OK, apparently I was supposed to do links yesterday morning but went walkabout instead. I humbly apologize. I was off getting some supplies for the final day of bowl games after having not drank so much as a drop on NYE. Anyway, my bad.
About those bowls. I’m pretty stoked that the Big Ten went a perfect 7-1 this year. Congratulations to what was likely the best conference in football. Not that we sit around chanting our conference name or glom onto the victories of those who have won something. But I digress.

Don’t lose your head, Oilers!
NFL playoffs set after a wild finish to Sunday’s games. And in hockey, a quick standings update: Tampa Bay is demolishing the Wales Conference, with Washington, New Jersey, Boston and Toronto trying to keep pace. Meanwhile, if the season ended today the Penguins would miss the playoffs. In the Campbell Conference, Las Vegas has the highest point total with a couple games in hand. The expansion team leads Winnipeg, LA and Nashville while a logjam of trams keeps the 5 through 12 positions knotted pretty tightly. Should be a hell of a run down the stretch this year and I am sure many of you are excited to see what happened once the playoffs kick off in April or May or whenever they finally get to it.
In soccer, the transfer window has opened again and who the hell knows what’s going to happen beyond Liverpool’s defensive gambit. All I know is that they’ve gone without a loss in 13 straight league games and are looking ready to play Saturday in the FA Cup Third Round.
Got all that? Good! That means I can now jump into…the links!
Big tax blue states look to thwart the tax break plan by rigging their own tax systems in ways that will punish their own people. I guess the possibility of lowering their state income taxes and decreasing legacy benefits to government pensioners and scaling back wasteful and unnecessary public services never occurred to them. Well, good luck with that, assholes. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy keeping more of my money.

Meryl Streep giving a standing ovation to child molester. Also, Nic Cage doing what he does best: not acting.
A bunch of Hollywood actresses put their money where their mouth is and create a $15M fund to fight sexual harassment. I’m not sure why Meryl Streep is doing this. Trolling? Performance art? Guilt over her persistent support of convicted pederast Roman Polanski, who drugged a child and then raped her? I guess we might never know…until someone actually puts a mic in front of her and asks her why she continues to support a convicted child rapist while paying lip service to harassment victims.
The Pope tells people to “forget life’s useless baggage” and to “work for peace” and to end their “banal consumerism.” No word where in the gilded cathedral he said this or whether they had out the gold mitre of throne designed for him. After the speech, he managed to hop a ride on his $10M car, roll around the square with his paid support staff of thousands looking on and then headed to his residence that sits atop the archives where his group sits on treasures amassed over the centuries that are worth an estimated $10-15 billion.
President Trump sends out his first tweet of 2018. And I daresay, its a doozy.

The NYT describes this man as “ignoring calls for calm”.
Bootlickers at the NYT get what they deserve for their idiotic tweet. I guess they’re willing to make the protesters look like the bad guys in order to support the moronic nuclear deal Obama did with Iran that has enabled the mullahs and continued to fund terrorism. Stay classy, Gray Lady.
Could this lead to a breakthrough of sanity on the Korean Peninsula? One can only hope so.
I hope this is the first of a long line of good morning music this year.
That’s all I have for today. Hope your 2018 is off to a good start.
I hope this is the first of a long line of good morning music this year.
The Who and a Michigan loss? Best day ever, huh Sloop?
A perfect 7-1!
And I do believe this tweet sums up how many of us in or from the midwest feel
Ahem… there was one perfect season this year.
Go Preseason Champs!
All that matter is that OU lost. Praise the football gods.
Please step onto the drop cloth.
Ugh, back at work.
I know… and the next few weeks are going to be miserable; January and February with not very much to do but hibernate.
I’m trying to argue with the timecard program.
It won’t let a user save the current timecard if there’s an unsubmitted earlier timecard, and it doesn’t want to let you leav ehte current timecard without saving.
Sounds like something government would put in place.
Sounds like a feature government would pay extra for.
Im back tomorrow fixing bad code written by others
Replacing it with your own bad code?
That’s IT brah.
Hey, at least I can read my bad code!
/*this is the instructions to fix my bad code written on Tuesday, on Thursday*/
// /job security
Oh dear, no. Those are C-style comments. Comments around here are UNIX-style comments.
## This isn’t supposed to work, it’s just to shut up the error messages.
Not exactly it as the code is cadence skill with a bunch of complications
He doesn’t have a choice, how else will someone need to fix it again?
I once – in the long ago days of segregated duties – worked with an asshole that would put in two major bugs into his code and keep a copy of the fix on his computer, then create the bug reports himself if someone testing didn’t find it later on so he could impress management with how fast he found and fixed defects. They always rewarded him for doing the extra effort because they wouldn’t listen to the fact he was doing this shit. His gravy train ended when I became the SA/tech lead and promptly told the team we would from now on do TDD (which was in its infancy then and a brand new concept) going forward and that I would penalize people that had bugs that were not caught by their tests. The dude ended up leaving the team and going to work for one of his old bosses that liked his style.
Nobody writes perfect code, but when your code needs constant “fixing” because of issues (not because the requirements changed), then you either are not doing it right or not getting enough time/information to do it right, and should fix that..
Jose Canseco’s weird rant: Girls solely accuse ugly males
An intertitle card from DW Griffith’s “Intolerance”: “When women cease to attract men, they often turn to reform as a second option.”
Maybe kim jong uns plan was always to seem.super crazy and then turn reasonable
That’s been the Kim M.O. for decades. And it worked when Bill Clinton started kowtowing to them and everyone since followed suit. Until his orangeness showed up on the scene and told them the free money gravy train to stop the idle threats was over.
What Sloopyinca said…
We had spineless cunts that thought the right thing to do was not to beat the tantrum throwing asshole kid’s ass, but to appease him with more candy and toys, and they wondered why every time he needed more stuff to keep his prison state semi-functional, that he would resort to tantrums. Orange man comes in and tells the kid go to timeout, and if you don’t you are going to get spanked, he throws a tantrum, then orange man gets the paddle ready, and boom: the kid realizes this adult isn’t going to let him manipulate him and backs down.
Besides, amongst the most important rules for preparation for war is the stockpiling of arms, ammunition, and food. North Korea might have a lot of arms and ammo – most of it obsolete shit that is never the less deadly because of the fact that a massive barrage of primitive weapons on Seoul will still kill millions (even if it won’t last for more than a few hours) – but food is a problem.
Despite the fact that Kim is a fat fuck, both soldiers that recently ran across the DMZ showed how horrible the state of nutrition and medical care, let alone military training and capability, is in a system the left tells us is the only one that can provide social justice. If I recall correctly, these defectors were elite NK soldiers, yet both showed clear signs of malnutrition and had massive parasitic colonization. That means they clearly have a problem with food during peacetime, and that should make it obvious that since no army unable to feed the troops can survive a war of any kind, if Kim does start a war, he is dead.
Finally I do want to stress that in at least one case the NK guards fired off more than 40 rounds against a parasite infected, weak ass dude, and didn’t kill him. With that kind of marksmanship amongst elite soldiers, I am going to say the elite NK troops that supposedly guard the DMZ, showed a seriously low proficiency I guess I might not have really been surprised by in your usual conscript shitty third world “spray-it and hope something hits” army.
Basically what we have here is Trump calling the douchebag’s bluff, getting him to back down and start acting all nice, and showing how inept the leadership class we have had for the last 2 plus decades that catered to this idiot were. Kim has realized Trump will not pay the Danegeld he needs if he keeps acting the way he was, so now he is going to play nice because he needs the productive to give him shit so he can prevent his progressive dream state from imploding.
This can’t be said enough. We’ve had multiple presidents who failed to learn a basic lesson any successful parent of a small child knows by heart: you get more of the behavior you reward.
You left out the other part of the equation.
South Korea has a REALLY first rate modern military.
You put the South Korean military against the Brits, French, or Germans on a neutral field right now and it would be at worst a draw.
The only things that make the Kim’s even remotely dangerous are their ability to kill a couple million civilians in the Northern suburbs of Seoul and a few million more by tossing a couple of nukes at random cities. In a straight up war South Korea would curb stomp their northern cousins as thoroughly as we did Iraq with no assistance at all from the US.
The Nork conventional artillery can’t kill millions of people. As I understand it, they don’t have that many tubes that can reach Seoul, Allah only knows how well maintained they are or how well the Norks can use them, and counterbattery fire is vastly improved. Plus, Seoul is covered up with bomb shelters. It would be bad, but probably not more than a few tens of thousands bad, not millions bad.
The nukes are something else, of course.
I didn’t even bring up the SK military superiority issue or the fact that that the Obama administration killing Qaddafi to steal the oil for the Europeans (and making the Clintons money) after the previous administration told him to get rid of them or face Saddam’s fate, all while kissing Iran’s, which wouldn’t give up their shit, ass set a bad precedent because it was obvious. Kim wants the nukes for the same reason Iran does: they absolutely can’t win a conventional conflict, and they can’t keep up (or even double down on) the criminal activity without the risk of reprisal without them.
“You put the South Korean military against the Brits, French, or Germans on a neutral field right now and it would be at worst a draw.”
My bet is that the worse case is a draw. The SK military has better equipment and people than the unionized German joke of a military, and they have more and better conventional capability than the Brits. That is why I pointed out that Kim’s forces would lob rounds for a few hours or about a day – killing and injuring a horrible number of people in Seoul where 40 million people are packed together in close quarters some 30 miles from the border – before the SK military so degraded their abilities that even this tactic would be nothing more than for show. In a conventional engagement, despite the numbers on paper for the Norks, they wouldn’t stand a chance. Barring Chinese intervention, SK forces alone would roll over them in record time that would make the timing of the first Iraqi war look like it took too long. Add in US support, and it gets even worse for the Norks. I remember reading that the only thing that would prevent the NK military from a quick collapse was the limitation on the supply chain and how fast the SK/US forces could resupply their units in contact.
SK has not acted, and would not ever act, on this clear advantage because they worry about possible Chinese reaction (China seeing how successful SK has been fears a unified Korea on its border) and about the reunification costs (they saw the German cost). And of the two, the reunification costs are the one they worry more about.
NK is basically now a terror state (like Iran), and one in such dire straights that it needed to shake down its neighbors for basic commodities. That is why they needed the nukes. The old political class that in their infinite wisdom thought the way to deal with the mad fat midget was to appease him didn’t count on a crazy guy like orangeman to show up and tell Kim to fuck off (and mean it) and in the process force him to reassess and actually back down, making them all look like idiots.
I am noticing that one of the reason the people with the most visceral hatred of Trump so despise him, is that he has basically wrecked the glass house espousing all the appeasement and interventionist logic they lived in by doing things they consider to be boorish. From standing up to a buffoon like Kim to actually getting rid of government over-regulation designed to allow them to pick winners and losers, and showing these things actually work, a guy like Trump is proving that despite all the polish of the political aristocracy, the world is still a shitty place where actions matter more than pretty words. And that’s why these people will do whatever they can to destroy him.
I never was a big fan of Trump, but I am now rooting for the guy simply because he is pissing in the corn flakes of all the people and entities I think are amongst the worst actors, and that I guess makes him OK in my book.
As to the elite troops not being able to hit the defector, do you really think they wanted to?
I’m sure it was more of a “I wish it was me out there”.
Considering that the Nork practice is that when stuff like this happens the other troops and their families would all pay for this guy making it across the border, I would posit they were desperate to kill the defectors. They might have wished it was them getting across, but they sure as hell were doing their best because of the simple fact his success would not come with a reprimand, but with death, and not just for them, but for their families.
This is a country where people that piss off the leadership get brutalized and often are executed in some unbelievably crazy ways (execution by anti-aircraft guns for example). Letting a defector make it, and then letting the leadership look bad, is sure to result in some horrific end for them. Shark with lasers kind of crazy shit.
To back up Alex about the border guards. After the second dude ran across the border and did not get shot the news reported that less than an hour later the guards were replaced and machine guns were heard just north of the border.
I have worked with the ROK military on and off since 1983 and I spent much of 2017 working with them. The ROK military is a top tier military. They still have some technology issues and still are too centralized in their command and control structure but they are working on both. I would rate them higher than almost any NATO nation in 2018. The only thing that might save the Brits is that they are more used to employing initiative by their junior leaders. The post Cold War Bundeswehr would lose. I say this with confidence based on my professional contacts with both the ROK’s and NATO countries over 30 years.
The nK has some arty that can hit the northern part of the GSMA (greater Seoul metropolitan area) and they will have about 10 minutes (at most) before counter-battery fire starts. The Norks rounds are shit with a dud rate of around 25% in recent border incidents. If they don’t “slime” (i.e chemical rounds) Seoul the death rates will be lower than may fear because of limited area they can hit, lots of bunker like spaces to move civilians rapidly into and cities can be a bitch to use arty against.
Since the fall of the DDR the ROK’s have been watching the German experience closely. It has been hard to choke down the DDR chicken even when the DDR was the best off Warsaw Pact nation, the separation was only 45 years, and both sides watched western TV and listened to the same radio stations. The German economy is still working on recovering from the costs and working to knit the two halves of the country. The ROK response has shifted from “unification now!” to “meh, unification someday” since the DDR was at least a parsec ahead of the norks. They would love to see the Kim threat removed and a solution that improves the lives of the north but doesn’t make the PRC the next immediate threat.
I think Trump is doing the best with the shitty hand the preceding administrations left him with. If I was DT I would be quietly sending KJU with all the fatty food, snack items, booze and DVD’s we can. Let the guy stroke out since he has nobody who can step in unless it is his sister. He has gout, maybe diabetes and weighs ~300lbs. Let’s use that to our advantage. Any successor we pick is tainted by our actions so the turnover from the Kim regime will need to be worked out by the ROK, the nK and the PRC with us in deep background.
What I loved was when lil’Kim came out and said Donald Trump was never going to start a war. Well, here’s some news, lil’Kim, neither are you, buddy.
Colorado shooter was lawyer, Iraq war vet
“Libertarian” – The catch-all phrase used by people both on the right and the left for being a “contrarian”, having no clue what the political philosophy actually means.
I’ve run into more than a few people who have no clue what it means, other than that it sounds cool and they can wash their hands of previously supporting Red or Blue while in certain company.
Another hero veteran.
I was wondering when we might hear about all the goodies on Anthony & Huma Weiner’s laptop. New Year’s weekend of course, when nobody will notice tHuma Abedin Forwarded State Dept Passwords to Yahoo Email Account Before it Was Hacked By Foreign Agentsents.
I’m waiting on the congressional committees to start talking about that before I note it. It sure as shit looks…criminal. But I’ve learned long ago that that doesn’t mean much when our betters are breaking laws.
I’m more anxious to see what Wasserman-Shithead has to say about the Awans and her husband’s legal “woes”.
“Thank you for your interest. However, we have determined these stories to be minor, local interest HR issues and they warrant no coverage by a national outlet such as ours.”
Boy, isn’t that optimistic, Swiss. You think they would actually reply?
It’s an auto-reply.
The Obama admin fucked Petraeus over with the national security law violations for far less than any of the Clinton team members have now clearly been shown to have been participants in, and yet, we keep getting told there is nothing here…
If only being stupid was criminal, we could arrest about 90% of our federal bureaucracy and then train them to get real jobs once they’re released.
…and then train them to get real jobs once they’re released.
As a federal employee, imma say that sounds mighty optimistic.
Agreed sir..
Like the old saying about those that can doing, and those that can’t teaching reflecting reality with great frequency, I think a similar parallel exists between those that can work doing it in the private sector while a lot of people that can’t go into government. And I don’t care how capable you are: when you are stuck in a system that doesn’t just exudes inefficiency, but expects it, it will impact your abilities. Dancing with the devil and all that.
It’s why I have not done any government work in forever..
Pretty sure I would be fired immediately and stripped of clearance for life for this. But I am not elite, so… I’m not sure how any of this works.
Every time we have our security training renewed, we all get more and more cynical when they tell us the penalties for breaking the rules, because we are all thinking about Herself and her helpers who got off scott-free.
Irrelevant Old Man Story:
Back in the 1980s, I was required to get a TS. At that time, the major paranoia was drugs (thanks, Ron and Nancy, may you burn in Hell). Before my security interview, my boss called me into his office. “They’re going to ask you about drugs. Now, I don’t know if you’ve ever done drugs or which ones or how often, and I don’t want to know. But your answer should be, ‘I tried pot 3 or 4 times in college. It didn’t do anything for me, so I haven’t done anything since.’ That’s the answer. Even if you haven’t actually tried pot, you still need to give that answer or they’ll be suspicious and start digging. That will hold things up.”
My interview came. The security guy asked, “Have you ever taken any illegal drugs?”
I answered, “I tried pot when i was in college. Maybe 3 or 4 times. It really didn’t do anything for me. So since then, no.”
Security guy scrawled a few notes and never returned to the subject. 8 weeks later, I was notified that I had my TS.
How long would it have taken had you told the truth?
They might have dug around and uncovered his affiliation with subversive political ideologies.
Likely forever, given that I was still smoking dope on the regular.
Sounds about right. That’s what I told my interviewers for a clearance back in the 90’s. I didn’t get any coaching though, that would have been nice and avoided some worrying.
I had a terrific boss.
Wow you participated in Skunkworks?
Not exactly. There’s stuff that doesn’t appear in that bio and may not appear anywhere, if you know what I mean and I think you do.
You’re not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.
::taps tip of my nose with my index finger::
It’s funny. Until a few years ago, I ran a technology research unit in my firm, that had a relatively large budget for its size. Its only brief was “research technology innovations that might benefit us”.
I named it the SkunkWorks, and had to explain what the original was to management, which rather defeated the point in giving it that name.
I once received a Cease & Desist order from Lockheed Martin for using SkunkWorks in a web-site name. That’s like six degrees of something from OMWC!
My understanding is the primary purpose of the security paperwork and review is to find information that could be used for blackmail. They might not look fondly upon continued use but past use wasn’t a show stopper. Same thing with financial difficulties. If you are honest about it, then they are more okay about it.
For the record I knew somebody who was a heavy drug user for a few years in his younger years, cleaned himself up and was able to get a security clearance when he needed it.
At that time, any use of weed in the past 5 years or any use ever of any other drugs was an immediate disqualifier. The blackmail thing was the excuse given, but the logic didn’t hold up- blackmail was only effective if there was a penalty for the information being released.
Even if that use was a result of being dosed during MKULTRA?
If you had done what Hillary and Huma had done, you would be. There is no doubt about it. I would also bet you would likely go to jail.
I had a friend who worked on-site travel support for the Clinton administration. When working he was told to look out for classified documents in motel lobby’s, bars, etc. and to take them and secure them. Punishment for the person who left the document in a public area wasn’t even thought of.
Personally, I believe the Clintons and their friends believe the only information that need protection is information that might damage their plans. All other information needs to be readily available whenever and however they want.
All other information needs to be readily available whenever and however they want.
Or strategically leaked when useful.
“If you had done what Hillary and Huma had done, you would be. There is no doubt about it. I would also bet you would likely go to jail.”
There is no need for “betting”. The law is very clear that you are going to jail for what they did, and if it had been applied you would be doing a very, very long stint in fed prison. They didn’t because they told the Obama DOJ they would take Obama down with them.
Just imagine what would happen to you if instead of doing something stupid like that, you decided to take the State Dept email server home and put it in your closet, totally unsecured. Federal prison would be your new home, 100% guarantee. I mean unless you were a Democrat and Secretary of State, and a Clinton.
I refuse to watch an all-SEC title game.
Exactly – I have saved myself a whole evening.
I’ve already declared UCF the national champs. That’s the consolation game I won’t be watching.
Scott Frost, great American, better coach. Go Huskers!
And so do most people. I’m happy that ESPN sucks so freaking hard (I was averaging 25 Mbps yesterday on speedtest, and couldn’t get either game to stream at all, not even the commercials), and that the game will have an incredibly low rating outside of Georgia and Alabama.
I’m actually a bit conflicted. On one hand Oklahoma choked at the end and I was happy to see them lose. On the other hand, we get to hear more about AWESOOME SEC football.
Would I be all over a 2:30pm (CST) Alabama/Georgia matchup on CBS on a Saturday in October? Yep. Big time. Same teams vying for the ‘National Championship’? Nope. Nuh uh. And not out of protest. The match up is simply too narrow conference-wise & geographically to hold my interest.
Maybe i’m generally in minority here (yay, I’m oppressed!), but i’m giving this one a big Meh.
re: Trump Tweet article
Good. Hold it up permanently, and while you’re at it, get the fuck out of Afghanistan and stop wasting our money.
Our alliance with Pakistan is a relic of the Cold War. They’re a shithole country with no respect for human rights, they leak nuclear secrets like Chernobyl leaks radiation, they provide safe harbor for extremists, and they lie to our faces. I say beef up our relationship with India and let Pakistan go.
provide safe harbor for extremists
Seems to me that’s every place ending in ~stan, but I get your point.
It’s a bummer they have Nuclear Weapons and that our government has overstayed it’s welcome in Afghanistan. These two things are going to keep ‘our betters’ dealing with the Pakis for a long while.
Pakistan doesn’t just harbor terrorists, they believe they are an integral component to their military strategy of holding back India and taking back Kashmir, and their ISI goes out of its way to support and train them. The stupidity of what our troops have faced in Afghanistan while Pakistan was considered an ally is just baffling and idiotic. Pakistan is after Iran the biggest terrorist producing state out there.
I think I read not too long ago, that around 70% of the population of Pakistan are inbred. One has to assume that this is not a good state for a country to be in.
Depends on your definition of ‘inbred’.
There’s certainly plenty of first-cousin intermarriage. IIRC, in the UK, lots of Pakistani boys go back to ‘visit the family’ and come back married to cousin Pashmina, to the point where genetic defects in children are something like 6x the national average.
Incest is best, so give your second cousin the test?
This story is about YA lit and I would love to hear from MLW about her take on it.
In short, there is now a cottage industry for YA authors to hire crazies to proof their manuscripts to make sure it isn’t “triggering”. There appear to be web sites where authors can connect with these crazies. Check out this potential crazy:
I’m definitely going to use womb twin survivor as my excuse next time I’m dragged down to HR.
“I triggered you? Good. I don’t believe in coddling people.”
This is performance art, isn’t it? Please God, tell me this is performance art.
The performance art piece would be to hire a few of these characters to read SF’s stories.
Have they considered that shitlords will start infiltrating these sites to gather intel for trolling? It’s not very nice of them to put these snowflakes at such a risk.
Catering to the delusional is not a good idea.
For those who might not be aware, “cluster B” personality disorders are the doozies — Borderline, Narcissistic, Antisocial.
Given all the things this person is claiming to be familiar with, I wouldn’t be surprised if xe has Borderline PD.
The other example in the story is too good not to share:
I believe that some of these people sit at home working on the victimhood list as hard as others work on their resumes.
How can you be aromantic AND relationship fluid?
…..fuck it, this is all word salad.
If I were of less toic mein this morning, I might have laughed at someone claiming to be both ‘asexual’ and ‘pansexual’. So they’ll fuck nothing and everything.
Wouldn’t that describe someone as a nihilisexual? I wonder if that’s a thing or if I just created a new category of SJW idiot.
Don’t fucking encourage them dude…
Perfect. “No matter who I fuck, it doesn’t matter.” (hairflip)
Forget that, how the fuck can you be both asexual and aromantic and have the concept of a relationship even mean anything?
What do you call someone you are in an asexual aromantic relationship with? A Friend!!!!, we call them friends asswhipe, we reserve the term relationship in this context for those relationships that go beyond friendships into the romantic and/or sexual realms. Without at least one of those two elements there is no need whatsoever for anything beyond the term friends.
Wait? Pansexual? WTF!!! Pansexual means you are sexually attracted to all possible genders, how the fuck can you claim to be both asexual and pansexual?
Don’t search for logic where only insanity can be found.
I’m emotionally pansexual – I’m intensely interested in fucking anyone – anything – because I’m batshit crazy.
In a practical sense, I’m asexual, because nobody’s interested in getting within 21 feet of me.
You forgot hysterical hypochondriac, sugartits.
Is Peak Derp mountain inhabited only by Sisyphus? This is incredible.
Ahhh…I see her primary issue:
One of my father’s favorite sayings is “not bad for a left handed hare lip. If you were right handed it would have been just so-so”
That list is also self contradictory and contains mutually exclusive assertions. Almost as if the writer doesn’t know shit about what words mean.
Running for Al Franken’s seat?
‘Cherokee’. Uh huh, sure. Provide your DNA profile where you certainly got this rock solid info from, and we’ll get back to you.
Hey, if Lizzie Warren can be Cherokee just by having a bunch of high cheekbones in her family, why does this poor weirdo have to have a DNA test?
You ever notice how it is always some well known and famous indian tribe?
Always Blackfoot, Cherokee, or Soiux but you never hear someone claim to be Pawnee or Mohawk or Snomish or any of a hundred other less well known tribes?
I knew someone who claimed to be Kanien’kehá:ka and said ‘Mohawk’ was Algonquin slander. But then again this was merely side conversation and not in the context of these oppression olympics.
Was there a Guido tribe?
*Ups hourly fee by triple digits, spends next 5 years creating checkboxes for client’s HR dept*
Thanks, freakazoids!
survived more rapes than I can count
“Dear diary: went out last night, and got raped. Again. That’s the third time this week. Wait, hold on, I’m getting a text from some guy named STEVE SMITH…brb.”
Nobody’s gonna touch this one?
I am also a not-quite widow.
Poor bastard keeps trying to take a bath with zer toaster, and xiz partner keeps unplugging it.
Anybody want to take a bet on how many of Becky’s patients have improved their life outlook?
Before or after finding a
differentreal doctor?Probably none. But that’s because Trump was elected and they live in constant fear of their safety.
-too many groups to note a specific one
“Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda”
Well, Simon, you may not be a man or be wise, but you’re definitely Homo Sapien, durrrr!!!
Helping Trump get re-elected in three easy steps.
But what if it were a one-legged genderqueer Latinx pedophile?
I’m to the point where I’d send something to be rated for trigger-edness and then use their screams as a cover blurb.
Greys? WTF? Space aliens now? Well, we all new it would come to this. They’re not crazy, at all.
My fondest twitter memory was when a female white disabled keyboard warrior figured out two of her pet causes (neither of which had anything to do with her situation) were mutually exclusive. The existential meltdown was glorious.
What were those pet causes?
I don’t remember. I *think* it was when she got hammered by a WoC because her white, upper middle classness was infringing on black feminism. Her white, upper middle classness was in no way helpful because she was acting like the Great White Savior without having a clue as to the real problems. She was a racist, classist elite shouting in a poor black feminist’s space FOR black women like she knew anything at all.
I mentioned disabled because she was also shouting about how ableist everyone in our niche community was, which then also got her in hot water with other disableds because they didn’t have the same lived experience and who was she to speak for all?
There was some intersectionality there, but I can’t remember how.
She self-flagellated about that for hours, which of course, was itself virtue signalling. So now she had a choice to speak up for black women and get hammered for being racist and classist, or stay silent, which meant she was going to feel guilty for not standing up for an oppressed class (which, of course, would make her utterly disappear in the noise and she was an attention whore).
I believe she also had an incident when speaking up for gay men’s oppression while simultaneously enjoying a m/m romance subgenre which featured a lot of nonconsensual sex, and she was vitriolically opposed to m/f “rapey romance.” I mean, it’s an easy parallel to draw (okay for men to be raped, but women … “Rape culture! Teach boys not to rape!”) and she never thought about it, which bespoke a certain short-sightedness and/or stupidity on her part.
That may have intersected with my previous comment somehow. Because intersectionality.
My soon-to-be side gig: “Freelance Sensitivity Reader”
*Let’s see here… “10 Reasons Why Midget Lesbian Porn Is Making Us All Gay”*
*Yep. Looks good. Next!*
Womb Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of a pacifier.
Form of Seroquel.
The weird vagina trends 2017 brought us
“Designer Vaginas” would make a riot grrrl band name.
“sparkling candy-flavoured passion dust,”
“That is correct. The judges also would have accepted angel dust. Johnny, tell him what he’s won.”
What about bath salts? Makes you want to eat it.
Gary Glitter approves.
I don’t think Gary Glitter was into vaginas. Well not adult ones anyway.
Rock N Roll, Rock N Roll, HEY!
And yoga pants aren’t helping anyone.
I’m calling bullshit on this one.
So does my wife.
Fake News.
In defense of the writer, worn by the wrong gal, they *can* leave you wishing you hadn’t looked.
Yeah, there are a number of women who seem to believe that yoga pants are a substitute for squats, ab work, and reasonable eating habits. They’re not.
The man who invented it says it helps clean the “self-cleaning shower drain” also known as the vagina.
Yeah, I’m gonna go out in a limb here and say this guy is either a hilarious troll or a pathetic virgin.
Putting sugar or sugary substances in your vajajay doesn’t sound like a very good or hygenic idea. It’ll attract wasps, for a start.
Does she want ants? Because that is how you get ants!
You add sugars to the yeast and start the brewing process.
I fail to understand the issue.
What does “LMD” stand for?
live model decoy
It isn’t entirely clear why 2017 was the year of weird vaginal trends.
*slow clap*
from his upcoming coffee table book, Emotes of The Roman Era
ASCII Art of the Ancient World
Stay classy, Gray Lady.
Speaking of which, did you see their remarkable article pointing out that Lebanon is the only country in the Middle East that tolerates homosexuality?
Of course, once they got shamed for it, they edited the article to change “Middle East” to “Arab world.”
Their shameless pandering to the anti-Israeli contingent of the left is disgusting.
Nassim taleb would scream right now thay lebanon is not part of the arab world
Are there any totalitarian regimes, cultures or philosophies that the NYT hasn’t supported? I mean, they published a love letter to Porkchop for fuck’s sake.
Pinochet and Chile comes to mind.
I forgot about him. Well, he was targeting communists so…makes sense.
It must suck to have to pretend shitty people are good simply so you can pretend your evil dogma is not just so, but the better one.
Well, that is where lebanese come from, duh… oh, sorry, I was thinking lesbians. Well, it sort of sounds the same!
The important thing to remember is that both of them love hummus.
Hummus is culinary genocide. At least that’s what James Zogby tells me.
chickpea paste is dietary spackle for missing nutrients, not something you should voluntarily eat.
So, not even hummus is bland enough for you?
Hummus is boring bordering on disgusting.
A Quick And Simple Drywall Recipe That Kids With Pica Will Love
There are compelling reasons to overturn Quill. Most important, according to market analysis, state and local governments will lose about $34 billion in revenue in 2018 because of the physical presence requirement, a number that will rise to nearly $52 billion by 2022. In 1992, in e-commerce’s infancy, the loss was $700 million to $3 billion.
But Quill arguments are less compelling now than in 1992. For example, the administrative and record-keeping burden didn’t disappear under the physical-presence rule — it was merely shifted to consumers, who are left to comply with tax obligations on their own. And improvements in technology mean that collecting sales tax for different states isn’t nearly the burden for retailers that it would have been in 1992.
The Quill decision has now not only hurt states but also distorted behavior of big retailers: It discourages them from establishing a brick-and-mortar location (and creating jobs) in a new state and being liable for collecting its sales tax. Online retailers also enjoy state services — like roads that allow their products to be delivered efficiently to customers — without contributing to their upkeep.
That’s right, kids, Amazon is stealing your roads; and your mailmen. But never fear, the recordkeeping will be a snap for them. Just one more push toward massively consolidated megacorps ruling the marketplace. And then the same people will scratch their chins and wonder why there are so few new/small businesses in the country. Maybe they’ll come up with some tweaks to the law. That always works.
Good news, everyone!
It seems my NYT gift subscription (Me? Pay for THAT?) has lapsed, so you will no longer be subjected to the high volume of tedious butthurt screeching and incoherent TDS which has been your lot in the past. Oh, woe.
At least I can promise you this: I’m not
manwoke enough to wade into the murky depths of Feministing. So you got that going for you.Who hated you so much as to give you a subscription to the New York Times?
Yes roads are the number one expense on the budget so more taxes are needed for roads
In “The People’s Republic of Connecticut” where they promised to do away with all sorts of untoward and onerous taxes, fees, and tolls if we but gave them a short term state tax to balance the budget some 20 plus years ago, we have a curious situation. Lots of people let that asshole Weiker fool them into accepting this deal, many of them because the road tolls of that time seriously pissed off locals whom were being screwed by these tolls. That state tax we would only need for a few years now is permanent, but the state, which collects a massive amount in road related taxes from things ranging from the gasoline tax to other usage fees, now is discussing bringing back tolls because of shortages.
See after passing a slew of new taxes to get money for roadz, the perpetually democratic controlled political class in this state rigged the system so most, if not all, of the money collected by these road improvement levies would end in the state’s general fund, where they were promptly moved to vote buying social justice programs (the massive welfare state). Couple that with the fact that in this shithole more than 75% of the cost of every mile of road really goes to paper shuffling cunts (mostly environmental nonsense) and thus cost several millions per mile, and we obviously have a problem. So our roadz are falling apart due to lack of money that they are spending buying votes, and we are now told the tolls most people traded for a state tax, need to come back..
Of course, those of us that asked what would be next when these funds also are diverted to the state’s general fund, leaving us still unable to produce money to fix the roadz, have been labeled as evil haters. All because we object to a system that basically created a vote-for-a-living class that constantly demands more free shit, from the horrible politicians they keep reelecting.
This is like the county tax for the Twins stadium. In addition to paying off the debt for the stadium the money from the %.15 is used to fund youth sports and extended library hours.
Why didn’t they just use the extra revenue to pay off the stadium faster? Because in 20 years when the stadium is paid off (and assuming we don’t have to pay for a new one before then) all that revenue can be used for other stuff. Because the locals will be used to paying that money and why drop the tax?
So all these online purchases are delivered by solar powered trucks? Or do they maybe come in trucks that use gas. Gas that has a big chunk of tax built right into the price that is supposed to be used to build and maintain roads.
Why are states entitled to dip their beak into any transaction? I can see local sales taxes on brick and mortar stores because if their store starts on fire, a local fire department that those taxes funded will show up. If an Amazon distribution center starts on fire in Texas, is Minnesoda going to send help?
When I’ve argued about this with “normies” it always amazes me that they think that paying the govt a piece of the action is as natural as gravity. When you ask them why, they can’t come up with a reason other than “because”. Then they go for the roads.
Didn’t insurance companies used to run fire departments?
Why did we ever give that model up?
“Nobody needs a choice of 17 fire departments”
New York has a line on the tax return forcing you to pay for sales tax if you don’t itemize.
You don’t need to go all out and itemize, you can declare $0 in untaxed purchases. Since Amazon started being a collection arm of tax and finance, I’ve declared $0 on the returns.
I’ve been away for a few days, so this may have been posted before.
France sets up tax dept to investigate Jews
You know who else ….?
…audited jewish taxes?
The Israel Tax Authority?
Bob, from Accountemps?
Bob, from Enzyte?
+1 Augustus
Aw hail, I forgot Augustus.
Wouldn’t it be easier if they just put something in their shop and home windows to note their Jewry? And on their clothes when out of the house, of course.
A gold frog in a yarmulke?
France has actually banned the wearing of religious symbols in many public contexts. The laws were aimed principally at Muslims, the whack at Jews is just a happy side effect.
The French equivalent of a social security number tattooed to their foreheads?
/not terribly different than most Tax Farms
Should both stand out and be a symbol of the religion. Yellow’s a good color for that.
Yeah. Yellow like gold. And we all know how much those Jews love their gold.
-Macron lackey
That’s Mercedes’ brother, isn’t it?
You know, the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
There are still Jews in France? I thought they all left years ago.
Both of them are really pissed they’ve been singled out for special attention.
-1 Mort aux Juifs
the Big Ten went a perfect 7-1 this year.
*scratches head, shrugs*
The Big 10 has 14 members in it. That should have been your first clue that math wasn’t their strong suit.
When you are enrolled in the NFL Minor League, you don’t need no stinkin’ math!
You get one guess who the single losing team was.
*hint – consider who wrote the links*
the Leinster Lightning?
The Bad News Bears?
No, wait, I know this one – It was the Reikland Reivers, wasn’t it?
The one team that played in a New Year’s bowl?
People who know me get what I mean.
Amazon Can’t Target People Unable To Spell ‘Birkenstock’: Judge
/me rebrands all those cheap knockoffs he has in storage as “Birkenstocks“
Amazon doesn’t sell counterfeits. In fact, they take pride in the fact.
Counterfeits =/= similar but differently-branded products
Yeah, nock-offs was the better term.
You’d think a judge would note the difference and tell Birkenstock that as long as Amazon wasn’t violating a trademark or patented design, then they were free to market on their site as they saw fit and that the sandal makers can kindly go fuck themselves.
Why would you believe the German legal profession is populated with minds any better than the American?
Given the rulings to emerge from European courts, I do believe they’re actually overflow for the asylums.
Also, I don’t see how bidding on a competitors name should be illegal, all companies do this on adwords. If they want to get after someone they would have to get after Google.
And yoga pants aren’t helping anyone.
I beg to differ.
Yet another example of the fight against the laws of economics providing predictable results –
Ontario’s new minimum wage law just took effect, and the business community is doing what the business community always does.
Surprise, surprise.
Blockquote fail. New Years still working it’s way out of my system.
Researchers can now make neighborhood voting predictions from Google Street View images
inb4 somebody claims this is racist
”In a sign that computers will be able to perform image analysis as fluently as text analysis,” so it will be able to pick out the important pixels, but not be able to formulate a deep context behind it?
I could probably go on street view and predict with some accuracy the voting trends of an area:
If more than 50% of the cars in an area are trucks with gun bumper stickers, that area votes 75% GOP. If the bumper sticker percentage is of the Virgin of Guadalupe, it flips to 75% Dem.
if more than 50% of the vehicles on the street are sporting aftermarket rims, area votes 80% Dem. If more than 50% of the cars in an area are minivans, 70% GOP. If more than half are Subaru’s, 80% vote for the most butch looking chick running regardless of party affiliation.
This shit is easy. I don’t need some stupid AI algorithm.
And if there are sedans with no bumper stickers?
/the actual state of my neighborhood
What’s the percentage with aftermarket rims? How about window tint that is poorly applied and bubbling?
Many factors at play here, UCS. Many factors.
They all appear to be stock models, but not too many brand new, mostly ~5 model years behind.
Then voting in your area is in the 55% range leaning one way or the other most likely.
My neighborhood seems to be a mix of all of these.
The Prius to non-Prius ratio works pretty reliably, I find.
Glowing report in the local rag about the Sioux trying to reconnect with traditional tobacco.
You see, Native Americans used tobacco, but they never inhaled it. It wasn’t until commercial tobacco and the white eyes showed up that the indians started smoking commercial tobacco.
As you read the story, keep track of how many govt bureaucrats and agencies are mentioned. Nothing left to cut.
*It also irritates me that the knob who is behind this talks up how important it is to be a true Sioux, but not so much that he is willing to give up those eyeglasses.
So just buy a pack of American Spirit all natural tobacco like all the cool kids.
“It also irritates me that the knob who is behind this talks up how important it is to be a true Sioux”
I’m still figuring this out, does this make him a Nazi?
In NJ, we’ll soon be fighting over offshore wind power like a bunch of Massholes. The scam is to use “environmentalist” wind and solar subsidies to destroy the environment. And somebody noticed that nuke power is carbon-free and reliable.
And somebody noticed that nuke power is carbon-free and reliable.
They should start a publicity campaign. Something like “Nuke New Jersey”.
The reason that environmental/energy debates always deteriorate into screaming gibberish is that the watermelons dont give half a shit about the environment. Their interest is in communism and then culling the herd. Get rid of coal and use natural gas, it’s cleaner ( 20 years ago). Natural gas is evil, use wind and solar (now). Wind and solar are evil, but we cant use nuclear, it works too well (future).
It’s all about destroying the ability to create wealth, live well, and disempowering the individual. These people are slavers of the first order, plain and simple.
I was shocked the first time I drove past a cornfield converted to solar power. Somehow, a field of crops plowed under, treated with massive doses of herbicide, then covered in solar panels to produce a minuscule amount of electricity on sunny days is an improvement over pasture or crops? These people are insane.
That corn was only going to be turned into E85 anyway.
Corn or solar, it’s subsidy farming either way.
Here in NJ, it’s mostly “cow-corn” fed to the dairy cows in the winter.
Check the massive and seemingly endless fields of corn across the midwest. Almost all of it is feed corn.
Oh good, they’re going to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer money to destroy the multi-billion dollar seaside tourism industry.
Look, that seaside property didn’t belong to you or anyone, but belongs to the people! The people need overpriced and unreliable energy more than some tourists, so shadup!
I have always told the watermelons that I will start taking their urgent claims of doom seriously when they all advocate 100% carbon free nuclear energy. As long as they say that technology is disqualified – actually they disqualify all technology that isn’t part of the usual government picks the winners and losers scams that has enriched so many connected lefitst at tax payer expense – and revert to more wealth redistribution shit, I tell them they are a bunch of lying fanatical cunts peddling communism but afraid to openly admit it.
Just wait until 50 years from now finally arrives and fusion. A potentially limitless, clean supply of energy. There’s going to also be a huge boom in the underwear business. “Oh noes, people using too much energy and it’s practically free! We’ll destroy the planet!! Waaahhhhh!!!”.
By then, it’ll just be ten years away.
TW: Zero Hedge
You Can Now Buy A Private Prison On Craigslist For Only 88 Bitcoin
It’s now possible to facilitate a transaction for real property using money? 2 spoopy.
It’s a bit too public – and exposed – to build my James Bond Nemesis Base there, although I have my all-female security detail selected.
Cloning Salma Hayek goes against your licensing arrangement.
That’s a German license, and it’s Salma Hayak. Totes different.
Liz Hurley is gonna be my Rosa Klebb.
Wow, you could really expand your orphan army with that facility.
A pool full of man-eating orphans with lasers attached to their heads?
When someone complains about how privatized prisons are inherently immoral, it’s always worth mentioning that countless government bureaucrats and unionized prison employees are already profiting immensely from the prison system. They’re not against profiting from prisons per se, but they want all of the profits to be diverted to the AFSCME and SEIU – which in turn give a huge chunk of that money to the Democrap Party.
In short, there is now a cottage industry for YA authors to hire crazies to proof their manuscripts to make sure it isn’t “triggering”.
Authorship by committee. It may be a different committee with a different agenda, but this crap has been going on for decades. Come to our writers’ workshop; we’ll beat the individualism and idiosyncratic style right out of you. Writers’ workshops just ensure everything is malodorous homogenized pablum.
That list is also self contradictory and contains mutually exclusive assertions. Almost as if the writer doesn’t know shit about what words mean.
Clearly, this person is headed to the top of the NYT best sellers list.
What the Super Bowl in Minnesoda won’t make all of us rich?
After about a year of non-stop cheerleading by the local rag, they finally run a story about some possible downsides to the game.
You know if this were linked to drugs, alcohol, or some other activity that the progs didn’t like, they would have already calculated how much money it “cost” society. Instead, we will only get stories about how much money the SB brought to the area.
You know if this were linked to drugs, alcohol, or some other activity that the progs didn’t like, they would have already calculated how much money it “cost” society.
How about casinos? You’ve never seen people shit a brick the way that lefties do when a casino wants to set up shop. The religious reaction pales by comparison.
Not Indian casinos.
Depends heavily on whether one of the major gaming conglomerates takes a stake in exchange for management. Back in the late ’90s I remember Harrah’s Entertainment catching a lot of shit for exploiting the red man.
Actually it depends on how much money the connected political class think they can milk out of this sort of deal. At least that is the way these casinos deals have been peddled in “The People’s Republic of Connecticut”.
Trump Impeachment Odds in 2018 Predict President May Not Finish First Term
It’s all over for him now!
Which is fine, and all, until you realize what oddsmakers actually do.
In this case, tap leftie rage to make big $.
Impeached or removed from office?
Do they even realize the two arent the same thing?
They’re bookies. They understand exactly how to word something I order to maximize their return.
I wonder how closely these odds of impeachment mirror the odds they’re laying that Team Blue will capture the House in 2018.
He wasn’t supposed to finish 2017 according to the big babies.
nearly twice as likely Trump will be impeached as it is that he will serve four years in office
Hmmm… Fail.
It is also likely that Trump could be impeached and also complete his 2nd term in office.
When I’ve argued about this with “normies” it always amazes me that they think that paying the govt a piece of the action is as natural as gravity. When you ask them why, they can’t come up with a reason other than “because”. Then they go for the roads.
Render unto Caesar, or else, motherfucker.
Yesterday’s results clearly show that UCF should be voted #1 in the AP poll regardless of the result of the game next week.
Actually, that is probably only true if Bama wins. uga, I hate to say, played a reasonable OOC schedule.
But I am sticking with it using the transitive property of first game vs Auburn.
Lab-made meat startup SuperMeat raises $3M seed to develop ‘clean’ chicken
At least it’s not bugs.
Hey, if I can get a New York Strip from a test tube….huzzah!
Hell yeah. Controlled marbelling, pre-aged prime steak. What’s not to like?
The fact that it will probably come out looking like a cheap hot dog?
I dont have any particular objection to lab meat as long as it is affordable and high quality. There is a downside I never hear anyone talk about: the extinction or near extinction of the animals we currently husband for our meat, eggs, milk etc.
“Natural” food will always be there for the poor people and the despised people of society.
It’s really hard to manufacture a famine when the proles are being fed by a factory that isn’t subject to drought, blight and kulaks.
Actually I think that would make it easier. No need to seize farms. Simply shutter the factory. Upon a small amount of reflection my opinion just flipped 180 degrees.
I think it will be the other way around. The proles will eat lab meat once it is priced significantly lower than farm raised. The Whole Food’s crowd will eventually eat “real” food.
Eh, if the lab grown meat ever reaches a scale where the actual animals outlive their utility then who cares. 99% of everything that’s ever lived on this rock is extinct.
Ever drink raw milk? Ever been in a barn? Around cattle? They have a certain slightly sour smell that permeates everything about them. It is in their manure, their meat, the milk, their sweat. It is a certain ‘cowness’ that nothing else has. A slight whiff of that and my mouth starts watering.
Now that I think of it…
*goes to kitchen and takes out steak for tonight*
Now, where was I? Oh yeah, I think I will skip the artificial meat for the real thing. I’m doing my part to keep them from going extinct.
I’ve spent a little time on farms. All in all it’s not really my bag. Although I do have a very deep appreciation for the people who get my steak from the cow to the butcher. But basically if it doesn’t cause cancer and I can get it for less than the $1.99/lb I’m paying now, I don’t care whether the chicken is from a lab or Mars or an industrial farm or a cage-free organic facility. Nature won’t miss anything.
Suthenboy, I believe the rich will end up the prime consumers of animal grown (or naturally grown) animal proteins in the end. At first, this “cruelty free” meat will be a liberal rich person fad, then the costs will decrease and it will become the meat for everyone, with the wealthy buying real cow meat as “exotic”.
I prefer lab made mutton flaps to the real ones.
Building a Better Sex-Bot.
My bet is that the final product of this technology will have a reasonably close meat-like taste and be good enough to feed the masses. For a high quality, prime steak you’ll still need to eat the real thing.
The ‘factory-farmed’ food people buy at a grocery store (including myself) is a pale imitation of the real thing grown on a small farm. The difference between the meat chickens and eggs raised on our property and the ones at the store are night and day. They even look completely different.
Factory farmed food is convenient and cheap, but of comparatively poor quality. I think going from factory-farmed to factory-created will further increase the convenience while reducing price, but taste will be sacrificed in the process as it is now.
Shorter version:
There’s convenience, low price, and high quality. You can pick any combination of two of these, but are going to have a real hard time getting all three.
Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy continues to provide many accurate predictions.
Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam trilogy continues to provide many accurate predictions.
^Not the squirrels fault.
Free range squirrels are blameless, but can you rule out the Lab Squirrels?
It’s all the White Squirrels fault!
Will Jews be allowed to eat lab-made pork or shellfish?
Screw that, they’ll finally be able to eat cheeseburgers.
Only if they pay proper tax on it…
This seems appropriate:
3 million bucks isn’t exactly a venture capital bonanza.
They should have named the company Soylent.
Great, now I have to listen to USCjr fans talk about how great the SEC is for a year. I did not think the Tigers would win last night (Saban with a month to prepare…) but I definitely did not think the OL would shit the bed like they did. Now I am stuck at work all day.
I’m sorry RBS. Just remind them that they only recruited the athletes they had because they cheated…..
I hear you. One thing that irritated me about living in SC, was SEC fanbois.
You’d think a judge would note the difference and tell Birkenstock that as long as Amazon wasn’t violating a trademark or patented design, then they were free to market on their site as they saw fit and that the sandal makers can kindly go fuck themselves.
You mean it’s not possible to comprehensively patent the concept of protecting the foot from hard/sharp abrasive surfaces? That’s not fair!
Despite our failings America really is the freest nation on earth and not just by a little bit.
Never Trumpism is all about style, no substance.
The story is about Never Trumpers admitting that Trump has done a lot of things they like, but they still wish H-Rod had won.
Being PowerLine, the things they like are all shit I hate. Lot of interventions, more military, Sessions for AG. It did make me think that Trump may be threading the needle to an extent that I haven’t seen since Clinton. A lot of us on here have liked a lot of things he has done, and if the neocons are finding things they like too – and if the economy stays strong – Trump will crush everyone in 2020.
That sounds pretty accurate to me. Just when I start gnashing my teeth over the things he has done that I dont like I ask myself when is the last time someone did this many things that I do like? Never, thats when. Gotta take the bad with the good I suppose.
Donald Trump, Libertarian Superhero!
I dont know that I would go that far, but did you ever hold out any hope that someone would take a machete to federal regulations and the entrenched bureaucracy? To me it seemed something out of my wildest dreams that had about as much chance of happening as my winning the powerball.
Remember Bill Clinton telling people how he wished he was president when the 9-11 attacks happened, because he would really have showed some statesmanship handling that?
No I dont remember that. I do remember him letting Osama bin Laden go and then later blowing up an empty tent in Afghanistan.
Statesmanship like launching a brace of Tomahawks into Sudan?
And some of those female muslim apologists were pretty hot. Bill must have had a sad.
I remember Bill Clinton wishing 9-11 had happened on his watch because that would have given him a chance show he was truly great a President. A lot of our Presidents who are considered great are war time Presidents.
A lot of our Presidents who are considered great are war time Presidents.
Humanities departments being what they are, it’s either warfare presidents or welfare presidents. FDR being the supreme form of both.
The white van speaker scam explained, and how it moved to Craigslist and Facebook
OMWC hit hardest.
I know CNN fell for it.
I haven’t been offered a van deal on overstock speakers since the 90’s.
What if it is a black van? It has to be white? People cant see these scams coming?
The guys selling steaks are the ones that crack me up. They stop by the office ‘after finishing their route’ with only a few steaks left!!
No, I don’t want to buy your crappy steaks at any price.
“Sure, shady stranger, I’d love to buy raw meat of unknown provenance that’s been sitting in your scuzzy work van for who knows how long on a sunny June day!”
“Thank you for doing business with Liz Teria Meats.”
I ENABLed my van’s wheels. The ride feels better and the kids don’t seem to try as hard to escape. Maybe the dots are hypnotic.
Micro-Cheating: What Is It And Does It Count?
Screw these Puritans
Thou shall not micro covet your neighbor’s wife. I’d hate to see the rest of their ten commandments.
Thou shalt only think of thine spouse when thou spillest thy seed into thine own sock whilst alone.
I am not narcissistic enough to think that I can be all things always to my wife. She wants to chit chat with other people and it makes her happy then more power to her. I want her to be happy more than I need to feel that I am superman.
Micro-cheating deserves micro-concern.
and micro-alimony?
so… is being FB friends with my extremely attractive co-worker count? I also have her phone number (which I’ve never called – just used to text while at a software conference).
No, your only real transgression is being on FB.
And talking to us.
You should definitely drop FB for Twitter (NSFW)
What’s “Clitter”?
if you enter their name under a code in your phone
I was OK up until that point…
/furiously deletes Riven
I enter everyone’s name under a code, I don’t want to type out the full however many characters, so I shorten it to the point it’s almost unrecognizable.
I have private jokes with just about everyone I know, regardless of their gender. So does this mean I am micro-cheating with everyone? And I also have a lot of coffees/ lunches with people, in which we socialize, and possibly say it is “networking,” though I get the vibe I am being flirted with sometimes. Again, guilty? or what. I give up.
If you’re “getting the vibe”, you’re a victim. Womyn must trust their instincts.
Lawyer up, girl. Smash the patriarchy!
Here’s some extreme derp courtesy of a CNN correspondent, just stupid, stupid, stupid:
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think we should have troops in Afghanistan for the Secretary of the Navy to visit but I certainly ain’t gonna begrudge the guy a sidearm if he goes there. The media have lost their damn minds.
Boom. In his own face.
I know some Marines who would take issue with that statement
I’ve known former marines.
They take issue with the idiot former marines caliming you never stop being one.
Hey don’t look at me, I was in the Chair Force
What a dolt
29 Dec 2017
Here’s my issue: it doesn’t project confidence if you have the SECNAV worried about his own personal security. Sure. It’s a war zone, but he travels from FOB to FOB – relatively secure. If he is going to carry, he might think about carrying concealed & projecting more confidence.”
Jesus Christ. 2018 can’t end fast enough.
“Big tax blue states look to thwart the tax break plan by rigging their own tax systems in ways that will punish their own people. I guess the possibility of lowering their state income taxes and decreasing legacy benefits to government pensioners and scaling back wasteful and unnecessary public services never occurred to them. Well, good luck with that, assholes. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy keeping more of my money.”
Huh, I seem to remember someone actually speculating on that a few days back, right here on this very website. Looks like I was right, once again. Although it wasn’t difficult at all to conceiving of the rat fuck bastards doing something that disgusting.
“Governors and legislative leaders in New York, California and other states are considering legal challenges to elements of the law that they say unfairly single out parts of the country. They are looking at ways of raising revenue that aren’t penalized by the new law. And they are considering changing their state tax codes to allow residents to take advantage of other federal tax breaks — in effect, restoring deductions that the tax law scaled back.”
If it were only that. What they will actually do is raise state and local taxes to a level that will prevent individuals from seeing any gain from the tax breaks, punishing lower earners and the middle class, and hindering them from seeing any tax break, in a childish attempt to get back at Trump and block a positive net affect of the tax breaks. On the businesses side, they will threaten to levy enormous new taxes on businesses, but then let them slide on some sort of deal to keep them from fleeing the state. How anyone cannot see what these scum actually do is beyond me.
Rhetoric aside, this is Team Blue doing their best to give tax breaks to the wealthy without being called out on it. In the NYT piece, they blithely talked about someone with $30k in state taxes without mentioning what income was needed to get to that amount.
Well, lets see. At $86k/yr gross, I had ~$5k taken out for state taxes. I rarely manage to claw back more than $100 of that. I’m guessing to get $30k in state taxes, we’re looking at >$300k
Yes, and likely closer to $400-500k because the highest marginal rates don’t kick in until near $100k. But that’s Team Blue’s constituency.
Did a quick calc for CA. Assume worst case, single, no exemptions, no contributions to IRA or 401k. It would take $350k to hit that tax amount. For married, no deductions, $400k.
In KY, you would need somewhere north of 500k..
The top 6% bracket starts at 75k. But the 5.8% bracket starts at 8k, so it is pretty much a flat tax. I would guess somewhere around 550k would get to 30k in taxes, without deductions.
Remember how team blue was screaming about this bill killing people – especially childruns – and was an abomination intended to harm the poor? You would think people with two firing neurons would ask why then are all their efforts directed at helping connected proggie rich people keep more of their money as they keep telling us we should be glad to pay up more of ours…
Personally I love the idea of fucking over rich proggie assholes that tell us all we should pay more in taxes and support the tax and spend party. Can’t stand these people that think fucking over others with rules that don’t apply to them, is cool.
Further investigation of my furnace has shown a promicing shortcut.
Inside the funrace closet, there is a metal duct that runs all the way up to the ceiling to connect to the improperly placed cold air return. So the cold air intake on the furnace stack is at floow level, but someone deliberately routed it to ceiling level.
I could change it to take in air at floor level relatively easily. The main question being whether I sould just cut into the side of that vent and take the air in from the bedroom, or punch through the living room wall so that the intake stays in the same room as the thermostat.
I don’t know why they went out of their way to avoid going through that wall.
Funrace closet? Is this anything like Warty’s dungeon?
Nope, it’s just a sad typo.
I survived the night in the crappy motel. Slept well in fact.
The bed bugs thank you for your cooperation.
“Bootlickers at the NYT get what they deserve for their idiotic tweet. I guess they’re willing to make the protesters look like the bad guys in order to support the moronic nuclear deal Obama did with Iran that has enabled the mullahs and continued to fund terrorism. Stay classy, Gray Lady.”
No one saw this coming.
Trump should’ve re tweeted that with his own headline, “But I’m sure there were some good people there…”
I don’t think we should have troops in Afghanistan for the Secretary of the Navy to visit but I certainly ain’t gonna begrudge the guy a sidearm if he goes there. The media have lost their damn minds.
I linked that the other day. It’s incredible how stupid those people are. I especially liked the twatterz concerned about whether he was properly trained and had the Right permission slip.
Then there was the down in the weeds shit over his choice of holster.
People are bizarre.
No fan of retention holsters, but on the other hand, if you’re out in the sandbox and you have a spill in your humvee, you might be glad of having a retention rig,
The real issue is his ’92. A man of his importance should have a 1911.
Importantance? The guy’s a secretary. You can get another one from the temp agency.
/deliberately missing the point
Catching up on reading over the course of the holidays, I came across something that’s probably even rarer than a Sasquatch sighting: I think I caught a glimpse of an actual honest liberal in the wild.
Meet Masha Gessen.
She’s a lesbian activist from Russia, who was forced to flee Russia for fear that Putin and his cronies would take her children away–ostensibly because she’s lesbian but really because she’s a critic. She’s also been extremely critical of Trump. For instance she once wrote, “Trump is the first candidate in memory who ran not for president but for autocrat—and won.”
So, obviously, when she looks at the evidence that Trump is an instrument of Putin, at the evidence that Trump and Putin’s relationship is criminal, etc., etc. there’s no question that she’ll see smoking guns everywhere. I mean, that’s what liberal journalists do–create the smoking guns in the public’s imagination in support of the truth that Trump is evil and no one should support him. That is the whole purpose of liberal journalism these days, amirite?
Not exactly.
Later she writes:
—-Masha Gessen
“Russia: The Conspiracy Trap”
New York Review of Books
Meanwhile, the piece never fails to mention that Trump is awful. It’s almost as if it’s not okay, in her mind, to frame someone for something they didn’t do–just because she thinks he’s awful.
This lady reminds me of Christopher Hitchens in one important way–her intellectual honesty.
Hitchens was an unabashed Marxist of the Trotskyist variety, and one of his heroes, Orwell, was a committed socialist, too. I don’t think I agreed with Hitchens on anything–except for his intellectual honesty. Likewise, I can read “Animal Farm” and “1984” and see very little to disagree with from a libertarian perspective–and yet, he is a socialist. How is that possible?
One of the reasons that the leftist intelligentsia doesn’t want to play fair on intellectual honesty is because they can’t win that way. Libertarians have nothing to fear from honest liberals–and that’s why there are so few of them. I’ll keep an eye on this Masha Gessen. If I don’t agree with her on anything except for intellectual honesty, like with Hitchens and Orwell, that puts us on more common ground than I have with the mainstream news. If only there were more honest liberals around, . . . the facts don’t necessarily need to be treated like play-dough.
I’ve long defined progressivism as using the coercive power of government to force individuals to make sacrifices for what they see as the common good, but here’s another definition that probably also works: Progressivism = liberalism sans intellectual honesty.
Libertarians have nothing to fear from intellectual honesty, but there may be no greater threat to progressivism than honest liberals. Come out, come out, wherever you are!
You can probably add Greenwald to that list.
“The dream fueling the Russia frenzy is that it will eventually create a dark enough cloud of suspicion around Trump that Congress will find the will and the grounds to impeach him. If that happens, it will have resulted largely from a media campaign orchestrated by members of the intelligence community—setting a dangerous political precedent that will have corrupted the public sphere and promoted paranoia. And that is the best-case outcome.”
THIS is precisely the part she gets.
That’s refreshing. But I question Trump’s autocratic bent, especially coming on the heels of Mr. Legislation by Pen & Phone. Trump seems naive more than anything else. He expected to have reams of bills written and passed by his party’s Congressional plurality awaiting his signature when he walked into the office. Instead, he’s found out that legislation requires a great deal of political wrangling, which he’s not inclined to do. So he rescinds a raft of EOs, which is well within his purview, and passes a bunch of his own, and lights up Senators on Twitter. That’s hardly autocratic. That’s a man hemmed in by political realities and his own limitations as a political neophyte.
Political neophyte with moves.
Yeah, I disagree with her on Trump.
I disagreed with Hitchens on the Iraq War, some of his atheist positions, and all sorts of other issues.
The kind of intellectual honesty doesn’t require her to come to the same conclusions I do. It requires her to deal with the facts in an honest way.
There isn’t anything I believe to be true or false because Obama, Hillary, Trump, or Rand Paul supports it or is against it, but in the mainstream news, the facts seem to depend on whether they make their favorite hero look good or favorite villain look bad. I first became aware of Hitchens as a liberal who excoriated the Clintons for their unethical and illegal behavior. Intellectual honesty stands out like a sore thumb. Being a liberal to Hitchens wasn’t about supporting anything or believing everything that made the Clintons look good. This Gessen seems to be like that–she isn’t about to believe anything and everything that makes Trump look bad just because she despises him.
Some people choose a position first and then torture the facts into saying whatever is necessary to support it.
In business, they call that “fraud”.
In the media, they call that “journalism”.
If Andrew McCarthy is correct and the leftist media is bidding on a desperate about-face to save the collusion narrative, we could see a lot of flagrantly dishonest columnists nonetheless finding God on the Russia angle and starting to bitch about being decieved by political apparachiks in the FBI and Justice Department–if for no other reason than to save their own keisters as they’re outed for being camp followers to the Clintons and DNC. Because I just can’t see how they expect to get much traction out of Papadopoulos while the dossier fallout is coming down around their ears.
The error in your logic is to expect they have some logical reason for this new tract. There is nothing of the sort. this is all plain and simple poo flinging and hoping some of the shit somehow sticks and makes enough people turn away in disgust. You have a bunch of desperate hypocrites working to undermine and destroy a legitimately elected president because it is not their gal.
The left here doesn’t care about either the law, facts, or justice. This is all about making sure Trump can’t do his job, and limiting any and all successes (which by default will show that what the left does is bad economically and otherwise) and more importantly, to send out a message to everyone that if they are not in charge they will burn down the country rather than let someone else run it.
Its a tantrum.
Not all journalists are lockstep journo-listers pushing the pre-written narrative. I think most rank-and-file reporters are progressive sympaticos by dint of their educations at the hands of Marxists. Once they start seeking cracks form in their cherished self-image, like the chief White House propagandist bragging about what a bunch of useful idiots you and your graduating class were, or “unidentified sources” routinely shoving their arms up your ass and moving your mouth with their fingers, or young investigators being shut out of the industry for reporting inconvenient truths, I think a good many will start to balk at their shabby treatment. I hope so, anyway. Millennials may be broadly Marxist in their inclinations, but “Maoist idolator” doesn’t really mesh with the entitled snowflake mentality.
I suspect what they will do instead is stop looking because they no longer have interest in the story. After Obama fucked them over for anything he perceived as negative to him, you would have thought they would have had some sort of epiphany too, but they kept sucking his dick..
Good for Gessen.
“Hitchens was an unabashed Marxist of the Trotskyist variety”
Hitchens did an interview at TOS where he acknowledged that he no longer supported Marxism.
I read something that suggested that the turning point for Hitchens was the Falklands. While he wasn’t exactly a tubthumper he couldn’t stomach a left that saw an invasion by a fascist dictator as morally equivalent to the response by a democratic government. Before that he’d been more of a standard soixante-huitard.
Going to America also would have made him more of a realist – the existence of the BBC facilitates intellectual neoteny in British leftists because it enables them to pretend they are aloof from capitalism and icky profit.
Argentina had no valid claim to the Falklands anyway. They were always uninhabited before the Brits settled there, they are more than the width of the country out to sea from the nearest shore, and held zero interest to the Argintinians before a great political distraction was needed.
Yeah, he mentioned that. I don’t think he voted for Thatcher but he recognized both her case for the Falklands & the economic bankruptcy of the British left. In contrast, he despised Reagan and wrote a vitriolic critique for the funeral.
The Falklands isn’t just tub-thumping jingoism on the part of the Argentinians (or the Brits). Its all part of the last and greatest land-grab on Earth. It’s why the Chileans have sent pregnant citizens to their research station at INACH/Julio Escudero. It’s why the Argentinians also tried to annexe South Georgia, etc.
Back in the late 80’s, the state of UN ‘Legislation’ was that some of the Antarctic territory would be put in trust to the UN to benefit disadvantaged nations , the remainder would be reapportioned where appropriate to those nations with proximal outposts, hence, Britain’s control of Las Malvinas across to South Georgia gave claim to a significant arc of Antarctic shoreline, and hence, forming quite a large slice of pie in to the South Pole.
It’s possible that the situation is now different – I haven’t been involved in the topic since the early 90’s – but I’m reasonably confident that the objectives won’t have changed that much.
Prank California highway signs ‘welcome’ felons, illegal immigrants and MS-13
Drivers entering California are being greeted with signs proclaiming the liberal bastion an “OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE,” according to photos and videos circulating on social media appearing to show a prankster attached the official-looking blue signs just below legitimate “Welcome to California” markers.
The Sanctuary State sign, which adds “Felons, Illegals and MS13 [gang members] welcome,” is similar to one hung up by a Malibu activist last year. Attempts to reach California’s Department of Transportation were not immediately successful.
“Democrats Need The Votes!” reads a message on the signs, which are plastered with the Great Seal of California and a donkey, one of the symbols of the Democratic Party.
The Golden State is home to an estimated 2.3 million illegal immigrants.
The signs in photos and videos being circulated on social media are similar to one placed in Malibu in April 2017, after it declared itself a sanctuary city.
“Official Sanctuary City ‘Cheap Nannies and Gardeners Make Malibu Great!’ (Boyle Heights Not So Much.)” read the sign on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway, according to FOX5.
That sign was reported by a California State Parks employee to authorities but was already taken down by the time deputies arrived to investigate.
“This was not an official city sign,” Malibu Councilwoman Laura Rosenthal had told the Los Angeles Times. “It’s down, and it’s very disheartening that anyone would put up such an ugly sign.”
“Whoever did this spent some time on it,” she added.
Wow, if the California Bureau of Investigation figures out who did this, I fully expect the book to be thrown at them. We’ll find out that its a conservative white male, who has never been in trouble in his life, and now is under investigation for 100+ felonies.
Not exactly confident that the Wichita officers who murdered a man for opening his front door will even get a paid vacation out of it, let alone any punishment. Or arrest.
tl;dr: He followed the officers commands and was shot. But that’s not the officers’ fault.
I’ll put the same amount of effort into understanding officer itchy-trigger-finger as he did into understanding Fitch’s state of mind.
Ten bucks says the killer had his finger on the trigger and fired accidentally. Straight up manslaughter.
Use the right word. Negligently.
And I believe you meant to say that the gun discharged and the suspect was shot.
The bullets proceeded to be within the interior of the suspect.
The more you know, the more your nuts hurt.
The frantic spinning by the cops and the cop suckers lets you know that this was especially bad. The people in the house should be grateful that the pack of cops outside didn’t start panic firing at the house and kill them all after that first shot.
In fact, the fact that they all didn’t start panic firing is a clear indication that the poor victim hadn’t done anything alarming.
When I’m confronted with someone suddenly screaming, “Walk this way!” I usually tell them to turn that shit down. I hate Aerosmith.
#BLM will be along shortly to discuss why you are whitewashing Run DMC out of history.
Damn. But I didn’t want to take a shot at Run DMC because I actually liked them.
It’s Tricky
He should have listened to what the cops were thinking, not what they were saying. Good shoot.
an officer thought Fitch had reached for his “waistband” and then raised his hand again, potentially carrying a gun
Since even the cops admit that he raised an empty hand, I don’t see any basis for saying he was potentially carrying a gun.
Yup, this cop is gonna walk, even though a completely indefensible shooting is captured fully on tape. Here’s hoping the family assrapes the city for 7 figures in damages. Sure, its the taxpayers blah blah, but if that’s the only justice on offer, its better than nothing.
“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others”
Does this mean CNN will have to cover the story?
“President taints ongoing investigation with vitriolic opinions.”
Why is that pig attacking the honorable people in the law enforcement and intelligence communities? #ImpeachNow
‘Crooked Hilary’ still makes me giggle. I can imagine that hideous face turning beet red as she hate-reads the Tweets.
If we think the screeching and wailing and gnashing of teeth thus far is something imagine if indictments start getting handed down for the individuals involved in the criminal organizations that were the Obama administration, Clinton office and campaign and the Democrat party. That’s what they plainly were, banana republic style criminal organizations masquerading as government.
Next on Things MSNBC Won’t Cover…
I thought that lying to the FBI was a serious crime?
AFAIK Comey et al. made sure anyone with damning knowledge of Clinton’s crimes was immunized against ever having to say anything to real law enforcement.
That shit might have flown when you were a candidate, but who the fuck appointed the AG? That was you, bucko.
Over 11,000 homes have stood empty for at least 10 years, data shows
Vince Cable, leader of the Liberal Democrats, told the Guardian: “At a time when the homelessness crisis is worsening and more and more people are sleeping out in the cold on our streets, it is a national scandal that thousands of homes across the country are sitting empty.” – yes off course who cares they are private property
The Lib Dem research also showed that just one in 13 councils are making use of empty dwelling management orders (EDMO) – the powers that can be used by local authorities to take over properties that have been empty for at least six months. – six fucking months? I had friend who left Bucharest for a year for work and did not want to rent their home in that time. Should those homes be taken over by government?
The Liberal Democrats are calling for reform of EDMOs and tougher powers for local councils to be able to bring long-term empty homes back into use. – maybe they are already in the use their owner wants
I still see a few houses, high-dollar places, even, that have been sitting abandoned around Tucson since the Big Dump.
Limit children to two sugary snacks a day, parents told
Public Health England urging parents to take tougher line on sweets, cakes and fizzy drinks between meals to stem obesity crisis
choice comment
Why doesn’t the government address this huge problem at source by taking the attack directly to the food industry? Instead of putting the onus on parents to resist the tide of advertising and other inducements put out by the massively irresponsible food industry, they should stop pussy-footing around and start forcing it to improve its act. Not by pathetic tinkering at the edges – traffic lights etc. – which the industry nevertheless opposes every step of the way, but by bringing in ever more stringent laws, regulations and taxation to prevent these monsters from pushing their drugs (sugar and fat) and undermining the health of the population. The global food companies are the main culprits behind this whole and growing disaster and should be made to pay to reverse it.
Forget it Pie, it’s The Grauniad.
How about just growing having some personal responsibility and not eating junk and educating others on why they shouldn’t eat junk either? Too much to ask?
prevent these monsters from pushing their drugs (sugar and fat)
Welp, that takes care of 2 of the 3 macronutrient groups. Pray tell, where will we obtain 100% protein devoid of fat and carbohydrate for our dear childrenz?
Soylent Green is malnourished British Children!
They should be limited to zero sugary drinks per day, by the parents. If the parents don’t want a morbidly obese 10 year old with diabetes on their hand. That being said, this is not any governments fucking business. I would say that it’s ok for the government to churn out health propaganda, but then that’s abuse of tax payer money since they’ve never been right on health advice or any other advice, ever.
This is the same organisation that over Christmas proposed to lower the recommended daily calorie intake to 1,800 for men and women alike.
Christopher Snowdon has more on this here to the limited extent anyone cares.
Good site. Bookmarked.
In Jeremy Corbyn’s opinion, absolutely.
And apparently also in Vince Cable’s opinion.
Teresa May? Too early to tell. She needs to have a cabinet meeting to decide.
Speaking of the Wichita Police, they shot a 9 year old girl last weekend
Modern policing in a single paragraph.
a mid-sized mixed-breed dog charged
Coulda been a beagle puppy looking to dish out some smooches. KILL KILL KILL!
It was coming right for them!, they feared for their lives! Probably a playful border collie mix or something. Idiots.
No. A bullet fragment from a gun injured a 9-year old girl.
A gun discharged. The floor caused the bullet to fragment. A 9 year old girl stepped into the path of one of the fragments. The officer holding the gun is being treated for PTSD.
The best treatment for PTSD is a paid vacation.
Lesson learned.
Teach your 9 year old how to dump a mag and eject the live that may be in the pipe.
Job done. Everyone gets to go home safe. Including the dog.
Don’t call the cops unless you want someone dead. All they have is force.
You would think that people would have learned by now. But nope, the general public seem to be in an irredeemable state of dumbness.
Is that a picture of the dog that “charged” the police officer? If it is, that is beyond pathetic.
It’s a MIXED BREED, straffin!! The most terrifying breed known to man!
Probably had a menacing name like “Killer” or “Bowzer”.
I’m honestly surprised they didn’t refer to it as a pit bull. That’s the usual term for any dog that isn’t a stuffed Collie.
SOP for the cops in our town is to shoot anything that looks like a dog.
I got this, reluctantly and defensively, from a cop who I know socially. I asked him if that was actually written down, and he admitted it was ‘informal direction’ and that any complaints would never get any traction.
Furries hardest hit….
Well, my 2018 prediction that cops would continue to make innocent people and puppies get dead, was only hindered thus far by cops being lousy shots. Well, soon enough.
I assume since Officer Fife missed the dog, the dog gave him the tongue bath he deserved. Also…
“When those officers arrived, police say they received information that there was a handgun in a bedroom on a bed underneath a pillow. The retrieval of this gun led to the girl’s minor injury, according to the account from police.”
No, shitty policing led to the girl’s injury.
Why should we subsidise writers who have lost the plot?
Tim Lott
Tim Lott
Following the announcement from Arts Council England that sales of literary fiction are plummeting, it is suggested that arts subsidies be deployed to help writers survive. I have another idea. They should write better books.
crazy talk
There’s a name for a professional who accepts money from the government to produce low quality art work. It’s “propagandist”.
If you won’t buy my shitty book government should force you to pay my expenses anyway!
I once had a very frustrating conversation with a leftist friend of mine who asserted we needed the government to support the arts otherwise we would go back to the days of patronage. She was completely unable to see that they are virtually the same – except patronage involves voluntary use of resources.
Vermont weighs bootlegging crackdown
I’m not the biggest fan of Control states, but holy fuck, when a small State government monopoly is eating your state’s lunch on taxes, you done charged too much, son. Say it with me: fuck off, slavers!
I believe this is exactly the sort of state behavior that inspired the founders to vest the feds with power over interstate commerce. How is NY getting away with this shit?
The 21st amendment:
The amendment repealing Prohibition gave states the authority to regulate alcohol. While stupid, what Vermont is doing is Constitutional.
Except, if it’s going from New Hampshire to New York, Vermont doesn’t actually get a say as it was if it was to be delivered to the state or used in it contrary to the laws thereof.
New York might have grounds to crack down, but for the people just passing through, Vermont is out of line.
The amendment says “transportation or importation into…for delivery or use therein”. If it’s not being delivered or used in Vermont, they can fuck off.
Isn’t that what I just said?
The amendment says “transportation or importation into…for delivery or use therein”. If it’s not being delivered or used in Vermont, they can fuck off.
You are correct, sir. Vermont has authority over alcohol being shipped into Vermont as its destination, but no authority over alcohol being trans-shipped from one state to another.
Ignoring the specific constitution stuff on alcohol, because the Feds have the ICC exactly backwards.
When asked by one of his subordinates why they were arresting the bootleggers, a local sheriff was heard saying “Do what I tell you! You pile of monkey nuts!”
NYT: Ignore that shit about Carter Page we wrote about in April, it was really Papadopoulos
A good story about the NYT trying to spin a new origin tale for the Trump collusion investigation.
Which proves that they are not really interested in reporting a true story as much as they are in undermining as sitting president because the plebes had the temerity to reject the useless criminal cunt they expected would succeed black Jeebus.
My favorite geographic feature, decolletage canyon.
6, 21, 25, 29, 32, 45.
Did ya sleep in??
12 is practically perfect.
Yeah, Q is really late.
I was wondering why my hand was twitching uncontrollably for the last hour or so.
Slept off the last vestiges of the New Year’s champagne binge.
12 26 33 …
Enabling my micro cheating. Since I already looked, why even scroll past 2?
11, 32, and 40 for me
And cameltoe alert on #27
25 for me as well, thanks.
“KIDS will be banned from eating chocolate bars under tough new Government guidelines.
Parents are being told to limit treats to a maximum of two 100-calorie snacks a day, ruling out Mars bars which have 230.”
You guys liked Obama? This is what we got with people like Michelle Obama calling the shots.
Mars bara are monstrous
I survived the night in the crappy motel. Slept well in fact.
All hotel rooms look the same when your eyes are closed.
No, some are bright enough that they turn red when my eyes close.
Cosby agrees.
Happy Public Domain Day… get ready for some more copyright extension lobbying. Otherwise we may have some works enter the public domain next year.
What a poorly designed site.
Give KK a heads-up – it’s built in Drupal.
It would have been perfectly normal 20 years ago.
My opinion was negatively impacted by the fact that the images covered up the text until I enabled scripts. Then they did this annoying autorotation. I only later saw that they tacked on two separate navigation panes.
I would like the courts to rule that the congress can constitutionally make the law as long as they wish as long as it is finite, but no titles can be extended ex post facto. You get the copyright that exists in law at publication and no more.
KIDS will be banned from eating chocolate bars under tough new Government guidelines.
Okay. I cannot wait to see how they enforce that.
Noisy neighbor? Drop a dime.
Easy. Ban chocolate.
I have seen several retarded Limeys calling for food rationing to the general populace. I can see it now. spend hours every week waiting in line for your box containing powdered milk, cheese food product, sawdust bread, veggie burgers, saltine crackers and one pint of apple juice.
Thank god a large number of people here seem to be fed up with the proggie useful idiots. They are running rampant over there.
I wonder if Orwell would revise the Two Minutes Hate if he were still alive to enjoy the 24-hour news cycle.
Speaking of the Wichita Police, they shot a 9 year old girl last weekend
Who, among us, has never experienced the urge to shoot a nine year old girl?
For a moment I thought you said “shoot on a 9 year old girl,” which seemed right up my alley.
Gives that “Family Friendly” website designation a whole new spin, doesn’t it?
Yup, this cop is gonna walk, even though a completely indefensible shooting is captured fully on tape. Here’s hoping the family assrapes the city for 7 figures in damages. Sure, its the taxpayers blah blah, but if that’s the only justice on offer, its better than nothing.
I have reached the point where I would not flinch or disapprove if the family of the murdered man passed a chunk of the settlement over to a contract killer willing to blow that cop’s brains out in his own home in front of his wife and children.
No reason to make his family suffer for being related to a psychopath. Something tells me being married to/fathered by a man so eager to take another man’s life makes for a difficult enough life already.
“Hillary Clinton backer paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct before Election Day, report says
One of Hillary Clinton’s wealthy pals paid $500,000 in an unsuccessful effort to fund women willing to accuse President Trump of sexual misconduct before the 2016 election, The New York Times reported Sunday.
Susie Tompkins Buell, the founder of Esprit Clothing and a major Clinton campaign donor for many years, gave the money to celebrity lawyer Lisa Bloom who was working with a number of Trump accusers at the time, according to the paper’s bombshell report.
Bloom solicited donors by saying she was working with women who might “find the courage to speak out” against Trump if the donors would provide funds for security, relocation and possibly a “safe house,” the paper reported.
Former Clinton nemesis turned Clinton operative David Brock also donated $200,000 to the effort through a nonprofit group he founded, the paper reported in an article entitled, “Partisans, Wielding Money, Begin Seeking to Exploit Harassment Claims.””
I love the delicate phrasing there: “paid $500G to fund women accusing Trump of sexual misconduct”. I think “paid women to accuse Trump of sexual assault” is at least as accurate, and gives a better sense of what was going on.
There is a reason they have to wordsmith this shit: they know that every sane person would immediately find accusations from someone that had been paid a lot of money suspect…
For a half million dollars I fathom there are a lot of people willing to accuse anyone of ass raping their chia pet, or saying whatever is needed to cause reputation damage.
“Find the courage to speak out” in a media environment willing to throw such an accuser a ticker-tape parade and put her in front of every camera not owned by Fox to repeat her story for weeks, if not months? How much more encouragement do you need than a Trump-deranged electorate that fawns over every D-list celebritard that Tweets gormless critiques of the guy? The sort of people willing to immediately reverse course and celebrate James Comey as the second coming of Jesus after he’d been fired, when earlier they wrote him off as a Trump stooge, they’d deify this woman into the secular pantheon to take her seat between Ruther Bader Ginsburg and Margaret Sanger.
Who didn’t know this already? Same for the Moore accusers.
Imagine the squealing that would happen if conservatives did this to pinkos.
Finding the Loch Ness Monster: Left-Wing Authoritarianism in the United States
Although past research suggests authoritarianism may be a uniquely right-wing phenomenon, – yes that top quality research by far left social scientists
the present two studies tested the hypothesis that authoritarianism exists in both right-wing and left-wing contexts in essentially equal degrees. Across two studies, university (n = 475) and Mechanical Turk (n = 298) participants completed either the RWA (right-wing authoritarianism) scale or a newly developed (and parallel) LWA (left-wing authoritarianism) scale. – while there is plenty of authoritarianism on both right and left I somehow doubt these sales are accurate
My first question would be “What defines authoritarianism?”
Letting people freely associate/disassociate? Totes authoritarian.
Regulating people in the name of public health? Not authoritarian at all.
Actually, defining “authoritarianism” to mean “wants to control what you do”, and “totalitarianism” to mean “wants to control what you think”, I would say that right wing regimes are more authoritarian, and left-wing regimes are more totalitarian.
Of course, totalitarian is worse than authoritarian, so they’ve got that going for them.
newly developed (and parallel) LWA (left-wing authoritarianism) scale
The fact that no researcher had thought to test LWA before is, possibly, the least surprising thing I have run into in a while.
“…past research suggests authoritarianism may be a uniquely right-wing phenomenon…”
Branding history’s greatest monsters who were almost exclusively left wing as right wingers isnt what I would call research.
Hey Mao and Stalin were totes right-wingers. Just like the National Socialist German Workers Party.
past research suggests authoritarianism may be a uniquely right-wing phenomenon
I find your conclusions… suspect.
Re: tax law re-boot. two things:
1. It sucks that this change is happening so late in the year, because I just got email from the accountant saying “try to do these things before 12/31,” which I read too late to address. Since it didn’t mention the quarterly prepayment, it doesn’t apply to me anyway, but still.
2. The tax changes will impact spousal support and child support, and tax exemptions. So my job, and the advice I give out to people, will change. But this also means that the rest of my (usually left-leaning profession) has to chime in with its peanut gallery comments about the changes. One of the lawyer forums I sometimes contribute to has been overtaken with political jibber-jabber, name calling, etc, based on whether this is wise tax policy, or not. Instead, the people should be focusing on how the changes will impact our clients substantively — but NOooooo it’s got to be soap-box time for a lot of forum participants.
/end rant
If you were a serious advisor, you’d be ignoring your professional responsibilities and be joining the dogpile, wouldn’t you?
I have to return in a few days to the same kind of fuckwittedness at my firm, while people should be getting on and concentrating on fees and tax returns, but instead will be strolling around the cubes in salmon-colored pants and loafers with no socks, whining about Trump.
I find the idea of wearing shoes without socks disturbing. Not only the initial thought that putting it on will snag a toenail (a most unfun occurance), but that the inner lining of everything above the sole is terribly uneven, with ill-distributed pressure points that the padding from a good pair of socks evens out.
Travelling on Metro North in summer when they decide that even their loafers are too oppressive is what really takes the biscuit.
And regarding the snagged nails? These guys think nothing of taking an hour’s break for a pedicure.
You have my permission to purge them with fire.
So you work with my high school classmates? Is there a fondness for LLBean duckboots as well? Do they put actual pennies in their loafers and pop their polo collars?
LL Bean? How proletarian. Don’t those snowbillies in fly-over country wear that stuff?
No, these are Testonis, you philistine. Mommy and Papa bought them for me when we were in Saks’.
Even though my office is infested with party-line Dems, at least they are professional enough to keep their yaps shut on politics when we are talking business.
“…strolling around the cubes in salmon-colored pants and loafers with no socks…”
I dont know these people but I hate them already.
You’re a true brother from another mother, man.
Oh, and when they wear a suit? Brown – actually mid-tan shoes. Usually loafers, the occasional Oxfords, but with no concern about whether black would be more appropriate.
I was going to describe my typical way of dressing and was looking around for examples of the kinds of jackets I wear and found this:
Add western style boots and that could be a photo of me any time I am not doodling around the house in my pajamas. Sans the jacket that is how I am dressed right now. Salmon pants and loafers with no socks would be to me like holy water to a vampire. Really, who likes that?
People who own yachts.
Or people who want you to think they own a yacht, to be more precise.
Just wasted half an hour looking over reports for a user who was reporting all of their time stamps as Central time… when they were in New Mexico.
I said I was sorry!
NRO columnist Kyle Smith: We were wrong about “stop & frisk.” Hey, that rhymes.
I read that this morning, warning don’t read the comments.
They’re blocked at work, thankfully. I’ve waded into them a time or two… kinda puts sham to the notion that Facebook profiles would raise the level of discourse. People seem proud to parrot ignorant twaddle in front of God and country.
crime in NYC fell by 2/3 between 1993 and 2003. The rate of that decline was already flattening/getting far less-steep in the early 2000s.
what they call “stop and frisk” *DIDNT EVEN EXIST AS A POLICY UNTIL 2002*. They didn’t even bother tracking ‘stops’ because it wasn’t a formal procedure with any sort of official method or management. and data shows that while ‘stop and frisks’ were being increased by *literally multiples of itself every year*, that the rate of crime-decreases *continued to slow along the very same trajectory*, to the point where crime was basically “flat” from 2009 to 2015, yet stop-n-frisk was still growing by double-digits.
You have to be fucking braindead to suggest that SnF was ever either significant in the reduction of crime in NY, or even that it had any discernable effect whatsoever. If you increase a thing by 500% in 4 years.. and it has ZERO measurable effect on the rates of change? It should be a little red flag.
I have to give him credit for intellectual honesty.
de Blah Blah Blahsio
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) began his second term Monday by decrying a “new dawn of divisiveness” in the United States and suggesting that “a new progressive era” had begun in the country’s largest city.
“A society where only the 1 percent can get ahead is truly a house divided against itself,” de Blasio said. “It is a reality that cannot be sustained.”
Four years later, the Clintons have receded from their generational role in Democratic politics. De Blasio, who in 2016 endorsed Hillary Clinton over Sanders in the Democratic presidential primary, said in November that any modern president whose personal behavior echoed Bill Clinton’s “would have to resign.” In his inaugural remarks Monday, de Blasio praised the Vermont senator and his wife, Jane, for driving the party, and national politics, to the left.
“You have proven that the voices of the people are what matter most, and the political process in this country will never be the same,” de Blasio said. “It will be more democratic.”
With a second term secured, de Blasio has stepped up his own national political advocacy. During a trip last month to meet with Democrats in Iowa, de Blasio told The Washington Post that he would campaign wherever the party needed him if it could help win Congress and
By all means, Bill, get out there in flyover country and tell the hicks inferior they are. That’ll get out he vote. And be sure to regale us with tales of how you ran the one-per-centers out of NYC and made it an egalitarian paradise.
Don’t forget to tell them that their taxes need to be higher, but you are working to make sure people in NY who make far more than they do get all the tax breaks they can.
Fuckin’ commies. It’s always the same blather out of them. It’s like one guy wrote all of the commie speeches 100 years ago and they all just use that as a script. No wonder they worked so hard to take over academia from Pre-K up. People keep falling for this crap because they dont know that it has all been done before.
Who would be dumb enough to praise Jill Sanders openly? Wouldn’t they want to wait until the sentencing phase of her trial if tgey want to be a character witness for her?
People that know no matter what they do, they’ll enjoy support from their constituency because the alternative are “Nazis”.
Nothing says “egalitarian” quite like raiding your businesses finances to grant your daughter a $500,000 annual salary for teaching woodworking.
I was wrong about the amount… the salary was under $100,000 K but was in addition to her salary ‘advising’ the Bernie Sanders campaign ($62,000). It appears to me that the true amount of the salary for running the school hasn’t been published because Sanders’ daughter has kept it secret.
One family, two schools: Questions raised about another Sanders deal
TLDR summary. Sander’s daughter – Carina Driscoll – was president of a woodworking school. She arranged to have the college that was run by her mom adopt the school. Basically, the school charged tuition, and sent some of it to Burlington college – while Burlington college paid for the shop’s upkeep and staff salaries. The woodworking school was a for profit endeavor, and it appears to be owned by her and a fellow named Blake Ewoldsen.
Now the agreement was nebulous in that it was a handshake deal between her and someone who reported to her mom. That person has refused to make any comment to anybody, but both Jane Sanders and her daughter are swearing up and down that Carina only spoke to that underling and that Jane had nothing to do with the agreement.
Over the course of their relationship, Burlington College gave the Vermont Woodworking School $500,000 total to cover their expenses. In exchange VWS supposedly gave them a slightly larger amount of money under their tuition sharing agreement. HOWEVAH! the accounting was always sketchy because Driscoll aparently wouldn’t allow anyone access to her books, but would instead provide a spreadsheet that described VWS’ expenses and income.
Once Sanders was out, her successor tried to reduce costs, and decided to negotiate a written agreement covering their relationship with VWS. Driscoll apparently stonewalled, but since it was actually producing a profit for Burlington College, the successor felt she couldn’t walk away. So everybody tried to play hardball until the Burlington College entered Chapter 7. In the meantime VWS survived and is still in business.
So I was wrong about the $500,000 being an annual salary. But, it’s pretty fucking apparent that the Sanders were treating the college (and Bernie’s campaign donations) as personal piggy banks. I have a hunch that if a forensic accountant were to go through the VWS’s books, he’d find that they’d inflated their reimbursable expenses and extracted more money from Burlington college than they would have been due if they’d followed the agreement in good faith. And he’d find that the corporation was covering the personal expenses of the principles – payments that didn’t show up as taxable income on the principals’ returns. “Tax evasion for me and not for thee” if you will.
I can’t remember who published it (maybe The Atlantic? but its possible thats not it) but there was a bit of an investigative expose on the groups handling the bundling of Sanders campaign donations… and their nepotistic connections to the Sanders clan.
One of the issues was that donations were purposely funnelled through these ‘family’ fund-bundlers because DC law allowed them to collect something like a 10% ‘commission’ on all funds transferred. In theory its an incentive for people to go out and drum up money. But its not clear if these family-connected orgs ever so much as raised a nickel themselves: it was just a conduit through which ALL sanders campaign funding was piped.
it effectively looked like a backchannel for family-connected people to skim profits off of a funding pipeline they had no role in generating.
wish i could find the story. it was interesting
One of the things these professional fundraisers do is pass money amongst their organizations in a kind of daisy chain, skimming at every step.
So, Group A raises a million dollars for a cause, and a fundraiser skims. Then, Group A donates a big chunk of that to its “ally” Group B for more or less the same cause, and a fundraiser wets their beak. Group B then makes a donation to allied Group C, repeat ad infinitum.
Yes. that was basically the story. but in the case of the sanders campaign, it was uniquely concentrated.
normally fundraising groups operate along a ‘regional’ structure, where each region pipes their take to the central campaign. in the case of sanders, everyone was directed to go through this very small, family-run (it was like 3 people running it) HQ in DC which wasn’t itself directly conneced to the sanders campaign, and could thus take commissions.
it was force feeding money through a single org which had the highest % of skim. No campaign which was seriously intent on maximizing their own $$ in an effort to WIN would have ever wasted money in this way.
the thing was basically designed from the outset to divert as much as possible away from the real campaign, into the pockets of some family-connected people.
I can’t remember who published it (maybe The Atlantic? but its possible thats not it) but there was a bit of an investigative expose on the groups handling the bundling of Sanders campaign donations… and their nepotistic connections to the Sanders clan.
One of the issues was that donations were purposely funneled through these ‘family’ fund-bundlers because DC law allowed them to collect something like a 10% ‘commission’ on all funds transferred. In theory its an incentive for people to go out and drum up money. But its not clear if these family-connected orgs ever so much as raised a nickel themselves: it was just a conduit through which ALL sanders campaign funding was piped.
it effectively looked like a backchannel for family-connected people to skim profits off of a funding pipeline they had no role in generating.
wish i could find the story. it was interesting
With a second term secured, de Blasio has stepped up his own national political advocacy. During a trip last month to meet with Democrats in Iowa, de Blasio told The Washington Post that he would campaign wherever the party needed him if it could help win Congress….
This guy is delusional. Voter turnout in his re-election win was just over one fifth of the eligible voters. And most NYC analyses suggest higher voter turnout in the city would work heavily against him. DeBlasio won re-election in what is a one-party town, politically. That he thinks that somehow translates to coat-tails in Iowa or anywhere else is a pipe dream.
I wonder if de Blahsio asked Bernie’s wife how the bank fraud thing is going.
I missed this part:
De Blasio has started that work in New York, where an unusual coalition between centrist Democrats and Republicans has given the GOP effective control of the Senate. The mayor has been among the most prominent Democrats urging voters to replace the members of the “Independent Democratic Caucus” and has feuded with Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo (D), who after years of working with the IDC has said he wants his party to win control outright.
Primarying your party’s apostates is only bad when “Tea Party Republikkkins” do it, I guess.
That happened in the KY Senate back in the 90s. The result was some Ds jumping to Rs and more Rs getting elected, so they controlled the Senate on their own.
And I’m completely sure the positions of guys like DeBlasio will have nothing to do with making suburban voters more inclined to vote for the GOP.
I really don’t think guys like him get it. He lives in a political world where having “D” after his name means an automatic win in the general election. The hard left forcing out the moderates might be a winning strategy in New York City. They won’t elect a Republican anyway. But, pushing that anywhere where races are even remotely competitive is how you marginalize your own party.
Covering the important stories.
Strangely, nothing about the two penis guy.
This morning I learned from our local NPR station that Illinois is scaling back physical fitness programs in schools, presumably due to 2018 budget revisions. Good, right? Phys ed has always sucked because schools have a remarkable knack for turning even fun things into tedious monotony. So what was the NPR take on these changes? They are absolutely aghast. The talking head they had on to comment recited a condensed history of phys ed in government schools and rather glowingly noted that most of the implementation happened around wartime when the ruling class needed warm bodies for the battlefield. Keep letting that mask slip, progressives.
“rather glowingly noted that most of the implementation happened around wartime when the ruling class needed warm bodies for the battlefield.”
I wonder if some of that is an attempt to appeal to right-wing warriors: “I know you don’t really support government programs, but surely you see the need in this case?”
It’s disturbing to see progressives become apologists for the Iran regime during these protests.
disturbingnormal to see progressives become apologists for the Iran regime during these protests.Fixed.
Matthew Dowd an ABC “reporter” said that the US lacked the moral authority to comment on Iran, because we are silent about Russia, apparently. The stupid is so unimaginably profound.
Anyone working for ABC lacks the moral authority to comment on the US’s relative moral authority.
Anyone working for ABC lacks the intelligence to comment about vinegar and baking soda volcanoes.
may protestors give progs plenty of time to walk back their early support for the theocracy.
Well King Zero brought us peace and prosperity with Iran and DRUMPF is ruining it and creating war and chaos because he loves to see people suffer.
If howling impotently at the sky and writing schizophrenic Facebook posts counts as suffering, I, too, am pleased as punch to see them suffer.
one of the quirks of the modern left is how they will instantly rally around any position – no matter how irrational and retarded – if they think it is the ‘opposite’ of what conservatives support.
not the best example, but the freshest in my mind: a reply to Matt Welch’s criticism of high-speed rail, where leftist says (more or less) the reason he supports it… is because people like Welch are against it.
zero concern placed on anything to do with the practical benefits, or its cost-effectiveness, or anything “pro” the policy itself: its just that ‘small govt people hate it, ergo, it must be good’.
as i mentioned the other day, i’ve heard a couple of libertarians recently posture in a similar way re: Iran…. where there is a cynical instinctive reaction to any anti-regime rhetoric…. as tho its only possible outcome is some US-led war of intervention. ergo, we should treat anyone claiming to support ‘freedom’ as a secret-warmonger.
Phys ed has always sucked because schools have a remarkable knack for turning even fun things into tedious monotony. So what was the NPR take on these changes? They are absolutely aghast. The talking head they had on to comment recited a condensed history of phys ed in government schools and rather glowingly noted that most of the implementation happened around wartime when the ruling class needed warm bodies for the battlefield. Keep letting that mask slip, progressives.
I can’t believe NPR isn’t rooting for the elimination of it; requiring Phys Ed is like formally establishing BULLYING as part of the curriculum.
Bullying/othering in PhysEd = bad. Tax monies allocated for the purpose of of PhysEd, in itself, is a virtuous concept.
Yes, I remember lots of marching exercises in Jr. and Senior High. By the time I got to college ROTC, I was better at “double to the rear by the right flank, march” than any of the other
cannon fodder.
Will Frankenstein go through with it?
Shorter answer: no
Prog answer: What about Drumpf?
Pushed. Not Jumped.
i sure hope not.. for the lulz
Sometimes you just gotta have a blowjob.
I’ll try to get this posted earlier tomorrow in case any of my fellow Ohioians care, but the state is removing a long list of liquor from our shelves. Here’s the list of things that are going to be on clearance until they’re gone.
So wait, what does “delisting” mean exactly? I’m not an Ohioan so it’s just curiosity on my part.
To make a vessel float upright, or otherwise stop listing.
Or, I suspect Ohio has a state store model of booze sales, so they’re stopped selling those on their shelves.
UnCivilServant got it in one.
Our liquor stores are licensed by the state, and the state has a list of what the licensed stores can carry. This list is what the state has decided were not selling enough, so they are removing the option from the liquor stores. In addition to this, they then allow the stores to sell for a new reduced price (looks to be about 40% off). So if you live in Ohio, and like any of the liquor going away, now’s the time to stock up.
That’s…horrifying. What determines the brands that get the ax? It wouldn’t be something so tawdry as lack of consumer demand, would it?
To clarify because upon reading my comment seems unclear, what I’m saying is did they try lowering prices first? Or is it a case of, “What the heck? Nobody wants to pay $50 for a 1.75l of Smirnoff. I guess it’s not that popular, let’s get rid of it.”
Allow stores to set their own prices? That’s one step up from anarchy!
All liquor prices are set by the state for all sizes and labels. There is no deviation allowed (that I’m aware of). I don’t know about the wine side of things, but on the beer side, there’s minimum markup laws:
As an alcohol enthusiast, restrictive booze laws strike me as especially invasive and offensive. I have considered moving to Louisiana specifically because they’ve got some of the lightest alcohol regulation in the country.
No one needs thirty-two brands of booze when there are children in our country going sober.
Absolut made a “cilantro” version?
Probably good in Caesars and Bloody Marys
right. that does make sense. i love the herb personally.. was struggling a little to find it a drink home.
Well, you have to cover up the taste of Absolut somehow.
If you just want the cilanto, get a better vodka and infuse it yourself.
I’m so glad to live somewhere where I can buy handles of any kind of hard alcohol or beer I want from a drive-through liquor store or gas station… although only until 0200, alas.
I’ve had enough fun visiting my grandparents and having to drive across a state line to buy booze of any sort… no, no, no.
i’m nearly certain my coworker just sharted
Update, mofo!
she’s not here. i’m assuming she’s in the restroom.. not like i can ask her when she gets back. and i’m not sticking my nose down on that chair to test.
Make a conspicuous show of spraying some Lysol or Febreeze or such when she comes back…
even better.. i just asked to borrow her Lysol. there was no eye contact.
annnnnnnnnd she just left early.
quod erat demonstrandum
This is good news:
Al Franken officially resigns Senate seat
Well, Al, I guess your weren’t good enough or smart enough after all. Doggone it.
and nobody likes him either.
OT: Looks like China is playing us on NK sanctions.
I want to see some evidence the document is real. Memories of the run up to Iraq 2: Sandy Boogaloo remain.
Essentials, like food and oil? Sure. The ChiComs don’t want a regime collapse – the refugee problem if the walls come down will be Biblical. Plus, there’s still some value in having the Kims play the gullible West.
Nuclear missiles? I can’t see the ChiComs wanting the Norks to have those, just over their border with the ability to hit anything in China. I think the game of “we’ll develop nukes unless the captialist running dogs give us more shit” was one the ChiComs were happy to have the Norks play. I think a Kim dynasty with an actual strategic nuclear stockpile is very, very different.
Right now, the ChiComs can’t live with the Kims (because nukes), and can’t live without them (because regime change refugees). They are boxed into a corner of their own making.
My play if I was Prez? Tell the ChiComs to solve the Nork problem themselves. Give the South all the conventional military support they need for their soldiers to kill as many Norks as they need. Make a public announcement that any use of NBC weapons by the Norks will trigger a pre-targetted strike of tactical nuclear missiles designed to decapitate and emasculate the regime, at which point the ChiComs can get around to rebuilding their client state, because we ain’t gonna do it, and we aren’t going to pressure the South to do it, either.
and we aren’t going to pressure the South to do it
assuming millions of starving refugees, would the South not assume a humanitarian role to unite their culture?