This is my review of Bell’s Brewery Roundhouse India Red Ale.
Yeah, okay so they just hopped up Kilian’s Irish Puke and gave it a cute name? Fine. To keep your attention, here’s UFC eye candy, Paige Van Zant delivering a roundhouse kick:
Yeah, okay pedants. She’s right handed, so that was technically a switch kick if you are only going to look at the still photo. If you want to see the whole thing, this video here has it in real time and slow motion. She actually swung her strong leg forward to gain momentum toward her opponent. Then turned her hips midair, planted her right foot, and landed a left kick to the face. If anything, this was technically a flying switch kick, but it was definitely a feat of athleticism. I can cover the gap like this and land a knee, but a kick takes several reps for me to land it. I would say this was her career highlight, but Dancing with the Stars and every single commercial she is in seems to be more lucrative than her fights, which might explain why she never seems to fight anymore. So before you decide, keep in mind that on any other day she looks like this:

Speaking of red…
The roundhouse kick is present in many Martial Arts styles but primarily is associated with Muay Thai–or Thai boxing, the national sport of Thailand. Yes, there is more to Thailand than ladyboys, street food, counterfeit watches, and epic weekends in Bangkok. The sport itself was developed like all Martial Arts as a means of self-defense. Developed from a fighting style called Krabi Krabong, it is centered around the mindset that you are born with 8 weapons: 2 fists, 2 elbows, 2 feet, and 2 knees. In the early 20th century the Siamese army actually pitted fighters from competing companies in bouts against each other. This might seem like a brutal way to build readiness but it is actually a common custom in modern militaries. In fact, I participated in a traditional boxing match during my first deployment. The management at Al Udeid, AB sanctioned the fights under several significant conditions. I will admit I lost, but I contend the guy I fought was Airborne and I filled in at the last minute for another guy that wimped out that morning.
For more information on Muay Thai, here is a link.
Because it is a proven fighting style as a sport, rather than an art (suck it Meryl Streep), it is popular among MMA fighters for their standing game. Other styles such as Karate, Tae Kwon Do, and even traditional boxing are represented among professional fighters but they are fewer in number. MMA fighters primarily train in Muay Thai, plus Ju Jitsu or wrestling for their ground game.
So how do you do it? To start, you should be in a modified boxing crouch–just more upright. Hands up, shoulders forward, hips bent, feet should be a little wider than shoulder width at a 45 degree angle, strong leg should be back with your weight slightly biased to the back, knees bent and finally you should always be on the balls of your feet. With me so far?

Something like this…
From here you need to be loose. Start by moving your back leg forward like you plan to knee you opponent. This position from his view means either you are moving to strike with a knee, parry a kick, or kick either high or low. Deception is a good thing here. Then pivot your front foot towards the outside, this will put it in a better position to maintain your balance. Then turn your hips towards your front foot, begin to extend and swing your leg. You want to aim to strike your opponent with your shin. If you strike intentionally with your foot, you’re going to have a bad day. See UFC Fighter, Uriah Hall for the reason why you don’t necessarily want to strike with your foot, even if it worked out for Paige…

BTW. He won that fight.
The last step is called “chopping the tree.” Here you are turning your hips violently to build power and swing your leg down. Basically, pretend to strike your opponent with the lateral malleolus. That is the big bulging bone on the side of your ankle. Not that it is physically possible, but to finish by striking with the front of your shin, you will need to turn your entire body as if it were. The result should look like this:
To see the full motion, here’s a Thai fighter engaging in clear cut deforestation (seriously). This is a devastating strike; typically compared with being hit with a baseball bat. Some fighters have been clocked swinging their legs as fast as 130 miles per hour, delivering 1400 foot pounds of force. This is beyond broken ribs, this is ruptured organs territory and depending on the location of impact in some cases can stop the heart.
Now that you know this should be more than just a charming marketing scheme…the beer does have a bit more character than the garden variety IPA. Its base is a red ale, so it does have the usual toasted, caramel malts that are common with that style. There is a hint of sweetness which is obvious given they list honey as an ingredient in big letters on the can. I would probably say this is good enough on its own given that I’m partial to the balanced malty side of the spectrum but they also dry hopped it. It’s a nice counter to the usual IPA and when compared to the ubiquitous red/amber ales is much more interesting. Odd line to tread, but it treads it well. Bell’s Brewery Roundhouse India Red Ale 4.0/5.
My Brother is pretty Badass with a round house kick, He Broke my Dad’s collarbone when they were sparring one day,
That’s impressive. I’m curious about the angle he hit at. I would think you’d need an overhand strike or maybe a stomp to break that.
Brother is 6’3″ Dad was 5’8″ Jr. and Sr. I just watched, I prefer knives and guns
I for one, look forward to the day my sons can kick my ass. On that day, I’ve requested they leave me in a forest in AK to die with dignity.
My Bro Snatched the Pebbles from Dad’s hand….
Student/Master, all good
This beer looks intriguing.
So the kick boxer in the tree killer video is a dirty Capitalist? He is destroying the Planet!
I had one of these last night, 11% American “strong” Ale,
Orange zest and honey… looks good.
Locally grown Oranges and Honey, Quite close to my house
It’s a solid one, I think the only beer from Bell’s that’s a real miss is their Cherry Stout.
That’s sad. A cherry stout sounds like it would and should be great.
I tried a chocolate Cherry stout, and it didn’t work, I thought it would,
I also thought Orange was Froo froo and wouldn’t work, but it does
They used Michigan sour cherries, and to me it tastes more like cough syrup then beer. Some people like it, but I just couldn’t stand it.
Sour cherries work in wheat beers. That does sound odd for a stout.
Yeah, Bell’s knows their stuff. Two Hearted Ale is probably my favorite beer ever. Never tried the Cherry Stout, but I’ve had some bad experiences with anything labeled ‘Imperial’ so I might give it a miss.
I love their Oberon. I would try this one. Not a weed guy but I do like a good Red and it’s Bell’s so why not.
Try this on for size…
The coffee one is sublime.
This might be the first beer you’ve covered that is available in my area. I will seek it out next time I’m in the beer store. Another great review!
*Arms raised in a V for victory*
Now that I think about it…MikeS I recall doing a review of Budweiser. Do you not have access to ice cold Bud?
Did you? Either I missed it or my brain wiped it from my memory like a trauma victim.
De-winifying Beer
Oh, yeah. I forgot already.
OK, so you’ve done at least 4 beers that I can get here. Quit ruining the narrative!
That is my favorite brewery
Nonbinary knees work too.
Ten beers with five bears at Two Guns, Arizona
Don’t really watch MMA all that much, but I once watched the highlights of Van Zant’s last fight where she got her face rearranged. That looked nasty.
Excellent article. I’ll have to check out this beer tonight. Thanks
She fight s next weekend. Found out after I write it up. I’m not betting on her.
That’s a shame. She’s got a pretty face
I used my Instant Pot for the first time today. Man, that thing is easy to use.
Made jambalaya. The finished pic was too steamy to focus, but here is the setup.
Good stuff.
What beer goes with jambalaya?
Probably wine. Time to wake up the Mr from his nap and feed him.
Red Ale, Amber Ale, American Ales no matter what…
How spicy are we talking? The received wisdom is that hoppier beers balance out the heat of spicy foods.
It was pretty spicy. And yet Mr Splosives still added hot sauce to his!
We ended up drinking white wine with it. Yummers.
Riesling or Gewürztraminer — off-dry to semi-sweet.
We went Riesling.
I know, right? I just made chicken tacos in my Instant Pot. Half an hour, from pulling the frozen chicken breast out of the freezer, to the first bite of juicy tender clucking goodness.
It’s from Paint the Kitchen Red.
It reads as a how-to manual for using an Instant Pot, so it appealed to me as a newb. At the bottom of the page is the printable short version.
Thank you! Will have to check it out. Love jambalaya.
This may be happening tonight. Thanks!
You are both most welcome.
I have a low carb instant pot recipe book on order, preparing for the fitness challenge
I like jambalaya. Yummy.
It WAS! Used Slap Yo Momma brand cajun spice blend.
I kick it old skool with the Presto 5 qt. Ive had it about 20 years, and considering I got it from a flea market, it was likely 20 years old then.
The gadget-loving early adopter in me had to get an Instant Pot. It was cool to push the “saute” button for browning the sausage and chicken, then after everything else (except the shrimp), pushed “Pressure Cook” and 7 minutes. Then I went off to read and the pot “knew” when it had come up to pressure and only then did it start the 7 minute timer and took care of itself without me having to hover around waiting for the pressure to build so I could set a timer.
Final step, do a “manual release” of the pressure, stir in the shrimp, and let it cook in the residual heat for 10 more minutes. I could get used to this.
I’m far too much of a Luddite, which I often blame on my Mennonite lineage.
If I could get a cell phone with a rotary dial, Id be thrilled.
I thought i already told You,
Atta boy!
I read somewhere that the V is for “ventilation”.
Oh boy. Yusef has a new best friend.
Office Manager Mohammed: I AM PLEASED YOU HAVE LURKED, Yusef will not be Beaten today in Honor,
//Aims Upside down Binos at Mike//
Not allowed in our house. My wife remembers when her mom’s went all Boston Marathon on their kitchen when she was a young girl.
You’re meant to add the ammonium nitrate AFTER the cook cycle,
The Instant Pot is smart and is supposed to be able to sense when adjustments need to be made. I watched it during the pressure portion, and it shows on front when it would add heat, then rest, etc. No intervention needed.
It’s also supposed to be able to tell if something is about to burn and flashes “BURN” on screen so you can intervene & add liquid or whatever.
Love the instant put. Now we can have fresh-cooked pinto beans anytime. Don’t have to plan ahead and then spend the day tending the pot.
Wow. There are a bunch of different models. How do I decide which one to buy for the wifey?
This is the model I got. It’s a bit big if you’re only going to use it for two or three people, but the price difference between that and the 3 quart one wasn’t worth it to me. The sterilize function peaked my interest. IIRC, the next model up has bluetooth, which just seems idiotic to me. If I’m in bluetooth range of the device, I can walk the 10 steps over to change the settings.
The sterilize function on some of them caught my eye, as well. Could come in handy if I ever get back into brewing. Or if I start making wine.
Yeah, the Bluetooth model seems like the ultimate accessory for stereotypical fat, lazy Americans.
That’s the same one I got. The 6 qt Instant Pot duo.
Me likey.
Once you determine size, the choices are more limited. If you routinely want to cook literal one-pot meals for 10, you’re gonna need to go big.
We have a 6 liter that will make a enough dal (indian lentils) for about 20 as a side dish. Rice for 8-10 hungry people. Irish stew for about 8.
Well, meals-wise it’s just the two of us. The wrinkle is that she’s talked about getting a pressure cooker so we can can more of our garden output. So I guess I should go big?
I think 6 qt would be good, especially if you like to freeze portions for another day. The jambalaya will provide 2 more meals for 2 for us.
Another handy thing is that many of the recipes out there are targeted at the 6qt size.
Question for anyone that does canning/preserving. When making things that require a pressure cooker, do you put the filled quart jars into the cooker like you do with the hot water bath method used with tomatoes?
Grams always used to. You need to heat everything high enough to kill botulism.
I kinda figured that would be the case. So I guess I need to be sure whichever one I buy is tall enough to fit in some quart jars.
I haven’t done any canning in years, so definitely read up a bit before you jump in, but doing a little digging unless you’re canning something high in acid you should heat everything up to 240 degrees to kill botulism. Not sure if the instant pot can hit that temp or not.
If you’re looking at the Instant Pot for canning, is that it operates at about 11.5 psi instead of the 15 psi that a stove top model does. Here’s a quick little write up about it.
Ahhh. Perfect. Thanks Nephilium. After a quick skim, it sounds like I may want to avoid these and get a meant-for-canning pressure cooker.
Great minds… I’m making beef and barley stew in my Instant Pot right now. Second time use for me, first one was just hard boiled eggs though.
Yeah, Barley sounds like a good one. Takes FOREVER in a regular stovetop pot.
Does your Instant Pot give you the instant munchies?
My Duo Plus 8qt arrives on Monday!
Seems like a bunch of us on here have the Instant Pot. Should we ask SP for and Instant Pot sub – area in the recipes section?
Oooh! 8 quart! You’re not fooling around.
That’s not just “a Thai fighter”, that’s fucking Buakaw, the undisputed King of Modern Muay Thai.
I just new you’d have something in this to correct. Apologies, I don’t ecactly get ESPN Lok kŵāng k̄hxng kīḷā in my area.
Reds taste just fine. What they do to me is not fine.
We seem to be getting a lot of newbies lately. That’s great and all, I am just worried that they aren’t all being properly told to fuck off.
Oh, so your avatar has its middle finger up. All this time I thought it was the index.
Yep, middle finger
Crass and classless, to be sure. But it makes me giggle.
As long as you’re doing it as hard as you can.
*digs up ATHF dvds*
Or accused of being tulpa.
Well go fix it!
Hah! Tulpa would say that.
Heed my warning from the new years prediction thread!
Fuck you Mike.
That’s a /kidding in case anyone’s feeling trigger happy with the catbutt.
*runs sobbing from the room*
Someone should catbutt Q. He’s such a big meanie!
You’re talking about cunnilingus with redheads, correct?
You’re making a lot of sense right now.
Red-headed women buck like goats – James Joyce
I’m up for a good Malbec myself.
I’d rather have a good Maibock
Almost Bock season…
Here, have a depressing read, the Pie Signal is Lit!
“By 2015 more British Muslims were fighting for ISIS than for the British armed forces.”
We live in an age of insanity.
I couldn’t finish this pile of Derp, then I read this, and knew why,
“Dan Carney, a former Washington correspondent for Businessweek, is an editorial writer for USA TODAY.”
BusinessWeek went to shit over the last twenty years. It’s a real shame too. Used to be pretty good with a lot of depth. Now it’s graphic design and fluff.
Am about to disassemble my PC and install SSD as OS drive
anything i need to know before diving in? are there any bios settings for SSD needed, or anything in Win 10 i should make sure to adjust for optimization? i’ve trolled through the normal sources but most seem to suggest its literally plug+play and zero actual difference in any regard to normal hard drive management.
The one suggestion I would make is to set up two users, and then force your main user folder to go to a non-SSD drive (if you have one). Otherwise temp files and such will eat up your storage on the SSD. Other then that, the system just sees it as another hard drive.
that’s an interesting idea
not sure at what stage in setup i’d need to do that.
I do have a handful of other regular SATA drives. one big one (1tb) is former main drive. have 3 others (2 250gb 1 750gb) that do different things (music/sample storge, video storage, backup). was planning to pull them all out when installing the OS on the SSD.
When would i need to reinstall a 2nd drive to locate the User folder for main account? i’m used to just setting up a default admin account and using that as a single user. I’ve never been too hip to the multiple-accounts thing, but i know there are potential benefits.
How big is the ssd? I’d leave the regular hdd’s in personally. For a lot of things you won’t notice the difference in speed, so you may as well use the cheaper, larger drives. Movies, for instance, take up a lot of room and the playback is much slower than the read speed of a hard drive, so no reason to clutter the ssd with it.
If the ssd is big enough using it for caching will help system performance, but it will wear it out sooner. Modern ssd’s have service lives almost as long as regular hard drives now, so that may not matter much to you if the drive is large enough.
the SSD is 250gb, and i was only removing the others for the sake of clean install. (i don’t want the current OS disk in the box when i install new one)
all i’m planning to put on the SSD is the OS, and 2 sets of sample-libraries which benefit from fast read (Omnisphere – ~65gb; and some Kontakt strings libraries – ~30gb)
i’m thinking that splitting the user folder different drives may not be the biggest benefit, really, if it presents any complexity
(\many of the programs i use my need that User folder for some complex stuff related to virtual instruments – e.g. i think the entire Arturia V series VSTs (6gb) are run out of the User folder)
i’m cool with replacing the OS drive again in 3 years if read/write causes any degradation. i just want simple + stable
Broadcast quality HD videos kill my space so fast. I have 11TB and I’m constantly trying to find things to delete to get space.
according to this, it can be done from within windows anytime after install
if that’s the case, not sure why i’d need 2 user accounts
I haven’t done it in Windows 10, but in Windows 7 you had to use a symlink to do it. Either from recovery mode, or as a non-logged in user.
So off topic apparently Barcelona spent 150 mil to transfer one player. This shit is insane. In a way the NBA trade system makes more sense.
I’ve got football fan friends who bitch about Bayern’s spending.
One is a Tottenham fan, the other a Man City fan.
But then the left considers the 2nd amendment a loophole.
I just used that loophole! Woot!
So I’m gonna OT my own article: i bought a gun. A S&W 686+ 2 5/8″ snubbie. I came dangerously close to blowing another $300 for 327 performance center air weight. I reasoned I bought it for the Mrs. in mind and thus an all steel gun would be easier to shoot and quite frankly if she needs more than 7 rounds of .357 magnum (I’m calling it .38 Extra-special) we probably need to move to a better neigbor hood.
Now, who makes a good set of grips? I like G-10 but wood is classy.
Check out Hogue
Ten minutes ago:
*click* *click* *click* *pulls hammer* *click*
“Too big”
Hogue is out. In other news, I have a brand new rubber K/L frame monogrip for sale…
They have smaller grips as well
I have an ancient S&W police. 38 with some custom wood grips. Not sure they brand but I love them. Have finger groves.
S&W 686+ 2 5/8″ snubbie – i literally understand none of that
Small-ish revolver. Not a bad choice, my personal hatred of small barrels aside.
Beat me to it.
Here’s a nice one with checkering.
Much cheaper, also very nice
Liking these better.
Here’s the one on my list. Considering 686 7 shot as well but with at least 4″ barrel.
My death merchant had one in stock. Nice trigger.
*wipes drool off of chin*
Check out altamont.
Learned something today: it was just a matter of time before six was old school.
I carried the original Distinguished Combat Masterpiece for years; the six inch barrel was freakishly accurate.
I loved the 44 ounces of L frame, and, at 6-2, I found the factory goncalo stocks fit me and were perfectly serviceable.
It was also nice to know that if someone didn’t need shooting, you could slap them into next week with that beast.
My old Model 10 just had these:
Boring, but I liked them.
I tried posting this twice already…I don’t know why it doesn’t show…
Try Altamont grips.
Paige Van Zant…. tasty.
Townes van Zandt: Lungs at the Old Quarter
This is not directly in my field, but I weep that it is close.
People are going to die and it will because people are more worried about the diversity of the team making the calculations rather than the accuracy of their result.
Well, just finished another round of beer. A wheat beer. The carbonation issues I had with the first batch are gone, but there is a strong plastic aftertaste, so this batch is trash. I’m thinking I didn’t get the carboy clean enough, so I’m going to buy a second 6.5 gallon bucket and use it instead.
That’s too bad. I love a good wheat beer!
Better luck next time.
I haven’t had that problem before, but these folks suggest it might be a water problem:
An improperly cleaned carboy could result in spoilage from micro-organisms or chemical contamination from poor rinsing. But don’t think it will lead to a plastic taste.
I was just going to post the same thing. Are you using tap water? Did you do any treatments to it? Is your water from a well?
The only thing I’ve seen that could be a cause from cleaning is if you use bleach as a sanitizer (Note: Don’t use bleach as a sanitizer, spend the money for a no rinse like StarSan).
+1 don’t fear the foam
Is your water from a well?
Yep, it passes through a sediment filter and a softener, but it is well water. I’ll have to invest in a carbon filter and see if that knocks down the unwanted aftertaste.
Regarding the carboy, I’ve found it to be a pain in the ass, so I’ll replace it either way. However, I’m leaning toward agreeing with y’all about its sanitation not being an issue. I let it soak in hot water with (insert name for whatever OxyClean knockoff the brew kit came with) for 30 minutes after getting all the gunk out from the first brew.
I’ve seen a bunch of people recommend StarSan, so I’ll pick some up next weekend when I’m at the local brew shop. I ran out of the OxyClean during this last batch.
It sounds like sanitation could be your problem. The OxyClean knock off is a cleaner only, not a sanitizer.
On topic with eye candy:
Bonus points for the alliteration.
So IPA is good for something?
Of course it is… drinking. 🙂
I made some law carb muffins this afternoon – chocolate with blackberries. They smell terrific.
Mexican Sharpshooter – “I stood up there and got my ass kicked fair and square.”
This is a man I can respect.
This was an MMA thread too?
Muay Thai is definitely common but that is one reason Conor MacGregor says he can win. He is more on his toes and can out-time the flat-footed style of Muay Thai. Not that Conor would ever exaggerate. Certainly not about his own skill.
Anyway these things can go in cycles. Obviously in the beginning there was BJJ. Then wrestlers figured out they could beat it. Emilianenko made BJJ look useless. Similarly classic boxing may start to score a bit more against Muay Thai, as striking continues to stay dominant.
The strikers do seem to be more prevalent now. Even among the heavyweights.
If you’re flat on your feet, you’re doing it wrong no matter what the style. Plus, Connor said that about everybody until he got choked out. I’d be surprised if he fights again after that clown show against Mayweather. After a $100 million would you work again?
Hey! One I’ve actually had!
All that fancy fighting is gibberish to me, though. Drop the gloves and get to swingin’.
Agreed…………except ’tain’t what happens;
it’s: drop the gloves, grapple for sweater, throw two uppercuts that don’t land, flop out on the ice, continue bear wrestling, tackled by zebras, escorted to box
Derian Hatcher was my enforcer…seems like a long time ago.
Well…yeah. Who the hell wants to get hurt?
For you.
It’s a swingin’ party
*brings lampshade*
What’s happening this weekend, EDG?