You’ll pardon me, please, for these links. Until we got that burn barrel of old memos going, it was too cold to type around here. But, the Links must go on. So I added a few copies of old audit reports to the Eidgenössische Finanzmarktaufsicht and it has warmed up enough to not only type, but to give you the high quality links you deserve!!! OK…that might sound a bit snarky, in light of the links I have actually managed to put up. Anyway, enjoy or scorn, as you will.

  • The SKY(lab) is falling! No, really. OK, it is a Chinese space station, but still…
  • Kids these days! Back IN MY DAY, we didn’t need to shoot people dozens of times to get a kill. Who do these punks think they are, the police?
  • #RailFail – But with the all-knowing, all-seeing government keeping a grip on the railroads of the UK, how could anyone be displeased with a bit of a fare hike? I mean, they could just go to a competi…oh. Or drive a car to London…oh. Suck it up Albion, you made your socialist choice.
  • This link gives us two early candidates for understatement of the year, 2018.  “While many would prefer money, cash distribution in Nigeria’s northeast is fraught with risk.” and “Reports of corruption in the humanitarian crisis relief efforts are rife. Those involved, such as government officials, aid workers and soldiers, are alleged to skim from the top before distributing aid.”

So there you are. I’ll leave you to comment, as I need to go find a couple more sets of something in hard copy to burn.