Earlier on this fair blog, straffinrun senpai regaled us with a short Japanese lesson. And while learning how to say American in Japanese is useful and all, it is not the most useful thing one may know about a language. As any fule kno, when learning a language, you first learn to swear, so you know whose ass to kick while abroad. And thus begineth the five minute Romanian lesson.

Second grade level lesson
But Pie! you will cry. This is a family friendly website, full of wholesome individuals, who never said a swear word in their life! True. But if you ever meet a flesh and blood Romanian, you will want to know what they say. And they will. To begin… Romania is a poetic, musical language and, as such, there are many a ways to swear. In five minutes, alas, we only have time for the basics.
Like in many countries, males swear more then females and otherkin, and males are touchy about their mothers, so many swear words ehm… touch mothers. Without further ado…
To start with the symbol of ever present patriarchy, pula is the basic vulgar word for penis. It may mean dick or cock or what have you. But to find equivalent English swear words, it would be closer translated to fuck, based on it’s use. It is found in such swears as sugi pula (suck my cock), ia pula (“have a dick” aka fuck off), date-n pula mea (“go to my dick” aka also fuck off), ce pula mea vrei (what “my dick” do you want so basically what the fuck do you want), or imi bag pula-n mă-ta (I’ll stick my dick in your mom), băga-mi-aş pula in ea de treabă (feeling of anger, literally: I’d stick my dick in this whole business or basically fuck this). It is also used as a comparison word, usually for something bad. Cum a mers interviul (how was the interview), ca pula (like a cock aka awful)
Pizda (a word of I assume Slavic origin) is the basic vulgar word for the vagina. Found most often in the swear dute-n pizda mă-tii (go to your mama’s pussy, also knows as sending one to ones origins). It is also a comparison word, but this time meaning something good pizdă de masina (great car), pizdos (cool) or the superlative form miez de pizdă (miez can mean essence, in case of bread can mean the crumb, in case of fruit like walnut it can mean the actual nutmeat, it can mean middle of something, etc.)
Fut means to fuck. A common verb in swears in many a country. Frequented uses are the fut in gat/gura (fuck you in the throat/mouth), o fut pe mă-ta (fuck your mother) and it only escalates from here. Futu-ţi morţii mă–tii (fuck your mother’s dead people aka ancestors). Futu-ţi dumnezeii mă–tii (fuck your mother’s gods) and many variations of this theme.
Muie is basically either semen or the act of fucking someone orally (the most used expression is să-ţi dau muie which means I see you are fellating me in your future). It is mostly used as a standalone swear. Sloboz (release) is another slang term for semen, used in phrases like date-n sloboz (got into semen), si ce sloboz vrei (what in the name of semen do you want).
Now to complement the above, pronouns in Romanian:
Old school : Eu Tu El/Ea Noi Voi Ei
New School: xir, xer, ji, hjer, zag, zog, zig
Conjugate the verb to be:
A fi
Eu sunt
Tu esti
El/Ea este
Noi suntem
Voi sunteţi
Ei sunt
Conjugate the verb to have:
A avea
Eu am
Tu ai
El/Ea are
Noi avem,
Voi aveti
Ei au
Numbers to ten: zero unu doi trei patru cinci şase şapte opt noua zece
Unde este creionul? Creionul este pe birou (where is the pencil? the pencil is on the desk)
This concludes the five minute Romanian lesson. For homework write “pula pizda fut sloboz muie” 100 times.
And to have some English involved, for no reason, I leave you with Monty Python’s naval medley subtitles in Italian
Pie? what about Boobies? this important
Boobies are.not swear words. Also on mobile i have dificulty with diacritics
ţâţe. Copy and paste as needed.
So if that’s the vulgar word for penis, what is the proper word? In Portuguese it’s pênis. But it doesn’t sound like penis in English, it sounds like ‘pennies’. It was amusing the first time I was teaching wifey the coins in Murikan. When I said ‘these are pennies’, she giggled like a little school girl and asked me to say it again. When I did, emphasizing the word more strongly, she went into a laughing fit. And that concluded the days lesson.
In romanian it is penis. Pronounced phoneticaly more.like.portuguese than english though
Yeah, I see the Romance language in there, with terms like Tu Esti and Eu sunt. In Portuguese, I am is Eu sou.
Portuguese also has a lot of sh sounds like Romanian, closer to romanian then say french
I’ll have to youtube and see what the accent sounds like. I guess all the Romance languages have very different accents.
I think the hardest Portuguese sound to master is the sound at the end of words like avião (airplane). Sounds like a nasally ‘ow’.
I am still not sure how a romance language ended up in eastern europe.
The vampires were sucking the blood of the French and Italian. They ran out of Romanian blood. Next thing you know, Romanians are speaking a Romance language. Don’t you history, dude?
The Roman conquest of Dacia.
You’re ruining the narrative. Vampires!
Obviously the Romans invaded Dacia to shore up their strategic vampire reserves, but I wasn’t going to do all of the work for robc.
I heard it was vampires.
I’m not saying it’s vampires. BUT IT’S VAMPIRES!
Vampires, and the ugly Nos Feratu kind, not the Pacific NW shiny kind.
Va t’faire futre!
Boogerii mei sunt verzi.
Wow, that’s almost French. “Mes crottes sont vertes.” I notice that in Romanian, the possessive seems to come after the noun. Is that true in general or only for a subject noun ?
Usually after the moun unless you trying to be poetic
Se stie ca mucii mosului cu bomboane sunt verzi
All dressed up and no place to go
Somewhere I have copy of a newspaper with a printed surveillance shot of two teller windows at a bank. At the far window stands a robber handing a robbery note over to the teller. At the near window stands my oblivious mother, likely inquiring of the teller what she thinks of the weather that day. After the cops caught the robber, the bank asked my mom to be a witness for the prosecution. She had no idea the bank was even robbed until they called her. But she makes damn fine cookies.
“Give me your money, I have a gub.”
I was taking a crap at a Wendy’s one time way back when and heard this blood curdling scream. I thought someone in the back cut their hand off or something. Evidently someone came in the front, robbed the place at gunpoint and then ran to the drive thru window in the back and climbed out of that. I came out and they were locking the front door and I was like let me the hell out first.
Ez nekem kínai.
This is why you don’t ask for permission
Oh come on dude, just think of the children when one of these potheads go on a shooting spree, no cops could even stop them cause they’re like as strong as Superman when they’re high.
Because the constitution allows the State to require you to give up a constitutional right in order to engage in a legal activity?
We need common sense rights control.
Their reasoning, as much as they have any, seems to be based off of this provision in the uniform Pennsylvania firearms act, under the section that defines people unable to own firearms:
That requires a conviction, but anyone that uses marijuana will be breaking equivalent federal law even if they comply with the state law on the matter. I’m not a lawyer, but they should get their dicks slapped for this.
Yeah, that statute requires a felony conviction. Which is kind of not the same thing at all as having a medpot prescription. As in, there is no overlap or commonality whatsoever. Zip, zero, nada. And it is by no means clear that using pot under your medpot prescription will be a federal felony – I believe mere possession is a federal misdemeanor for first and second offenses.
Pie, how close is this?
Te rog, tăiați cheltuielile!
Te rog refers to.one person, the second part to multiple. Va rog would be better
Or…. te fut, taie cheltuielile
Damn Google translate, will it ever work properly?
Have a dick slaver!
Ok, was just youtubin some videos of people speaking Romanian… that accent if very different. Like a mix of French and … something East European? I do pick up quite a few words though, but completely miss most sentences. Like when I hear Spanish.
It is latin and dacian and slavic and turkish and greek and hungarian and german and french mixed up
Ok. I remember now I asked my wife if she had ever heard anyone speak Romanian and she said it sounded somewhat Greek. Wow, it’s a multi-cultural language! You guys just need some Canadian now.
Not sure if Romanian has anything like this, but the first time I started speaking a little Portuguese and talking with Brazilians, I noticed they have this odd tendency to like to put
an ‘ee’ sound at the end of nouns. Like my wife would call my Jeep ‘Jeepee’. And I mean they do this a LOT with Murikan words, like almost everything. Took me a while to get my wife to stop doing it. One of the worst things was ‘purse’, so it ended up being ‘pursee’, only it didn’t sound like pursee if you know what I mean, lol.
“Honey could you put it in my pursee?”
“Well if you insist…”
Umm, this actually happened. We were in a restaurant and it was pretty busy. I took off my sunglasses and she says ‘Do you want me to put them in my pursee?’. I looked around and in a hushed tone said ‘Don’t say that, we need to talk, later’. Seriously.
So at no point did you hand her change so she could put your pennies in her purse?
*narrows gaze*
Nope no ee in romanian.
I also like how “pussy” can mean “cool”. I think I’m going to start using it.
“How was the concert?”
“It was pussy!”
I can’t imagine you using anything but “It was the tits!” personally.
You know me too well.
Just admit, not much is better than pussy, so… I mean alcohol before or after pussy. Family friendly site, so I think my post will get removed. Darnit. All the wiminz are gone anyway, I blame tits. NTTAWWT.
i think the cuban-spanish “Pura” (pure) is used as a very-flexible slang term which can mean, “mom” (most common), “girlfriend (as distinguished from whore)”, and or “good cocaine”
it can also be a joke term for “pussy”
In Brazil, the term “piranha” is often used for hooker or whore /easy woman.
Along with “puta”, which is more likely to be a derogatory term women use for other women they don’t like or who stole their homen.
I read puta as puţa which is a kid way of saying penis in Romanian. Also an insult to a male basically calling him puţa is calling him weak.
I’m not sure if there is any accents on the word, but I’m sure it’s spelled puta. I’m really bad at not using accents in Portuguese when I should be. We Americans are just so smart we know these pronunciations!
In Romania the word pizda is often used to refer to a woman in general, but it is seen as offensive.
Brazilians are like teenagers when it comes to learning all the ‘bad’ words in other languages. I really don’t know why this is, but my wife is no different. When she first moved in, we would watch films together and she loves these silly action films like with Bruce Willis, and Need for Speed, etc. So one time I remember from way back then, she was asking me, what did he say? And I said… ‘honey, that’s not nice talk, ladies don’t talk like that’. But of course she insisted. So what the person said was ‘fuck that shit’. So the next day I’m WFH and she’s walking around the house repeating this over and over ‘fuck that shit’ and giggling. Then she’s calling her Brazilian friends and saying it and laughing.
So, your Brazilian wife likes to talk dirty? Sweet.
Pizda (well, пизда in Cyrillic) is the Russian word for the female member. The vulgar word.
The female member of what? My bowling team? That is definitely *not* her nickname.
Now Pie, do you have any links to some Romanian pornography so we can learn some phrases that really matter?
Pie, thank you so much for your informative post on this, today. I’ve actually been pretty curious about Romanian, since it’s the only Romance language I have never been exposed to to some extent or other.
That being said, we need to get to the important words.
Titties (obviously Q really needs this one)
Anyone feel free to add to the list.
Fuck you, that’s why.
Fuck you, cut spending.
Fuck off, slaver.
No word for slaver in Romanian… maybe sclavagist but it is more used as an adjective than a noun
Pussy: Savarină
Tits: I already did this upthread.
Orphan: Orfan. Not very exciting.
I’ll leave the rest for pie.
For Nephilium: Mergeți în Ungaria în schimb.
To be fully nationalist Romanian on this one i have to say problema cu Ungaria e ca este plina de bozgori
So, there’s several words in that sentence I would recognize right away, problema, e, este, and de. I have no clue as to the rest of it.
bozgori is the standard ethinc slur Romanians use for Hungarians
plin means full
Every culture has one of those, doesn’t it? In Mexico and Brazil they don’t even use slang, they just say Guatemalans in Mexico, which means pretty much everyone with darker skin or lower social economic status. In Brazil it’s either Bolivians or Paraguayans, depending I guess on what day it is. But Murika is still the most racist country on earth.
It helps, or hurts depending on your perspective, that there is a large amount of ethnic Hungarians that are in Romania. They are there due to the boundaries being shifted around, and Romania and Hungary have been trading territory for centuries.
Even though my great grandfather came from what he would have considered Hungary, today it’s part of Romania.
Well, it has to be helps, because multicultural, right?
Ungaria is Hungary, plina is full, roughly, and bozgori is an insult for Hungarians that can translated as country-less, referring to the Hungarians origins as nomads.
“The problem with Hungary is it’s full of Hungarians”, essentially.
Wow, that’s the same problem that Canada has.
No, Canada’s problem is too many newfies, not too many Hungarians.
Speaking of Hungarians. I’m off to the chicken and waffles food truck. =)
Savarină is rarely used standalone, more in the expression dai cu botu-n savarina, which basically means eating pussy.
Savarină is a type of cake
I was going for slang, rather than technical terms. It’s also a cake that looks like a vagina.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
Tophat is joben monocle is monoclu.
Get me my monocle and tophat, orphan, it’s time to find some beer and pussy!
Your hovercraft is full of eels?
But Pie! you will cry. This is a family friendly website, full of wholesome individuals, who never said a swear word in their life!
Who the fuck said that?
Seems legit.
Is Pula, Croatia a vacation hotspot for the the Romanian ladies?
Asking for a friend.
In university we used to go to various film festivals and had planned to go to the Pula film festival. It is apparently held in an old Roman amphitheater. I dunno why we never went … But I don’t think this is what you meant
No one even has to say that, it’s understood.
Maybe she hates us, but she’s not wrong about everything
“The interstate migration rate is half of what it was in 1980,” says Janna E. Johnson, an economist at the University of Minnesota’s Humphrey School of Public Affairs. One factor appears to be the high cost of housing in the most productive parts of the country. Another is the spread of occupational licensing.
About one in four Americans work in jobs that require licenses, up from a mere 5 percent in 1950, and the requirements continue to expand to new occupations. Each state determines its own licensing requirements, so a licensed professional in one state may find it hard to move to another. “A licensed public schoolteacher with a decade of teaching experience in New Hampshire is not legally allowed to teach in an Illinois public school without completing significant new coursework and apprenticeships,” write Johnson and her Minnesota colleague Morris Kleiner in a new working paper that tries to tease out how much licensing limits mobility.
The Federal Trade Commission is examining licensing’s anti-competitive effects, and encouraging reform. In the past year, it has stepped up those efforts. In July, the FTC hosted a roundtable on streamlining licensing across state lines. “Even when the underlying standards to obtain a license in a particular profession are similar across the country, the process of getting a license in another state can be slow and burdensome and costly,” said acting FTC Chairman Maureen K. Ohlhausen. 2
There’s good reason for the growing consensus. You don’t have to be skeptical of licensing in general to question why electricians, hairdressers and pharmacists can’t take their licenses with them when they move — or why it’s easier for a physician, nurse or accountant than for a schoolteacher. Health and safety don’t change at the state line. Licensing laws should recognize that.
Virginia Postrel at Bloomberg, talking occupational licensing.
Ah, the Ice Queen. Is her ice castle melting because of warming?
She found you
Looking through the eyes of hate.
But we’re certified family friendly now! Maybe we can trick her back.
I can just see it. “OMG, it’s the worst of those shitlords all in one place!, the humanity!!!. Where’s Steve Smith, I need a cocktail cruise!”.
Poor Hillary had to practice law in Arkansas after failing to pass the DC Bar Exam repeatedly.
I watched a Hungarian movie, last night; subtitles and all. It was quite good. Called “The Exam”.
A viszga?
This is a really good film that wife and I watched. Not a solo Hungarian movie, but a co-production between Hungary and Brazil.
i saw a Hungarian animation movie once in which some kids discovered a huge amount of oil and Hungary became the biggest oil producer. This pissed of the US and they decided to destroy the Hungarian threat. The movie ended with Bush announcing that the US nuked Hungary’s capital Bucharest.
Well, it was one of them Hungrys, part of the axis of evil.
i thin k it was a joke on US bands confusing capitals. When someone said in Bucharest at the beginning of the concerts Good evening Budapest, there were boos. Same was the case when they said Good evening Bucharest in Sofia
People here don’t geography much, so no surprise when something like that happens.
It isn’t just Americans that mess it up.
Funny enough the company I work for had a sort of r&d site in a place in France called Sophia Antipolis and there were some people from Munich who ended up in Sofia capital of Bulgaria on a mistake by the ticket purchase office
That’s worse. At least Hungary and Romania are next to each other. Stepping off the plane in Bulgaria when you were expecting France would be a much larger shock.
Here I was expecting a link to these maps of the US.
What the hell is wrong with people. Can’t they tell they’re in Romania by all the garlic and holy water hung around all of the doorways?
So I’ve learned that Brits universally know Texas, California and Florida. Americans universally know England, France, Spain and Germany. And according to one of those people Romania is made up.
Land down blunder: teen heading to Australia lands in Sydney, Nova Scotia
Of course not, since the Hungarians do the same thing to ward away the Romanians.
following my comment the other day about “some libertarians have incredibly stupid and cynical reactions” when it comes to US expressions of support for ‘peaceful opposition’ in places like Iran or Ukraine….
we have exhibit A:
Because the US has tens of thousands of agents in iran who all decided that their best tactic was to out-themselves to the regime and their neighbors. or something.
this same idea… that somehow huge mobs of people can be *instigated to oppose their own govt* through… i don’t know, mind-control rays? BAGS OF MONEY? propaganda? some insidious combination of all?…. was prevalent in reactions to the Euromaidan. Its fucking absurd and its basically where Antifa/the Alt-right/and Libertarians all unite in joint, conspiratorial thinking.
Lol @ Ron Paul Institute of Peace
I would really like to see the US instigate massive anti government protests in Switzerland. That would be cool
“yeah, but they’re part of the capitalist conspiracy”
“Yeah, but they’re run by the jews !”
“the swiss are too-dependent on the fiat-money system created by reliance on the US dollar! BUY GOLD!”
/ron paul
“They’re bigots because they aren’t part of the EU and don’t accept zillions of refugees!”
“Who gives a shit, bomb them!”
“because without the CIA’s prodding, obviously Iranians would have nothing to complain about”
Commonly known as the Richman Effect.
What’s amusing to me is that the Richman types can’t possibly believe that ordinary Iranians would have any reason to rise up against their repressive authoritarian regime if not for nefarious CIA (or Israeli!) machinations. I mean, who wouldn’t be blissfully content living in the Islamic Republic??
Yes, Caput. That one.
this same idea… that somehow huge mobs of people can be *instigated to oppose their own govt* through… i don’t know, mind-control rays? BAGS OF MONEY? propaganda? some insidious combination of all?….
We just sic the boys from Madison Avenue on them. A couple of commercial advertisements on Radio Free Iran, and they’re our mindless pawns, marching in the streets and throwing cobblestones at the missile launchers. No one can resist advertising. Everybody knows that.
Maybe we can trick her back.
Let’s make her get an official Glibertarian Certified Commenter commenting license.
Requirements, fill out this form and show us yer tits?
Uhg. Why is it only 2:30?
I don’t know, but it’s good, I finish work at 3pm today. Yipee! Except that I have a cold, this shit weather.
I have to GO to work at 3:30 today… But I’ll finally have a day off tomorrow, which will end my 9-day stretch of consecutive workdays. Then I have to go back to work Friday. Then I’m off Saturday and Sunday. Then I work Monday, but I’m off again on Tuesday (yes, I have a fucking oddball schedule).
it not. it 9 30
Not in moon landing hours.
That would be 395,024 hours since, by quick count.
Romanian looks like Latin merged with slavic dialects. Am I right?
Pretty much, with a smattering of Turkish and Hungarian from various conquests.
To repeat an earlier comment
It is latin and dacian and slavic and turkish and greek and hungarian and german and french mixed up
More precise no one knows which words come from dacian/thracian because there is no way of knowing.
We are surrounded by Slavs so obvious influence.
There were always Greek merchants and for a bit over 100 years Wallachia and MOldavia were ruled by greeks called fanarioti local (Fanar was a region of Istanbul) which bought the throne for the Ottoman sultans.
Hungary ruled Transylvania. There were a bunch of Germans settled there (the current Romanian president Klaus Johhanis is ethnic German) and also lots of German merchants came (they started the Dracula Rumors and were based in Brasov). Also we had German kings and when industrialization started many locals studied in German universities, so a lot of technical terms have German origin.
in the early 20th century upper class Romanians spoke french rather than Romanian because it was much more classy to do so apparently. Hence french loan words. Romanian was also part of the francophone countries which is something that used to piss me off. Bucharest was also called little Paris for no apparent reason 100 years ago, mostly by Romanians I would assume
Anyway, the ducks come from the trucks.
Most Americans couldn’t even tell you that a significant portion of the English vocabulary comes from Romance languages. But it’s a lot. Lots and lots of words with the same Latin root. Makes it much easier to develop a vocabulary.
Pizda (a word of I assume Slavic origin)
I want to believe we didn’t Turks for such an important word, yes. But usually having a same word in South Slavic and Romanian languages makes me smell kebab…
BTW, Pie, if you haven’t seen Comrade Detective, try. It’s is absolutely glorious. The scene where two dedicated Romanian border guards stop a car coming from Yugoslavia, and driver tries to bribe them with two bars of soap left on top of a bundle in the trunk, American ambassador saying “Bucharest has the best tripe soup in the world”, What a Feeling gloriously sung in Romanian – so good!
No kebab.
It’s exactly the same in Russian.
OT: Tesla Rulz!
But even if Tesla stock takes a hit on more Model 3 production delays, Munster says investors can rest assured Tesla’s technology remains ahead of schedule.
“While other car manufacturers build gas-powered vehicles at scale, building autonomous EVs is a vastly different process that will require traditional auto manufactures to re-engineer their production facilities,” Munster says. He says Tesla is simply experiencing the same type of production difficulties that every other automaker will experience when transitioning to large-scale electric and autonomous vehicle production.
Fap, fap, fap.
A very cursory check shows Lamborghini sales at roughly 3500 vehicles in 2015 (latest available year). Tesla can’t make that many Model 3s. It’s probably just as well, considering how much they’re likely losing on each one. But it’s okay, because Elon is a Visionary!
investors can rest assured Tesla’s technology remains ahead of schedule.
Christ, what a fanboy. This is what every vaporware vendor ever always says. It should be enough to send every rational investor heading for the exits.
Who gives a shit if your technology is ahead of schedule (whatever that even means)? What’s your production? What’s your cash flow? What’s your net revenue?
building autonomous EVs is a vastly different process that will require traditional auto manufactures to re-engineer their production facilities,
Well, the part that makes gas engines, sure. Don’t know why the rest of the production line will need to change much.
It will somewhat, different parts can drive different design solutions, but there are other constraints which will make the designs similar.
The real problem with that statement is Tesla isn’t very good at large scale mass production of cars. They haven’t hit their build number target yet, and news reports say the ones they do build require a higher amount (by a lot) of rework than the traditional auto manufacturers.
The first run of these could literally catch on fire, and they would still be writing these stories.
Look, who cares if the car has a tendency to collapse around the driver? The technology is just so advanced!
“If we gave you this technology, you’d kill yourselves trying to operate it.”
Well, yeah. Everyone involved is in a niche market. They’ve essentially got to talk up their own book because the net present value of indefinite future losses is still a loss. And when the market comes to that conclusion, the analyst and the reporter are just as much out of a job as Elon Musk (perhaps more so). To keep their own gravy train running, they’ve got to keep propping up Tesla. At some point, maybe it will actually become profitable. But, the reporter and the analyst, in the back of their mind, know that they’ve got to convince the investing public that that day is just around the corner.
*Lights Jesse Signal*
I think the family sitting around me on the plane last week was Romanian. That’s my guess, anyway, because it sounded like a Romance language but definitely wasn’t French, Italian or Spanish.
That’s usually confused with Spanish.
Yep, that was my thinking – my neighbors are Brazilian and I’ve heard them speaking Portuguese, and it pretty much sounds like Spanish to me.
My Spanish teacher in high school got a student from Brazil to come to our class and give a little speech to us. Trick was, she didn’t tell us that she was Brazilian, just from South America, and everyone assumed she’d speak Spanish instead of Portuguese. After a few minutes of the girl speaking to us, the teacher looked at the class and asked if any of us had any questions. After about a minute of everyone looking like a dog trying to figure out the sounds coming from a t.v., I raised my hand hand and asked “Is she speaking Portuguese, or have I learned absolutely nothing the last two years?” My teacher just busted out laughing at us.
Sure, I guess it could have been a more obscure one like that or Sardinian or Corsican. I’m not a nosy type so I didn’t ask.
There are some obscure Romance languages still somewhat widely* spoken, like Romansh and Sardinia.
* = As in, more than a few old farts
Also, refresh