OK, apparently I was supposed to do links yesterday morning but went walkabout instead. I humbly apologize.  I was off getting some supplies for the final day of bowl games after having not drank so much as a drop on NYE.  Anyway, my bad.

About those bowls.  I’m pretty stoked that the Big Ten went a perfect 7-1 this year. Congratulations to what was likely the best conference in football. Not that we sit around chanting our conference name or glom onto the victories of those who have won something.  But I digress.

Don’t lose your head, Oilers!

NFL playoffs set after a wild finish to Sunday’s games.  And in hockey, a quick standings update: Tampa Bay is demolishing the Wales Conference, with Washington, New Jersey, Boston and Toronto trying to keep pace. Meanwhile, if the season ended today the Penguins would miss the playoffs. In the Campbell Conference, Las Vegas has the highest point total with a couple games in hand. The expansion team leads Winnipeg, LA and Nashville while a logjam of trams keeps the 5 through 12 positions knotted pretty tightly.  Should be a hell of a run down the stretch this year and I am sure many of you are excited to see what happened once the playoffs kick off in April or May or whenever they finally get to it.

In soccer, the transfer window has opened again and who the hell knows what’s going to happen beyond Liverpool’s defensive gambit. All I know is that they’ve gone without a loss in 13 straight league games and are looking ready to play Saturday in the FA Cup Third Round.

Got all that? Good! That means I can now jump into…the links!

Big tax blue states look to thwart the tax break plan by rigging their own tax systems in ways that will punish their own people.  I guess the possibility of lowering their state income taxes and decreasing legacy benefits to government pensioners and scaling back wasteful and unnecessary public services never occurred to them.  Well, good luck with that, assholes. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy keeping more of my money.

Meryl Streep giving a standing ovation to child molester. Also, Nic Cage doing what he does best: not acting.

A bunch of Hollywood actresses put their money where their mouth is and create a $15M fund to fight sexual harassment. I’m not sure why Meryl Streep is doing this. Trolling? Performance art? Guilt over her persistent support of convicted pederast Roman Polanski, who drugged a child and then raped her? I guess we might never know…until someone actually puts a mic in front of her and asks her why she continues to support a convicted child rapist while paying lip service to harassment victims.

The Pope tells people to “forget life’s useless baggage” and to “work for peace” and to end their “banal consumerism.” No word where in the gilded cathedral he said this or whether they had out the gold mitre of throne designed for him. After the speech, he managed to hop a ride on his $10M car, roll around the square with his paid support staff of thousands looking on and then headed to his residence that sits atop the archives where his group sits on treasures amassed over the centuries that are worth an estimated $10-15 billion.

President Trump sends out his first tweet of 2018. And I daresay, its a doozy.

The NYT describes this man as “ignoring calls for calm”.

Bootlickers at the NYT get what they deserve for their idiotic tweet. I guess they’re willing to make the protesters look like the bad guys in order to support the moronic nuclear deal Obama did with Iran that has enabled the mullahs and continued to fund terrorism.  Stay classy, Gray Lady.

Could this lead to a breakthrough of sanity on the Korean Peninsula? One can only hope so.

I hope this is the first of a long line of good morning music this year.

That’s all I have for today.  Hope your 2018 is off to a good start.