house was built in the 1940s and lacks insulation. The walls are cold and only the kitchen and upstairs bath are actually warm. I am anxious for it get back into the 30s. So, I understand the whining while it annoys me.
All us rubes are asking for is that you whine amongst yourselves. Your caterwauling is making it hard for us to hear the announcer at the snowmobile pull (winter version of a tractor pull)
‘Ungodly fast’ pig gives Oregon police the slip — again
Police in Oregon shared photos from their repeated encounters with an “ungodly fast” pig that has been dodging capture since the year began.
Tukwila Police said they first received reports of a pig on the loose Monday, and the department’s Facebook page variously referred to the porker as Wilbur, Nelson and ultimately by the real name revealed by its owner, Monty.
“Officers at one point had the perp cornered but he is ungodly fast and quickly outran us into some nearby bushes where he disappeared. Nelson 1 – TPD 0,” police wrote in a Facebook post. “We shall meet again, Nelson!”
The pig resurfaced Thursday and police posted they were hot on his trail.
“*BREAKING* We are in pursuit of Monty again!” police wrote.
An update later in the day included photos from the pursuit, but police admitted the pig had once again escaped the long arm of the law.
“Monty has continued his felonious streak and escaped from us again. We had him briefly cornered but he sprinted past us. We located his owner and spoke with him. We also came across a rooster and some chickens,” the post said.
Heroes in blue!
Tukwila is in Washington near Seattle, not Oregon.
You think he is fast? Wait until you get your hands on him and you will find out how strong he is. He’s gonna kick your ass.
Meanwhile, Gore be all like, “I totally meant to do that.”
more comedy gold
Twitter won’t block world leaders from posting
Twitter said it doesn’t plan to block world leaders from posting tweets because they “play a critical role” in the “global public conversation.”
The social media platform announced the policy Friday after Twitter users called on the company to ban President Donald Trump because of provocative tweets, including threats against North Korea. He has 46 million followers.
“Twitter is here to serve and help advance the global, public conversation” Twitter said in a blog post that did not explicitly mention Trump. “Elected world leaders play a critical role in that conversation because of their outsized impact on our society.
“Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate. It would also not silence that leader, but it would certainly hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions.”
Twitter said it it “working to make Twitter the best place to see and freely discuss everything that matters. We believe that’s the best way to help our society make progress.”
I almost fell out of my chair reading another article about this that claimed Trump gets away with tweeting stuff that would get normal people banned.
At least someone at Twitter is smart enough to realize that shutting down Trump’s account would be the end of their business.
Sure you can censor all sorts of little guys because no one is going to follow them over to some other platform. If Trump goes to another platform though, everyone would stampede over there.
In fact, I can’t believe that Trump hasn’t decided to do something like that.
“Scientific” “American”
As the potential effects of climate change are seen around the world – from starving polar bears to record-breaking storms – interest in climate science is soaring. Scientists are digging into the “how,” “why” and “what’s next” of global temperatures, melting ice, emission sources and sinks, changing weather patterns, and rising seas.
The last year has seen major breakthroughs and advancements in climate research. Here are some of the biggest findings reported by scientists in 2017.
Temperatures and carbon concentrations are breaking records
In January, both NOAA and NASA officially confirmed that 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded. It’s the third time in a row that record has been broken – 2015 and 2014 were both determined to be the hottest years ever observed.
Just two months later, in March, NOAA scientists announced that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations are climbing at a record pace for the second year in a row. According to data recorded at the Mauna Loa Baseline Atmospheric Observatory in Hawaii, CO2 concentrations rose by a whopping 3 parts per million in both 2015 and 2016, well above the average annual jump of 2.3 ppm recorded throughout most of the last decade. Prior to the Industrial Revolution and the large-scale release of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide concentrations had averaged about 280 ppm. At the time the announcement was made, global carbon dioxide concentrations were resting at about 405 ppm and were expected to continue rising.
That’s it, then. We’re all gonna die.
Will someone wake me up when the real Apocalypse is happening? I wouldn’t want to miss it.
Oh really?
Look, just because they didn’t even have the instruments to measure atmospheric CO2 concentrations back then doesn’t mean anything!
That is one heapin’ helpin’ of bullshit right there. Potential effects are seen? What does that mean? The starving polar bear was sick. The other polar bears, whose population is increasing, are fine. There are no record storms, that’s a complete fabrication. Hottest years ever obscured was back in the 1930’s. They are just making this shit up.
That entire website ( is a bottomless well of progderp. does someone, somewhere, publish a “spectrum” chart which shows how far to the left most of these new-publishing mediums (ugh, yes there’s also one called Medium) tend to go? (e.g. Mic, Quillette, Medium, Quartz, …others) I think many of them are ‘self-publishing’ and don’t actually control the content. but i don’t know how that true is for all of them. apparently has its own content and editorial. Quillette seems to be the place that ‘not lefty’ people go.
You wingnuts still own talk radio.
This place has most sites/news outlets.
Egypt: Sisi regime cracks down on musicians, gays, atheists
Then, after after Islamic State bombings at churches last April, Sisi declared a three-month state of emergency.
Meanwhile, “Sherine Abdel Wahab, one of the most popular Egyptian singers… is charged under an article in Egypt’s penal code which bans statements liable to ‘disturb public security, spread horror among the people or cause harm and damage to the public interest.’” Laila Amer, the third female singer to face criminal charges, is now jailed.
Amid the aggressive jihadist insurgency in Egypt, rather than devote action against it, the Sisi regime is showing a hardline Islamic approach in its crackdown on musicians, atheists and gays. All the while, Christians continue to be massacred.
That’s some fine police work, Lou.
Bake ’em away, Toys!
U.S. suspends at least $900 million in security aid to Pakistan
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States said on Thursday it was suspending at least $900 million in security assistance to Pakistan until it takes action against the Afghan Taliban and the Haqqani network militant groups.
The U.S. State Department announced the decision, saying it reflected the Trump administration’s frustration that Pakistan has not done more against the two groups that Washington says use sanctuaries in Pakistan to launch attacks in neighboring Afghanistan that have killed U.S., Afghan and other forces.
The department declined to say exactly how much aid would be suspended, saying the numbers were still being calculated and included funding from both the State and Defense departments.
Pakistan has long rejected accusations that it fails to tackle the militants battling the Kabul government and U.S.-led foreign forces in Afghanistan, from sanctuaries on its side of the border.
On Friday, Pakistan criticized what it called “shifting goalposts” and said the U.S. suspension of aid was counter-productive.
U.S. officials said two main categories of aid are affected: foreign military financing (FMF), which funds purchases of U.S. military hardware, training and services, and coalition support funds (CSF), which reimburse Pakistan for counter-terrorism operations. They said they could make exceptions to fund critical U.S. national security priorities.
“This is so difficult because I love Emma Watson as an actress but her holding a book that says “Why I no longer talk to white people about race” and posing for her Insta in some sort of higher spiritual sense and not seeing the irony just makes me wanna punch a lamp.”
#WhoaScience It’s a story about the first climate model from 1967
Look at the chart they show below to ‘prove’ the results, see if you can spot the discrepancy.
So I’m going to a party tonight and I’m planning on taking a mid-shelf bottle of gin. Bombay Sapphire or Tanqueray?
I’ve been putting off buying a mid-shelf gin for my liquor cabinet. Sorry to highjack, Q, but could we add Beefeater to the list of possibilities? Or should I already know that it is inferior to Tanqueray?
I’d put Beefeater in the same category. Not hijacking.
No, Mike was literally talking about whether it was worth it to go out in the cold to hijack a truck full of Beefeater gin heading to Grand Forks from Fargo.
The nice part about cold snaps is you can wear a ski-mask and no one will think anything of it until it’s too late.
My mom used to crochet those for us in upstate NY. Now I don’t even have one, and really wish I did the last couple weeks. Though I finally broke down this year and got one of those hats with the ear flaps. Never needed one in balmy NYC before.
::Jayne Cobb nods vigorously::
Except mine isn’t ugly.
Your mom is good at crocheting.
And you really look a lot like your dad.
A toque or an aviator hat?
The latter.
You know who else wears a hat like that?
Ever tried Broker’s? Good stuff and it has a little hat on the top.
It isn’t. Here is a brief summary of two-note gins:
Tanqueray -lemon
Gordons – orange
Beefeater – grapefruit
For citrus highballs and gin & tonics, Tanqueray brings the least to the party.
I’m not familiar with Bombay Sapphire, but regular Bombay is very complex or too subtle, with its apothecary of flavorings. If you like its taste, then its fine for dry martinis.
I am not really a gin drinker like many here, but i like me some sapphire gimlets. hendicks is also good but i think its considered something ‘different’
Just got home from the liquor store and I went with Tanq. It’s kind of a classic that most people like.
The Outer Limits was before my time, but I have seen the episode (Demon with a Glass Hand) that pic is from. That episode and another (Soldier) were similar to the plot of the Terminator movie. Ellison sued James Cameron and got his name in the credits.
Ellison has a reputation for being abrasive and argumentative.[19] He has generally agreed with this assessment, and a dust jacket from one of Ellison’s books described him as “possibly the most contentious person on Earth”. Ellison has filed numerous grievances and attempted lawsuits; as part of a dispute about fulfillment of a contract, he once sent 213 bricks to a publisher postage due, followed by a dead gopher via fourth-class mail.[20] In an October 21, 2017 piece in Wired, Ellison was dubbed, “Sci-Fi’s Most Controversial Figure.”
Ellison alleged that James Cameron’s film The Terminator drew from material from an episode of the original Outer Limits which Ellison had scripted, “Soldier” (1964). Hemdale, the production company and the distributor Orion Pictures, settled out of court for an undisclosed sum, and added a credit to the film which acknowledged Ellison’s work.[49] Cameron objected to this acknowledgement, and has since labeled Ellison’s claim a “nuisance suit”.[11] Ellison has publicly referred to The Terminator as “a good film.”[50] Some accounts of the settlement state that another Outer Limits episode written by Ellison, “Demon with a Glass Hand” (also 1964), was also claimed to have been plagiarized by the film, but Ellison has explicitly stated that The Terminator “was a ripoff” of “Soldier” rather than “Demon with a Glass Hand”.
It is amazing to me how far I got through the middle paragraph before I realized you were talking about Harlan Ellison and not Keith. It was only the SF references that gave it away.
Pay the writer. (Does profanity get a NSFW tag?)
Reason #1 why Michigan is better than Ohio
Reason #2. No more orange dicks for Wolverines.
This dude is smart in marketing a product outside the state of Michigan that’s designed for people who enjoy watching football.
amusing if unsurprising
I’ve never taken a real IQ test, nor did I take the SATs, and I’m not sure by their categorization if my degree would go under “Arts-Performance & Studio” or “Communication”. So I have no idea where that puts me in any of this.
No link to the actual data set or data collection instrument, and self-reported data. This particularly matters in the case of estimating g from SAT scores in that pre-1995 SAT scores correlate to g anywhere from .85 to .70, depending on who you ask. However, many researchers claim that the post-1995 tests poorly correlate to g, so much so that Mensa doesn’t recognize them as valid measurements of IQ.
I am calling bullshit. The only subject there that ever stumped me was electrical engineering and they aren’t ranked very high compared to other subjects I found relatively easy.
As a physics professor, I think the list is probably quite accurate…
Go with “Arts-Performance & Studio,” it’s a few points higher.
reply to CPRM
There’s also “Other Humanities & Art” that is even higher.
Elon’s Space Boner
the opposite of my personality type
People who share the ESFJ personality type are, for lack of a better word, popular – which makes sense, given that it is also a very common personality type, making up twelve percent of the population. In high school, ESFJs are the cheerleaders and the quarterbacks, setting the tone, taking the spotlight and leading their teams forward to victory and fame. Later in life, ESFJs continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.
At their hearts, ESFJ personalities are social creatures, and thrive on staying up to date with what their friends are doing.
Discussing scientific theories or debating European politics isn’t likely to capture ESFJs’ interest for too long. ESFJs are more concerned with fashion and their appearance, their social status and the standings of other people. Practical matters and gossip are their bread and butter, but ESFJs do their best to use their powers for good.
ESFJs truly enjoy hearing about their friends’ relationships and activities, remembering little details and always standing ready to talk things out with warmth and sensitivity. If things aren’t going right, or there’s tension in the room, ESFJs pick up on it and to try to restore harmony and stability to the group.
Being pretty conflict-averse, ESFJs spend a lot of their energy establishing social order, and prefer plans and organized events to open-ended activities or spontaneous get-togethers.
Heh me too
Bullshit. HS personalities dont mean anything. Real life aint HS. The jocks and cheerleaders that were all that in HS with me mostly turned out to have tragic lives. Some didn’t, most did. The most successful and gregarious bunch were the smart kids that didn’t really stand out in any one category. The dumb ones, the dope heads and the overly popular ones crashed and burned.
Me? I am still chasing people off of my lawn.