I know we want an “authentic” work environment, here at the office. But I didn’t realize that meant “The Alps in Winter”.

TPS Reports?!
At least 7 engineers, HVAC mavens (and one beat down rep from the architect) have trooped around our work area, trying to figure out what to do about the permafrost on our floor and icicles hanging from the ceiling tiles. For some reason they won’t listen to my Napalm suggestion. Wimps.
But enough of my trivial problems. We have some Links to get to!
- I was actually quite disappointed in this. I mean, come on, how can you see “Bomb Cyclone” and not think “Follow up to the Sharknado movies?!” Bah.
- Further evidence of the superiority of socialized medicine!
- I am not sure I agree with number 3. But a casus belli is a casus belli.
- That is quite enough cold…how about a little fire? “But scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.” I expect PRIME snark from all of you about this one.
**Bonus sports/legislative trolling link!** (h/t SugarFree)
I have the opposite problem, Swissy. The furnace in my apartment is broken, so I’m going to the office for warmth.
Model. Employee.
^See that? Suck it, Rufus!
What’s the issue?
Maintenance guy said the vacuum sensor was broken. Or something along those lines. Wasn’t my fault it failed, so I don’t have to pay anything. The landlord gave me some space heaters to use while the furnace is worked on, and knocked 50 bucks off the rent for the month to cover the extra electricity to run them. Should be fixed by tomorrow.
very good, stay warm
Thanks Yusef. No worries, I’ve got a big dog that likes to sit on me and lots of heavy blankets.
Don’t fall asleep with those space heaters on.
So you are warm again? Too bad, I think Q was going to send one of his Girls around to warm you up.
“But scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.”
We have the same problem in my office building. Lower level (me) is consumed with cold. Upper level is tropically warm.
A couple of months ago we had a cold November rain, and I came in early on Monday morning to find a whole bunch of disintegrated ceiling tile on the floor very close to my cubicle.
It’s always either way too cold, or way too hot.
Everybody needs some time on their own. Everybody needs some time, all alone.
It’s not cold, but it’s long:
November Rain
It may be long, but nothing lasts forever and we both know songs can change.
That is quite enough cold…how about a little fire?
They had to destroy the second server.
Hammers aren’t good enough anymore?
The cloth didn’t work. After that, you go to fire.
Bill saw something he hadn’t seen in many years, and had an understandable reaction.
Repeated from the morning links, i have crafted a somewhat mobile friendly version of Monocle called Eyepiece. The only way I know to use it is to add tamper monkey to mobile Firefox and install Eyepiece by clicking the link.
Do you know if it would be compatible with Kindle Fires?
I’m not sure. If you can get tamper monkey add on installed on your Firefox, you’re golden. Write down how you do it, because I’m sure people would be interested.
You let your Kindle Fire on the internet?
I’m puzzled by your comment.
Amazon has been known to change the software without notice.
This irritates me, but it is also of concern.
Thanks for all your work contributing to the Glib Community in so many wants, Trshmnstr! You’re a rock star.
*bows humbly*
Well done, Mr. Man-In-A-Can!
I’ve updated the Monocle article to include this development.
It’s a bit late, but I want to tip my top hat in Sloopy’s direction for the pic with the morning links. I can’t explain why, but attractive women wearing short skirts in the snow is weirdly alluring for me.
Tell me about it.
Those aren’t skirts.
Well look who’s such a pedant!
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
They look cold. They should run off with me to the Caribbean.
Given their relative health benefits, I think it’s much better to look at boobs all day instead of eating vegetables.
5, 6, 7, 9, 22, 39 and the life of my bunny would be well worth 10.
Isn’t 50 Kate Upton?
You win one C-cup.
I think he’d prefer two.
*opera applause*
18, 28, 48
A lot of them are trying too hard to appear seductive and messing it up.
Totally agree.
Come on ladies, we don’t need to be sold. Just smile because being a hottie is great!
32 is cute – she wins the afternoon!
I just started following chivetteofficial on instagram thanks to Q’s links. In a proud dad moment, I was checking out a photo and saw my 14 year old had ‘liked’ it.
I was afraid you were going to say that your 14 year old posted her picture there.
Concur on 22. She’s the one to warm us all up.
#8 reminded me of Angela White, but her breasts aren’t big enough. Google image search says it is nude model Brandy Robbins. Hmm… maybe before she got breast implants.
#14 is Vida Guerra. #42 is violaceousgirl, who used to be a fixture around The Chive. Someone already identified #50.
Threesome #44 and #53. Dirndls. Though I’ll have a side of #34 because her dress is interesting.
Nothing on the Bannon-Trump feud? It’s already reaching record levels of hilarity.
I’m not 100% convinced it isn’t being staged. There could be some kind of troll in the offing.
My thoughts exactly. Theater
Is Bannon just trying to troll the left into agreeing with Satan?
I want to leave the field clear for the only one who could do it justice… SugarFree.
My opinion of Melania continues to grow (and not just down there)- apparently she didn’t want Trump to win and was upset with him over it? Give me more. Hasn’t stopped her from putting on her game face in public nor have there been any leaks so far about being a bitch to aides or servants because she’s unhappy and can’t control herself, unlike far too many political spouses.
She’s a model. “Game face” is pretty much all they do.
I thought it was fairly easy to tell that she wasn’t overly fond of him winning, with not moving to Washington for months and all.
she didn’t want Trump to win and was upset with him over it?
Possible. I mean she’d have a legitimate reason to be. If you think about it from her perspective, it’s kind of a trade down. I mean, she was the wife of a billionaire in Manhattan. It sounds like she likes being a mother and she was free to do that to her heart’s content. I’m sure she had a social network in New York that she could enjoy. And she’s trading that for what? Getting snubbed by people she’d normally seat at one of the back tables? Having her life under a magnifying glass of people hostile to her husband? Spending her day essentially as a public relations flack?
My guess is that the kind of people who would want that life are the kind of people who get off on power. Hence the common behavior of being a bitch to aides or servants
Well, I appreciate her taking one for the team. I am thrilled to have a FLOTUS that doesn’t make me want to hurl.
Tundra hates the childrenz
Exactly. Frankly that’s what the presidency and “public service” needs more of- people who look down on it, don’t like it, and don’t seek it out. When’s the last President who wasn’t narcissistic enough to believe they’d be elected because they love themselves so everyone else does too? Washington who didn’t want it either? I dont doubt that Trump is a narcissist (along with a whole lot of other faults) but he doesn’t seem to think everyone else should love him and doesn’t seem to care if they don’t.
Gerald Ford. Never ran for national office when he assumed the presidency from Nixon.
I thought about Ford but he did run for Congress thirteen times and he willingly became VP after Agnew resigned.
Just saw this over at Instapundit:
Text of President Donald Trump’s statement on Steve Bannon
I don’t think it’s a bluff.
Now that he is on his own, Steve is learning that winning isn’t as easy as I make it look.
That is some world class trolling by a master.
Goddamn, much as I want to hate the guy sometimes, he does make me laugh.
Let’s be fair – even Finns have trouble doing this.
I hadn’t heard about that one. Linky?
Look at the crazy redneck
FloridaBerlin mans firing guns in the air on New Years’ Eve.That’s been going for years. I’ve seen video dating back to 2013 of fireworks and air gun shooting in Berlin. There was a Der Speigel special on it, which unfortunately I can’t find. I watched the special, and while there were some obvious Middle Eastern types taking part in it, Germans took part in it too. They are shooting air guns by the way.
Air guns don’t eject fire out the barrels
Yeah – that looked like a mix of toys and real pistols.
I was thinking of the Der Speigel video I saw. Sorry. I see fire coming out of those pistols in the video Drake linked. Guaranteed they are cap guns, BB guns, or something not firing real bullets.
Black woman accuses Charlie Rose of racism for not molesting her.
OK. First, the whole weaponization of the #metoo “movement” or whatever was eerily reminiscent of the South Park episode in which the kids discover falsely accusing adults of molestation will get them taken away. Eventually, the kids take it too far, all the adults in town are taken away and Children of the Corn references ensue. Now this is similar to Garrison being upset with his father for not molesting him as a kid because he thinks it means he was unloved. It’s really incredible how spot on that show can be, in some cases years in advance.
I knew this and I’m not even a hockey fan.
If it ever comes up in conversation with a Finn, make sure you drop the comment that Finland was in the weaker bracket.
They love that.
I figure it would be enough to point out who did win that game. It wasn’t the Finns.
Meaning the Finns wouldn’t have made it that far if they had to play against the same teams as the US did.
Exactly. USA-Russia was the big kid’s game.
I understand that. But it doesn’t matter if it was easier for them to get there. They still lost.
Piss them off even more, tell them their team wasn’t worth a fin.
It’s one of those things that was bandied about as a “little known fact” for so long that everyone knows it. Besides, it was noted in Miracle, which tons of people have seen. And, most of all, it was the source of Herb Brooks’ most legendary remark, uttered during the second intermission when the US was down 2-1 with one period left to play.
“Lose this game and you’ll take it to your graves……….to your fucking graves!”
Team USA scored three third period goals to win the game, and their gold medals, 4-2.
In my house, you better damn well take off your shoes.
I don’t know where your wretched, shitty soles and souls have been.
/thinks of rest area bathrooms. Shudders.
+2 tapochki
/throws pair of socks at feet.
When I studied in Russia several of the museums we visited had tapochki that you’d put on over your outdoor shoes.
Those Russians.
Always thinking ahead.
Like those paper ones we see in doctor/dentist offices?
That’s my wife’s rule in my house too. I’ve actually started wearing slippers which was an unexpected development.
Been my wife’s rule since day one of marriage too. I go along with it, but I don’t have to like it.
My wife is the same way. I usually wear socks or barefoot indoors depending on the time of day.
It’s pointless in my house, what with a giant, fluffy dog dragging in all manner of mud, leaves, and God-knows-what all day.
If I take off my shoes the dog will eat them.
Eat the dog.
This is my point to her! Our dogs aren’t taking any shoes off and they’re romping throughout the house!
That why you have to wipe their feet when they come inside.
I’d lose it with a dog.
That’s why I don’t have one.
The kitten is more than enough. Stupid cat. Doesn’t understand NEATNESS.
What kind of dog? We have a fixation on giant fluffy dogs.
Alaskan malamute. Big. Fluffy. Red/white one in my case. Awesome animal. Lousy for home protection.
Awwww, that’s great! They are terrifically cute dogs.
They’re pretty bad-ass physically, too (running, jumping, catching critters, etc.). You just can’t really direct their bad-assness the way you can with, say, a German shepherd. Despite being a lover and a big baby, he’s protective of my 9-year-old son.
They sorta decide what THEY want to protect and give no fucks for your opinion. Source: we had a malamute growing up. He would bark when we said speak and bowl when we said sing. My autocorrect wants to change malamute to calamity. Hah!
Must be nice not living with scorpions.
I used to go barefoot in the house. Then I moved to Tucson.
True story 1: I was getting ready to go to work and walked through the kitchen. Thirty seconds later, I walked back through the kitchen and heard a crunch. I looked down, and there was a crushed scorpion on the floor. It was pretty much luck that I had shoes on. I never went barefoot in the house after that. I mean, I’ll put slippers on to go to the bathroom at night.
True story 2: I was coming into the house and kicked off my sandals. I realized I had forgotten something, and went back out. When I went to put my sandals on, a rather significant scorpion shot out through the toe hole.
Fuckin’ scorpions, man. *thousand yard stare*
*gazes out over frozen landscape, suddenly feels much better*
For real fun RC, go out to the desert (or your yard to really freak) with a black light at night. Many scorpion species glow under black lights. Poke around the base of mesquites where there are some downed branches or near water tanks to really drive the sightings up.
You’ll have a chance to see how many of those things there really are.
Best part: they’re cannibalistic.
Yeah, I invert and tap my boots before putting them on.
I do the same thing. No scorpions but there’s wolf spiders the size of an outstretched hand that somehow keep finding a way into my mudroom.
Still have that habit and I haven’t lived in major scorpion habit for decades.
The biggest scare I got was turkey hunting in California. I got into a prone position under a tree on a cold morning before dawn. After about 45 minutes the sun came and up the tom went a different way. I started to get up to follow. That is when I noticed the 4-5 inch long rattlesnake curled up between my arms. I almost put my chest onto the damn thing. Luckily it was still near the freezing point and we both gave each other a break
See, this is why I don’t bivouac in the open. Too many stories from friends about waking up with a snake in their bag. None of ’em ever got bit though, so I guess that’s good.
An ounce of prevention… or a pound of scorpions in your boots, which will subsequently be cut off on account of the swelling.
I remember we’d find ’em clinging to the walls and ceiling inside during the hotter summer days. Eventually, dad and I installed screens in all the air handling returns and ceiling vents which, in large measure, blunted the arthropod incursion.
I left Phoenix 25 years ago. I am still not comfortable walking barefoot anywhere. I had two co-workers steps on scorpions – one in the house – one on the patio.
With all this stepping on venomous creatures, how often does one get stung?
I’m with Tundra. No poisonous anything up here.
Too damn fucken cold and the things that can kill us – polar bears – live waayyy in the north.
Depends on the part of town you’re in. I’m next to a mountain preserve, so I see them quite often. Growing up I was further in town, and never saw them.
Same here. When I lived in Yuma, I lived in the city and didn’t see many (and never once in my apartment) but work was way out in the desert and we saw scorpions all the time out there.
The camel spiders in Iraq were pretty horrifying for an arachnaphobe like me.
I worked as a Park Ranger in Oracle for a couple of years. Every winter the rattlesnakes would den up under the building. In the spring when they were getting ready to move back out we would drop heavy things on the wood floor and hear dozens of snakes rattling beneath our feet. Of course we took great care for that same week or two stepping outside because they were everywhere.
I actually got paid to take groups out at night with the black light looking for scorpions. Some were neat orange or blue, but my favorite were the highlighter green ones.
I’m going to have nightmares thinking of glowing scorpions.
Saw my first black widow in the wild this year. Now I check my boots before I put them on. Granted, I’ll take a black widow bite over a brown recluse.
last* year
Racist! What do you have against brown libertarians?
my wife was bit by a brown recluse about 3 months ago. After rounds of antibiotics, there is still a discolored area on her calf. I understan there will be a mark there permanently.
Necrotizing bacteria don’t fuck around, I’ll take scorpions over widows and recluse bites. Of course, we have widows too… they creep me out far more. I think its the insanity of the web they weave.
I think of it as a Californian migration deterrent feature, I’d breed em bigger if I could.
Pergo Dude, Pergo. Unless you’re wearing cleats or dragging in sand in winter, it really doesn’t matter if your shoes are dirty. I all comes up easy.
Further evidence of the superiority of socialized medicine!
I don’t remember seeing 55,000 people waiting in line as part of the tribute to socialized medicine during the London Olympics opening ceremony. Must have been off camera.
The fire started in the bedroom. My guess is that’s the only fire that bedroom has seen since they moved into the place.
Nah. Who knows what Bill does in there when Hillary is away.
Stupid Republicans, They’re killing the dream, man…
Prices inflated by an artificial bubble don’t return to unrealistic highs. Story at 11.
Trump’s America Overrun with Horde of Second-homeless
Wait a minute… how can it be both more costly to buy and a lower resale price?
Maybe they are factoring in property taxes, and insurance they make owning a beach home ridiculous.
The interest deduction does two things: 1) It lowers the price, net of taxes, and 2) It increases the top line price. Take away the deduction, the home costs more on net, and the top line price comes down.
As Barack Obama might say, at some point, don’t you own enough houses?
Bernie Sanders disagrees.
Oh the barbarity of the Trump agenda! Taking away even simple pleasures like a beach house.
You know what Trump didn’t take away? My dream of living in a converted missile silo. Where I can spend my time writing my manifesto over the cold, NoDak winter.
Pretty cool. Although that guy has no business attempting interior design.
I hear the Titan Missile Museum does overnights… if you want to try before you buy.
I appreciate that they’ve given up any pretense of caring about the middle class.
may tank the resale value of the second-home market. Prices could drop about 10 percent in some markets
So, not really “tanking” the market. Plus, what kind of idiot matches up “prices of beach houses will go down” with “your dream of owning a beach house is dead”.
If I had a dream of owning a house vulnerable to oceanic storms, I’d not be concerned about lower prices.
After all if it’s a dream, it’s not an investment.
If it’s an investment, you want the price to start low…
Owning a second home will bet more expensive AND the prices will drop. Is there nothing Trump can’t do?
“But scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished. Losses are said to have included several large filing cabinets, a duffel bag full of blackberrys, various pieces of server equipment, and apparently, a confusing collection of MAGA-themed bondage gear.“
*Stands to applaud*
“But scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished
I guess we now know where the server was, I think we all learned a lesson about storing pieces of computer equipment which tend to generate large amounts of heat in the home.
“‘Can I say a huge thank you to NHS staff for their hard work, they work hard and do a fantastic job for us day in and day out all year round, but obviously there are extra pressures in winter.”
Obviously? Obvious how? Cancer is seasonal? How about I clap you in your fucking mouth, lying commie bitch?
“‘They’re doing a fantastic job and their dedication is ensuring that people are getting treatment that they need.”
Except they are not. Next time you hear some pinko here start yapping about single payer, knock ’em down.
Goes well with the old saying, “a Left-leaning person is someone who’s not quite pink enough to punch.”
I just reviewed the list of US ambassadors to Finland…
and i couldn’t tell who the hell they were referring to
none of the last 4 political appointees were vacuum salesmen
*Skiis past Gilmore and machine-guns him with graceful Suomi M31 machine pistol*
And even if this were the case, Finland might want to realize the disparity between being Ambassador to a hyperpower and Ambassador to a small Scandanavian republic.
*yes, yes, I know the finns hate it when they’re called sandinavians.
I believe we have our new term for the ME migrants to Scandinavia.
lul, yes, I type reel gud.
Maybe it’s the translation- any of them empty headed blowhards?
I’m guessing they’re referring to Bruce Oreck because his dad is David Oreck, who founded the Oreck vacuum cleaner company. Which is stupid, because per his bio Bruce Oreck is a corporate lawyer who doesn’t work for his father’s company.
Look, is it Finland’s fault all white Americans look alike?
“” they’re referring to Bruce Oreck because his dad is David Oreck, who founded the Oreck vacuum cleaner company. Which is stupid, because per his bio Bruce Oreck is a corporate lawyer””
still, it seems he’s got some ideas about foreign policy in addition to merely having his own $$$ corp law firm
he’s hailed as a virtual Captain Planet by goofy-green-internationalists.
Germany was offended that Obama appointed an idiot fundraiser hack as Ambassador. He’ll be the Governor of NJ is a few days.
I’m waiting for the Ethel Merman musical.
“The Equal Pay Standard, which was part of broader legislation that was proposed last March and passed in June, took effect on Monday. It says that companies with 25 full-time employees or more must analyze their salary structures every three years to ensure that men and women are being paid the same amount for doing the same jobs. Then they must report back to the government for certification or face penalties that include fines.”
This sort of stuff is what get folks like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren harder than a diamond during an ice storm.
Sounds like it’s time to hire only men, so you don’t risk a pay disparity.
Men-only/Women-only workplaces are becoming more appealing with every day…
Or just give everyone a unique job title and description.
Yes. The men can be called AP Clerk or Service Tech. The women can have titles like AP Clerkette and Service Techette. The pay scales can be totally different for an AP Clerk vs. a Clerkette.
My response to any comparison to Iceland: Sure, let’s scale this up and find out what happens. There are more people in St. Louis.
There are more people in jail from St. Louis.
Consider that stolen.
There are almost three times as many people on Oahu as Iceland.
There are 149 MSAs in the US that top 340K in population
St. Louis city has fewer than that.
Is it? I thought it would be bigger than that.
St. Louis is weird. The actual city of St. Louis is very small, but there are eleventy jillion small towns all around it that are part of the area (like Ferguson).
The city of St. Louis is 317,000, but the metro area is over 2.8 million.
Totally unpredictable outcome: in 5-10 years, an unusually high proportion of Icelandic companies have 24 or fewer employees.
Government official: Your records show that Viktoria and Sven are both account executives, but Viktoria makes 10k less than Sven.
Poor HR person: Yes, but Sven brought in 20 million dollars worth of business while Viktoria only brought in 2 million.
Government official: You don’t even deny that you are breaking the law? What kind of sociopath are you? Off to the reeducation center for you!
I expect to see a rise in commission-only sales positions.
Poor HR person: We refuse to accept your notion of “gender”, as all properly woke Icelanders know that it is fluid.
Today in No Fucking Shit
I’d say that Jimmy Haslam is the worst owner in sports, but that title probably goes to the owner of Ohio’s other terrible football franchise
James Dolan. I will brook no opposition.
See, James Dolan destroys the Knicks, which makes me happy. So I can’t include him on a list of worst owners.
I repeat from an earlier thread – move the city and make the team stay there.
For those of you who haven’t been to TOS today, I’m proud to present to you this Mike M. gem:
I don’t get it.
/stupid yeti
Call me nuts, but I find him hilarious.
I mean…Yommomatards?
/pounds desk.
Hey! Quit your lollygagging and get back to your work, ya hoser! That poutine and maple syrup won’t make itself.
(is that how you do it?)
No, it’s not.
/licks ice cream cone seductively.
/flips keyboard
I see he hasn’t felt the slightest tinge of self-awareness from every lefty idiot using “Drumpf”.
There all kinds of idiots.
Did he get requested to leave from the Founders a la Free Society or does he just like shrieking at people on TOS?
I think he just drifted away on his own because no one really responded to him here.
Ah, makes sense, he’s the kind of screaming retard that needs to be validated by attention.
Speaking of which, has John ever re-appeared?
I did like his ‘dog in a business suit’ avatar.
He was banned. So, no.
While waiting for some pieces to arrive, I’ve been reviewing the draft work on the kitbash article. I noticed in some of the photographs, I didn’t move the paint pots out of the way, and the trademarked names were showing. Do I have to go in and photoshop censor bars onto them?
I would think a hobby paint company would be happy to have their products featured on a wholesome family friendly website like this one.
In four words, No.
Nope. Thanks for writing, too.
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Looney Toons) rips off the mask in a way I haven’t even seen other Democrats do.
The DNC should have this photo printed out in wide format for when they need gift wrap for the 2020 election.
Are you not familiar with his early works?
Dude has been all mask, all the time. The dude’s a literal, dictionary-definition, black nationalist.
A Dem congressman talking up revolution and the beating of innocents by a Stalinistic gang. Who’s the stupid party again?
It’s hard to tell. The title switches around pretty often.
They’re just playing to their base.
I am shaking in my boots.
Oh, wait. That was just me tapping my foot.
Certainly you’re at least frightened by the grammar of
“The Book That Strike Fear In The Heart”.
today’s award for unmitigated gall
The University of California-San Diego is now embroiled in a personal injury lawsuit after an election protest gone wrong.
Mariana Flores, a sophomore at UCSD, was demonstrating against Donald Trump’s victory on a busy San Diego freeway when a vehicle hit her. The accident crushed her pelvis, fractured her leg, and caused other serious injuries, reported The Guardian campus newspaper.
Flores, in her suit filed in late November, partly blames campus officials for her injury, arguing they should have stopped the protest before it got dangerous, according to news reports.
In an interview with The Guardian, Gene Sullivan, Flores’s lawyer, asserted that the university planned, organized and knew the protest was happening for hours and did nothing to stop it.
“According to Sullivan, not doing anything and failing to act is legally the same thing as supporting the protest,” the newspaper reported. “Sullivan further alleged that the protest was encouraged by people in positions of authority at the university, and that ‘if anyone that is in authority with the university – a [Residential Advisor] – says ‘let’s go,’ the university would be responsible.’”
The complaint also lists the University of California Regents, the city and county of San Diego, the state of California, and the driver of the vehicle as defendants in the lawsuit.
When asked about the lawsuit by the Los Angeles Times, Sullivan said “We think it’s a case of shared responsibility of the school, Maria and the driver, and we’re not saying that anybody is without fault or fault-free. We think other people bear some responsibility as well.”
In addition, Sullivan explained that if any person representing the university, even if that person is simply a Residential Advisor, encouraged students to go to the protest, then the university would bear responsibility.
While Sullivan admits that Flores is partially responsible for her injuries, he claims that, under the doctrine of comparative responsibility, the jury will get to decide what percentage of the injury is the fault of the plaintiff and what percentage of the injury is the fault of the defendant. Damages will be levied based on percentage.
You could say that she threw UCSD under the bus.
Why send it to a jury? 0% for the defendant. 150% for the plaintiff. Now go see Rusty for your beatdown.
Also, http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/foreigners/2015/09/why_drivers_in_china_intentionally_kill_the_pedestrians_they_hit_china_s.html
You see, kids? Even complete idiots can get into college.
That idiot better have been in one of the loser colleges, not mine. /embarrased ucsd alum
While it’s a ridiculous lawsuit on its face and it should be tossed, I’m not sure I would mind if they punished the univeristy as UCSD has allowed some particularly STUPID SJW things lately, and maybe some kind of judgment against them would tell the administration to go back to being the boring nerd school we used to be.
Hey bitch, don’t play in traffic.
She isn’t suing over the brain damage too?
Pre-existing condition
Hey, UCSD – she coulda been fine before that.
has this made the rounds yet?
Republicans in South Carolina want to honor black Confederate soldiers. There’s just one problem…
At a time when people are battling over whether to take down Confederate War statues and memorials, a pair of state lawmakers in South Carolina want to put one up.
And it wouldn’t be just another Civil War monument. It would be a monument to honor the sacrifices of black Confederate troops from South Carolina.
Problem is, historians say there weren’t any black Confederate soldiers in South Carolina.
The lawmakers, South Carolina state Reps. Bill Chumley and Mike Burns, filed a pair of bills late last year for the 2018 legislative session that would form a commission to create a monument to South Carolina’s black Confederate troops.
“This monument can help educate current and future generations of a little-known — but important — part of South Carolina history,” Burns said back in October in a statement to CNN affiliate WIS. “These African-Americans, like many of their Caucasian contemporaries, stepped up to defend their home state during a tumultuous time in our country’s history. Their service has largely been overlooked or forgotten.”
‘No documentation’
But Walter Edgar, considered to be the premier historian on all things South Carolina, said there’s no evidence there were ever any black soldiers that fought under the Confederate banner.
“In all my years of research, I can say I have seen no documentation of black South Carolina soldiers fighting for the Confederacy,” Edgar told The State newspaper in Columbia, South Carolina. “In fact, when secession came, the state turned down free (blacks) who wanted to volunteer because they didn’t want armed persons of color.”
There were blacks in the Confederate army, but they were either slaves or free blacks forced to work without pay as cooks or servants, said Edgar, a professor emeritus at the University of South Carolina and author of “South Carolina: A History.”
Stupid party gonna stupid.
I’ve always heard that some free black men (including slave-owners) fought as soldiers on the side of the Confederacy and this was the first link I grabbed so take it for what it’s worth. I’m not vouching for the veracity of these, but they do support the notion that free black men did serve as armed soldiers for the Confederacy. I have no idea about South Carolina specifically, but the “premiere” historian generalizes his statements to all of the Confederacy, or the article author may be inappropriately generalizing them.
There were, a museum I went to in New Orleans had an entire section devoted to a regiment of them from the city.
I’d heard there were mulatto regiments out of New Orleans where the racial culture wasn’t as clear-cut as elsewhere.
perhaps we should ask Suthenboy if any of them were heroic?
Winter storm threatens East Coast, bringing temps colder than Mars
featuring a new silly alarmist neologism
A massive “bombogenesis” — an area of rapidly declining low pressure — will wreak havoc on the Northeast this week, threatening hurricane-force winter wind gusts and blinding snow.
The bombogenesis will result in what’s known as a “bomb cyclone.” And the bomb cyclone, expected to strike Thursday, will likely dump 6 to 12 inches of snow in New England and hurl 40- to 60-mph gusts.
By the end of this week, parts of the Northeast will be colder than Mars.
At Mount Washington Observatory in New Hampshire, the temperature will plunge to minus 35 degrees Friday night into Saturday, weather observer Taylor Regan said. At last check several days ago, the high temperature on Mars was minus 2 degrees Fahrenheit.
We’re just going to cycle back to 1970s era “global cooling” fears, aren’t we?
Take it away, Mr Nimoy
1977- In Search Of…The Coming Ice Age
I’m worried about it already, the inside of my damn nose feels like cracked parchment paper.
At least 7 engineers, HVAC mavens (and one beat down rep from the architect) have trooped around our work area, trying to figure out what to do about the permafrost on our floor and icicles hanging from the ceiling tiles. For some reason they won’t listen to my Napalm suggestion. Wimps.
At least the property manager has qualified people looking at it.
The heating and cooling at my office is strange. You have freezing cold spots and hot spots scattered around the building, and the spots flip when the season changes. Certain conference rooms are always cold regardless of season. The caf mirrors the outside: chilly in winter, hot in summer.
I have seen no evidence of the property managers doing anything beyond having their maintenance guys adjust some vents.
Hazardous Weather Outlook for South Florida!
So where do you Gliblords get all these weird ass pictures? I figure it’s (in order of least to most disturbing)
1. You’ve googled”weird ass images”
2. You’ve googled for the particular subject.
3. You’re drawing from your family albums.
That is not revealed until the second level of meditation.
I called my dad this afternoon to wish him a happy birthday. We chatted for a bit before he asked me, “do you know what I saw last night?”
“Tell me,” I replied.
“I saw a man who has the same birthday as me in the ER. He would have turned 48 today”
The story is short on details, but my dad was the doctor the cops brought his corpse to. Dad said he was shot in the back. The bullet went through his heart and killed him on the spot.
Furthermore, many of the deceased family and friends were frantically calling the hospital and asking for information. The cops were in the hospital telling everyone there that they were forbidden to give any information. After pronouncing the man dead, my dad went out to the parking lot and talked to the man’s family, against the commands of the police and told them everything he knew.
Thus is the second dead body the police have brought my dad in less than a year. This is in a town with a population of less than 4000. The last one was tasered to death in a jail cell. No action was taken in that instance and I doubt any action will be taken here. This shit makes me so fucking mad.
That is tragic. Sorry. Hopefully the cops don’t pull a stunt like cops in Utah did with that nurse.
You know, this is the type of shit that should make national news. A damn protest should happen. We should “have a conversation”
But no. There will be no punishment for the cops. No sympathy for the deceased. Nothing what so ever will happen aside from a cop getting a paid vacation and a man’s family will suffer. No one gives a shit because the deceased was just a small town hick in flyover country.
“I feared for my life. I saw the perpetrator staring me down in that mirror, with the clear intent of trying to dispatch me with a trick shot. I had no choice.”
“I feared for my life” That’s the magic words that get the coppers out of any type of culpability for their actions.
Weather was a bit nippy. Highs in the fifties. Life is brutal, I tell you.
Just checked on the fire at Bill’s house. The 80s porn collection is ok, some of the magazine edges are scorched, but there’s still plenty of natural bush photos that survived.
Happier shooting news:
Top 25 Defensive Gun Uses of 2017
Slammer’s AOTY in thrash. The whole album rips.
Good album. Vektor has kind of ruined me for thrash, but this is very good old-school thrash.
My AOTY checks off all my personal eccentricities:
✓ Canadian
✓ Female fronted w great pipes (No Q, that is not a euphemism. I mean she has great vocal range and command.)
✓ Goofy subject material
✓ Trad / power
My second runner up is very close, and hits all the same boxes.
That Satan’s Hollow got a ton of praise. I listened a little, I’ll give it and the other band a shot. Name seems familiar.
Im generally not a fan of chicks singing in metal.
All those occult stoner doom bands fronted by chicks a few years ago I tuned out.
I’m a big fan. Christian Mistress. A Sound of Thunder. Chastain. Warlock. Oceans of Slumber. Can’t get enough of them, not sure why. Hell, I even really like Pat Benitar on something like Hell is for Children.
I really dug The Devil’s Blood
Hi Rufus!
I made a mistake. A few days ago I stated that Drapeau said that Montreal will always be Florence. What he actually said was “Let Toronto become Milan. Montreal will always be Rome.” The greater Milan region does have more people than Rome by the way.
Then there was his classic “The Olympics can no more lose money than a man can have a baby.” Fucking Transphobe.
This is especially ludicrous since I’m pretty sure even then the Olympics were big money losers. A big exception was the 1932 LA Olympics which supposedly made a profit.
I thought it was the 84 Olympics in LA that was profitable?
1932 LA Olympics were profitable as well, supposedly. Montreal Olympics were in 1976, before 1984, and helped give the Olympics their reputation for being massive wastes of money.
Oh it seems the main reason for the cost overruns was a corrupt mob-connected labour union doing construction work. The Liberal Provincial Government made a secret payoff to the union leader in order to save the Olympics. They called an early election hoping to benefit from saving the Olympics only to be defeated by the separatists.
Only took them 30 years to pay off the debt.
Jewish Pagan SJWs: Tevet 2018: Blame Everything on Patriarchy
Archive.is stripped out the lovely photo of the blogger, so you may want to follow the link through to the original post for the full effect (I always hesitate to directly link because of possible pingbacks).
She seems to be embracing every SJW stereotype–including the glass blowing.
Is there a name for that position she’s sitting in while making the triangle sign.
Klinger had better legs.
the black, femme, indigenous, trans, fat and disabled people
One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn’t belong…
It’s hard to tell what’s likely to be a big deal in the future and what isn’t, but I’m thinking this Bannon rift means Operation Covfefe hit the skids, today, and it’s probably a big deal.
For those of you who haven’t heard, Bannon has a new book about to be published, and the pre-print draft has Bannon calling a June 2016 meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians, “treasonous”. Bannon also alleges that Trump probably knew about the meeting ahead of time–and if he didn’t, he certainly knew about it afterwards. Bannon also states that Mueller’s investigation is headed to investigating money laundering by the Trump organization.
. . . just when you thought Mueller’s investigation was petering out, well, that’s off the table. Mueller will definitely want to talk to Trump’s strategist at the time these events were taking place.
I should say, it probably matters even if none of this ends up in charges or impeachment. It was all about to go away–if only Bannon had kept his mouth shut. At first glance, it looks to me like this is payback for shit Trump and others have said about Bannon and his value in the wake of the Roy Moore loss.
Anyway, I think that story is a big deal because it keeps the story happening when it was about to run out of steam otherwise.
P.S. Bannon also wrote that Ivanka is a dumb as a brick, which completely misses the point if you ask me.
Bannon doesn’t realize how he set himself up – he became campaign chair/CEO, so when did he know about the meeting (and why didn’t he immediately report it to the FBI)? He isn’t really going to try the Obama ploy about not knowing about it until he read it in the NYT is he?
What is going to be hilarious is watching all the people that swore Bannon was Satan’s minion now talk up his credibility.
What is going to be hilarious is watching all the people that swore Bannon was Satan’s minion now talk up his credibility.
That is what makes all of this so much fun. They’ve learned to love Dubya and McCain. Why not Bannon?
About as Easy as going from trashing Romney for being anti-Russia to calling Trump a Russian puppet to Trump causing nuclear war with North Korea.
If the Fedgov decides to have “unscheduled telework” tomorrow (“snow storm” on its way), I’m-a have to go into the office because I don’t have a token yet. I feel like it’s some kind of karmic payment for hoping Iridium’s satellites would burn up on the launchpad.
What did Iridium ever do to you?
Killed the dinosaurs!
Broke the back of Motorola and generally put the private sector out of spaceflight ops for two decades… not that it was the launch guys’ fault.
Worse: they fired moi.
Now THAT’S unforgivable!
How will we ever survive the shutdown?
I’m hoping for telework.
I should beat the storm in tomorrow morning, but the drive home is going to be fun.
And the boss is probably going to bitch if I don’t do any overtime Friday because I’m getting plowed out.
Everyone knows #5.
“It’ll be an all-day event,” AccuWeather senior meteorologist Rob Miller said of the impending Arctic blast, which will bring as much as 6 inches of snow.
Jeez people. Here in the Midwest, they call that a slow weekday.
New Yorkers are such wimps.
I hope everyone here in NYC shits thir pants. If we close tmrw I’ll have 5 days off in a row
The forecast for my part of southern NH has been slowly changing. This morning the prediction was for 4-8″. Now it’s 6-10″. I’ll work from home tomorrow and life will go on.
My morning prediction used to be 6″ to 10″. Now I mostly just see drizzle.
“”New Yorkers are such wimps””
new york city frequently gets a few feet in once shot every winter, and people deal with it like its nothing. even if roads are fucked subways run. nyc gets lots of severe weather. its super hot in the summer and super cold in winter. extremes are the normal. if there’s one thing people aren’t, its bothered by the weather.
stick with the “they’re rude” thing. it at least has a grain of truth.
Then why does the rest of the country have to listen to the incessant, breathless reports of the apocalypse about to befall NYC?
Eh, I’ve had to listed to the same thing for the past week about the midwest and NE. It’s the weatherpuppets ginning up whatever they have in front of them.
Technically, she wasn’t a weathergirl, she was/is a serious journalist (and currently CNN’s Chief Diplomatic Correspondent, whatever the fuck that means).
I think what you’re complaining about is actually the drama-queening of mass-media meteorologists @ tabloids like USA today and NY Post.
why do you have to hear about the weather in the NY area? I dunno, maybe its the 20 million people who live within commuting distance, maybe its the fact that all the heads of major media orgs live in that area.
Basically, yes. And I was being plain old snarky, too. I stopped watching national news years ago and this is one of the reasons why.
Oh, nobody claims that the news outlets aren’t simpering pantywaists.
If it’s a New York outfit, when that terrible weather ‘everyone fears’ hits, they can go out with a news unit and interview those “proud indomitable and tough New Yorkers” being their stalwart selves. It’s news coverage that writes itself.
What I hate is how much of the storm coverage is “It’s dangerous out there!” stuff. Just tell me when the damn storm is going to wind down and how much more snow we’re going to get.
How else are we going to get our next Al Roker, if we don’t put them in harm’s way, truthily reporting the truth about the weather?
No, New York City does not get extreme weather. Only one January day has a record low of below zero (Jan 20 is -4). Only two July days have a record high of over 100 (July 3, 102; July 22, 100).
Indianapolis (for example) has a record low of below zero for every day in January, and a record high of over 100 for 8 days in July).
New York City is extremely temperate.
Oh. The source for my numbers is http://www.intellicast.com/
If it’s as temperate as you say, why are there so many intemperate people there?
And the temperature is supposed to plummet all the way down to 17 above, too!
New X-Files tonight at 8.
I’m still catching up on the old series. Chris Carter can eat a dick with his neverending arcs.
How awesome would it be for Bannon to make a cameo?
On a scale from 1 to 10?
It would make X-Files somewhat interesting and somewhat relevant.
Duchovny should’ve stuck to Californication – much better show.
Well…I guess that counts as a cameo.
Worf’s son is dead.
Huh I thought that was going to be Brian Bonsall…
He died from the dishonor that is the new Star Trek series.
Leftist propaganda. Roddenberry would be ashamed…oh wait.
Roddenberry at least knew how to make his leftist agitprop somewhat entertaining.
On a lighter note, I’ve had a pork loin sitting in sun dried tomato dressing for a couple hours. I’ll be roasting it pretty soon. Should be pretty good.
My brother sent me this. He’s always good for a good meme.
That’s great.
C is for commie, that’s good enough for me.
I’m a fan of the sesame Street memes.
good one
I’ll be here all night. Be sure to tip your waitresses.
I have a question: Has Trump actually cut regulations or is this another “lower rate of increase” type stuff? Hard to tell since the left thinks there is no difference in between Trump and OMWC on regulation, taxes and spending.
Maybe the quantity is there but what about quality? Lots of bureaucrats could cut 20 petty regulations while preserving one big one that screws virtually every business.
I picked up some Knob Creek rye today. I like it.
I’m nursing a reasonable sized glass of the 120 proof Knob Creek Select. I deserve it. It’s been a LONG day.
You know who doesn’t wear shoes in the house? Animals!
Huh, when WWII broke out Carole Lombard and Clark Gable wanted to send autographed copies of Johnny Got His Gun to every Senator and FDR. This is the same Lombard who would be killed in a plane crash on the way to a war bond rally and the same Gable who would participate in US bomber raids. Trumbo of course would give us Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo.
Re: new X files. Safe to watch? Or full of TDS derp?
I’ve got it set to record. I won’t have time to watch for a while. I hope it’s good. I watched x files in the 90s as a kid and scared myself to death a number of times. It’s one of the things I have nostalgia over.
3/4s in and no TDS. They showed his face briefly in the intro monologue. No overt agenda.
Going TDS would be an utterly idiotic move. One of the central premises of the original show was the utter corruption of the Deep State. To ignore that, or worse side with The Smoking Man would render the entire history of the show a farce.
I have little doubt that’s the way they’ll go.
A late night reminder: all Minnesota glibs are welcome to join me and Mr Hayeksplosives for his 60th birthday on Friday Jan 5 at Redstone Grill in Maple Grove, 6 PM. Drinks, drinks and dinner, whatever works. The Mr and I will stick around for dinner. If you could be so kind as to post your intent, it would help in making reservations. My default will be a table for 6, just in case.
(I am but a mere lass in my 40s, so the change to 60 sounds odder than when I was in my 30s and he turned 50. But we are still immature, so I guess it’s OK.)
I just turned 57 and stupidly still feel like I’m pretty young (drunks in dark bars or parties do guess that I’m in my 40s, so I take what I can get). But that looming 60 in less than 3 years is definitely a wall, there’s really no way to be in your 60s and kid yourself that you’re not a senior citizen. How is Mr. H handling the transition?
He says “You’re only as old as the woman you feel,” so I guess he’s OK. He certainly has more physical ailments than he used to, but he plays in a band with a buncha middle aged guys and they still get worshipped by drunk bitches for (his words) standing on a platform 4 inches higher than the dance floor, so it keeps him youngish.
He yells at clouds more often than he used to, is more cynical, goes to bed earlier, but attitude-wise, I think it’s just a number. He is still wearing a kilt as soon as Minnesota weather allows, and he still entertains himself (and me) with humorous stream of consciousness chattering to himself. Mr H is one of those oddballs who can improvise rhyming lyrics to songs he’s making up to fit a situation. As long as his brain is untamed, I think he’s OK.
Here we are being immature together at the Minnesota Renn fest (annual tradition). When I was 20 or so, I thought 60 sounded “old” but as you get older, you realize how individual that label really is.