The first week of the year is really fun for me professionally. I get to spend all day every day doing yearly regulatory compliance documentation, which adds exactly zero value and redefines the word “tedium.” This has not improved my mood, so don’t be pissing me off in the comments. Get it? GET IT???
As a devoted hater of the Redskins, I can only comment… What the fuck is a glass purse?
Cooke allegedly hitched up her skirt to moon the officer…
Alas, no pix.
“I hear your brain hurts, Trebek… and your mother is still a whore!”
More leftist autophagia. #methree
I like how Team Blue doesn’t even pretend to principles. There’s a refreshing honesty about it. Team Red has not gotten to that level yet- they still pretend that they’re honest, even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Speaking of which, smoke weed or you’re going to have the shit punched out of you. Mike, meet Jeff. Go to it!
Old Guy Music! And you thought you could get away without it. You were wrong. I can watch this one again and again and not get tired of it.
Cooke allegedly hitched up her skirt to moon the officer… and showed off her glass pursee . .
Fun facts – Jacqueline Cooke was the product of a 73 day marriage between a 75 year old Jack Kent Cooke and a 32 year old woman. She demanded a $15 million divorce settlement at the conclusion of said 73 days. In 1987 that was real money!
I want my gif. please, pretty please.
The gif you deserve?
And thank you so much.
I thought (((you))) were never supposed to utter the Lord’s name
“Hashem doesn’t owe us an answer, Larry!”
He didn’t – he typed it.
So litigious
You don’t, hence the Tetragrammaton. Sadly, the clerics aren’t like those in the films.
Ill take, “Procedures that require an 18 month wait in Canada, Alex.”
Fuggin A, Tres Cool, you made me snort hot tea out my nose!
I feel like Im fitting in already.
Fuck off, Tulpa.
*tips hat to Tonio*
Easy there, Tulpa!
But I was told that essentially, we are all, deep down inside, really, Tul……oh, nevermind
Fitting in? What are you, some kind of collectivist?
You’ll have to prove you fit in. Send dick pics
And risk the Family Friendly™ rating right out the gate? Not me, buster.
You couldn’t possibly ruin the FFR, HM has that covered
/Fuck off! 🙂
can you shorten the wait time with canadian tire bucks?
No, but you can get a bitchin’ set of snow tires!
They’ll throw in some Timbits while you wait.
Mittens to the rescue!
“I’ve been told that Romney has said he wants to be a McCain-like figure in the Senate,” says Dave Owen, a longtime Utah Republican strategist who doesn’t count himself a Romney supporter.
With the 81-year-old McCain battling brain cancer and likely serving his final term, Romney sees a coming void for an elder statesman in Washington who can take on Trump with unfettered earnestness and without significant political consequence. Carrying overwhelming popularity in a place where he still basks in “favorite son” status for rescuing the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, Romney has tremendous capital to spend in Utah.
“Likely”? That’s some crackerjack reportage, Cletus.
I don’t think “McCain-like” is something to strive for. Stay clueless, Mitt.
^^^ Seriously.
I didn’t care much for Romney before, but now I really dislike him.
Synonymous with brain damage and/or affected cognitive degeneration?
It would seem that with Mitt’s terrible likeableness that there is no chance he can sport a McCainian war-boner.
It’s a pity McCain and Romney can’t be in the Senate together, they could form the Sore Losers’ Whining Caucus.
Throw in Hillary and you have the three members of the “I lost to Obama” club.
I wouldn’t put it past McCain to have his death hidden and a pull string put in his taxidermied body, so he can remain important.
Cool, this means Romney will be tortured in the jungle for the next 3 years.
Five. Five years torture.
One of us! One of us! Gooble gobble, one of us!
The FBI has been quietly investigating the Clinton Foundation for months, according to people familiar with the inquiry, US media report.
The investigation is reportedly being led by FBI agents from Little Rock, Arkansas, where the foundation was founded.
They have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, reports the Hill, a Washington DC political news outlet.
Agents are said to be looking into whether policy favours were traded for unspecified donations to the foundation while Mrs Clinton was secretary of state.
But figures within the Justice Department and FBI doubt any charges will be brought, the Washington Post reports.
After exhaustive review of the facts made available to us, we find no evidence of wrongdoing.
AfterPRIOR TO exhaustive review of the facts made available to us, we find no evidence of wrongdoing.“Ok, it’s totes cool to criticize the FBI now”
– New entry at journolist
Good thing they have once centralized place to store their talking points. Things are starting to get REALLY confusing.
No shit.
Comey sucks! Yay Comey! Comey is Trump shill fuck Comey! You go Comey!
Fuck Bannon that cracka Nazi!
Yay Bannon truth to Power!
What do they think of Bernie these days?
I’ve sort of been going on about this for a while. First Comey was their hero, then they hates him. Then McCain and Susan Collins were their heros. How soon will it be before they hate Mueller? Not long.
It’s just Arkansas yokels, not the Top Men of the FBI.
Just in case you had any doubt that Clinton got slightly different treatment than a peasant would, here is what happens when mishandling of classified information is prosecuted for real. Note the key phrase “no malicious intent”. Whoops, so much for the great renaissance of mens rea.
Sandy Berger didn’t mean to do bad either. Oh, you – peasant? FYTW.
Brooksie’s right
Around 2000, some friends of mine did a few shows where they played live music to the movie Freaks. They set up TV monitors around the bar and stage while also dressed in costumes. It was quite bizarre. Their song Gooble Gobble / 97 mushrooms played during the scene you linked. The song was written about my antics on 12-31-96. Never take twice as many shrooms as the recommended highest dose. Lesson learned.
“Alright I’ll do it master, but you got to let me get some them potheads, please master, please? Show me where you want me to kiss it? /Sessions
It’s news to me that the FBI has a Little Rock office. Is there really enough going on in that area to warrant one?
Or by “office”, they mean 4 guys that go into an office building and play solitaire all day waiting for the phone to ring.
I’d assume they’d have an office in every state, and Little Rock is the largest city in Arkansas.
Coincidentally, “Little Rock” is also my nickname for my left testicle.
I named my abdominal hernia “Quato”. *Open your Mind…..Open your Mind…Oooopen your Miiiiiiinnnnndddddd!* Wifey doesn’t laugh at that one.
Heh. But, I did.
It’s the home city of the Clinton’s. I’d guess there’s more crime there than anywhere else in America, except D.C.
Totality of the circs. Procedures were followed. Feared for our lives. Furtive movement. No intent.
More leftist autophagia. #methree
Dunno, it looks like it’s prepping the ground to stop the #metoo since it’s hitting mostly left. And before someone actually important gets caught. I mean, sure, Harvey was big, but who else was there? Rattner? Spacey? Small fry. Until Singer gets nailed, I’m not taking it seriously.
That Alex Trebek story has the same plot as a John Travolta movie.
Battlefield Earth?
Oooh, sorry. The correct question was, “What is Phenomenon. What is Phenomenon.”
RBS, choose a new category.
Isn’t that a muppet movie?
Debbie Wasserman Schultz for 500
For 500? Maybe.
Come with a bottle of Pert* too!
*with seal on the cap
I picture her as more of a Soul Glo gal.
That deserves a link!
Paging Swiss, we need a narrow gaze at the front desk.
Saturday Night Fever?
The Punisher?
Uh, Staying Alive?
Perhaps even more troubling is that we seem to be returning to a victimology paradigm for young women, in particular, in which they are perceived to be — and perceive themselves to be — as frail as Victorian housewives.
Consider the fact that the campaign last month against the Met to remove a Balthus painting that shows a young girl in a suggestive light was organized by two young Manhattan feminists. Fortunately, they were unsuccessful. This is the kind of censorship practiced by religious zealots.
So close to getting it.
You have to give her points for trying. About 70% of that opinion piece was on target.
Feeling low? Behind on your alimony payments? Kid back in jail and/or rehab? Cheer up with tits!
3, 5, 9, 21, 22, 32
7, 9, 13, 22, and I need to see 27’s face before coming to a conclusion.
No. Nope. Uh uh. Hooray!
Not the strongest, er, set – but I’ll give the nod to number 5. Numbers 1 and 2 had a shot but they chose to employ the always annoying German Shepherd head-tilt. Better luck next time, ladies.
I like 2 and 38. 3, 6, 10, and 21 are fine too.
Anybody else use Q’s faves to pick their Powerball numbers?
Use this one weird trick!
Orgy excluding #40. Dirty big rigs just don’t do it for me.
I’m I the only one who thinks that a federal crackdown on State legalization efforts is a good thing?
Ignoring the law is the wrong way to go about it if you disagree with it.
Exactly so, civil disobedience is fine for individuals.
I have no problem as long as they make it loud and clear it’s something people need to take up with congress. “Don’t want us to do this, make congress change the law. We can’t change the law. We are only enforcing the laws passed by congress.”
Which is basically what they’ve said as far as I’ve been able to pick up from those about me who follow the news.
I mean, states that have legalized in some form have 267 congressional votes and 54 senate votes (by a quick count that may be off by a few, but it’s close)
This is why I’m confident they’ll act. Nobody want’s off the gravy train and there isn’t a contemporary temperance movement to shame them.
Save that the war on drugs kills people and ruins lives I’d go along, you guys sound like Judge Smails “Didn’t want to do it, felt I owed it to them.”
Living under a system where the executive wields the power to change the law on a whim is what scares me. I don’t agree with presidents doing it for policies I don’t like, and I don’t like it when presidents do it for a policy I do like.
Law enforcement is a resource like any other and is always going to be prioritized. You could ticket every dip shit that doesn’t use his turn signal but at what cost, less cops to stop actually dangerous traffic crimes? Deciding to spend limited resources on things other than killing drug criminals is way down my list of things to get worked up over. It’d be one thing to break a few eggs to make the decriminalization omelet if those broken eggs were just some fines or wrist slaps, but I find wanting people to die/have their lives ruined so that maybe congress will act morally unacceptable.
If its too resource intensive to police then it should not require force of law. If the only way to make this understandable is to break the system trying to police stupid shit then i’m all for it.
I’m not saying it is too resource intensive, just pointing out that trade offs and opportunity cost play a role in prioritizing which laws are enforced and how vigorously. And again I have little problem with TPTB deciding to use those resources on bigger fish/actual criminals instead of medical marijuana farmers.
The Hyperbole indeed.
To paraphrase Solzhenitsyn – they voted for it, they should have met the Chekka with their guns.
You’re right , I’m sorry. I should have said – I find wanting policies enacted that will get people killed and ruin lives morally unacceptable.
I find wanting a President to merely put something on hold the killing and caging of people until another President changes the rules and resumes morally unacceptable.
I find leaving the ruining of lives and the killing people to the vagaries of administrative policy rather than the written law to be morally unacceptable.
*looks at CPRM* Did we just become best friends?
I too have a high life hat!
That’s the great thing about everyone having their own morals, you guys can be wrong and still feel good about yourselves.
I suppose you’re being hyperbolic, but I’d like to better understand your principles. As I understand, you are advocating a principle – “to want policies enacted that will get people killed and ruin lives is bad.” Therefore, the moral test is whether the actor wants polices enacted that will get people killed an ruin lives. We must distinguish between policy and law, I presume you mean policy to be “an individual’s course of action with respect to the law”. And the law to be a government prescribed course of action backed by force.
What is your moral principle on following law?
Does the content of the law determine whether it is moral to follow it?
Here, I believe it is axiomatic that which is not backed by force is not law and enforcement of any law will get people killed an ruin lives. Further, it is axiomatic that securing liberty from government requires law ergo the individual qua government cannot apply your moral principle. Hence my confusion. I am presuming, of course, you aren’t an anarchist. A better moral principle is really two, 1) approve laws that ab initio are not morally determinative and then 2) always enforce them. This system works individual qua government and individual qua individual.
Not sure if this will answer your question, and I’m probably falling into some utilitarian trap but here goes.
Moral principle- Follow just laws ignore/break unjust ones
of course content matters legality does not equal morallity
Your two point system works great except we have hundreds/thousands? of laws that violate point one, following through on point two isn’t going to make those laws magically jibe with point one. The question at hand seems to me to be should we push for enforcement of an unjust law in the hopes it will help bring about it’s repeal and thus eliminate it once and for all. I would buy that given two conditions, that the law wouldn’t be repealed otherwise and that the immoral enforcement doesn’t cause irrevocable harm to innocent people. If we can push for the unjust law to be ignored or even less vigorously enforce while we work to repeal it, and that course may save lives in the aggregate then that is the course that I would endorse.
Assuming you meant “am,” then yes. This is because you want to force congress’ hand, right? They have an incredible resilience to suffering, combined with moral cowardice. And if one party is fer it, the other will have to be agin’ it.
Looks for nearest orphan to cuff.
I have little faith in congress acting. What I do expect to happen, however, is more States starting to make State’s rights arguments once their legalization tax dollars are impaired. Not that it will be a painful enough lesson for them to learn ‘in their bones’ but it does shift the Overton window and, with the right cases, may claw back some liberty in the long run. Come the midterms, it may become a campaign issue which is also good.
Ha – you’ll be free to consume a recreational substance only because the state you live in wants its tax action. Genius fucking argument there.
Whether they act or not, it’s going to be hard to close Pandora’s box at this point.
And the President too, who can (and could) have rescheduled MJ.
I think it’s good, too. I’m hoping it will call attention to the issue enough so it’s taken care of the right way: congress passes a law that legalizes it, and leaves it up to the states to pass their own laws.
Presuming congress doesn’t pass a law and people are pissed, Trump now has an excuse to legislate by the pen and just reschedule the stuff. A brutal crackdown on MJ enforcement is political win for the administration any way you look at it because it creates problems which the administration may be seen to solve:
1) People upset, Congress acts in changing the law -> Trump credited for enforce laws as written and leading congress to pass historic change.
2) People upset, Congress fails to act -> Trump may act to reschedule, credit for appeasing people and historic change within scope of current powers.
3) People not that upset, nobody acts -> Credit for enforcing law as written
There really is no bad outcome for the administration unless they behave stupidly.
My guess is that it will go more like this:
People upset, Congress fails to act, Trump fails to act -> Non-violent offenders continue to fill the prisons, cops get new toys, credit for enforcing law as written with a small minority of voters.
Right. The worst case scenario is the status quo. The States aren’t going to disestablish their MJ apparatus just because the fed is ramping up enforcement.
Are you saying there is no scenario in which they might lose* therefore put something into action to score some kind of “victory?”
*Unless Trump dons an SS uniform and the justice dept. files drug charges on Obama.
Almost as if… they’re politicians…
I don’t know if I’d go as far as “good thing”. I would prefer if congress would do something. or whoever is in charge of the schedule (DEA?) would do it.
but I can see that acting as a bad guy might get congress of its ass. that’s a good move, strategically.
Scheduling is the purview of the executive branch. So, DEA, Surgeon General, NIDA. But effectively this means the president has to want this.
And don’t forget to remind your liberal friends that the previous administration could have done this AT ANY FUCKING TIME, but chose to not act.
Congress could also do this, but as noted above, lack both the spine and the motivation to do so.
Trump could throw it on Schedule 5 and that would solve a lot of practical problems. Of course, congress repealing prohibition would be better but I have no faith whatsoever that they will do anything. They couldn’t even get rid of Zero-care for crying out loud.
It’s these same assholes who want e-cigs treated like tobacco products. Even if they wanted decriminalization they’d still fuck it up.
I’m curious, does any of the beltway types actually like Jess Sessions? I guess he might have an ally or two, in the sense the Soviets were allies in WW2, but the bad man greasing the wheels theory is interesting.
Two points: 1.the Constitution doesn’t say the federal government has the power to regulate drugs, so tenth amendment says they can’t 2. The president can reschedule Mary Jane anytime he wants. The DEA is an executive agency, and they are the ones who made pot schedule one drug, not Congress.
cool trucks race and go over jumps.
I played so much Off Road in my youth…
“Seth Meyers Promises A Politically Charged Golden Globes
Late night comedian Seth Meyers will be hosting the 75th annual Golden Globe Awards on Sunday, and he is already poised to sink the show’s ratings by promising ahead of time to make the show political.
In an interview with People, Meyers pledged to inject his brand of political humor into the Golden Globes opening monologue. Though Meyers leans hard left, he did indicate that the humor will focus on the #MeToo phenomenon sweeping across Hollywood following the Harvey Weinstein scandal.”
eh… many people who aren’t at least leftish watch the Golden Globes anyway?
The Globes is the greatest of all awards shows.
Tallest midget, but still.
My girlfriend watches the award shows… I think at this point it’s just habit though.
Meyers is boring.
The whole damn thing is boring and predictable.
So brave. So, soooo brave.
How about you be a real man and do it like Norm MacDonald would.
Personally, I’d do nothing but bully Streep until she walked out.
Meh. Hollywood circle-jerk. Don’t care.
inject his brand of political humor
The boring, predictable kind?
Those two feminists who tried to ban a Balthus painting….
Very Maude Flanders of them.
Don’t you ever work?
The path to least resistance…something, something.
/bites into orange chocolate Ferrero Fiesta bar.
Comer Fiesta, Entonces Siesta.
Well that was strangely addictive.
Since it was cheap and I needed other things from the store, I decided to try scrapple (sighting was mentioned in the whiteness article).
Sliced and pan cooked, then put inside an English muffin with Colby Jack cheese it was oddly tasty.
I hear it’s good with grape jelly.
On its own, It tastes mostly of oats and onion. If you want to add grape jelly to that, go ahead.
Hey, just reporting what my Pennsylvanian friends tell me.
It’s a Philadelphian abomination, like pepper pot soup, and shouldn’t be linked to Pennsylvania in general.
Actually it’s Lancaster County. And it’s no one’s fault but your own that you don’t appreciate wonderful food.
Oh, I like scrapple just fine; it is a breakfast staple. But grape jelly on anything other than peanut butter is heresy. Chunky peanut butter.
And the Pennsylvania Dutch may have come up with the idea, but they keep to themselves. I’m blaming Philly for spreading the travesty.
My apologies. I know apple butter is supposed to be the go-to for scrapple.
Personally, I don’t like covering it with any sort of sugary spread. I like the taste of it on its own.
Fried up with a little bit of bacon and use the leftover grease to cook the eggs I’d my go to way of cooking scrapple.
No worries, as a NEPA native, I just enjoy taking potshots at Philly, especially now that I’m living there.
Oats and onions?? It is pork trimmings, cornmeal and buckwheat flour and some spices. And yes, the Amish traditionally like it with grape jelly.
I did not taste the pork.
*disclaimer – being unfamiliar with the flavor of buckwheat, it is possible my mind suggested a similar enough grain to be plausible.
I knew a guy once who would put grape jelly on grilled cheese sandwiches. He also liked to dump a lot of sugar on his mac and cheese.
I saw a guy put ketchup on pizza. It’s tomatoes, but still
“Better than pineapple!!!”
/every Gib except Doom and me.
I’m staying out of this one.
I had some yesterday!
So you said earlier.
We’re talking about pizza , now. Sheesh.
I was going to say I’d missed you, but now….
OK, Doom. I missed you *in spite of* your terrible taste in food.
And me. I feel like a slice of Hawaiian right now.
I’ll take a piece of Tia Carrera, absolutely!
I hope you’re hungry!
15 years since The Relic Hunter was cancelled. That’s a long time in actress years.
/considers how to take away the favorite site features only for Gustave’s account
and me..
Et tu, Yusef?
/adds Tundra to her list
I had some tonight – Hawaiian pizza. It was delicious.
My favorite pizza in college was shrimp (with a large number of baby shrimp).
I will not eat scrapple in any form. However, the way you made it is similar to how we ate spam (well, Treet anyway, but it’s the exact same stuff) in Iraq. Swipe an English muffin from the DFAC along with a tube of cream cheese (or you could use MRE cheese spread instead) and heat the whole sandwich in the toaster oven we had in the radar van.
…a tube of cream cheese…
Um, you sure that was cream cheese?
Of course it was, guttermind!
I mean, it was right there next to the baskets of English muffins and bagels!
*thinks back to KBR chowhall*
Again, are you certain that was cream cheese?
Why not just hold it on a stick out in front of the main lobe?
Because it was winter and cold outside!
Supposedly, the old ASR-8 they used before my time would light up a string of Christmas lights briefly every time the dish passed it.
Makes sense with that long wavelength stuff.
who knew that everything but the oink could taste so good?
The scrapply goodness that is scrapple claims another victim.
Evilly contemplates scrapple and pineapple pizza.
Equally evilly, remembers the time (pre-TSA) of taking a half-baked pesto-pizza from Oakland to Portland and making an entire 737 reek of garlic to please my then-missus.
Scrapple is fucking awesome.
OMWC picked the wrong song.
You know, I really would cry too much if someone found a way to make it look like these guys leaked sensitive information about, say, Vladimir Putin. I can’t think of too many people more deserving of a nice induced case of leukemia.
Who will take over Jeopardy!?
I know.
Only if he wears the hat.
What’s Sean Connery up to these days?
Bernie Sanders says “You don’t need
23 brands of deodorant 12 different LBGTQ student organizationsNo way it could turn out like this:
Alas, no pix.
I’m going to need to see more before I make that call.
“Roy Moore accuser’s Gadsden home burns; arson investigation underway
Roy Moore accuser Tina Johnson lost her home Tuesday in a fire that is now under investigation by the Etowah County Arson Task Force.
Tina Johnson, who first came to public notice for accusing Senate candidate Roy Moore of grabbing her in his office in the early 1990s, said her home on Lake Mary Louise Road in Gadsden caught fire Tuesday morning.”
False flag or really stupid retribution?
The article suggests just some loser kid.
4chan, then?
A false Gadsden flag?
Isn’t there a cold wave in the south? Bad space heater?
Only for some values of “cold”.
Gruden gets 10 year, $100 million contract to coach Raiders.
Unfortunately for him, Bill Callahan will never be a head coach again, so no more titles for Jonny boy.
Umm, yeah, no. Callahan apparently had the Raiders playbook and so did Chucky. That usually doesn’t turn out too well.
As a Kansas fan, I was really disappointed when Nebraska fired Callahan.
/raises skeptical eyebrow.
The Davis’s do have a sort of habit of overreaching, but it turns out ok every once in 3 decades or so. They should make him general manager instead of coach. I wonder if Gruden managed to include a ‘they can’t call me Chucky’ clause in there because there is zero percent change Raiders fans will not call him Chucky and he hates that. ‘Chucky Chucky Chucky!’. Make the Raiders Funny Again!
Well, it’ll be all new ‘fans’ in Vegas.
Hardly. Raiders is sort of a worldwide thing for better or worse. I just hope that Chucky can smack those skittles out of Beast Modes mouth and tell the kneelers to get the fuck off their knees and play football or go do blow jobs for 50 cents each in the gutter.
“According to the Crown @CountDankulaTV is colluding with his pug to use adorableness to trick people into gassing footballs stadiums full of people. No I’m not joking.”
“The two year ongoing trial on whether or not it is an offence to have a sense of humour in Scotland is to culminate today.
The subject of this monumental waste of court’s time is YouTuber Mark Meechan, otherwise known as his alias Count Dankula. Meechan taught his girlfriend’s pug Buddha to do Nazi salutes on command as a joke for a video, and to largely annoy his girlfriend. The authorities were alerted to this incredible display of Nazi propaganda, and Meechan was arrested.
Meechan, also known as ‘Literally Hitler’, states at the beginning of the video: “My girlfriend is always ranting and raving about how cute and adorable her wee dog is so I thought I would turn him into the least cute thing I could think of which is a Nazi” but Scottish court decided to ignore the concept of ‘context’ and ‘freedom of speech’ and have instead kept Meechan on trial for the best part of two years.
In the crackdown against free speech in the United Kingdom, it would appear to be an oversight on the police’s behalf that they did not arrest Meechan’s Nazi pug as well. It is clear to see that man’s best friend can easily be indoctrinated with Nazi ideology and that unless Buddha faces a fair trial he could potentially go on to deny the Holocaust. Hate speech should not be tolerated in any form, even if a species is unable to vocalise speech that humans can interpret.
If found guilty Meechan could face up to one year in jail to keep the public safe from his memes, but Buddha will remain free to spread his Nazi propaganda across Scotland.”
unless Buddha faces a fair trial he could potentially go on to deny the Holocaust
And before you know it, the damn thing is leading a canine army into Poland. And setting up concentration camps for all the cats.
How do we know the pug intends it as a Nazi salute as opposed to say, the Black Power fist salute? This trial will require the same kind of canine mind reading abilities that every case involving a drug sniffing K-9 does.
As long as every dog is sworn in, should be fine, right?
Pugs are white, obviously. Black dogs are those poodles, labs, and pitbulls, duh
Clearly that dog should be punched in the face.
he’s a pug, he’s already been punched in the face by genetics and inbreeding.
Yeah, one of my dogs are racist. She barked at the Hispanic UPS driver, our black mailman, Chinese food deliver boy. Even the Russian lady that was trying to sell us ADT. She did scare off the Solar City guy.
We had a dog that would bark at dark skinned people, and people with hats (even me when I would wear the same hat I always wear)
Our dog just barks at Bacon Magic.
Yeah I just watched Southern’s Youtube video from outside the courtroom. Evidently the press there are extremely upset that the judge wasn’t allowing more charges to be piled on at this point
So, the press is looking for the judge to take a hard line against free speech. I don’t think they’ve thought that one through.
Ah England, land what gave us Copy Right.
YouTuber is the enemy. They simply assume they’ll be treated differently.
And I don’t think they’re wrong.
Not in the near term. In the long run, precedence matters. It’s sort of an iron law.
Raven Nation mentioned the new season of X-Files in yesterday’s morning linx, but I didn’t have a chance to watch it until last night when it became available on Hulu, Sweet mercy was it ever so fucking terrible. It may be the most phoned-in piece of television I’ve ever seen. Watch only if you’re eager to see Chris Carter dig up the corpse of your childhood hero and then casually proceed to give it a Cleveland Steamer. Raven Nation was far too charitable with the overall rating – I give it 3/10. The only redeeming aspect of the show was the (quite possibly unintentional) homage to the chase scene from Bullitt. I’ve read that subsequent episodes will be much better, but this one set an astoundingly low bar.
Yeah. I commented on it. Wife and I were eye rolling through most of it. The ‘scientifically banging’ Scully still has us giggling.
Won’t watch.
Try the new gloves yet?
Yeah. Last week. Like them, but a bit slippery which is weird because I use grip sticks. I think just not having my actual palm exposed is why everything feels odd. Going to slap some wax on them and see how it goes. We had a bye this week so I’m jonesing to get back out.
I got a new pair of CCM. First time out tonight. They feel weird as they fit tighter, but stickhandling feels ok.
A lot more protection than my old ones, too.
That part did give me a little chuckle.
All this and HBO still won’t bring back Carnivale.
Or Deadwood..
/Mr. Wu
I wouldn’t watch it. Wouldn’t watch 5-0 either.
You can see the disdain on that Cooke chicks face for everyone in the courtroom. Although I can’t say that I can’t relate.
“Woman’s asparagus tells her Theresa May’s going to quit this year
Jemima Packington, 61, is the world’s only ‘asparamancer’, and claims she can see into the future by tossing asparagus into the air and interpreting how the spears land.”
Sounds legit.
The predictions are impressive:
No way!!
Like all things asparagus, these predictions smell funny.
Good, Jacob Rees-Mogg would do a far better job.
That’s racist and shit.
The angry women of loony tunes:
Yosemite Sam’s wife is TERRIFYING.
And Sylvester sitting on the chair at c. 6:32 mark left me sliding off my chair giggling madly.
I watched the whole thing. End was great.
Enjoyed it, they don’t make them like the used to. Umbrellas and rolling pins never get old.
I made my kids watch looney tunes once. They have never laughed harder than the first time they saw the Coyote eat it.
Is there somewhere that I can just buy all the good old stuff including all the WWII era ones?
$5 bin at Wal-mart? I dig them up on YouTube.
I got about 40 years worth, a long time ago….
Try these.
I’ve had enough of these sassy broads.
Team USA…you good for nothings.
I wanted a Team Canada/Team USA gold medal showdown.
But nooooo, you just had to take Sweeeeeden lightly.
Sweden has a nice team. That defenseman Dahlin is absurd.
I like the US team, but it wasn’t to be.
I didn’t see that game but Lias Anderson has had a very nice tournament, which is very gratifying as a Rangers fan
No Miracle on Rice this Olympiad?
*turns off tv*
“Is Cold Weather Racist?”
Ask an Eskimo
That settles it, the Root is parody
The puppy in the escalade really ties it all together
Watching someone do these exercises must be pretty amusing.
Shame they don’t show the exercises, I’m interested to learn them.
“Vegans furious after police share cooked breakfast photo to support farmers
A police force has been met with a tirade of abuse after sharing a photograph of a cooked breakfast.
Vegans criticised the North Wales Police Rural Crime Team for posting a picture in support of local farmers, after National Farmers Union (NFU) Cymru (Wales) had hosted a ‘farmhouse breakfast’ campaign meeting.”
The asparagus lady saw this coming.
You know what you do to angry vegans? Ridicule them and then ignore them.
Kill them, smoke them and sell them as bacon?
Wait, your way is better.
Yeah, they all just taste like tofu and what sane person wants nasty tofu bacon.
any recommendations on good Mouse?
I’ve had this Logitech VX Nano* which i’ve used everywhere for everything for almost 10 years. which is amazing for anything made of plastic in china and which you bang on every day. but it was always very responsive and worked with everything, and i especially liked the smaller ‘travel size’ and the quality scroll-wheel. (not round rubber like cheap mice, but more like a faux-metal roller with either click or smooth scrolling) It still works but i find myself taking it apart to clean it every couple of weeks when before it was once a year.
(*weirdly, i’ve seen them listed in three places for like $200-300+. I think i paid like $50. Why anyone would pay more is…. i don’t get it.)
i’m actually considering buying replacement parts and fixing the old one. But wondering if anyone else has some porta-mouse that they are particularly fond of.
I normally just wait until my cube neighbor leaves and switch mine for theirs.
I’ve been using my Logitech Trackman FX wireless trackball since 2000. I have no idea what I’m going to do when it dies; it is pure ergonomic perfection. IIRC, Logitech was sued by some fellow who held a patent for a trackball that fit the hand and they discontinued the model. Sigh…
Yeah, to each their own.
I need something that can be moved around/traveled with if needed. This seems like the successor to the VX things. I’m not down with the ‘rechargable’ thing tho. I don’t care if it eats AAA batteries, i just don’t want it to crap out 100%, which i suspect any re-charger will at some point.
I’ve been won over to Steelseries side, they have some wireless stuff.
looks nice, but not really into the charging dock, or the pointless use of neon lighting
i should have emphasized that i really want something portable (wireless+battery operated).
That sounds awfully expensive.
I use a Logitech M500. It sells for around $20. It has a cord, which means I don’t have to charge it or replace batteries.
as i said, i think it was like $50 new.
i don’t know who wants $100s for them still, but apparently they do. they have them on Ebay for $200+. I suspect the reason is that Logitech over-engineered that particular model, and everyone who owns one realized they’re far more durable and functional than anything made. since so they command a premium. there seems to be a robust trade in replacement parts for them as well.
but in any case… yeah, i should have emphasized, i’m looking for travel-sized, cordless, non-rechargable…. etc.
I have the Logitech mx master. It was a bit pricey, but I love the programmable buttons. With a flick of a thumb, I cycle through virtual desktops and with a click of a thumb, I open launchy.
It’s not a Porta-mouse by any stretch, but that doesn’t stop me from taking it home
Yeah, it seems my best bet is to just go with one of the things in the MX series. they’ve got a half dozen i could probably use (the “anywhere” is probably the one i need). I don’t care much about the side buttons but i do like the programmable center one and alternate scroll-modes.
Logitech M705. Has a wheel like you mention, and its two AAs last three years or better (even with it never being turned off).
I lol’ed.
Troll level – Grandmaster
The funniest part is that it isn’t clear she even knew she was being trolled.
She’s kinda cute
“Teenage prostitutes selling sex for the price of a sandwich as Greece’s crippling recession pushes prices to an all-time low”
And not a word from ENB.
I just remembered, I need to go to Greece. For reasons.
Remember to pack some sandwiches.
Eh, what kind of a sandwich?
Jerrod had lots of sandwiches before he went to jail…
Well, as long as they don’t make you the sandwich, I’m sure she’s fine with it. Can’t have them demeaning themselves, after all.
A sandwich or a Gyros? I’ll pay a premium for good Gyros.
No MS, the prostitutes aren’t giving you sandwiches to have sex with them, you have to… Oh nevermind.
I am paying equivalent to the price of good Gyros what should I expect? Is bondage okay? What if I just want to watch her clean my toilets?
Why do you want to tie your sandwiches up? You’re a sick fuck, mang.
Its true. There’s a pic of me at Potbelly that says, “do not serve this customer.”
Just guessing about what their typical Greek clientele might be, I would say cleaning toilets would probably be a nice break.
You like the juice huh
It goes without saying that no one is coming to the defense of heinous sorts, like Kevin Spacey and Matt Lauer. But the trickle-down effect to cases like those of Garrison Keillor, Jonathan Schwartz, Ryan Lizza and Al Franken
There we go.
It’s still Senator Franken isn’t it?
It’s still Senator Franken isn’t it?
No, he actually resigned. He’s already been replaced with the former lieutenant governor until a special election is held in November (which she intends to contest, so she might stay).
Same group that defended Roman Polanski all of these years for drugging and raping a 13 year old girl. Because you know, she wasn’t from money so she’s fair game.
But he’s such a brilliant artist.
As been stated many times before, the left have no principles, only principals.
Please for the love of God make it stop.
Letterman lands Obama as first guest on new Netflix show
Both of them
David “It’s a Condition of Your Employment that You Have to Fuck Me” Letterman?
Now Streaming on Netflix!
So how long has it been since Methuselah reappeared as Letterman? They said it was the end of days and that the Great Orange Trumpalo would be the sign.
They beaming the show directly to your brain?
If you think excerpts of the lightbringers new speech is not going to plastered all over the front page of every single news outlet for a week after the show airs you obviously have not been paying attention.
It must be tough going through life with the inability to ignore things. Snark aside, I suspect many of you would be upset if Obama and Clinton went away and the MSM became responsible, the bitching is so constant that there must be some pleasure involved.
Oh yeah, we would really hate it if they did their jobs. I love having to read between the lines and check 4 different sources for every goddamn story to get the truth.
*laughs an Eastern European laugh*
Why would you ever not do that? You just want to hear what you want to hear?
I find Letterman much more obnoxious than Obama. And I find BO very obnoxious.
Yeah… I saw that and figured it’ll be a hard pass for at least the first episode for me.
Just as I’m starting to understand this blue pill, red pill nonsense, now they have a black pill?
These guys need a hobby. Or therapy. Or drugs. Probably drugs.
Maybe some pills in various colors?
A new drug
I don’t understand caring that much about stupid people to dedicate that much time creating an entire website devoted to them.
Reading white text on a black background hurts my eyes.
I couldn’t get past the first paragraph.
First leftist autophagy, now terrorist autophagy.
ISIS: Hamas? Not pure enough.
antifa: Democrats and other assorted lefties? Not pure enough.
Let the purge begin. *grabs popcorn and beer*
On the way to birfday town!
Enjoy your Friday, Glibs.
Happy birthday mr splosives!
Have fun!
Happy birthday to Mr Splosives! One day far, far in the future, I might get to be that old!
Where’s me manners? Happy Bday, Splosives, party on!
Happy birthday to your man, and even if he doesn’t know where he’s been, may he win first prize.
Happy Birthday Mr. Splosives! I hope you all have fun tonight!
“The first week of the year is really fun for me professionally. I get to spend all day every day doing yearly regulatory compliance documentation, which adds exactly zero value and redefines the word “tedium.” This has not improved my mood, so don’t be pissing me off in the comments. Get it? GET IT???”
I spend 365 days a year, when I’m working, hearing about, discussing, and writing software that is about nothing but regulatory compliance and tracking regulatory compliance. For the medical research industry. You haven’t seen regulatory compliance until you’ve seen that miles deep pile of shit. First week of the year? Heh.
That does sound like hell.
Yeah, but it’s not actually his job.
Well, it’s not mine either, but it is. I just look forward to the added job security of having to build 37 gender checkboxes for all of my clients. If I was the one who was actually responsible for this stupid and had to deal with the agencies, I’d last about a week at best and you’d probably see me on the evening news a ‘white hispanic’. Also, I do other stuff part of the week.
Please tell me you’ll have a check box labeled “All of the above.”
Prefer not to say.
It’s all right. You can tell me.
I get it. I work regulatory compliance. Why do you think I drink?
The strongest thing you can?
It’s not all bad. I came across an issue today where a lady was sending home naked pictures of herself in yoga poses. She’s quite limber.
I pace myself.
So, you need to regulate nekked yoga poses?
Currently, I read people’s emails because the State of NY requires an active DLP program. Thanks Experian!
Which beat what I used to do, which was
– Identify via statistical analysis anomalies in the data.
– Investigate further to determine anomalies were actually government personnel not following proper procedure.
– Then, document they were informed they were identified as not following proper procedure.
– Then, document their latest excuse as to why they were going to ignore the proper procedure.
– Document that it was presented to the proper authority.
– Document the proper authority reviewed it.
– Document the proper authority didn’t give a shit either….
Repeat the following month.
So was she complying with the regulations?
Serious question, though: on some level, do you enjoy it? I mean, do people who talk to you run the risk of having you go off, explaining how you implemented such-and-such?
Because I always wonder about that; I definitely think my work is tedious in its own way, but on the other hand, it still manages to hold some fascination for me, such that I could talk your ear off about how I implemented such-and-such vector algebra classes as templates that delegate to free functions, so that callers can choose whether they prefer saying or dot(a,b)… which is very tedious in the implementation, and which I have to assume would be just mind-numbingly boring to normal people.
Joe Scarborough Asked Trump ‘Can You Read?’ and There Was ‘Awkward Silence’. I think I would be speechless too if someone asked me that.
Top comment:
Ry38 minutes ago
So are you actually claiming that an illiterate beat the best the dems had to offer? Priceless!
My comment:
Is your ho riding a giant chicken or are those really her legs?
the sort of response that deserves:
“Oh, that’s what you ‘heard’, is it? I heard your wife had to artificially inseminate because you’re impotent. I mean, you can tell me that’s wrong, but its still what i heard.”
I heard he fucks sheep!
Maybe I can’t read but at least I’ve never murdered an intern.
Yahoo News. Lol
Spark up a joint, curse Sessions’ mother and enjoy.
Peruse this while eating your deep dish pineapple pizza.
Q, I despair of you.
What you did there… I think I see it?
Check back Monday evening. 😉
Tundra, as promised, here is a link to some of the cars at last years Viva Las Vegas car show. About 10% of the cars at the show were for sale as well…
Very nice!
Sweet! That ’59 Caddy would look great in my garage!
Thanks for posting those, man. I gotta see if my schedule will allow!
So my Daughter decided to drop by for the Weekend, so Now We have all the Grand kids again, Yay, I guess, I was hoping for a quiet Weekend…….
I like this avatar better
Hmm, my comment vanished, anyway I have all 4 Grand kids again, and as much as I love em, We both need a break from the Holiday Folderal,
/Little Psychos I tells ya
Double missing comment Dilemma! EDIT FAIRY!
They’re both there. You sure you’re holding those binoculars the right way ’round?
Ain’t it cool? Lil Kim, Gold plates Binos, Upside down, and we are afraid of what now?
Gold Plated, durr
I raffed.
Crassic pic,
Has this made the rounds yet?
Based on interviews with 8 female STEM students, two professors recently concluded that “masculine” norms are to blame for the lack of female STEM graduates.
According to the professors, these masculine norms include “asking good questions,” “capacity for abstract thought and rational thought processes,” “motivation,” “independent” thinking, and a relatively low fear of failure.
Unfortunately for the female students, many of them indicated difficulty embodying these traits, reporting that they tend to ask fewer questions in class than do their male peers, and have noticed that other women in their classes share the same inclination.
“When I think about it, I guess the females rarely ask any questions, or they’ll go and ask the professor like after, or um, if we’re doing homework, and we have questions,” recounted Julie, a junior majoring in physics.
Taking risks was also a problem for female students. Although STEM professors often highlight the importance of students willingness to take risks, many female students expressed reluctance to do so for fear of failure.
Madison, a senior in math, told researchers that her fear of failure definitely had an impact on her academic performance. At the time of the interview, she indicated that she was “taking a class that I dropped last year because I was, like, thinking I could fail it.”
#2, 13, 21 win. 4 was close, I love lab coats.
#19 (the safety googles) is the bunny boiler
Bravo, good sir.
“According to the professors, these masculine norms include “asking good questions,” “capacity for abstract thought and rational thought processes,” “motivation,” “independent” thinking, and a relatively low fear of failure.”
Oh noes, we can’t allow that.
I noticed the masculine norm was asking good questions but the girls were focused on asking enough questions. Which probably has something to do with the next item on the list.
Excelsior! The wolves devour each other.
Islamic State declares jihad on Hamas for failing to stop Trump’s Jerusalem move
When ISIS bombs a Hamas camp Trump should definitely tweet something taking responsibility.
And he would be at least partially justified.
Cypress Hill and Sledding Dogs
why Trump won, exhibit 98G
Marine veteran fighting to fly American, Marine Corps flags outside Texas home
According to the article they moved into a neigjborhood with a HOA and their flag poles are too high, not the flags themselves.
True, although I still think it’s a silly rule, and if you make silly rules, you should not be surprised when people break them.
and if you break silly rules in an HOA, you should not be surprised when people make your life miserable over them.
And because you’re a *veteran* doesn’t mean you get special treatment.
It surprises me when people side with the HOA in these stories, especially when most of them ignore the speed limit and other rules they don’t like.
Most people ignore rules they think are silly. Why then, do they get upset when others do the same thing?
Im not. I despise HOAs.
but the stories of their fascistic-rigidity about rules are legion. it doesn’t matter who it is or why, if you break HOA rules, they’ll make you miserable. If you didn’t know this when you bought your property, you’re an idiot.
It’s my job.
Lizards, beware!
Frigid weather causes South Florida iguanas to fall from trees
I keep telling Mr. Lizard, this how we Catch him, but he doesn’t listen……
/soon, very soon
It takes more than that to kill A TRUE DOMINEERING SPECIES….bitch
also the power cells from our plasma rifles make great space heaters
Until they overload, and then it is fricasseed reptile.
Tree Chicken! For the pickin!
I saw it happen in my own backyard.
Luckily the synagogue provided us with warming packs to place between our selves and our human skin suits so we can go out in public like normal.
Bonobos show a preference for jerks
The research suggests humans are truly unique in their preference for people who help others.
Scientists hypothesized bonobos behave this way not necessarily because they prize poor behavior, but because they perceive the mean characters as dominant. It’s advantageous to maintain relations with those of higher social status, as such relations can lead to greater access to food, mates and reduce the chance of getting bullied.
::Richard Dawkins SHDH::
So it’s not a preference for jerking it as opposed to being blown?
The skit features a person trying to return a lost stuffed animal to its rightful owner. Before the return hand-off can be made, a third actor snatches the animal and runs away.
The price you pay for living in a poo flinging society.
Well, th3e Bonobos are one the rare instances of a feminist societies in nature, so of course they only like jerks, they need someone to save them as a species!
when i was in high-school, girls flocked to the jerks like they were made of gold. which just made them into bigger assholes.
There are definitely women who are attracted to guys who hate women. I’m assuming some kind of daddy issue(s).
There are dozens of responses saying, “ugh, unprofessional! I’d prefer a waffling and milquetoast pandering administrator who said boring shit that put me to sleep”
there are hundreds going, “FUCK YEAH!!! (picture of eagle firing minigun)”
oh, fuck me. two today. and i had such a good run for a while.
My stratagem was to be self-effacing, funny and devastatingly handsome. Two outta three ain’t bad.
Dammit my comment disappeared!
Anyway, made Aldi salmon tonight. $8 for the both of us. Probably the best salmon I’ve ever made. Skin side down in the pan until the center hit 110, skin side up for a minute to get the top seared. Skin side down again to let me make sure the entire fillet was over 110. Salt and pepper when it hit the pan, a few squirter of lemon juice when it hit the plate. Served with Caesar salad and asparagus pea risotto.
So, I just got done reading the previous day’s links and comments (time zones, etc) and there was a brief discussion towards the end about Americans and savings.
A few years back, and after learning my lesson when college debts came due, I never wanted to be a victim of my own financial decisions again. Being a millennial, good financial advice can be hard to come by from the “normal” sources millennials look to, so I just began researching and within five years of following age-old financial tips, I paid off $50k of student debt and a $20k car. I could have paid it off in two if I wasn’t modifying the car at the same time. I’ve now got a sizable emergency fund and a very diverse investment portfolio and you know what? I’ve never felt more confident about, well, everything. So when I hear my fellows complain I burn white hot. When they go after “shareholders” I immediately turn on them and ask why they’re targeting me. What I’m discovering is that these idiots were never taught to do it for themselves so I know it spreads across multiple generations.
This simple decision, to become financially independent, led me straight to being a libertarian. I openly challenge my peers to save, or, if they think they can’t, to send me their budgets to analyze and find savings. Some do and their entire mindset immediately flips. It’s truly remarkable. I guarante-ffucking-tee nearly every American can find the savings they need (maybe not want, but need), even if it’s just enough to pay for things in cash.
Anyways, that was my caffeine-fueled Saturday morning rant. Now I’m going to read the links.
This simple decision, to become financially independent, led me straight to being a libertarian. I openly challenge my peers to save, or, if they think they can’t, to send me their budgets to analyze and find savings. Some do and their entire mindset immediately flips. It’s truly remarkable. I guarante-ffucking-tee nearly every American can find the savings they need (maybe not want, but need), even if it’s just enough to pay for things in cash.
Well I’ll be damned. I didn’t think this was possible.
It was likely 10º. In a valiant attempt to avoid frostbite (get home safe), they never got out of the MRAP.
Ah, there you go.
Does not compute.
It checks out: when the cops get involved, you get the opposite of what you wanted.
“Why I’m giving up reading books by white men”
I was tempted to just tell him, “all you’re actually doing is advertising your social-wokeness in order to try to market your crappy startup company”
“Oh, look at me: I feel awful about being white. I’m going to read black books. No, i’m not actually going to hire more blacks in my company, because that’s complicated you see. but i will moan about lack of diversity on twitter to make sure everyone knows my brand is woke as fuck”
“Oh, look at me: I feel awful about being white. I’m going to read black books.”
Does that include “The Black Book of Communism”?
Necronomicon, Bitches!
“Instead of cheating on your mother with another woman, I’ve decided to cheat on her vagina with her butthole”
We just saw “The Darkest Hour” and reflecting back, for once a contemporary movie allowed an old white male to be an unabashed hero. Nothing about him oppressing anyone, no mention of the horrible privilege, or patriarchy, just a guy who led England from the brink of defeat into victory in WWII. How nice to see a biopic where they didn’t feel the need to deconstruct a historical figure into something decrepit.
No wonder for a Friday noontime matinee the theater was entirely full, two weeks after the movie came out. Lots to like in the flick. I’m going on record now to say that Gary Oldman wins the Oscar for Best Actor this year.
That looks like a good one. I’m going to have to check it out.
Look at what they did to Star Wars. There is no objective truth anymore except the objective truth that only white people can be racist.
Yeah that’s one I want to see
Really looking forward to seeing this. Oldman is a fantastic actor. Also, he’s not your typical brain dead lefty actor.
He should start with Walter Williams and Thomas Howell.
Sowell not Howell
Maybe you were thinking of C. Thomas Howell?
Nobody puts Ponyboy in the corner!
I felt there was some knowledge that being black gave him access to and that it was impossible for me, as a white person, to understand.
Now you understand, eh? Pompous prick.
You’re one of the styxhexenhammer fans here right? You might find this interesting:
A very long (4 hrs) livestream recording featuring Styx, Sargon, and the always affable Richard Spencer that aired last night. It occasionally devolves into a back and forth muddled shitshow but it was pretty good overall, at least the parts I managed to listen to.
I like Styx well enough and Sargon has his moments but fucked if I’m signing up for a Four (!) hour long discussion with Spencer.
I don’t think I could take 4 hours of any of the above. A few Styx songs might be fun but their lyrics are so melodramatic. It’s funny when I hear them now actually.
Equinox is a solid album said every 14 year-old Festus, everywhere.
Equinox was worth it just for the groovy fire-melting-ice cover art.
Oh, and Suite Madame Blue.
Great grope song when your hands were simultaneously spider-like and boxing glove clumsy.
That Styx is freaking terrible except for *thinks a bit* nah, that sucked too.
Guess I’m a fan. His videos are better than 95% of political videos on YouTube. It’s not a problem that they talk to Spencer, but I can’t imagined hearing anything new.
Thx though. I’ll give it a little listen.
Even though I found it interesting I could only make it through an hour or so. Four hours of people trying to pin Spencer down and him dodging and weaving was just way too long.
That was arrogant and ignorant of me to say I wouldn’t hear anything new. It’s interesting. Spencer sure does like slipping flowery yet meaningless phrases in and when he gets called on it, he gets all eye rolly.
They are thumbing their noses at Google. Drawing a line in the sand, as it were. They’re using Spencer and he’s using them. It’s disappointing that it has come to this.
We all knew white identitarians would gather more support in response to racist identity politics by the left. Spencer is a pretty mild expression of a backlash that could be coming. I think many people on both sides actually want the big fight. Clubs and guns instead of ideas. Dangerous times indeed.
This is the image that adorned my T-shirt at my 30th high school reunion. Behold!
Sargon is a passive aggressive asshole that is using sophistry to derail Spencer. Styx is effectively dismantling Spencer’s arguments despite Sargon chiming in with snide comments aimed at Spencer. Losing a lot of respect for Sargon.
interesting- most common personality types by geneder
Thinking versus feeling. No surprise there.
Wrong……There is only two genders there. And where is the acronym key?
Food stamp recipients down 2M under Trump, USDA figures show
Data released by the Department of Agriculture show that the number of participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as food stamps, dropped to 42,182,443 for fiscal 2017 – a decline of 2,036,920 from the fiscal 2016 total of 44,219,363.
USDA figures since show that the program has gone from costing taxpayers about $250 million for about 2.8 million recipients in 1969, under President Richard Nixon, to a peak of costing nearly $80 billion for nearly 48 million recipients in 2013, under President Barack Obama.
The numbers have declined since then, in part because of the booming economy and because some states have restored work requirements needed to qualify for SNAP, Fox News reported. In many cases the work requirements had been waived because of the recession of 2007-09.
The 2017 figure of 42.1 million people assisted is the lowest figure since 2010, when the program assisted 40.3 million people at a cost to taxpayers of $68.2 billion.
Yet another story you won’t see anywhere but on Fox News or the right-wing blogosphere.
If CNN was forced to cover it, the headline would be “2 million more people starving under Trump”.
My plan would be a plain white card with LEACH in black letters on it. And go back to calling it food stamps.
Shame is an underrated motivator.
About 25 years ago instead of mailing checks they made welfare recipients queue up outside the building on one of our city’s main thoroughfares. Big drop in welfare recipients.
/ moving to a hermitage in the woods, never interacting with humans again
I just call everyone Bitch. That way if they have a sense of humor they’re not offended and if they don’t, we’ll then F’em.
Call everyone a motherfucker, then explain that you’re a Freudian.
You’d be surprised how many people get offended by me saying “you guys.” They want me to say “y’all” like we’re in the South or something. I’d love to see how they’d react if I switched to “hey bitches.”
Do it!
The only real theys out there are the rare people with true multiple personality disorder.
That’s what my imaginary friend said
I guess it’s a good thing we’re not humans here, just a collection of tulpas and lizards.
Don’t forget Dancer
I’ve already been outed as Tulpa.
But I thought we all were.
We’re not all tulpas, some of us are lizard people, and then there are some ((others)).
And Canadiens.
“Guys”? Did you just gender me?!
I just saw Dunkirk. Pissed me off quite badly. If those guys could see what their progeny are doing today they would shoot them.
Now you do have to see “The Darkest Hour”, which I mentioned above. It’s really like a companion piece for Dunkirk. It shows what is going on in England during the whole Dunkirk episode, including what the situation in Dunkirk was leading the British leaders to do (many were ready to negotiate for peace with Hitler to avoid a Dunkirk bloodbath). You also see Churchill’s involvement in getting the pleasure yacht brigade together. And both movies end with the same speech.
I thought it was great. Depersonalized and therefore highly personalized. Giving the back story to characters the director wants us to sympathize with is my biggest complaint with Hollywood.
Since about 1900, I’d guess.
S&W MP-15 Sport for 500 bucks.
Great deal.
Q is still hard at work doing the Lord’s bidding
“I hear your brain hurts, Trebek… and your mother is still a whore!”
If nobody made the, “Alex Trebek is Winston?” joke, I have dibs on it.
word games
Yes, Russian Marxists faced conditions of illegality and police persecution. Hence, building a revolutionary party involved a significant activist cadre becoming professial’nyi revoliutsioneri. Normally translated as “professional revolutionaries,” it really means “revolutionaries by trade.” In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, professii or professial’nyi were words applied in Russian to skilled workers “in an efficient organization.”
There’s nothing innately elitist about such terms. Following the SPD model, these underground activists “will rise from worker ranks.” Such revolutionaries must become experts in the skills of konspiratsiia. This term doesn’t actually mean an elitist “conspiracy,” merely “the techniques of illegal political work.”
See? Completely different.
The difference between a chef and a dumbshit is the chef actually can make an omelet, the other merely makes a mess. Nearly all revolutionaries are dumbshits.
There are dozens of responses saying, “ugh, how unprofessional! I’d prefer a waffling and milquetoast pandering administrator who said boring shit that put me to sleep”
there are hundreds going, “FUCK YEAH!!! (picture of eagle firing minigun)”
He hasn’t banished PowerPoint as was promised/threatened. Of course, having seen how many DoD appartchiks write, point papers may not be much of an improvement.
My wife has been putting her Christmas present to good work. I got her a cricut
The main reason I did so was so that she could learn to make awesome t shirts (along with whatever she wanted to do with it). Here’s the first one she made. In the future, she will make many more for me. If any of you Glibs have suggestions for good ones, I’d appreciate it.
I want Aim to Misbehave, black text on Yellow Shirt, I’ll send you the Shirt, how much for the Wife’s Labor?
little to nothing. The shirts are 2.50 and the printing material is about a dollar. how about 7 bucks?
Cool maybe Paypal?
Size Large, 2 if you can, and 25$ to help with shipping, send me your info,
e mail me yusef and I’ll make it happen. My handle with a K in front of it at gmail.
very good
Not to sound like a one note guy, but I loved the line “Don’t Worry, The Jacket Will Save Us” from Bacon’s hilarious video (I miss you Bacon Magic). That’d be a funny shirt
I have a couple homemade shirts; one says “Beer Time” the other says “Blame it on the System”.
You could always do “Fuck Off Slaver” but maybe you don’t want to be walking around with that.
I’ve flogged this one relentlessly because it’s the best shirt I own (even though it’s not homemade):
I had one once that said FUCK OFF, more good than bad reviews, fun times
That’s appropriate Q. me gusta.
Low-carb egg noodle recipe:
Servings: 2
Calories: 111 kcal
1 ounce cream cheese, room temperature
2 eggs, room temperature
1/4 teaspoon wheat gluten, may omit but it creates a better texture
Preheat the oven to 325F. Add the cream cheese, eggs, and gluten to the jar of a blender. Blend on high for 1 minute, or until smooth. Pour our on a silicone mat that’s placed on top of a heavy baking pan. Smooth out into a rectangle, keeping the batter very thin. Bake at 325F for 5 minutes, or until set. DON’T over-bake! Remove from oven and let set for a couple of minutes before cutting and using as desired. These are best if they are gently simmered in a sauce or broth for a few minutes.
Cool! I mail order “Carba Nada” noodles for convenience, but this sounds fun to try for comparison.
I’m going to try it tomorrow. Hoping wax paper works in lieu of the mat.
I’d probably try parchment paper instead of wax paper.
Ahh… good call. I don’t normally use anything but foil.
Trump retweets Rand Paul’s bill proposal to remove aid to Pakistan and reallocate the funds to infrastructure. Chances of a bill like this passing with the headwind of a bully pulpit? Well, maybe not .01% anymore. Maybe 35% or something. Good for him regardless.
“Infrastructure” means reducing the national debt? I suppose blowing the money domestically is better than giving it to Pakistan, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good thing.
I don’t like that part of it from a libertarian perspective, of course, but this is clearly about trying to get this bill GOPe support. Cutting foreign aid anywhere possible is a noble goal regardless.
A less bad way of overspending doesn’t seem a good slogan. Ron Paul would make the same argument Rand is making. It’s strategy at this point and my option isn’t on the table, so I suppose I’ll shrug and say, “yeah, I don’t like foreign aid either.”
Infrastructure means giving a dozen lack-wits Hi Vis vests and letting them watch while a backhoe rips up shit to no good purpose. “We Are Helping! We Are Helping!”
I saw that earlier. Very well said.
Lord help us.
Pretty soon it will be Glory Holes, all the way down. Mother,Mary and Joseph I wish they’d all go awaaaaay.
I suspect both people were immigrants from muslim countries. and wherever they came from, problems like this would normally result in, “Lash the woman 100 times for sex out of marriage”.
But now that she’s in the west, she has some notion that the Western Imams (judges) now make her the empowered one, and she can use that power to have 100 lashes dealt out to the man who she feels shamed her.
that’s half a joke, half serious. i think there are lot of very-huge differences between systems of justice in the ‘west’ vs. almost everywhere else. and many immigrants really don’t understand the principles beyond knowing “what you can get away with here that you can’t there”. Dark-Humorous examples follow.
Hammer to the head and flush to the board! “What you can get away with here that you can’t there” should be on the reverse side of every Country’s welcome sign. Those fuckers have to leave.
Currently watching one of the new Chappelle specials (Equanimity). And holy shit, he’s still got it. I can see why the SJW’s are pissed about him now. He’s a black Muslim comedian, who tells jokes about transgender people. Who’s got the current hierarchy calculator?
I wondered about that Show, now i must watch, and Thanks for ,Yahtzee anyone?
Still haven’t tried Can’t Stop yet? It’s a much quicker press your luck game (that is grossly overpriced in the real world).
Currently drinking a Kronenburg 1664 Blanc and it tastes of hairspray and Sir Arthur Harris. This is the area bombing and wypipo of beers. (I’ll finish the case.)
Sounds pretty good to me. How’s the weather up there?
I heard a strange sound when I opened the window this morning. Drip, drip, drip. The cold has gone and it is currently above euro zero. No, you do not want to drink beer that tastes like vile soap candy.
Where abouts you at, Festus?
Prince George, BC. The first time that a glib asked me that I was like a 15 year-old on a first date. Now that I’ve been rode hard and put away wet, I could give a shit. The trust is earned. Good people here.
Um..Ok…we’ll gloss over that and say Canadian. Checkbox done.
I’ve had that beer, and it’s a terrible European lager. I’m giving the Europeans the benefit of the doubt, and assuming it was drinkable before it was shipped overseas. Worst random foreign beer I’ve had was Hue from Vietnam… brewed from the fragrant waters of the Perfume River. Fruit flies avoided this shite.
Don’t you people drink?
Just laundry soap but you’ve probably never heard of it, so…
Nope, we have laundry detergent in the USA.
Infused with laundry soap essence, then! Fuck you Aspies are hard to please…
True, I can only find one shirt at a time that fits ‘right’ at a time, everything else is always shit.
That’s why I only have a dozen grey t-shirts and five pairs of jeans.
I have 7 plain black shirts, from the same company in the same size, but one is more comfortable *aspie*
/hides pint glass
/hides bourbon
/shrugs and drinks all of the bourbon and beer
I don’t get this show Hot Ones. they are supposed to be consuming these hot sauces on chicken wings, yet all these wings look naked, so are they like putting one drop on? Is spicy the new black?
Not watching the show, because what the hell, it’s worse then reading links. I would assume that if they’re really going to the uber end of hot sauce, then they are only using a drop or two. I’ve seen entertainment when someone tried to use a ghost pepper hot sauce the same way they would a Chipotle Tabasco. And I’m fairly sure that spicy is the new wypipo, although I’ve finally found an Indian restaurant that I don’t have to argue with to get spicy food.
I was going with the one drop black thing.
^ points up to a reply on comment 73.
I don’t really have a defense here…
also, fuck putting a drop of hot sauce on something to see how spicy it is, take a damn shot.
Whassamatta you guys? Always keep a bottle in your purse in case of Black folk. Have you shitlords learned nothing?
I have been known to carry these around with me at times.
And purse? The worst I carry is a messenger bag.
Convenience satchel. Saddle bag. Hollow thing.
So what? In the summer I carry a purse. You wanna throw down?
I drive a truck instead, Mary.
I drive past all them pussies driving 4×4 trucks driving all dainty on the winter snow every day in my 2 wheel drive little toy car.
If you ever come to Cleveland, I’ll gladly watch you do a shot of Barrio’s Carolina Reaper sauce. At one point, they used to serve it on the tacos, I know this because I was one of the first who suffered through it. I loved their Ghost Pepper sauce, but the Carolina Reaper went a step too far. Since then, they only serve that sauce on the side. I will however be thankful for that sauce being introduced for me to learn of a new way of tamping down capsaicin… lemon juice. The girlfriend decided to try a drip of the sauce, and immediately melted down (in general, she thinks pepperoni is spicy), we were out of chips, but our waitress said that she would bring us a lemon. The lemon actually cut down the burning in the girlfriend’s mouth.
Don’t make me send you Skyline chili.
We may not have a lot of Mexican immigrants, but we culturally appropriate better then most. I mean, what’s an empanada but a pierogi by another name? And we have a small (but thriving) community of South Americans coming up to our community and offering up awesome food such as arepas.
Chili ain’t Mexican
I’ve had commercially available ghost pepper sauces, not impressed with the heat. I think they tend to tamp down on it. I tried growing ghost peppers, but the plant died before it matured. I’d love to find somewhere I could find something like that reaper sauce.
I’ve got some home grown ghost peppers that scared off chipmunks (a story the girlfriend loves to tell). If you want some, feel free to hit me up at my handle at gmail. I use one in a pot of chili, and it has a nice level of heat. I’ve learned the plants really need two years to throw off fruit, and they do not survive under about 65 F.
*adjusts tinfoil hat* Nice try FBI agent, but you ain’t getting my address! *misses whole point of IP addresses*
Ultra Sound for my Heart, at 1:30 Saturday, sounds spooky but I need to know what the Hell is going on,
When the doctors ultrasounded my mom when she was pregnant with me they said I was twins…maybe technology has gotten better in 34 years?
I’m definitively not Preggers, But My Heart is giving weird pains, I’m told it runs fine, so more test are needed, Spooky
Ugh. Best wishes to you, friend. I hope it turns out to be a big sack of nothing,
TY, I think I’lll have to quit smoking.. everything
I had one a couple months back because my doctor is more scared then I am. Good luck to you, and anything dealing with cardiovascular shite, at least check with the experts.
TY, I think I’ll be OK if I pay attention to my Dr.s for once,
Saturday? That Office Manager Mohammed is a hard ass about not giving time off…
Good luck Yusef. Hope it’s just a waste of time and money.
All the best.
I reinvented the Gunfire cocktail. We’re out of mixers except earl gray tea. Not bad.
Pony tails and cocktails, two things that will always rock.
You could always make an Elevenses as well. Tea, Irish Whiskey, lemon juice, and jam.
Iced tea, sweetened or unsweetened, and gin is very nice too.
I think I’ll have to try that. I’m drinking this cool with rum.
Albertos Upland, +1
Rambertos Temecula, +2
Sanbertos Miramar, +3
Ambertos Chula vista +3
Julios Taco joint on the Border +10
The further South, the better the Food,
Cleveland? Really?
Manny’s El Loco is way better than Albertos
Exactly my point, our Local Joints blow away anything around……
/one thing Cali has
Good Night Kids!
/Prayers are OK
We will keep ’em coming your way!
Take care.
Ozzy guy reviews is still the greatest show on youtube.
Agree. Not sure if I found it from links on here, but if so, thanks!
This one’s for Q.
I had a talent for attracting the attention of the biggest boob girls when I was a teen-aged Festus. T’was uncanny. Maybe they spoke about such things in their secret lair?
I like Ozzy Man.
For Yusef and all of us older Glibs.
I’ll leave this one here for all my funny glib friends because it is a lovely little ditty.