You’ll pardon me, please, for these links. Until we got that burn barrel of old memos going, it was too cold to type around here. But, the Links must go on. So I added a few copies of old audit reports to the Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht and it has warmed up enough to not only type, but to give you the high quality links you deserve!!! OK…that might sound a bit snarky, in light of the links I have actually managed to put up. Anyway, enjoy or scorn, as you will.
- The SKY(lab) is falling! No, really. OK, it is a Chinese space station, but still…
- Kids these days! Back IN MY DAY, we didn’t need to shoot people dozens of times to get a kill. Who do these punks think they are, the police?
- #RailFail – But with the all-knowing, all-seeing government keeping a grip on the railroads of the UK, how could anyone be displeased with a bit of a fare hike? I mean, they could just go to a competi…oh. Or drive a car to London…oh. Suck it up Albion, you made your socialist choice.
- This link gives us two early candidates for understatement of the year, 2018. “While many would prefer money, cash distribution in Nigeria’s northeast is fraught with risk.” and “Reports of corruption in the humanitarian crisis relief efforts are rife. Those involved, such as government officials, aid workers and soldiers, are alleged to skim from the top before distributing aid.”
So there you are. I’ll leave you to comment, as I need to go find a couple more sets of something in hard copy to burn.
Totally nonbiased* research** funded by Q Enterprises has conclusively found that the optimum breast size is 34F. Any claim otherwise is fake news.
5, 6, 9, 23, 25, 31
* utterly biased
** not real research
Also stay warm Swiss. Has Lake Michigan frozen yet?
It doesn’t happen every year does it?
Not this early at least.
You ready to join the Polar Bear club?
I’d rather join the Mile High Club.
I have joined both of those..
So you and Jesse had sex up in the Arctic?
NTTAWWT, of course.
Actually I have done a winter swim for a few years now to raise money for homeless people but will skip it this year considering the pain I have after in my bad knee, and I have done some freaky shit on airplanes before it became popular to do so. Heck I have even done the seven seas thing.
Jesse was not there for any of it and I was accompanied by a female.
the optimum breast size is
34F34B. Any claim otherwise is fake news.FIFY
Now bring on the scorn.
No scorn; just pity for squandering the brain that G-d gifted you.
Sometimes streamlined is just right. Don’t be a bigot.
I’m with Mike S. Maybe it started for me in medical school, when dissecting a large cadaver breast and finding it full of nothing but fat. And I’m not a big fan of fat on women, whether it’s a big rear end, a flabby belly, or pendulous breasts. Besides, big breasts usually have little to no sensitivity to manipulation, and just flop around and get in the way during sex. I know I’m an outlier, but give me pert, perky, sensitive breasts over a big rack every time.
OK Mike, here comes the onslaught. I’ve got your back if you’ve got mine. I think we’re outnumbered on this site by about 90%-10%.
Same here. A perky B cup will still be a perky B cup long after other women are playing hacky sack with their Ds.
I actually think you are likely in the majority, I’m just obnoxious enough that it seems like I’m a majority. Think of me as a BreastJW.
“big breasts usually have little to no sensitivity to manipulation”
Focus above the nipple between 10 and 2.
My favorite ex for bedtime fun had very sensitive A cups.
Thanks C. Anacreon and Mad Scientist. I appreciate you having my
rackback on this!*narrows gaze, widens rack*
Its probably closer to 60/40.
F cup is like a TN golden tiger stripe Desert Eagle chambered in .50 Arab Eliminator. Just big and garish. Give me the perky B cup… Colt 1908 pocket hammerless? Yeah, something classy.
“big breasts usually have little to no sensitivity to manipulation”
That is just crazy talk right there.
^^ Threadwinner.
SP is on your side. She’s hoping that when hers come in, they’ll be huge.
Creepy, but funny. Mine were Ds when I was 14 yrs, and I wasn’t even plump. Eh, whattya do? It seemed like overnight.
“get in the way during sex”. What are you doing to these women?
Totally nonbiased* research** funded by Q Enterprises has conclusively found that the optimum breast size is 34F. Any claim otherwise is fake news.
the optimum breast size is 34F 34B. Any claim otherwise is fake news.
The correct answer is orgy.
Hi Q!
33 and 40 get the nod this afternoon. Nice work, ladies!
No the correct size is whatever size I can get my hands on
Large, medium, small all work, but I’m not much for fake.
Although, being smothered once was pretty nice.
As in, stopped breathing had to be shocked back to life? That would be the best…
It was a light smothering, like the loving pressure of a pillow over your nose and mouth in the night.
Large, medium, small all work…
The litty bitty titty committee has many members
Fake is great – women who invest time/money in augmentation are MUCH more likely to show them off. Which, in reality, is what men want more than any particular size or shape anyway…
Thanks for at least one voice of reason.
I was starting to feel othered.
Oh…they look good on you, though!
/Rodney Dangerfield voice
9, 11, 19, 25, 27, 36, 41
#44 is Kat Dennings.
Dennings is her slave name. It’s Kat Litwack.
Which has the higher probability: UK relaxing its gun laws or Brexit actually happening?
(In response to the Limeys’ complaining about the completely foreseeable consequences of socialism)
Both – when they join the Caliphate.
The UK is so screwed up I’ve ceased to give a damn whether they manage to actually pull off a Brexit or not. It looks like the conservative leaders are trying to intentionally sabotage it anyway.
I’m guessing that they’ll hold Brexit votes again within a year and keep doing it until they either get the right answer from voters or they pull a Chicago and manufacture the right answer from voters.
In a few more millennia, Swiss is going to look like Ötzi.
In a few more
millenniaweeks of this, Swiss is going to look like Ötzi./Corrected
So you’re going to look Austrian?
Libertarian movie alert: TCM is showing a bunch of WC Fields movies tonight. In the extra time after Never Give a Sucker an Even Break (starts at 12:15 AM ET), or about 1:34 AM ET, they’re running the short Movies on Sundays. Apparently, some states (Pennsylvania in this case) had blue laws regarding when theaters could show movies on Sundays. This short was made to give moviegoers talking points to tell their legislators to try to get the blue laws relaxed. Including advice from Charlie Chan (er, Warner Oland).
Another interesting short in the same vein is The Case Against the 20% Federal Admissions Tax on Motion Picture Theaters (unfortunately, the only copy I could find looks like sombody pointed a camera at the TV to record it).
So… libertarian propaganda?
Dammit. TCM is what I miss most about cutting the cord. =/
I wish I could cancel everything *except* TCM.
… Hobbit
I just cut the cord and got Hulu with live TV which gave me TCM. If that helps.
Just finished It’s A GIft, which it was.
Falling space station — time to resurrect this old hit?
Sha-doo-bee, Skylab, Skylab
Kewl selection of lynxs!
#7 will shock you!
I is disappoint. It didn’t say anything about one weird trick.
The one that Democrats don’t want you to know about?
Great analysis, doctor. You really nailed it. It’s the gun capacity that’s the problem.
All they have to do is ban the extra capacity magazines that they use in their illegal guns, and everything will be fine.
Here in the People’s Republic of Connecticut they promised that banning magazine sizes that hold over 10 rounds and temporarily grandfathering those over that limit, but only if they are registered (and thus indirectly the gun they belong with), would stop gun crimes. Now they are pissed because very few came forth to register anything and people see the program for the gun grabbing shit it is. Not to mention that a CC in CT went from costing about $150 to get and lasted for some 5 years, to something over $600 with a shorter yet to be disclosed time period. And this was necessary so the state could collect more funds.. Gang bangers in Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury, and New Britain were not impressed.
I’m sure the gang bangers will be quite happy in the end when innocent victims can no longer use their firearms to lawfully defend themselves.
What kills me is that the people trying to deny us the ability to protect ourselves all have special armed details or exemptions for themselves and really don’t give a flying fuck if the dirty plebes that should know their place and are better controlled if they can’t fight back, get fucked by the criminal element. That despite all their hand wringing and other bullshit to the contrary. And quite the lot of them feel more in common with the criminal element anyway based on how they usually treat real criminals as opposed to a regular Joe they want to make an example of. Gun control is about the elite making sure the rabble can’t fight back.
Make no mistake: they think of us dirty plebes as criminals too.
Not criminals. That would imply they have a respect for the laws they make. They just view the plebes as peasants, and who cares if dirty peasants kill each other?
I have often pointed out that at least under the feudal system the masters didn’t pretend that the serfs were their equals or of any value to them other than being disposable. Sooner than later the serfs realized they had the numbers and their masters were inept fucks leading to revolution and bloody ends. There is not much difference between today’s social justice welfare state and the feudal system other than that the aristocracy (the political class and their approved circle of other members) now is smart enough to not treat the serfs as slaves and pretending to care about them…
I think it’s not just not being able to fight back, but also leave ordinary people as victims unless they support big gov and ever larger growing programs- more police [bureaucracy], more treatment, more public works, more social services, more handouts- or the alternative is those criminals will take what you have,
Funny then that the places with the highest and most horrible crimes are blue bastions where this condition already exists. Of course, one can make the argument that there are never enough government sanctioned thugs, so it behooves the masters to always have mayhem to justify growing the state and their power…
I’ll buy that for a dollar!
What did you expect when those gang bangers can still go right over the border into Indiana and buy machine guns?
And bazookas!
If the damn NRA wasn’t selling 38 round mags, that man would still be alive.
Sounds like he was shot by the police.
No, no. He was hit, not the bystanders.
Are you sure he wasn’t a bystander?
Only if 138 rounds were fired
C’mon, this was Chicago, not Cleveland.
What they need is just one more law to really let criminals know that murdering people is illegal.
Until the population is disarmed and the only people with guns are agents of the state and criminals, that is pretty much the MO…
“blames the preference of criminals today for semiautomatic firearms equipped with extended-capacity bullet magazines”
Yeah, I think he can be safely ignored.
Oh, it gets better:
Fuck off, slaver.
So with all these heavily armed gangsters out there, the good doctor thinks that I should be handicapped out of the gate?
Fold that up until it is nothing but sharp edges, and go fuck yourself with it, doc.
We already have have this. Its already illegal to sell a gun you know to be malfunctioning while representing it as functioning. That’s a restriction on kind. Most guns are limited to 1 bullet, say a 9mm bullet or a .20 caliber. There’s a few guns limited to two or three or four, but they each limited to a particular number, so we have the number of bullets limited for each gun.
Maybe they should make shooting people illegal.
Yeah, considering he votes and may very well contribute to policy crafting (hey, he’s already being quoted in media), I’m of the opinion he should meet a Barrett.
Is the doctor really claiming that semiautomatic handguns didn’t become widely available until about 15 years ago?
He’s a shitbrain. The Chicago cops were the first to widely adopt them.
50 years ago.
Just go play some golf and enjoy your retirement. Let the grownups handle the tough stuff.
spray 10 or more bullets at a time
this idiot went on a gun blog and read somebody joking about spray-n-pray and now that’s all they can remember from their “research”.
Those allow them to spray 10 or more bullets at a time.
10 round burst or 10 barrels firing simultaneously?
Well great, now I want a gun that can do both.
Chicagoland gangs have a contract with Metal Storm, it seems. I knew things were bad there, but didn’t realize how bad.
To be completely fair, he does raise a good point: revolvers were more common back in the day and the average shooter was probably a better shot because of the limited capacity.
But he is a fuckhead. Criminals wouldn’t limit themselves to “legal” magazine capacities on illegal weapons.
I’m going to blame the good doctor on this one. With advances in medical care, it’s much more likely for a person to survive a gunshot wound. So criminals are forced to use more bullets, just to be sure.
See? I can do it too.
Also, the paramedics can keep the guy alive in the ambulance long enough for him to actually reach the ER now.
How about you just sew em up and shut the fuck up, Doc?
You’re getting paid for one hole or 50
“…likely to have been hit with nearly twice as many bullets than shooting victims were a quarter century ago.”
Hi-cap mags in semi-autos filled with watered down rounds of 9mm or 40cal round nose full metal jacket bullets. There is a hell of a difference between that and a powerful flat nose or soft point bullet.
When the 9mm was coming back into vogue there was a police woman in Little Tucson, Az who was shot through the heart with a hard, pointed round nose 9. It made a pinhole through and through and she was back at work the next day. No shit. Try that with a 44 special soft, flat nose bullet. Dead before you hit the ground.
Little Tucson, Az
Never heard of the town. Is that near Regular Tucson, AZ?
Dont blink.
Y’know, now that I think about it, that was over 25 years ago and my memory isnt that good. I think that happened in a tiny incorporated town that was inside Tucson city limits and Little Tucson is not. I may have the town wrong. How many municipal entities are incorporated inside Tucson city limits? Hell, the town I am thinking of may not even exist any longer.
Does Tucson still have separate municipal entities inside its own limits?
Wow, yeah. I think that’s part of the Tohono-Ohnam Res.
RC might have a better view of the situation, but to my understanding, it is City of Tucson and the City of South Tucson. I think Marana is on it’s own with a string of towns along the I-19 towards Nogales.
You’re thinking South Tucson.
North Tucson. pfft. Damn Yankees.
I think you may be right Q. Maybe it was South Tucson. In any case that is the least remarkable part of that story.
I thought Little Tucson was a neighborhood of mostly American residents and their restaurants in Tokyo. Visitors come there from all over to sample their grilled cheese sandwiches and cream of tomato soups.
Why did they translate that? It is on the rez and nobody calls it by the English translation. It is a proper translation but that is like saying Pelosi represents a district in Saint Francis, CA.
Look at that. My two semester of college Papago language courses pay off after 37 years.
They’re more accurate today?
Not even close. Pistol accuracy reached its zenith long before these ugly, clunky plastic guns came along.
Things are starting to get better, here. A couple days of brilliant sunshine. The temp might break freezing tomorrow.
Hopefully, it’s headed east.
It was a balmy 22 for a high here today. I hiked some 6 miles yesterday in the AM and it was 0 degrees when I started and around 4 degrees when I was done. The day before it was around the same range plus some 5 degrees. I should have hijacked that cruise I was on and prevented that ship from coming north…
Looking at the projected temps for the rest of the week I can’t see temps above freezing and come Saturday we are going to set some kind of cold record with about -8 for the low… sweet…
It got up to 12 above today. Tomorrow back down to single digit highs, teens below for lows.
Over at TOS, ENB did a post on The Best Sex Work Writing of 2017. I don’t see the “make me a sammich” tweet on there.
Semi-serious question: why has ENB not done “field research” and tried her hand at prostitution?
Who says she hasn’t?
Are we talking literal or metaphorical here, because I think I can answer definitively on at least one of those.
*starts to ponder, gives up and goes to eat a sandwich*
In the metaphorical sense I think she was giving it (her integrity) away for free; much more immoral than any physical prostitution quid pro quo.
She didn’t know she was giving it away, she just got stiffed by the John.
*Beavis and Butthead laugh*
Are you assuming she has not attempted and failed at that particular industry?
Only her hand?
‘In “Surviving As Working Class After Backpage,” Michaels details the way the criminalization of prostitution has closed so many outside opportunities for her and the degradation she now faces in “respectable” work as a cross-country truck driver.
“I am left now in a worse situation than I ever felt I was in as a sex worker,” she writes. “I feel terribly exploited’
I am 100% against prohibition of prostitution, but I can’t stand this “I’m a degraded, exploited worker” horseshit. You don’t like your job, go find another one. Or flout the law and start hooking online. Nobody held a gun to your head and said you had to be a trucker (not to mention the shot at truckers implying that their profession is “degrading”).
If any of you saw Logan, which was supposed to take place about 10-15 years into the future IIRC, the freeways were full of self-driving trucks, a prediction that doesn’t seem all that far-fetched. Don’t worry, madame, you may not have to worry about a degrading job as a trucker much longer either.
She’s not calling truck driving degrading she saying she faces degradation for her past occupation form her new peers.
I read it again, you guys are right , my bad.
She told a bunch of truckers, her co-workers, that she used to turn tricks? Good God, what did she expect?
J Geils warned what would happen 28 years ago.
what did she expect?
Some action in the truck parking lot?
I now believe Q and C had the right interpretation, however if it was about whore shaming I would be on her side. As a guy who can’t get any without paying for it I find your implied scorn towards that noble profession offensive. Whores perform a valuable service and should be lauded not demeaned.
How dare they say that about skanky gold diggers and sluts!?
Logan was fantastic.
One of my favourite How It Should have Ended shorts is this one: Do you hear the Wolverine?
More proggy stuff:
“One of the things we show is that maybe these rich tech guys shouldn’t be quite so lionized, and the people in porn, who are lovely, caring, kind, idiosyncratic, delightful people, shouldn’t be stigmatized.”
Blow your “people shouldn’t treat others this way or that way” out your ass. It’s an is/ought fallacy. Things are how they are. People with schizophrenia “shouldn’t be stigmatized” either, but they are; and they probably will be for the foreseeable future. If you become a porn star, your reputation takes a hit, it’s an occupational hazard. If you can’t handle that fact, don’t work in porn.
Eh, I’m a bit sympathetic to her pov. Taken from another perspective, I’ve been frustrated for a while about how academics were lionized and fawned over simply for being expert top men (and still are by the ifls crowd) and am rather delighted that the prestige associated with simply being a part of the ivry tower is started to crumble. This is not to say I dislike all academics, but I hate the appeal to authority that a lot of them deliberately play up (for example).
Also, isn’t the whole point of PR a company/group saying “We know how people see/treat us and don’t like it, so we’re gonna try to change that?”
Listen, are you schizophrenic porn academic star? I thought so. Well, I am. And until you do this everyday at work:

Maybe you should shut the fuck up and listen to your betters.
I like how the dudes in the background are bored as hell and not paying attention.
They know what happens when they interrupt me.
They get the hose?
Corruption, in African aid organizations and government agencies?
I’m shocked. SHOCKED, I say.
I thought that corruption was their main feature…
I know I’m an outlier, but give me pert, perky, sensitive breasts over a big rack every time.
*vigorous applause*
And a round, firm bottom. I like the sports models, m’self.
10 round burst or 10 barrels firing simultaneously?
As a matter of fact…
I thought of this:
No way I’d pull that trigger.
Holy schnikes…
I kind of want a pepper box, but it end up collecting dust.
And probably make you sneeze
OH boy, that’s a narrowed gaze!
*narrows gaze*
For those in the market for a reliable, inexpensive, self-defense pistol, may I recommend:
Had the pleasure to borrow one from a guy at the range yesterday and that thing is great. It’s not as nice as my M&P 2.0, but it’s still better than a Glock and about 250 bucks cheaper.
I am really enjoying my SIG P320. Especially that the price since I bought it has jumped some $300 dollars because our military now is adopting the model. Got it with the night sites. The thing is smooth and shoots great. Cleans easy.
I wouldn’t say its better. It’s identical. So identical that Glock filed a lawsuit for patent infringement in the 90’s. S&W called it the Sigma back then, and settled out of court if I remember correctly.
The PPS M2 is around that price point. I carry the gen 1 and am very happy with size, accuracy and reliability.
Hey Tundra, is Tundra Jr. still considering CSM? When does he make the final decision? If you’re ever around here visiting again, I’d be happy to meet up and show you around (that is if you want a useless degenerate like me around your family).
He’s leaning toward it. Trying to make the numbers work. Any advice for wheedling more money from the school? 😉
Next time I’m out there we will definitely get together! I’m sure it would be educational for the kid!
Hmmmm…. sometimes individual departments will give scholarships. If he knows what he wants to study, he could contact the department directly and see if there’s any money. There are always on-campus work-study type jobs too.
Yep. He was invited to apply for one already. Out of state sucks – I just want to knock the number down as much as possible.
Command Sergeant Major?
Cigarette Smoking Man?
Certified Survey Map?
Colorado School of Mammaries
^^^This guy gets it.
NB: Being 75% male, CSM is decided not a good place to study mammaries. CU-Boulder is just up the road however.
75% male? But how can that be? We’ve spent all that money on STEM studies for girls! It just can’t be!
If the numbers actually move on the STEM degree split, I guarantee that ten years after graduation, it’ll be roughly the same split working in their degree field, with the rest moving to the tits and teeth positions (sales, account management, marketing, midlevel management). The same positions that could have been held (and are currently) with a Sorority Studies degree.
GT was still below 25% female when I was there, but getting close. They are closing in on 33% now.
UC – Boulder however, is not a good place to send somebody if you wish for them to remain relatively sane.
Go to CSM, just cruise to CU for Tit Tourism.
(I’m sure Tundra wants to imagine his boy doing this… sorry)
Now I’m really looking forward to parent’s weekend!
If you really wanted to look forward to parents weekend (and get smacked by your wife for gawking) you should have pushed him to U of A or ASU.
I came out of CU Boulder more libertarian than I went in!
Though it’s debatable if that counts as being more or less sane, I guess.
I went to Carnegie Mellon when it was about 68% male.
Very prestigious.
Ah, the Diamond Cabaret.
Shotgun Willies or GTFO.
Tell me Mike Lee has a disciple on deck.
They’ll dig up some women from the 70’s and claim Mitt was violently raping them in a Mormon temple.
lol. Its true, and he’ll stop short of denying it too.
So THAT’S what the binders were for!
Good one.
Mia Love for Senate.
I can get behind her.
Utahns get what they deserve if they elect that carpetbagging RINO as a senator.
They’ve been electing Orrin Hatch for fitty years, so apparently they like getting what they deserve good and hard.
paving the way for Mitt Romney to run for the seat.
Oh, no! Another rabid fire breathing alt-right libertarian leaning Tea Partier, ready and eager to rend civilization asunder.
History’s Greatest Monster
The FHA decision was, ultimately, emblematic of Trump’s first year in office: a symbolic move chiefly motivated by spite that had serious, negative consequences for actual people. In this case, the change would mean as many as 40,000 buyers couldn’t buy a home in 2017, according to estimates by the National Association of Realtors; the week after the decision, mortgage applications dropped 3.2 percent.
Ironically, Trump has been most successful at the very thing he criticized Obama for – extensive use of executive orders to achieve his policy goals. And, for all his high-profile legislative belly flops, since assuming office nearly a year ago he’s managed to do an incredible amount of damage – to the environment, health, education, civil and labor rights – entirely outside of Congress.
Here’s a rundown.
Rolling Stone: the sine qua non of quality journalism.
tl,dr: Trump’s first year has been bad. Like… rotten, dood.
Ironically, Trump has been most successful at the very thing he criticized Obama for – extensive use of executive orders to achieve his policy goal
After which they proceed to detail him simply undoing the executive orders of his predecessors. If you don’t think the government is supposed to be ruled by executive fiat, on what planet are you duty bound to accept as gospel rules previously put in place by said executive fiat?
Perhaps even more laughably, consider the actual scope of the policy disagreements they cite. We went from “Donald Trump is going to impose martial law, revoke civil liberties, pass laws demanding that everyone not a white male be rounded up and start a nuclear war!!!” to “Donald Trump quit lawsuits over silica treatment, cleared pipeline projects, backed out of lawsuits against for-profit colleges, and reduced federal monument sizes!!!” in just one short year.
“After which they proceed to detail him simply undoing the executive orders of his predecessors. If you don’t think the government is supposed to be ruled by executive fiat, on what planet are you duty bound to accept as gospel rules previously put in place by said executive fiat?”
My guy does it or does it to get rid of what your guy did with it: Great!
Your guy does it or uses it to get rid of what my guy did: Catastrophe!
That’s their logic.
That’s their logic.
That word, I do not think it means what you think it does.
What was that movie where George Kennedy freezes to death at the end, clutching a bag of money? That’s what I always think of when I get really, really cold.
I’ve got nothing. I remember him drowning at the end of Charade, though.
Freezing to death can help others. That’s how Jeremiah Johnson got his Hawkins rifle.
So ya got anything good for the rest of us Swiss?
*sound of clinking gold and silver coinage*
The Naked Gun?
Shelley Winters in the Poseidon Adventure
I too have nothing. I can, however, recommend Nightfall, which has the snow of Wyoming and a bag of money. (And an interesting death.)
Isn’t freezing to death supposed to be one of the more pleasant ways to go? After the discomfort of the cold passes, don’t you just kind of go into a euphoric sleep?
I broke through creek ice as a kid and got completely soaked. I stripped off my wet clothes and it was a number of miles through rough uphill snow to get back to the cabin. I just remember feeling very tired, I kept stumbling, and wanting to lay down and go to sleep… which I realized was not the wisest course of action. When I finally got to the cabin I couldn’t move my fingers or hands at all and had to open the door with my elbows.
Now, warming up. That was the fucking uncomfortable part. Ugh.
Holy shit, that’s scary. You are lucky, boy.
I was drunk and angry about a girl, decades and decades ago. Decided to walk home in a blizzard. Starting feeling warm and sleepy. Thought a snowbank might be nice to lay down in. Got lucky that a car stopped and picked me up. I remember it being pleasant.
Then again, booze makes all sorts of bad decisions feel better.
What was that movie where George Kennedy freezes to death at the end, clutching a bag of money?
Did it have something to do with garlic-based breath freshener?
ENB did a post on The Best Sex Work Writing of 2017.
“Ten Best Bodice Rippers of 2017”
Number seven will have you stewing in your own juices!
Weather forecast for Tucson:
Highs in the mid-70s, lows in the mid-40s for the rest of the week.
*Nelson Muntz laugh*
DAmn, it’s suposed to get down to 32 Thursday. You win this round. Although I did almost freeze to death in the painted desert once. As far as I can remember, I’ve never frozen to death in Florida.
lows in the mid-40s for the rest of the week
That reminds me. I need to stop by Circle K and pick up some firewood.
70’s and 50s in SoCal, HaHa!
Any visible snow on the Catalinas RC?
A bit of a cold spell this week. Lows in the mid 70’s and highs around 80 this week. Ocean is still around 77-78.
85 here in Palm Desert. I should have gone with SPF 30.
Finally dropped below freezing in The Alamo City.
Mid 20s last night and low 20s tonight before shooting back into the 50s and 60s by Friday.
Perfect as two days of freezing kills the misquoted and pest for next year.
I’ll be wearing short sleeves by next week.
Normally by this time of year the snow on the north side is piled up halfway covering the windows. This year we have nothing. Zero. We had one little flurry come thru about five weeks ago but that’s it. Temps have been so warm that even if we got moisture it would melt when it hit the ground. We should be in the range of 30 day/10 night and we’re having 50 degree days and nights in the upper 20’s.
I can judge the fire danger by walking over the pine needles in the yard. They are crunching like it’s mid-summer. I wish we could get some of the winter that you folks back east are getting. This summer’s fire season is going to be brutal.
… Hobbit
So here’s the turd that landed in my email inbox today…
It’s supposed to be confidential. They promise:
And I’m sure we can trust their promises to keep the info confidential, and if the law gets changed, or a counselor is unhappy with the parents of a student flagged for extra counseling, a parent won’t find themselves facing a DCF investigation or prosecution.
Needless to say, I’m opting my daughter out. I feel like I painted a big target on my back, but if you don’t defend your kids who will?
You’re a win-din-diddly-winner, Todd!
They can’t teach them to read, but by God, they will get them to stop smoking come hell or high water.
Here’s how the script for the interview starts:
Notice they start with a big lie right off the bat; my daughter is not a patient of the person conducting the screening. There is no patient-doctor privilege. Words can’t express how infuriating I find this paternalistic bullshit!
Don’t get angry. Get motivated. They gave you the script they are going to use. Write a script for your daughter to reply with. Have it laminated and coated in blaze orange, and teach her to read it in the most robotic voice possible.
Make friends with a medical ethics specialist. Ask them exactly what the standard is for practicing without a licence or other medical ethical violations. Have your daughter record the conversation. Have the script demand to have you present.
This could be bonding time with your daughter.
The job of a medical ethicist is to come up with rationalizations for things that normal people find morally repugnant.
Yes. And Medical Ethics Committees in hospitals are typically focused on either how to kick out and/or stop treating a patient who isn’t getting better and doesn’t appear to have much hope. Coincidentally, such patients usually have exhausted their insurance benefits, which of course is not discussed by the ‘ethics’ committee itself (but no doubt is how most cases get referred to them in the first place).
Sorry, I was referring to a medmal lawyer with experience prosecuting ethical violates that put patients at risk.
Good luck, t, and please keep us updated on this.
The screener will provide brief feedback to any student who reports using substances, or who is at risk for future substance use.
Yeah, I think we all know how that whole “at risk for future substance use” part is going to work out, don’t we? Anyone who is in any way a misfit will be properly tagged and categorized. And having any misgivings about a comprehensive system of self-reporting to the authorities is going to get you extra special attention. I mean, what the hell standards are you going to hold out as determinative of “at-risk”?
One scary looking critter:
This tiny sea monster had creepy mouth appendages
Thanks for the nightmares.
Behold, the sarcastic fringehead fish! (not even making that name up.)
The Swiss Army Knife of small aquatic predators.
Huh, Marvin Lewis signed a 2-year extension. I thought he said he was done?
Wow. Yet Bowles still has a job. Go figure! Life’s mysteries.
Unrelated sports news for ya: futility in football…
Scottish Lowland League (possible promotion to Scottish League Two but no relegation):
Fort William played18 won0 drew1 lost17 goals for17 goals against99 goal difference -82
What’s the Scottish word for ‘ugly’?
*slow clap*
They do have a picturesque home ground:
Can you translate this to English please ?
Boy, is that a level 5 league in Scotland? They aren’t even listed on OddsPortal.com
Yep. Highland League champions play Lowland League champions. Winners play team that finishes bottom in Scottish League Two.
Sociologist calls for more abortion-based comedy
A sociologist at the University of California, San Francisco wants more comedians to joke about abortion, calling it “new ground” for television comedies to address.
Dr. Gretchen Sisson predicts that incorporating more “abortion plotlines” into television shows will help to “destigmatize” abortion and encourage popular support for wider access to abortion procedures.
I’m calling for more Holocaust comedy. Such fertile ground for slapstick!
Well, indeed. Look at the uptick in popular support for genocide after Hogan’s Heroes premiered on TV!
Her – o – o – o – ic !
/Col. Klink
Let’s not skip over pedafilia for the win.
Jerry Lewis agrees!
And these same people mock fans who get mad at SJWs for infesting their beloved franchises for being paranoid and hating diversity, while outright calling for the use of entertainment for political propaganda.
Clinton did this 20 years ago with the putting anti-drug shit into plotlines.
I thought that was Nancy Reagan
Dr. Black: I can’t keep this baby. Can you help me?
Dr. Maestro: Cat, listen to me. You’re full-term now, and the risk to your life, not to mention the baby’s, are just too great to consider termination.
This program focuses on harm prevention and does not generate disciplinary action.
“It’s for your own good. And don’t start whining about ‘rights’. You’re a student in a public school. You have no rights other than the right to shut up and do as you are told.”
Here’s how much they care, Once upon a Friday my Son stayed home from Fontana High, I was O.K. with it. Early Afternoon I heard Ghetto birds circling in the direction of the School, sure enough, something was happening. To my Shock, Fox News with Shepard Smith did an alert about riots at FoHi, video, the works, Son and I laughed hard.
ONE WEEK LATER….. I get a call from FoHi telling me to come get my kid because the school is in lockdown, a Week, I still shake my head…
They always had a helluva football team.
No link, but Hilton is also changing their do not disturb policy to enter rooms & check on guests and the rooms if the do not disturb sign is on the door for more than 24 hours.
Well that ruins the ecstasy-fueled multi-day orgy I had planned. I guess I’ll just have to go to the Marriott instead.
Beds are way better, anyway.
So is the rewards program.
Boy, you’ve got that right. For Marriott Gold level you get, without having to ask: concierge lounge access (free breakfast, drinks, evening buffet and dessert bar, quiet refuge all day), automatic room upgrades, free access to their enhanced option internet connection for five devices (which is often twenty bucks a day for regular people) and can check out at 4 pm rather than noon. For Hilton Gold, you essentially get two bottles of water, and maybe a cookie, at check-in, and you might be able to sweet talk the desk lady into a slightly better room, but have to practically prostate yourself to get anything.
Each had it strengths & weaknesses. Hilton Gold/Diamond- hot breakfast at Hilton Garden Inn, Marriott Gold/Platinum- nada at comparable Courtyard. Either one will treat you well at Asian properties, usually well at European properties, & give you bare corporate standard minimum or less at US properties. On the points side, Marriott is better for redemptions (usually, currently) while earning is less. Hilton is flipped, easy to rack up points but redemption rates are higher and now fluctuate with their no longer fixed levels scheme.
Hilton Gold/Diamond- hot breakfast at Hilton Garden Inn, Marriott Gold/Platinum- nada at comparable Courtyard.
This is indeed true, and one of the reasons I try to avoid Marriott Courtyards. The other one is that they are all almost exact clones of each other, and I despise their little coffee bar/restaurant counter thing during the day that magically becomes a cocktail bar in the evening, with everything overpriced and the food basically just frozen stuff that gets microwaved. They’re usually in office parks, too, so you can’t walk across the street to somewhere to get any other food, you’re often stuck there. I’ll trade for one of their lower-level-brand ‘suites’ properties instead of the higher-rated Courtyards, because at least there’s usually a Chili’s or some other chain within walking distance, not so much to get crappy food but a real drink.
Funny you should mention the cookie cutterness of Courtyards. I spent two back to back nights last year with a long travel day in between filled with weather delays & misconnects. I was exhausted by the time I laid down that night. The second morning waking up I had the strongest sense of not know where I was because it looked exactly like the same room on the other side of the country.
I started taking pictures of the room number or just keeping the paper sleeve in my pocket when I went out. Same with rental car plates and parking lot pylons with those section numbers.
I got hooked up today. Next door to the presidential suite, which is almost certainly a high ranking cartel member, based upon what I heard in the hallway.
A friend I work with had a lot of points with the Intercontinental chain. We were sent to Stuttgart on a due diligence project. I let the company book me into a “hotel” which provided a folding cot in a funky room. He put in a reservation for the Interconti but thy had no regular rooms left. So, to honor his guaranteed room perk, they put him in the Presidential suite. It was the gawddamdest accommodation I ever saw. You could get lost in he place.
What do you have against cookies ?
Just under 60 nights last year and I’d say beds are almost totally property dependent. Even when the bed type isn’t such as Hilton Garden Inn’s dial beds, the replacement schedule of worn mattresses is.
I’m sure Marriott and the rest will follow soon enough. No one wants to the outlier when some future incident happens that could* have been prevented.
*not really, but doesn’t matter
Silicon Valley diaspora hardest hit.
TW: mostly hyperventilating bullshit about how penises have been dicks for thousands of years.
PPS: nerds getting some.
You could have warned us about the picture of the hot tub full of naked Richard Stallman clones, jerk.
that was….an oversight. my apologies except to Jesse.
never apologize to jesse, it only encourages him.
Ha, listen to who’s complaining about a link that some [okay, everyone] might find… disturbing.
I wonder if this will increase the “The maid must have stolen my laptop (credit cards, etc)” complaints? I know when I’m actually in the room, the chain or that other lock thingy is on so no one is barging in on me.
soon…middle of trip, need to do laundry…mini-bandit is playing with carefully planned out coinage prior to exit for the day…leaves it on bed…wife returns. pissed. i should be a more attentive parent.
I certainly wouldn’t encourage any Glibs to use such a thing, but if you decide of your own free will to do so, I hear it can help you meet your New Year’s weight loss goals in record time.
I’ve never liked inhalers. I’d rather just do heroin.
Oh, how I laughed:
Does Maddow ever tire of being wrong?
Lol. That shit never gets old.
Nigeria: Muslim gunmen murder 14 churchgoers returning from midnight service
Warri – Gunmen killed at least 14 churchgoers returning from a midnight service on Monday in Nigeria’s Rivers State, a police source told AFP, the latest violence to hit the oil-rich region.
“The gunmen opened fire on a set of worshippers at about 12:30 on Monday,” said Ugochi Olugbo, a relative of one of the victims who were attending a New Year’s Eve service.
Razorfist is doing all of DS9, episode by episode, fun for Geeks!
Pakistan: Muslim leader calls for jihad against US and Israel, use of nuclear bomb to “free Jerusalem”
That Hafiz Saeed, whom the U.S. has been trying to arrest for years, is walking around loose and planning a run for political office in Pakistan, is the clearest indication that Trump is right: Pakistan is no ally of the United States.
“Hafiz Saeed calls for Jihad against the US,” ANI, January 1, 2018:
Jamaat-ud-Dawah (JuD) Chief and 26/11 Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed continues to spread religious hatred from the Pakistan soil as he, recently, invited all Islamic states to launch ‘Jihad’ against the United States and Israel.
Hundreds of JuD activists participated in a rally ‘Tahafuz Baitul Muqaddas’ at the Istanbul Chowk here. The event was attended by JuD leaders, including Hafiz Saeed and Abdul Rehman Makki….
The Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) co-founder, while addressing the gathering, said, “The day Jerusalem (Bait-ul-Muqaddas) becomes the capital of Israel, a caravan of ‘Jihad’ will be launched. Pakistan’s army chief General (Qamar Javed) Bajwa, Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and all leaders of the political parties need to unite. Pakistan’s atomic bomb is the asset of `Islam’, which should be used to free Jerusalem. This is my open announcement.”
He added, “We should organise an Islamic conference to be attended by chiefs of the Islamic states to declare ‘Jihad’. The influence of the ISIS will weaken and the conspiracy of the United States against Islam and holy war (Jihad) will come to an end.”
“Pakistan is no ally of the United States.”
It’s a good thing W sold them nuclear capable F15s while the rest of DC was busy arguing about Terry Shiavo.
Pakistan has no F-15s. They do however have an upgraded block of the F-16 we sold them a long time ago when they were helping against the Russians. Most of their crap is now coming from China, which likes the fact they can use the to cause trouble against India.
Yeah, you’re right, it was F16s. 2005. Still shouldn’t have sold them to them.
Their F16s cannot shoot down our planes so why not sell them to the Pals.
Their is so much software in a jet that makes it dangerous or not that their jets are no danger to us or our (((allies))) there that the sales are a way to get our tax dollars back.
The way it works is this. The taxpayers give them money and then they give it back to Boening or Lockheed Martin shareholders.
It sucks but it better than our tax dollars being given to French jets.
I strongly endorse the idea of organizing a conference attended by the chiefs of the Islamic states to declare a geehahd.
And that conference should be advertised well in advance so every one of them can put it on their calendars.
He added, “We should organise an Islamic conference to be attended by chiefs of the Islamic states to declare ‘Jihad’. The influence of the ISIS will weaken and the conspiracy of the United States against Islam and holy war (Jihad) will come to an end.”
By all means assemble together in one place and declare your undying enmity for the United States. Go ahead and issue a formal declaration of war.
Sure as hell would make things a lot easier on everyone.
If We were 10% as Bad as 90% of the world thinks we are, We would own the whole fucking Planet, Nuke the Moon!
Sloppy, you know, as a long-time lurker (and soon to be cat-butted away),
maybe, just maybe Urban Meyer just doesn’t have it.
Bama wins even when they have no very good reason to be there in the first place. Meaning they are pretty much the Germany of College Football. Call Jogi and the DFB. If nothing else, those doods are good at bribing the refs.
P. S. Holy crap, I just realised, the traveling THE is back in Tuscaloosa. Woohooo!
Sloopy. My bad.
No, you had it right.
That’s a first.
Who won the first college football championship series who also wasn’t supposed to be there?
Sloopy might have something to say about that,
/Who’s Sloppy?
Winston’s mom?
No, that’s Sloppy Seconds.
God damit. Clemson isn’t even competent as a foe. The THE is in Miami.
Wait, Tulpa’s a ‘Bama fan?
Worst suckpoppet ever.
Is this headline some kind of non-sequitur? I thought Orrin Hatch was from UT, and Mittens was from MA? Is there a “Mormon seat” in the Senate now that I’m not aware off?
Or a dork seat.
Same thing…
There can be only one.
Hot Air takes down Dana Milbank on…hypocrisy? stupidity? arrogance?
Romney owns a house outside SLC which qualifies him under the carpetbagger/FYTW rule.
He has a house in La Jolla too, where he shames kids on the beach. If you’re smoking a joint, he wants you off of his lawn.
So if that punchable face fuckwit Hatch resigns before his term is up, the GOP can just appoint his replacement, right? I take it that Hatch is a Mormon, because who else would like the Romulan?
Oh, he’s a bigtime Mormon
Have you ever seen that Tabernacle just north of DC? The first time I saw it, I was like WTF is that? Everytime I’m with someone, driving on 95 or 495 whichever it is you see it from driving south, they have the same reaction. Looks like the Emerald City out of Wizard of Oz.
Yep – it is rather…out of place. Never been in it or around it, though.
495, always thought it was Disneyland. They did have nice Christmas lights though.
I’m trying to square that one, myself. I think Mitt “Binders full of women/literally hitler” Romney has property there. Allowing him to run.
Good evening my glib friends
For you I bring derp of the highest quality
Let me let you in on a secret Hanna. That ol’ ‘roll in the hay’ thing is just a metaphor. In fact, hay is quite abrasive. Strip down and lay on some hay and you will see what I mean. It is basically a pile of sticks. They scratch, they cut, they poke. It is not comfortable at all. It’s torture. Nobody has a roll in the hay.
Humping that straw man is going to do the same thing to your pussy.
But Suthen, they’re all badthinkers and trump meanies.
Oh jeez I love it.
“You’re either with us or against us!”
Enjoy your misery lady.
You know, when your worldview is built on imaginary projections, you’re going to be surprised and bewildered a lot when bumping into reality. It’s like a handicap on life.
Well these are progs.
I would vote for Bernie in exchange for a long weekend at a beach resort with the Asian chick in the picture.
I would insist on the weekend first though, before the election.
I’m sure it been covered but Netflix made a BooBoo
That just makes me like it more. It was entertainingly bad.
Unlike Hemlock Grove, which is just bad.
A bunch of insufferably smug internet atheists doing their best MST3K impression (but as if Joel, Tom, and Crow were all on the extreme end of the autism spectrum), to a fairly innocuous B-movie? Can we do a “Mock the Mockers?” here on Glibs?
I support that effort.
No, someone just wanted to make a Shadowrun movie but not pay for licensing.
Heh, I think you’re onto something HM
I’m fine with that.
God damn, you’re correct!
Gonna have to watch it now. I was already tempted by Rotten Tomatoes score split between critics and viewers…
Only in Minnesoda could a gal who looks like this be a sex blogger.
Yeah, she looks pretty grown up too me. Far too much growth, as a matter of fact. Her stated plan to continue along this course of action isn’t precisely endearing, either.
Also, heh, the atheism+/”skeptic” community. Fresh and new progressive rebadged “scientific Marxism” from over a century ago.
Hey now. There’s a lot of good skeptics out there too. They’re not all Steve shives.
Sorry Rick, but name 3 that aren’t Watermelons.
Armored Skeptic?
Maybe a couple more.
Sargon gets so much undeserved intellectual credit for not having his brain totally rotted out by identity politics. He endorsed fucking Justice Democrats, which anyone with half a brain could have seen was genetically (The Young Turks) doomed to fail… mainly because of identity politics. JD also stood behind Linda Sarsour and a charming idea like nationalizing the Internetnationalizing the Internet,and note that is literally the most popular topic ever on the JD subreddit.
He’s as much of a “classical liberal” as Bill Maher in 2005 was a libertarian. (Cultural appropriation?!?)
In the first place, she’s too big. In the second place too.
That particular isotope of smug naturally occurs only in the Pharyngula nebula.
Huh, for what it was I though it was pretty good, I’d watch a sequel.
I agree, i liked it but I am an idiot so there is that.
I’ve not watched it yet, but it’s on my list, especially after all the socjus shitposting about it.
I tried to watch Hemlock grove. I did, but after the first season….
Same with HoC. It could have ended after season 5, everything after that just felt like an even more Soap Opera version of the story.
Bright wasn’t perfect but I liked it. Jesus, the bien-pensant JournoList crowd really turned out hard against it… it didn’t have enough racial genuflection, of the right kind. HOW CAN YOU MAKE A MOVIE ABOUT ORCS WHEN POLICE DO VIOLENCE AGAINST BLACK BODIES-type stuff.
Isn’t that a reboot of Alien Nation?
The only thing mildly interesting about that link was the white-on-red “YOUR ISP HAS BLOCKED THIS PAGE!” scare popup about net neutrality. Where is my shocked face that a bunch of smug assholes would peddle lies in service to the cause?
It’s a fun little site full of atheism plus douche canoes. I recommend it for all your derp needs, right after everyday feminism
Never forget Ceaser you are mortal
I highly encourage Jones and Northam to follow the authors advice and seal their electoral doom.
That’s because unlike you DNC types both of them realize that they did not win on the strength of the Democratic party but rather on the weakness of the specific candidates they were running against meaning their only hope of winning re-election is to build even stronger support among moderates in the other party and not kowtowing to the base of their own party.
Barrett Holmes Pitner is a politics and race-and-culture journalist, and an adjunct professor in the department of Environmental Studies at SUNY-ESF. He is based in Washington, DC.
Yeah, this is a guy who really has his finger on the pulse of Southern electoral politics. I know it’s actually better that guys like Northram and Jones marginalize themselves and lose office trying to appeal to the internet left, but this kind of stupid really annoys me. This idiot lives in a left-wing bubble. I’m sure Holmes-Pitner and his friends and colleagues would be delighted to have Northram and Jones occupy office as hardline leftists. But, it’s a surefire way to wind up marginal outside of Holmes-Pitner and his friends and colleagues. The world doesn’t revolve around him and people like him.
But, but everyone he knows agrees with his politics?!1
Any other state want to take this couple off of Minnesoda’s hands?
A couple is suing a caterer because they “ruined” their wedding dinner that was supposed to be a surprise vegan dinner.
You know they would have been just as urinated off if they had given the guests creamer.
A picture of the bride (I think)
She can be my dentist
Would. Even though she is an insufferable asshole.
Might as long as she is willing to consume at least some animal protiens
Can’t believe you mooks missed this one
“Dr. Zee and her fiancé, Kevin, live with their feline family members in Downtown”
They maybe be assholes, but that doesn’t mean their suit doesn’t have merit. If you contract for a service, you expect that service to be rendered in the manner that was agreed upon..
“I expressly requested that she swallow and I saw her surreptitiously spit into a Kleenex when she thought I wasn’t looking!”
And it seems the vegan thing is just one of a long list of complaints they had. They may not even be assholes just people who got really shitty service.
Well, it seems like they were trying to Folgers the guests, although I would guess that many there knew about the couples’ diet.
It does seems like they have something of a case-at least, the way it’s presented in the article.
I read the article and while it does seem their suit may very well have merit from the article, I have considerable personal experience dealing with the vegan gluten-free crowd, and they have a very high tendency to bombastically lie and be a huge pain in the ass. But it’s vegans against a vegan caterer, so, uh, who knows.
This line quirks the ol’ eyebrow, too:
I am calling bullshit. Chickens dont have fingers.
If the caterer did a truly bad job, yup I agree that they should be sued.
But I’m going to need some proof that the caterer really did a bad job. I am skeptical of any claims made by a couple that wanted to be so frontal about their veganism (and who would care that someone brought chicken fingers in without their permission).
My wet dream would be to discover:
1) vegan couple went to caterer and asked for a vegan meal
2) caterer said, we don’t have much experience doing surprise vegan meals, why don’t you choose someone else
3) vegan couple threatened to sue caterer for discrimination against vegans if they didn’t do it
4) Gary Johnson’s supreme court rules for the vegan couple
5) caterer tries to do the best they can
6) turns out to be disaster
7) vegan couple sues anyhow
8) Mr. Lizard commences orbital bombardment
9) The universe is better off with Earth turned into a grease stain
10) New planet starts up in former Earth role, features chicken fingers as core of diet
Sure, but you are presuming that the allegations are both true and in violation of the contract.
Some of the allegations seem like nothing more than opinion that couldn’t be written into the contract (for example the taste of the skewers) and others quite possibly stem from the impossibility of the request (don’t give the guests what they want but don’t tell them why they can’t have it. oh and keep them happy in the process) .
There could be a perfectly valid complaint there but these people are still assholes for even forcing a vegan meal on their “guests” without allowing them to know in advance.
Their guests don’t have to eat it, either.
Sure but they cannot make an informed decision if they are specifically not informed of the facts.
That said, I don’t care how good of a cook you are you are it is likely that 80% of your guests would have figured out it was a vegetarian meal at a minimum (and knowing the couple likely have made the leap to vegan) within the first 3 minutes of being served and the other 20% would have been under 10 or over 80.
This is where the disdain and mockery become a conversation piece amongst the guests! Suddenly they all have a common enemy.
Sounds like a fairytale wedding to me.
Also, yes, I agree they would’ve figured it out with the first bite and THEN they would have been informed they don’t like the food. I don’t have to be told what it is to know I don’t like it after I’ve tasted it.
The cake probably tasted like shit, too. No butter in that buttercream.
“I don’t eat vegetarian. It’s an ethical thing; I don’t believe humans should be treated like this.”
No. That’s what the purpose of taking the suit to court is, to determine if the allegations are true and if the contract was violated. Saying a suit has merit merely means they have a right to have the case heard, not that they are necessarily correct. If I sue you for breathing, that doesn’t have merit because breathing isn’t against the law nor could your breathing cause me to have suffered loss or harm of any kind. I can’t see any court taking that case to trial. However, If I sue you for defamation, it has merit as it is within the realm of possibility that you could have defamed me, but it would be up to me to prove in court that you did.
“To make matters worse, a guest was allowed to bring chicken fingers to the meal without the bridal couple’s approval.”
Also known as #winning.
Meh. There was a whole lot more going wrong there than just the surprise being spoilt. If all the things in the article are true, I’d’a sued too. It sounds like the caterer was given specific instructions/recipes and/or assured the bride they could cook the stuff properly, and they either didn’t or couldn’t do it. Taking plates away early is also bad form, throwing away food the bride had paid for.
As for spoiling the surprise, the caterer should have told them up front there were things guests would ask for (no soy for Asian dishes and no creamer for the coffee, hello!) and they would have to refuse them, risking angry guests either way. There are just some things that can’t be done and have it turn out the way you want it. So that is also on the caterer, although if the couple weren’t so freaking self-absorbed, they’d have known that.
I would suspect that even in the post-apocalyptic irradiated wasteland that is MN, caches of pre-war almond milk can be found.
True. But it should have been an anticipated request and planned for.
That’s what I’m saying.
Oh, I see. My bad.
A minute of Googling turns up a ton of vegan caterers in Minneapolis.
Sounds like the couple should have gone to a specialist, not tried to get some other caterer to work in unfamiliar territory. Especially since it sounds like they met more than once.
My guess is she is a complete bridezilla who did notice that the people didn’t like the food, but refuses to admit it’s because she tried to sneak Vegan on them without telling them, not because of the execution of her manipulative little plan.
Years ago we went to some friends’ wedding in which they served a totally vegan meal, which was mostly a single grilled mushroom and some clear broth. It was held on a mountaintop winery setting, with only a narrow road out of there winding downhill. The band came on after dinner (playing “New Age” music) and the couple somehow had their first dance to music that you hear when getting a massage. That being complete, people felt they could leave the reception, and there was a mass exodus of guests, and soon a string of lights twisting down the mountain road. At the bottom of the mountain, at the end of a 20-minute drive, there was the only thing open for many miles at that hour, a gas station — and most of the cars were pulling in. I saw many of the apparently still quite hungry wedding guests leave the gas station store with bags of beef jerky.
Oofa. What happened to the days of the wedding party throwing their guests a huge feast? It’s not like it’s any less of an imposition now that every guest arrives in a horseless chariot with good shocks, plush seats, and AC: they’re sacrificing quality couch time to celebrate your stupid nuptials. The least you could do is accommodate them as lavishly as your budget permits.
You know what, if I were spending lavishly on a wedding, I think 90% would go to the venue, buffet, and open bar, and 10% for a quiet family-only service beforehand. Oh, and Uber. Come get fat and plastered to celebrate our wedding, we’ll send you home with a chintzy gift bag and a patient driver.
None of this RSVP with your chicken or pork dinner crap, either. I hope you like BBQ.
I DO LIKE BBQ! Am I invited?
Everyone is invited.
I think it’s safe to say that when I have copious dollars to spend, I’ll have met my one true love. And I’ll issue each and every one of you an invitation, care of SP and OMWC.
Don’t hold your breath.
We had BBQ for our wedding.
Totally agree. What I usually get on the RSVP card for a big to-do is a choice among fish, chicken, beef or pork, or a place to indicate special meal needs.
What I did for mine was go to the pastor’s house, get married on his back porch (his wife was one witness and we had to run next door to get the 18 year old neighbor girl to be the 2nd witness–pretty funny actually), then have taco casserole, change into football jerseys and watch football while my hubby’s boys jumped on the trampoline with their boys. That’s how you do it if you don’t want to put on the feast.
All this crap about “It’s her day”… I mean, maybe that right there is indicative as to why I’m not married, no sentimentality, but that seems wrong to me. It’s both hers and his public avowal of fidelity, right? The wedding should be more about the guests, who are gathered to witness (and, presumably, enforce) the commitment of those wedded. It seems to me like they’re gathering the community to become complicit in the union. Outmoded, sure, but I’d rather my wedding be remembered as a lusty feast than a funeral with two corpses.
sGo to Silicon Valley and join in the sex parties.
(See comment 54)
Yup. My first marriage, the “practice marriage”, was me wanting to make a small deal of it, but future MIL trying to make it all about HER. So I wanted a destination wedding to an island with me and practice hubby (RETROSPECT: LOSER), but she needed a to-do, so she threw a huge Bon Voyage party at a country club. It was horrifying.) I should have called it off right then. Instead, we were divorced in about 15 months or so. No kids, no property, no problem.
Marriage ceremonies should be about the couple (BOTH OF THEM) and their friends celebrating, not showing off or outdoing anyone.
Dinner receptions aren’t a thing in my religious culture (Mormon). Cake and punch, bitchez! Bride and groom need to get naked! Also, our chapels are free to use as are our officiants.
The only things I spent “serious” money on were my cake (which cost more than my dress) (which I made) and flowers and pictures.
So I spent about $2k to get married and have a big party.
‘”The tofu that was supposed to be crispy was raw. The curry was “just a bowl of vegetables, which were missing bamboo shoots as instructed, and had an exorbitant amount of carrots.” As for the pad thai, the noodles were mush and broken into little pieces against explicit instructions, bean sprouts were few and the sauce was “sickeningly sweet.”’
For Odin’s sake, don’t let these people out of the state. They will compensate for the evaporation of humor caused by Al Franken’s return.
This could be an episode of Portlandia.
Fucking vegangelists.
I am in Vienna, late, and drinking. WUT UP BITCHES. /On topic which is no topic since this is lynx, The Viennese pork knuckle is far superior to the Munchen variety.
How are the little sausages?
I eat em every day for a road snack
He brought his own.
He is 2. Give him time.
Pics or it didn’t happen,
i have a picture … i do not know how to post it. i is dum.
Uhhh, that was Prague…three days ago. But YES!
ohh and the asses over here are AMAZING. (apologies to the 1.2 libertarian women on this board)
So I hear. Prague is only list.
on my*
It should be…evidently only the men drink beer. And there are too many i saw.
not too …should say not too.
Prague is also a good city.
I think We have 4 or more Women now, almost a Binder Full!
We can all go work in Senator Romney’s senate office!
I’ll bet you are already in Romney’s Binder, aren’t you?
I disqualified myself for drinking too much.
Honestly, the funniest (and least infuriating) political thing that SNL has done in the past 10 years was the sketch after Romney lost to Obama where he goes out on a balcony to drown his sorrows with a glass of milk. I larfed.
Dammit! Switch our trip in March from Prague Spring to Vienna Sausages because the flights were better timed. Thinking it was a mistake now.
It is a trivial (and pretty) 4.5 hr drive. We also stayed in Chesky Krumlov so I split the trip. Next up, Bratislava and Budapest.
(please excuse the phonetic spelling)
Nice. Limited on the dates so only have about 2.5 days for one or the other, but not both. Say hi to PieintheSKy on your way through.
Save your money, Come by For a Fabulous Vienna Sausage Lunch! it also comes with Ruffles and onion Dip, and Sweet tarts for Dessert…….
mmmm Sweet tarts
well, Melk abby is only an hour an so is bratislava…wait till tomorrow night to hear of Bratislava.
Vienna is a great city. Have you stopped at Figlmüller? Cafe Gerstner is better than Cafe Sacher.
You mean Eisbein? Schweinshaxe?
The Viennese pork knuckle is far superior to the Munchen variety.
I can’t keep up with these euphemisms.
So, my wife just got her higher level security clearance for the new job, so she’s basically in. I hope it turns out good, the money is a lot better, anyway. It’s too cold to change jobs. It’s too cold to change a tire. Fuck, it’s too cold to even change my mind. This shit is killing me, I have a headache all the time and I’m always thirsty. I fled the midwest to escape that shit and it followed me! Global warming is not working, I want a refund! Can’t Congress do something!?
Start a letter writing campaign to Al Gore.
PenthouseGreen House I never thought this could happen.Dear Mr. Gore,
Where the fuck is my warming you promised me? I’m freezing my damn ballz off, you fat fucking sex poodle!
Too Cold
Have you tried this one weird trick to warm the climate? I read it on Buzzfeed.
I’ve been having my orphans keep my fleet of giant SUVs running 24/7, 365 days a years. Is that the one? It’s stopped working.
no not that one…the one that involves an avocado, old timey photo, and a slideshow leading to nothing.
But I made sure to turn my speakers up and give my uninterrupted attention for the next 30 minutes. It’s plastic what’s killing us, no?
Dude, stay home where its warm and let your sugar mama pay all the bills.
I was going to, buy my wife ran her off.
It actually reads better the first time
Wow, it’s so cold that the site’s running really slow… wait… it’s net neutrality isn’t it? They’ve given all the bandwidth to the NAZIS!!!
My wife and I started watching Jean-Claude Van Johnson on Netflix a couple nights ago. It’s really surprisingly funny. Van Damme plays a secret agent who’s cover is acting as himself in movies. The episodes are half an hour long, and chock full of jokes about how awful Time Cop and Double Impact were. The fighting is cheesy, the acting is tongue-in-cheek, and Van Damme is just delightfully lovable as the washed up action hero. Give it a try if you need to kill 30 minutes.
You’re married? Who else is keeping secrets from me?
I … uhhh … procreated.
as far as I know.
We know all your secrets
Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father. Rufus, I am your father!
I actually really like how Van Damme can poke fun at himself. Kidz theez dayz don’t even know who he is!
Kids these days don’t know a whole lot it sounds and feels like.
Except for how to find a tattoo parlour.
JCVD is also recommended.
I liked the pilot of Jean Claude Van Johnson when it was first released, but I haven’t been able to get into the rest of the series. Maybe give another stab at it this weekend.
TIME COP was brilliant and I will not hear otherwise. Also, Ron Silver.
Matt Drudge needs to get his head out of Mitt Romney’s ass. If Drudge report suddenly goes down, it was a case of asphyxiation.
So is it real socialism or not
Did they run out of other people’s money yet? Then it’s State Capitalism.
It’s Lenin Apologism. Stalin’s a list cause, but at least they’re going to reform Lenin’s image.
Oh there’s still tankies out there. I follow them in Facebook
Stalin was a far-right conservative
I thought Stalin was libertarian?
Ah, V. I. Lenin.
His only crime was seizing power and then killing anybody who didn’t agree with him.
What’s not to like?
“but the specific politics of the right wing of the British labor movement, which — when WITBD? was written — opposed forming a labor party and lacked a class-struggle orientation to politics. Today we might call such an orientation “business unionist.”
What’s right of the right-wing? Funnily, ‘right-wing of the British labor movement’ only adds credence to the idea that fascism was just the ‘right-wing of socialism’.
They all suck dry rotten sanguine oranges.
“….The main “tragedy” isn’t the Bolsheviks’ actions; it’s the ad hoc justifications of these actions as norms in Comintern resolutions, adopted by “Leninist” organizations. Those, of course, must be thoroughly rejected if we’re to have a democratic radical left….”
Gee, you think?
“….But for those of us who are sure that humanity’s ultimate choice really is socialism or barbarism, and that if the global working class (now larger than ever before) doesn’t take political power we are condemned to continued economic and ecological crises, studying the history of Bolshevism — for both negative and positive lessons — is a must.”
Really? Those are the choices? Socialism or barbarism? Some false choices there.
When I think communist, I always think ecological success story.
We’ve always been at war with Eastasia. How can anybody not just roll their eyes at that bullshit.
There was a whole lot of stretching there. So much so it could do a triple anal.
“”if the global working class (now larger than ever before) doesn’t take political power we are condemned to continued economic and ecological crises””
1) the economic ‘crises’ of modern capitalism are nothing but speed-bumps on a non-stop trajectory of prosperity compared to the decades of impoverishment and mammoth waste of life that seemed to be the outcome of every single socialist experiment in the 20th century
2) ‘ecological’ – similarly, it is only since capitalism has created so much wealth that mankind can even bother to be concerned with its impact on the wider environment. The industrialized world is in fact cleaner and more ‘sustainable’ than ever before in human history, and the price of a clean environment is constantly being made cheaper by technological innovation. None of which would ever happen in some managed economy.
U.S. soldier killed, 4 wounded in combat in Afghanistan
Jan. 2 (UPI) — A U.S. service member has been killed and four others injured during combat in Afghanistan, the Department of Defense said Tuesday.
The Pentagon said the first death this year occurred in Achin in eastern Nangarhar province Monday, but didn’t give details, including the military branch or the killed soldier’s identity.
U.S. troops are not involved [in] direct combat in Afghanistan, but President Donald Trump last August announced plans to strengthen the military’s Afghan involvement.
Well, which is it?
Advise and Assist missions like Syria and Iraq last year. Afghans are definitely in the lead at this point locally. They’re in charge of operation planning, targeting, etc – seems to be pretty effective comparatively speaking and they are getting a LOT more operational experience and effective compared to a few years ago. Obviously still some shortcomings in various mission sets – but like the SDF and Iraqis in Mosul – we’re using a MUCH lighter touch than previously.
They were not there on a combat mission, but oddly enough combat found them!
Global warming is not working, I want a refund!
Burn some more tires.
Uffda. Get the popcorn.
Michele Bachmann says she is thinking about running for the Senate seat from Minnesoda.
Will be interesting to see how the #MeToo crowd tries to sink her campaign. It isn’t like they can accuse her husband of molesting women.
Is this the face of a guy who is going to grope a model on a USO tour?
Good lord.
Ugh. Just go away Michelle.
It’s too bad she doesn’t know her husband is gay. That is going to be very embarrassing when it comes out.
I was a CD6 delegate when she was going for the nomination, so I had to meet with her (and her clapping seal husband Marcus) many times. Unfortunately.
I wanted Phil Krinkie (an actual businessman with a libertarian bent) to win. Eventually I told the GOP to eff off and I am much happier for it. I still give money to some individual candidates, like Justin Amash. I like to pretend he’s my Rep instead of that idiot Keith Ellison. And Amash needed the help when the GOP tried to primary him when he was already the incumbent. Jerks.
Arianna Huffington knew. That didn’t stop her.
Bachmann will catch hell because she does the family values thing all the time. She’s had a ton of foster kids too; wonder if Marcus weinsteined any of them?
She’s pretty and a Republican. So there’s 2X the reason for leftists to hate her. As far as her politics are concerned, I can’t stand her, she’s a total SoCon. Is she better than a commie? Of course.
Yeah, that so-con bit doesn’t go over very well with the general Minnesotan voting population.
When the state senate and house finally went GOP (i think it was 2010) the first two things they tried to do were pass a law to prevent gay marriage, and some other SoCon thing that I have forgotten. They were both on the ballot. Big flops. Adding to that was when a GOP officer (Michael Broadkorb) and the Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch got caught having an affair, it cost them the power.
Way to go, stupidparty.
Both parties are so horrible in some way or other, that I start thinking it must be some sort of collusion between them to ensure the continued viability of both.
Even likely.
I’ll just leave this here.
MSNBC thinks Detroit is a Libertarian city
I larfed. Then I sighed.
The interesting thing is that, in the wake of Detroit’s semi-collapse, libertarian, communal, and other voluntary orgs emerged.
It’s because they have too many roads to be a libertarian city, right?
Even if it was, I wouldn’t live there. It’s too fucking cold, thank you. This cold spell has reminded me what hell it is to live in the upper midwest. Never fucking again. Ok, if I can spend 3-4 months of the year never leaving the house and I can have a nuclear powered humidifier, ok. Or maybe if they can build a dome over the entire city and it never gets below 50 degrees.
I stopped at 43 seconds. Life’s too short and he’s too stupid to waste on.
Really? Those are the choices? Socialism or barbarism? Some false choices there.
Have a care. A man could get purged for talking like that.
A very patient man tries to explain to Thom Hartmann what happened in Detroit.
The real cause of the Detroit bankruptcy
They let down one more time.
At this point, I have no pity for Browns fans.
They should move the city and leave the team there.
I’m guessing these are not the people you want to see nude.
I have some experience here. Typically if people are running around naked, they are 90 yr old Germans, or morbidly obese people. All the people who should get naked in public are not doing so. All the one’s that shouldn’t are. There should be a law named after this phenomenon.
Hyperion’s Law?
Well, I’ve always had this dream that Hyperion’s law would be something more profound and meaningful, like aliens must exist because carrots have higher specific gravity than broccoli.
I think that’s Gresham’s Law.
Bad titty drives out good?
*considers lynx photo, remembers woman in room 237, shivers like Swiss on a night like… this week*
I still have flashbacks to seeing wrinkly overtanned 90 year old European (presumably) men wearing thongs and strolling the beaches of Florida. Shudder.
Every beach in Brazil. Germans who speak little English or Portuguese, but who are typically very nice, speedos, wrinkles, and knee socks with sandals. That image is permanently imprinted on my brain now. I can’t unsee it.
I remember the first time wife and I were in Rio, staying at Copacabana. We were on the main ave right across from the beach. We were sitting in the lounge drinking and had an unobstructed view of the beach and ocean. Was a beautiful day. Then… this tour bus pulls up in front blocking our view. Next thing all I could see was soccer shorts and sandals with kneesocks. And I was like holy mother fucker of gawds, what the fuck did I do to deserve this. Talk about harshing a buzz.
The hottest spot south of Havana?
No, the real Copacabana, the one right next to Ipanema, this one:
I know no one will believe me, but the only women I saw sunbathing topless at Sydney, Australia beaches were women you’d want to see naked. And yes, I scanned the crowd to see if there were women you wouldn’t want to see naked sunbathing topless and I saw none. I wouldn’t want to be screwed up by confirmation bias or anything like that.
I’m just shocked that the Aussies haven’t banned it yet, since they’re almost running out of things to ban.
Maybe they need to distract people from all the other things they ban?
from the mental giants at Jacobin
The Case Against a Basic Income
A universal basic income would shore up the market. We need ideas that shrink it.
I love me some Jacobin. They’re the best of the worst for demsocs and trots.
“A universal basic income would shore up the market. We need ideas that shrink it.”
What’s the difference between Luddites, Malthusians, Communists, Sociopaths, and Idiots? Is there one, or have we just came up with lots of names for the same morons?
Not that I give a shit about this (it would be odd if rich and powerful men weren’t doing this sort of thing) I just find it endlessly amusing that Blue Autophagy is continuing at such a rapid pace. The Pence rule never looked so prescient.
I find it amusing that the subset of your species that promoted this exact behavior is now aghast at its practice
I’m guessing our lizard overlords don’t have a problem with sexual assault. Ovipositors seem rather unsexy.
don’t cool off, I’m watching you
WOW…not even an INTERNAL HAT TIP!!! WTF? Fells like TSWWNBN around here.
Internal hat tips get you charged, not just fired.
The last time I asked for a hat-tip, I got a cat-butt instead.
Trump is lit: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/948355557022420992
Between admin statements on support for Iranian people and this stuff…2018 is looking pretty solid.
I really wish that the Orange Cheeto had Glib level wit and sarscasm, it would be epic on a galactic scale. But I guess this is going to have to do. Still about a trillion times better than Hillary being Potus.
Oh hot dang is that beautiful.
Hungry North Korean soldiers are being given leave to find food, report says
We must all grub roots at times for the glory of the utopia, comrades.
My sister made me laugh the other day when she said that if the Norks somehow invaded the US, they would stop at the first grocery store and eat themselves into a food coma.
They should just have a big cook out on the good side of the DMZ and use fans to push the scent over the border.
Gen. Lee did this too – he sent Stuart’s cavalry home in winter ’62-63 so they could get fodder for their horses. After that starvation winter, the vaunted CSA cavalry never performed to the same high standards and successes of the earlier war period.
You can’t make this shit up. He’s like his own SNL skit of himself. Lol.
Dreaded, sadistic ISIS executioner reportedly captured in Iraq; could be executed himself
A white-bearded ISIS militant who presided over the killings of dozens of gay men and others who ran afoul of the so-called “caliphate” was captured in the Iraqi city of Mosul last week, according to reports.
Abu Omer was a prominent presence in several sick videos of ISIS executions, in which homosexuals were thrown off buildings and others beheaded and stoned to death for minor offenses such as blasphemy.
Another photo appears to show Omer inspecting a pile of rocks before a public stoning. Now, this most feared ISIS executioner could be executed himself.
It is unclear how many Iraqis have been slaughtered by ISIS, which swept across the country in the summer of 2014 before gradually being pushed back by government forces supported by a U.S.-led coalition.
An Associated Press investigation has found at least 133 mass graves left behind by the defeated extremists, and only a handful have been exhumed. Estimates vary between 11,000 and 13,000 bodies in those graves, according to the AP tally.
This was over the line?
Former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke said Tuesday that he would not be “intimidated into silence” on Twitter after his account was briefly suspended over tweets bashing the media.
In a now-deleted Saturday tweet, Clarke said he wanted to punch the “lying lib media” and “make them taste their own blood.” The tweet also included an edited photo showing Clarke’s face superimposed on a wrestler kicking another wrestler (labeled CNN) held by a likeness of President Trump.
It read: “BREAKING NEWS! When LYING LIB MEDIA makes up FAKE NEWS to smart me, the ANTIDOTE is go right at them. Punch them in the nose & MAKE THEM TASTE THEIR OWN BLOOD. Nothing gets a bully like a LYING LIB MEDIA’S attention better than to give them a taste of their own blood #neverbackdown”
Deserves to be suspended for the over use of caps.
So I was tracking a friend’s flight on flight radar, and there was a cool-looking neighborhood on the satellite image close to runway 22L at BOS.
So I looked it up on Wikipedia. How long before this town goes under water (figuratively and/or literally) with employment demographics like these.
Chelsea has always been a hole. The state once took over the school system. Don’t know if they ever gave it back.
With the SALT repeal, one thinks sooner rather than later.
Anyone got the short answer for how this: Within recent years, the city has made a sustained effort to work with both immigrant communities and persons of minority faiths. jives with the establishment clause?
Good gravy.
Fire the city manager.
End navel gazing partnership with Havhhad fellows, particularly the international graduate students.
End useless data gathering.
Fire the Downtown Coordinator.
Cut spending & taxes by $5.2M.
I really hope this is the dumbest thing I read today.
There is no 1st Amendment right to speak on a college campus
No university, public or private, could perform its mission were it not permitted to evaluate the merit of ideas. Consider Sessions’s observation that a “first axiom of the First Amendment” is that, “as a general rule, the state has no power to ban speech on the basis of its content.” That is indeed true. But universities can and must engage in content discrimination all the time. I subject my students to constant content discrimination. If I am teaching a course on constitutional law, my students had better discuss constitutional law and not the World Series.
Another “bedrock principle” of the First Amendment is that “the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” Yet no competent teacher would permit a class to descend into name-calling and insults. Even if the object of classroom education is to expose students to ideas that they might find disturbing or threatening, it is nevertheless inconsistent with learning for students to experience this encounter in settings where they are personally abused or degraded.
To give a simple example, students are free to march with candles chanting, “No means yes, yes means anal,” in a park. The First Amendment gives them the right to do so. But no sane university would tolerate a student group marching through its campus shouting this ugly slogan (as some male students once did at Yale). The university would be entitled to institute disciplinary proceedings because the relationship — the entire relationship — between a university and its students is governed by the goal of education. Students are members of a university community dedicated to learning, and the university is entitled to enforce the obligations of community membership.
Underlying Chemerinsky’s post is the assumption that speech within the university (and outside the classroom) is the same as in the public sphere. But the root and fiber of the university is not equivalent to the public sphere. If a university believes that its educational mission requires it to prohibit all outside speakers, or to impose stringent tests of professional competence on all speakers allowed to address the campus, it would and should be free to do so.
That’s some good sophistry, Lou.
About the author:
Robert C. Post is the Sterling professor of law at Yale Law School. He served as dean of the school from 2009 through spring 2017.
it is nevertheless inconsistent with learning for students to experience this encounter in settings where they are personally abused or degraded.
Um, you may want to take a peek at the sociology department first, shitlord.
Summoning Aleister Crowley?
Summoning, um, someone.
Are they dancing to different music?
Here is the original.
The 5 Most Intelligent Reptiles
Native to the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico, the Emerald Anole is one clever little reptile! A group of behavioral ecologists at Duke University in the United States performed a study about evolution and cognitive abilities using Emerald Anole lizards and an experiment that required the creatures to find insect larva hidden under plastic discs. The result was that the Emerald Anole performed with the higher-level cognitive intelligence usually reserved for birds and mammals.
And coming in at the most intelligent reptile on the earth is the Monitor Lizard. Monitor Lizards can grow to be over a metre long and weigh more than 10kg. Monitors belong to a family of carnivorous lizards called the Varanidae. These creatures are among the most intelligent reptiles on earth, with some species learning to count snails at feeding time and displaying distinct personality traits. A few have even discovered how to use their forearms to help extract insects from logs. The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. reports that the komodo dragons housed there even recognize their human keepers on sight.
So maybe all this talk of super intelligent space lizards isn’t so far-fetched after all.
Michael Ironsides figured that out in the 80’s
Don’t get Cold…… I’m watching….
For reptile you see, a thousand more wait to descend on your puny world.
*runs back inside, crawls back on hot rock*
Keep hoping for Global warming, I have a sling shot…..
CNN says parts of all 50 states were below freezing today. That probably does not happen often.
Sure it does, the frozen hearts of libertarians are in all 50 states.
fun fact: the crowds in the movie Seabiscuit were inflatable dolls
Look closely into the stands of Tobey Maguire’s ”Seabiscuit,” above the flying dirt of horses racing, and you’ll see thousands of fans — and a fair share of inflatable mannequins. ”It completely fools the eye,” says star William H. Macy.
The mannequins were provided by the Inflatable Crowd Co., a new outfit based in Los Angeles and founded by 31-year-old Joe Biggins. For their cameos, the 7,000 torso-and-head combos were each inflated — in as little as 12 seconds apiece, with a motorized blower — then decorated with hand-painted masks, fedoras, and clothing.
Though the 1.1-pound creations were interspersed with actual people in the grandstands, director Gary Ross stresses that all the film’s close-up shots used real people as extras. However, he added, ”If you are a quarter of a mile away, they were useful in that it made it look like a full grandstand…. It just isn’t practical to have 20,000 extras a day that are way in the background.”
Biggins owns 15,500 of the Chinese-import inflatables and rents them out for about $15 per doll per week. He recently shipped 8,500 of them to England, where they are helping fill the crowd for the Kirsten Dunst tennis pic ”Wimbledon.”
But despite the budding business, Biggins says being the mannequin master comes with certain…connotations. ”I took a lot of joking on set for being the inflatable-doll guy.”
Lots of the crowd for the pod races in Star Wars The Phantom Menace was colored q-tips. FX guys be crazy yo.
Mueller Makes Sudden Shift in Investigation: Trump’s Miraculous Michigan/Wisconsin Wins
And you thought it was dying, didn’t you? 2018.
Didn’t they already prove that there was a grand total of $10k in facebook trump ads seen by folks in WI or MI?
Those crafty Russians must have used some powerful tricknology to get all those double Obama voters to vote for Trump.
Overall, if we estimate the raw totals using these percentages while working off of Trump’s nearly 63 million votes and Clinton’s almost 66 million votes, the ANES data suggest that about 8.4 million 2012 Obama voters backed Trump in 2016 and 2.5 million Romney voters supported Clinton.
We all know Russian anthem and fur hat technology is superior to that of any other country.
Is he going to look into how Jill Stein’s Michigan recount was stopped because Detroit couldn’t account for its votes?
Also, gotta love how snopes tries to debunk the discrepancy by saying “Over and again web sites reported “more votes than voters” in Detroit, a claim that was naturally interpreted by many people as “more votes than registered voters”” by showing one tweet. Thus everyone who heard the news must be too stupid to know the truth, thus the claim is only partially true.
Those crafty Ruskies, they must have used a sonic weapon to make them miscount the number of voters.
That’s snopes in a nutshell. Technically right on very selective and non representative claims. The ultimate sophist site.
Don’t know why they went from debunking urban legends – ie. girl eating sushi and spawning baby octopi – and got into political factchecking.
The ultimate slippery slope? They were fun to read 15 years ago.
too funny
Detroit is Broke – So Why is the Detroit City Council Getting Raises?
Detroit is Broke – So Why is the Detroit City Council Getting Raises?
Oooh, I know, I know! Over here! Mr. Kotter, call on me!
Oh, the question is rhetorical? Never mind.
Here’s a link. It’s a really good link.
No One Cares If You Go Home Safe At The End Of Your Shift
I take back all the bad things I’ve said about him.
That is a really good rant. Really good.
Someone is pissed, well said though
I dig it.
That about sums it up.
Best I’ve read in awhile
Excellent questions.
I’ve been talking with a few glibs about sharing my fan edits of a few films, so I went and wrote an article of how I got into editing in general and fan editing, does that sound interesting to people who aren’t actually into that sort of thing?
My policy is to take universally interesting topics and make them tedious and incoherent. Give it a shot.
Or just Ramble and Gambol! it works for me!
Yusef rambles with the best. His gamboling, though…
If you can teach me how to do those porn compilation videos I see on Pornhub, I’d be interested in reading it.
Yes, please!
Ok, I have the article written. I’ll submit it once I have the actual edits uploaded to share, which is taking longer than it should because I’m on a crappy DSL connection. Fucking Trump killing Net Neutrality I HAVE RIGHT TO INTERNET SPEEDS HIGHER THAN 900kbps!
Cheap Bastard!
/non net nuetrality
I’m on the fastest internet I can get! The government should force my ISP to replace all the copper wire that they put in 60 years ago so I can get faster internet! It doesn’t matter that would only service 5 clients at an exorbitant cost, it’s my right!
It’s those Damn older neighborhoods! if they would just burn down we could build Sustainable Huts!
neighborhood, hah, I live outside of town, that’s why the government needs to force my ISP to replace miles of copper wire to serve 5 people. The greedy kkorperazun won’t do it on their own because they’ll ‘lose money’ and go ‘out of business’, ITS MY RIGHT MOTHERFUCKER!
Always interested in reading about someone’s creative process. Please do send it in.
Meeting at work, Windows 10 bluescreens.
Come home, turn on my game PC, Windows 10 bluescreens.
Fucking hell, I know 90s are supposed to come back, but not like this!
I’d been warning people
for agesonce, two weeks ago, but I swear the blue screen is back.W10 Insider, never a Blue screen…
In fairness, I haven’t either. But I did ask about it a couple weeks ago… I looked it up, I guess most of the BSoDs back in the day were driver problems? Windows 10 has been very stable. I’ve had maybe half a dozen hard lockups since I put this PC together two years ago.
Biggest driver issue for the last ten years, Graphics, the best thing, ASIO audio Drivers,If you record and use a DAW, it’s essential Nowadays,
Fucking hell, I wish I spoke your language. I’m pretty sure I’d make more money than I do.
After a cycle of endless BSODs on start, each with different error code, I remembered my old trick from tech support days and unplugged the PC power cable for 10 seconds. Worked like a charm – makes a bit of sense, as it looks like we had power outage while I was at work…
Rule # 1, Reset
Laura Ingraham taking on a professor over legalizing weed. Causes psychosis! Think about the children! Throughout the entire debate, one simple line was never employed against Ingraham: Why do you think it’s OK to lock someone in a cage when they aren’t using aggression against another human? Of course the liberal professor can’t ask that question because he would lock people in cages for other non aggressive crimes. I hate both of these teams.
I always get her confused with Dr Laura until I see her.
Asking for a relevant peer-reviewed study that proved her assertions would have worked too.
Laura Ingraham, not a Socon, a Psycon!
Now it’s Bolton vs some Obama lackey on Iran. Barf.
Fox Celebrity Deth Match!
If you want to be tortured, does not Japan provide more sophisticated and interesting methods?
I dunno, I just go by HM’s videos.
I’ve asked my daughter to respond to this on my behalf.
No, I know better, you don’t have any kids….
You mean I’ve let this little hobo sponge off of me for 11 years for nothing?
I’m not sure HM is a single human at this point. His immediate responses seem more like the work of some large operations center like NORAD or NASA during an Apollo launch.
Ahhh, Good? for you, Just don’t expose her to the Dark side, even with cookies
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
+ Gene Krantz
Her dark side is genetic.
And she prefers Pocky,
Don’t send that one to the mines. Keep her in house.
Cool Bro! keep her Safe!
It gets dry on the content right after New Years. Hey, let me try Fox. Doh!
Could this be the derp singularity?
Won’t read, Ignorant Minority Grievance Monger….
The “Clinton was beloved and widely praised for her competence” stuff never fails to crack me up. I notice the author doesn’t offer anything specific in the slightest as an example of this. Funny, that.
I’ve been spending some time thinking lately about how much so much “history” I’ve read is probably absolute balderdash.
My MIL is Beloved, But she’s also a piece of hypocritical Shit,
Just Say’n
Well, she was praised by sycophants.
“In one sense, the fate of Hillary Clinton is similar to that of ambitious members of any historically under-represented group. Their ability to overcome enormous odds is used as evidence that the country is fair and equal, just as long as they don’t rise high enough to upset the status quo and come to embody real change.”
Yep, it was all misogyny, well that and the fact that she’s a corrupt and shrill warmongering harpie who really ought to be in prison.
How about Marine Le Pen — who would have broken the glass ceiling and become the first-ever female head of state for France. Wouldn’t that have been great? Because just electing a woman is all that’s important, not what her policies and politics are, right? And the only reason anyone could vote against a woman in misogyny.
No, author, that was different? How so?
Until you can say that Marine Le Pen — who was, indeed, very qualified to be PM of France — only lost because of misogyny, you’re a complete hypocrite to write that belief about Ms. Clinton.
Scott Adams asking his audience what goes in a “White Russian Collusion?” Suggestions have been Bitters, sadness, sour grapes. Good stuff.
The Site seems to slow down after about 500 Comments, I’ll Donate once I get a fresh CC
Office Manager Muhammed: Why is no one Working! do you not Heed the the call of RUSEF? the MONOCLED? He requires Work for Allah! and will not be Denied!
Comment INFIDELS! or suffer the Wrath of RUSUF!… Wait I mean yusef… wait I mean Allah,…. Better
This is cool,
Nothing. Left. To. Cut. $616M edition
Cut it all let the Palis and Israelis sort it out.
Who do we give aid to, the Fatah organization who wants to kill us or is it the Hamas organization who wants to kill us?